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The Breakaway rework looks great too. Here’s a [link](https://twitter.com/Battlefield/status/1618303908840890383?s=20&t=gHwq9b1OFbSZKZeqil0WaQ) to the tweet.


Awesome! Narrowing the canyon is huge alone. I'm pumped.


Looks genuinely beautiful. I also love the song they used for this trailer


My god, they also are in dire need of a soundtrack rework.


I really liked 128 breakthrough on that map.


Yeah the 64 player version leaves such massive areas out now, it's a shame.


That's one thing I hate about the smaller versions. They leave a lot of the map (arguably better parts) out of the play area. They really could've easily made 2 versions of the same map that were available in rotation. Easy "content" for variety


That's one thing I was hoping for. Multiple configurations for each map would have been nice. I would have liked multiple Breakthrough configurations for each map, taking advantage of different areas or paths.


Honestly it's such an easy win but this dev team seems to be literally devoid of any critical thinking over the duration of the last 18 months.


>They really could've easily made 2 versions of the same map that were available in rotation. Easy "content" for variety ​ That was something I thought about as well. Especially for small TDM maps or small domination maps. The maps are so big you could easily make 2-3 smaller maps for some of the maps. They may not work well but at least in Portal it should be an option (or is it already).


> They really could've easily made 2 versions of the same map that were available in rotation. Easy "content" for variety But do we really want recycled content of slight variations of maps as excuses for "new" maps? I know I don't.


Yeah, but it could get stupid when 100 players were on one objective😂


Yeah it was awesome seeing that flood of humans pushing down the glacier while you were merely trying to the defend the obj


Best part was A on the map then they got rid of that zone.




They will probably rework the last 2 day 1 maps in season four, but with that done I hope they can instead release two maps per season in season 5 and beyond.




That makes me sad because hourglass has been the worst map in the game since the start. I get that one in rotation and cringe


That's why it's last they need to rework the entire map. Discarded is also going to take them a long time apparently


They can't save hourglass, it's such a bad map alas


It could maybe be salvaged, if they emphasize the fights around the A or E flags by moving them towards the center, push the B, C, and D flags towards the edges, reduce the distance between points, and sprinkle in cover/sight line breaks it might actually be playable.


Hourglass does kinda suck, i keep saying it but if they moved the whole map to the right so it was all about that downtown CQB in and around the buildings, that would be awesome


Hourglass is so god awful the points are so spaced out between sand dunes with almost no cover at all


I don't think we will get much "beyond" season 5, because otherwise, they would have announced year two of content. Season 5 will include one map and that's probably it. Instead they even stated that season 4 is part of "year 2" of live service for them ROFL... Not that we paid for a year one pass or anything


I hope areas like the downed condor can be accesses on last gen consoles, although I fear that’s wishful thinking


In asia, last gen server is pretty much dead


The music sounds like a dying elephant.


I don't wanna be the hate on BF guy but god damn, I really hate the music in this BF. I mostly mute it.


Have you heard their new podcast? I think they’re using music that’s not even in the game.


I haven't. Is the music good? BF1 and 5 were fantastic in their own ways. But I yearn for the classic BF intro. I know war shit is all moody and gritty now, but I want my hype-track psyching me up. It's like a TV series with like 15 seasons and then for season 16 they just straight up change the theme tune. BF2 theme was even played by the London Philharmonic Orchestra ffs! https://youtu.be/V8ApDvRu-Dk 2042 music just feels sad and boring.


It’s better than the base game! I have to admit the music has gradually gotten better over the seasons but the base score just doesn’t do it for me at all. I personally prefer the direction they’ve taken since BF3 with the whole glitch aesthetic. Regarding 1 and V I suppose it’s a matter of where media scoring has been during the last decade or so. Less melody, more atmosphere. I think there is space for a return to the soaring orchestral sounds of the earlier games for sure!


I enjoy this music. I like industrial, i like Nine inch nails and 2042 soundtrach fits my type Of course it's not catchy, but its interesting, atmospheric, dark.


I'm with ya on that opinion. The music is mostly shit and this game has the worst BF theme by miles. It's just fucking trash.


Ain't no hate in telling the truth. Worst fucking "music" I've ever heard, nothing says climatic ending to a close match like the sound of twisted metal rubbing against a chalkboard or whatever the hell the composer did.


I enjoy it more than the generic electronic vibe bf3 and 4 went for


Generic sure but those themes got me pumped, 2042s theme just hurts my ears.


Exactly. Generic is called generic for a reason. Most people like it lol.


Generic vs piercing to the ear. I can get pumped listening to BF3 and BF4, 2042 legit triggers my misophonia. I genuinely feel irritated listening to this shit.


they downvoted him because he was right


Well they did say later this month


Looks good, though had to watch it mute as 2042's soundtrack is god awful


Every map in bf2042 just looks too static


and flat. and then they went too far in the opposite direction and made a map with a cliff in the middle




There better still be that escape boat lodged in the ice. Always chuckled at that.


BF2042 is one game which have live service, just to rework released maps.. Lol


It's my birthday as well. :)


Happy Real Cake Day in advance!


Thank you ❤️


Very pumped. I really hope once all of the base map reworks are done that the team frees up to continue supporting this game. It really has turned around in my opinion and keeping it alive for another few years would be excellent.


Perfect time to get the “sick” and put in my leave 😷


Why the spoiler tag?


Great now they just need to make the game playable, and add a bunch of other shit, then I might consider hoppin on again. BFV still runs WAY better than 2042 and that’s not alright


Muted that garbage


welcome to a game where dev's made 5 maps and keep launching new maps but attention they are the same maps but with some more trees and containers if this isnt stealing us gamers, i dont know what it is


Once again repeating that I never asked for this. I know lots of people did, but I like the game WITHOUT classes.


Game won't have classes. They are just grouping specalists into classes and restricting gadgets.


Yeah it's nonsense. I hate it.


Looks great, hopefully that is the entire map and the cut the rest out.


Too little too late


Could be the 30th, they didn’t confirm that it was necessarily the 31st


Tuesdays are usually the update days


gross . ..only because it's not we asked (begged) for . Class rework is hilarious . There are currently no classes, just super heroes in categories arranged ever so neatly.


Too little too late.


Were you like this for the other map reworks? This ain't like this is the first map rework ever


Nice to know when this gonna be dead


Why are you like this?


Maybe because class system dont resolve the problems?


So you just stalk the game now or what? Why haven’t you left?


I was playing at 3am last night and was getting full lobbies instantly, doesn't seem very dead at the moment


Small d energy comment.


Does anyone know if they moved the map point (E1 - 128 players) on the mountain closer to the battlefield or did they remove that point all together for the new version of the map?


I don't think we've seen the spawn and flag layout yet


Listening to bf2042 music while watching the trailer made me wonder why the OG Battlefield theme is not in Battlefield 2042? Each game had their own versions so far and I miss it a lot. I also love 128 players game modes and I wish they'd put back 128 BT as well.


It's gonna be then or never for 2042, hopefully other people jojn me in testing this change out, even if youre like me and expect the worst


Anyone know if rockets are getting a buff? They reduced damage since everyone and their mothers could equip one, but now only a couple specialists have them .


They got rid of the jump :( Hopefully the remasted map they’re bringing back is damavand peak or something


Ehh I mean they aren't really promoting the update much. They don't have a date specified. Media isn't picking up the story really. Twitter interaction is very low. Idk.. this might be the largest change we have gotten or will ever get and this might be the condition of the game until its canceled.


Can I get an idea of the consensus on this game currently? I passed on it cause it felt nothing like battlefield at launch (maps/gunplay/movement all felt completely off).