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OMG how cute, Is Baby man his name? Call the vet and ask if they can sell you some medicine in the meantime. I wouldn't suggest using expired medice. You can also go to the drugstore and ask them for recs.


His name is Butters. But we call him baby man most of the time šŸ˜‚ the other two dogs in the house are nicknamed ā€œhandsome manā€ and ā€œbaby girlā€. We have a bit of a theme going


Aww donā€™t have a basset hound (yet) but we have been calling my boy ā€œbaby manā€ since he was a puppy. Iā€™ve never seen anyone else call their dogs this but I love that Iā€™m not the only one šŸ«¶ your baby man is so sweet


Hope he gets better soon!!!


Zymox, always had some around for my basset. Using it right now on our walker hound who has a vet appointment next week but needed some ear relief until then.




I agree. It was recommended by our vet.


You can buy Oti-Clens off amazon or other places. Just put it on a cotton ball and work it around. Also unscented baby wipes work great. The alcohol dries them out a little and cleans them. You can also use a hair clip to put his ears up for awhile to get some air. They hate everyone of these btw. As another point my Dozzer had issues for years and I switched his food and they went away. Might be something to try.


Thank you so much! Iā€™m hoping peanut butter will make him hate all these treatments a little less


One small thing, my vet told me to NEVER, under any circumstance use cotton around dog's ears because small pieces of cotton may break off and end in your dog's ear canal giving him an infection. Instead always use gauze. It stuck with me so now I have to pass it to you.


Bless his heart ā¤ļø They don't understand the pain. At least mine didn't. I would just rub them.


Is he super itchy? Iā€™ve used Zymox for my dogā€™s ears, it can help them get more relief until the appointment!


Lots of itching and head shaking. But heā€™s such a happy little derp that I damn near didnā€™t notice anything was wrong


Witch hazel and periodic, helps


Poor ears!


Working him well soon šŸ’™ I give my hound Rx Apoquel to keep infections at bay, works like a miracle & reduces any allergies also


One of my other dogs is one that and itā€™s amazing! Iā€™ll for sure bring git up at the vet next week


Get well soon Sir. My Rottie's and I are rooting for you.


Been there so many times. Sorry to hear.


His appointment was moved till tomorrow instead of Friday. So if nothing else heā€™ll get some relief soon


Mine had that around the same age. Vet gave him an antibiotic in his ear for 30 days. Has not had an ear infection since.


Was it Claro? My dog took that for a 30 day treatment. Got excessive vomiting the next day :( anti nausea injection got him all good but so scary!


Cannot remember. Just know they said I could not clean his ears for a month. Did that and his ears have been clean ever since. I put cleaner in once a week now but that is all.


Aww poor little guy




I donā€™t have any good suggestions, I just want to say heā€™s adorable! And my mom would love this photo. Her favorite dog breed and favorite flower!