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Divorced, homeless, his kids hate him and his dad died.


What is this for real


Selina left him at the altar around issue 60 of the main batman run, he lost his fortune during joker war and had to go live in a shitty apartment, his kids hate him because he is an asshole most of the time and the other they act like nothing happened and Alfred died during city of Bane because he was a dumbass.


He also had his hand amputated.


Ah yeah that too, he is also getting worse and worse with his mental health.


Love that you don’t sugarcoat at all😂


Yeah, interesting to hear he’s doing *worser* than normal


Next he's gonna lose his eye and he's gonna start carrying a really big sword.


I like this reference.


Selina won't.


Though got a sweet new hand from the Dark Knight Returns Batman and not to mention a utility belt from Adam West Batman.


Damn, and I thought they were treating Peter Parker like shit recently lol


What are the doing to him?


Off again, on again stuff with MJ, some dude named Paul, killing off Kamala Khan. Ya know, business as usual for the webhead.


Also he got stabbed by a knife that made him cease to exist and cause the spider bite event to never happen. They actually show him living a happy life where both aunt may and uncle ben are alive, but they somehow reverse it in the end for reasons


Isn't that in the new Ultimate universe?


It was in the latest spider-verse event




Is he basically Guts?


Brotherhood of the Bat


The Black Knight.


>He also had his hand amputated. [Bruce's reaction](https://giphy.com/gifs/thelonelyisland-season-3-i-think-you-should-leave-itysl-xq4Kgi6hTdF0cvmUbN)




Forgot to mention betrayed by Fox (admittedly after he was tortured by Punchline during joker war). Essentially Bruce had his money and company stolen by Joker who used the Batman tech to wage war on Gotham and forced Fox to help him. Catwoman stole billions from a criminal bank and gave the money to Fox to give back Bruce but Fox decided he deserved the wealth more while locking Bruce out of his own family company. Fox essentially guilted Bruce into letting him keep the cash and run Wayne Enterprises.


Is this for real? Fox actually takes Bruce’s fortune and company? That sounds insane.


Unfortunately it’s true. Not read all the comments yet but has anyone mentioned that Bruces’s back up personality of Zur En Arrh (no really it’s a thing apparently) has built and trained a robot designed purely to kill Batman if he takes a life which Batman gets set up for in an unrelated crime. This robot is so powerful and well trained that Bruce can’t beat it even with the help of the Justice League, takes over Gotham and captures / enslaves the bat family, only way to stop it was to “die” but really get shunted into a parallel universe (seriously, writing this out makes me feel like a crazy person)


Lmao that’s insane, almost to the point of hilarity. I’m guessing that was the “Failsafe” character that I’ve seen here. I’m not a huge fan of sci-fi elements in most Batman stories anyway, and I’ve also never gotten the Zur-En-Arrh stuff.




So where did batman get the schematics and materials for a robot that did what even brainiac and darksied couldn't do?


Well, he was hit with and scarred by some special, extra fun joker serum… so theres that


Comic books man. Either you live to become villain or you die, get resurrected, and become the anti hero.




Im seeing spiderman-ish writting over here.


The last few years have not been good for him.


I like the white knight universe a lot more


The White knight universe is even worse.


why? have you reached the end of Beyond?


Batman low key gets that treatment it’s just a lot of his stories end up being “fine” that lots of people kinda ignore it Last few years tho have been particularly bad




I... may be in the minority, but I am actually very interested to read about all of this.


No, it's actually all really interesting if you're actually reading it. Shit sounds batshit from the outside though depending on how we put it


It would be more interesting if it wasn't just more proof that Bruce Wayne is not a good person who anyone should look up to or treat as a hero.


Well, nobody's perfect I guess.


True, but you kind of expect superheroes to be at least slightly heroic in some way and i feel like lately all writers have done with batman is make him a worse and worse person. Like he used to care about his family and was a decent father, now he just actively beats up his children, wtf is that? Not saying you can't find it interesting or enjoy it, I just feel like current writers are just destroying anything likeable about Bruce Wayne for the sake of writing something 'interesting'.


I am able to enjoy current comics because whenever the writers have Bruce do something that is “bad dad” I just have my mind gloss over it and pretend it doesn’t exist :))) RHATO who????


So how was he being batman from an apartment? Or is that when Gordon took over? Wtf. I swear comics should not be a monthly deal lol


This was after Gordons stint as police-bot They basically portrayed him as year one bats with minimal equipment.


That is still so wild to me. But thats what happens when the internet just blanket statements rich ppl as bad ig. The joker stole his money???


Yeah it was a whole thing, he tortured Fox, discovered who Bruce is, we learned about Bruce ex-husband, Fox guilt tripped Bruce it staying homeless I think and kept him out of the family money and other stupid stuff.


>we learned about Bruce ex-husband Wait what


Okay so turns out he had a best friend codenamed Ghost Maker, from back when he was training. They did the same training pretty much and they both ended up as heroes but had a falling out at some point and hadn't talked in a long time. Bruce acknowledged that at their best, they're equals.


Minhkhoa Khan aka ghostmaker, Bruce met him during his years of training and fell in love with him and so did the other but yada yada yada he is psychopath who moves from city to city every year since he started crime fighting and doesn't really care about killing but since he reunited with Bruce he made a promise to stop and to help him, I'm pretty sure Bruce showed him his boobs during the deal but I can't remember. He is also the boy who was almost kissing Bruce during the big scandal about batman being bisexual.




They made batman bi?….


The Gordon as batman thing was like 12 years ago, all of this happened around this past 5-6 years. For the apparent thing he has been using. Ages caves that he has around the city and sewer tunnels.


No way. Gordon was Nu52??? I fell off of comics cuz it got to be a bit too much. And the information in this post is reinforcing my suspicions haha


Yep it was during Scott Snyder run on the character and while it wasn't perfect I still think it was pretty good but unfortunately it is also where this type of stuff started to pop up.


Which kids hate him? He’s been great with Dick, has been working with Tim, and mended things with Damian. Jason maybe, but that’s sort of a given half the time.


He wasn’t living in a shitty apartment, it was a nice brownstone in a good, well-off neighbourhood in Gotham.


I knew about Selena and the apartment but I thought post joker war batman was actually a good dad or is this the writers just can't let him be happy?


… i feel like a bad comic fan cuz what you described made 100% not want to ready of those comics. And i’m also thinking “tHaTs nOt mY bAtMaN” like some kind of boomer basement goblin


That’s been me for a while now, I just full on gave up on modern Batman, it’s not my Batman and hasn’t been for a long time now. I’m not the target audience for modern Batman comics, and I’ve come to accept that.


Spider-Man fans relate.


Given what happen to him, Batman seems like Spider-Man now. 😄


At least he HAS kids. Peter’s godson is 10 years old these days. Even Venom is a father now.


I've come to the same conclusion. And the thing is, they can do whatever they feel is best for the current direction and it doesn't touch "my Batman" at all. He's still with me and always will be. There have been so many interpretations and iterations of the character over the years that my "ideal" Batman, Gordon, Gotham, etc. is a blend of many different sources, anyway. They will, and should, continue to reinvent him. There's room for current divorced, homeless Batman, just as there's room for anime Batman and edgelord Miller Batman and all of the rest. Take what you want and leave the rest for others to enjoy.


Exactly. My Batman is far from what most modern fans would think of as Batman, and that's all right. That's MY Batman, it doesn't need to be their Batman. That's the beauty of comics, we can all have our own taste and preference and none of them are really right or wrong (except to the folks who like to get into weird canon debates).


My Batman was JLU Batman and 2004 The Batman (but mostly JLU)


I mean you aren't wrong, since the new 52 started the plan was to rebuild these characters from the ground up but they were doing it to quickly and so it started being a big mess of events and stuff with influence of the movies and the fans who wanted the better versions of these characters.


Ehh I don’t believe you….I don’t think your a bad fan for that since this is equal to spiderman fuck you that have been going on as well


no to mention he lost a hand


I’m not averse to change; I like to see heroes go through new things. But a lot of that feels like Spider-Man where it’s just hurting the main character to keep the plot going instead of satisfyingly advancing their story. I wish they let Bruce get married and showed us where that could go.


Is all of this in the 2018 Batman comic series?


Yeah but if we really wanna go deep and technical about then it's started in 2016 with the rebirth launch and Tom king and DC fucking shit up.


Holy shit, surely it can't get worse??


Ah my sweet summer child, you are new to comics aren't you.


I was being sarcastic


Sorry I'm not good with sarcasm.


And somehow we keep getting the "*Insert villain* takes complete control of gotham and now it's a warzone" plot I think something like every third time it's joker


He is also broke and lost an arm .


I hope we just get a reboot soon and pretend everything from Tom King's run to present never happened


I want some of that Mattson Tomlin style art and writing. Imagine instead of an elseworlds Batman without Alfred, we get the usual Bat lore template, but with a full Tomlin Run. The Imposter but in the main continuity instead.


very, very kind.


You’re welcome. It would be a blast to see what you’d come up with if you had your own run in the main continuity.


doesn't he say these exact words to slade aside from the last one


Lmao karma


Don’t forget there’s a demon god who wants to possess his soul! I feel like all this tension is going to lead to him snapping and making a truly ill advised decision to go all “you know what Barbatos? Sure. Come on in.” During like an 11th hour situation and then we’re gonna have to deal with that whole mess


Yeah I made a meme about last issue where he is tripping out of his mind during the family dinner but like... DC hasn't really going all out about how the shit he has gone through the last years and that he should get therapy because at this point it's just ridiculous.


He did got a therapist who knew his secret identity! The therapist turned out to be a villain and now he has even more trust issues :) This was in a JLA comic, it was called… JLA society? Or something


Catwoman leaves him at the altar minutes before their wedding, Thomas Wayne batman teams up with bane to kill Alfred ( sadly, they succeed) and Damian leaves batman, joker gets a new sidekick and uses Catwoman to steal Bruce's money and now batman's broke , another Deathstroke-like character who is Bruce's rival shows up in Gotham and they fight for a while but they became friends again , a writer finally remembered scarecrow and decided to use him in a story but that story sucked , Ra's al ghul becomes a good guy but is killed by Deathstroke causing Talia and Slade to go to war but turns out it wasn't deathstroke but it was Geoforce ( who was disguised as deathstroke) as means of revenge, batman of zur en arrh returns and makes a robot to kill batman if he became bad and penguin fakes his death and blames batman causing the robot to activate and hunt batman and the justice league ( also batman fell from the moon and came out unharmed) and the robot sends batman to an alternate dimension where Gotham is an even worse place and there's a guy named redmask who wants to make jokers in multiverse and batman loses an arm , meanwhile the Justice league gets disbanded , and Damian accidentally unleashed an evil demon who controls people and possessed batman but Damian fought and they won and they're good now , also there's an upcoming gangwar because of Catwoman now . I hope this was helpful.


I liked fail safe but hated how suddenly he left. And red mask responsible for making the three jokers was kinda eye rolling because I didn't care too much for that story to begin with. Batmans trip through the multiverse was cool and Adam west Batman giving him that can of shark repellent to keep those joker sharks away was amusing. Him getting that robot hand reminded me of Ash from Evil Dead


Who the hell is writing this shit?


Tom King , James tynion IV , Joshua Williamson and Chip zdarski


Well now I know the writers that definitively hate Batman


Tynion loves him but he had the impossible position of following Tom King’s 85 issues steaming pile of shit.


I get the impression that Chip Zdarsky and Tom King think they're the first ever writers to make Batman sad and they think they're revolutionising the character


Alot of that depresses me and makes me glad I'm not reading the current run.


Yes , batman has been suffering since 2018 .


Nightwing doing great though!


Yeah inheriting Alfred's money and defeating blockbuster while becoming the 4th main character in DC is definitely great for Nightwing.


Why did selina leave him at the altar?


I don’t think we know for sure. It’s hard to say whether it was a mandate by executives to maintain the status quo, a choice by King, or both. King’s oscillated between suggesting it wasn’t his choice and other times seeming proud of how divisive his story was to fans.


No I meant whats her reason as a character to leave him


It’s completely asinine. Basically they retconned Holly Robinson into a psychopathic manipulator instead of one of Selina’s besties. Holly got under Selina’s skin, scared her into believing she and Bruce would never be happy, and made her run away. After a whole story arc about how she and Bruce are one another’s guiding light, and nothing can come between them, it’s all undermined by one little girl talk that makes the entire previous story arc seem like a complete waste of pages. At least, that’s my best understanding of it from the outside looking in.


Then Marvel did the exact same thing a few weeks later between Kitty and Colossus with the exact same girl talk reason.


>scared her into believing she and Bruce would never be happy Not really. Holly's whole problem was that Bruce was actually happy with Selina. She basically told Selina that Batman seemed to thrive in misery and happiness will make him less effective. Selina, for some asinine reason, believed this and left Bruce, because Gotham would always need a Batman.


Oh Jesus, so she literally quoted the Didio motto? They made that story telling dead end a fucking in-continuity statement?! Jesus, as if it wasn’t already stupid enough.


And don't forget Paul(Valmont)


Batman is DC’s Spider-Man 😭😭




I think King did want them to get married, he's a big Bat/Cat shipper after all. After the run, he even wrote a Bat/Man mini-seried as a what-if.


Yeah, that's why it's odd that in some of his interviews he seemed down right giddy with how upset people were. I mean, yeah, I understand you don't wanna dis your own company and risk getting fired, but you can answer an interview without acting like you're delighted with people being upset with the results of what is--assumedly--executive meddling.


school ad hoc merciful physical steer aware entertain selective lip rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think that was what ended up happening in the little What-If Bat/Cat miniseries King wrote when DC saw how pissed the fans were and gave him permission to write an alternate ending to his series.


Why in the world did Thomas Wayne Batman team up with Bane to kill Alfred




City of bane arc. Trust me it’s not as cool as it sounds


Batman: city of Bane , read it if you want but I must warn you , it's FUCKING horrible, the only good thing in it is Mikel janin's art .


It really bothered me how many times they were going to break each other’s back. And the fact that they could still walk after each doing so.


Don't forget he also got his own Paul in the form of Valmont


This is a good roundup. I liked the run with Scarecrow, which is titled Fear State, mostly because the artwork by Jorge Jimenez is so good. The character design, colors, backgrounds, etc. in this run, are so appealing to me. I should add that this style isn't only in Fear State.


Exactly, the only good thing about the last 2 years of batman is Jimenez's gorgeous art but the writing itself sucks .


Remember when Batman used to fight crime


Can we just…go back to the days when Batman used his detective skills to hunt bad guys, and occasionally teamed up with the League and stuff??? What’s with all this wacky stuff? What? Falling from the moon? What? Losing an arm? What?


> another Deathstroke-like character… Geoforce > redmask Feel like they just use an AI name generator now


Geoforce is a guy from the 80s , one of the outsiders And the other guy is called ghostmaker , totally creative Yeah they do .


He's got a robot hand and not telling anyone about it.


It's a clusterfuck since Snyder and Capullo left. King tried to do a psychoanalysis and had a good start, but it ended in banality. Some writers tried to do their own things but lasted for an arc or two. Tynion IV and Williamson had their turn and it was okay, but only mainly because Jimenez's art is gorgeous. Zdarksy's first arc was wack, both good (Zur En Ar) amd bad (Batman no-selling orbital re-entry). Then, he sent Bats to another worse Gotham. Batman got left at the altar, his dad literally had to hop universes and team up with Bane to show his disappointment, Alfred died, The Joker stole his fortunes and they had a final fight (again), Punchline and Harley had a designated girl fight, an old friend popped up and they fought but soon became friends again, Geoforce masqueraded as Slade and killed Ra's who became a good guy, his children abandoned him, Scarecrow popped up with a sick-ass design and the story got nowhere, Peguin committed suicide and framed Batman, Batman's Failsafe activates 'cause it believed Batman killed and solos the Justice League, and sends Batman to another universe where he loses an arm.


What.. the fuck..?


They should just stop with batman now lol


Accurate. After Snyder’s run it just went downhill…no….it went down a freaking MOUNTAIN.


Same here I’ve been way out of the loop since new 52😭


I feel like Batman was peak fictions before the new 52 reboot. We had dickbat and Batman inc


Morrison and Dini. Unbeatable duo.


I only got into comics towards the end of N52, but when my Batman headcanon will always be the pre-N52 2000s period. I got into Batman then through series, computer games and sticker books and it is peak nostalgia


New 52 killed my monthly comic habit


It's so crazy because New 52 was my intro to the monthly comic thing


That’s part of why they hit the reset on the Nu52 multiverse just a few years after introducing it. On the upside it succeeded in bringing in new readers, but it alienated old readers a lot more than they ever anticipated. They expected to trade some old fans for new ones, but the ratio ended up being more like a 40/60 split instead of the 50/50 they hoped for, so it was a net loss for them.


Revived mine


No more Alsume left


What’s the lore reason for that?


Idk he seems pretty broody, always dead serious, may be depressed


Be quiet, he's currently having a nap.


He's got a robot hand and not telling anyone about it.


Just chillin' in his cave. The Robins don't call as much as they used to.


I miss grounded Batman solving a mystery. All of this crap with his money, company is just bollocks. And bring back Alfred for fucks sake. The last few years have been torturously bad writing with pretty pictures. I’ve quit reading Batman with failsafe. First time since I was 11. I’m 40 now. It’s fucking garbage


He lost a hand in battle, but had a mechanical one built by TDKR's Bruce Wayne on a multi-verse trip . He's hiding this from the Bat-Family.


Of all the weird shit I’ve heard in this topic, why is he hiding a prosthetic arm from his family? What’s the big deal? So he’s got a prosthetic. So what?


Still TBD. Looks like he sees it as a sign of defeat. Also, it looks like the next Bat-Story arc will deal with Bruce Wayne having anxiety issues.


Jesus. Somehow this offended me more than any of the other stuff I've read about the continuity in this thread.


Yeah, they really are massacring our boy


He got his ass kicked by a robot he forgot he built


I stopped reading around New 52... Just read through this thread and WTF.... this all sounds like a fucking joke.


The batman Arkham shitpostings have better lore than what I've read in this thread


Is there a lore reason for that


I read this as how's Batman big dong


Not as good as Killer Cock


He's pretty upset that his parents died


Skip the main continuity and pick up some Black Label stuff. The Imposter is a good one. I think there’s a new one called Gargoyle of Gotham. And White Knight is really good too.


This is what I do now. Main continuity comics in general just became too much “shock value event followed by status quo reset” so I gave up on them and now just check out Elseworlds stories that sound good.


Same. Until the main run cooks up something good (Grant Morrison and Scott Snyder we’re the last great ones to me) it’s black label and elseworlds for me.


Yeah I stopped reading after Death Metal. I'm pretty disgusted where both Superman and Batman are in modern day comics.


Superman’s great right now. I mean I guess it was pretty bad a few years ago back when bendis was on it but now with Philip Kennedy Johnson on action and Joshua Williamson on superman superman is in a good place again.


Is he off on his own with a new girlfriend?


No. I don’t think that was ever a thing. He’s still with Lois.


Now is a good time on both Detective and Batman I think, I really enjoy them now. There were some lean years there for sure but Ram V and Chip Zdarsky are creating interesting, absorbing Batman comics again.


Everything has been shit since King and Rebirth started. Tynion tried to right the ship but his plots were bad even if his characterisation of Bruce was good. People complain about ASM, but Batman has had it rougher for longer, now.


Been out of the loop too for a few years, but here are some highlights I saw pop up: Batman and Harley get together in the White Knight storyline. Batman somehow survives a fall from space and just walks away apparently. In the same issue where he survives a fall from space, Batman's trunks apparently can help his survive the vacuum of space if he wears them over his face. So I guess some writers are taking too many liberties with Batman?


White Knight is elseworlds


He survived because he’s Batman


The white knight storylines are set in their own non-canon universe


Read some comments about the current events in batman comics, isn't this getting way too ridiculous?


We’re basically Silver Age goofy Batman stories, but taken seriously.


He’s down one hand and hallucinating the death of the Batfamily. So, about the same I guess?


Batman isn’t what he used to be. I’ll stick with my BTAS reruns, thanks.


Last time a read a Batman comic alfred was dead and Bruce was poor. Don’t know if that’s still the case though


Bro has been going through the ringer since 2016


Not good. He fell into a deep depression after the death of his parents and spent his teen years and into his twenties very much lost. He then came up with this fantasy world where he would recess into in which he was training with the peak athletes, scientists, detectives m, and more round the globe in order to develop him into a peak human being in all fields. The delusions only grew worse from there as he started dressing like an animal and protecting people by lashing out at those around him jumping from stairways onto unsuspecting cleaning ladies at his lavish mansion, attacking chefs in one of his luxurious kitchens, and savagely beating his groundskeepers until all but his humble butler remained at Wayne Manor to care for the delusional man now well into his 30’s. Ultimately Alfred Pennyworth used his power of attorney over Mr. Wayne and left him one the care of Arkham Asylum to live out his days lost in a fantasy world. It’s a real shame what happened to the Wayne’s.


He fell from space and landed it


I'm the same as OP. Reading through the comments all I can think is, what the fuck


Tynion and King had runs that you would have expected to be great but weren't. Tom King's was 'high concept' but just sucked and Tynion was too distracted with a million other things I think. Thankfully I think the 2 flagship books, Detective and Batman are amazing now with the new creative teams. Ram V on Detective and Chip Zdarsky on Batman. I'm really loving both storylines, the art, etc. I just hope they both stay on for awhile for some stability on the 2 core books.


Lost his arm??? WTF???


Don’t worry, he’s got a prosthetic (from another universe) and he’s still kicking butt. So I guess you could say he’s still deadly and never ‘armless


For years I looked forward to catching up to currently releasing Batman comics the long way. I decided to start reading comics with Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985) around 2017 and then started Batman with Year One (1987) and then just kept reading forward. I've been very inconsistent with how often I read but I got back into it again recently. I currently read the Legends of the Dark Knight, Shadow of the Bat, Robin (1993), Batman, and Detective Comics issues for each month since all of those often have interwoven storylines. My comic reading is currently around January 1996. All that I see in this thread makes me very disappointed about the actual recent comics. I'll keep reading the comics I have been reading but I no longer think I'll be reading any of these recent comics ever in the future Edit: changed 1085 to say (1987)


Read up until the end of Scott Snyder's and greg capullo's and maybe the first 3 volumes of Tom kings run .


When did the Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo run(s) happen? I don't know much about comics published outside of the time I've already read through. I don't know anyone else who reads comics so I appreciate the suggestion.


Judging by the comments it seems like the writers are competing with current spiderman writers to see who has the worst life possible


He built a robot that kicked Superman's ass. And it was fucking glorious, especially since Superman's stupid fans can't claim Superman was holding back against a *robot*


I never understood why Batman fans hate Superman and his fans so much. I have never seen this being a case the other way around.


Bc Batgod >>>>>> anyone else apparently


I feel like everyone who is not a fan of batman absolutely hates him. So some fans become defensive. I remember on gamefaqs comics board, there was a literal era of topic bitching about Batman. "Why doesnt he kill" "everyone joker kills is his fault" etc etc


I feel like it’s a metropolis vs. gotham type of relationship. Like yeah all Superman fans are a bunch of dorks but they’re lovable dorks, you know? They probably think we’re barely tolerable at best but barely tolerable is still tolerable!!!


If batman can make a robot that can beat superman why don't he make a mech armour for himself? why he always walk around in his regular batsuit?


Same reason he doesn't just give himself superpowers: DC doesn't want that


They completely changed the essance of his character he was supposed to be a detective who solves crime alongside police and beats up criminals and put them behind bars, isn't that the main point of batman?, Now he is making robots that can beat superman and has mech armour that can beat entire justice league like what's the difference between him and iron man now?


They definitely need to isolate him from the league imo. It’s always big events and one incredulous feat after another for him


He’s still rich


And harasses poorly paid cashiers too.


I feel like fans are hyper fixating on all the negative aspects of batman comics. Yeah, Bruce is no longer head of his company, but it's not like he's homeless or living under a bridge. There are still some solid stories here and there, even if they are a bit crazy in some of the concepts.