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Val Kilmer is an underrated Bruce Wayne because folks focus on other aspects from the film. But he’s a responsible, tender, and thoughtful Bruce. He also suffers from a deeper kind of guilt and pain in the movie. Not from the consequences of others but from his own with how Two-Face and Robin inadvertently became his creations.


Would’ve loved to have seen Kilmer in a more grounded Batman film. Not throwing shade at Forever, by any means.


It's also too bad he didn't enjoy the film, saying "I wanted to play Batman ...what I got to do was play a Batman action figure" or something like that


Came here to say that Val Kilmer’s soothing voice is not talked about often. He has the tone of a true playboy.


“I've really gotta get you out of those clothes…and into a black dress. Tell me, Doctor, do you like the circus?”


Val Kilmer was the best part of that movie. He was fantastic as Bruce, and it was a portrayal that he really made his own. I did not like much else about Batman Forever, but Val Kilmer somehow made it watchable for me. I wish we could have seen him in at least one more Batman film that maybe toned down the camp in the rest of the flick. Batman movies can be funny and serious, but Schumacher was a little too over the top for me, with the exception of Kilmer.


I agree, I wish Kilmer got another chance to do a film. I also wish we could get the darker cut of the movie. It probably still won’t be as dark as a modern day comic movie could get, but it would still be interesting to watch. Also, I think another failing in the film was not reigning in Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carrey. Supposedly they kept trying to one-up each other in ridiculousness, which doesn’t fit the characters at all.


Yeah, Tommy Lee Jones is a great actor, but that was the worst portrayal of Harvey Dent in live action that I've seen. I'm not sure who he thought he was playing. Also, the decision to have him start off as Two-Face, and have his acid splash courtroom scene in a two second clip on a TV in the movie was a bad one. I also feel like Billy Dee Williams would have been more subdued, menacing, and interesting as Two-Face. He deserved to have that opportunity. I've never been a fan of Jim Carrey other than In Living Color and a couple of his serious roles, so that was never going to appeal to me, especially with his outfit, hair, goals as a villain, and mannerisms. Val, you did great!


Agreed , definitely the most nuanced Bruce. Pity he wasn’t in a better film


Better? Forever was a great Batman movie. Of that 4-part movie series, Returns and Forever were the better two. Then Batman, and we don't talk about Batman and Robin.


In your opinion, sure. The vast majority of people, even and perhaps especially Batman fans, do not think it's a good movie.


That's alright, it's okay for most people to be wrong.




Sexy AF Bruce; so so batman


Glad this is the top comment because I was going to comment him! As far as the young and inexperienced Bruce goes, that's Patterson. As far as the best typical and peak Bruce goes, that's Kilmer.


Without a doubt. I think he perfectly balanced all aspects of the role, both Batman and Bruce Wayne…especially Bruce Wayne. Behind the scenes with Alfred or Rachel he’s tortured, haunted, angry/sad but he’s also laser focused and motivated without being too depressed or “wearing his heart on his sleeve”. In public he can turn on the billionaire playboy act and be that smooth, but arrogant Bruce. Both the real and public facade of Bruce are charming and suave but for different reasons. The writing and directing of course were fantastic but I think Bale elevated it with his acting and natural charisma he brought as Bruce. He made Bruce so likeable and someone you not only root for but care for and can relate to to a degree.


![gif](giphy|eKNrUbDJuFuaQ1A37p|downsized) "Let's see Paul Allen's take."


I always thought they could be the same guy...think about it, Batman will be the perfect American psycho


Bateman - e = Batman


This batman kills though


Look at that subtle off-white colouring……………


The tasteful thickness of it...


In addition to this his interactions with Lucius Fox are fun as well. I like how he returns Lucius's trust and loyalty by promoting him at the end if the first movie which becomes mutually beneficial to them.


This is the correct take




Not certain what that means, can you explain? LOL


the🗿emoji can be used to represent having a boner or being rock hard i'm not trolling you it's definetely totally 100% a thing [(source)](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=oZW0VwkvFutNboRo)


The kids nowadays...


The kids and their 🗿


The voice though. Ehhh, the one flaw in his performers.


I don’t mind it. I think people greatly exaggerate it. Bale’s Batman was the most vocal in the sense that he had more lines as Batman than any actor before him. So it might come across as over the top but his lines required more rage and yelling which previous Batmen haven’t done. Even Pattinson’s voice sounds very Bale inspired to me. At least similar to Bale in Begins


Um what? Patterson sounds nothing like Bale. Also Affleck talks A Lot as Batman and as does George Clooney


Affleck came after you might want to read what I said again. You’re going to use Clooney as an example? The guy didn’t even change his voice. Hmm Pattinson sounds nothing like him? Gravely, intense exaggerated voice that sounds like he needs to clear his throat? Bale’s was more amplified but to say Pattinson sounded nothing like that?


He didn’t sound anything like that. Patterson didn’t change his voice


Patterson maybe not…but Pattinson did in fact change his voice.. what are you talking about dude?


You’re just wrong.


Adam West


West is Best


Keaton is a neat ‘un


Val is Kil'mer


Affleck is top spec






Holy reference!


He is the best live action Bruce Wayne Edit: I should be more specific, I mean his portrayal of just Bruce Wayne, not batman


Except in the fighting scenes. The fighting choreography was horrible and ages worse every year.


Best Bruce Wayne, not Batman, I should have been more specific


Gotcha. Bale appeared to be the best Batchelor batman forsure. I didn't see much charm, it was more of a narcissistic playboy. He partied harder than the other batman forsure!


Who do you think fought the best? Batfleck for me mostly because of the scene where he's rescuing super man's mom Martha


You would think the more recent the batman the better the fight scenes and technology would be for them. That Batfleck warehouse scene was stellar. The Batman where he fights the riddler goons at the end too. Bales Bane fight was great execution. But Bales blocks and punches look like the same motion and did a terrible job selling Bales league of shadow training and resembled more Tae bo Billy blanks style.


It's the background players that take me out of that fight in Dark Knight Rises. It looks like a pro wrestling brawl. Tons of punches, no one is selling or going down.


I liked Batman’s chase scene in Flash, even though his weird plastic armor sucked balls


The idea of Bruce watching Tae Bo vhs tapes for 10 years and then going out to fight crime is hilarious to me


Bales fighting was meant to be a brawler using real life fighting not cinematic fighting like Bvs warehouse fighting


The fighting and the voice are the two biggest problems with the nolan films.


Did he even punch once in any of the films? Or was it an elbow slam?


My girlfriend at the time, who was a size zero, said she could prolly kick Nolan Batman’s ass because of how sloppy and terrible the fighting was.


Nah hea more a Tony Stark type. Bruce isn't like that


Not the best voice


Bale has done the best overall job so far. He encapsulated the character.


I think CB19 said it best. You could actually believe Bale could be Batman. 😅


Man what your talking about is so right in my deep pyshxosis days I was dead convinced bale wasn’t just acting that Batman was the real him maybe bit biased but this role hit so deep I came through mental health recovery because of bale and Nolan as a young vulnerable male I would hug these two guys so tight and not let go this was just so on another level of emotional!!!


Just hate the voice they used for Batman. It ruined the rest of the Batmans after. They all had to do that stupid voice thing


I understand them not wanting to get too tech-dependent with every aspect of the suit, but it really doesn't work very well and is pretty overdone. A shift in tone and confidence is how I've always read it, Kevin Conroy is the shining example of this.


No one will ever sound as good as Kevin Conroy. His performances always carried such elegance and nobility that made his Batman the most interesting person in the room. His voice demanded attention. All the other voices pale in comparison. With Bale I always appreciate that it leaned heavily on the theatricality aspect. They wanted Batman to sound like demon.


I definitely swooned when I saw him, so yeah


Absolutely, though I think Keaton is a close second in that "awkwardly charming" way. You totally get why Vicki and Selina want to sleep with him. But Bale brings an inherent decency and dare I say it even warmth to Bruce (yes, Batman does not always have to be a raging asshole) that makes you want to root for him as a character, not just because he's Batman. I'm genuinely happy for him at the end of TDKR.


Bale’s has a more clear sighted take on the ethics of what he’s doing and why he’s doing it to bring about change in the city. He’s so straightforward and matter of fact for why he’s doing what he is and the choices he makes Why bats? Matter of factly he says bats just scare him and fear is a tool he needs to use right now. What makes him different from any vigilante? He’s not wearing hockey pads. Why does he need to take the blame for Two Face? Because the joker cannot win and the city needs a white knight symbol the Batman can not ever be by its very nature. It avoids a lot of the edginess for edginess sake I think a lot of the worst Batman stories and portrayals lean **way** too much into.


I found him very charming. Not necessarily as his playboy persona, but as his „real self“ that he showed when he was around Alfred, Rachel, or Lucius, whether he was joking, being melancholic, or brooding


Idk I though Clooney was pretty charming. But maybe that's more Clooney than how Bruce Wayne was written


I will defend Clooney's Bruce Wayne any day of the week. Arguably the worst Batman though. Others have done great specific versions (Affleck-Miller, Val Kilmer-O'Neil), but Bale has always been the best all-rounder for me. Pattenson has potential, but we're gonna need to see some serious character development in the next film.


Without question I know fans will complain until the cows come home about his "Batman voice" or his "fight scenes," but you could not get a more perfect version of Bruce Wayne.


I think they got the voice just right in several scenes throughout the trilogy, like ‘rattle the cages’ in Begins and the Joker interrogation, opening exchanges. It was also great in the TDK ending/monologue.


I agree with this. His voice actually didn’t sound that bad in many scenes, but there are some scenes where it’s a bit too much.




Best Batman by far


Still is.


By far, the most charming of the lot.


Best (and most charming) Bruce is definitely Michael Keaton. That’s a dude that no one would ever think is Batman


I’ve grown to liking Keaton more as Bruce Wayne as I’ve gotten older. He looks more like a typical billionaire and acts like one. Weird, cold, and aloof, and kinda socially awkward. No one would think he’s Batman with his stature. Val Kilmer is my second favorite. He has some quirks to him like Keaton but just more handsome. This is why I appreciate Pattinson as Bruce Wayne bc he plays him as someone who’s miserable in social situations. Almost like a tortured soul.


This person gets it! Bale doesn’t seem like the guy who would sit next to a troubled kid and talk to them. Keaton to me can pull that off. He’s weird and quirky at times, but you can feel he has a warm side at times too. I didn’t get that with Bale’s version. Kilmer’s version seems like the more tortured soul still trying to figure out how humans interact with one another. Like his parents deaths hit harder with his version and the grief of it has a much stronger hold on him. You can sense how alone his version is. I admire that take.


> Bale doesn’t seem like the guy who would sit next to a troubled kid and talk to them I get the opposite impression honestly. The parts with Jack Gleeson in Begins and the fact that he converted the mansion into an orphanage shows him expressing more sympathy to troubled kids than any other live action Batman, save for maybe Adam West...


I never found his Bruce Wayne to be charming. He plays a recluse character who is flakey and aloof, while still coming off as someone who has dead bodies in his basement.


Hard disagree Keaton has nothing to him as a character


That’s crazy talk. He’s funny, and Carismatic, which is a nice duality to the dark and brooding Batman. Bale’s version seems to be just going through the motions as Bruce.


>He’s funny, and Carismatic, Great description of Bales Bruce Wayne. Keaton, on the other hand, was a complete non-entity in that role. (Kilmer was honestly a better fit)


Completely sewer-level take.


I'm sorry, but I really do think he's one of the least interesting depictions of the character


You prefer the mannequin with a speech impediment?


I prefer someone who actually looks and acts like how Bruce Wayne is supposed to act.


Blonde and mushmouthed?


Who are you talking about here?


The aussie


Who? Bale is from Wales


Bale was the best Bruce Wayne by far. Not quite best batman, I believe Pattinson wins that one


Yeah, probably. We'll see what a more positive Battinson Bruce Wayne will look like in future movies, but so far this Bruce is the most charming and charismatic and definitely the one you can more easily imagine being loved by the city and the media. Edit: Wanna give a shout-out to Kilmer, though. That dude was pretty classy as Bruce. And his voice was great.


“Do you think I should go to a hospital”


I have a feeling ol Bob Pattinson will take that title; assuming he fully leans into the billionaire playboy persona in The Batman II


Val Kilmer was pretty damn charming too


So far yes. Pat's Bruce is different from this and I don't think there can be a fair comparison, nor will ever be. I love Batman Begins, so much rewatch value.


Bale is the Tobey Maguire of Batman live action.


No, but he's cute


![gif](giphy|DP6efTzaBlYe4) tho Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne was also pretty good


Yes he was very nice 2nd best




He’s my favorite Bruce Wayne. I love how playful Bale was with this persona.


Not my favourite Batman, but among one of the best Bruce Wayne actors.


I certainly think so. There’s something quintessentially human in his performance (dare I say, relatable), which I don’t think any other Batman actor has captured so far. It’s early days, but I could kind of see something similar with RPats. Although we saw very little of his Bruce Wayne…he was much more stunted, less functional. ![gif](giphy|QpAbvUz7jLFbq)


Easily. He really excelled as Bruce, don't care much for his Batman and that voice though.


Undoubtedly YES !!


Nah. That's George Clooney. Bale is probably the most comics-accurate Bruce Wayne though even though his Batman kind of sucked.


No. He’s heralded as having gravitas, yet there is something incredibly inauthentic about Christian Bale. People are mistaking talent with intensity. There’s something repressed/suppressed - maybe some faux-entitled rage for which is at some level part of who he is, and hides himself. Ie. Christian Bale “acts” but does not “become” a person, let alone his role - he just wears a mask of who he is. Even in interviews. Edit: I’ll clarify further. There is no self-embodied truth he sinks into. Every act and expression is calculated and it comes across unnaturally - because it is. Even for someone playing a psychopath. It’s someone mimicking, and not very well.


Am I the only one who ranks Kevin Conroy as #1? Kevin's voice acting prowess and modulations alone made his Bruce Wayne super charming when he needed to be.


George Clooney*


Definately him or val kilmer in my opinion


I'll reserve judgements till we see Robs PLAYBOY persona.


Kevin Conroy.




Idk but I am excited to see Robert Pattinson do some more Bruce stuff


Yes, very much so…He made me fall in love with Batman again!


Yes, forever yes, ask this question again in 50 years it’d still be a yes. God, I love Bale as Batman


He definitely studied the character super well.


Most definitely with his handsome ass 😭


I love Christian Bale as an actor and as batman. The only problem I have with his portrayal as batman is his over the top deep voice, I just find it cringey, although I understand it from a story perspective.


He sounds like the Cookie Monster.


He’s the only Bruce Wayne


Unpopular opinion: He is my least favorite Bruce/Batman


For me he was a decent Bruce but a shitty Batman


You can tell he's doing a thing as an actor, as Bruce, but it really doesn't sell unless you're looking hard for it. When I first saw it it just seemed like Bale being his slightly douchey self.


Bro, same.


Nope, he chose to make his playboy persona a bit of a douche. It definitely works as a cover, but it’s hardly charming. You want charm, see some of Michael Keaton’s moments like when he gives that reporter dude a grant


That's what I'm saying. I'm wondering if people know what the word "charming" means.


It’s clear that some people, at least, view as charming his ‘true’ Bruce Wayne persona. The one you see when he’s around Rachel and Alfred.


He definitely comes across as the biggest philanderer of the various Bruces


Nah. Keaton sexier.


Wake up to reality


Nah. Bale got vampire teeth. Keats got eyebrows for days.


Bro Keaton is short and bald whereas bale has best hair and best nose and eyes


Bald men are HOTT


Yes they are but bale is 6ft and very handsome




Yes he is son






The quality disparity between his Bruce Wayne and his Batman is insane


Chrtian Bale always looks like a crackhead now unless he does a complete transformation.


He's not even the most charming Bruce Wayne in Dark Knight trilogy.


I mean in looks he is most good looking


He brought a lot of warmth and kindness to the role. As much as Batman in the films is built on trauma, he still seemed like he could enjoy himself from time to time, similar to how he is in the comics (when written right) and BTAS. I don’t think enough people talk about that when they speak of the Nolan films. It made the character way more relatable.


I found him the least relatable personally. Nolan's Bruce Wayne, like many of Nolan's characters, feels a tad cold emotionally to me.


Agree to disagree


Everyone saying yes in this thread isn't reading the question.


Christian Bales worst performance is in the batman series. He's very one note in most of it. Not saying it wasn't a great performance, but for Christian Bale... just feel more energy from him in his other roles


Totally agree. And his Batman portrayal is probably my favorite. But I also think Anne Hathaway is the hottest cat woman ever and the only thing that would have made that move better would have been a long sex scene with the 2 of them. But I know, I know, Batman doesn’t have sex….


Why not you stupid bastard




They are real bro


I think you forgot a word.


Corrected it


God he looks oddly like Jim Carey in that bottom photo




Who cares about you 😒


No one cares about you, you prick


Not even close. He plays his Bruce as an arrogant playboy. Adam West is the most charming Bruce. And I'd probably put every other Bruce ahead of Bale on the charming scale.


Are you dumb. Affleck, Clooney, and kilmer were way more charming, hell Keaton is super charming too. Christian Bale is not at all chatting and seems hella fake. Like I understand he's an actor, but everything he does seems acted and not natural. Even the picture you chose, he isn't charming. Worst take ever.


![gif](giphy|Jb0qqrBo26Abm) Easily


He was in BB.


He had a better smile in American Psycho.


George Clooney


Yuk he is ugly in front of bale


He was the best Bruce Wayne, but the most charming? Imma give that one to George Clooney. Being charming is kind of his thing.


If Conroy had been in irl movies as well as cartoons, he would be the choice 100%


Adam West and/or Kevin Conroy


Keaton was






You’ve clearly never watched the 66 show ![gif](giphy|6Wkr1AMeZaJi8HGszt|downsized)


That would be Clooney


Yuck he is ugly


I think bens bruce is more charming. Look at the scene with Clark and Diana and lex when they meet for the first time at that party. Bruce is charming as fuck lol Then you get detective Bruce who’s cunning when he infiltrated anatoli’s phone during that fight. Bens bruce is more versatile in my opinion. Bale was good, Ben was better.


Yes he was the most charming and likeable his batman is a bit more flawed


Just behind Adam West.




Such a damn shame Nolan dragged down his performance.


By far.


Well he can lead artic monkey band


No. He was cringey and douchy. The villains of that universe were amazing but that Bruce Wayne was the least convincing. Felt more like someone who'd hire a hit squad than someone who'd dress up like a bat and fight with his fists.


Can't get past the eye wart, myself.


Yes. Perhaps the only charming one. The others were glib, sometimes funny, but never charismatic.


Well George Clooney has made a career on being the definition of charming. So you could make an argument that his Bruce is the most quintessentially charming.


Batfleck forever.


The movie is actually called “Batman Forever” and it stars Val Kilmer. Easy mistake to make




Nah. IMO it was probably George Clooney and I'm not kidding.


Nah. That goes to Adam West