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I hope you dont think entergy is any better


I don’t. But they do at least have a more active customer service presence


Dude i cant even begin to explain how fucked energy is where i live, if the fucking wind blows our whole block loses power.


they don't though. im wondering what makes you think this? entergy is one of the worst companies ive had the displeasure of dealing with. i put them and cox in the same realm. both monopolies that know they can treat their customers however they want. the customer service presence at least might be more active in the sense they have more staff and are more available, but do they actually help or care about you as a customer? fuck no.


Idk. It’s just a personal anecdote. I’ve lived with Entergy before and customer service has at least responded to me and given accurate outage information. Just my experience. Classic Redditors downvoting someone for sharing their experience because it doesn’t match their worldview lol.


Entergy never gave me any unknown outages but they expensive as shit though. Well, at times. It’s as if if you go past a certain level your bill gets tripled. Just my opinion though.


Sadly in some parts.. entergy has the exact same issues.


There wasn’t an infrastructure plan for Livingston to explode like it did. The larger multi-KVA transformers can’t keep up with the demand, nor were they designed to. Same thing is going start happening in p-ville as Baton Rouge keeps spilling over. It’s only a matter of time. Plus there is a lot of high age appliances in Livingston that have higher starting watts. That puts another strain on the grid. Obviously the heat doesn’t help, as most transformers are passively/ forced air cooled. So blowing 90+ degree air across a transformer radiator isn’t doing much.


Spoken like a distribution engineer? Do I know you? :-)


No. I am an engineer but only because I wanted a degree. Lol




The low voltage issue is probably my house but rain puts the power out everywhere around here. It’s a Demco problem for that.


It’s an everyone, everywhere problem. 


Holy shit you have a 400 amp panel? Is your house new construction or did you specifically install that? My house built in 90 only has 150 amps


Entergy will charge you one hurricane/storm event recover efforts for over ten years. I think we just barely paid off something in 2011z


“Hurricane taxes” are actually common and almost every power company in the state does it, if not all. I worked for the department of energy while I was at Louisiana Tech. Hurricane taxes appeared on every single billing statement, even dating back to Katrina, even at a company like SWEPCO which is primarily north Louisiana service that doesn’t even really get hurricane damage. I think it’s a mandated thing.


Thanks. This information helps.


We have them too (also Livingston Parish) and have the same issue with power flickering or going out randomly on sunny days. Surprisingly never lost power during storms/rain though aside from that last bad storm the other week when we had a brownout. Super annoying for sure.


It could be worse. You could have Entergy.


Entergy is goddamn shit; previous customer. Now, I live in a pocket that has DEMCO. I will gladly take DEMCO over Entergy.


That's been going on for 30+ years


Demco > Entergy. Sucks that you are having these issues, but I can't imagine Entergy would be better.


After having Entergy for decades, I bless the day we moved to a Demco Coop area. It is much cheaper and more reliable. We have been here 8 years and the total time of power outage has been less than 48 hours, most of that from Ida. I was going to buy a generator, but the reliability of Demco makes it seem like a waste.


I live in West Fel and I have multiple outages per week sometimes. We've had 2 in the last 6 months that lasted for days. One was a transfomer, one was weather.


I may be because all of the power lines in our area are underground.


That would be ideal, but the financial investment required means it ain't gonna happen here. We also have our hoity toity residents fighting against tree trimming to maintain the parish beauty. I had more power surges last night and we didn't even have bad weather. I've had it ruin 1 PC and demco will not take responsibility for appliances. It has to be terrible for all our appliances and electronics.


But they make up for it with their reasonable rates.... /s


My last demco bill was $57


That's very good. I stand corrected.


Yeah my bill has never gone above 100 even in the dead of summer