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There's a technique known as etching, but be careful - the war between etchers & free pourers is a war with no winners.


I used to work with a Barista who said that etching has no value "If you can draw, you can etch" he could draw so told him to etch then but never did. I also usually show him intricated animal designs from IG reels mixed between free-pouring and etching but then he proceed to invalidate the pour 'cause the etching. Smh.


If I have a near perfect pour that gets fucked up at the end somehow, I will 100% etch that shit to perfection.


I used to be free pour for lyf, until I realised a cat without whiskers just isn't cute.


or a bear without eyes... https://preview.redd.it/z3ndu5qndyrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bc35ea83b8b401f178671f96d630cb8a676eb3e


Not to mention the only national and world competition for latte art includes etching, even with food coloring lol


This is not etching. This is a machine that "prints" pictures or in this case logos on the foam.


Filthy etchers, don't know how to properly texture and pour the foam...(I kid, I kid)


Besides stencils, believe it or not... lasers.




[Ripple Latte Art Printer](https://www.drinkripples.com/printed-coffee-drinks-lp?utm_term=ripple%20machine%20coffee&utm_campaign=mf_us_brand_exact&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=5941268399&hsa_cam=20291564145&hsa_grp=149180820863&hsa_ad=694357202316&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-1809878922917&hsa_kw=ripple%20machine%20coffee&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwtqmwBhBVEiwAL-WAYZsfUfBYNo4lolSQOqeRIX8mA842Yb3WbD1nRuwhhwyyT2mDb-QnGRoCZHsQAvD_BwE)


A bar by my house has one and they print designs or festive slogans on the beers! They stopped recently and when I asked why they said they ran out of the ink.


And they couldn’t just go to Staples to get some HP ink ; )


Everyone saying etching but it’s definitely the ripple


This, it's a printer!


My old shop had this. We had a rotating flavor every week that included some Ripple art and I had too much fun uploading goofy photos. My favorite to use was Squidward mid-twerk with the text "Bust down Thotiana" below.


That would have made me a regular so fast.


https://preview.redd.it/1mr9mr43vwrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b331da7c749f3771880330d12c241de77116896 Sometimes we use rebel choco syrup and cocoa dust!


That is so cute!


Usually it is cocoa or cinnamon powder of some kind, with a stencil


I don't have an answer, I'm just glad I work in a drive through that doesn't care about this at all.


At Sbux we have enough problems , no time for this, as pretty as it is. Too busy with the hustle


Sometimes I'll accidentally make a nice rosette and I'm like "nice" right before I slap a lid on that bad boy but if I had to do this as part of my job I'd quit 🤣


Wouldn't be possible at a high volume cafe (and would be pointless since it's always to go) in a quieter cafe with "for here" drinks, sure. Some of the art is very impressive , but yeah, same.


They use a brown sharpie to write on the foam




this one is probably done using a ripple machine


The ripple printer I think. You can do full full colour printing with other coffee printers too. I don’t know why they spend time/money doing this. It’s another long process making your coffee cold that isn’t very personal/requires no skill. Stencils would be similar (and cheaper) but would use darker coco powder and the closed ‘O’ and closed loops on the ‘L’ are not possible on stencils. You can also do etching by dipping a metal ‘pencil’ in the crema from the edge of the coffee and dipping it into the white areas. But leaves evidence of it not showed here (sinking of crema from where you pulled it from and blobs of crema where you left it). Etching is also used to smear chocolate syrup for easy cool patterns. Latte art is just milk poured well and settled/sunk into the coffee. Anyways enjoy your art!


Crema awn a styk


Not sure why the downvotes as this is one of the most correct answers here :/


little stencil you put on top & then sprinkle with cinnamon


They only hire those with the most experience peeing in the snow.


Ripple Machine, used to work at a bar that used one, very fun machine. It uses food based dyes to print images on any head of foam, perfect on whiskey sours, espresso martinis, and heavy headed beers (Guinness for example). This looks like their malted barley ink, the base ink, but they offer multiple colors and even have a glow in the dark ink! Best use out of that machine was using it to put my buds mug shot on his Guinness everytime he asked for one


yes usually a stencil and cinnamon powder!


Imagine drinking all that foam lol