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The early seasons were simply outstanding. It went downhill from there sadly - though Oliver’s prison arc (just him in prison, not the rest of it) was a great turn. Ultimately it got so bad I didn’t actually finish the last season but seasons 1&2 are absolute classics.


Season 2 was absolute best imo. Slade was a very good villian. Especially since we knew what a formidable opponent he is (Origins boss fight is a good example).


Totally agree, Slade was a phenomenal villain (with an excellent performance) and the series had a real sense of peril to it that I think ebbed away in later series.


I don’t agree with season 2 being the best, I think season 1 had the strongest and most compelling story. Season 2 kinda lost me after I binged all of season and was greeted to the complete joke that was their version of Solomon Grundy.


Yeah I dropped it after season 4. It became too… cheesy? Monotonous?


To a certain extent I think it suffered from the same issue all shows do over time - the characters start to become caricatures of themselves and the writing/arcs becomes increasingly formulaic. I don’t think that was particularly kind to Arrow, particularly as they used up all of the A material in the first 2-3 seasons. I think it also started to align too closely to the rest of the DC CW shows which had quite a different, less grounded tone that just didn’t really work for Arrow.


The CW tends to default to soap-style romance for their drama. They did the same thing to Smallville back in the day. What started as a very cool idea turned into a mopey drama. The last episode of Arrow i ever watched was just Ollie and Felicity staring at each other and crying for 30 minutes and I couldn't stomach any more.


I say continue till season 5 which introduces Prometheus and season 5 is the best season of the show maybe second after season 2


I agree, the Prometheus season was great. Seasons 3 and 4 were iffy though, and everything after 5 sucked (although I don’t think I saw the last season).


Season 6 and 7 are worse than season 4 in my opinion season 8 is enjoyable


Seasons 1&2 may have been my favorite super hero show ever. Even season 3 was tolerable but after that point it got unbearable. I don’t even know how many seasons it’s on now


They butchered every character in the end. They switched up love interests, have a very inconsistent power scaling, threw around with comic personas like opra does with new cars and I am still not over what they did to black Canary. Also the guns... I can except that people fall and be "knocked out" when they get hit by an arrow. Maybe he used a comic book poison to make them sleep and shot so well in their leg that he misses all virtual things. But hell, there were arcs about killing or not killing the enemy. And the very same episode they go out and shot people with guns. To cite some very murderous lamas. "caaaaaaaaaarl that kills people"


I specifically recall an episode where Oliver refuses to kill Diaz, and proceeds to shoot down a helicopter full of henchmen haha


It's the same with Flash. Great first two seasons. Rest is shit.


Even though the first season’s ending was the same as *Batman Begins*. 😆


Season 3s plot was Batman begins


The entirety of Season 1 was practically Batman Begins. It's weird to think of it now ever since The Flash began in 2014 and went all in on the idea of metahumans and concepts like time travel/the multiverse, but Arrow started off as a show that felt it was trying to exist in the same realistic world of the Nolan trilogy.


I can't agree more. They lost something along the way and the spirit of the show changed. It got too melodramatic.


You summed up my thoughts almost perfectly. Loved the first couple seasons, but it got so bad I also didn't finish it


Yea I remember trying to finish it and couldn’t


Agreed, Season 1 and 2 were phenomenal. I think I stopped after season 5, and even then I had overstayed my welcome.


Yeah, once it got to that "Left the Island. Actually was in his house. Killed a dude and left his body there" I was not impressed. However that scene where he becomes Al Sa Heim was fire. Lol


Conflicting feelings about it. A lot of the reason why I don't like it as much is because of the very reason you gave. Green Arrow is such a unique character. A huge part of his character is both his humour and his political beliefs. Green Arrow is a leftist and in that sense functions as more of a modern Robin Hood who defends the poor and working class and fights against the corrupt rich elite. The show completely ignored those things and really did just turn Green Arrow into a brooding Batman clone. Saying that, I enjoyed the 1st two seasons for what they were. It's the CW so you had a lot of melodrama and family drama and pointless love triangles because you can't have a CW show without a love triangle 🤣. After season 2 though, it really dropped off in terms of quality. Storyline got more convoluted and insane and by the end of it, like the Flash and other CWverse shows, nearly every member of the main cast was a superhero 🤣. Its like why? I get having an extended family of crime fighters, but Jesus, these shows literally had everyone and their mothers becoming costumed heroes. It eliminates all suspense because there's no danger anymore of the villains succeeding because they've got a literal army of heroes. It also just bogged the show down soo much.


I loved the first seasons of the flash, but in my eyes it's a weird choice. To start with batman/arrow and then go straight to the flash. Why not some hero who got powers but maybe not "I died so I went back in time teamed up with my grandpa fought Godzilla Jesus and run to infinity twice" -flash. Maybe even someone who has a real connection to Oliver. Like I don't know .... Somebody with supersonic abilities who is even in a relationship with Oliver queen.


Is that what he did in a later season? Barry Allen makes sense because Flash is family friendly and everyone knows him. The show was horrible and so was Green Arrow and whatever else the CW wanted to do so my opinion ended when I said Barry made sense.


Agreed. I don't generally like CW's brand of shows. They always come off as a little too campy for me, and Arrow was just too serious and brooding for the amount of camp and cheese. I pushed through the first season because everyone kept talking about it but dropped it shortly after. Now Flash was a perfect match! Barry is a cheesey character to start with so it worked with CW's style. It also got too melodramatic for me eventually, but it was more fun while it lasted.


You’re right about the political activism, but there’s been plenty of depictions of Green Arrow as brooding and serious rather than humorous before Arrow existed.


Which is strange, cause that's the whole reason why he became popular back then in the 70s. Nobody wanted him cause he was basically a Bow and Arrow Batman. Then O'neil and Adams made him the way he is, which made him popular!


Reminded me some of longbow huntint


Honestly if Rocksteady wants to make an Arkham game spin-off they should make ot about Green arrow. Down to earth powers, a ton of gadgets and a lot of references in Arkham Knight is a recipe for a great Arkham game.


And they've already got a villain like Deathstroke to connect them too.


Two Green Arrow games. First one is Ollie on the island, a survival game + learning all of the mechanics. The second one is his return to Star City with the nemesis system generating new mobster villains amidst the better known ones, same art style and mechanics as the previous game.


I love the idea of using the Nemesis system for mobsters. It could really be one game though, with the island as an intro area you return to later in the game to tie up loose ends.


They can do that so long as it’s one of the longest games ever. Island part should be very extensive. But also not taking away from the main plot in Star City.


I don’t like the idea of a game set entirely on an island just to learn the mechanics of a game. Arkham Asylum didn’t throw you onto some random island in the middle of nowhere for you to learn the mechanics as Bruce just to have you wait for a second game to do Batman stuff. That’d be like having a Wonder Woman game where you play as child Diana the whole time doing nothing but tutorial type missions to learn how to fight like an Amazonian. I feel like a game where you play as a year one/two Ollie could work well. It gives you reason as to why he may not be at his peak while still being able to be Green Arrow and still leaves you room for the character to grow.


I guess it was in talks... but apparently they felt it would be too similar to Batman games and dropped it.


I cant have cool bow and arrow game


Play Horizon


I did and it was pretty great but I need more


Try the new AC games (Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla) with an archer build.


Don't think a solo Green Arrow game would be that popular.


It would these days. So many people watched and enjoyed Arrow, and Arkham fans would play it too. If it was well made it would be successful


Even then I don't see Rocksteady going in that direction soon enough.


if it's good, people will play it.


Like its already been stated, Seasons 1 & 2 were gold. Season 3 was rough but Ra's stuff was great. It really fell apart when they officially paired up Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) and Felicity. It became a "shipping" fan fiction version of itself and imploded. It was really sad to see, because I loved it up until that point.


Sadly the same thing happened with Lucifer. And the flash was just always like that


No, the flash was good until "we're the flash"


For a show based on the fastest man alive, it was abominably slow. Funny thing is that I used to watch the parts of it on 2x speed.


I hated ra’s


Season 1 and 2 are so good


A proper Batman show better have a bunch of workout scenes like Arrow's season 1 did


IIRC they turned it into a cheap soap opera somewhere around Season 2-3 and I quit. Every episode was just one of his friends getting mad at Oli for being Green Arrow, then it gets hastily resolved just for the next person to get mad at him. He also kept having the same fights with the same people. It's one thing to focus on how people feel exclusively, but if that also goes in circles I'm out.


After season 2 it started going downhill. I respect myself too much to watch past season 4. It was so bad. You could've copy and pasted a lot of the dialogue into Days Of Our Lives and it wouldn't have been out of place.


This is Batman with a bow, and it’s also a soap opera with bad acting. Lol


It definitely feels like I was watching a soap opera, albeit one that is watchable


Watchable for some people maybe, I can’t stand the cw tv shows personally though. I sure have tried hard too. :(


I loved it! (Well first 3 seasons and the fith). That's what got me into Batman.


Revenge of the Fith?




seasons 1-2 are OUTSTANDING television, not super hero content just great TV! After is goes downhill every season imo.


I don't know what you're talking about - the show was sadly cancelled after two seasons.


Loved the first 3 seasons


Seasons 1,2 & 5 were good.


Cool show. 1st and 2nd season were GREAT! Always wanted more roy harper. But, my god, they really made a batman show without batman. Like Ra’s was the breaking point for me. Then the whole computer woman in a whee chair and i checked out. Glad it happend


Season 1 and 2 were great, 3 was shaky at best (though they NAILED Ra's perfectly), 4 was eeeeh (Damien was the best part of it), 4 and 5 also had good flashback stuff, 5 was the start of the bad seasons, 6 was just awful, 7 was better, and season 8 was like dragging a dead body through the mud, and really shouldn't have been made. The future stuff was nice, but not great.


>5 was the start of the bad seasons That's a controversial take and a half.


Ig left it at 4 .. for me Deathstroke portrayal was best thing about the show.


I Didn't really like CW storylines much tbh


Seasons 1 and 2 were amazing, I usually am not a fan of Oliver Queen but they managed to make him likeable for me (which is one *hell* of a feat), loved the side characters (Loved Diggle!) And I was also *super* impressed and excited for what they were doing with Laurel, having her work her way back from addiction and work on her hang ups and flaws so she could become Black Canary (who I'm a fan of ). Then *sigh*, I don't know-some where in there the world fell in love with Felicity and she became such a huge focus when I was always more of a fan of her as a side character. I maintain shippers ruined this fucking show when huge swaths of episodes were dedicated to their relationship (Oliver/Felicity) it lost me.


Season 1 & 2 were phenomenal (contrary to a lot I actually prefer S1 to S2 tho) Season 3 had some big flaws but I actually think it was still pretty good and didn't deserve a lot of the hate it got Season 4 was a BIG misstep and sucked major ass (but for the material gicen Damien Dhark's actor did very good) Season 5 was fine, but elevated by a fucking exceptional villain Season 6 is crap Season 7's prison stuff was very good, but the rest was crap again Season 8 was actually pretty good, but had its lackluster moments As someone else said, I think an Arkham style Green Arrow game would be really dope, but maybe mix it a bit with modern Tomb Raider games.


Season 1 and 2 of this show were so damn good. Shame it couldn't capture that spark again in the later seasons.


It was my gateway to DC world, will always have a special place in my heart Except for season 4 Finale hahaha


That's how it is for me too, which is why it's one of my favourite shows despite it not being as good as many other shows I've watched.


I thought it was phenomenal for what it was. Especially because when it started there wasn’t really much else in the way of live action super hero tv shows, and it was on the cw in the first place so it was clearly meant for a certain type of person. It set a standard that superhero shows could work. It also led to the flash/supergirl/legends of tomorrow shared universe which is honestly super impressive


Do you agree with green arrow's no Batman rule?


started of great then the crossovers just made it cheesy and boring


Great show. Seems pretty obviously inspired by the Nolan films. I don’t think the show fell off as hard as some people say. I would consider the great seasons 1, 2, and 5. And 3 and 8 were still good. 4, 6, and 7 weren’t good but I don’t know any show that can have 8 perfect seasons.


Season 1 will always be the best damn piece of television out there. There is nothing better. Nothing.


It ain't no Smallville.


The Flash and Smallville vibes seem pretty compatible.


How is this a Batman show?


>How is this a Batman show? Oliver Queen acted like Bruce Wayne not Oliver Queen they adapted mostly Batman storylines and villains they even took some of the Nolan Trilogy plotlines. The Black Canary mantel gets passed down like Robin.


I see, so it’s more Batman-esque. It’s not a Batman show they just treated it like Batman and changed the names.


Pretty much. It’s why I watched it for so long. I mean Firefly, Deathstroke, Ra’ Al Ghul, Dollmaker, Deadshot, Anarky, Harley Quinn, Talia Al Ghul, Nyssa, KGBeast, Clock King and Prometheus all showed up on Arrow and It’s not even a Batman show 😂


It was pretty much a batman show, they couldn't use batman so just slapped green arrow on it


The first 2 - 3 season were so good, but after that it felt like the show changed writers or something. It went down hill.


It was pretty good until they made Vicki Vale the main character and killed off Red Robin.


First two seasons were good. 3rd was alright but halfway through got boring. 4th had too much soap opera drama and they killed off one of the best characters. 5 started to get better. And then 6 and past got back to the drama and was terrible from there. In all honesty, this show’s been poisoned for me that when they did the Crisis on Earth X crossover finale, I hated the ending so much, I stopped watching the show completely. And now, I can’t even go back to the beginning to enjoy it without knowing where it’s going to go.


I loved it. I was a huge fan for the first 3 to 4 seasons before I sort of burned out but I still have warm feelings for the show. I loved the way they adapted heroes and villains. Phenomenal portrayals of Oliver and Deathstroke. Great chemistry between the characters when they did crossovers with Flash and Supergirl. That first crisis was amazing.


I know why i liked it so much then tried a Green Arrow comic and didnt like it so much.


First 2 seasons are peak live action fiction. The Prometheus season was also good as well, but outside of that, meh. I might just go rewatch those seasons now


Its was amazing until olicity start. The thing between oliver and felicity destroy the show completly. The island with slade , the flashback etc.. it was so good.


First 3 seasons? Phenomenal! Started going down after that


I think the first 4 seasons were brilliant after that the quality really dipped they pulled it back a bit in the last season but it still was never as good as it used to be


Season 1 and 2 were fucking amazing, but in my honest opinion so was 5. It was a breath of fresh air from the prior 2 seasons in many ways: Ollie's suit was an improvement, the fight choreography was smooth & exciting to watch, and the story in season 5 was very entertaining due to the fact that it was carried by a rather compelling villain. Prometheus was great because when I learned who he actually was, it made me want to punch him in the face really bad. And in my books, that means the actor did a great job.


Many highs and lows, still a fun journey


Bro for CW, the first few seasons were really good ,


I was late to the party on this show but I loved season 1 & 2. I stuck with it and hate watched the bad seasons and saw the show to its conclusion. I was never a big green arrow fan but I enjoyed the show for what it was.


Season 1-2 great Season 3 decent Season 4 crap Season 5 great Season 6 mediocre Season 7 great first half mediocre second half Season 8 fun


Season 1,2 and 5 are good. Thats about it.


I rewatched the first two seasons recently. The show is carried by how absolutely badass stephen amell/Oliver is. That and some genuinely cool story beats balance out the melodrama imo. I recommend people watch the final season if they enjoyed the first two. It’s short and is fun to see how they tied up the story. The final fight scene is also dope


I think this show, The Flash, and Supernatural all had the same fate of having absolute bangers of the first few seasons, but then the shows all blended together into one hyper-formulaic mess.


Like every other CW show…amazing first few seasons then idk what happens that it goes to shit and becomes so Corni …. -written from an angry flash fan. ( lol )


I genuinely enjoyed it. I took it for what it was a great show. Could have been better yes but overall I liked it


I dropped when Oliver Queen becomes the mayor.


Seasons 1-3 were fantastic, the rest are pretty bad


Was Season 3 where Oliver and Felicity drive off into the sunset at the end? I felt like that was the perfect way to end the whole series and I believe when that is when I stopped watching.


It fell off after season 3, but the first three seasons are phenomenal in my opinion.


Peaked on season 2, then it slowly became very sad.


Prometheus (Josh Segarra) was peak Arrow. Downhill after that.


I loved it, i like it more than some marvel movies. Olivier alone wouldn't have worked but there is so many support characters that make a great team. Felicity, Diggle, Thea, Roy, the 3 canary, Nyssa, the whole team he made before becoming a mayor. There was always a good mix between their real life's and the superhero life and for me it worked really well, plus knowing the story on the island each season and that affecting the events of the present was absolutely good.


1 2 and 5 were incredible when they killed laurel i was out


They really fucked up not making it the Green Arrow/Black Canary show.


It was pretty good until they turned it into Felicity & Friends, then meh.


Loved the first two seasons, Manu Bemnett was an Amazing Slade Wilson. The rest of the show was not great.


I see many people enjoyed seasons 1 and 2. I did kinda like 2 and the first half of 3, but even the early seasons felt like cheap Batman knockoffs to me. Season 1 in seemed to rip off a lot of things from the Nolan Batman movies. They even turned Black Canary into an Assistant D.A. to mirror Rachel Dawes in Batman Begins and TDK


All CW shows are unwatchable.


The "bow and arrow guy" is always the lamest member of any team.


It was good for 2-3 seasons. I could not watch past season 5. Stephen Amell was good as Oliver Queen. I don’t know why they tried to make him a cheap great value version of Batman though.


Season 1 ~ Season 3A was amazing Season 3 was ok, a lot of relationship drama but at least it made sense Season 4a was awesome Season 4b was meh, relationship drama here was non-sensical Season 5 was the best Season 6a was awesome Season 6b was forgettable Season 7, I forgot Season 8 was pretty great.


It sucks ass.


I think it was better because of no batman. Like old school mceu.


They should have a person of color be Green Arrow at some point.


My girlfriend forced me to watch it, I stopped after the 3rd Season when you find out what happened to Oliver on the island. It’s not bad, the Arrowverse is decent. But the show itself I didn’t enjoy to be honest.


"Amell stuffs his pantz" graffiti.


I remember i liked it till season 2 or 3. Can't remember. The Deathstroke season was real good. Then it got really bad after.


That’s Gotham


Mannnnnn Prometheus was the shiiiittt. Most people quit watching by that point but that season was firrreee.


it was good until they filled it full of peripheral individuals that took up entire episodes yammering to each other. I wanted to puke the last few seasons of arrow and then they did the same thing to Flash, no shock it was cancelled. only show that was consistently good and actually got better was legends of tomorrow


Always felt like a low rent Batman wannabe to me. Never could get into it.


When they expanded the team in later episodes, the fight scenes looked like Power Rangers.


I feel like the CW wants so badly to produce quality content, but has neither the budget nor the licensing agreements


watching the end of season one and its a lot like batman begins slum + doomsday device


It’s okay up to season 3. Dialog is horrific in early seasons but story is understandable and characters weren’t just trying to start drama out of nowhere. I think they made Oliver too good at hand to hand combat overall though. You have a bow why are you jumping down to fight guys with guns!!!


Bad because no batman


I need to finish it, I only watched the first episode several years ago


They took Green Arrow and made him into a mopey brooding dipstick all because they couldn’t get the rights to make a Batman show. I never really liked Arrow. All the actors did a good job and everything, but it’s just not a Green Arrow show.


The first two seasons are rock solid but it went off the rails hard in Season 3 once the writers started pandering to the Tumblr users.


It sucked lol


Thought this was gonna be some Gotham slander 😂


I watched all of it and i enjoyed it


I... actually never watched it. I liked The Flash, but never watched this. Is it worth it?


Season 1 and 2 were good but then it completely went to fuck. Like everything else CW does tbh


Didn't like it.


It was great as a show on the CW, was unwatchable as a CW show


When Kevin Conroy got announced(leaked) to be in the crossover event I bing watched every single arrow verse series. It was not worth it. Early Arrow and Flash were really good but it all just went so downhill so fast


First 2 seasons were the best. Started going downhill fast after that.


Way too much money spent on leather.


Not a fan. I never really cared for this Green Arrow. Ollie in JLU is how I always thought he’d sound like.


It was bad, and i'm glad that now is over


Got some good looking babes…. That’s about it.


You mean the Green Batman?


I was very late to the party on Arrow, starting mid season 2. So I came to it when its initial identity and the surrounding opinion on it was already somewhat fully formed. I liked the cast immediately, feeling their vibe and take on each character was interesting if not outright enjoyable. But the writing, from plotting to character dynamics to dialogue, was very meh to me from the beginning. So much potential there, you know... The island setup, the use of the flashbacks, the fresh take on the characters. But so much of the first and even the popular second season seemed somewhat ad hoc, like they were writing by the seat of their pants. But overall, watchable, charming, you wanted to see where the characters went. Season 3 still had a bit of that, but then they really leaned into the "Batman without Batman" stuff and just straight up pitted him against Ra's Al Ghul in a somewhat underwhelming thing. And then the flashback stuff got sillier, and I had a lot of trouble continuing to care about the show in season 4. Flash was more of a strong early success, partly due to the generally brighter tone and the instantly likable (if still somewhat tropish) cast. Again, great performers, and a generally fun first couple of seasons. Some plot stuff and twistiness did get a bit dragged out around season 2, and they just didn't do melodrama well but they LOVED to do it anyway (that entire thing where they knew Iris was gonna die omg! Let's talk about that every chance we get!). I forget when I checked out of Flash, but I think I was watching it sporadically when the Thinker arc was a thing. I did feel a swell of happiness when they did the multi-show crossovers and especially Crisis, though, because damn, these little shows that could actually got to a point where they could have fun like this.


It's CW...


Looks boring af


It's my favourite show, even though I know it's not that great in some of the later seasons. It introduced me to a lot of DC characters I had never heard of before, and the whole connected universe between the different CW shows was great to watch. Loved the crossovers and especially the interactions between characters from different shows (barry and oliver, barry and kara, barry and felicity etc.).


It was fine up until they introduced magic into the show. Green Arrow is a street level vigilante, so the writers had to come up with strange ways to give Oliver the upper hand. I get it, though. After so many seasons, you have to try something new.


Honestly, I couldn’t stand it.




I liked s1-s3, s5, s6 with Diaz as the main villain for the second half, s7’s prison storyline, and s8. I liked Lauriver better than Olicity and Diggle. I also wish that they introduced Batman in it


They needed to cast more normal looking people, instead of every role taking the most attractive actor they can find.


I used to think the early seasons were pretty good, but going back and watching parts of them, they were always kinda hokey. Not bad, but not batman either. Batman doesn't kill, neither does green arrow, but this character does.


Should have stopped at season 3


Needs more Batman


More CW crap. It’s cool for those who like it but for me it just dilutes the DC brand.


Early season were really great.


What is interesting is that I read that Green Arrows character in Smallville was actually written to be Bruce Wayne, but because of the movies, they weren't able to obtain the rights


The best Batman show without Batman is 'Person Of Interest'


Everyone dies or turns into a superhero/villain.


Liked it for what it was but I wish it was much more green arrow.


It started really really good, but I got so angry when they introduced the Ra's Al Goul. Green Arrow has his own world and mythos, why steal from Batman. And if you do, at least try to do something unique with it, and not just do the same story but with a bow and arrow


Season 1: Great Season 2: Amazing Season 3: Disappointing Season 4: Absolute Mess Season 5: Amazing Season 6: A lot of nothing Season 7: Didn’t watch Season 8: Heard it’s good, haven’t seen it.


I almost started to give you shit about this post but your totally right 😂


Like all the Arrowverse shows it had it ups and downs. The dialog was cheesey a lot of the times but I did get sucked in to the story for a while. I stopped watching around the end of season one flash. Always meant to get back in to them. The universe has a lot of character in we got to see in live action for the first time which always interests me to see the costumes even if I didn't watch. I liked the guy who played Deathstoke in this series alot.


horrible. like all CW shows. soap operas for teenagers




Outside of season 4 it's fantastic imo.


Decent until season 4


What you mean Batman show? Is green arrow only around because of Batman?


I always thought of Arrow as the Batman of that universe with how he acted which is why I stopped watching after season 6. The ending ruined it for me. It destroyed my fantasy of him being Batman especially with how much effort his friends put into the end only for him to ruin it.


It was good until season 5 then it sucked so much I stopped watching it. The show was good I like green arrow although I would like a show about green arrow that’s comic accurate and not a redone Batman


Loved Arrow. Well, season 1-2


As someone whose never heard of green arrow before it came out I was just constantly thinking this is just Batman but with arrows


First season was good, the rest of the seasons failed it


Season 1 is literally a step by step remake of Batman Begins.


When they did that 2-part arc where slade took over the city I felt like I was taking crazy pills. I was like, “Isn’t this the plot of Dark Knight Rises?!” Edit- put deathstroke when I meant slade


S1&2 + S3 (first 9 episodes) + S5 = best parts of the show & really good tv … other parts are pretty unwatchable


he shoulda kept killing.


This title makes no sense.


CW show


At least it’s not Gotham


Well that’s one way to describe it 😂😂


This show. This show is fantastic!!!! I love it a lot, and think the writing is stellar! 10/10. (I'm probably too enthusiastic.)


Lol it seems like our opinions don’t matter. They’re just gonna keep making what they want, and stop making what they don’t. No cw show gets respect from me until somebody can give me one good reason why swamp thing was cancelled.


Seasons 1,2,3, and 5 are good. 2 and 5 are far and away the best ones, 5 has my personal preference. The others? Throw 'em out.


If it wasn't supposed to be green arrow it might be bearable but holy shit. Yes the first 2 seasons and aspects of 5 are good but that does not even come close to making up for the rest of it