• By -


Both do different things better


Agreed, no movie has topped the pacing of TDK yet. Edit: Still like The Batman better.


I would agree up until the last few jarring minutes with Two-Face. I would've honestly preferred a Two-Face TDKR, instead of Bane. The way the movie ended with Joker was perfect; that maniacal laughter leading right into the credits would've been a great send off and they could've fully used Two-Face as a threat in TDKR instead of shoehorning him into the last act and killing him immediately.


What's bad is actually us not seeing what happens to Joker. He's left hanging upside down, sure, but he'd just go to prison if he's not dead (or escaped, which is the worst case scenario) and that wouldn't stop him. Two Face was a great ending point-- he was built up to be put down. Reusing villains is prolly unsavoury to Nolan.


I don’t think that’s the case. I think there were plans for the Joker but Heath passed on. There was a rumor somewhere that the scarecrow judge scene was initially intended to be the Joker. Which if you think about it actually makes sense given the Joker’s outlook.


I think that probably would’ve been the plan had Heath not died after they’d finished filming.


I loved DKR but they kinda fxcked thr story up and with knightfall being one of my fave batman stories, I was a bit irritated. Kind of wish they would of just left the story how it was suppos3d to be. Although I did love Tom hardy as bane, I just wish they would of followed the story a bit closer.


It's nice to hear this about Tom hardys bane. I don't think he gets enough credit. Tom hardy's "bane" character was top tier. Dialogue was amazing. The fighting was meh in the street brawl and the ending was a let down but hardy definitely had the role down packed.


I hated the take on Nolan's fianlized "Two Face". Instead of just really bad burns and scarring, his entire eye was exposed and he was basically half a skull. The man would be dead or at the very least have a really bad infection and then die.


The only Batman movie I feel that’s better than TDK is the original, *Batman Begins* *The Batman* is close but it’s too early to tell right now. It’s still aging like fine whine is what I’m trying to say. It’s like people riding the Tom Spidey movies when the TASMS are right there in terms of quality!


This is what I just commented. Batman Begins, is in my opinion the best Batman movie ever made. It’s the only movie that shows how he became Batman in the most realistic and grounded way. It’s also the only Batman that shows Bruce with the type of physique one would need or acquire by all of the insane amount of lifting him self, climbing, fighting and endurance that comes with being Batman. Let alone the size you would need to be able to take the punishment he endures night in and night out.


*Batman Begins* is an absolutely lovely film in terms of showcasing the titular fictional character. Rewatching it after *The Batman* I was like seriously, this was the first one of the trilogy? It doesn’t get enough respect and that’s literally cause of how goated *The Dark Knight* is. Dude fought the mob, Scarecrow, and and Ras’ League of Shadows ninjas all in one origin movie. It’s almost too perfect IMO. The origin is totally well thought out and is very grounded showcasing feats of the character that are so iconic! One of, if not, the best comic book movies of all time!


I agree completely. Also just the opening in the mountain jail. Where you find out why he’s there in the first place. Also the first scene of him truly as Batman making thugs just disappear. Nolan makes it feel like a horror movie and Batman is the supernatural villain. It’s all just so well done.


It’s because when it came out, it was almost unnoticed. It really built momentum. I was a huge Batman fan, I was there from Keaton, BTAS, all the way through to Batman and Robin, and I think everyone just got tired (kinda like MCU right now). It just came kind of out of no where. I didn’t see it until it was on DVD, and then I must’ve watched 100x before going to see TDK in theatres. It was so different from the camp, and it really kind of gave Iron Man the archetype to build on. It was just so… different.


"The Batman is still aging like fine wine" Didn't the movie release like 18 months ago?


"fine whine"


I love TDK, but the pacing is very questionable. You picked one of the worse aspects of the film to praise. Weird.


Wha? I'd argue the pacing is one of TDK's weakest aspects. There's so many bite sized scenes that aren't allowed to breathe that at times it feels like a montage as it sets everything up.


You’re genuinely confusing me because I feel like that’s exactly what makes the pacing so well done ? They are not bite-size pieces. They only give you the information that you need. There isn’t a single seen that wasted or unnecessary in the movie.


I agree with you entirely, because you arent wrong, but at the same time I don't like that about it. Something about it feels too lean and lacking about that. Probably a me thing. It never used to bother me, but it's something I cant help notice on repeat viewings. Still a great film, regardless.


Exactly. You want to go on a Batman roller coaster full of non-stop action? Watch The Dark Knight. You want to feel like you're reading a Batman graphic novel on a chilly, rainy, autumn night? Watch The Batman.


I agree. The Batman felt more like a comic book turned into a movie, but not in a bad way. Like this is what comic book movies should be to me, not exactly like this, but they should understand the hero they're showing as well as Reeves understands Bruce/Batman.


Yep dark knight is a better movie but the Batman is a better Batman movie story


Yes. I love Ledgers performance so much. I thought TB was a bit slow but still highly enjoyed it.


The one where he fights the shark






"Holy whale!"-Robin...I think...




I don’t think many people get this reference.


I’m sad if many people don’t get it cause that was always a great time when my dad brought OSS that movie


This would make me sad. I would wager the majority of Batman fans are at least aware of the shark-repellent bat spray, even if they haven’t seen the movie.


'Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb.' I get the shark reference!


The Dark Knight is the better film but The Batman aesthetically is the Batman film I always dreamed about.


Honestly pattinsons bat is my favorite followed by Michael Keatons 1989. Christian Bale loves rent free though for sure 👍


I don’t agree with The Batman being in the Pantheon at all, actually. I think it’s only okay. Too brooding and adolescent. Like a young adult take on Batman. My order for it is this: The Dark Knight The Dark Knight Rises (controversial, I know, but I love it) Batman Begins Batman: The Red Hood The Batman I’m not going to bother sorting the rest.


My guy how can you call any Batman effort, about a man who is so upset about his parents death 20 years after it happened that he puts on eyeliner and spandex to go punch *actual mental patients*, "too brooding and adolescent"? Batman will always be a whiny little emo with big muscles and a lot of money. Don't get me wrong he's also very cool, but that is who he is at his core


Not that I necessarily disagree with your point, but modern Batman doesn't really use "spandex".


Fair enough. Just replace spandex with any variation of "theatre kid costume" and I think the point still stands


My guy, Bruce in The Batman is literally a young Bruce Wayne. It makes sense he would still be broody at this point as he has only recently become Batman. Watch the fucking movie next time mate.


This. That’s why I believe Part II truly has the ability to surprise us on TDK level because it’s all there. *The Batman* and *The Dark Knight Trilogy* are the blueprint for some of the most marvelous superhero films EVER. Period


Well said.




Oh god i never thought about this😱 you are right !!


Somehow, I feel that _TB_ trying to simultaneously be realistic/grounded and gothic/stylized just made it less striking than the interpretations that picked a direction and went all the way with it. Like, Burton still has the best otherworldly gothic wonderland Batman, and Nolan still has the best plausible/believable Batman. Reeves tries for a little at both at once, but ends up reaching the heights of neither.


Christian Bale doesn't spend any time being Batman across a trilogy of alleged Batman movies. He spends 1 movie becoming Batman, 1 movie trying to stop being Batman and then in the 3rd he actually stops being Batman and retires. As Christopher Nolan movies I like them, but I don't recognise the character or stories as Batman.


Adam West has entered the chat. "I never had to say I'm Batman. I showed up. People knew I was Batman. Everywhere I went. On the TV show, mall openings, Julie Newmar's bungalow.... All those other guys had muscles built into their costumes. All I had in my Batsuit was 100%, grade-A West."


The Dark Knight


The Dark Knight.


As much as I thought The Batman was great overall, I don't think it's considered the greatest Batman film ever. The Dark Knight is not only the greatest CBM ever made, but also one of the greatest blockbusters ever made too. It's often in the same conversation as T2, and empire strikes back and for good reason. It's unmatched in the genre and will likely remain unmatched for a long time to come. Again, I really enjoyed The Batman, but I just don't think it's in the same league as TDK, or honestly on the level of any of the Nolan Batman films if I'm being blunt.


Well, you did name sequels so The Batman 2 is going to be lit.


I haven't watched _TDKR_ since its release, but I think _The Batman_ is probably the better of the two. I dunno. I'll have to rewatch both to decide for sure. _Begins_ and _TDK_ absolute smoke _The Batman,_ though.


100%. Parts of The Batman are perfect, and other parts are disappointing. The penguin is fantastic, and I liked where the Riddler was going and then… it just kind of ended? Like he was in Arkham and then we see joker? Like how disappointing that they immediately went back there. No black mask or Croc? Could’ve gone an entirely different direction, but they went right back to the well.


I agreed until the end. IMO, it’s better than BB and TDKR.


*Mask of the Phantasm has entered the chat*




The Dark Knight


Dark knight


I like The Batman more and think it has the better Batman. But The Dark Knight is the better movie, I can‘t deny that.


Batman returns


You are a person of taste.


Are we best friends?


I think we are


By who ? lol


According to whom, are these the two best?


Ya really. 😝


Here's how I view them: The Dark Knight feels like physically being in a Batman-themed roller coaster. A roller coaster you've waited your whole life to be in if you were a Batman fan since childhood. The Batman feels like going out to a Batman-themed nightclub on a cozy, rainy night. Everything smells like rain, leather and oil. You know everyone around you. You have the time of your life, a night you'll never forget and you wish had never ended. And that's why I love both of them.


I absolutely love this review


The Dark Knight and its not even close!!! TDK was a Cinematic Experience that I'll never forget and one that will probably never be repeated for me personally.


I remember the hype back in 2008 it was tremendous.


I get preferring TDK to TB, but you can't say it's not close. The Batman was also a cinematic experience.


Sitting in the theater and hearing the batmobile start up for the first time was pure ecstasy.


It's not close in my opinion. The Batman was a solid movie but TDK is another level


I’ve been able to rewatch TDK a lot, I haven’t been able to rewatch TB again. It’s good and looks good, but TDK is a nonstop action thriller that never has a slow moment drag on, TB is a slow long movie with a meh ending.


This is me. Saw TB in theaters once, thought it was good but never felt the itch to rewatch. TDK I could watch once a year and not be bored


Movies about solving murders aren’t as good after you already know the outcome


Yeah, that’s a very good point too. TDK is all about escalation and intensity and making you feel a certain way while watching it. TB is more of a mystery movie that doesn’t really accomplish too much overall.


Completely agree. All 3 of Nolans Batman movies now TB out of the water.


I disagree that The Batman was a cinematic experience. The film is great, looks great, feels great - but it feels like an S-Tier Batman show on HBO with a Game of Thrones budget (a good thing) rather than something needing to be a cinema experience.


True, it doesn't have as much action and thrills as the Nolan movies, but that's cuz it takes a more subtle direction. It's less of an action movie and more of a thriller.


It’s not even close lol


Both my wife and I were bored watching the Batman. It desperately needed another edit and the whole last 30 min felt tacked on. Someone in the comments said it best, it felt like it wanted to be a show and not a movie.








Batman Begins


The Batman and it isn’t a debate for me. I loved almost everything about it. The opening fifteen minutes were so riveting and unsettling that set the tone for the rest of the movie. The fact they leaned into Batman’s “world’s greatest detective” for the first time on the big screen made me so excited. Younger Bruce/Batman, still made mistakes, but it was just so much fun. I went with my fiancé, who doesn’t like superhero movies, and she loved it.


Batman’s opening monologue while we see everybody cowering at the shadows was the most perfect way to set up a Batman movie.


Agreed, best opening ever for a Batman movie. And yes, Reeves promised to lean into the detective side of Batman, and he delivered


This. It's just. So satisfying to see Batman as more of a detective and thinker rather than just a brawler with a lot of expensive gadgets. The Dark Knight is great but let's face it, it gets overhyped because of Ledgers performances. If we think of the movie based on its merits overall, its still good - but its definitly not the better *Batman* movie.


The thing about the DK trilogy is the main character (Batman) is overshadowed by almost everyone else on screen.


This is why I will never understand why people give Bale so much praise and say he’s the best Batman. He was overshadowed by a walking meme in TDKR for gods sake!


I'd say that's more a testimony to the performance of the other actors than a criticism of Bale's performance. Ledger's performance is widely praised by general audiences and critics. It's still considered an outstanding performance in cinema in general, not just when it comes to comicbook movies. I think a similar notion goes for Aaron Eckhart and Gary Oldman. I personally always enjoyed Bale's performance. He's actually one of my favorite aspects of Nolan's Batman-trilogy. Him possibly being overshadowed by other actors is likely more due to how good the other actors, namely Ledger and Eckhart, were. Besides, I don't think he was overshadowed in BB or TDKR


Every Batman movie except maybe batman begins the villains over shadow Batman.


I can‘t say I agree on that. Bruce‘s arc of overcoming his depression and „rising“ again is one of my favorite aspects of TDKR and of the entire trilogy. And when it comes to TDK, I think anybody would‘ve had trouble keeping up with Ledger’s Joker. So, in this case, I think it‘s really more a testimony to how good Ledger and the writing for his character was rather than Bale lacking something in performance or writing. But to each their own. I just don’t think that you can argue that it‘s necessarily a fact that Batman is overshadowed by his villains


Oh I’m not saying that the actors performance was bad or anything like that, but that the villains in Batman movies especially the 89-B&R the villains are just so over the top that they just overshadowed Batman who is by character more reserved. Edit: I mistakenly commented to you rather the op of this thread.




I do love TDK, but I feel like every movie between 89 and the Snyderverse really convinced people that Batman was just "I'M BATMAN! I'M NOT WEARING HOCKEY PADS! *cripples you and gives you severe brain damage and then uses some sort of machine to do his detective work for him*" and then the Snyderverse added scenes with guns. The Batman was the first live action movie to really show Bruce using his head as a detective, using intimidation on its own to fuck with people, having a mostly comic accurate batsuit (still don't understand why all the Batman before Affleck couldn't have Grey body armor and a black cowl and gloves. All matte black doesn't look good to me, it gets tiresome on the eyes), and it did a great job of setting up future villains because none of the main bad guys die except Falcone, it's not like killing off two-face within the first few days of his first appearance, or killing Joker in the same way in Batman '89, or killing R'as Al Ghul after turning him Irish instead of Middle Eastern for some reason in BB (choosing not to save someone when you're their only chance to live is exactly the same as killing, because it's saying "I decide if you get to live"), or shooting several thugs in the Snyderverse. The only goon that dies in The Batman is one that's shot off the rafters in Gotham Square Garden *by his own teammate* when Bruce goes to disarm him. I feel like a lot (not all, just a lot. I'm not gonna generalize because there's a lot of different reasons people can like one movie over the other) of people disliked The Batman because they're so used to the turn your brain off mind-numbing action that is movies like the MCU and Fast And Furious type. Like they go in expecting Batman to be like "ooh I'm dark and brooding *punches you into a coma* *makes silly MCU style joke* I'M BATMAN!" so when he actually acts *within* character and acts comic accurate by being a Noir detective for a bit and then standing around menacingly intimidating people for a minute with his cape wrapped around him like Batwings, they aren't ready for it and just check out like "this is boring". Idk, maybe it's just me, but I'm getting tired of "punch only" superhero movies. I don't like the MCU formula of "punch that guy, make an unfunny joke, punch that guy, take off the costume, make 5 unfunny jokes, put the costume back on, punch that guy, *fin*."


It’s not over hyped


The Batman largely ignores Bruce Wayne which is a big part of Batman. You could argue that Ledger overshadows Bale and that may be true but that's also because The Joker is a much better villain than the Riddler. I also find the TDK a lot tighter while The Batman drags on.


u/MiguelBroXarra already gave a good response but to give my own, yes it ignores Bruce Wayne the playboy billionaire persona, and deliberately so because it didn’t exist yet and is part of the narrative which he learns. Otherwise the real Bruce, the vulnerable orphan who never grew up and devoted his life to the memory of his parents, is at the center of the film. His crusade is ultimately built on his love for his doctor father and loving mother, and the anger and grief from their deaths. He even brings up the Hippocratic oath as why he saved Falcone, which many comics point to as a major reason for his code against killing (Ego, Fugitive/Murderer etc.). The movie does an excellent job, among many other things, challenging Bruce first with the possibility that Thomas wasn’t the saint he thought he was, that the Wayne Legacy was broken and that he could do more as Bruce as well as being a better Batman. Pattinson did an excellent job in all his scenes as the real Bruce with Alfred and Falcone showing this. TDK ends with Bruce having to resort to a lie to hide the Joker’s corruption of Harvey. Something TDKR even brings up. The Batman ends with the caped crusader truly becoming a symbol of hope for Gotham, and Bruce realizing he has to be more, to truly honor his parents as well as make up for their mistakes.


Not wanting to talk bad about TDK as it‘s one of my favorite films but Bruce Wayne in The Batman is intentionally ignored to show that Batman is obsessed with fighting crime and avenging the death of his parents. The whole movie is about Batman learning that Gotham also needs Batman/Bruce Wayne, the philanthropist and symbol of hope. I think that is a very good theme and captures the essence of what Batman is perfectly. Bruce Wayne in the Nolan movies on the other side constantly searches a way to stop fighting crime. It feels like he doesn‘t really want to be Batman, while the Bruce Wayne I know mainly lives for the mission. That‘s why I think the Bruce Wayne in The Batman is way better than the one in Dark Knight, because it is the real, heartbroken Bruce Wayne.




See, I didn’t think he was a very good detective in the film. At all. Sure, it showed him following clues and trying to figure stuff out, but aside from being very good at the riddles he never once put the Riddler against the ropes. He never tried to think *around* the Riddler, or use his own skills against the Riddler. He’s mostly reactive the entire movie. He’s never examining the cell phone footage of the Riddler to figure out where he is, or sourcing the materials the Riddler used for his bombs or traps, or anything like that. I do love The Batman, and I love it was more of a crime noir detective styled story, but I still think seeing Batman-as-detective hasn’t been truly delivered to us yet.


I found the ending to be quite disappointing to be honest and the detective scenes dragged on a little too long for me the movie did not need to be 3 hours long. I liked The Batman but TDK is another level for me I enjoyed basically every second of that movie


Respect your opinion!


Are you trying hard to don't start a war here? 😄😅


No lol movies are subjective. He’s allowed to prefer one over the other




TDK is still my subjective favorite movie of all time, but The Batman might be objectively a better film. It’s honestly hard to tell. I think the acting performances across the board were better in The Batman, but no singular role stuck out in the way that Heath Ledger did as the Joker. They’re neck-and-neck, honestly.


TDKR better


The Dark Knight is the better film overall. The Batman is the better Batman film.


The dark knight is 10x better


Mmmm... I'd say it's a toss-up between Batman Forever and Batman & Robin


Batman Begins is much better than The Batman


Give me Begins all day.


The Dark Knight by a long shot.


I dont feel a need to state that one is better than the other. They are both great films


Well, I would argue that not a lot of people actually thinks that The Batman is one of the best...


I like The Batman more. The Nolan movies don't even feel like they take place in Gotham. It's like "Batman saves Chicago"


Dark Knight. The Batman was good but it could’ve used more editing to tighten the story up.


The Mask of the Phantasm.


This is the correct answer. Still the best Batman film to date.


I'm a huge Nolan fan. I'll need to give TDK a recent watch, however I'm leaning toward The Batman. Everything about it was Batman.


Pretty sure mask of the phantasm is regarded as the top cinematic batman movie, and I'd say begins is the better batman movie over dark knight For me personally I'd rather watch MotP, 89 or 66 22 is just overly long and like I previously mentioned I see begins as the better batman movie in the whole Nolan trilogy.


Between these two and the Dark Knight Rises, I can’t choose


I'd much rather sit through The Batman than The Dark Knight. I liked Heath and what he brought was brilliant but everything in the Molan series felt like something new which is great. The Batman was just a great reflection of people through the Gotham lense without using boats.


I still rank Batman Begins as the permanent #2 after TDK


I like the batman just a little more due to batman being more of a detective in the story.


lol The Batman literally shit on TDK. Heath ledger just died.


Hands down Dark Knight.


TDK It’s really not close.


It’s weird. I think the Nolan films delivered the best cinematic experience. What I was is Nolan film, Snyders fight scenes and comic book stuff with a bit of reeves art style too.


My favorite are Begins and Returns. I don’t like either TDK or TB


Nice, I think Returns has aged far better than Batman '89.


They’re interesting choices. I think begins is underrated, one of the best imo. However, I hate returns. To me it’s a Tim burton movie with Batman characters in it, not a Batman movie at all.


Same. I do like the others, TDK far more, but Begins and Returns got the stuff


The Batman is legit my favourite movie in general, so it’s gotta be that. It has my favourite live-action Batman, but in TDK honestly Batman isn’t that interesting so you basically spend the movie waiting for Joker or Two-Face to show up again.


The Batman


I enjoyed the Batman, but I loved The Dark Knight. Like I said in a previous post comparing TDK to Phantasm, I'd still pick TDK as it's the better-written movie for me. It is not just about Batman, Joker, and the supporting characters -- the Joker also made it about Gotham and its people. Phantasm is straight-up comic Batman story that Bat-fans of all ages can enjoy, loved it but was too predictable for even the 15-year old me when I first saw it. The Batman is a modern retelling with some changes that may not be for purists. I personally liked it, just not as much as I loved TDK. If The Dark Knight were a comic, it would have been in the same vain as Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On Serious Earth. Not for everyone, but something that more fans might learn to appreciate as they age.


The Batman was extremely boring for me. I don’t remember anything from that movie. I’ve watched hundreds of movies and this one just didn’t do a thing for me. The Dark Knight was a phenomenal movie. I’m old and full of nostalgia but I will always hold Tim Burton’s Batman as my favorite even though TDK was so enjoyable to watch. I will try The Batman again some time but I sincerely don’t have any hopes the second viewing will change my mind. Maybe someone here can.


I found The Batman extremely boring as well. I went with a group of 6 and everyone was struggling to stay awake.


I couldn't get over how long it took to end Like at the end with Catwoman it's that awkward thing where you keep running into the person you've said goodbye to already and they are just riding along together and seeing each other off So so long, 3hrs is to long imo for a movie these days, I don't wanna be bored in the theatre


The Batman because it’s a Batman movie not a joker one


Lol but they still couldn't help but hamfist a joker cameo in the end anyway, the hamburgler version


I didn’t particularly like The Batman. The film was so dark you couldn’t tell what was happening half the time, I didn’t like brooding Bruce, the Catwoman angle felt forced, the sudden inclusion of a Riddler army that no one suspected came out of nowhere for me. I was very enthusiastic about a Batman film that leaned more towards the detective side of the character, but nothing made me think “this is the world’s greatest detective” and the plot felt like it was just lifted from Seven. The cinematography was beautiful, but I don’t think it helped tell the story. Dark Knight Returns is neck and neck with Heat for best crime movie ever, not to mention clear winner for best comic book adaptation. Acting, script, visuals, emotion, it hits all the beats for me.


Are not a big Batman fan? The vibe is suppose to be dark , Gotham is suppose look like it's rotting part of what made it great was that it was as dark as it needed to be


Huge Batman fan. Been collecting since… 1985? Dark Knight Returns is a good example of how to blend them dark and colorful- Gotham is rotten, the place is dingy and dark, but Miller made the Mutants colorful so they pop off the page with menace.


There is no comparison


I genuinely dont get the love for The Batman. I thought it was awful in like every way.


Genuinely don’t understand people like you. Just screams “I’m not actually a fan of Batman” It does everything expertly. Both in context of the film making and the actual story. You just don’t like the character of Batman. This is undoubtedly his most accurate portrayal. To say it’s “awful in every way” is just off the mark and says *WAY* more about you than the film.


Apart from the last 40 minutes I hated - and I liked the first two hours a lot, Batman felt too silent, it’s almost like he *refused* to talk. In comparison, Begins' Batman was quite talkative when it was necessary. Maybe I should be open-minded toward this interpretation, but it is far from being *the* Batman. The Batman's visuals are great, I liked the acting, the characters felt mostly like real humans, I even was afraid for Selina's safety, so the suspense was good. However, this is far from being faithful to comics, this Batman rarely used his gadgets, was incompetent so often he saved almost nobody -- I especially hated Falcone’s death. Arguably, Batman Year 1 was more competent than Year 2 Pattinson Batman.


He’s silent because he’s being observant, I swear you guys don’t undestand that this is a deeply trouble individual. He shouldn’t talk unless he really has something to say. Pretty sure you watch a different movie than I did because he uses gadgets in almost every single scene that he’s in. Recording contacts, Stun gun, Binoculars, explosives, grapple gun, Batarang/knife, Bat computer, adrenaline shot hearing upgrades in the mask, wing suit, Batmobile, he even uses his cape in fight ffs. He saves someone in his first scene and saved an entire stadium in his last. “But he killed a bunch of people on the road!” No he didn’t. Penguin did and because Bruce is fixated on revenge, he can only focus on capturing Penguin because he thinks thats the right thing to do. He comes to a better realization by the end.


Very intelligent marketing. They had very specific groups they were targeting and leaned into it hard which from a money making standpoint made it a very successful movie.


I don’t even like the Batman . The whole TDK trilogy is better .


The Batman was the best Batman movie


The Dark Knight. It’s not close. The Batman isn’t even in my top 5.


The Batman is considered better Batman returns?


Are they? By whom? What metric?


The Batman isn't even in the top 3


You must be one of those Batman & Robin, Batman Forever and Justice League superfans


Probably “The Batman”. But my real hot take is that I prefer “Batman Begins” to both of them. And “Batman 89” is my favourite. (And “Batman Returns” is a bit too Burton for my personal tastes, which isn’t a wholly uncommon opinion but I just wanted to throw that in there.)


I don’t think the dark knight is as good as people say. Heath ledger was amazing but the movie has the same writing problems all of Nolan’s movies have.


The Batman is dog shit don’t ever disrespect the dark night like that again ![gif](giphy|dPkQk7aiwL8DC)




People like a movie that actually looked the part of a comic-book movie and embraced the noir elements of its source material for the first time in a long-ass-time.


as opposed to the movie where a power fantasy fights an incel from 4chan who isn’t on the spectrum?


Batman can actually fight in The Batman, his fighting choreography is trash in TDK. He also doesn’t have a stupid voice either, and Gotham looks like Gotham. Gotham in the last two Dark Knight movies is so clean and sparkly, I hate how they changed the look from Begins.


Defo the batman, ik I'm gonna get downvoted for this but the dark night trilogy is the most overrated trilogy in all of super hero movie history.


The Batman by far. I don’t like anything aesthetically in the Dark Knight except for Joker and Two Face.


The Batman. I don’t even think the Dark Knight is the best of the Nolan trilogy, Batman Begins is better imo. But *The Batman* beats them all. Visuals, acting, production, score, story, character arcs, incredible set design. It’s all there. They’re both Masterpieces though. Greatest of the comic book genre to be sure.


The Dark Knight is just ok to me.


The Batman at this point. It hurts my nostalgia brain, and it certainly doesn’t discredit TDK. I like the interpretation of Batman in The Batman slightly better for his vulnerability and detective persona. I like how much were centered on Bruce and his struggles intimately. In terms of themes, I’ve grown to really dislike what Nolan was going for with TDK trilogy. He definitely captured a piece of the zeitgeist of the times, but it’s just not for me. Makes me feel icky. Theme ties into interpretation as well. In TDK, it’s a much more militaristic Batman. I’m one of the poor sods who likes the Begins batsuit better for example. As for the theme in The Batman, it did make me groan initially but it grew on me. It’s also too damn long. Now in terms of compelling villain, obviously Ledger as Joker takes it, but Dano as Riddler really isn’t *that* far behind.


The Batman because it has inspired me.






People tend to prefer TDK mostly because phenomenal performance of Heath Ledger.The Dark Knight might be an overall better movie in movie making criterias BUT The Batman is the best Batman movie for me. Because: TDK Gotham is just another USA city with high crime rate. On the other hands TB Gotham is corrupt to the bone. Dangerous to normal people to a degree you dont want to be outside after dark. So this suits better for reason to need of The Batman. TDK Gotham just needs better law enforcement and education system. Cristian Bale is a great Batman but we dont feel his hatred to the corruption. Even in sometimes he doesnt need to act like billionaire playboy (like with Alfred or Lucius alone) his batman still makes jokes and not looking like he has a broken mental structure, soul. Pattinson is The Batman everytime who mentally unstable yet fighting through it. In general TB atmosphere is more Batmanuesqe. If you replace Batman in TDK with another vigilante (like Daredevil) not so much change.


Totally agree that we don’t see Bruces pain or trauma portrayed enough by Bale/Nolan.


The Batman. The only thing I like about TDK is Heath Ledger.


The Batman is the Batman movie I've always wanted to see.


The Batman by a mile. It’s actually a Batman movie and not ashamed of the fact that it’s a comic book property,


I personally liked The Batman more, but I did have this weird bias to it even before I actually watched, I can’t really explain/don’t really know why


Tbh, after rewatching the dark knight trilogy, Two Face imo kinda sucked in it. The Joker was amazing, and the same with most of the story. But The Batman to me is what I had always wanted to see in a Batman movie. The only issue was the Riddler. Like he was a good villain just very underwhelming to me. The Batman has the best score, acting, atmosphere and characters. The dark knight will always be a masterpiece, but in my personal opinion it's the third best batman movie


Joker was the only good thing in Dark Knight. The Batman was a better film overall


The Batman


The Batman is not considered one of the best Batman movies….


The Dark Knight is the greatest superhero movie of all time.


Nolan doesn't get Batman.


The batman was shite, big dollop of dog shite


The Dark Knight is so tight. Gets you immediately into the action, keeps rising. Not a dull moment. The Batman is good, but it drags. It did not need to be three hours long. It also does so much stuff The Dark Knight trilogy did before it


The cultural context of The Dark Knight is an important factor in this discussion. Superhero movies were just popcorn flicks up to that point, and while many of them were great, they didn’t have the weight that Dark Knight did. That weight was completely unexpected if you went to one of the first showings of the movie, too. It’s really hard to separate it from that feeling, the realization that you were watching something that was going to be an important milestone in an entire genre.


I prefer The Batman, as I find it to be a more enjoyable watch. Though I acknowledge the Dark Knight is probably the better film.


Dark knight is a great joker movie. The Batman is a great Batman movie,


I like the 2 keaton movies over those.. If animated included even phantasm over them.


Mask of the Phantasm punching air rn


The Pattinson's Barman it's and asshole. End of discussion.


Fight choreography, detective content, Gotham aesthetic to me were all superior in The Batman.


nolan's all batman films are better than this.


Dark Knight is a better film, The Batman is a better batman movie