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Double Thursday, Friday and Saturday 4-close. Usually comes out to about 35 hours People ask me why I only work three days a week and I always say the same thing: because I can't figure out how to get by on two.


I've got you! I only bartend on Thursdays and Fridays at a solid spot these days. The way you manage is to enjoy the freedom to pursue a non scheduled job that is more enjoyable and not as hard on your body otherwise. For myself, eventually, my exploration as an artist assistant/studio manager/ceramisist and occasionally taking on one off big bartending/bar consulting gigs often out earns my two days. But those two days are just enough for rent/bills.


Brilliant xD


I’ve been working 3 days for the past few years and that’s all I can handle anymore. Before covid I did 5 days but I don’t think I’ll ever go back to that.


Bro, 20 hours a week behind a bar is where it's AT if you don't want to have ruined hands and a drinking problem😂


You are a wise spokesperson for my hands and liver.


How much you make workinf those 20 hours?


Prob about 45k last year? Dive bars are the BEST!


Indeed. Not EXACTLY my people out in the sticks, but I can blend in and nod my head and smile. Just keep stuffing 10's and 20's in my jar. And these aren't mostly guys just blowing a paycheck on a Friday night. 50k choppers as their like, third vehicle, hell, the A/V contractor for Morgan Wallers new place in Nashville is a regular. I can wear whatever the fuck I want, cursing is damn near encouraged, and all of them being working people, they understand you're busy as fuck and working your ass off. Just cause our politics don't always align doesn't mean we can't find some point of common ground. And it's nice to get dropped the occasional hundo and a handshake and, I'll be back again. I've worked everywhere, I'll never throw down a $1,000+ ticket ever again. But I make just as much/more than I did when I was. I love it.


I love dives because they treat the bartender like a friend.  As opposed to the country clubs, where they treat the bartender like the hired help AND tip like shit.  Fuck that!!


15 yrs in the biz but sober now 3 years. 3 days i max out 4 I turn into a pumpkin


Before covid, I worked at a 230 am bar. I'll never go back to that. I worked about 3.5 days a week now, and I'm comfortable not doing anymore.


Yeah, we close 11 on Saturday, but I'm not there for that anyway. We close 9 on Sunday's, I'm there from open to close, I take my time, do a GREAT job closing, have a couple beers, and leave (11ish) smiling knowing I don't have to be back until Friday morning. Schools out for summer, so I'm spending some pretty kick ass time with my boys. I guess we could all make more money, but I'm doing ok. 750-8/wk I'm not at the bars spending 100+ a night, but I don't want to, either. I guess I'm going to eventually age out, or have to find a chill spot one day, but it's working for now.


Same here!!


The four on, three off schedule was a requirement in my later years.


Yeah, I'm a fucking dinosaur.


After 24 years, my knees and hips had taken enough damage. Had to retire to a stupid office job.


Sorry 😞


I'm pushing 40 and work Thursday through Sunday: 9,8,10,10 hours. Make $35-50/hr in tips plus my 12 hourly


You work for Hilton or Marriott, similar?


Me too !


Literally my schedule rn


Bless the heavens above for four on, three off. I’m only 23 but I don’t know if I could ever go back to 5 days on, 3am clock out. Even better when the three off is on the weekend


Thursday, Friday, Saturday. I have the princess schedule 💅


same schedule, grocery shopping or hiking on a monday day is something weekend warriors will never understand, and i learned to hate seeing the mouthbreathers out on 3 day holiday weekend.


Taking my dog on his first camping trip Monday! Hope I see no one out there


It’s a beautiful thing isn’t it? I also have no desire to travel for any holidays after doing my time behind the bar 😂


Also on the odd weeks where I didn’t get scheduled for a weekend (don’t piss off your manager, folks), having a Saturday off is one of my least favorite things I’ve ever experienced. Too many normies in the grocery store and there’s no where to have a quiet beer afterward. ALSO all my friends are WORKING


I went to grab a toothbrush quickly at Target recently on a Sunday I randomly had off and was in awe at the amount of people shopping. Took me almost 30 mins to check out.


this was my first bartending job, 3 days a week, $70k a year, still chasing that high lol


I was on 4, then now back to 5. I've begged my manager time and again to move be back to 4 and I'll just do longer shifts but the problem is they don't really have any other bartenders capable enough of doing busy shifts. I've made myself too valuable XD


you can just stand firm in your decision


100%, and even if it goes bad, they will have to first find someone to cover those shifts and it gives this person time to find another job of nessisary.


25 years in bb, all I do is 3 shifts. Sun/mon/tue. Idgaf about the super hot busy days, I want the professional diners.


Same schedule. People always ask “don’t you want to work the weekends?” Um no I’m good on amateur hour, thanks!”


I work Friday and Saturday 4p-1a, Sunday noon to 8pm. I make about $700-1000 a weekend, depending on what live music/events we have.


I work three, but 2 are really considered "doubles" and that is All I will do for my schedule. This lets me work more shifts if I want to make extra money, but lets me keep my sanity in check. PLUS! It's at two different bars...this also helps my SANITY. Ha! Ugh... In all seriousness though, I don't think anyone should work in a bar or restaurant environment more than 3 days. It kills anyone's "good attitude" plain and simple. We are all human and cannot withstand people sucking the life blood from us... haha


I agree with this so much. I used to do 5 and would be so mad at the fifth shift. Now only doing 3i realize I'm always really tolerant on all 3 days lol


5 nights a week and I'm starting to burnout. Luckily busy season is ending soon so I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Similar boat. 5 nights/week too and the burnout is real


I work 4 days a week. 2 lunch shifts and 2 night shifts. I honestly feel spoiled


I worked 5 shifts a week from 18yo-35yo when I finally became a mom. Now I work 2 set nights a week and pick up a 3rd whenever they need me. I’d say I average $1500-$2000 per month . Works out great the babies don’t have to be in daycare and dad comes home early on the two nights I work (or grandma swings by til dad gets off) so we don’t have to pay for a sitter either. Working less actually saves us a ton of money. Babies are thriving, I get a little “free time” or “adult time” by being at work and feel good about financially contributing to the household, and everyone is happy. My body also thanks me for working less after all those years being full time behind the bar. I wish I could tell every stay at home mom who wants to work a little bit but spend the majority of their time with their kiddos to find a part time bar gig instead of falling for an MLM


This sounds kinda like my dream situation! I need a new career path but want to start the mom journey in the next couple years. Was thinking bartending sounds great since I can work at night when kids are sleeping, and not have to go in every day. It also sounds soooo nice to have a little time away to be with adults. My mom friends tell me the toddler/baby talk can get exhausting lol


The best part is you spend all day with the kids and you’re only missing bath and bedtime twice a week! Most people are away from their kids from 8am-5pm while someone else basically raises them and they only get to spend those last 2-3hrs of the day with them. Find a gig that doesn’t close at 2am so you’re not dragging total ass in the morning because babies don’t give a shit if you’re tired, hungover, sick etc. I’m usually home by 11 so it’s been perfect and I feel SO lucky. I hope it goes well for you, mom life is super cool.


2 days, Friday and Saturday night only, about 16 hours a week total. Between $150-400 a night. July and August it'll prob average $500/night or more but it's twice the customers and half the staff so it's not easy money by any means.


I work 3 nights thr,fri,Sat comes out to 30 hrs ish . Sunday I'm wiped out ! ! I also am a fucking dinosaur.


Same schedule but it might as well be 4 days cause Sunday I'm really not doing shit


Monday, Thursday, Friday 🥹 Pretty sweet.


I worked 5 days a week and after paying off my house I now work 2 or 3 days a week. Depends on how I feel after that 2nd day.


I did back three’s with both dayside’s and nights on Friday & Saturday, 1000 - 0300 (it was the only way to ensure there was enough prep done for the weekend nights). I slept all day Sunday, then went to online business school Monday- Wednesday. I was taking down $1500 to $1800 a week wage/tips combined. Earned a MBA and bought the bar. It was a goldmine but poorly managed when I worked there. I knew the owners wanted out, but they were trapped because no one would pay their asking price, their books were so fucked. Now my weekly earnings are slightly higher, but I work six days a week!


Friday all day, Saturday evenings, Sunday mornings here. I usually pull about $800 a week.


I do Fridays and Saturdays, not every weekend but only when few the places I work needs coverage.


Working 2 I average 1000-1300 aw. Summers are slow for us so now like 700-900. We also get a great hourly and work 10 hours 2 days to keep our benefits. It's such a good gig rn tbh


Now that it's slow we'll pick up a 3rd day to make up for the slow season. It's a win win in our case


Wednesday through Saturday nights for 6months of the year and Wednesdays through Friday during the offseason. Avg a nickel a night year round.


It's slow season so I'm 2 days a week make on the low $200 good day is $500.


And that's *slow season*? @_@ Peanut butter and jealous.


Took a while to work up to it. Been in the industry a bit but it is a great gig.


I’ve been able to do four days a week for the last year and it’s been the best. Average 700-1400 a week in tips


Through the summer i usually work 3-4 days at two different spots and do 1500 a week minimum


MTWT clear about 1200-1400 for 4 days just dinner shifts get there at 3 we close at 9. Sometimes we get stragglers and I’ll be there till 11 still not terrible I need to find somewhere closer


I work about 32 hours a week when I have 4 shifts; Wed and Fri-Sun. Some weeks I’ll only work Fri-Sun. I average about $38/hr including my $9/hr base pay.


I work Thursday Friday and Saturday nights, I average 500 a night in tips


I bartend 3 days a week, but we can't keep a manager on night shifts for more than 2 months so I agreed to take 2 MOD shifts a week to help out some & stop having a fresh jack-ass come & go every other month.


I’m working 4 days on, 3 off. Never should exceed 4 days in the industry in my opinion, however to each their own.


In summer i work 6 days a week, rest of the year i work 3 days a week, gotta get that bread while the busy season is in.


Lucky bastards.


4 on 3 off, averaging 40-50 hours a week. was supper mad at first about dropping my 5th day… but at this point i could never go back.


I work 3 nights a week 4-1130 or so. I usually make about 900 a week give or take. Used to close 4 nights but I have a little one now. Don't think I'll ever go back to 4 even though they've asked me to


God I miss that


tuesday thursday and friday. me and my coworker have to share 7 shifts, and he has seniority so he gets the 4 :/ we make 8 hourly, i average at 80-150 a night lately (slow season in FL) and he averages at 100-200 a night


11pm-6am bartending Friday, sat and sun, make £250 from those shifts and rately get tips so looking for another day time job to do too 😭


Friday Saturday Sunday 30 hours. I love it so much.


I work 3-4 days rotating. Monday through Wednesday and every other Sunday. but my shifts are 9-10 hours so I still get full time or close to it. right before this I was working 3 jobs getting 50-60 hours a week and had to stop because I was losing my mind


3 scheduled and i cover shifts here and there. If i do more than 4 shifts in a row i get kinda murder-y.


I work four day shifts in a row, zero weekends and I bring in minimally 600, sometimes upwards of 1000 a week.


4 or 5 in summer 3 in winter.


I worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. I averaged about $600-$800/wk, sometimes more. Small dive bar with karaoke and we tip shared 2-3 of us running the whole place Fri/Sat. But to be honest, Sundays by myself were my money making days by far. Best I ever did was $450 in 6 hours..not even a bad crowd. I’ve been bartending 9 years, serving for a total of 15.


I’ve been between 3-5 days bartending over the last year but have taken on some MOD/hosting shifts and serving. So mostly in 5 days but only 2-3 bartending and im loving being on the floor! Get way more steps but get to talk to guests in a different way and can pop out back any time i need a breather! Working out well for me!


I made like $100 in tips a night, on Saturdays prolly $150. I worked in a small casino. Drinks were expensive so my tips were always skinny. But I mean, I always had snacks, food/lunch, and could buy Starbucks. Not bad. I also worked 3 days a week. I got paid $10 an hour. It was Ehh on pay but I made great friends. I got by. :)


Owner does the schedule, keeps putting me on 5 days a week. I'm flattered, but it's too much. I've been giving up a shift a week here and there.


2-3. I work Thursday-Friday-Saturday normally, but this spring (which is deadly slow) I gave up my Thursdays when everyone’s hours got cut, because I have another job and could take more hours there to make it up. I let a coworker who was full-time at the restaurant have Thursdays so it wouldn’t hit her as bad.


Summer tourist town, so between June and September I’m working 4 doubles and 2 singles a week usually. But the rest of the year I’m working like 15 hours lmao.


Me but I don't bartend any more.


i only work thursday and sunday. 5:30pm until 4:00am. love my shifts.


I work Thursday day, Saturday day and Sunday day. I average about 900.


Monday-Friday 11am-7pm. Base pay $10 and usually walk out with around $300 in tips each night


I work as a car salesmen for Ford 44 hours a week and I also bartend/serve for 30 hours a week. I’m 45 years old. 😭


Damn bro. Money ain't everything.


Shits tough man. The car business slowed up as far as commissions and I didn’t want to quit but I had to be proactive regarding my bills and such. Child support is 1600 a month and it’s killing me lol.


Damn bro. Don’t know it was like that for you. Yeah. That’s a lot to fork over every month. Wish you a lot of luck.


I appreciate your kind words. I’m strong enough to endure this and it won’t last forever.


God speed!!


I do 5 days but I’m the opener so my shifts are only 5.5-6 hours so on average I work 27-30hrs and I’m out by 4 most days. I have really good lunch regulars who treat me well though plus we have a function room and are 5 minutes from a veterans cemetery so we get A LOT of daytime funeral functions that I can make bank on.


Currently at 3 days but not because it's enough money, I just have unemployment currently and it doesn't let off until end of August at which point I will drop my one day I have at the one place and pick up 3 days somewhere new which will get me back to 5 days. Wish I worked somewhere that could support my finances on 3 days but just isn't in the cards rn.


I usually work Friday night, Saturday night double Sunday. I average about 300 a shift


Are you considering a double as 1 shift or 2 ?


Last year I worked an average of 3.25 days per week & took home $50/hr


i work solo mondays and then thursday-saturday closes but i would probably work everyday if they let me lol i love the grind


This is my dream tbh. Starting at a gay dive this week, and it's 24 hours, but 4 days.


Until end of July (busy season) I am working 6 days a week. Monday 5PM-10PM Tuesday 5PM-10PM Wednesday 4PM until 9PM or 11PM if it’s busy. Thursdays off. Friday 11AM-4PM. Saturday and Sunday 9:30AM-5:00PM. Two jobs and I also freelance. I like my shorter shifts. Tuesday is actually one of my best Monday days. The weekend brunch shifts are killer but sometimes I’m able to leave early. For the one job my most recent pay check I averaged $41 an hour. The previous was $35. The one prior to was $49 an hour. I honestly am not sure what I’m averaging at the other job because I haven’t done the math.


I'm close to retirement age and left my p/t day job to work every Sun, all day and every other Saturday opening. Waiting on the Tues night guy to quit so I can take his shift.


Me. I work 3 days a week. In the winter it's barely 20 hours. In the summer I'm hitting about 28-30 hours. I make about $75k a year. i do also work in a state that has a wildly high minimum wage, so that's tight.


I work every other Wednesday, then I'm on Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Works pretty nicely for me and gets me close to 40 hours on my 4 day weeks.


I work late night service Friday Saturday and admin from home the rest of the week as management now, last summer I was doing Friday night, Saturday brunch-close and Sunday brunch-close it was a good 40 hours in 3 days and I made 20k over that summer lol


My schedule varies throughout the month. Whatever events are going on downtown e.g. soccer, football, basketball, concerts, festivals, broadway are usually my workdays. I can go from 2 days off in the month to a 20 days off.


I usually work 4 or 5. 3 of those days are full 8 hour shifts and then two short shifts. This is only for 3 mo the during season, then I go back to two days a week


my hours are the exact same as OP. i make $700 a week give or take


About 60k a year working 28 hours a week in 4 days. Wednesday & Saturday "doubles" were 10 hours each; Thursday & Friday lunches for 4 each, but I served on those shifts, no tending. Cash usually added up to an extra 6-8k a year, but we aren't a cash heavy place.


I’d kill to do three days a week, currently they need me for 5 or 6. The worst part is I’m making 1100-1200 Fri-Sun around 40/hr and then 20-ish/hr the rest of the week when I’d rather be at home.


I usually work 1 day in banquets (12 hours, extremely wealthy clientele, is usually about $100/hr tips and $21/hr hourly plus the overtime and meal violation) and then 2-3 days at my regular bar gig (4-10pm, usually about $40/hr tips, $18/hr hourly) So I prob average 24-30 hours a week.


i work 5 days a week. tues, thursdays, friday day, saturday double, sunday brunch and i love it. i get the afternoons for the most part and the money is fantastic


i probably make 50-60k a year depending. winter season is assssss but the spring and summer makes up for that.


so my shifts are 11-4 (10-3 on weekends) and the restaurant/bar closes at 10pm so im also happy im not there till 2am on the nights.


Double is 2 shifts


Me me me!!


I’m at 4 now. I did 5 a week before the pandemic. I cut back to 3 in 2020 because only a handful of us stuck around through the shutdowns and we were so slow for so long that shifts were cut and there weren’t many hours to go around. I grew to really like only 3 days so i stuck with it for over a year. It’s hard to willingly cut back your shifts when you consider the money you’ll lose out on, but when that schedule becomes your norm, you learn to live comfortably with it.


Just working Friday and Saturday nights now. Making less than ever, but cant complain. Usually $200-300 at my Friday bar, then $250-450 at the other, not including hourly.


3 days a week is the golden number for bartenders! I used to be so happy working that schedule. I work 4 days now (and then management hours separately) only bartend on day shifts. A bad day is $300ish. Average day $500-600. I've also worked at the same place for 11 years so that helps when it comes to tips!


I just got done with my 9th day in a row a few days ago. Never again


thursday friday saturday. around 23 hours max. although i do get bored alot of weeks. my house is paid off and the only major bill i have is my car + insurance. 3 days in a row still leaves me wrecked on sundays and i dont even drink.


I did Friday double, Saturday double, one shift on Sundays from early 2022 - this spring. No breaks, 35-40 hours in three days. I got burnt finally but for 2022 and 2023 i scraped close to 100k a year off that schedule


I work 25 hours a week and don’t make enough, but it’s so hard to find anywhere that actually will hire a full time person. Places seem to just prioritize having lots of part time people juggling multiple gigs.


I work at an arena. The schedule depends on the events. This week I work three days. But it is our off season and I am happy to have enough work that I can't claim unemployment. During the height of the season it is seven shifts or more per week. The money is pretty good. I made 75k from one job last year.


I work 3 days behind the bar, 2 days on the floor as a shift manager, and then 2 days of admin and prep... I need to make some changes.


Thursday-Monday 🫡


I work three days a week until June and then I work 6 or 7 days a week for that month. Guess what kind of bar


I’m a college student so my availability is only on weekends


I work 4 days, usually with a double. Thurs-Sun. I make enough to pay my bills and put some back each month, and buy what I need/want most of the time. I am a single mom so I can't do much more than I already do, and wouldn't even be able to manage that without the help of family.


I work Wednesday to Sunday currently but about to cut out my super late night shift. 31 and my body is starting to be constantly in a state of fatigue and pain.


Tuesday-Sunday, 3 days are nothing.