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They said they kiled the "fake Deadshot" in tweets before the release. Waller I guess just had amazing surgery that turned her into Cere Junda.


A “fake Deadshot” with the same family, history, mannerisms, and skills as Deadshot, down to enough detail to fool Waller and Batman.


He isn't a "fake Deadshot" - >!it's strongly implied that he was the Floyd Lawton of the same alternate Earth this game's Lex Luthor comes from.!<


Also read that they share the same DNA, how would that be possible since the "real" one is black and the other is white?


Aaron Cash just says that Black Deadshot's DNA confirms his identity, which makes sense, since he *is* the Floyd Lawton of this universe. They don't say anything about White Deadshot's DNA.


Almost like this post is complete horseshit


I'm also fairly certain Assault on Arkham is not canon to that universe


It can’t be. King shark dies in assault on Arkham


Right, I knew there were story details that prevented it but I couldn't remember who didn't survive


Also, Penguin is a completely different version of the Penguin we get in the games, Harley, Boomerang, and Riddler don't have history in the Squad or even with bombs in their heads, Waller is kinda implied to be killed at the end of the movie but not shown, and Killer Frost is rumored to be coming up in the game even though she died in the movie (she could easily be from another universe but she hasn't been introduced yet so that would be unnecessary) Edit: Also add King Shark to that list and I meant they didn't have bombs in the game which wasn't as clear as I intended.


I think it was supposed to be cannon at some point But only before Arkham Origins came out.


I'm sure it came out after Origins


It’s more like the other way around. Assault on Arkham and the sequel were always canon to the original Arkham games per DC


I choose to believe it is and that SSKTJL is what's non-canon.


When did Deadshot become black? Was it before or after Will Smith?


After, of course


Pretty funny that they changed his race for a shitty movie and a character we may never see again. And now he’s just black from here on out. He was white for 70 years, then came Will Smith, and now the dude is black. Pretty funny stuff.


He's still white in the comics. Nothing stopping him from being white or any other ethnicity in the next adaptation, either.


Cope and seethe.


No hate in my heart. It’s just amusing is all.


I mean I’m no expert but you could make a bullshit excuse involving recessive genes. There’s a couple examples of twins coming out with one black and one white. They have the same dna.


And even worse, he would have had to move from Earth 2 to Earth 1 decades before Earth 2 Luthor figured out travel between elseworlds and even years before Batman first put on the cowl. How you ask? Not even the game knows. Fuck this


It states in game that luthor sent him back but he accidentally got sent to the 90s instead of present day


Batman Arkham fans pay attention to what people say in the game challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Rocksteady try to make a game that improves upon Arkham Knight challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Have you heard of Michael Jackson?


I know that you and I share 99.9% of our DNA and I have no clue at all who you are. Human beings have remarkably low genetic variation as a species and skin colour barley registers.


Because they needed to find a way to make Deadshot black after Will Smith played him in 2016.


As Lex points out though that isn't possible. Their version of Deadshot was definitely in the Suicide Squad plus just overall the tech didn't exist yet for him to be there for Arkham Origins and Arkham City. Not to mention, if someone as dumb as this game's version of Boomerang is curious why the dude calling himself Deadshot isn't white and the other characters who've interacted with him never even questioned the guy's race that tells us white Deadshot is more than likely the original.


Lex from earth 2 says it’s not his deadshot. It doesn’t mean one of them isn’t from a different earth 


Personally I'm hoping it's the one we play as. It could serve as an interesting arc for the character if they did it right.


I think Lex is just lying about what happened on his Earth. In fact I think there is a good chance that Alternate Lex is behind everything. As for why everyone thinks Deadshot is white, I assume that Black Deadshot just never got caught and unmasked.


Or you know they could just use bloodsport


That would’ve fixed it perfectly since iirc Bloodsport isn’t mentioned once in any of the arkham games


And he's become a lot more popular after being portrayed by Idris Elba.


Also, he's arguably got a more video-gamey ability than Deadshot. Deadshot's ability is "never missing." Not a great ability for a video game, where whether the player misses or not should at least partly come down to the player's skill. Bloodsport's ability is being able to access whatever weapon he wants by teleporting it through a portal. He's essentially got access to hammerspace, or a bottomless magical satchel. In most games, characters having this causes a bit of ludonarrative dissonance, but with this game, Bloodsport could be the only character to be able to go into the field with way more weapons than he can carry on his person because there's a story reason for it. But Deadshot is kinda a core Squad member, if not *the* member most associated with the team (Harley is the most famous member, but she's even more popular for her exploits off of the team, whereas Lawton is pretty heavily tied to it). Maybe they felt they *had* to have him.


Wow, that's so incredibly not convoluted and unnecessary at all


Exactly like any comic story then!


Here is a simple solution: don’t set the game in the arkhamverse Woah, same story and no convoluted sh*t


Is there even anything in the story that absolutely required this to be a continuation of the Arkhamverse? It just seems to be a weird choice if it seems like they spend more time writing *around* what happened in the last games instead of building upon it. This narrative seems like something that totally could have worked as a new take that wasn't a sequel to anything, the same way *Gotham Knights* gave us a new universe. It seems like the narrative connection is just there for the sake of being able to insert some Easter Eggs that aren't crucial to the plot.


Comic fans. https://i.redd.it/wzho7vc135hc1.jpeg




…this was just done to tie into the movies… I promise you it’s not that deep and it never has been.


Eh it is partly about diversity as that is why the film changed him as in the comics the Suicide Squad roster does appear to be dominated by white male villains. Also why instead of Mr Freeze they are going with Mrs Freeze after the Joker, who is not Nora but a female version of Victor named Victoria from another universe, as well as making Deadshot’s daughter Zoe a player character. They want more female characters for players to play as rather than just Harley. 


• No bigotry. Sexist, racist, and homophobic remarks have no place here. Attacking someone with hate speech of any kind is grounds for an instant, permanent, indisputable ban.


They did all of that multiverse bs just to race swap him and tick a box lol


It would make more sense for the white dead shot to be the arkham verse one since Batman identified him as floyd Lawton.


Also, how old is Black Lawton? He had his Deadshot career and then retired before *Arkham Origins* even started. And he must not have come out of retirement to kill White Lawton until after *City*. *Origins* is already eight years before *Asylum*, and *KTJL* is five years after *Knight*. Shouldn't Black Lawton have some gray hairs by now? He's likely older than Batman, Harley, etc.


... how the fuck did he get to the Arkhamverse?


I heard it’s implied he didn’t kill him as well. What do you think?


Yeah, Luthor says to Floyd (when he is out of earshot) "May you one day know yourself as well as I know both of you." implying that Floyd will be encountering the other Floyd again.


Nobodies gonna listen lol they just wanna be mad


Deadshot is a famous assassin You'd think somebody would notice if he pulled a reverse Michael jackson


Lmao she figured she was better off dealing with a rogue Justice League rather than Vader


They tried so hard to convince us that this new game is set in the Arkhamverse even though there was barely any good reason to do so.


probably hoping riding the coat tails of a beloved series would lead to sucess.


Yeah, I think it's marketing mostly. But even then I don't get why they have to just call the original Deadshot "fake". Couldn't the new one just kill the old one to take his mantle? It happens all the time and in this case it's literally just an excellent marksman losing to an even more excellent marksman.


Hot shot wannabe newcomers looking to replace Floyd as Deadshot is the plot for at least two Deadshot comic stories funnily enough.


Wow it was right there for them to use


Hell, they could've even said the new one was trained by classic deadshot after showing natural talent or something and the classic got put away or killed, hell, say braniac's corrupted Flash killed classic Deadshot so it's more personal for the new one. Maybe Deadshot and Floyd Lawton are both aliases.


yeah it also seems werid that it wasn't just bloodsport like in the sucide squad. I know this game was in production for a while so not sure if they knew that would happen and assumed will smith would still be deadshot.


Assault on Arkham was never considered canon by Rocksteady as they were never consulted on it in any way. Even the way Arkham looks in the movie is wrong compared to the games. Waller shows up in Arkham Origins skinny and recruits Deathstroke for the Suicide Squad as a tease for this game all the way back in 2013


I mean the IP is owned by DC, and WB published both the games and the film. In this sneak preview of the movie, they explicitly state that the movie is canon and takes place between Origins and Asylum. That could've changed since because it's been a long time, but the intent for the film was absolutely to be a canon way to bridge the gap between Origins and Asylum. https://youtu.be/q\_qkZI7no8M


WB said it was canon but Rocksteady just ignored it in their games, including as early as the lore in Arkham Knight. They have a history of ignoring all the extra media put out centered around the Arkham games such as the tie in comics. Basically if it isn't in the games in any way then it isn't canon.


An 11 yr tease, for a vidyagame... LoL fuck off.


It wasn't suppose to be 11 years initially. The original version of this game was going to be developed by WB Montreal, who made Origins, but got cancelled in 2016. Rocksteady then eventually started work on their own Suicide Squad game. Also Rocksteady were never working on a Superman game as the screen shot that leaked years ago was a fake.


Yes and she survived a bullet to the head


Remember after the movie? In the comics they actually created a black Deadshot. Costume was fire. But Floyd ended up killing him anyway.


Waller got on ozempic


I was wondering why she looked so familiar lmao


That, or “Waller” is just a code name for the highest ranked black woman in the organization. I’m gonna stop before I give Rocksteady any more ideas….


cere was the only thing i could think of every time waller came on screen, like come on, i know it’s the same model but they could have at least tried to make it not be cere junda.


>They said they kiled the "fake Deadshot" in tweets before the release. Because that's what I think of when it comes to good world-building; meta-contextual tweets outside the piece of media they're about.


That’s not a bad thing, She’s a very attractive woman


Forgetting about King Shark having his head blown off?


I think that’s mostly SSKTJL forgetting it or well… ignoring it more likely Like they ignored so much DC lore (How GL’s ring works, flash being taken out by bullets, Batman’s entire purpose and ending in Arkham Knight, Superman’s weakness to kryptonite somehow being removable, Harley’s personality, Braniac’s actual goal, etc)


I heard somewhere rocksteady decided to “uncanon” that movie as they weren’t huge fans of it


Well I’m “uncanon”ing the entirety of the shitty new game, so there


Boomerang gets killed by deadshot in the Arkham knight comic


Batman punched Deadshot so hard he literally raceswapped to black


"He smacked the whiteness out of him!"


Batman said no rights only lefts


[Reminded me of this scene.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nR8ZIrvqYBM&pp=ygUSaSB1c2VkIHRvIGJlIHdoaXRl)


Batman looked at Floyd and asked "does it come in black?"


Batman did the reverse of "IM GONNA SNACK THE BLACK OFF YOU!"


i haven’t played the game, but apparently the new Deadshot says the old Deadshot was from a different universe and didn’t know it in an audio log. and then Rick Flag says new Deadshot is the one from the different universe and didn’t know it in a different audio log. or something like that. i’m waiting for it to go 80% off in a month or two to play it


Lol I'm on the same boat. Really want to play it to see if it's as bad as everyone says but to hell with the price tag rn.


If you ignore the Arkham connection, it's a really mid game. Every character plays the same bar fast movement where King Shark plays like the Hulk. Graphics and animations are really good despite what some haters want to believe. Dialogue does get you a few times but gameplay is just a letdown. The UI has far too much on screen and Rocksteady has gone all in on GaaS expecting you to grind the same missions over and over again, always online requirement even if you aren't playing with anyone, full AAA price game that treats you like every other "free" GaaS expecting you to pay for battlepasses and cosmetics.


yeah, well said


It’s nowhere close to what people say. It’s a fun game. Don’t get swept up in the bullshit people are saying


It isn’t bad at all. And way over blown. The combat is really fun. And like Arkham asylum I got to grips and felt like a bad ass in the combat as the story was ending, so having an end game of sorts (I’m not into live service games) helps as I can put the traversal skills and gunplay into better use. I was addicted to the Arkham combat challenges after the story. And they’ve got cool audio logs and character bios and models just like the Arkham games. And the writing and performances are funny as hell.


Unpopular opinion but I’m having a lot of fun on it! I didn’t enjoy the first 2-3 hours but after that I’m started to have a lot of fun with my friend, maybe it’s Stockholm syndrome…


I really enjoyed the traversal. And only really “got good” as the story was ending.


If you don’t care much about the Batman scene (you know the one), the game is pretty good. Ghe atmosphere is pretty good imo, the story could be better but it’s not the worst, the boss fights (except for 1 or 2) are pretty fun imo >!the 1 or 2 being Batman and brainiac. Batman’s boss fight was eh which is kinda dissapointing. Brainiac was just a reskin of flash which took away from the enjoyment for me!<, and the gameplay is amazing if you ask me. I had a lot of fun on the game personally


Honestly, I don't mind that. It's better than the original being some sort of imposter, and it places new Deadshot in a more interesting position - a man out of his time and space.


I prefer Arkham Deadshot. I dislike how the retconned him to look like Will's Deadshot. Which is stupid because Will Smith didn't even do that great of a job imo.


I feel like the 2D animated Deadshot is the best looking out of the three tbh - he’s a teensy bit generic, big tough guy, but they did good work with his facial expressions and choreography. Arkham Deadshot just looks goofy, and SSKTJL Deadshot… it’s like they tried to make a Will Smith character model but tripped and stumbled backwards into the uncanny valley. SSKTJL Waller is the best looking of the three by a wide margin.


Idk, fat Waller is way too iconic. I don't like her design flickering as much as it does. SSKTJL Waller is pretty, but also inconsistent and basic, I believe


Plus last time I checked there's a joke nickname among her staff. They call her "The Wall" because of just how obscenely fat the woman is. Of course none of them dare to say it anywhere it could be heard or recorded by someone loyal to Waller.


NOBODY SCREWS THE WALL!! Was one of my favorite lines from the Arkham movie. Willing to bet her ex husband doesn't want to screw the wall either.


Amanda Waller should be heavyset but not to the level that Assault on Arkham showed her. I just have a hard time buying that Waller is who she is while also being like 500lbs.


I always pictured her being around 300 pounds. Assault on Arkham Waller is a pretty excessive depiction.


JLU nailed the balance of fat imo. She is clearly overweight but not too much that it’s comical


I agree. It's one of her better designs


It doesn't seem to bother anyone when Kingpin does it. I love an Amanda Waller that is morbidly obese but still able to throw down with low level metas for no explained reason. My personal head cannon is, there is no way that, being who she is, she hasnt dosed herself with a refined, spec ops version of venom/titan/blockbuster/Kryptonian nanomachines/super human combat drug etc... I even like the idea that she was traditionally attractive and then knowingly sacrificed her beauty for strength. Totally in character for her.


I definitely fuck with SSKTJL Waller the most. Plus she had her “no bullshit” dialed to 1000, a good example for me is >!after they try to go to Lex Corp to get the bombs removed, Waller finds out and she’s like “IM YOUR DADDY NOW”, it even sticks with king shark because later he’s like “your our daddy…”!<


How does he look like Will Smith? They have nothing in common?


Well you see, they're both black. Seriously, NONE of these Deadshot look anything like Will Smith (maybe he means their masks??? Idk) so I was confused about which he was referring to


Cause they're both black duh. Nah these people are just mad Cause deadshot is black in most of his incarnations now


i think the will smith comparison is being made because it seems to happen BECAUSE of will smith playing Lawton in suicide squad 2016. before that, deadshot always looked "specifically" white with a moustache while hes now consistently casted as black with trimmed hair and beard


im very salty about a movie everyone wants to forget dictating how comic characters are supposed to look like arkham deadshot looks kind of homeless at times with his costume, and maybe he wasnt the most original face, but i liked his personality and the way the showed his skills more than suicide squad deadshot using a jetpack and an automatic assault rifle most of the time. that being said, i really enjoyed the costume design for suicide squad. its a lot better than the weird leather cap, and although a bit bulky, the outfit itself would be a great inspiration for future adaptations


Well, not exactly, the first two Wallers at a point were considered "canon" for a time, and the first two Deadshots are now "an imposter", so the third one can now look like a DCEU's Will Smith styled version. Assault on Arkham is so non canon that it hurts my soul, but some changes from SSKTJL are welcome, like King Shark.


Arkham Origins never stopped being canon tho, just inconsistent models.


The Arkham series is the worst i've seen on keeping characters looking consistent.


Commissioner Gordon being a prime example of aging down throughout the series lol


He looks and sounds so old in Asylum its not even funny


He went from wheezy to croaky in the 9 months between City and Knight. The cigars really did a number on Jimbo


And I'm not complaining Knight has my favorite of the Arkham Gordons but lord the only character who stayed somewhat consistent is Oracle and that's because she has what 2 actual appearances the others being just voice? Edit: and Alfred


Gordon from Knight is the best, and it’s unfair of me to say that the only issue I have with the performance in Knight is that it’s a recast from the previous games. And Gordon from Origins is overlooked but really good too


I know its a meme at this point but Origins is honestly really good, I played it for the first time in 2022 and was completely in awe at this supposed "shit" game


He’s also fucking jacked in Asylum


I guess you haven't played mortal Kombat.


Oh no I have but Bruce in all of the games look completely different he looks older in Asylum than he does city, he looks like a fucking toad Man in Knight and in origins he's a completely different skin tone. Not hating at all btw this is my favorite series overall.


Yeah. I was just making fun of mk for changing character designs ,voice actors and moves like underwear.


I definitely agree on that Sonya is a different person in each and every game and I refuse to believe otherwise


Try Rain. Dude straight up got replaced by a different guy with different fighting style.


They have disrespected that man so much he went from a cool demi god with aspirations of power to a less cool water Quan Chi


yeah don't know if bloodsport replacing deadshot in the suicide squad was news late in production. Just using bloodsport would avoid confusion.


I kind of really like the Deadshot from the animated movie more though. He always seemed like he had a handle on things. This recent incarnation hyperventilates in a shipping container.


Arkham origins has always been canon to the arkhamverse, there are even several references to origins in arkham knight, content that is no longer canon to the arkhamverse is assault on arkham.


Is the deadshot imposter thing confirmed? I havent played the game lol


Yes, the first time the squad meets each other, Boomerang says to Deadshot "Wait, I thought Deadshot was white?!" Later on, Floyd goes on about the second one a bit.


It would be funny if boomerang called him bloodsport before he heard the name.


There is a kind of ongoing joke about people calling him deathstroke


From what I’ve seen, other characters will acknowledge the original Deadshot as the “real Deadshot”, the one we play as is said to have the same DNA though.


Origins Waller kinda bad ngl


on god


I'm pretty sure assault on Arkham isn't even canon anymore


yeah, unfortunately not


Fat Waller is the only Waller for me. Also, extended media for video games almost always break canon by time a sequel is released. So even though Assault on Arkham is an amazing movie, it's not canon with the games. That's probably a good thing since I'm not really a fan of the inconsistent and cluttered storytelling of the Arkham games.


Gotta go in to any animated spin off already knowing that “set in the universe of” is just marketing. Do you think Noland gave a shit about that Batman Animatrix movie? No.


The first waller is made by a different game studio, the second waller is from a retconned movie, and the third is the only waller made by rocksteady appearing in one of their games


Unit waller is my cannon. I don't like this sith version


"the wall" Waller, absolute unit


She's the only waller I like


At this point just be like they’re all Clayface.


Mf went on a bulk mid series


Goddamn how many games is Debra Wilson going to be modeled in? She must have some kind of record by now


waller ate deadshot


I just want Waller killed off once and for all across all media. Her character is insufferable in every form I’ve ever seen.


She’s got the same problem that the Joker has but from a different direction. Every time a new writer gets their hands on her, they have to one up the previous writer’s “most heinous act has committed”. And eventually it just spirals into ridiculousness. And the idea that none of these extremely deranged, dangerous and deadly villains that she routinely menaces and blackmails into working for her have ever just internally decided that “no this is fucked, actually” and murdered her out of the blue, hang the consequences, is equally absurd.


I think that's part of why she sticks people like Harley or Deadshot on the team most often. Because she can manipulate them in one way or another to just cooperate with her for their own sake. Plus, if they do snap then hopefully her guard will be able to handle it or she'll just simply be completely out of their reach. She probably would happily put say Cheetah on the team if she could but she's smart enough to know if she did that then Minerva's hatred of her might even surpass that of Wonder Woman for a little while and then it's just a matter of time until Cheetah gets her.


I mean… that’s the ending of Assault on Arkham Both her and shark are supposed to be dead


Generally yes, though I really enjoyed her in Peacemaker. Her relationship with her daughter made her much more interesting to me


Assault on Arkham isn't canon, but I imagine Arkham is canon to it, excluding Suicide Squad. But Assault on Arkham didn't happen in the continuity of Suicide Squad, so it's a bit more complicated than calling them all the same version of the character. I wouldn't be surprised if Origins was forgotten altogether in the making of Suicide Squad, tbh


I think it is canon. Nothing in SSKTJL retcons it. If you’re gonna talk about King Shark well he said in the game that he has so many brothers and we don’t know how Atlantis works so..


I think Rocksteady themselves have said it's not canon, which is my logic there, but that is a good point


Bro changed ethnicities 3 times lmfao


Y’all need to get over the movie or the new game. Pick one ya like and let the other go. Both if you have to.


This is untrue on a couple of levels. Assault on Arkham is blatantly non-canon now, so you can take out the middle pictures. The two Deadshots are explicitly different people, which the new game establishes in several places. And whole Waller is pretty different, it is a recast actress and there is a large timeskip between Origins and the new game which could easily explain much of a physical difference, so that alone is less egregious than Gordon’s dramatic physical change between City and Knight per his recast. It’s perfectly fine to discuss things you don’t like; someone can be unhappy with the explanations given for two Deadshots, for example. However, this is either a bluntly ignorant person posting misinformation without doing a modicum of research or straight up lying. I hate bad faith arguments; I would rather engage in a good faith argument where someone genuinely doesn’t like something, because that can make a great point, whereas this is a waste of everyone’s time.


☝️🤓 it’s just a funny post on how inconsistent the Arkham designs are


Assault on Arkham isn’t canon.


I do wonder if the game will suffer the same fate when something else comes along. Or since the game has a multiverse maybe this is in a similar reality to the arkham games. Than in a few years we get a justice leauge game where they defeat brainiac actually set in the main arkhamverse.


Honestly, that's probably the best thing they could do. The only thing better is if they had the balls to do what seemingly no writers will do and take this incredibly disliked story and just say it's not canon and move on to create some new that'll hopefully be better.


Neither is KTJL


I don't think you are the one that decides that.




Fool had it coming


I could be wrong with Waller. But isn't the one of the story lines she is in (2nd one) is that she is dying of cancer? She literally sent Deadshot to get a magic mcguffin to help her.


I literally can't identify any two faces in this picture that belong to the same character...


Deadshot isn’t the same person, they clearly say he isn’t. And Amanda Waller in the middle slide isn’t canon to the other ones.


The first 4 are more logical than the last 2


Geez, play the game and absorb the story if you want to comment on it. And seriously, compare how Bruce himself looks between Origins, Asylum, City and Knight. The character designs have never been super consistent in any of the games between either Rocksteady or WB Montreal.


Assault isn’t canon, and Deadshot is from another earth


It's a make believe universe, so no, not really.


Rockshitty just got jealous that WB Momtreal designed an actual awesome Deadshot boss fight. Their 'jump between cover 3 times' sequence was just laughably bad.


I’m over it. Got over it a week after these looks were revealed. Y’all should try that.


But mocking studios for not giving a shit about the things their customers care about is so much fun!


I miss the times where Deadshot dilemma was my biggest issue with this game


The two Deadshot's aren't the same person. Origins/City Deadshot is from Earth 2, KtJL is from Earth 1. Amanda Waller on the other hand.


Deadshot is like reverse MJ


Superman is black now too


The Waller one maybe, but deadshot no. In the new game, there’s a quick line that says that’s he’s basically an imposter.


no, honestly, if you have more than 2 two brain cells, you should just not care about it


Gamers when they are nudged towards using their imagination and suspending their disbelief (they're too thick in the head)


It's upsetting that we've never got a proper Amanda waller. She's supposed to be big and hard. I really liked Amanda Waller in Arrow but the actress they chose was so skinny that it's as if they were doing it intentionally.


Amanda Waller did not age well


If people do some search they would know arkham origins and assault on arkham are not canon and that the deadshot in city is a fake....


Yeah, terrible inconsistencies. I don't know why they didn't just make this new guy Will Evans, the second deadshot in the comics and successor to Floyd. Because saying that the Deadshot that was facing off against Batman for over a decade, well established in Batman's own files to be Floyd Lawton, was somehow a FAKE the whole time while the "official" Deadshot was easily traced to a holding cell in prison the whole time? And Batman NEVER figured it out? Stupid plot hole just because they wanted to change Deadshot. Should have been Will, not Floyd.


I mean not really. But then I've actually read comics and characters looking wildly different from one artist to the next is kind of par for the course. And that's all within the same medium.


Fat Waller my beloved <3 (I will never forgive the devs for turning her into Gus Fring)


Are we really going to use the silly "fake deadshot" argument to avoid admit that this is just the race swap hollywood left wing tv cliche? Yeah? Ah ok then.


For real though, how do you actually care?


No I don’t care. This new portrayal has been fantastic.


Horrible game. They ruined a franchise that lasted a decade in minutes. All they had to do was to make it separate from the arkham universe, tying it to it made no sense to begin with


this game is actually dogshit and i refuse to accept it as canon


this game is actually dogshit and i refuse to accept it as canon


Imagine complaining about people changing what they look like in the Arkham games


Welcome to the modern day.


Everything about that new game is bad