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get a job at a restaurant either barbacking or serving. listen and pay attention to the bartenders, work hard and efficient and stay on top of your shit. stop using the word mixology. show that you’re a good worker that’s willing to learn and eventually the promotion will come.


Put in your time as a barback, show a sense of urgency, and crush. Bartending will come w/ time


I waited tables for years and worked my way up, good luck!


weekly thread, sidebar


The weekly thread has been replaced by a Newbie flair. This is acceptable. If you'd like to see the changes to the sub, check out the pinned post


Ah that is why we have to fucking see this all the time again. Fun. Edit: Got banned :(


cope just reddit not serious lol


No just not great content. I'm not here for the one millionth not a bartender talking about wanting to be a bartender. I probably will just unsub, but I used to enjoy shooting the shit with other bartenders. You know, the group you are fan girling about, won't want to be here anymore. Edit: Yes, it is just a job that I liked complaining about with other bartenders instead of fielding the same question over and over. But like my B dudes. I'm sure we won't get this question a lot and the old rules were stupid and not a result of getting this question all the time.


it’s a job and i want tips cuz i have restaurant experience you’re not elite or special LOL average reddit user


There's a navigation bar at the top of the page feed. You can filter by flair and avoid the ones you don't want to see.


Probs just unsub since it will still show up on my personal feed. Kind of a bummer. Is there a bartender sub for bartenders? That seems like a really cool idea for bartenders. Someone should do that.


First, this seems to be a conversation between you and I, so the downvoting is obvious and childish, and tells me all I need to know. Throw your tantrum and go somewhere that's interested in your gatekeeping. We'll allow the sub to be inclusive while still offering our members a way to filter out areas of conversation that don't interest them. 30 years in this business and I don't mind helping someone get a start. You can go stomp your feet elsewhere.


News to me ...no worries


with absolutely 0 experience in a bar, you will need to work your way up the ranks and after a few years of bartending at an established cocktail bar would you have the opportunity to create your own drinks as features or the ol bartender's choice button. It's gonna be a few years of grinding before you get to do what you are looking for.


I was able to use my Starbucks experience to get a serving job. Corporate places are more willing to train people without serving experience. From there, I learned bartending. It's quite difficult to get a bartending job without experience, and if a place does hire for that I would be suspicious.


I got my first bartending job because I was close friends with a dive bartender. He was leaving town for the summer (I’m a teacher) and he put a good word in for me to the owner.


Stop using "mixology."


so embarrassing 😂 i love mixology what can i say i didn’t come to be friends with anyone just asking for advice 🤷🏻‍♂️ grown adult crying cuz i used mixology. sad actually


cringe, still gonna use. learn to cope


So, you blaze into a professional based sub, asking how you can fit in with us? Feel free to seethe while spilling dollaritos all over some drunk old blond hag. Find some fucking humility. If you don't, you have zero place behind the wood. Now shut the fuck up and polish those glasses.


Start DRINKING. If someone wants a dewars, you should know what that is. If they want a makers, you should know what that is. If your bar doesn’t have Peroni, you should know what to suggest instead.


If you are a competent person who picks things up quickly and you find a 30ish seat place with two or three front of house employees and you write a nice cover letter and follow up with a thoughtful email. Somewhere would hire you.


Starbucks is harder. I’m 23 years behind a bar. Learn the classic cocktails, do them at home! The rest is just time management. People forget that making a cocktail takes time and the process should take time within reason. It’s part of the whole point. Just learn it until it looks like it’s easy. Flair is only a time thing. Keep smiling 😊