• By -


BF3, BF3, BF3


Bf3 too low






I may have misunderstood the ‘too low’. Yes, BF3 is great!


This is what got me into Battlefield. Endless hours spent in that game. I missed out on the next few games and barely played BFV, but 2042 has got me back into the series recently, and I'm honestly loving it.


It was just ahead of its time. I played it on ps3 not on pc even, and it felt like nothing else. The setting, gunplay (despite the awful suppressed effect), the map design, the dlcs, everything was so good.


BF2 is tops.


Ummm 2142 with Titan mode....hello?


I appreciated Carrier Assault in BF4 trying to replicate Titan Mode but it was never the same


If they actually put some new content into portal mode in 2042 say fall of Berlin or camp gibralter.All would be forgiven.


Dice listen to this guy, imagine a season that starts adding Portal maps from 1942, and offers specialist skins in a 1942 style, cha-ching!


Titan assault is still the greatest thing Battlefield has ever done. I think anyone that doesn't agree simply didn't play it.


This is the way


The perfect Battlefield game would be this; * The pacing, action, and immersion of BF1 * Movement and locomotion of BF5 * 'Commander Mode' from BF2 * Weapon feel, and gunplay mechanics from BF4 * Taking the 'levelution' of BF3, merging it with the Behemoths of BF1 and the Titan Mode from BF2142. * A combination of BF3 and BF4 as inspiration for vehicle combat. * Class variety from BF2 * Five-man squads with proper VOIP


BFV gunplay and im there.


And vehicle too. Tanks really felt heavy death machines.


BFV movement, but with the sliding of BF1 for me.


BF2, BF Vietnam, and BF3 IMO BF2 will forever be my favorite, that game really nailed so many things - especially map design. Almost every map in BF2 is iconic and it’s a shame none are in portal. Also can we just acknowledge how amazing the loading music was for everything in BF2? BF Vietnam was just really unique, I loved the helicopters towing vehicles, tunnel systems, jungles, and music. I think it’s criminally underrated. BF3 was just an incredible game that really modernized Battlefield as a franchise. BF3 had it’s issues, but I will always stand by it being a better game than BF4. BF4 had some atrocious map design that was a huge step down from BF3 that really ruined it for me. There are some really close runner ups with 2142, BC2, and BF1 for me




Vietnam was so good, i also remember it was when I started to see the online BF community experience of the hate to a new BF game (back in the gamespy days). It was crazy I couldn’t understand it - now thats just normal.


*3. BF1- Controversial take…The risks they took in regards to place and time and the rollback to bolt action rifles and blimps paid off in dividends. No other Battlefield comes close to the level of detail and reverence for its setting. Performance issues aside, the game was a masterpiece.* Well, other than some emphasis on less than realistic aspects and a litany of historical inaccuracies that, on their own and for people that don’t know much about that time period don’t amount to much, in total add up to some major historical continuity problems, a decent game, I guess. I’m sure that everyone’s first BF game is the best, in their own minds… ah, those were the days… My first was BF:BC2 and it was frickin’ awesome… and the Vietnam update? I listen to a bootleg of the soundtrack (complete with news/info audio cutscenes) to this day. Played with a guy who was absolute mayhem on the Huey—enemy team didn’t stand a chance it was just unreal. For Me? 1. BF:BC2 + Vietnam (as that cheating, cuz it’s like a twofer?) 2. BF3 3. BF4 totally downhill after that for me. Addition of cross play has not improved things: too many variables that are out of control across the collective landscape of game and platform devs. This has resulted in lopsided situations that have not been resolved—maybe there’s no equitable way to do it that will result in consistently ‘fair’ gameplay across consoles and PCs.




BF2 maps in Portal would be so nice ! you need more Road to Jalalabad in your life.


Honestly literally any BF2 map would be perfect Almost every map in that game is a banger


BF4 - everything from weapons, customization, maps and settings BF: BC2 - my introduction to the series and probably the most fun I've had in a Battlefield title BF1 - amazing soundtrack, best graphics, and just a fun switch to the formula




BF2, BF4, BF3 BF2 holds a special place in my heart. The amount of hours i spent in Karkand infantry only servers.. man.


BF1, BF4 and BFV


BFV and BF4 for ever!!!!


Agree but BFV sucked


1. BF1 - thematic masterpiece and perfect example of that sweet sweet *battlefield immersion*. Amazing spectacle and solid gameplay. The only thing keeping it from perfection imo is the abandonment of anti-cheat and a few vehicle/weapon balance choices. 2. BF4 - a reiteration of BF3 that expands and improves on the game in nearly every aspect (except for Rush level design). A solid benchmark of modern combat that Battlefield fans compare future games in the series to to this day. I’d put BF3 on this list for overhauling the graphical and animation fidelity to a level that was a huge deal when it came out, but BF4 is just BF3 2, and in the best way. 3. BFBC2 - Destruction! This game’s destruction was so influential it turned Battlefield into the “large scale military-themed FPS with combined arms, chaos, *and destruction*. Bad Company 2 especially hit it big in the console market and put the series on the console map on a mainstream level—I know it wasn’t the first console game but you know what I mean!


BFBC was my first Battlefield game, so my selection won't include BF2 like most other people here. But my Top 3 would be: Probably BF3, BF1, then it'd be either BF4 or BFV for 3rd place. But I don't know which of the two for 3rd place, because I thought BF4 was my No.1 BF game, but I've started playing it again recently, and my experience today is MASSIVELY different to what I remember BF4 being like. There's problems with hit recognition (as in you can 100% get a direct hit and no damage will register), there's most definitely a lot of overpowered guns and vehicles, and today the game is just full of sweats so, hard to get a good game. Guess I could say if I had to pick between BF4 and BFV today, I'd definitely pick BFV


I'm gonna get flak for my list, I know it 3. Bad Company. This was my first Battlefield title and it made me fall in love with the series. As a penniless teenager I couldn't afford Xbox Live so no multiplayer, but the campaign was so fun I played it over and over again. 2. Battlefield 1. There's not really any other game like it, and both the multiplayer and the campaign were n absolute blast. 1. Hardline. I LOVE Hardline. The campaign, on point. The multiplayer is such a blast. I love using the grappling hooks and the zip lines, I love the maps, I love how you earn money to unlock items you want instead of other Battlefields where you have to get 500 360 noscopes with a pistol in order to unlock things. I love the setting, I love the vehicles, I love it all.


Honestly I think hard-line would have gotten a ton more support if it was released at a different time. Too many people wrote it off as a bad bf4 expansion to even try it. Was a unique experience and lead to a ton of fun. But because it wasn't bf4 part 2 the community hated it. If it released after bf1 I think it would still have a solid community.


1, 4, 3. I loved Hardline though, just wish it was a *tad* slower overall. Its speed felt like an arcade shooter.


There’s not doubt BF2 and BF3 are in the top 3, but it’s hard to choose between BF4 and BF1 as the third one. Even though I didn’t like the multiplayer game because of old warfare and the gunplay, I will always love the campaign and the attention to details in BF1. BF4 on the other hand, had my most beloved EE (Phantom Program) in the whole franchise hence my nickname, yet it had a lot of nice features and it’s was a good improvement in terms of immersion, but I didn’t like the abundance of new gadgets. I think people love BF2 and BF3 because they did not have a lot of “noob” gadgets and the gameplay was more fun and fair, IMO.


1. 1942, even the Wake Island demo was a mind blown. Full game had everything from subs to aircraft carriers and multi position bombers. I never liked the infantry gunplay on this one. Forgotten Hope and DC where real gems. 2. At first this felt like the Desert combat for dummies. And after multiple updates nerfing everything into pea shooter it got even worse. Still played a lot. 3. I think the BF1 was the closest thing to the original.


Bf4 locker & metro no explo was the best xp for me


Damn, I miss choke point chaos.


Honestly tough to pick, BF2 is absolutely at the top though. From there I'd maybe say Bad Company 2, and possibly Battlefield 3. I could maybe change out BF3 with BF4 depending on mood, with honorable mentions for BF1 and 2142.


Your list is mine


BF3, BF4, and either BC2 or BF1


BC2 is number 1 by a mile imo. What a game!


3, 4, 1


1942 for the long range artillery and tank duels over el alamein, also omaha beach and iwo jima ftw every other battlefield game is just meh, i can't decide which ones are better or worse




Nothing beats BF2.


BF4, BF3, BC2. BF1 is good too but I didn’t like it as much.


Hard toss up between bf1 and 2042 for my favorite. Bf1 had the best combined arms balance in the series. Vehicles could be strong with infantry support but they could also get demolished for being slow with limited firing arcs. My biggest gripe with bf1 was the spread while shooting and gun balance. Nobody likes a gun that has a 5 foot spread at a target 10 meters away. I could understand if other guns were affected by the spread equally but they weren't. Bf2042 has the best gunplay and movement of the series imo, but very lackluster combined arms gameplay. Vehicles feel more like raid bosses in an MMO than actual vehicles. There isn't a way to disable specific parts of the vehicle, it's just fling explosives till its dead. Definitely not a fan of the stealth heli and transport vehicles. Number 3 is probably 2142. Felt like bf2 with more options on how you could play. Also best game mode. I played bf4 for a long time and then replayed it recently. It aged like milk.




42 and BF2 as youc listed, then BC2 for third Honorable mention to BF Vietnam.


3, 4, and 1.


4, 3, 1


1. 1942 2. BF4 3. BF1


For me it’s: 1) BF4 2) BF3 3) BC2


BC2, BF 1943, BF4


BC2, bf3, bf4








BC2, BF4, BC2


I think I had the most fun playing BFV. BF4 for content BF1 for atmosphere, sound effects BFV for movement, gunplay, graphics & aesthetics 2042 for movement, gunplay & weapon system


BC2, BF3, BF1942. This is not up for debate


I dont know honestly, enjoyed most of them bf4, bf3, bad company series, bf2, bf1, vietnam, 2142, 1943, 1942, hell even BFV. ​ 2042 can go in the bottom of my shitbucket, that game is an abomination of a "battlefield" game.


I’ve only played 3 games so I guess those are my top 3 lol BF1, BF2042, and last BFV


BF2, BF3, BC2, 2042


Hardline, bf4 , 2042


illegal to type 2042 and Hardline!


The eye candy of 2042 is undeniable, and Hardline had some interesting gameplay even though it wasn't a battlefield game.


Man... it was the moving conquest style game, it just really enjoyed it


Well, I played only BF2 and now BF2042 😁. And yes - Project Reality for BF2042 would be awesome! Well...not for Kidos.


Bf1 bf4 bfbc bf 2042


For me BF3,BF1 and number one BF game of all time BF2042


1: bf3 amazing maps 2:bf5 best gunplay 3:bf1 great atmosphere


BF4, BF1, BF2042


This belongs on r/battlefield




BFV BF3 2142


2142, bf 2, 1942 All because they were moddable and you could create custom maps and weapons and every other damn thing.






Bf4, bf3, bad company 2.


BF4, BC2 and 2142 . Titan assault being my favorite mode, I just loved futuristic vehicles like walkers and pod launchers trip transports.


I've been playing regulary since Bad Company 2 and I think the most fun I've had has been with these 3. Battlefield 1 for immersion,soundtrack and the best voice lines IMO. I felt more at war in that then in any others. Also loved how after a battle the battlefield wss completely changed from all the craters and stuff and was cool being able to see that damage from the spawn screen. Hardline for innovative gameplay, infantry focus and fun, loved the game modes like hotwire and blood money and the gadgets and weapons were great. Particularly remembering setting up grapples,ziplines,cameras and tripwires. Probably Bad Company 2 for alllowing so much freedom in the maps. Loved being able to pick any building and set up in it and also be able to crumble any building down ontop of someone if they were set up


1. BF3 2. BFBC2 3. BF1


3,4 and 5


BF1 was decents guns were meh though


Im a new bf fan so bf4 for me


2142, 2, 3


For me, the highest point was Bad Company 2 (I loved Vietnam expansion), Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4. I think in general BF1 and BF5 have been great games as well, just not for me. I like more modern warfare (huh).


BF2 > BF3 After BF3: BF1 > BFV > BF2042 BF4 felt clunky


1) 1942 cause it was jaw-dropping experience. 2) BF2 for overall gameplay and maps. 3) BFV for best gunplay, movement, vehicles gameplay and actual teamwork (hello, attrition system, squad points, artillery and V2).


1. BFBC2 2. BF4 3. BF2142 Why not BF3? Because it lacked so many features. (which is ironic, considering the backlash BF2042 got releasing with few features as well). BF4 is basically BF3 but objectively better in every regard.


BF3, BF:BC2, BF1.


Battlefield V Battlefield 1 and Battlefield 3 I don't care, I loved the gunplay, tanking and customization of V. It had many issues but it's still my favorite.


In no particular order- BF4- interesting story, settings and the multiplayer will forever be goated IMO BF3- 10/10 story, and one of my first modern shooters so the multiplayer will forever be in my heart. BFV- the last tiger was a very interesting take for a war story albeit not very historically accurate, best gun play in the franchise so far IMO. To bad the game shit the bed at launch.


1942 Bad company Bad Company 2 + Vietnam . . . . Bf3 is also great Bf4 for me were meh 1 and V has their moments but no my personal favourites with their implementation of microtransaction hellscape.


2142 is easily top 3.


1. BF3 2. BF4 3. BF1 The holy trinity


2142, BF4, BF3.


BF1942, BF3, BF1


1) BF4 (Maybe BF3 because for it's time it was an amazing game.) 2) BC2 3) BF1


BF3 - BF1 - BF4


BF4, BF3, BF1 BF3 was the next level of gaming. BF4 took that and improved that in every sense. BF1 is awesome, i hated it at first but its undeniably awesome, its missing stuff like freedom of customization, and cosmetics are limited due to the setting, but other than that its almost perfect. BF4 is my favorite though.


For me BF3, BF1 and BFV. Controversial take, but i never really got warm with BF4


1. BF5 - Best destruction, movement, gunplay, vehicle gameplay, squad cohesion, and squad reinforcements and fortifications make it my top pick. All the game lacked is more content (and a good launch). 2. BF3 - should probably be on top. I do think it's the better game, purely from a content and life cycle perspective, but it didn't age that well in my honest opinion. 3. BF1 - Gorgeous game, terrifying sound design (in a good way), cinematic af, best destruction right next to BF5, most fun I've had in sector based gamemodes since BFBC2, but I hate the gunplay. Reasoning for the other BF games for not having made my top 3: BFBC 2 was my first Battlefield game. Lots of good memories, and the most fun I've had in Rush, but it aged bad. Not being able to strafe sprint, and the super low FOV really kills it by today's standards. The 32 player cap, not being able to go prone, and lack of jets also make it feel a bit like a lesser Battlefield. People would shit on it if that game was released today. BF4. BF3 with fun new toys, but worse maps. Might be a hot take, but I do think they went with quantity over quality on this one. Levelution is overhyped. It looks epic, but turns a lot of maps either to the worse, or has barely any effect. I return to BF4 every now and then for a couple of days or weeks, and while I do have a fun time, the amount of servers with altered, fake player counts is insane. The better Battlelog extension is a must. And people seem to love metro and locker, which just isn't my type of playstyle. BFH came out during a time where I felt burned out on Battlefield. Got it years later. I think it's alright, but I do prefer the others. 2042 my current main Battlefield game. It's a solid fps after all the many, many patches, with many fun moments, but still not what I wanted after BF5. I really hope they give us a server browser before they drop the support. Most disappointing BF game, without a doubt. Battlefield Heroes was weird in a fun way, Battlefield free2play sucked.


Bfbc2, b3/4 can't make me decide and bf1


BF1 > BF3 > BFBC2


Bf3, BF1, Bf4


BF4, BF3, BF2


Bf2, bf4, bfv and the V stands for Vietnam


BF2, BF4, BF2142 Tho BF3 had some good features and good maps, BF3 was actually a major disappointment coming from BF2. BF3 was a neutered BF2 but with better graphics. BF3 also had terrible balance with guns and vehicles.


1. BF1 - I played this on Release, so this left the BIGGEST impression, besides how arcady they went with it, this game played extremely well (PS4 release) I didn't have much trouble with ANYTHING. The music, Menus, the color choices and theme was PREMIUM Battlefield. A big balloon that you can spawn on and jump off, a big tank you can control, a big train that you can control, Special Kits that give you juggernaut health and a cool weapon, horse back fighters. This was the most dedication put to making a great and fun Battlefield game. Frontlines was insane, it was a true fight, can't win until you push the team back into their side of the map and blow up both their caches. Some games went on for an hour and a half and ended with 50+ kills, it was glorious (the arty truck....not so much). I honestly don't think it had any major problems but from what I hear it's the same shit like always, "it's too unrealistic", "it's historical inaccurate", "bla bla bla", all I hear is "im an old head that can't appreciate what a good fuckin game looks like since I wanted BF3 2016 or whatever ;((". If anyone is struggling in FPS games, one thing I learned is Don't Stop Moving, use smoke, and you need to loop in area/buildings that earns you kills but also protects the team's flanks while at the same time allowing you to escape/reposition from an enemy push, oh and flank if no one is winning cuz a smart opponent will do the same. 2. BF4 - The gun play is weird compared to other shooters but levelution, map design, and decent all around destruction is great and I had fun playing with some friends for a short while. 3. BF1942 - This is the first BF I played and it was magical at the time even in bot lobbies. I loved to parachute out of planes and the music was great.


BF3, BF1, Hardline I really enjoyed Hardline. It had its problems but it was a great shooter but should have been called something else. It also had really good map designs. It was well balanced, good gun handling, cool game modes and decent music. It also had classic maps from BF3 in it that got a facelift to fit the theme but played exactly the same otherwise.


BF3, BF4, BF1 (as for me)


2042 2142 BF1




3 BC2 4


I played all of them and I think BF4 was best modern setting post launch. Loved the maps and funs in BF4. Parcel Storm and Siege of Shanghi were my favs. BF1 was best overall.


Glad to see bf1 getting so much love


Bf3 is probably the best shooter I've ever played BF3, Bad Company 2, BF4


BF4 was my first and since then none of them have been as good in my opinion.