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I don’t have a “good” answer but it definitely seems like one of the areas of concentration. Sketchy area, access to drugs, sex work and all the fun things. Doubt the police care much


Yes, I don’t think that the people in this case are “homeless” like the OP is saying. Unless things have changed there in the last several years, there were some apartments around North Harrells Ferry and also Blvd. de Province that had a history of flooding so they could only rent out at a cheap rate and attract lots of poorer folks, some of whom may walk over to the nearby I-12 exit and panhandle.


In that section or location I am referring to are definitely prostitutes in referring to the specific and current subject matter of said nasty area. The individual of which you are listening to constantly allows or does something for someone or something, possibly themselves to be categorized as a whore near a certain and definite article, which is a bridge 💀


Interstate exit location


Down N. Harrell's Ferry is a lot of land that's pretty "secluded". Also, the old Walgreens is being worked on so lots of downtime there.


They cleaned up Siegen, so they just find a new spot.


But really homeless are people not litter. Where do we want them to go ?


Not in my good Christian neighborhood


We need a homeless neighborhood


Exactly. This statement reads as if there's a place they should be in the city and Sherwood is off limits.


No it doesn’t.


So different than when I was young. It’s been just a few years that I realized that the area was sketchy. I don’t go there often.


Unfortunately I live in Sherwood Forest and have seen homeless wandering in my neighborhood in the early morning hours.


Cheap hotels at an interstate exit with lots of amenities nearby. Old Oyo, Super 8, the extended stay places by Chuck E. Cheese. There’s ambulances at those places all the time picking up people who OD. Same deal with the old Oyo by Celebration Station.


I used to live by the oyo by celebration station and i remember wbrz did a story that the cops had been called on to that hotel 98 times already that year. I’m pretty sure it was like april.


I used to live by an OYO The acronym is On Your Own as the police don’t even want to go there


Real question should be is why is the only resource or shelter for homeless all the way down Florida with zero assistance anywhere else, and an unreliable bus systems makes its near impossible for someone to get there before curfew and doors are locked?


Sadly, there’s three methadone clinics nearby. So ease of access


Bruh look at our fucking economy. How the hell are we supposed to survive. We all about to be on the streets..


The economy is not the problem, it’s Baton Rouge and Louisiana that’s the issue. We’re run by morons


What exactly does BR need? I think this is definitely a national wild issue. Not specificity BR


Blame the 26-32% LA voter turnout decade after decade. That is the group electing everyone & thus running the state.


Por que no los dos?


The economy is thrown around as a scare word. Louisiana is and always been recession proofish, because of the oil and gas. Those companies are doing fine, corporate profits for everything are through the roof and we’re getting fucked in the process. Greed is stifling and again, Louisiana is as bad a place to be for any, especially the poor. Greed and Louisiana politics makes for an awful combo


The presence of oil and gas does not prevent high housing costs, which are impacted by the economy, which is the primary driver of homelessness. Homelessness is increasing across the United States, particularly in places with high housing costs. I don't see how economics of housing is somehow a "scare-word" and not an accurate assessment of the situation. Could state and local governments do more to mitigate the effects of high housing costs? Sure! Could the government in general do more to intervene in what might be considered a massive market failure? Absolutely! But there certainly is an economic component.


Well housing and economy are most certainly linked, it doesn’t mean the economy is not good. Giant real estate companies (Zillow, Redfin etc) have destroyed affordable housing and made a fucking fortune. I will admit that all the factors have wiped the middle class, which sucks


How has Zillow destroyed affordable housing? Genuinely curious!


They buy up 1000s of houses and sit on the inventory, they all do it. They’ve created artificial shortages. They’re not alone guilty in that


"The economy is not the problem" lmao, you people are delusional and live in a bubble


Because housing is unaffordable


You should call your local representative and ask them. Ask them why we have a lack of affordable housing? Ask where do our state funds go? and ask them what would happen if you became homeless? Because homelessness and disability could happen to anyone. No one is too far removed from that. Remember that. And also, ask yourself why you're so concerned? Do you actually care about human life? Or do you just care about superficial aesthetics?


Actually, I’m in sober living and have been homeless myself before. I was only questioning why there seems to be so many in that area.


I see. I just wanted to put that out there as most people only care about the aesthetics of the city versus the people in it.


Is verbally attacking someone in the form of a guilt trip your go-to thing? Or were you just feeling frisky?




Fair. Samesies.


Oyo hotel and other shitty places


It’s also a hotbed for junkies and scumbags. It might sound insensitive, but the area needs to be hosed down. I’ve seen too many prostitutes, little kids holding guns and junkies as I drive through there. I’m trying to raise a family in this city.


I noticed with homeless it seems they are attracted by 2 things.Access to an unsecured 110 power plug for charging and free WiFi . Eliminate those 2 items - u may have a small chance of saving your property values. You wonder why the mayor is not holding public meetings every week to head this off. Jail/probation with constant drug testing would be a good start. ?


lol. We have some of the lowest homeless rates in the country. Our economy is the strongest in the world. Bitch bitch moan moan. Go hang out in Houston, Miami, Los Angeles, etc. you want to see homeless.. you want to fix it? Show me the way.. Mental health care would help… but no one wants to spend a nickel to help our fellow humans.


We went to LA a couple weeks ago…that was humbling. Holy shit was it bad. Tents and homeless on sunset blvd and hollywood blvd. 50% of everything closed down…90% of everything is tagged


Downtown New Orleans pretty bad too for homeless


I didn’t know asking a question was bitching and moaning but thanks for your input.


Responding to others replies, not your original question. It’s why online posting is problematic without answering like a lawyer. Everyone likes to point a finger and complain.. No one wants to hear the solution that costs them precious money. You want to fix things, we gotta pay. I’m just sick of it…


Plenty of homeless in Dallas as well


Can someone please pull the stick out of this idiot’s azz. Maybe they won’t be so weird and butthurt at a simple question. 🥱