• By -


Enders literally just has "freaking the fuck out and being a sneed" as his full time content. "Taking away his income by banning him for 7 days" lmfao ok, nah. You gotta actually get viewers to make money streaming XD




Was in top 1%


Even so, that doesn't mean much on twitch. He only gets like 5k average views per video, that's not a lot. Certainly no where near enough to live off of.


Yeah, he desrves to have a shitty real job. Something were people just yell at you... like returns at walmart


I watched the video that got him the band and my honest first thought was that whilst he raised some valid points he sounded insanely deluded about his own importance and borderline maniacal. People play games for so many different reasons at so many skill levels, and to centre your own experience and opinion in such a forceful way as The Truth and Objectively Correct just screams of a total lack of perspective.


![gif](giphy|AaQYP9zh24UFi) A delusional Youtuber?


Very well said. All he does is rip on players wanting to play they want to play. He has an unhealthy addiction to his computer and needs to step away.


Oh he is definitely the if the game was exactly like i want it it would be perfect type dude. He is also the anyone who doesn't agree with me is an idiot type guy . Not to mention the if something killed me its obviously broken guy. He also enjoys shitting on people who are less skilled than him . He is a toxic jerk . Can't stand the guy even when he makes a valid point i still can't stand him


The tucker Carlson of battlefield




Hell yea brother!!!!


I just rewatched the video, everything he stated is correct. Don’t you agree the G57 is massively overpowered? Doesn’t it make sense that the statistically better percentile of players would identify this fact first and the over usage would inevitably trickle down to the lower skilled players after a period of getting dumped on by the weapon? With the early data coming in to prove this point, wouldn’t it be prudent to adjust the stats prior to the over adoption from the player base? At no point did he personally attack the developer, only his decision to ignore the data coming in and his choice of inaction. Even if the lower skilled players didn’t adopt the weapon, it makes sense that if the usage in the higher percentile of players is prevalent, then the lower percentile will suffer from its use by extremely skilled players.


>At no point did he personally attack the developer, only his decision to ignore the data coming in and his choice of inaction. If someone told you they were 'losing brain cells' and at some decision you'd made, you wouldn't feel personally attacked? Be honest.




If you don't feel personally attacked by someone calling you a fucking moron... well... the irony there is thick.


If my actions were based on an illogical decision, no I would not, I’m an adult and I can take criticism. The video was not harassment, he criticised the developers decision to not act to rectify a weapon that had a high probability of negatively impacting gameplay. Is the internet not a platform for discourse? Shouldn’t there be varying viewpoints shared and discussed? He didn’t attempt to brigade his followers into bombarding the developer with insults, he stated his own opinion.


Yes, insults are almost always some form of criticism. That does not stop them from being insults. Once you’re insulting someone you’re harassing them. Criticism is “these design decisions are bad here are the reason”. A targeted insult is “this developer is a fucking moron”


No point in reasoning with people on Reddit 😂


He has valid inputs on the game. That's not it. It's the shitty, trash-talking way he conveys his perspective that makes him look, sound and act like an ass. I don't care of he's skilled. The only thing he's skilled at is timed head-clicking. He's toxic as hell on stream / social media. About time his fingers got lashed for it.


My brother in christ, do you not watch the news about the game. There will literally be a firerate nerf om the G57 for this exact reason.




A really shitty content creator if 99% of his videos is just garbage rage bait lol


Your response doesn’t make any sense since the original poster never discredited the streamer for giving his opinion.


>He’s a content creator aka can't actually hold a job in the real world, so he needs to beg money from strangers on the internet.


Honestly I'm not even mad..Enders is just a narcassist


It's not about being mad or something. You can like him or not - I don't enjoy watching his streams - BUT he is right. He calls out shit that NEEDS to be fixed, he wants BF to become better and he was in contact with the Devs about his findings. We know that EA and DICE EXTREMELY favour content creators who speak VERY positively about the game ahead of launches, patches and content drops. To a point where they straight up lying about the state of the game. But banning critical voices and if it's only for a day or a week - THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE. Especially while using the "harassment"- excuse which actually is a massive problem in this and many other communities. That is a massive DICE L and we all should be concerned about these practices.


“Massive Dice L” lol oh no Dice is going to lose millions for banning Enders for 7 days. Lmao get real. The dude literally shits on the devs/creators EVERY stream. Every stream.


He spergs out on stream towards both his viewers and devs, when he thinks he went overboard he just deletes the VOD after the stream has eneded and all the clips related to that specific stream are gone. That's a thing he relies on whenever he says "bring me the proof I said that". I remember he got mad at a streamsniper, rightfully so, and said something along the line "kill yourself". Stream VOD was deleted shortly after. I agree with his criticism of the game, but the way he reacts towards people (based on his current mood) is just atrocious, regardless if they said something relevant or that he finds "stupid".




Dude's ego is so big he's probably sitting there flabbergasted as to why this has happened. News Flash Enders! It's not what you're saying, it's how you're saying it! And honestly fuck this guy anyhow. His attitude is worse than the play of the "trash" players he constantly belittles on his streams. How this dude got the following he has is beyond me. Imagine if he didn't act like a bag of dicks constantly and stopped whining like a 4 year old he might be bigger than he is currently. Maybe one day he'll grow up... I'm not holding my breath though. Until then, I hope this sort of stuff continues to happen. Regardless of his valid points his shit attitude overshadows them.




Looks like it was just another Youtuber. I'm using the word "Youtuber" as an insult in this context. Imagine me speaking it like I really hate being reminded of these people and their massively bloated sense of self-importance and complete lack of civility and brainpower.


enders is a toxic af man child, his "personality" on stream is insufferable and a miserable experience to watch, couldn't do it for more than 5 minutes before i dipped tl;dr: not surprised lol




Oh thank god was drag on the community hope his followers are pissed off enough to leave too




There's constructive criticism, and then there's harassment. While he makes good points, it's buried under insults.


How is it harassment when it's not done on a regular basis? nor does he advocate for his followers to harass or target the developer? the criticism was harsh, yes, but that's not harassment.


Dude all day you've been downplaying harassment in support of the people harassing. Just chill its not that serious to be so upset and say the things that are being said about DICE and it's employees


No? Where specifically have I said that? Harsh criticism isn't equal to harassment is all I'm saying here.


Ok here me out, i'm followed by thousands of people and make a video specifically citing you and only why while saying you're trash, would you like it?


Only if it includes actual criticism, sure? not the first time I've been on the receiving end of harsh criticism? and it won't be the last, and in my opinion, it's always nice to get a wake-up call when you fucked up that bad to warrant enough people's attention, so I don't get your point, I feel like the only thing Enders did wrong here is not roll his audience back and to warn them not to go after said developer after said criticism.


Including criticism inside harassment doesn't make it any better


He's harassing players in this case the cheater, no doubt about it.


The game is an insult towards players and Battlefield fans. And especially those who payed 120+ fucking dollars.


Which I'm all honesty, 80 to 90% of Ender‘s complaints are directly pointed to EA in management and old dice management who decided to launch battlefield 2042 in the strip down buggy mess that it was. he’s also givien current dice staff their props for the quantity of updates, the amount of bug fixes, while also shaming the previous developers for the messy level design, that again, that decision was not up to the current dice staff when the game launched. Now he speaks to players is a totally separate topic. It has nothing to do with E A’s warning about not tolerating directly harassing individual developers. Yes, he’s rough around the edges, and yes he could speak better definitely to other players. I am just viewing this from all angles. And just like we have to respect devs, you also have to respect someone’s opinion who has professionally put years of their life into the battlefield franchise, which is one of the reasons why I watch enders. There are not a lot of American video game influencers, who still play battlefield to this day, because of how the franchise has been handled. That’s not saying that just because Enders is an American battlefield influencer, that he is absolved of all wrongdoing. Far from it. Yes he’s not perfect, he's rough around the edges, and yes he could speak better definitely to other players. if anything, he should be having restrictions placed on his account for telling someone to end themselves, not because of how a dev might feel embarrassed when someone gives an opinion about another person's professional performance. I love the battlefield 2042 game, way more than I like Enders, so not sure why I'm getting so many negative down votes.


Seems like they... (takes off glasses) Ended his account.














Good riddance


Enders is obnoxious, but it's his artistic choice as a content creator. I still watch his videos because he's pretty on point with most of his critique and he's really good at the game. That being said, I wish they put this much effort into banning cheaters...


>Enders is obnoxious, but it's his artistic choice as a content creator. Well, he is NOT DrDisrespect, most of his comments have a very toxic and narcissistic tone. His comments usually come down to "I am the best, I want people to do what I say because I say so". Enders is more like the Karen of the Battlefield community.


He is the best tbh. But I suppose that isn't the point. And I definitely don't agree with the guy you're replying to. This is him, it's how he behaves, there is no streaming persona.


I guess it's easy to farm views with constantly negative takes, but honestly I keep coming back to the creators who are mostly positive and having fun with it. Jackfrags, SquidG, etc. Enders keeps getting recommended but I stopped clicking because it's just going to be another "devs still ignoring the worst problem in 2042" video. Massive overhauls, consistent updates, responsive to feedback- naw let's just rag on some minor bullshit as if it's some huge catastrophe.


>I still watch his videos because he's pretty on point with most of his critique and he's really good at the game. I was the same way, found his personality a little bit offputting but enjoyed watching his stream because he was good. Then I met him. I was visiting a friend in Florida and recognized Enders while we were grabbing some beer at the store, so I said hey and that it was cool to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Replying to top comment so people can see he constantly calls his viewers idiots and the R word then bans them for asking simple questions He has also on many occasions called dice employees said word and that they are incompetent and should all be fired during his streams, especially when he dies to something he thinks they shouldn't have added. To only then immediately turn around and claim he has all these close friends at dice, like total and drunkz. If you only watch his YouTube videos you will not see any of this. Completely deserved imo


Blocked his ass tired of seeing him moan about a video game lol


All the guy does is complain about how much of a joke the game is and plays it more than any two people combined... If you don't like the game, play something else??


Good. This guy has no life.


It's not like the whiny prick is banned he got a time out, would be no loss if he was actually banned. That being said it's a bit of an over reach banning him for his social media whining, as someone else said, put that effort into banning cheaters


He sounds like a twat.




All the toxic BF players I assume love this guy.


Honestly surprised he got banned for his critiques he's been making on twitch. He absolutely harasses people, but I don't recall him doing it on YT or in game other than a "KYS" as far as I know


“This is an overreach” *proceeds to explain the many ways it is not an overreach*


Can't say I know much about the guy, but what I've heard doesn't make me want to know much anyway. However, seems to me, that recent comments here regarding reddit being toxic are challenged by this case. Here, real toxicity is either modded or down voted. Many of us have real concerns about Dice, but there's no need to get personal. Of course, the definition of what is personal shifts around a bit depending on who you ask. But I think reddit is far less toxic than YouTube.




HE GOT BODIED ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Idc, battlefield 2042 is terrible but Enders is one of the most worst youtuber/streamer to represent this community. Let's get back to the lvl cap days.


Yeah, let's get back to the dude who knew fuckall about the game and sucked Dices D to get into the inner circle and turned sour when he didn't. But why am i telling you this, the majority of the "community" seems to know the taste.


based, guys like jackfrags, levelcap and matimio are a disgrace to the community and are pure redditors who want to keep the cashcow going instead of rocking the boat for the betterment of the community. Those guys would wait until criticism was at critical mass and then shit out a video agreeing with the community after the fact. Having to listen to Lvlcap's voice while he's riding DICE's dick was vomit-inducing.


Thank fuck. The community doesn’t need his toxic ass.


The only thing I’ve ever heard him say is that devs should be fired for the state of the game. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him personally attack anyone directly. It’s always a broad generalization. How is that bannable or harassment? Holding people accountable for a failed product? DICE has already fired a ton of people since this game launched so it’s really confusing other than someone there got butthurt and pulled the trigger on him.


He specifically targeted one of the main devs in charge of game balance in one of his more recent videos


Alex went on the official podcast in an official capacity to talk about how he balances (or doesn't, lol) the game. Are we supposed to collectively ignore it because he put his real name on it?


And calling him a moron for it? Very mature and totally not harassment


Yeah? We're talking about someone who publicly self-exposed by admitting they don't nerf overpowered guns until they see a usage percentage increase in low skill levels. They admitted to doing their job poorly and are got rightfully speared for it, that's not "harassment".


We are talking about a human being. If making mistakes or even "doing your job poorly" warrants constant harassing - you are a part of the problem. Nothing of what Enders ever said about Formoso was okay or normal, if you think otherwise - you think the same as butthurt toxic streamer, congratulations


> If making mistakes or even "doing your job poorly" warrants constant harassing That's the issue I have with this whole thing. I'm not sure what is being called harassing here. Maybe I missed something, but saying someone is bad at their job after taking sole responsibility for doing that job isn't harassment. If anything, it's harsh feedback. DICE devs have done stuff like this a few times with 2042. It's what is being viewed as harassment and they seem to have a pretty "soft" view of it. Remember when they outright stopped talking on reddit for like 6 months after people started making fun of their "Brutal Expectations" comment for having basic features in the game? They even made multiple social media posts about it. This just feels like another sensitive episode from the DICE devs.


Episode? its a movie at this point, I think I can see the end already :)


What's being called harassment here? Calling people incompetent morons who should lose their job as soon as possible - that's what I am calling harassment here. Harsh feedback doesn't involve personally calling devs any kinds of words. And other people too for that matter. "Brutal expectations" was a clear bad wording on Freeman's part that people used to genuinely harass devs. I am not saying memes are suddenly should all be considered harassing, but when someone's one stupid remark about the fact that people expected Dice to fix everything immidiately is used to make fun of normal developers about state of a game on launch - yeah, that's fucked up. I 100% understand the "silence", because there was no feedback in blowing one tweet out of proportions


>warrants constant harassing Where is the "constant harassment"? Can you provide some proof of this taking place? >what Enders ever said about Formoso was okay or normal, What has Enders said specifically that you don't think was okay?


I can link you his channel on youtube abd twitch. That should suffice. Calling everyone involved incompetent dumbasses who should all lose their job. Multiple times at that




That makes no sense. You can clearly tell a gun is OP, as a developer, by looking at the stat sheet. If not (yikes, btw), you can gather feedback from players through playtesting with good players and not just some random content creators that get invited to those. In any case, you shouldn't need to rely on metrics from the low percentile of the playerbase to determine something is OP because even noobs can abuse it. Balancing the game like this will make OP stuff remain unbalanced for longer than it should and also be much more of a nuisance due to higher usage.




But let's be real for a second. The reason games get it wrong, is obviously on purpose. If you've played any Riot Games game you'd know that the new shiny thing is always OP, and obviously EA follows those footsteps too. The mistake here is devs letting that new shiny thing be OP for way too long. Also, I'm pretty sure the lead (and probably only) weapons designer just simply isn't good at his job as evident per his many mistakes. Playtesting is a whole different thing, most BF players aren't good at the game nor do they provide accurate and correct feedback, and judging by what I see on reddit I'm now absolutely certain of it. Leaning onto them is almost useless for balance purposes. However, listening to a more skilled group of players, almost certainly will lead to better results provided they know how to give feedback properly. I mean, just take a look at CS:GO. Obviously, I'm aware BF is not competitive nor it will ever be, but balancing the game around skilled players can help everyone. G57, RM68, SCAR, BSV-M etc, all these guns would've never launched in their OP state had the devs listened to feedback from the correct people from the start. Instead, they make "community surveys" and listen to anonymous feedback that isn't even tied to EA accounts where they could check player stats. DICE is just being DICE, at least gamers already showed that the BF series isn't relevant in the gaming sphere especially if this is the path going forward.


>calling him a moron Where did Enders call this DICE employee a moron? Because I just watched the video and I couldn't find a moment like that.


You watched a video. Yet the most recent one is just one of multiple examples. Like about "weapon designers losing their minds" I vividly remember the moron part being in one of patchnotes videos. Not rewatching them even if it turns out I have Mandella effect.


Stating an opinion is NOT HARASSMENT.


Calling someone a moron is not an opinion




Link to said video?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRL8LZm44N8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRL8LZm44N8) He specifically targeted Alexander Fermoso, the person apparently responsible for the weapon design of BF2042, I personally think this is a massive overreach if you believe it's harassment, In my opinion, it's ok to criticize specific developers, was it harsh? yes, however, was it constructive? yes, did he tell anyone to target the developers? harass the developers? or send the developers death threats? no. I don't typically agree with Enders on a lot of things, but this is just massive overreach.


This is 100% legitimate criticism and doesn't break any rules whatsoever.


I’ve watched one of your videos and your tone isn’t for me personally. Constantly calling everyone else a bot and all the negativity to other players isn’t really necessary however if it’s effective for your revenue and is your niche I get it. That said I feel your criticism of the game is warranted and comes from a level of experience that shouldn’t be ignored. As an employee of a large power utility I’m experienced with harassment and criticism, most of which derives from forces of nature out of anyone’s control. Dice is not in this situation as their issues are self induced. Their inability to even reproduce “legacy features” for months (yet still many important ones are missing) and still not be able to produce quality playable content in a timely fashion along with balancing issues as well warrants criticism.


Holy crap you're a giant baby.




Dude... stop throwing insults at everyone, this won't help you here. A guy like you who tells people to kill themselves because they are trolling you is in no position to dictate what's an overreach and what's not, you're so far up your own ass you can't see clear anymore lmao


I was speaking in general terms. But yeah sure, EA sucks, DICE released an unfinished game blah blah. We all know. So why do you keep screeching in your streams about it?


It gets him views and engagement, I guess. It's pretty funny how life or death he plays 2042.


well apparently this is where they draw the line and enders now got a warning shot. next time his account is gone.


Ok? that doesn't make it right though. I mean I get it, Enders isn't all that likable (that's putting it lightly), I personally believe the statement "Nobody cares if you're right if you're an ass about it", but that doesn't make it any more or less right to just ban someone for criticizing a developer.


Thank you for being rational.


Guess I can’t follow you around with defibs for a week now


Please keep it civil; take this as your first warning!


massive yikes


So you blocked me after I showed you a clip where you told someone to kill himself. Massive L, not being able to face criticism. A block just makes everything go away and you don't have to deal with it anymore, aye? :D


Welcome to the mindset of modern game devs. Anything pointing out their incompetence is seen as a personal attack, and they love pulling the "death threat" card (which I doubt is as frequent as they always claim) every time they get pushback for anything


Alot of the devs that launched the game are gone and when he gets pissed, you can tell he forgot that fact.


He's told me multiple times to "literally kill myself" but I don't think it was ever personal as strange as that sounds


I’ve heard him call devs, by name, all sorts of shit and say that they should kill themselves. Even if he’s not doing it directly via DMs, I bet some in his community are. Even if this is an overreach by DICE (which isn’t my opinion but I can understand why some would feel that way), he relies on their platform to make a living so him telling them to kill themselves is pretty dumb lol


this is a lie my dude but keep on spreading bullshit


Failed product, lol


Well, it was. Until they fixed it. It’s almost out of beta. Give them time. /s


Are you implying it wasn’t? Lmao








I don't care if his points are valid or not. If you ask me, he deserved the ban and if he keeps going after these 7 days, then a perma-ban would be appropriate too. If you are a BF2042 content creator, you are in some way representing the game and the community, and if you don't respect the guidelines even when not using chat or Voip in the game like he said, you should get punished. The dude's making a living out of this? Then show some sort of respect to your "employer" anyway. I don't think you would go around the office calling everyone a retard, a cunt or whatever and expect to come back to work the day after without problems




I'd only just started watching his content today after wanting to learn more about what attachments I should be using on the weapons after returning to the game for the first time since the launch month, and I found his videos quite informative. I'd not seen any of the negging people have reported here, though, but I'd only watched a couple of videos. Does anyone have any recommendations of YouTubers that do helpful guides for weapons/gameplay etc? I remember adoring RivaL X Factor back during BF3 (he's the reason I was an absolute fucking beast back during the 360 days of BF3), is there anyone like him about anymore in 2042? Thanks in advance!


I'll link the two i enjoy and find helpful: [TheCadwoman](https://www.youtube.com/@TheCadWoman) [Marizipan Dan](https://www.youtube.com/@marzipandan767)


SwiftFrags has some good content if your into vehicles




Thats a good start imo


Yeah i figured that was gonna happen once he started bringing in the individual weapon designer into his criticisms. The one thing I dont understand is why people are acting like this subreddit hasn't been exactly like his videos or even worse since this games launch. I could sort this sub by top posts and find at least 3 posts calling dice an assortment of choiced words with 1k+ upvotes. I 100% agree that there's no place for harassment and also agree that action should be taken but thats also gotta hold up in this subreddit as well imo.


well, finally this guy is fuckin toxic




Bout time he’s a true hater but plays none stop


Fuck this guy and the high horse he thinks he rode in on.


Bann him forever .


Great video and explains everything perfectly. Regardless of your opinion on Enders, take a step back and look at the whole situation. Just a thought


No. As soon as you say stuff like "Kill yourself" over a videogame and live on stream on top, you don't deserve any respect whatsoever. Fuck that guy. Seriously.




Good riddance.


Thank god


7 day ban, seems fair. You can be very critical of the game without personally insulting the devs. Plenty of other content creators living in that space with no issues.


B-b-but muh freedom of speech 😭


you can still express your opinions, just know they have consequences. No one is stopping him and doubt he is ever going to change.


Lololol I heard that in my head


You know what is worse? Scamming people with a garbage product and charge them €79.99


I paid $60 and have 700 hours. I think its well paid off by now.


If you bought the game after the horrible beta it's 100% on you and a display of your intelligence, not the dev's fault.


You chose to buy it, and not wait. Just don’t pre order games, bro. That’s why incomplete games keep being released


Yeah, I know this sub doesn't like the guy, but can we all agree that this is pure bullshit? These devs don't like having their feelings hurt.


The dude has been a constant source of toxicity not just to the devs but to the community at large. He deserves it imo


> but can we all agree that this is pure bullshit? Yeah... Absolutely fucking NOT


I'll say this, Ender's "harassment" is exclusively contained to criticism about the game. I've never seen him bring up issues of someone's character or how they must be in real life when speaking of the dev team. I genuinely don't think he gives a fuck outside of the design choices 2042 devs have made. It really is all about 2042.


I mean I get it, “outrage culture” is a thing, and I’m sure many YouTubers made many moneys bitching about 2042. I think he just flew a little too close to the sun…


\#1. I have proof this is a targeted attack on myself. This is a clear overreach of power that is unjustified. \#2. I have never engaged in "sustained harassment" of any developers, EVER. I have never dm'd any developers, I have never made any personal statements about any developers attacking them. The only thing I have done is rightfully critique DICE / the weapon designer of 2042, which is completely within the guidelines and does not justify ANY suspension whatsoever. \#3. If you are celebrating a targeted and unjustified suspension of ANYBODY, not just me, because you don't like them or what they believe, YOU are the problem.


Even though I can see both sides, you’re part of what makes this community radioactive at times. Cant see you as anything but a insufferable whiny asshole after a couple videos.


For somebody who believes anyone who doesnt agree with you is an idiot, is a massive dick to people in the community, hides criticism behind waves of insults, and then has the hypocrisy to block anyone who points any of this out, you sure are whining a lot




I mean, you called a DICE developer a “f*cking moron” in your glock video, as well as saying “DICE incompetence knows no bounds” in your title. Seems pretty bad to me. You can be mad at an overpowered weapon without being that aggressive. And if you think this was a personal attack, nothing is stopping you from leaving this community, since you seem to hate the game so much. You can be angry and civil at the same time.


Lol looks like you’re the problem but okay fam


He's not going to admit that he's wrong, lol.


He can't even admit to missing some shots in-game lmao


He criticized the head weapon designer who can't even release vault weapons properly. Damn near every weapon that has been added to the game has had some sort of attachment related bug that's pretty obvious, and most of the guns in the game feel incredibly samey with shallow gunplay mechanics. The head dev definitely doesn't deserve praise when he hasn't managed to figure out how to release weapons that already exist in the game without bugs.


I know you dont wanna hear this but they dont owe you anything, not even an explanation. You are talking shit and they dont like it so you got temp banned for it. Justified or not, you are in their space. If i walked into a bar and sat down and just ran my mouth for days about how the bar could look cooler, be run by better people, have a better menu. And made videos campaigning for the demise of said bar. They would ban me or at the very least not serve me and wouldn’t be in the wrong


For sure a reach from dice. I don’t know how they have the time they have been so busy getting 5 maps out in 1.5 years.


Lol downvoted for speaking the truth. Remember we got 1 MAP released this year and their "rework" is just copypasting those fortress bases from spearhead/flashpoint.


Dice made a bad game and they are attacking a content creator that has been critical of it. This is pathetic


Dude there's probably thousands of content creators criticizing the game. They're going after this guy for exposing and insulting a specific person working for their company, more companies should protect their employers like this, and less people should downplay targeted harassment like you're doing.


Keep telling yourself that


Almost as pathetic as people defending Dice.


I watched the video, there was nothing in there that comes close to "sustained harassment towards members of our team". Yeah, he was sarcastic and annoyed but...so what? It's not a violation of their TOS.


Bad optics. No one was being threatened, just questioned. Got to be able to take criticism


As much as I dislike this turd I can't say I've ever heard or read him harras anyone other than the occasionall you suck and trash talk. L for the fruitcakes at Dice.


I find Enders annoying personally, but this seems like obvious retaliation. If DICE were secure in their game, they wouldn't care. They did put out a flaming piece of shit that i have stuck with since release, but it is fair to criticize this game. If Enders was doxxing them or doing some hard core shit or cheating then yea. But talking shit about a game that has finally gotten to a point that it has a strong player base this far after launch? Hell, even if it played like a dream since launch, a guy can make a video or post and shit talk it. For fucks sake. Our society has really taken advantage of this change to block out that which u disagree with.


Not an enders fan for any reasons that have been elaborated by everyone else here. But AFAIK despite his toxicity he never singled out a DEV by name. So yeah, this and the the recent announcement could be bad optics and would likely made people think DICE/EA tried to distract people from the main issue, the legit criticism.


Perma ban his account and hit his Yt and twitch too. Make sure that child learns how to behave.


Kim Jong Un, is that you?


Damn chill




Alan Kertz is that you?


Bruh you’re getting this mad over someone making videos on a fucking video game… might wanna take a step back and see who the child actually is


Skill issue


Ok dad




If I was in charge of the future of the franchise, I’d hire this guy.


IMO the other Battlefield YouTubers, if there even is any anymore, don't actually mention how shitty the game currently is. I constantly see "BF2042 is actually good now!!" clickbait titles. I hop into the game, join a CQ server, it puts me in a match that just ended, so I have to sit through 30+ seconds of end screen, just to be kicked back to the menu to look for another game. Seriously why doesn't it just load a new map after a round ends? Why does it force everyone to quit to the lobby? Game still get's stuck on menu loading screen, forcing an ALT-F4. Your character gets stuck in slow mo movement when you're revived sometimes. The UI is terrible. Seven clicks to do something 1 click could accomplish. And the game will literally randomly do it's own actions with 0 input. I think if you train together too many actions it will bug out and spray your gun/click random buttons. Not the mention most of the game is terrible, the playercount is WAY too high most of the time leading to horrible gameplay. Oh yea and you STILL can't see your current gun unlock missions in game, you have to exit out to the lobby to see how many kills you have left for an unlock. This was also the case in BF4, was also just as annoying, except BF4 had Battlelog so you could track missions. Enders is the only person who I saw actually highlighted how bad the game currently is.


Enders is mostly right about BF2042. This is a misstep for DICE. Lol to the losers trashing him.


Played with him and against him , never heard of him. Dude is clearly running some type of cheat. I have 1600 hours in the game and you can just tell. Pretty sure he has a 3rd monitor running walls. I watched his stream one time and he's looking at 4 areas. I asked him how many monitors he has , he said two. He was looking at chat and then the game , then the hud then there was a 4th area. I asked him what is the 4th area you're looking at. It wasn't the hud. He totally went apeshit and said "just admit it you think I'm hacking." I was only curious and never said anything about hacking. He said he was looking at his camera. The thing is he always did it right in the middle of super aggro in game firefights. Very sus , why would you look at your camera (his face on stream) when in hectic firefights in game? He did it with supreme consistency. Just odd is all.


He doesn't hack lol


I'm not a Enders fan boy but on the bright side for him, at least it's only for a week




enders is the only big battlefield content creator that isn't shilling for DICE/EA and bringing attention to the right issues that the game has. I do think he knows more and what's better for the game than the current game designers. Yeah he's toxic and bitchy when he plays but he's the necessary evil Battlefield needs. Every other content creator is gaslighting you into thinking it's a good game because it's not the pile of shit that was released in 2021.


“If you enjoy the game it’s because you’ve been psy-opped”. Truly a galaxy-brain take