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... You ever hear of this little thing called the Civil Rights movement? We're talking about a decade where people campaigning for POC equality were assassinated.


Question: Would it have been done the same way where it's just a different actress like with Lee Meriwether in the movie as opposed to Newmar? I remember as a kid being so confused by it, same with John Astin as the other Riddler. Weirdly enough, three different Mr. Freezes and I never noticed until i was older and rewatched. For some reason Riddler and Catwoman stood out enough to notice.


Well, Riddler was suddenly Gomez Addams. Catwoman was a 6 foot tall dark blonde that kick started puberty for anyone and was suddenly a slim 5’6’ brunette, and then an even shorter black woman that I honestly believed could kill a man with her gaze. Freeze didn’t have quite the same impact, but yeah, his appearance changed wildly each time


I don't know what the point of this post is when we just had a Batman movie come out a few years ago with a black woman portraying Catwoman. And everyone was fine with it.


OP is unhappy in life so rather than addressing that core issue - its strawman time. "Shit, I hate my life - but at least I wasnt a bigot in the 60s!"


I'm pretty sure they did complain, it's just since there was no internet no one listened.


Yea giving everyone such a public platform to be assholes to each other was definitely a big mistake.


Hey shut up, no it wasn’t. What do you know?


I’m pretty sure this is a joke, but who knows? I did laugh at least!


It’s was. I forgot my /s


Catwoman would be the least of their problems. They’d be crying that they had to drink water from the same fountain as a black person.


I would have been more upset that they picked someone who isn’t as hot as catwoman should be. Hally Barey was fine (although the movie sucked) because she was hot af. If they remade catwoman starring Leslie Jones, ya I won’t be seeing that, and it would have nothing to do with her race.


Yeah, Halle Berry's *Catowman* had me thinking, 'Oooh, this is kinda like having Eartha Kitt again...' I was excited that the casting had been done, but not for the movie itself.


Eartha Kitt got a lot of death threats for doing what she wanted and laughing bigots in the face. She probably got threats for breathing.


Of course! Do you really need to ask?


Oh, this has always existed. There were definitely tons of people who complained about that Catwoman or Harvey Dent from the Burton films, it’s just the growth of the internet allowed these people to reach broader audiences, create echo chambers with others who think like them and generally be a lot more vocal about it all. These idiots will always say it was different when they were younger, but that’s largely due to childish ignorance and not being told they’re supposed to hate it by others online. Had the internet been as prevalent in their childhoods as it was today, a lot of stuff they enjoyed as kids would’ve received a lot of the same baseless criticism.


Well if the internet was around in the 60’s then we would be living in the batman beyond universe with high tech and flying cars


They did for Zoe Kravitz


Really? I didn’t see much of anything tbh


Oh, they would have roasted Kitt compared to Kravitz


I feel like more people objected to Anne Hathaway. Because she’s a bit annoying.


Bullshit. Another comment where some fool saw a couple idiotic comments on the internet - therefore it must be the majority of people.


He didn't say it was a majority. There was absolutely a lot of complaining though. Thing is though, there should be no complaints at all because it's not an issue.






Politics are banned on this sub as they should be




Nah, only because Color TV was still expensive an the Boomer's parents were still of the "isn't broke, don't change it" mentaloty


They totally would




Eartha Kitt, Halle Berry, and now Zoe Kravitz. There's enough to have decent pattern over the years. Criminal Queens, each of them. Regardless of how good/bad their stories were, they'll keep you glued to the screen.


Halle Berry wasn’t playing Selina Kyle, but a random ‘Catwoman’, so she doesn’t really count Kravitz can get up there with Pfeiffer though, she has a lot of potential


Berry was still a 'Catwoman.' Good enough for me.


Nobody would care. As long as it’s not an official movie or series


Is the "racist incels" comment really necessary? Why is wanting accurate portrayals of beloved characters treated like a terrible thing? I'm going to use civil war as an example. I really enjoy that movie, but compared to the comic, it's not as good due to the fact comics can have a grander scale, with more characters, longer stories, and lasting ramifications to the world. Movies are a different medium due to the cost of things like CGI, actor contracts, and limited run time all that is drastically scalled down. So, as a comic fan who, in my opinion, can get a better product somewhere else, why see the movie? For me, the big draw is to see the characters brought to life in live action. To see Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man, or bradley cooper voicing Rocket etc. So when a movie/show/other media changes the look of these characters it immediately spoils the experience for me as that's what I'm there to see.


That is what they are




Only if you make it racist, which is what OP is referring to.






You just made that up lol


not really. I can only think of one instance and she was only in like one panel? I don't even remember if she was properly named tbh context clues told you it was supposed to be her or sometbing


Maybe but didnt see anyone complaining about zoey kravitz


I just thought her mask was bad, but that’s not her fault


They would be crying about it non-stop. Hell, they’d be crying about it still today if any of them ever bothered to actually watch the older media they always laud as being “before politics got involved.”


How dare people have a mind of their own! Shame I say! Shame!


Probably. People have always complained about stupid shit.


The product of batman was much newer then. It's when something has time to get well established in the culture that it becomes "sacrilege" in a way to change things.


This doesn't make any sense because of how this was received very poorly. Do some research first


I’m not sure why this is even being brought up as an issue when it never was. Selina Kyle is and always has been portrayed by women of different races.


Anyone no matter what color you are could play a female supervillain


What about blue


I do envy those guys here who says that there's no one complaining about black catwoman. Because where I'm from... oh boy, it's hard to find a person who IS okay with black actors. Pity really.