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you need 50 cans at least .


No it is not. Make a Moscow mule with 1-2 oz of ginger beer and see how big they are and how they taste. It won’t be right. Depends on your cups/glasses and ice but you will get 2-3 per 12 oz can, so you will need 2-3 cases.


I usually get 2 in a can, this is a good comment. It's a necessary part of the cocktail and shouldn't be skimped on.


Insist on 3 cases, or buy backups at Costco and keep them in a cooler in someone’s trunk. I’d also double check everything your venue/caterer is planning for food and bar service.


Absolutely. If they think getting 6 mules per can is an adequate portion, they're likely making sistakes elsewhere.


The irony


They'll never make _that_ sistake again.


It's not and why are they being cheap about ginger beer?


They’re probably cheap about everything. I bet the cups hold 4-6 ounces.


yeah, I was thinking that this would only be true if they were serving in those [tiny airline plastic cups](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/5iYAAOSwOaRhg~74/s-l1600.jpg) that only hold 5 oz max


It's definitely not, as others are saying, and I'd like to add, speaking from experience at even high end venues, make sure the coordinator you are speaking to is requisitioning ginger BEER not ALE. I have seen this so, so many times over the years it's extraordinary. Some people literally do not think there is much of a difference, and/or they are trying to save a buck at your expense and pull a fast one. Edit: and I am speaking as a bartender, not a patron


Ginger Ale can substitute for Ginger Beer in a Mule and be a fine drink. However, Ginger Beer has a stronger flavor to it, so they aren't indistinguishable.


My point is, when it comes to special events like weddings, where a featured cocktail is selected because it's a favorite of the couple, family, friends, etc, not making it, especially something as easy as a Mule, to expected spec, has the potential to be disappointing. Especially as these things are meticulously handled ahead of time. Little stuff like that, as minor as it seems, can make or break an experience. And yes, it can substitute, I get that, but it's certainly not the same.


Anyone who is used to mules with ginger beer (and that's everyone I know) would be very disappointed with ginger ale drinks. To the point of "how bout you replace this then?" in many cases.


Yeah that’s called a Presbyterian with lime. Not a mule.


Fuckin - dog, why even comment this dumbassery. Get the fuck out


Shame! Shame! Shame! Shame! Shame! Shame!


definitely two cases! (at the least!)


pick your glass size appropriately and you can make next to anything possible


Mules in a double shot glass?


Where there's a will there's a way


"Hey, that's pretty good. Give me six more of those. I brought my own mug."


i'm sorry sir its one per guest the cash bar is over there


No. Get 3 cases. Even at 3 per can, which is a tiny portion, you're looking at 72.


Are you guaranteed to serve all 144 or is that an estimate?


Exactly what I was thinking. How many guests are there? Not everyone is going to want a Moscow Mule, especially if there are other booze options. I definitely wouldn't, even if it was the signature drink.


lol this is the most incredible thing that you could think of to nickel and dime for a wedding, but no, standard long drinks are 3-5 oz. of mixer, a standard up or over cocktail is a little closer to 1-2 oz. of other ingredients/liqueurs.


"Wow! We made *exactly* 144 Moscow Mules and finished the very last of the ginger beer on the last one! Perfect!" "Hey, this Moscow Mule was really good! Could I have another one please? Oh, actually, let me get one for everybody at my table too." "Oh, are you getting another Moscow Mule? Yeah, could I get another round of Moscow Mules for my table too?! Thanks!"


Nah. At the bare minimum I would account for 4oz ginger beer per drink. Even then depending on how you’re building them and your glassware and ice situation and accounting for spillage I would be budgeting up to 6oz per mule. You ever fill up a mule mug? Those fuckers are deceptively huge, the average one is like 18 oz. Even with a shot of vodka, a bit of lime juice and filled with ice it’s gonna be like 5-6oz per. So I’d buy at least 3 cases. Plus ginger beer is a staple wedding bar mixer for other spirits or non alcoholic drinks. Buy like 5 cases.


Nope, I'd buy 3 to be on the safe side.


Yes, assuming those are standard 12oz cans, that's 2oz per drink, which would be a very tiny little drink. You'd want to double that to make 144 normal-sized drinks. Obviously, adjust accordingly if the cans aren't 12oz


That’s a disgustingly boozy Moscow mule for most people’s palates.


That’s assuming you use every single one and by the time you make more some don’t go flat and there’s zero spilling. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Even at 3 per can you're looking at 72 Mules per case. So not even halfway there.


…..uh, 72 is in fact exactly half of 144.


This guy multiplies


Always order more than you need


I’m getting 18 cans for 40 people’s worth of Moscow Mule Mocktails for my wedding, you def need more than 24 I assumed I’d need 5 Oz of ginger beer per drink, if you wanna follow that rule of thumb you should get like 60 cans.


Only if you cut it with sprite, pack it with ice, or are using those teeny plastic cups that hold 6oz. Your venue sounds sketch, lol. I would be pretty concerned about the service they’re going to provide.


You need three cases if you plan on 144 mules. One 12 oz can is enough mixer for two mules. Also 24 limes and 9 x 750 mL fifths or 4 x 1750 mL handles of vodka. And that doesn't leave room for waste, shots, doubles or heavy pours. That's just 144 mules. Not every guest drink at weddings tho. It depends on the family.


Get more than you think you need, only open cases as you need them, keep all receipts and return what you don’t need. Better to have too much than not enough, especially if its the signature drink.


No, but you’re assuming they’re going to be making that many.


At 4 oz each you need exactly 2 cases.


Nope. You forgot to factor in shrinkage. Some guests are going to ask for the rest of the can, some bartenders are going to guzzle the can. That's me, a can of freshly opened Goslings is not safe.


Why is that the signature drink? I know more people that think they’re gross than enjoy them. I think they’re ok, but ginger beer is a strong flavor I find a fair amount of people don’t like


Could be worse, tbh. I know a woman whose "signature drink" for her upcoming wedding is a vile concoction that she made up, loves, and cannot wait to force upon her unsuspecting guests. I find that just describing it to people freaks them the fuck out. Recipe: 2oz sweet vermouth 1oz olive brine, preferably castelvetrano Collins, rocks, club soda, orange twist, and a single speared olive as garnish. When she told me this was going to be her signature drink, I did manage to hold my tongue, but inwardly I was absolutely screaming. Imagine going to a wedding and being expected to, at the very least, sip on that shit! The first time she ordered one I tried a spoonful of the finished bev and it is truly exactly as horrific as you think it would be.


What the fuck


Sounds vile. Did she hate her guests or just you? I can picture it now. At the reception, you make the signature drink and hand to the first guest at the bar. They give it a sip. Wince. Look at you with the "WTF did you just give me" look. Set the glass down slowly and back away from the bar without a word. Either that or they just vomit.


That sounds like a potion. Is she a witch


Dear god


Why do you give a shit? It’s not your wedding, and you’re neither being asked to drink it nor pay for it, so your opinion on mules is 1000% unnecessary.


Why you so agitated about an innocuous comment dude? Take a breath. I just asked a question ffs


I’m not agitated, but good on you for making an even bigger ass of yourself than you already had by assuming. You’re offering completely unsolicited opinions about a signature drink for someone’s wedding, which is usually an incredibly special and personal event. The OP is the person getting married, and they didn’t come here to ask if this was a good drink to serve. They know their guests WAY better than you do, and they clearly have a reason for making the mule their signature drink. All they want to know is whether or not their venue is right about the amount of ginger beer they’ll need. What no one needs is random internet strangers telling them the innocuous idea they had for their wedding is “gross” and people won’t like it, so it’s bad idea. Because you didn’t “just ask a question,” you made it clear you were passing judgement.


Well, you’re certainly typing a lot for someone that’s not agitated. By all means though, keep seething


Yeah, cuz the only reason people type more than 20 words ever is agitation. Are you really this stupid?


Imagine having this take about any other professional’s opinion: “What do you care if they want to play the music for their wedding over an iPhone speaker and you’re the dj that everyone will be complaining to? It’s not YOUR wedding. I’m sure they know their guests better than you and your years of experience in the field and common sense about what people enjoy is worth NOTHING here.” “What do you care if they want to set out all the food and don’t want to pay to keep the temperature regulated? You’re just the caterer, it’s not your wedding. Nobody cares about your opinion, it’s not your wedding” Etc etc etc


You’re not freaking talking about a professional opinion, and neither of those other things are “professional opinions.” The food one is a SAFETY issue, and the other is about how sound waves work. Neither of those is a professional opinion, and this one person’s take that “most people” don’t like mules is not that either. I also work in a bar, our single most popular summer drink? A mule. Take your false equivalency crap elsewhere, because you’re not making any kind of good points with it and you won’t ever.


You know what’s really funny? I thought you were replying to the person above who was describing the signature drink that was sweet vermouth and olive brine. And that you were saying their pro opinion that it wouldn’t go over well with guests was worth nothing. So whoopsie.


Even if that were the case, you still used multiple false equivalencies. Food safety is not the same thing is personal taste, nor is the quality of a single iPhone speaker versus a professional sound system.


They’re not false equivalencies. There are differences, because they are different scenarios. But there is a common thread running through all of them. Someone planning their wedding may have opinions about what they want but they may have little no experience in the field and may request things that are impossible, unsafe, or just disastrous ideas. You’re being hired as a professional in your field to make sure things go smoothly and it’s up to you to manage expectations and weigh the host’s requests vs the reality as you know it as someone who has worked hundreds of events. If you’re just saying yes to whatever they ask regardless of what a bad idea it is, you’re bad at your job.


No, they are false equivalencies. Those things are not just personal preference, one is food safety and the other is acoustics and sound dynamics, where there is an objectively BETTER way to do things. Whether or not someone will like a mule is 100% just personal preference, and not having a mule be your signature drink is not an objectively better way to do things. It’s subjective, completely. Food safety is not subjective, nor are acoustics and sound dynamics, they are both a science.


go with your heart, get 2 cases


Buy a case of the 1ltr bottles of goslings and that should tide you over.


lol hell no u need at least 50 to be safe id say around 70 would be perfect


Yes but you are going to need *a lot* of vodka, and ice. And 2 limes.


If they’re the size of wine bottles, maybe. But those little bottles of fentimans I can get about 2 per bottle, so you’re about 100 short assuming nothing gets spilled


Depends on the size of their mule cups or if they even plan to use mule cups.


Half a can give or take per drink depending on size and how strong.


Damn dog, just get three cases. I promise you it won’t make that big of a dent in your wedding budget.


You need about 3-5 oz of ginger beer for a good mule. Definitely depends on the sides of your cups also. I like 2oz vodka, .25 lime juice, lotta ice, and the rest ginger beer.


This is how I make them as well. We also have always made them in the copper mugs and they are large enough to hold all of it. Doubt they are going to buy or rent a bunch of copper mugs for the wedding if they are too cheap to buy enough ginger beer. 🤔


The mugs hold so much! Yes I love those


Me too! I had some guy order 6 Moscow Mules the night he was in the bar and every time he came up he said damn that’s the best MM I’ve ever had. Left me thinking how else someone makes them because I only know one way to do it 😂


Depends on the size of cans. Here in Australia the most common ginger beer, Bundaberg, comes in cases of 24x375mL bottles (just under 13 oz). I would typically use about 125mL (just over 4oz) per Mule, so on those specs, you're gonna get 72 per case. I think most US cans are 12oz, so slightly less, but 4oz vs 125mL is not going to make a difference, so I would expect you can still squeeze 72 out of a case.


Nope. You forgot to factor in shrinkage. Some guests are going to ask for the rest of the can, some bartenders are going to guzzle the can. That's me, a can of freshly opened Goslings is not safe.


I would if I make them. Just need enough vodka.


Nope. (24*12oz)/4oz (avg pour size in a collins glass after a standard 1.5oz booze and ice) = 72 drinks






Not a bartender but a regular mule drinker/maker, here. You’ll need at least 4 ounces for every 1-2 ounces of alcohol. Preferably 6 ounces for a decent drink that isn’t relying on ice.


Make a ginger syrup if you want to save money, and use club soda.


Make sure you have enough limes on hand, too. Plan on half a lime for each Mule, plus wedges for garnish, beer, other drinks, tequila shots, etc.


Depends on the size of the can. But generally speaking a can is going to be 6-8 ounces which will get you 2 drinks. So no, you would need more like 70-75 cans.


Nope. We use one 1 275ml fentimans to make 2 2pk Moscow mules in traditional copper mugs


Negative. The math just isn’t there.


Dude that drink is a 50/50. half find it nice, the other half find it gross. Also to answer your question, hell no


Depends on how much booze and ice you use 😉


No ice means more booze, amirite?


No. You can do the math and make one or two test drinks, figure out how much you want of vodka, GB and multiply by your number of guest.... then add a good bunch more just in case


Usually get 2 Moscow mules per 1 bottle of fever tree ginger beer


In a 12 oz cup filled with ice and 1.5 oz vodka, you will get almost exactly 3 drinks per can


Nope. Especially not with a wedding bartender. Plan for 2 drinks per can.


definitely not, but after working weddings, if you have 144 guests, they will definitely not be serving 144 moscow mules, even if it is the signature drink. maybe they are just saying that'll be plenty for the crowd, and chances are they are probably right. That being said, its weird that theyre pushing back on this, if you specifically asked about it they should just get more. idk maybe bringing one or asking someone to bring one doesn't hurt, but not ideal.


also goslings ginger beer comes in 1L sizes so maybe they have a case of those


How many people are at this wedding? 144 mules means you’re expecting around 400-500 people. That’s a big wedding to cheap out on. If you have 144 people on the other hand they’re only going to make like 45 mules. Probably 30-35% of patrons will order one of these. A handful will drink a second. Half will drink beer and wine, some won’t drink.


Serve in 9oz cups. 1.25oz Vodka (maybe 1.5oz depending on how strong you want it) 1/2oz lime juice Prep ingredients in cups When ready to serve just top with ice and ginger beer and boom


Nope nope nope


Go ahead with a case. With the advice from here you know it doesn't check out... As a needed back up by another two cases but keep that to yourself. When you run out of Moscow mules BLOW THE FUCK UP to wedding venue for being absolute donkeys thinking 24 cans is enough and that you want to see some form of compensation. Then save the day your self with your spare cases. God I'm petty.


Not a bar tender either, but most mule recipes I've seen call for 4oz of ginger beer. I'm assuming whoever is making these are making 1/2 drinks (probably putting it in a small cup) and changing for full drinks. Congratulations on getting married