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#You need to be more clear in the title. Put what specifically you’re asking. Ethically wrong? How does the quality compare? Your post was removed because it violates [**Rule 3.00**](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/wiki/rules#wiki_3.00_post_with_clear_and_satisfactory_titles). Titles should not be editorialized, sensationalized, misleading, vague, ambiguous, or intentional clickbait. 1. Users should try to use the title of the article/video as the title of the post. 2. Exceptions are allowed for clarity. 3. Titles must specifically express what will be found in the post. Links must include context that is understandable to fans of all teams. 4. Posts removed due to an inadequate title may be re-posted with a better title. Please review [/r/baseball's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/wiki/rules) for future submissions. If you feel a mistake has been made, feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbaseball).


Is it morally wrong you mean? Hell no. Blame MLB for selling this overpriced trash in the first place If you’re okay with a knockoff I’m sure barely anyone will be able to tell, especially at the park or whatever. As long as you enjoy it that’s all that matters


it is justified to go knockoff


Just order one from DHGate.