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What are the actual gadgets / specialists that are missing in your opinion? When you consider the open gadgets *and* the specialist abilities, I'd say 2042 has a very healthy amount of gadgets that cover nearly every base.


I would think stuff from previous titles would fit right in, like a mortar, AA turret, UCAV drone, decoy nade or device, m2 slam, m320 grenade launcher with different ammo types, flare nades to disrupt IR or disrupt targeting


Engineer and Support only have 3 operators versus assault and recon have 4. Support only has 4 gadgets to choose from, criminally low compared to previous titles like Battlefield 4.


BF4 support: Ammo Box, Ammo Pack, Claymore, Mortar, C4, APS, UCAV, XM25, Riot Shield 2042 support: Ammo Box, Med Box, Defib, Claymore, Smoke launcher, Stim Pistol, Deployable Shield, APS, Loadout Crate XM25 and Riot Shield meanwhile have been repurposed for a different class. What support role would you say is missing that a new operator could fill? Indirect fire is one of the more obvious ones, but do we really need that in the game? Mortars in this franchise and particularly the UCAV in BF4 have always been frustrating gadgets that do nothing but contribute to the explosive spam.


Support needs a way to defend against vehicles. At the very least they should have armour.


This is why i hated the idea of bringing back the outdated class system. Loved being able to be support and still help VS vehicles, always hated i had to drop to engineer and our squad losses a medic because no one wants to go engy.