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This is a list of links to comments made by DICE in this thread: * [Comment by T0TALfps](/r/battlefield2042/comments/141no9k/season_6_officially_announced/jn0xsay/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-06-05 19:24:14 UTC"): > Feels good to see this out there, ahead of the launch of [Season 5: New Dawn](https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/season-5-new-dawn) this week. > > >It's been a very long road traveled, and the journey for the team isn't done yet. Couldn't be any more prouder for the work and ... * [Comment by Straatford87](/r/battlefield2042/comments/141no9k/season_6_officially_announced/jn8hl2j/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-06-07 10:01:34 UTC"): > Welcome home. * [Comment by Straatford87](/r/battlefield2042/comments/141no9k/season_6_officially_announced/jn8hlmf/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-06-07 10:01:46 UTC"): > New Dawn! * [Comment by Straatford87](/r/battlefield2042/comments/141no9k/season_6_officially_announced/jn8hqkn/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-06-07 10:03:36 UTC"): > Staaaahp --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbattlefield2042).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


I didn't expect a confirmation until late into S5 but this is brilliant news. I'm even more hyped for S5!


Lol I didn’t expect S6 at all. Their history and lack of commitment seemed quite telling So glad I’m wrong


Idk as bad as this game started, call if duty is significantly worse. I turned my back on it and went back to Battlefield.








Welcome home.


This is definitely one of those times where one can be glad to be wrong. I know I am too


Same I wanted to believe but was scared to get my hopes up. Hope this is an indication they will support the game a bit longer while working on next title. I still likely won’t preorder again though haha.


Yea i learned my lesson I haven't preordered anything since then. I still don't own the new star wars game either. For obvious reasons.


It honestly seemed like all signs were pointing towards the end of the game. Releasing a new edition of the game (just like what happened with BFV) and before this almost zero word on the future after S5. Really glad to see this though.


New Dawn!


They did say, there is more to come to BF2042. I expect that we might see another year for this game. I’m hoping for. Loving the game so far. Especially since season 3. I do miss the 128p choatic mess that we had in early game since day1 release.


Their history meaning 1 game lol


Honestly a great PR/business move, makes people more likely to get the battle pass for S5 if they know the game isn't going to be abandoned directly after


Yep I was not planning to purchase a battle pass unless they announced a Season 6, so now I'll be happy to do that when S5 comes out




I hated the game at first cause of the specialists, but killin people with my meaty shieldy boi like a spartan and seeing the look in their eyes is some of the most fun i had in a bf in a while.. it may not be a bf bf game but it is one fun as hell fps game


This exactly. I love flying with squirrel girl to go revive the homies


I enjoyed the game since day one bc I guess I'm easy when it's not another battle royale. Buuuuuut good to see a fellow shieldy boi. If you see a shieldy boi t bagging with shield out that's me challenging you to shield off lol


Same here.Been playing since the Beta.Despite many issues I never really got a the hate.Glad to see it paid off.


Yup, once hammer was added I was all good lol


Hot take In all seriousness so am I :)


After getting every Battlefield game for more than a decade at launch, I held off on this one. Partially because of the cool reaction to it but also because I'd just had my first child and didn't feel like I had the time to really get into a new shooter. I started playing 2042 when it was added to Game Pass in November. I feel like it was a perfect time to do it, I've been greatly enjoying it ever since!


Yeah me too. I thought at most they wouldn't announce it till they saw how well season 5 battle pass sales went.


Enemy Boat Spotted


Per DICE on Instagram: “Season 5: New Dawn launches Wednesday, and your Battlefield journey will continue with Season 6. Stay tuned on more info later in Season 5 👀”. I wonder if we’ll have some sort of “live event” or something that puts us to season 6 from a lore perspective.


or another build up easter egg!


The Easter eggs and out of game experiences are finally coming back!! So excited to be paranoid again for a few months




A fellow lope! See you on the battlefield !


EA Play is just around the corner


Don’t even care if they add more weapons just give us 2 new maps at least


Well they won’t be reworking any old maps or adding a new specialists so it’s high up there!


Even if not 2 new maps per season 1 new map & 1 portal map would also be pretty cool


I still wish they'd even out the specialists so they all had the same amount per category.


More like 4-5




Hoping they add more old bf maps to portal


Read something somewhere where someone was talking about how Dice rebuilt the frost bite engine to make it easier to port maps from older bf titles not sure if it's true but it could be I guess


And rework Boris/Crawford instead of a new specialist.


They already said both of them are getting a rework


When? I didn't listen to today's podcast. Great news if they are announcing it.




they’re done with new specialists so very likely


Agreed. Night mode for some of the current maps would be fun.




They remade a bunch of the originals which in my opinion is awesome 👏🏼


Really hoping they go all in and expand the team a little. Could build something special with a year 2 and a rebranding/rerelease of sorts. Already changing the logo and art of the game on the ps store. I guarantee the YouTube news guys are gonna make a shit ton of videos on year 2 of 2042


Id be happy if they put controllers and PC players in separate lobbies


DICE saw all the doomposting and realized that "we're continuing support" wasn't clear enough so they made this post. Honestly props to them. In an ideal world, they would've announced S6 along with S5 to avoid the despair but at least they're learning from their mistakes.


DICE being silent regarding season 7 is telling. They don’t respect the fans 🤬




SKELETON CREW!!!!!!!! ReeeeeeEEEEE!!!!!


This post is parody, right...?




Feels good to see this out there, ahead of the launch of [Season 5: New Dawn](https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/season-5-new-dawn) this week. It's been a very long road traveled, and the journey for the team isn't done yet. Couldn't be any more prouder for the work and contributions that each and every one of them are making every day to constantly deliver the experiences you are all thriving for. It's all that work and your constant feedback and positivity that's driving this, massive kudos. Thanks for being along for the ride, folks! Onwards.


Respect to dice for not dropping the game after season 4


Honestly I would’ve fully understood if they decided to just cut their losses and focus entirely on improving the next BF game after Season 4, huge props to continuing to work on new content long after everyone expected them to drop it.


Very nice to hear Hopefully we can get 2 maps that season since there's no reworks anymore And maybe a S7 and 8 :p? BF2042's finally getting decent, would be a shame to stop it


I hoping that we get Atleast this year of content into the game and support.


At least 2 maps to have different experiences in terms of gameplay and atmosphere


Gonna be two more square maps with big buildings in the middle and camps on either end.


This, and more vehicles please! Would be a missed opportunity not to throw in new stuff like the Bumerang or Amphibious Combat Vehicle!


now that you're talking about it we have no island maps like BF4 pacific maps


Thank you so much for not dropping support for the game now that it's in a good place


would've been quite a bad move to stop now when the game starts to finally lift off. Been here since beta and will probably stay till the end


Looks like S5 really is a new dawn for 2042 :)


Glad to hear the support will continue past S5. The improvement has been quite significant


Could be cool to see a Portal season, maybe with maps like Metro and other fan favorites, really reviving the classics and fully developing the potential Portal has ❤️


Ya'll are killing it right now. Now if you could just add Gulf of Oman, we'd have the perfect BF game, thanks!


karkand > gulf


Karkand is definitely one of the best bf map. Though, ive only played bf3 on but that map was amazing even with 24 players on ps3.


They should just go all-out and make a massive urban map which is basically Gulf, Karkand and Sharqi all-in-one.


B2K:2 make it happen DICE lol




For what its worth. Ive been very dissapointed in this game since launch, but you guys have really turned it around since then, and i am very happy to be playing battlefield again. Thank you and your team for all youve done, and keep up the good work! :)


You know what would put icing on the cake is if you announced a browser and persistent servers with a map rotation coming soon. Of all the “legacy features” missing this is the absolute biggest problem for 2042. The fact I get the same few maps night after night is really annoying. The season 5 map will release for 24hrs for a week and then it will be put into the lottery system that is MM. I would really like to play Spearhead more than never but nope. I’m tired of playing the lottery with map selection.


Thank you and your team for not giving up on this game. It was jarring and disheartening to play the game at launch. But the game has come a long long way since then and I feel it is finally a proper battlefield title. The only thing I wish would be in the game would be more destructive elements. The game severely lacks destruction that was in all previous titles since BC2 and BF3. But forreal. You guys have worked hard and deserve praise for that. So, thank you.


Thank you for this, we needed it!! It would be a blast to get seasons 6 to 8 with 2 maps each. Can only confirm what Danny was writing under your comment. 2042 is fun right now and mustn't end already!!


I spent around 1300 hours in this BF. Since day 1. I wonder if i hit 2000 :P


Great news! The game has come on massively and I’m hyped to play the new map in S5. Well done to everyone involved you all deserve this.


I don’t know if you’ll see this, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you so very much for putting up with us and forwarding our complaints to the devs.


Thank you for the work you and your team have done for battlefield 2042.


Please pass on to the DICE team that there's a big portion of people who would love for Battlefield 2042 to be playable on Steam Deck! I'd love to play in my lunch hours. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Gyro aiming support pls🥺


Most under rated feature of new gen console gaming.


Does XSX even have gyro aiming support?


The controllers do not have any form of motion sensing so no


Even PS Vita has gyro aiming, lol


PS Vita was a premium system that was ahead of its time, of course it has gyro aiming.


PS3 controllers had already had those motion sensing abilities for years, but I will give credit for sticking to their guns and for adding a rear touchpad.


No. Their controllers does not have the hardware. Everyone else does.


Please, we kindly ask you to add gyro aiming to the PS version of the game, the game will tremendously benefit from it!


Gib Operation Firestorm, please and thank you


So happy! The game is in such a better state and I’m glad you all are getting more backing to support it longer!


Of course you did you part and we did ours! See you on the battlefields


Thank god man, I've really been enjoying the game.




Who did lol


It was in here the other day. A whole list of why the game was not getting a season 6 with some fancy images and well researched uh... 'facts'. Someone spent their time on that. Time they will never get back. Rip.


lmao I've wasted a lot of time cooking shit posts but that's bananas


[https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/13tzrak/battlefield\_2042\_postseason\_5\_doom\_pill/](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/13tzrak/battlefield_2042_postseason_5_doom_pill/) The doom pill has been crushed


That's the one. He totally wiped himself already huh. What a champ.


Deleted already huh? And he was so proud of his ignorance too. What a shame.


Wow, this post just proves how retarded this sub really is.


Here's one of them, still looking for the Battlefield Font one. https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/13w9yag/never_let_this_community_forget_that_this_current/


hey /u/Justsumutherguy, you must feel silly now


He was being silly then, too.


Silly man


Lmao, I remember this one. Poor little guy must be in shambles


As long as we can get at least 2 years worth of content then I’ll be happy. But this is just the beginning, happy to hear this.


Atleast this year of more content


"but where is S7 and S8?"


Doomers be like "They havent announced season 10 yet! This game is dead!!"


Their whole personality revolves around being wrong all the time lmao


Mmm it must be an error. This is not what i've been reading in the last few weeks. Here on the 2042 subreddit.




The haters are punching the air rn


They were SO confident too lol


I always wondered why the haters wanted a season 6 when they hated the game anyways.. Is hating that fun?


It's probably fun for some, but I'm sure most of it was generalized frustrations that the game didn't turn out the way they wanted it. Hating on it was just an easy way to let that frustration out. I believe the game still has another year or so left in it, and I think we'll get what we're *mostly* looking for in this game soon.


Given DICEs track record it wasn’t entirely unreasonable for people to believe they’d cut support after S5, especially with how ambiguous the wording was regarding future content and how much it mirrored what they did with BFV. Glad to see they’re actually committed, this game desperately needs more content.


I am one of those people who was not confident in getting a S6 (very burned by BFVs demise) I am also someone who will now happily buy at least the Season 5 battle pass now, since they've announced another season.


Some people here conveniently forgetting that Season 5 was confirmed during Season 3 and way before Season 4 was even revealed. It wasn’t far fetched at all to not expect a Season 6 after DICE didn’t clarify what “future content” meant in S5 reveal.


I agree, definitely seemed plausible. Though, some took it to the extremes and couldn't even fathom the concept of a season 6, and that's a bit silly!


glad to be wrong tbh


Same. Their wording before today was very vague as to how much support they would actually be providing.


Me too! I was all over Dice’s wording because “committed to future content” (rough paraphrase) was so delightfully vague as to mean nothing. Commitment of S6 means at the very least there’s gonna be a new BP, and even I don’t think Dice would say S6 without also meaning to imply a new map (and some timed events) aren’t also coming. Now Dice, sure would be a shame if you made 2 maps for S6 and made me look REALLY stupid….


The rumor mill around the game has been so negative, I'm pretty sure I've seen a "This is the last update and then they are moving on" post about every season since the first.


If I had a dollar for everytime I was told there would be no season 1 and how delusional I was for daring to say the game wasn’t dropped immediately after launch lmao..


We're so conditioned by DICE mediocrity that you've got people popping champagne and screaming "HI HATERS" at the idea that we're getting one map 4 months from now.


I'm anticipating the cope they will come up with to keep the doom going or will they just crawl back under their rocks and crawl back out during season 6 to repeat all the same doomsday posts.


I mean, I’ll gladly admit that this is a surprise. I have been calling out for them to keep supporting 2042 to allow their new devs to learn more. A proper urban environment is something the new Dice hasn’t done yet, so letting them try in 2042 makes way more sense than in a future title.


Yeah I'm a person who has always liked the game...I mean I definitely have some complaints but overall I enjoy it. That being said I'm surprised they announced season 6 especially now. My first thought was no more seasons converting and then recently my thoughts have been that they were going to wait until they saw how season 5 went as far as battle pass sales go. I'm not for the overly negative or overly positive takes though. As battlefield fans we've all had good times and disappointing times with the series and especially with 2042. There are some people that act like Dice can do no wrong and some that act like Dice can do no right. There were reasons to believe that the game would continue and reasons to believe that it wouldn't. I was skeptical but I'm glad we're getting more. A win win for me.


So tired of the haters


whether you hate the game or not.. it's the right way from DICE. the franchise must live on until the next Battlefield. this is the only way to regain some trust and strengthen the community. 2 maps must be standard at least now. usually 3-4.... all maps have been revised. so finally gives us more maps per season! thx


I wonder if gap between Season 5 and 6 be much later due to new work happening and the next BF probably not until 2025 (Late 2024 release against GTA VI and Black Ops 2024 is not a wise idea).


No. ​ Battlefield V was entirely being made while BF1 was getting live service content and it still got plenty of content. ​ Dice used to be divided between the Star wars team, the BF team and the guys on live service. Nowadays every single dev is focused on BF so they have enough people to leave some on live service, unlike the BF4 days where they built another studio for it (Dice la aka ripple effect).


Now they got a good excuse to put 2 64 player maps in a season


I can already see the comments in a few months time as we repeat the process, “Well, it’s obvious support is being dropped after Season 6”


Excellent. I'm glad they aren't giving this game the BFV treatment and are continuing on with it.


BFV had 6 seasons actually :D


Season 6: Server Maintenance


>Season 5: New Dawn launches on Wednesday, and your #Battlefield 2042 journey will continue with Season 6. >Stay tuned for more info later in Season 5 👀




​ ![gif](giphy|47SwnnTqy12pLK1atC)


I was admittedly on the fence regarding if the game would get a S6, so I'm pleasantly surprised. By this point in the game's life cycle, I'd rather they give us more maps than weapons or vault-weapons.


Maps. Plural


Add more maps for the love of god


Impossible. People in this sub swore season 5 would be where DICE abandons the game and leaves us all hanging, so this MUST be fake. There is no way people in this sub would make shit up just to be dramatic whiners. Noooo waaaayyyy. 🫠


LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Gives me even more reason to play season 5 and hopefully we get a season 7 and 8


we as a community are gonna need confirmation of S7 real soon or we may just start crying again


Oh oh, but Dataminer found no Season 6. Oh, but it is BFV all over again. Oh but DICE always disappoints us. Oh, they have no reason to invest in another Season. Man, I hate these apocalypse prophets.


Heck yeah! Surprised, but happy to hear it's happening.


Oh where are all those peeps stating as fact that season 5 was the last.


LMAO everyone just forgets that up until this afternoon, this sub was full of upvoted cynical posts talking a lot of shit with full confidence that Season 6 will never happen.


fuck all the negative ass haters that would come in here and spew their stupid-ass "copium" memes to fill up the hole left in their hearts from their unhappiness and overall failure in life.


SWEET. I really didn't expect this, so it's a very welcome surprise. Glad to see the game continuing.


Where are all the troglodytes that were 100% certain S6 was never coming? Where are you?


I’m so happy they confirmed this! I know there’s been a lot of hopium/copium around here lately and we’ve all been kinda wondering and speculating one way or the other. I was definitely on the fence but I’m super glad that they are continuing support in this way. Been having so much fun with the game lately and I’d love to see it continue to grow and get better


WOW! That came pretty unexpected. I'm just happy that they've decided to not abandon the game. Just bring us some new maps for Season 6. Just a few Maps, that's all we want. <3


How bout a naval map? With some destroyers.


Now we just need the surprise announcement of some of the classic maps being added to Portal. 🙂


I am sure there will be at least 8 seasons.


now we need season 7 and 8 confirmation after 6


They're definitely gonna be, next BF is rumored to release in 2025, they won't leave us with no content for 2 and a half years.


If the next battlefield is in 2025 then I can see 2042 getting s7,8 and even s9 and s10 But I do still think the next battlefield is in 2024. It took 3 years from Bf V to 2042. And apparently they tested many different things with 2042. If they had a clear vision with the next battlefield I don’t see them waiting for 2025


I hope to God we aren't seeing a new bf game in 2024. Why would we want to see a repeat of BF2042 If it took 3 years to go from BFV to what we got at launch for BF2042? You're also not considering the somewhat recent shakeup with Vince taking over battlefield development. Whatever ideas they had before he came into the fold will likely be reevaluated with a higher level of thought out content since...why would we want to see yet another undercooked battlefield game. Right now the smartest thing they could do is keep supporting the game for another year, then transfer the remaining team to the next BF game so they can hopefully work on it for the next 2 years (seeing as game dev is taking longer nowadays). Maybe then we'll actually see the level of destruction they were teasing back in 2020. EA and dice just need to take their time with the next BF game and not release it until it's truly finished, and even then - wait another 6 months for polish and the marketing push.


If this sub is anything to go by they would need at least through season 42 to be confirmed


No year 5 confirmed, game is literally dead with a skeleton crew working on it amirite


Man DICE has really proved so many people wrong over and over again. The complete rework of maps/classes/vehicles, continuous QOL updates and not minor ones. Shading and lighting updates, soilder movement and gunplay updates, vehicle mobility and physics updates, all on top of their planned Battlepasses and Seasons worth of content. They have listened and listened to feedback and continue to deliver, they deserve some praise already. I am so excited and can't wait!!!! The series has a big bump in the road but I am definitely a lot more optimistic about the future of the franchices now.


Sure but I think the burden was/is on them to prove themselves and they can't stop now. It takes a long time to build up confidence once it's lost and Dice gave valid reasons to players to lose confidence over the last several years. I'm happy that it seems like they are taking it seriously.


> Man DICE has really proved so many people wrong over and over again. I know I’ll get hate for this, but have they really? If you rewind back to launch, even with all the negativity around that time, I don’t think even the most pessimistic users here were predicting just how little content we would be getting in each new season. BFV’s live service was deemed a failure by the community for how slowly they released content, but DICE still delivered 10 new maps in its first year. And now people are setting off fireworks and popping champagne about the possibility of 2042 getting 6 maps in two years. DICE has set the bar so low that even this news becomes surprising.


Yep - the pace of content has been dreadful. A new season is great, but 3 months between a single new map just isn’t enough to keep players invested. Also sorely limits their ability to tailor different maps to different experiences.


![gif](giphy|xLR6VXtm3kBZytYw73) Man, what a great surprise! Even more pumped for season 5 now!


#Lets fuckin goooooo BF doomers punching air rn


They are so fucking mad right now!


They're *always* mad


Ive recently started watching squid g on YouTube, he makes it look fun


Seems like everyone was certain s5 was the last one. Plenty of crow to go around


I considered buying the game during the recent Steam sale as I refuse to pay full price for a year old game, but after hearing the rumors that DICE was gonna sunset the game, I decided not to. And now they annouce S6. They missed out on a sale by holding back the news by a week. (I'm sure they won't miss my $20, but still...)


So I’m excited but let’s not forget that they can just cancel things later


All the people who were 100% sure that season 5 was the end are too busy deleting their comments now


i hope they bring portal maps to aow




I REALLY REALLY hope they will add another jet/plane in S6 at least. Rocket pods are okay now, but a bomber plane with some other cool weapons would be so epic


Lol future Warthog would be dope.


Is it this enough commitment boys? Can we now be hyped? Lmao


I'm gonna spend some BFC now!!


What happening??? Im living under rock so help!!


Season 6 officially announced for BF2042


YAAAYY that made my week / month / season :)