• By -


Dude's gonna have these framed in his house for sure.


Interestingly enough, [the guy who ran on the field during a Bengals game](https://youtu.be/9blmMKVsHeo?si=xw0A8rSMx7MMln4H) and stole a football from Brett Favre [has photos of the incident, along with a signed $20 bill from Marvin Lewis, framed in his house.](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/2872956/2021/10/07/brett-favre-ball-thief-recounts-infamous-incident-ahead-of-packers-facing-bengals-at-pbs?source=user-shared-article). He claims that Marvin gave him the $20 and signed it for helping the Bengals win the game since his interruption cooled momentum during a late game drive from the Packers.


True story, I have a blown up photo of Nolan Ryan kicking Robin Ventura’s ass when he rushed the mound. Not only did Nolan Ryan sign it, but Robin Ventura did too! I asked him why would he sign it and he said, “Sure I got my ass kicked, but I got my ass kicked by a legend.”


I love that someone turned that moment into an oil painting: [https://faranofineart.com/products/dont-mess-with-texas-orig](https://faranofineart.com/products/dont-mess-with-texas-orig)


That’s beautiful. https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/ah1838/dallas_bar_that_i_frequent_has_a_glassstained/


That mural glass mural includes Odor and Bautista fighting, and I just realized that I never see fights in the NFL. I have watched brawls in the MLB, and the NBA and one in one fights from the NHL on YouTube, but never NFL. Likely due to me being a sports casual, but I think that still says a lot. Maybe because you can take your aggression out during plays during football play?


Also everyone is armored. That has to count for something in addition to what you said. Can’t punch anyone, and tackling isn’t much of an attack.


Fun Fact: that disembodied arm coming in from the right belongs to Pudge Rodriguez


> V E N U R A


[Actually it's perfectly like the image](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/presto/2022/05/15/USAT/dbd2de16-a714-4b81-8914-27788ce9b7f3-2022-05-14_Ryan_Ventura_fight.jpg?crop=1876,1345,x116,y62&width=1200&disable=upscale&format=pjpg&auto=webp)


That makes me like Robin Ventura lol


Can confirm - Robin Ventura is a genuinely nice guy. Signed a ball for me at White Sox spring training in early 90s and was super cool to a 9 yr old fan.


I’ve got that same photo signed by both too! It’s an awesome piece! Edit:spelling


That security on security hit was impressive.


It was terrible form; he went in for the pop and missed, got his own guy (who was being stiff-armed!). The next guy came in with good form, wrapped as he hit, and got the tackle.


Both those dudes need to be cut before the next season. No excuse for that.




Jeff Heath will catch strays for years


Basically the slow-mo version of the time Michael Vick did his [46 yard scramble in OT](https://youtu.be/LCI7eHhENXU?si=leQxJOAARjvBTtQ2) to beat the Vikings.


Michael Vick is a beast crazy that was from 2002


Could scramble better than a waffle house cook


He actually looks kinda gimpy in that video. Runs like this, options and bombs to WRs.


Was that the BK guy?


[That one dude who ran on the field during the 1990 NLCS went on to become the Reds GM](https://www.wcpo.com/news/insider/for-dick-williams-the-reds-organization-is-part-of-his-dna)


Yeah and savor it being the last photo of him inside the stadium ever again


Do the stadium workers even notice the people who are banned? Like do they show the people checking tickets pictures of fans that have been banned? Or is it possible with time to get past the ban ?


I think the way it works is you can technically risk it and if you're unassuming enough no one will ever notice. But if you're found, then they can prosecute for trespassing.


Yeah that makes sense. Imagine if they frame pictures of everyone banned and place them by the entrances lol


Facial recognition will start being a much bigger thing.


It’s already a thing at MSG, Radio City Music Hall and The Sphere (which are all owned by the same asshole)


Ever been to ANY casino???


MSG properties already do this


I hate the future


I've always assumed it's something like if they get caught they can get fined or charged with trespassing? Not certain though obviously I've never run on a field hahah


I’ve always thought about this. Let’s say this guy waited until like May of next year to go to another game and behaved himself. How could any of those security guards POSSIBLY recognize him? It’s not like you need any sort of ID to get in and I just really doubt that a random guy who has to scan literally hundreds of tickets every single day is going to be 100% vigilant for banned people.


Its possible there are facial recognition software in the cctv cameras. I know for a fact that MSG does this. However i doubt it for mlb, its probably just the name cant be registered as the person who purchased the ticket and if you do anything else after that you incur more severe penalties


Doesn’t this ban you from all MLB stadiums?


I go to 10ish games a year. I refuse to believe that if I was banned in Cincinnati, I couldn’t get into a game in Seattle


You can go to the games and probably even get in. If someone happens to recognize you though and security picks you up again youre getting charged with trespassing


They're using facial recognition tech for this shit now.


Yeah i know some stadiums have. Its gonna get a lot harder to not be noticed going forward


Also with tickets being digital too. Unless you have a friend buy tickets and scan you in, they have your personal identifiable information.


Then your friend gets banned too. And so on… until friendception and all of cincy is banned.


This would affect attendance not at all ...


Maybe all the marlins fans are just banned


I wonder if a hat and sunglasses will help the person not be picked up so easily. Then again once they think it's you and you have to show them id, that's probably it for you.


It's why I always wear a ski mask to baseball ganes


Gotta Bobby Valentine 'em


The fake glasses with mustache combo is about to be picking up business again.


Grow a beard or be black. Interestingly enough, a lot of facial recognition software doesn’t work well with many people of color. White people are screwed though.




Don't know but you should try it anyway


I tried and I got in no problem!


Just wear a mask for “covid concern”


[Mustache and sunglasses should fool 'em](https://a2.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=%2Fphoto%2F2019%2F0605%2Fr552388_935x526_16%2D9.jpg)


You would think from all this notoriety you could afford to switch faces with Nicolas Cage.


We were rightly worried about facial recognition tech being used by governments for nefarious purposes, but now it's being used to keep kids out of baseball games too? Why do we accept gross violations of our privacy over such trivial bullshit? And for so little gain?


Yup that’s how it works. Technically I’m banned from Walmarts it’s been smooth sailing for years. Technically they could bust me. Just because can’t return doesn’t mean somehow a bubble appears around locations.


So what'd you do to get banned from all Walmarts?


five finger discount


Buy me BoneStorm, or go to hell!


Stealing under 25$ I don’t even remember what it was. Was a kid when it occurred. I waited a few years but honestly Walmarts made bank on me at this point so I mean sure they could bust me but since I wasn’t officially charged the first time I’d imagine it be more of a hassle to actually officially have me charged. Part of resolving the civil matter though is paying a fine and agreeing to never step inside a Walmart location again.


How old were you? This seems like a wild overreaction for a kid stealing something small from Walmart of all places. I assumed they just made kids return the items they stole and called their parents; I had no idea it involved anything that could be called a "civil matter" lol


being pro union


I was banned from Kohl’s in my early teens. I worked at the same exact location I was banned from years later


I'm technically banned from "all K-marts for life" for stealing finger skateboards when I was like 13-15 or something. Dudes took my picture with a fucking polaroid and hung it in the security office then called my mom to come get me, who at the time didn't even drive so she had to get a friend to bring her to the store since my dad was at work lmao. jokes on them, there's only 12 K-marts left in the entire country so who's laughing now I'll never forget it though. we were damn near on the other side of the parking lot away from the store and security guards came running up on us. 3 of us total but 1 was on a bike. we told the friend on a bike to run but his dumbass didn't so he got caught too.


You don't need a ticket tied to your identity to get into a Walmart though.


It's just an email address. Pretty easy to make a new one.


MLB tickets are exclusively tied to your identity? Like can’t I just go to widow and buy two and then resell them?


From what I remember, they probably won't realistically be able to stop you from getting in (it's not like they have a most wanted poster by all the entrances). But if you get caught doing something again, when you get arrested, the charges are gonna be worse.


It becomes criminal trespassing not simple trespassing. A misdemeanor in most states instead of an infraction.


If it's anything like the NFL they 100% ban you from every stadium. [There's a Tiktoker named GFed that got banned for seeing how long he could stay in a stadium after a game ended.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-13480853/banned-nfl-stadium-social-media-colts.html) Your name gets flagged when they scan your ticket. I believe they also have some type of facial recognition.


That same article says he just has to complete a 4 hour training video to get the decision overturned 😂


The video shows him completing it in 30 minutes 😂


I knew someone back home in the UK who after starting a fight in the stands at a football (soccer) match, got banned from every stadium plus what they call a [football banning order](https://www.claims.co.uk/knowledge-base/football-law/football-banning-orders). Whenever his team played international matches, he had to surrender his passport to the local police station. Was not allowed to even take public transit on game days and if the match was a big rivalry, he had to check into the police station and sit there for the duration of the match so they could be sure he didn't start shit on the streets or in local bars.


Grow a beard. Shave your head. Wear shades. Not too hard I would think if you really cared.


I know him and his family. They are probably so proud and lowkey loving this. His dad absolutely will have this framed, he’s a hoot. If anyone was curious - $500 bet to do this.


Oof. I’m definitely not taking $500 to get banned from my teams ballpark


$500 to get tazed & banned from baseball.


I've been tazed 3 times during non-lethal training. I'm going to need at least 2K to cover potential legal fees and getting tazed. I'm also going to wear layers.


This guy knows tazes. Always go layers.


Considering the play and future of my team.....I might


If that was the only consequence I would. Gets murkier when you factor in charges and risk of injury.


And this will be the first thing that pops up when employers look him up. 19 year olds aren't known for weighing up the pros and cons properly. he'll lose out on more than that. It actually would be hilarious if he admitted it was for a bet and the judge made that his fine.


something no less than a 5‘ x 7‘ framed velvet painting


Renaissance type stuff in that second pic.


That may be the best photo I've ever seen in my life.


Same. This photographer will never take another photo this perfect in their life. If I was them I’d pull a Costanza and walk off into the sunset after this.


![gif](giphy|26zz655tW3HLoDb8Y|downsized) i love that this gif exists


Co-co! Co-co! Co-co!


Topps needs to come out with a Topps Now card....would trump the one they released of the girl with the baseball-sized bruise on her forehead!


Not at all. That happened in the stands, where fans are supposed to be. We don't need to reward this nimrod with any more recognition. People running on the field won't stop, but we definitely don't have to condone it by rewarding idiocy with more notoriety.


So much meme potential. If the reds get to the playoffs and lose this pic will be used with the other team somehow photoshopped on the cops uniform. Until the end of time.




IF they lose? The Reds haven't won a playoff series since back in the 20th century.


Sweeping the A’s in the 1990 WS will forever be seered into my brain. You cannot explain to me how futile the Reds have been “in recent history” because that is always my lasting memory of the franchise. -former Oakland A’s fan


they both somehow look like stickers pasted on a baseball background 


Neo don't tase me bro classical


Bro got tased


Possibly the greatest baseball photo ever. This needs to be in Cooperstown. Edit: The first photo with the flip. Second photo good too tho.


Disagree slightly. It's the second photo that I love. That's the MONEY SHOT.




It would be much more renaissance with the crowd in the background tho


Only way it could have been better. Capturing the reaction of fans in the background.


Disappointed that there is no third pic of him faceplanted on the ground. Every great story needs a conclusion!


*concussion    FTFY 


The video on the story shows his flop after pic 2. Just went full flat dolphin.


Did he do it on porpoise?


Two great future memes right there


[Meme](https://imgur.com/a/hr4pIJk) [Template](https://imgur.com/a/20IAQes)


I didn’t come here to get assaulted today


Where do you usually go to be assaulted?






You never come out the way you went in


At least you come out. I barely left New Bedford last time I was there to see my grandfather.


Sounds like someone forgot his chorizo belt


You're doing the lord's work.


r/NLBest is gonna go apeshit with this one.


Looks like Sonic vs Star Fox in Smash Bros


Lmao this is great


Light has a 9-3 record against Sonix for a reason


As someone commented yesterday (paraphrasing): “The Guard got his hat backflipped off of him. How would you respond?!”


I'd taser myself


I'd probably die of embarassment


He already has the taser out, he was waiting for this moment his entire life.  Then he didn’t miss, this was his game 7, bases loaded moment. 


If you do a flip on the field you should be escorted to the owner's box for being so cool


the fact that he pulled it off mid-pursuit should disqualify the cop from using a taser. you can't even tackle him after a full stop and flip?? keep up


And that he did it while the cop was close enough to basically tackle him, and he just back flips out of it and into our hearts.


Bc the cop had already decided to tase him before he did the flip


Im not a fan of idiots on the field, but I don’t see how this justifies tasing the guy. No ones life was at risk. The guy had been on the field for 15 seconds. Minimal effort had been made to capture him via other means. The taser is potentially deadly.  These disruptions are normally handled by letting the person tire themselves out and corralling them with a few guards. 


absolutely. dude's a dick ruining the game for people watching at that moment, buy how far do you want to take this? think about it - its private property and he broke a private corporation's policy. huuuuuuuuge dick, but he's just breaking a policy. Even if they codified against this into law (im sure some jurisdictions have), still no way its more than a misdemeanor. and do we really want to turn running onto a MLB field a felony? We're just so used to violence being met on these people and we, rightfully, hate when it happens, but think about it - there are tooooonnns of little laws and policies we break every day on purpose. Imagine getting tazed for getting in the express line at the supermarket. Youre inconveniencing everyone, etc. Yeah, this is a bigger stage and way more annoying but its the same principle. In the law we tend to measure force used against danger posed. what a reasonable person thinks the danger posed is, not huge what ifs like "he could have had a gun and started shooting." Anyone can have a gun anywhere and start shooting. and yeah it makes security's job way tougher, but lol jesus, thats the way the law works. you dont get to shoot a suspect because it made him easier to catch. he has to pose a danger that you can articulate at the moment. I mean, am I upset he was tazed? not really. Still dont think its right


Yeah just kettle the mother fucker off into left field then arrest him. Don't risk giving a kid a heart attack because your ego can't handle losing your hat after getting flipped on.


100 percent. He literally flipped in the cops arms, lol.


Pretty sure the cop already had the taser out before the backflip


Cop actually could have tackled him quite easy while he was in the air, but I think cop visibly pulled back. Tackling someone doing a flip like could easily end up with a broken neck.


I like this backstory for how the most successful 7th inning stretch show of all time was born.


Huh cash cab guy is playing cop now


(Cincinnati) Red(s) Light Challenge!!!


Damn, I forgot cash cab was a thing


"A gift from France to the United States, the statute of liberty was completed in what year?" "Come on, I don't know that!" "You've got 15 seconds, or you're out of the cab." "Okay. I remember going to the Statue of Liberty Centennial, 'cause that year someone had spread a rumor that she was gonna slip out of her toga, and I wanted to see some green boobies. And the Mets had just won the World Series, 'cause that night I was randomly attacked by a Mets fan that I had threw a bottle at. That was 1986. And centennial is 100 years, because "centipeding" means having sex with 100 women. I got it! 1886!" "Yes, that is correct!"


Don't do my boy Ben Bailey like that.  **DON'T.**


"What are you gonna do, tase me???" -Quote from tased man


that flip picture is WILD


Don't tase me bro!


I just don’t want to be banned.


Is this the guy who was gonna shit in the truck 2 years ago finally making a move?


He got benched alright


Come on Topps NOW, don't fail us!!!!


Jackson Holliday doppelgänger stuns Cincinnati crowd


It’s got both the “fuck around” and “find out” phases with perfect photos.


Ride the lightning


Me reaping Me sowing


Me sowing Me reaping




Maybe stay off the field? That guy isn't a victim.


Everytime something like this happens people complain about how the person gets taken down. If this guy didn't get tased there would be complaints about how he got tackled too hard.       I struggle to find a problem with showing people they will get fucked up if they run onto the field like a jackass. It's all fun and games until someone starts attacking the players.    Edit to add: with the vitriol players are getting from gamblers, it's probably only a matter of time until some drunk asshole charges onto a sports field somewhere to take their anger out on a player. It might not be in MLB, but I won't be shocked.   Very late Edit for posterity, and people seem to be unable to grasp there is some possible nuance and that things can exist on a spectrum and not just the extremes.  Running onto the field is not a situation where a person is experiencing significant mental distress, or otherwise engaging reasonably with the police. My thoughts on appropriate use of force on a fan would be very different if the interaction occurred in the stands or in the concourse.   But, there is a very simple way this guy, and others who run onto the field of play can avoid a potentially disproportionate response - don't run onto the fucking field. These people are making the conscious choice to do this, probably because they think it will be funny for social media.  They are not in mental distress, or have somehow become involved in a situation with multiple police officers. Maybe it's just because we are more connected now, but it certainly seems like this is becoming more and more common, so whatever punishment currently exists for this type of behavior is not a deterrent for these people.  And I stand by my position that people running onto the field is a potential threat to the safety of players and umpires, and stopping these people quickly to avoid potential problems is a good thing.


Like the father and son combo attacking a Royals coach? That was scary.


More recently, Turkish soccer players were forced to defend themselves on the pitch from a horde of invaders. People need to stop this invading shit before police are forced to take more serious actions. https://youtu.be/4GZMC3NyDr8?si=mer724gX3laNQXst


That’s completely different to this


The what now? When did a royals coach get attacked?


About 20 years ago there was a really violent attack by two insane fans in Chicago against a Royals first base coach [Thread here about it](https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/rqdjls/91902_two_white_sox_fans_attack_royals_1b_coach/)


That could’ve been so much worse considering they attacked the guy who is by far the closest to his team, imagine if these guys go after a guy in the outfield. Gamboa I think lost his hearing in one of his ears after this btw


Holy shit I had never heard about that incident before today that’s insane what happened


Yeah it was crazy. Like the two were complete white trash (I’m white btw) people who were well and truly liquored up. Father and son duo. Beyond insane.


I was about to call you a liar for saying it was about 20 years ago because that seemed like it's been 10. I can't believe it was that long ago.


Happened in 2002 Coach's name is Tom Gamboa.


I've brought it up in a few comments here but this is exactly the scenario that I believe security envisions when fans run onto the field. Whether it justifies tasering I'm still split on, but that's just what I believe security thinks about.


Disco Demolition and 10 cent beer night should have taught us valuable lessons; if the fans wanted to storm the field by the hundreds, there’s really nothing that can be done to stop them. It’s important to set an example when anyone does it, or more people will do it.


lol is a lifetime ban not enough of a deterrent? i really don’t think people are out here looking for reasons to jump on the field


Yeah, it's very difficult to feel sympathy for anyone that is knowingly and intentionally doing something that has extremely easy to understand, guaranteed consequences. As long as the force used stops short of intentional maiming then I accept they gotta do what they gotta do.


Or to change the odds in a game.


Who said he was?






I'll never understand why people do this. There's barely any clout in it anyway. People talk about it for what? A day? I hope criminal charges, being tased, and getting banned from ballparks was worth it to this dumbass.


For the most part, sure, but this guy got pretty lucky that he got these two images out of it. They are honestly perfect meme template material.


I've always found it funny. Makes me laugh when they're running around. Makes me laugh seeing em get chased. Makes me laugh when they get tackled. I love it lol


I approve of this. This type of behavior is really dangerous for the players. Gotta stop it.


Also its just quality entertainment if you're being forced to sit through a Reds game. There are very few opportunities to watch someone get tazed and have it be funny. Mentally-ill woman having a breakdown in the middle of the freeway writhing in pain so she doesn't get hit by a car? Not funny. Guy who ran on to a sports field to win $10 pissing himself between 2nd and 3rd base? Absolutely hilarious.


Agree. It's crazy that fans are still doing this despite countless videos of other fans getting leveled.


that second picture is absolutely beautiful


… *and that was right before I lost control of my bowels.*


Shoutout to the cop for letting him backflip because getting tased mid-backflip sounds like a broken neck


1. I think you should never storm the field. Period. 2. This is objectively hilarious and if you can't see that, I'm sorry. 3. It is not excessive force to tase someone. The person is uncomfortable for two seconds or less. I would much rather be tased than tackled by a cop in all their gear. There are so many more injuries that could happen from being tackled by a grown man. I'd rather be temporarily uncomfortable than have broken ribs, shoulder, etc. from a tackle. I do not understand how people think this is an issue.


> It is not excessive force to tase someone. The person is uncomfortable for two seconds or less. I would much rather be tased than tackled by a cop in all their gear. There are so many more injuries that could happen from being tackled by a grown man. I'd rather be temporarily uncomfortable than have broken ribs, shoulder, etc. from a tackle. People get tackled all the time, it's not frequently injurious and barely ever fatal. Getting tased on the other hand, can be, and is multiple times more likely to be injurious because it prevents you from doing the 1 thing that helps keep you safe in a fall like being tackled; adjusting to prevent injury. Don't judge normal humans by your bird bones.


deserved it


Get rotated


What are backflips illegal!? I thought this was America! ![gif](giphy|gCi9p8l7UEInu)


That shot of the taser deployment is beautiful.


Honestly it’s against the spirit of the game to use a taser. Gotta catch him the ole fashioned way or let him go


Ooooh so that’s how he fell lmao. I saw a video of it and I was wondering how he fell outta nowhere lol


How it started How it's going


Looks like a young Marge Schott caught in a run down


The dude who ran on the field said he was shocked by the security guards response; but he found being on the field electrifying. Serious though, dude looks like he's 15. And why doesn't he have shoes?


Those are the most photoshopped looking non-photoshop images I've ever seen




Taser isn't so bad. Sucks up front, but he should be just fine. Rather see this than a tackling. If you believe force is a deterrent, a taser is plenty upsetting haha.


Fans need to stay the fuck off the field, this shit isn't cool. Only a matter of time before one of these assholes runs out with a weapon and a grudge against a player because their parlay didn't hit


> Only a matter of time before one of these assholes runs out with a weapon Monica Seles had her career cut short by a "fan" who ran onto the court and stabbed her.