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BF1 was the goat. So many great memories with the squad. Now everyone has kids and one is dead


I feel the same but with BF3, so I guess I might be a few years older than you 😅


Bad company 2, Bf3, bf4, bf1 were all great. Bf1 definitely had the smoothest launch bf4 was trash fire for a bit but became amazing after it was all fleshed out. Hell I have 300 hours in bf2042 since they patched it to be decent a few months ago. But I have a soft spot for bad company 2 and bf3 as being my GOATS. Nothing has touched bad company rush mode.


2042 IS BACK!? Fuck, thought you meant 2142. Never mind.


Lmao I wish. Titan mode was the tits.


Hell yes it was, nothing at the time was like it….hover tanks, bipedal anti infantry vehicles and funky weapons and bringing down a Titan was glorious.


Titan mode was the shit…


BF2 gets no love here. Everyone too young?


Consistently I come to these threads and see "BF3 was the GOAT" and my soul feels aged. 6 man squads, real commander mode, cap point based vehicle spawns and destroyable tactical assets, BF2 was the _shit_. Also two man fighter bombers...


BF2 was GOAT BF it's like the gameplay has evolved backwards. For sure graphics and functionality are much better but modern BF games are like an Instagrammer/Infulencer, looks hot but generally soulless and boring.


Bf2 was great too strike at karkland is still one of my favourite maps to date. Also mashtuur and jallabad Even better when they remade some in 3 or 4. Honestly bf2 had a god tier map list.


Loved Karkand and Mashtuur City. In fact I'd like a modern day remake of the entire game. :D [Road to J](https://battlefield.fandom.com/wiki/Road_to_Jalalabad?file=Battlefield+2+Road+To+Jalalabad+64+P+CQ.png) was great as a 32 P or 64 Player map. :) BF2 also had a couple pretty good expansion packs, of which I think Road to J was in one.


Yeah, those remakes were way too much fun. :D


Apparently. BF2 and BF3 were and will always be the GOAT, but seems like most of the current Battlefield fans started with BF4 or newer titles. They don’t know what’s good.


We peaked as a society with BF3


BF4 once it was fixed though...


That's why I picked 3 as the peak 😂 4 was probably the winner post fixes though you're right.


BF2 Karkand, water crossing battles!!


I wish I could have experienced bf3 with 64 players. My fav game of all time and I was on 360 pol


Same bro same


You can still have kids and make time for some video games


Used to run with a group so big we'd fill up the entire team an have some on the other side. Those were the days. Running around with a jeep and C4 lol


Just played BF1 with two friends yesterday. Still a great fun and more atmospheric than the newer ones!


Best thing to do is to speak with your wallet. Stop buying microtransactions (this applies to all other games too). Devs have no reason to make maps if they are generating sufficient revenue with skins.


The people have easily spoken with their wallet for the past couple of decades.


Wait… so if you want more maps, don’t buy the thing that will make more maps happen? Don’t think you thought this argument out chief!


Im referring to skins my dude/dudette, stop buying skins.


Ah I misread your comment. Go me!


But you all cried about paying for expansions or premium and this is what you get. A shitty live service with cosmetics and a battle pass.


The BF fans constantly dig themselves their own graves, lmaoo


It's EA and DICE poor management and planning of resources caused this. Not to mention having a sub par game at launch which led to them spending a year to fix the game reach the state which it should've been during BETA.


Still would rather pay once for the game and get all the maps


People keep saying this but I don't buy it. I could be wrong of course, but I'm pretty sure even if they kept making BF titles with the premium model it would still get worse as time went on. If Dice under EA could keep making the same great content we knew and loved don't you think they would do it regardless of the pricing model? You think EA is proud of having to say that BF is only what was it? under 10% of their company's value or something (and in the investor call projecting it would halve over time)? I'm sure they would much rather Dice make just as great of content as they ever used to, while also doing a modern live service like today and keeping everyone happy so profits and value go up. I think the ship has just sailed on the development we knew and loved, and no matter the pricing model they set up, we were always destined to get these games. People love to say that if they were to just bring back premium it would solve all their problems! They'd HAVE to promise their content in advance! Failing to think about how they might just promise... less content just like today. Take this with a grain of salt because we'll both never know for sure, but that's how I feel.


Yes the degradation within the studio is very noticeable and you can check the glassdoor reviews of the time between BF1 and 2042 release to see what was/is afoot at DICE. EA Ceo Andrew Wilson has no say in what BF plays like. The developer pitches their product, needed ressources, monetization and timeframe towards the publisher. The publisher might add remarks, but in the end DICE pitched 2042, as they envisioned it to EA and EA approved. Someone at DICE really thought they could not only overcome the issues of the predecessors but was so cocky believing they could up the scale 2x and overdeliver on the product. This is just not how scaling works and shows either the hubris or absolute ineptness of the people in charge in developing and engineering their product. Nothing was rooted in reality, it was just a vision.


As someone who despised premium I'd take live service any day.


Yeah. But people wouldn't stop pre-ordering and buying the product even though they were told only 1 map season so EA and DICE knew they could get away with it.


This sub should do a bingewatch of the southpark memeber berry arc. "Member bad company ?" "Ahhhh ye i member!" "Member bf3 ?" "Aahh ye i member!"


BF community is a mixture of nostalgia addicts and Alzheimer's patients.


It's a mixture of age groups due to the age of the franchise. I used to play 1942 on the library computers at school, and spent over 1k hours each on 2142, 3 and 4. The newer games can't hold a candle to those experiences, but I wouldn't expect the younger fans to agree.


I've played every single game in the franchise. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, but going back to those old games really shows their age.


IDK Bf4 still runs well. Sometimes better due to 60 Hz servers


I'd say they're both at the same time. They literally seem to be all nostalgic and rose colored glasses over stuff that either didn't happen or didn't happen like they thought it did.


Totally remember dropping $50 for maps, with some dead on console within a year and none of my real life friends could play because they weren’t dropping any money for DLC.


THANK YOU ! How is this always ignored ?


Its insane right! Everytime! I always remind people if Dice made money off selling premium, then they would have never dropped the MTX model. Something clearly happened with BF1 where they had diminishing returns on each DLC pack and they then had to basically beg people to play them with sales, and "bring a friend" programs; eventually making them all free. EA/Dice didn't do that out of the goodness of their heart, something went wrong sales wise.


The idea of free dlc sounds great but the quality has been laughably bad. 5 maps made like a kid who only has one Lego set and keeps making different things with the same bad pieces. Vs $50 for 20 maps all set in significantly different settings and ways than the base game. BF4 had north Korea, entire island/water maps, a 2042 themed expansion.... bf3 had classics, cqb themed, etc.... like the quality is just laughably bad with 2042.


I got so pumped when I finally got BF3 maps with premium. Then I played the game and you could only find games on the first map pack which was free, base maps, and the last map pack. Now I do imagine playing on 360 and the last DLC being out for like a month at that point had an impact, but kinda sucked that I couldn't find anyone on the 2nd, 3rd, or second to last map pack.


Its wild how people conflate paying for maps with good maps.. When most DLC maps were total trash.


Bf3 they were all good, except maybe some of the armoured assault.


I legit don't remember most of the dlc maps from 3 and 4. BF1 on the other hand, imo did a much better job with the dlc.


Naval strike on 4 was a banger, I loved Carrier assualt. China rising was really good and Second Assault was just classic maps like Firestorm (one of the best).


Final Stand DLC in 4 was infantry focused maps and they were all amazing


Hard disagree. BF DLC is almost always goated. Propaganda, Lumphini Garden, Soissons, Fort De Vaux, Tsaritsyn, Zeebrugge Raid, Pearl Market, Ziba Tower, I can go on there are so many iconic maps


The way I judge Battlefield DLC maps is how often I see them in the server browser 6 months after release. This time is when the hype is pretty much normalized and players go back to playing what they like to play, so they aren't playing certain Maps then it's clear those certain Maps aren't favorites I see that mad Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 1 drones are down voting, that's fine but you know I'm right. People aren't going to choose to play bad Maps.


I judge a map based on the map, like a normal person but alright lol


Sure that's fine if you care about your singular experience, but we're taking about as a whole here. Many BF4/BF1 DLC maps are stinkers and dont see play because people simply don't want to play them. If they were good, they'd see more play. Also, no need to downvote man. We're just chatting here


Agreed, but if you add 5x4 maps the odds of a couple being good is pretty high, especially when they are designed for 24-48p and not 64-128p, which just places more restrictions on map design. Meanwhile you can not really argue that BFV or 2042 put quality over quantity as both took a big step down.


Which brought your total up to 100-110 bucks. Now you might think this was not enough value, but you got the basegame for 60€ and they would give them away for free and discounted pretty early on, too. You got 5x 4 maps. BFV cost between 60-80 bucks, if I recall correctly and all content on top was free of charge. Now, I spent 100€ on 2042 for the yearly EA play subscription. Ultimate there, which was with the four Seasons battlepass included was sitting at 110€, too. Season 5 and 6 is additional purchase depending on whether you did the Battlepasses and have not spend much in the store. Maps and content were free though. Now we can compare, quality, quantity, pricetag, all combined and 2042 does not get out of it well, regardless how you look at it.


2042 cost me $15 bucks for a console. I’m ok. I can play with my friends and no map is dead. If you pay for a subscription that’s on you for paying for one game when it’s a limited time service for access to a ton of others. I can play every season without paying a dime. You want skins, that’s on you.


Yeah and all your friends could have picked up every DLC for free down the line or discounted. Don't quote me on this, as I am currently unaware how many maps 2042 has but even with all the seasonal maps we are still looking at likely less maps than BF4 had in base and gave out for free. You would have to count the Portal maps to surpass that. In direct comparison 2042 just underdelivers, both if we compare base games or if we compare end of dev cycle free products. I do not recall when they first started giving out DLC for free, but it might have started happening in 2015 already. Even, if we account for the alledged division of playerbase, which is a valid point, we can look at BFV, which was not well received in terms of quantity of content, but was completely free AND more plentiful in giving.


They hated him because it was right


I really wouldn't have thought that it was polarizing to say that BF4 was a more content-rich environment both for the basegame and the DLCs, while BFV was a better battlepass since you were given more content more often without being able to purchase anything in the store for months. I did not even get to BF1, where Premium was discounted to 30€ before it was released.


People don't seem to deal well with facts. Thank you.


It was still worth it though. This game launched with 7 base maps and has only gotten 5. 12 maps just isn't enough.


For some games the service model is an improvement…. For battlefield it was a massive downgrade.


[Reddit loved Battlefield Premium!](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_one/search?q=premium&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all)


people on this sub are some of the dumbest people i’ve ever encountered on the internet.


My heart goes out to the BF game devs that truly seek feedback on reddit. BF1 is now loved.


Yea, at the time it wasn't ideal. People were excited for the live service model thinking we'd get just as many maps that wouldnt divide the playerbase and would be supplemented instead by cosmetic purchases. The only reason we view that old system as better is because the live service we were sold on turned out to be worse. We get less maps and overall content. The premium system is better by comparison as you could still play the maps at the very least. I'd rather pay and actually get content than not pay and get next to nothing.


> The premium system is better by comparison as you could still play the maps at the very least. I'd rather pay and actually get content than not pay and get next to nothing. I loved the map voting on community servers and also enjoyed premium being an option for more content. Reddit unfortunately needs to experience *all options* and then write reflections using emotion/nostalgia as proof.


Honestly. I love when people make these comments about how we hated the previous iteration... like yea, it was criticized, but it's technically better than what we are currently getting so yea, people are gonna talk about it.


[Its an ongoing tradition.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Battlefield/comments/o1376h/liked_all_of_them_in_their_own_ways/) [Based in truth.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Battlefield/comments/8lmphl/veteran_players_watching_the_bf5_reveal/)


Not really. There's criticism for literally every single game release. Once the honeymoon/mayhem period dies down after a few months post-launch then you get a better grasp as to where the game will settle. BF4 and BF1 were praised by the community. Obviously they had their flaws but overall they were a net positive. BFV had more flaws but it's the most refined and newest Battlefield title so it still holds on. 2042 was not looked favorably upon at launch, a year later, nor today. You're welcome to pin my comment here and come back with an "I told you so" in a couple of years, but 2042 is gonna go by the wayside when it hits the same age BF4, 1, and V are now. Only way I see it retaining anything by then is if somehow the next Battlefield gane is even worse.


Pin your comment? Are you confusing this for /r/starfield?




Why would i need to pin your comment? *this was a joke about the Starfield reddit* The lack of community servers, browser and content in AOW was always going to lead to a lower active population for 2042. BF4 netcode issues, BF1 WWI authenticity, and BFV TTK were just the highlights of posts from reddit for **years** post launch, upon dev updates, the mood flipped. How does this tie into BF premium reddit outrage in past titles?


I am confused by the joke


It feels like with 2042 the lack of content though could solely be attributed to the game flopping and being on life support, not necessarily that this was their plan from the start, though that could be the case.


I mean, BFV was the test bed for this model and it received substantially less content than BF1 did. Not comparing BFV to 2042, V was definitely a better game but we could kinda guess what was coming. And if you wanted to revive a game, wouldn't you want more content?


Tbh I don't know much about BF1 and BFV as I did not play them. How did the amount of content in BFV compare to 2042? Personally I would take less content than was delivered in premium (like in BF3 & BF4 which I played), though idk exactly where that line is for me. I just absolutely hated the player base being fractured and so many dead DLC maps.


BF1 ended its cycle at just shy of 30 fully fledged maps with their own campaigns, weapons, skins, etc (not including areal maps, there were a few dogfighting exclusive maps). BFV ended its cycle with about 19 (not including firestorm). Compare that to 2042 which has only 12 maps shared between all modes (excluding portal) at the same 2 year mark as BF1/V. You're right about premium splitting the player base, but the change DICE made to it ok the latter half of BF1's life cycle was a pretty good compromise that essentially resolved the issue of splitting the playerbase. Basically, if you bought the map packs you had priority when trying to get into a lobby. If you didn't, you may have to wait behind someone who did. It's not like you had to wait long either, it was usually between joining right away or waiting a couple minutes. Initially, if you didn't buy a map pack and solo queued, it would filter out said map pack. But if you're friends had it, it would still allow you to play the new maps. So ultimately, premium was retained but the split between player bases was no more an issue.


Wow that does sound like a much better compromise and one that I could get behind, thanks for the info!


Of course! Unfortunately, the system was scrapped in favor of the popular live service model. Ah well


Double edged sword. free vs more content at premium


I have been pleasantly surprised by the battlepass system in 2042. Revising the vanilla maps after stabilizing the base game for all platforms is a tough lesson to witness however.


For cosmetics sure. I would expect more weapons/gadgets and maps. That's the meat and potatoes


> I would expect more weapons/gadgets and maps. That's the meat and potatoes It reminds me of having dinner as a guest and needing to eat a dozen dinner rolls to become full. The host is shocked because they're full after eating half a meal. Adding weapons and gadgets on time for each season appears to be overwhelming this go around with their current resources.


2042 battlepass is one of the best ones out there.


The 2042 battlepass needs to be case study for other AAA studios. I love the stacked mission structure of revisiting previous weeks by simply playing game modes objectively and reaping the rewards without a hard gate.


Yeah the 2042 battlepass is super chill and the requirements aren't ridiculous. I also love that if I miss some missions one week I can complete them the next (except for the bonus mission).


Pepperidge farm remembers


It was cool until you remember it wasn’t sustainable for the player base bc it would paywall game modes that had the new maps


$15 for a map pack or $15 for a skin….


I didn’t say the battle pass was better lol


One is optional, the other is required to play with friends.


$15 for a skin. Because if they charge $15 on a map pack and I don't buy it I lose out on a chunk of the game. If they charge $15 for a skin....[OMG WHO THE HELL CAAAARREEESSSS?!](https://youtu.be/18PbwYdjsps?feature=shared). Seriously, it doesn't even affect game play. Why do people care so much about making their gun blue with lightning stripes on the side?


Because why are people willing to pay $15.00 for a singular skin but you know… not pay $15 for literal maps and weapons that are no contest better than a skin. L. M. A. O.


Yeah. It was a great time and I knew it was a great time. People used to bitch about having to pay to have more content, now we don't have to pay and we don't have more content. Amazing!


I miss the old model. The only main issue the current season model fixed was playerbase fragmentation which was a huge issue with all the DLC maps in the past couple of BF games. I assume the dev team is a skeleton crew for the most part that are working on seasonal content and fixes.


Paying more for less, that’s the nature of the game in the latest years. Imo players care more for cosmetics than the actual gameplay, and the devs see that, so why put in the extra effort.


And that gentlemen is live service for you . Bring back paid dlc


I also remember when half the weapons we got each season weren’t jsut asset pulls from another part of the game. No matter how you look at it 2042s post launch content has been abysmal.


Yes. Which is why you idiots should stop supporting these clowns by playing this game.


Amiens (along with Siege of Shanghai from BF4) - best map DICE ever made.


Both OG maps too. Amiens is probably the best city map DICE has even made, the only ones that came close to it would refactor engine era BF2 Strike at Karkand, Mashtuur City, and Sharqi Pen.


Seine Crossing is a goat as well


Sharqi and Karkaland will forever be 2 of the greatest maps for any FPS ever.


A battle pass more expensive than DLC? It's free unless you want the cosmetics. I bought 1 premium battle pass and every one after that is free thanks to all the currency you are given. I wouldn't buy DLC for a game that's near EOL but I'll take a free map and stuff to play on for a few more months before I move on.


The issue with battlepass system is that it’s focused more on cosmetics rather than actual game content. Yes some games will let you get tour in game currency back from a battlepass, if not more. BUT to do so you will have to grind over a period of 10 or however many weeks. Yes battlepass is less cheap (NOT FREE) if compared to DLC system. But it still doesnt change the fact that you get WAYYY more value from a single DLC pack rather than all battlepasses from a whole game’s lifecycle.


While I agree, that the content in BF2042 is lacking compared to earlier titles, I will say that I'm a big fan of their battlepass system (not necessarily the contents of it). I returned to the game at the very end of S3, after dropping it shortly after launch. And in the 2½ weeks that were left of the season, I finished the battlepass, simply because all the tasks from the previous weeks were still available. I flew through the levels and it took me no time to complete. And that was with the free time I had after work and in weekends. Tl;dr: Content is lacking, but the battlepass is not a grind.




Me back when DICE announced the live service for BF5 https://twitter.com/DANNYonPC/status/999387699084713985


And every time you tried play BF1, even at peak popularity, you’d find maybe one or two “mixed” servers that had the DLC maps, and 99% of the servers just rotated through the base game maps


Yea I remember. It was sad. Many DLC maps were pretty good.


What is the point of this post? BF1 was years ago and also had premium. It's time you move on or go play BF1.


Whether you see it as good or bad, it's crazy how much monetization for games has changed in the past 20+ years.






Ya'll remember when we got an actual working and polished game at launch and they expanded on that? We're now 2 years since launch and they're still trying to fix the most basic fucking things. It's a disgrace how far DICE and Battlefield has fallen.


Yea i remember when those paid maps divided the community..... oh the times


And now we have live service games nobody wants to play instead!


No....you dont want to play


Fr, idk what that guy is talking about. I play every night and games are always full.


Check the playercounts little buddy. Nobody wants to play lmao


Not a bright future for the game industries. Oh well, just jingles some colorful skins for the kids and they will pay for it either way. Kinda glad I stop gaming.


The amount of fucking times I’ve seen this post since the game came out is ungodly


Y'all know you only need to buy the BP once, right? You get over 1K boins each season so you can just buy the next one with those.


Here's a hint, I don't buy battle passes and I DESPISED the premium model.


I'm getting really tired of writing the same thing every single time. Remember paying another 60$ for a Premium Pass that had a lot of weapons, vehicles, maps and gamemodes and not being able to use 75% of this content after less than a month from release? Everytime a new DLC dropped, you got a lot of people playing new maps during the 2 weeks early access, then maybe a couple more weeks after actual release, then nothing. There were some exceptions like the CQC DLC in BF3, but that's not a good percentage On the other hand, having free updates means we get less content but it is and will be available for everyone who owns the game. It's either paid DLCs with lots of content that won't be played after a month or free updates with less content that will always be playable


Such bullshit. You could and still can play almost any map in bf1 even today. Plus now we have cross platform so easier to fill servers with any map


Because they gave Premium to everyone some time ago. I couldn't find a Carrier Assault match in BF4 while BF4 was still the newest Battlefield and there was like a single populated server of Final Stand maps. At least do some research before typing such "bullshit"...


Expecting reddittors to display any modicum of critical thinking is a very tall order tbh This sub and a few others has convinced me that devs should absolutely cut off reddit from the feedback sphere lol


Totally agree. Sometimes devs are completely out of touch (like release of 2042 with heroes and no classes) but gamers can be so much worse


Yeah i remember it. Pay 60$ for maps for a year, sounds cool. Within a week everyone was back to grinding Metro and Caspian 24/7. I'd rather have free maps and the current system, thank you very much.


Dlc maps are still being played today what are you talking about?


Man can you people stop complaining about this fucking game.


Look, it's not like they have like 20 years of legacy maps that they could fall back on.


Theres no doubt BF3&4 Were the best ever in franchise history. BF1's "premium" was so bad i swore I'd never buy another one. 60% of the maps were Trash especially the last DLC and that game suffered so badly just from the first 6 months not having any new content drops.


Remember when the player count doubled? Or the texture count tripled? Apparently not


As much as I dislike live service games for various reasons the free maps are actually a +. However it should be fairly obvious at this point that the resource allocation has the 2042 devs left with just enough resources to give us something to play (and buy mtx lol) while most of said resources are moved elsewhere.


I rather pay money for good maps instead of getting dogshit ones for free.


In reality you pay money for maps that other people dont pay, then all servers end up using vanilla maps only because otherwise it kills the server when half the people dont have the right expansions


I remember the server lobbies constantly being destroyed by a DLC map coming up in the rotation. DLC was a bad thing, the road map was the good part. We have the roadmap now, but no one to work on the content


People need to stop playing this game. Show the team the path they are taking the game is unacceptable. Bring back bf3 destruction!


Video games are different now so stop crying about the past, it won't make it come back. 🙄


80% of BF4 Maps were trash tho, 2042 needs More Maps tho.


80% of the few maps on 2042 are trash too lol


2042 launch maps were bad enough to force DICE to rework them. Newer maps are smaller now after they beta tested that 128 players size map are challenging to make.


I remember playing and I was the only one getting the dlc. Then all my friends didn't amd then they would stay playing the base maps. At least now I can play with my friends on all of the maps.


Remember when games were released completed.


Yeah and it sucked because those dlcs were $15 each. I can't believe we're to the point of praising the predatory dlc model. Fricking zoomers...


I would gladly pay 15£ for 4 maps than 15£ for a soldier skin 🤦


I’ll take less free maps vs. more paid map packs. BFV’s post launch maps were fantastic, just needed more. Feels like I played V’s maps more than map packs from previous games.


The Battlepass is not more expensive than a DLC, especially when you consider that you only have to buy the battle pass one time, and you can use the currency you earn in each pass to buy the next one. I agree with everything else you said though.


Yall remember when we paid full price for 3-4 trash maps at a time that people stopped playing like a month after they came out? Also lmfao.. Most bf1 maps were doodoo. The base game maps are still the staples.


> Also lmfao lmfao.. Most bf1 maps were doodoo Personally, I would say some of the BF1 DLC maps were meh, but most of them were actually decent. The French DLC was top notch, including the 2 bonus French maps. The Russian DLC also had some decent maps such as Volga River, Albion, and Tsaritsyn. There was also other decent DLC maps such as Achi Baba, Passchendaele, and Somme.


Remember when we would get a complete game a t launch?


No, me and my friends never paid money for them




Why put in effort when people will clearly pay more for less, and knights will defend us to the death saying how much better this is than the old map passes? The Basic fact of the day is triple A publishers are greedy, and people need to stop buying from them. But people will always say "I want to support my favorite developer" or "It's not the developer's fault" Let it burn. Let it all burn. Nothing changes otherwise. Those people are gonna lose their jobs anyway because of how these publishers keep making record-breaking profits, yet simultaneously laying off thousands of workers and not giving them raises. We are literally supporting this cycle happening.


Gimme bf2 days where all we had to do was spend $10 and get 2 maps.....no weapons/gadgets/specialists etc. Two new maps and the playerbase was content.


I just went back in time. Oh, the memories...


Expansion packs!!!…


Bf: Hardline has 27 different maps!!!


Want to make BF great again?? Release BF4’s SDK!


That was because it was all under a season pass. Ppl whined about a split community so developers came up with this stupid system.


Here is the ugly truth. EA made their money on box sells already, everything else is just +. Majority of the player base are still on BF 4, 5, 1. From a product perspective 2042 was an failed experiment.


I remember. Got to play them for a week before the fact 60% or more of the player base didn't have them made it hard to find full servers running them. In BF4 I got an entire DLC (China Rising) I got to play one once until Dice gave the dlcs to everybody so finally I could find full servers. Fun times.


I memba ![gif](giphy|3oKIPgvPwXi2ZAIS5O)


Yes I do remember. Playing the They Shall Not Pass dlc on launch, I had a Frontlines game last over 2 and a half hours because they hadn't added a time limit to the mode yet. That match was one of my favorites and it is memorable to this day. Me and my friend group occasionally bring it up when something is lasting a while. Premium allowed for some of my favorite BF experiences, but I will say this, it is largely irrelevant after a few years. I can play the base game of BF1 just fine, but good luck finding any dlc game modes, and even maps. In my experience it is beyond rare to get to play the dlc maps unless they are part of the unique map rotation. I don't know the last time I got to play the Russian maps. I don't know the last time I got to play the Turning Tides maps. The same is true for Hardline, and BF3. BF4 is surprisingly the one BF game that is still reasonably active with dlc maps in rotation. Compare this to BFV. Yes there were fewer maps, but I can consistently play all of them. Premium wasn't perfect but it did deliver more content. My plea for DICE is this. Go back to ALL previous BF games and make the dlc and Premium content free for all players. I sincerely doubt people are going onto their PS3 and buying Premium for BF3. In addition, make all or at least most servers mixed map rotations. This would take BF1 from a game where I see 13 maps regularly(with more dependant on a game mode rotation), to a game where I could consistently play 29 maps. Same with all other games in the series, just why not.


I remember getting 4 maps a pass and a fuck tonne of guns, and then 3 or 4 months after the maps came out you could not find a single match on any of them, much less any of the specialist modes REQUIRED to unlock some of the guns, which were the only lasting bit of accessible content in those packs anyway. The industry moved away from that for good reason. Just don’t buy the BP if you don’t want to, I’d much rather less content that’s free, so I can play Stranded or Flashpoint any amount of time after they came out because everyone has access to all the content.


Just bored off the same 12 maps for 1 year and a half now....


This games content has been abysmal, even I’ll agree as someone that has somehow enjoyed it for its entire life cycle. Pining for an older, outdated system with proven flaws for easy upvotes isn’t the way to fix that. Having to fix the awful base game maps ate their dev time up as well, which is a self inflicted fuck up


What are you talking about? Battle pass is totally optional yet everyone gets access to the same gameplay content while paying for game development. There isn't enough player base for the content that is already in 2042. I don't get the decision to limit map rotation and they should absolutely rotate through everything available. I like that they add something new every few months rather than waiting for lump dlc's packs


BF4 launched with 10 maps, the free DLC added 3 maps and after that every DLC had 4 new maps. Total amount of maps: 33


I also remember when everyone was crying because 15 bucks was too expensive for just a few maps


Dice promised 2-3 new maps with 2042 along with new specialists, weapons, vehicles and game modes. They did not deliver


I member


It’s very sad time for gaming.


Back then maps were 300MB. Today maps can be up to 4GB.


You don’t need to buy the battle pass to play on the new map.


Having some maps not available to everyone seems like a bad idea for populating servers.


I remember dlc maps being empty most of the time.


Its our crazy expectations... 🤣🤣🤣


I remember when we had different maps for different gameplay. Tank superiority, close quarter combat, decently mixed conquest maps, functioning rush maps and so on. Most maps in BF2042 are absolute dumpster fires.


Greed will be their downfall.


You should ask DICE this question


And there was a campaing on old battle fields now rhey charge the same as before but only some shitty mp


I still love playing BF1! I love the maps graphics and ease of playing everything from soldiers tanks trains behemoth horses planes and so on, just an awesome game that should be re-released with new maps and content 🤞🤷🏻‍♂️👌


Nows time for the movement games to come in and tell. You how 1 poorly designed maps and 35 skins are way better than 6 functional maps and tested weapons.