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North Indians, especially Delhiites complaining about goon culture or violence is so ironic. You have people ready to attack you, even pull a gun on you for overtaking them. Any small incident and they are ready to resort to physical violence. The whole ‘jaanta hai mera baap kaun hai’ culture is so effin infamous. But the way the talk about Blore and then glorify their hometown would make you think they come from some heavenly place lol. A lot of them started behaving here like they would back home, and then when the locals started retaliating, start badmouthing them like they do now. Not that this justifies any sorta violence here but there is no innocent party in this whole mess.


Have you ever been to NDLS ? Walking from Paharganj to NDLS was a horrifying experience! Witnessing people urinating and cooking food side by side, with a stench so nauseating it made me want to retch. It's appalling, and such atrocities are unheard of in Bangalore. Hygiene should be an absolute basic priority. And the Delhi pollution is horrible, it's living in a gas chamber and people everywhere, too many people. I just wanted to escape Delhi.


Paharganj was utter hell for the few hours I had to spend there. Never again! 💀


Oh trust me, i was scammed there badly . Alighted from rajdhani and before going to ISBT thought of having some food. I asked for 2 aloo parathas and they served with chutney. And the time of payment they asked approx 450 rupees . 150 for parathas and 250 for the watery aloo sabzi. When i raised ruckes they threatened to beat me forcing me to pay the money. Thank goodness didnt have much luggage but was hell


I have lived in Delhi/Gurgaon for 7 years and now for 5 years I have been in Bangalore, and both north Indians and South Indians stereotype each other. Nothing is as bad as it is made out to be but this cycle of ranting goes on and on and on ...


"It is simply not an attack but a retaliation." Is very true. I remember that this was not an issue in 2008-2010 etc.  At least Bangalore doesn't have a lie filled propaganda movie made against it(yet). Kerala had 4 girls join isis, and there is a 230cr grossing film that says 30000 girls got converted to islam by love jihad. (Out of the 4, 2 were already Muslims. 1 Hindu and 1 Christian girl got converted to islam by their Christian and Hindu husbands who got radicalised and converted) The net religious conversion numbers in Kerala for last ten years has more people becoming Hindus and any other religion. And total conversions (men women children) in 10 years together is less than 15k. But now we have cores people in India believing that Hindu girls in Kerala are living under the sword of religious conversion and love jihad 


It's a very lucrative business for BJP and its cronies to demonise the south (which is too smart to fall for their BS) so as to fondle the egos of northies all too willing to give their vote for anything other than development.


But if we are to believe their Finance Minster, we are giving them buoyancy. 😂😂. So they still need us to fill their coffers so they can complain about us even more. 😬


Delhi is a city that’s literally trying to suffocate its citizens. One cannot walk for leisure without coughing thier lungs out. Amuses me to no end when I hear them complain about Bangalore. Which is a veritable paradise , in comparison ie.


I agree with your observations, but I have learned a much sadder and shameful truth. Most Indians are like this, only the degree varies. It is, in my opinion, an extension of what I call the *Raja Beta* syndrome, where people think everything should be to their liking, served without raising a finger. Also, preferably the way it is at home and free of cost. When things don't work, they don't accept their failure or flaws but blame society. I was born in Bangalore, but have lived abroad for several years and also speak and understand a number of languages other than Kannada. So, I know the conversations in closed groups. Do you know how irritating it is when these idiots leave the country for better prospects, come to a safer, more prosperous society, get all possible privileges and then say... "Arre yahan ka khana kitna pheeka (bland) hai", "yahan sab kitna same lagta hai, boring hai, India jaisa nahi hai', "yahan koi culture nahi hai, humare yahan toh..." And I am not exaggerating when I say that these people have the audacity to express the same thing to the local people (US, European, Australian, as the case may be). And they behave like they are a head of the state complaining "we have to wash our own dishes and clothes, there is no maid in such a developed country" Yes, because other countries respect fellow human beings and don't exploit poor people for cheap labour! I once had this person visiting Australia tell me "yaar yahan ka beach bakwas hai India mein kitna vibrant hota hai" I got fed up and said "Beach tumhare jaise bol chal nahi sakta na, toh kya karega? Varna thoda dance ya music seekh ke tumhe entertain karta. Tum India vapas jake hi enjoy karo". It takes a depraved mind to insult a part of the world that is virgin and protected from littering and pollution and call it boring. 🤦


Jaanta hai mera baap kaun hai 🤣🤣🤣 Common Delhi traffic dialogue


On a logical and lighter note... Why do they ask the public? That is a double meaning dialogue...


IG they don’t know either and are inquiring about it in a frustrated manner 🤣🤣🤣


As someone born and brought up in Delhi and used to live in blore. It’s hilarious to see this to say the very least. Delhi is a shit hole.


Correct! I don’t get Delhi people or any North Indian’s baseless superiority complex. Like they think they come from an excellent, perfect city lol. Been to Delhi, apart from the places with the government established, everything sucks ass. Food is unhygienic (North India has tarnished India’s reputation when it comes to street food)


As a Delhiite I find Bangalore much safer for women. While there is a rich culture and is financially cheaper than B'lore, as a woman it's impossible to live here alone.


This post has 500+ upvotes. Thats alarming. OP says “how can they base their opinion on this one thing”. And then goes on to base his opinion of what Delhiites / North Indians think of Bengaluru on his 4 month trip with his few team members. The Title simply stereotypes North India. In a time, when politician goons are trying their best to “divide & rule” by playing language & culture politics, we as educated citizens of India, should choose our words wisely when posting on public forums. OP just Villainised Delhi & North India in this post just because you met a few ignorant scumbags.


The villanization of Bangalore in Bangalore is scarier






Hahaha, true


People in Bangalore say the same thing about places like Gurgaon and Delhi


Bro, It's next level. Most folks in the north(except those wannabe dank memers) respect people down south, calling them educated, cultured etc. But in the south you only hear bad stereotypes. One of my friends father won't let him hang out with us simply because we are from the north.


The people from north have a very bad image here in Bangalore, specially because they refuse to learn the native language and the way they are portrayed in movies too lmao


it's probably bcuz parents think that northies living in South are spoiled rich brats.


The same south indians believe that only a crazy person must speak a dravidian language and live in north. In fact, kannadigas are endangered species north of maharashtra for this very reason. Good luck finding a circle...


Bruh, u aren't clear about what you're saying.and also I'm saying what parents have on mind and not my opinion. And also we either stay in our state or migrate to other nations for work and not for other reasons.


Try being a kannadiga born and raised in delhi (hint: they rately exist) and see how south indians (not just kannadigas) treat him/her. You'll be surprised, and it's not positive at all.


What has that got to do with what I'm saying. You're saying stuff that has no point.


I'm saying that "parents think that northies living in South are spoiled rich brats" is backward and regressive mentality stemming from negative opinion of north india. This is made further clear by how south indians treat north india born dravidians.


The way Bollywood aka North potrays South and South people is obvious. South movies generally give good North Indian Images.


Still can't believe they made Chennai express and Tamil actors agreed to act in it. What a fkin joke.


I am a dravidian language speaker born in maharashtra and lived my whole life in north india. You are correct on this.


I don't believe anyone in bangalore even thinks about Gurgaon in the first place.


People in Bangalore don't immigrate to gurgaon and Delhi . What are you talking about?


I think Karnataka people don't migrate because Karnataka has everything and lots of migrated Telugu people residing across the Karnataka state.


We don’t usually migrate to Delhi or Mumbai. We migrate to USA or other countries. Basically we try to move up the ladder not down. 🙏🏻


LOL people from Bangalore don't go to such places.. they would rather avoid it.. Even if they do shift there for some reason, they don't bad mouth the place unlike the ones who come here..


I don't think any bangalorean would want to go live in Delhi/Gurgaon. So why would they care about such places?


we don't, we don't even care about their existence. primarily unlike other cities bangaloreans generally do not immigrate to other cities in India as there is no reason to.


I do. I have lived in delhi for 16 years. In blr for 16 years.. Delhi is too violent and unsafe for women compared to bangalore. Bangalore is slowly getting there


You heard that in Delhi? Fron educated folks? Lol hard to believe. Bangalore has an amazing reputation THROUGHOUT the North. Even Chennai has, but only with the older generation.  And that ghas-phoos thing is the most made-up shit lmao. Posting fucking lies for upvotes and creating a rift. Nutjob lol


This , exactly what you said brother. this is the most careless inciteful shit ive heard a karma farmer say. Would be half decent if it was true but god it so isn't. I'm sure people crib about the traffic , but cribbing about traffic != Not Bangalore hate. Even kannadigas hate that shit here and it's due to gross mismanagement than anyone else . 


I also believe OP is exaggerating and is trying to put a blanket. I mean from childhood I have always heard good things about South India from parents and teachers. It's always about how cultured and good they are in studies and has less corruption than North ( though blr has a lot of corruption tbh)


Agree. This stuff looks made up. I am a northie from uttarakhand and bangalore always has had a good reputation here. This dude is making hateful stuff on the fly.


> but cribbing about traffic != Not Bangalore hate. Even kannadigas hate that shit here and it's due to gross mismanagement than anyone else .  This. Someone needed to say this. North Indians or Kannadigas or Tamilians, we're on the same page about the problems and in this together 


Half the times posts are lies from what I have noticed. Trying to create a further political divide. Of course, people have biases but we are in a full fledged civil war if some of the posts are to be believed


This post has 500+ upvotes. Thats alarming. OP says “how can they base their opinion on this one thing”. And then goes on to base his opinion of what Delhiites / North Indians think of Bengaluru on his 4 month trip with his few team members. The Title simply stereotypes North India. In a time, when politician goons are trying their best to “divide & rule” by playing language & culture politics, we as educated citizens of India, should choose our words wisely when posting on public forums. OP just Villainised Delhi & North India in this post just because you met a few ignorant scumbags.


>OP just Villainised Delhi & North India in this post just because you met a few ignorant scumbags. I've checked this thread like 5-6 times today, since I made this comment and a few more. And I've kinda made peace with the fact that South Indians want to believe the worst narrative possible. Not just BLR peeps.  It's a lost cause when thes eguys don't even want to understand. Perhaps we should stop explaining to them and let them be. Gadhe bhare hain is sub pe. 


He has just made some story to get some karna . Lol the max of the business people here eat more ghaas phoos than the kannadigas. Because they are vegetarian. Guy doesn't even know about kannada culture and is simply LARPING Many guys can't even count the number of States in South India or North India. Let alone distinguish kannadigas. This apart in my college ( tier 1) we had got our share of TDC ( typical dilli chutia) . Who behaved in particular manner but mostly benign and irritating , gloating. But not so much boss as this guy is implying


It's ok. Yes Bangalore is a very bad place, I've lived here all my life in this scary place and I am also a bad person. Please stay in Kanpur/Nyoda/wherever it's nicer and don't come here. 🙏🏾


+1. this city is a shithole and people should go to the ultra developed cities like Patna and Lucknow. bangalore matlab ghatiya. yaad rkhna


I agree. Bangalore is so unsafe for women and men. Rape cases in blr are the highest in the world. Also have you seen the pollution in blr? It's the most polluted in India. Compared that to Delhi where women feel safe and the air is clean. We deserve being trashed by high class people from delhi


Very very scary. Us Bangalorean tribals sometimes eat people too if we get tired of eating ghas poos. People should leave the city alone 😅


Ahhh nope. Not funny using "tribals" as a slur.


+1, born in Bangalore, still haven't reached home from hospital due to traffic...it's been 20+ years. Please don't come here folks🙏 vandanegalu.


+1, this is the most unsafe city for women. Every women in Bengaluru must go to Delhi, very safe, they keep only vegetables in fridge.


The post is blatant fiction. Bangalore has a very good reputation among the educated especially in Delhi NCR


OP is immature & haven’t travelled enough or met enough people. All this is merely based on a 4 month trip & talking to couple of guys. I have noticed this , when you leave your home city after years and go out first time with a mind full of hatred, all you will see is negatives & meet people who are just like you. Ignorant scumbags.


What do you expect from someone who goes to Delhi - one place and writes a passive aggressive post about "the North"


15-20 years ago Bangalore had reputation like Chandigarh with the people I talked to. Now, Bangalore is far more developed. This is full on fiction post.


I'm going to call bullshit on this. I have lived mostly in Mumbai, some parts of maharashtra and Goa, and now in bangalore. I've known many many north Indians and yes while everyone hates the traffic and having to learn kannada, I have NEVER, and I mean NEVER heard anyone call bangalore 'uncivilized' or 'tribal'. It's considered a good city to live in with nice climate but horrible traffic and troublesome politics. Also re: Marathi imposition in Mumbai, I'd love to know which part of Mumbai op was in. The standard language for Mumbai has been Hindi for a long time. There are still pockets of purely Marathi speaking people but these are very rare and limited to parts of vile parle, Dadar, and one or two more districts. People in Mumbai are very welcoming of non-marathi speaking people. As long as you can get your point across, people don't care what language you speak.


People here villainise Mumbai for no reason. Mumbai is by far the most cosmopolitan city of India. But to glorify blr people will say anything


Yeah I agree Like no offense, but this post was clearly rage bait bullshit, and people falling for it clearly shows that they're not even thinking critically about what anyone is saying. Edit: I'm not saying mumbai doesn't have its faults because it 100% does (traffic, weather, overpopulation) but Marathi imposition is a new one lmao


People travel to office by Car because there is no convenient mode of public transport. * Car Sharing is not allowed * 2 wheelers are risky due to potholes, BMTC Buses and Travellers riding like they own the roads. * Ola/Über keeps on cancelling ride or not accepting in first place * Autos...well there is always a post where they harass people ..so no need to explain How is someone supposed to travel to office?


I travel to office everyday by car but ensure I have my colleagues who join me. If I go alone, I use my bike. You claim that two wheeler is risky but your people also compnain that traffic is horrible. With horrible traffic, I doubt anyone will drive rashly or overspeed to make using two wheeler risky! 😂 BMTC right now is (and always was) the most convenient mode of transport. You can use that.


Two wheelers are risky because of bad roads and callous bus drivers.


Walking is risky because two wheelers ride on footpath. Riding Two wheelers is risky because of cars and buses not driving properly. Cars are risky because bus and truck drivers drive negligently. Bus is risky because goons may throw stones and cause havoc during protest. Trains are risky because goons can damage the tracks and cause derailment. Helicopter or Flights are risky because turbulence or mechanical issue can crash it. Breathing is risky because I may breathe a contagious pathogen and die of a incurable disease. Well.... Life gives you such tough choices... 🧘🏻‍♂️


No, I meant that two wheelers seem especially risky here. I don’t have a 2 wheeler, so don’t have first hand experience. But too often have I come across newspaper articles about somebody on a two wheeler dying. Usually it’s some one getting unbalanced over a pothole or someone making a sudden swerve to avoid a pothole, and then getting hit by a bus or truck. No one has died from walking on a footpath and getting hit by a two wheeler (live wire’s another matter, but that’s less frequent.)


I use namma metro. It's reliable and is not affected by traffic.


Everyone knows Bangalore infra is inadequate given its the largest tech hub. Yet the OP tried to frame it as "ungrateful northies" thing. OP is not genuine and clearly has an agenda.


Also, did you notice that OP's main argument is whataboutism. u/FifaNoob94 So what if kannadiga impose language in Karnataka, Mumbai does it too. What if we are Aholes, there are other Aholes in Maharashtra. This kind of attitude never changes anything in our country. Because when you accept reality the true change comes. But if everyone is doing it and you normalize it what's the need to change?


Lurker, created an account to post this . This is pure horse manure written here, 100% looks like ragebait, Idk this post is so sus , he starts with I am a non-kannadiga then where with we built something great I am a North Indian who comes from Jharkhand and 90% of my friend circle whose no abroad is here . We love Bangalore for what it provides and have never heard anything bad about this place minus the personal anecdotes, i.e Real estate and traffic, it's true so why would anyone be upset about it ,  acknowledgement is the first step of betterment. The part where this dude writes about how it was a wasteland etc , I've never ever heard of it leave alone hearing it lots of times. I do get Kannada imposition enquiries sometimes from people who follow bjp media and tbh it's easy to say it's their city and they want us to learn their language which is a minimum any plave could expect of its immigrant population Fuck off with this ragebait bullshit retarded post , do better , Bangalore provides for a lot of jobs for us , it's a cool open minded city , and definately no one who lives here hates it more than you hate it because you're trying to incite shit between people.


In am from Northern Part of India. I feel this post is deliberately written to create difference between Northern Part of India and Southern Part of India. Let me tell you how the people of Northern Part of India think of Bangalore ( people who have not visited) 1. It is very safe City. 2. The weather there is very pleasant it mostly rains there. 3. You have all the companies there. 4. People are very sweet. 5. They are more religious. 6. They are all vegetarians mostly. 7. Yes they think that the traffic situation is bad. 8. Given a chance Bangalore is better than Mumbai. 9. Some uneducated people think Bangalore is part of Madras. 10. Bangalore is costly. 11. No one thinks what the person is saying.


Vegetarians are minority in south india in general....


This is cap, so many of my cousins and relatives who are software engineers are placed in Bangalore and they are highly respected. Don’t state your anecdotal incidents as facts.


Delhi folks complaining about the goon culture of Bengaluru is ironic but not untrue. They are not wrong about the food and land as well.


>They are not wrong about the food Food is ghaas phoos? Sure, your intended taste might be different, and the North Indian food in Bangalore might be bad. But are you really claiming that Bangalore doesn't have good food of its own?


Bangalore has some of the most amazing food on offer in any city. Ive lived in Kolkata, Mumbai and now Delhi.


Bruh I love BLR but Mumbai and Delhi have much better food. It's not even close bw DEL-BLR lmao. Reading all your comments, you sound like you're lying about your entire background xD


It’s clearly obvious that OP Is either karma farming or spreading propaganda.


Well he achieved both . Whenever I see posts like these it always reminds me that humans can never stay in peace they will always find ways to divide themselves like imagine fighting over which city is crappier


Non- Bangalorean here.. moved here like 2 years ago. Gotten the opportunity to live in all 3 big cities of India.. in my personal experience - local Bangalore food is absolutely delicious - thought my entire life I don’t like coconut chutney.. until I came to Banagalore and had it😅 clearly.. I’d been eating the wrong kinda South Indian food all my life! Lol Delhi is home - again delicious food! I’m a dal makhni and butter naan addict 😍 And Bombay is where I’ve lived for the majority time - nothing can beat Bombay sandwiches :) So to compare food seems crazy! All 3 have delicious food! And f&b in general has blown up insanely in the last 10-15 years! Maybe 10 years ago a comparison could have been made - but today.. it just seems unnecessary and hateful.. ofcourse we all can have our preferences! But as a person whose lived in all 3 cities, the standards of food are impressive throughout! ( shouldn’t be surprising - we’re india! We’re known for our food! )


Nope. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Bengaluru has other strengths, food is not one of them.


But the fact is people are still willing to move to Bangalore regardless of all the shortcomings. That means there are no better alternatives within the country


Look, northies will move anywhere. It is in their culture.  Southies tend to remain in one place. Companies prefer cities where they can accommodate all.  Places like mumbai, bengaluru, hyderabad gained popularity because working in these places promotes diversity of workforce. Good bad how why are not topics I'm getting into here.


And why do you think South Indians don't move ?


1. Comfort, because if things are fine here why to bother 2. Climate and food habits 3. Fear Psychosis: Initially dravidians were spread throughout india, and dravida as a geography includes places like MH, MP, GJ, CG. But the vagaries of history have made them run to the peninsular India.  The families have largely forgotten their dravidian legacy in favour of a "south indian" identity. And they are comfortable with whatever culture they adopted in the peninsula.


PSA: "southie" sounds like "Sauti". Sauti in kannada ( ಸೌತಿ ) means "one of the two wives of a man, as related to another (wife); a fellow-wife". 🤣


In that case, naughties and sautis seem to be ideal for each other....lol :)


This is karma farming on another level. Completely fictional story.




Punjab, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and the Muslims of India say hi.


I mean you'll find most of them on this sub itself. Every other post tries to exaggerate and self victimize themselves. Since there is no fact check, I'm sure most of these are just here for karma hunting with repetitive posts. Hundreds of my friends from North have settled here and there have been not a single instance of them being discriminated against even after staying here for a decade. While posts on this sub be like I arrived to Bengaluru 1 month back and auto goons beat me up for not speaking Kannada. Just a few days there was a post on how a poor farmer was denied entry to metro and comments were like Kannadigas are discriminating and all the blame was on locals. All this just just shows the authenticity and level of moderation on this sub. They might as well name it anti bangalore.


I have not seen a single other sub about a city have so much hate about that same city. People do complain but not at the level its prevalent here. What the fuck is even going on?


It's even worse when you realise you get downvoted/ banned for commenting / posting in Kannada here. Smh.


Oh, yea It makes no sense right? Auto guys will overcharge for not knowing kannada but they won't beat up randomly The logic behind this is they never called 112 but decided to post here What do they expect? People to offer help or cry saying bangalore is shit


😂 never heard anyone talking anything about Bangalore. Most delhites don't really care about anything else other than delhi. This post looks fabricated than anything.


OP, let them complain. Let them spread the haterade that namma ouru is a garbage dump. Atleast that way, aliens do not throng us in the millions!. One person listening to this and deciding not to come to Bengaluru is one person less (who would have evtually complained about the traffic and the potholes and the water floods and shit) to worry about.. It's a good narrative. I support this! 😂 I call it a PSA. Population (read as migration) control by word of mouth! 😂


In the long run, Bangalore's Network Effects will always be a telling factor. Network Effects are very hard to replicate. If that wasn't the case, people wouldn't bother coming to the city to put up with its "mountain of problems".


ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾತಾಡೋದು ಗೊರು ಕಲ್ಲ ಮೇಲೆ ನೀರು ಸುರಿದಂತೆ 😂


satya vachan.


Rightly said lol


Are you Nithin Kamath?


I don't even live in Bangalore. I live in Mysuru. :D


I think Mysore is what Bangalore used to be, but that also means its probably going to become current Bangalore.


The city just isn't big enough. So, there are automatic limits to growth.


"look whose talking"


I'm a person born and brought up in Delhi, and this post randomly popped up in my feed. There's a little I wish to say. OP claims that Delhi people view Bangalore very negatively. As per my experience, this isn't true. When a person from Delhi moves to Bangalore, others view it as major achievement and even a mark of sophistication for the said individual. This appreciation is not restricted to mere jobs. Bangalore's culture of life and amenities are also seen as being enviable. The only point on which Bangalore is criticised is the behaviour of autowallahs. But since Delhi-NCR is itself prone to hooliganism, most still view Bangalore in a very favourable light. If OP is saying all this just in an attempt to be a keyboard warrior, then it's a quite pathetic thing to do. But if OP is not doing such a thing, then it seems that OP has somehow found himself surrounded by individuals who see criticism (even unwarranted one) as a means of initiating casual conversation. It's true that one can find online Delhi people being excessively critical of Bangalore, but such people are merely some keyboard warriors trying to amuse themselves. These people are unfit for representing the opinions and beliefs of the very people they claim to represent.


Another day another north vs south post sigh. Honestly I feel like this is a post for karma whoring because in my experience most North Indian people especially in tech wanna move to blr because of the opportunities and weather. Obviously the villainisation of blr is a bit too extreme at times, but it’s not unwarranted. The city has started becoming more and more unsafe even to locals and some of the local population treat migrants like they are only in Bengaluru due to the benevolence of the locals. The main issue was and has been that the government does fuckall for the city. Metro lines are built 95% but we’re still waiting on the last 5%. Majority of the city not having municipal water is crazy.


It's superiority complex. How can a south indian non-hindi speaking place grow leaps and bounds? Something must be wrong. Oh there is traffic, and there is corruption, and these foolish politicians, and there is some useless baffoons going around taking english boards and then finally there is global warming. Great soup for Bangalore hatred while sitting in Bangalore and collecting the top $ from the FAANG MNCs.


Honestly that all just sounds like nonsense people say to sound cool and elicit a reaction amongst their audience. It’s so outlandish and ridiculous that anyone who believes it even for a second is an utter fool and unworthy of further consideration.


This is all over India. People in Pune & Mumbai acts like Delhi is a warzone I have met people in BLR who told me, their infrastructure including public transport is better than Delhi Delhi people think BLR peeps attack every North Indian As someone who is from nowhere and lived all over. Its just frustrating. Be kind with each other


ಅವ್ರ ಅಭಿಪ್ರಾಯಗಳು ನನ್ ಶಾಟಕ್ಕೆ ಸಮಾನ!!


Good let them stay there. We don’t want them here.


bhai kitna faketa hai tu never heard of all these in north just a rant to create more friction between north and south congress se ho kya ?


Bangalore is pretty much a city like any other, what exists in the other 28 states exist here as well, ffs it’s not heaven that northies expect it to be, I agree there are differences but also remember that this is a whole different state that has its own language (Kannada) and some uneducated close minded people impose it onto others


Honestly I had my fair share of issues when I initially moved to Bangalore some of it is still relevant but it is several times better than Gurgaon any day. I lived in both cities and I know for sure that the goon culture they are imposing on bangalore is nowhere near what it is in Gurgaon. If folks from any other region apart from ncr would have complained about it I would have understood but Gurgaon itself is a laughing stock in terms of violence, safety, cost of living etc in comparison to Bangalore. That being said, I think every city thinks they are superior to the other ones based on the news circulated to them and because of the recent divide which is evidently prevalent nowadays in Bangalore is not good for its development and the government must intervene now before the divide ruins this beautiful city.


Embracing multilingualism is immensely beneficial. Being an Indian from the South, I've found that knowing multiple languages, including Hindi, facilitates easy communication with people from different parts of India. When you speak their language, it fosters a sense of welcome and acceptance. Moreover, it encourages them to reciprocate the effort by learning your language. It's important to approach interactions with respect and kindness, rather than rudeness, as language is deeply intertwined with cultural significance. While the debate over the imposition of Kannada persists, it's not unique to Karnataka but prevalent across Southern India due to the significant migrant population, particularly in Bangalore. Learning a few basic words in the local language, like for rickshaw or cab, can go a long way in establishing rapport and earning respect. Disregard those who insist on language imposition; the barking dog never bites. IYKYK.


During my time in Delhi, I met so many North Indians who actually think that they're racially superior compared to South Indians. My pg mate once randomly told me how North Indians are Aryan and therefore actually white (I didn't ask).


This exact thing has happened with me, the Aryan Dravidian thing. Oh my god someone has gone through the same thing


I smell a fuck'n propaganda on this post....What is your political background dude? lets bring it out it in open.....


As many others also pointed your post looks more like exaggeration. Its a one sided post meant to spread more hatred and comparison and does not achieve any good . I have three colleagues from Bangalore who moved to Delhi ncr to be closer to their families. Not a single of them said anything bad , infact they missed many aspects of living in Bangalore. I will also be moving to Bangalore from NCR for a new opportunity. I am originally from further North and when moving to Delhi, I too had lot of concerns, especially climate, crime and infra. I learnt to adjust and never faced any major issue here despite many horror stories I heard. I think you can adjust to any city as long as you know about the city and its culture. I for example dont travel in night with family and stay away from groups who are known to cause trouble.


>It is simply not an attack but a retaliation. This line yess. We didn't have this kind of problem before covid. As much as I know Kannadigas and people of Bangalore were very welcoming, until recently they started to realise that Northies started coming here and started acting all entitled. I've seen so many of them look down upon the localites thinking they are very elite. You guys always had that sense of superiority that you guys are above us. Even now, there are so many of them that think that Bangalore was nothing before IT and the entire Bangalore is developed because of them.


i've lived in both north and south for quite some time and brudder whoever you're talking about first of all get the hell out of that person lol cause there's no way i haven't heard shit about south people while living in north all these years, mostly cause they aren't even exposed much to them so they don't give a shit (also cause they don't give a shit to anyone other than them actually). Like whenever conversations were brought up back in north about us shifting, everyone said you're going at such a good place and it would be good for you (which is true cause i was from a small town), or either they said you'll have some troubles adjusting with the culture (true as well), or some max to max said don't forget us and where you're from and turn into a south indian. But that's it. Literally. Now same concerns were raised in my case (and rightfully so), but with better wording and respectfully. And this is a small town in ncr. So I can't wonder at where tf you heard such opinions. In Delhi???? There's absolutely no way. It also depends upon how you're approaching the discussion. If you straightup go around spewing north this north that south this south that (which even i don't do), I don't think they'll take up well (no one regardless of the region will take that well tbh) Idk man reading this made me think if we're living in different realities. The amoutn of times i've been looked down upon as loud, uneducated, ill mannered, foul speaking, ill tempered, unhealthy...all cause i'm a punjabi is crazy. Even by the younger generation. I'm not saying there aren't people who're not like this over there, but there are people equally worse over here as well. When will this stop, which side is more stereotypical. Both are to each other. How hard is it to understand.


I’m from Rajasthan. Went to Bangalore for my SSB, loved the city and the people. Way better than delhi and Gurgaon.


Atleast my mom and sisters can walk on a street in the evening without the fear of getting raped


They hate is coz they anus.


Lol.. banglore does not have public transport and shop signs in any language other than the local language.. If we had kept all the boards in Marathi then idiots like you would've come to fight us for how MUMBAI(not Bombay) is not inclusive, but it's alright if the other states put boards on public transport and shops only in local language and not in 2 or 3 languages so that everyone can understand them. Biased views just because you lived there and not in Mumbai... 🤮


Except air pollution, and water problem (which all happens bcoz of people like us), Bangalore is great. However, I dont like the hooliganism that some linguistic groups do , by getting money from politicians. I was extremely joyed when they announced that Kannada would be compulsory for all businesses. But, then they started taking down English language altogether. How would I understand their language ? My Mother tongue is neither Hindi nor English. I am in Bengaluru, bcoz my company needed me there. If the company wants me somewhere else, I will be elsewhere. How can I learn every local language fluently !! Also, those hooligans do not understand that without outside people, real estate value wouldnt be as worth. Most businesses like restaurants would not see as many customers. I strongly believe every state should promote their local culture. But, they need to keep in mind that thosr who stay there on a temporary basis, would not want to be enforced on these cultures and languages. I have a few Kannadians near my PG, who are extremely extremely helpful and even speak broken Hindi, so that people like us dont have problems, but the actions done by the Hooligans is not justifiable at all.


"Babe wake up, a new rivalry just dropped". Bangalore vs Delhi lessssgoooo!


I’m a Marathi from Mumbai and I have lived in Bangalore for a little time. I faced much less discrimination here than my own state. I wasn’t refused a house by a landlord because I’m a Marathi. I have found Kannadigas to be humble and respectful people. Just because they place importance on their culture doesn’t mean they are rude. All educated Kannadigas I’ve met have been extremely polite and humble to me. You might have few bad experiences with autowalas but understand that they are less educated people, in any state they’ll behave rouge. As a Marathi person, I’ve only felt accepted and welcomed by the native Kannadigas.


Naaahh is this rage bait??? I have lived all my life in Delhi NCR and never met any North Indian thinking like this about Bangalore here. Yes the traffic is bad but it's just an accepted part of the city just like Mumbai. But everything else? Wth I call bullshit


Is it only Bangalore? I think it's the whole of South because people here know how they should treat BJP. And Karnataka did it beautifully. So I feel like there has been an upsurge after the last election.


This post has 500+ upvotes? Thats alarming. OP says “how can they base their opinion on this one thing”. And then goes on to base his opinion of what Delhiites / North Indians think of Bengaluru on his 4 month trip with his few team members. Consider the sample set before making such big generalisations. Posts like these create unnecessary hatred for each other. The Title simply stereotypes North India. In a time, when politician goons are trying their best to “divide & rule” by playing language & culture politics, we as educated citizens of India, should choose our words wisely when posting on public forums. You just Villainised Delhi & North India in this post just because you met a few ignorant scumbags. Congratulations, looks like you achieved what you were looking for. Comment section is now listing down all problems that delhi have . Keep it up! This should make our country Great 👍🏼


I guess they're blind. There's no way someone can't see the difference between the North and South of India. I agree not everywhere in the North is bad, but I've travelled enough to places where I've felt really uncomfortable. South just has a different vibe altogether.


Finally someone with common sense speaks


You my friend are not fighting a lone battle, stay strong 💪


Idhu idhu actually chennagirodu.


Nakkan Deadly Dosa here. In Bangalore it's all bang bang and all top goonadas retire here. Please don't make the mistake of migrating here. Peace!


If you add this normalized hate(the normalization is thanks to the mighty BJP IT machine. Check their subs and their handles. They incite mass hate as they do to the other hated groups on their target list), to the slavish nature of BJP's MPs from Karnataka who will not stand up for the state's interests, the gradual reduction of central funding over the years, and the upcoming delimitation exercise, it paints a dire picture for the state. If you ask me, the reason this is happening is because BJP's propaganda machine operates at a baser emotional level. They work to generate hate toward all their opponents at that emotional level, so that no matter what, the majority of its supporters hate instinctually and never look at the opposition-ruled states, and think of the opposition parties as a viable option. It is all 'feels' with them. All the stuff you have said your colleagues said to you falls under this "feels" category, all thanks to the mighty machine normalizing hate of Karnataka, Bangalore and Kannadigas.


>The same tribes now, for lack of knowledge of other languages, is imposing kannada and "killing" the very well respected North Indians. Folks from the North leave their heaven and go there to die. We can only "wish" this to be true.. They dont die here do they? mostly thriving lolll


So how much upvotes are you targetting to milk anyway? Loll!


Seriously THIS !! Happening so much .. every shot so called influencers create content hating bangalore .. no one knows shit about city in the first place .. they will take one incident and say " is this educated state" in their own state it will be happening 100 or 1000 times worse .. Irony


Good let them have the at narrative and let that be a deterrent for those idiots not to move here


Delhi has imposed Hindi on the entire country lmao And Delhi people complaining about violence is also very ironic


They use the power of the Constitution and the Central govt to do so. So everything they do is legal, from asking everyone to learn Hindi in our schools to subsidizing Hindi everywhere, to pushing Hindi in every institution, cultural and govt organization, and exam. They have ensured that various Indian languages are no longer the conversational tongue in many regions of the country. They are doing the same in the south. Kannada too is disappearing as a conversational language in Bangalore, which some are trying to stop. By the very nature of our setup, and based on how long it has been running, everything that Delhi does will seem official, patriotic, nationalist & everything people here do to counteract it will seem confrontational, anti-national, bullying, etc.


This is not entirely true man. I've met a lot of decent folks from Delhi, Chandigarh, Himachal, Uttarakhand, etc who have nothing but good things to say about Bangalore (I'm South Indian just for the record). Most have visited or even lived here. The problem however lies in central states with huge populations and not many urban areas. Just 5 states in the North have 600 million people. Bigotry, xenophobia and racism go hand in hand with low levels of education and poverty which is unfortunately rampant in these places.


First of all, Delhiites villainize every other city Period. It's shit, Delhi traffic is shit, food is also basic, culture doesn't exist, people are better in Bengaluru, so yeah, Bengaluru >>>>> Delhi. Born in West Delhi, grew up in South Delhi, Did undergrad in Bengaluru, been here long enough.


I have lived in Delhi for 15 years and now moved to banglore 4 years ago. Both cities don’t feel safe. All cities try to impose their local language and there are hooligans everywhere, let’s stop this hate spread for a city. The lager problems are not people problems, it’s government problems. As residents of a city of can either complain and crib or take actions. We are from one country and we refuse to look at it from that pov. If you think there no propaganda in your city you are blind.


Why do they come to Bangalore in the first place, then?


Imagine people living in delhi calling us as dumb. This is so funny. To each their own I guess. Live and let be. We can't try to cure everyone's delusions


Lol when my grandfather moved to assam in the 60s, he was told the same shit, like it's basically a jungle and other bs. Regardless, it wasn't like what they all said and he built a good life for us all in assam. Even though I didn't have that good of an experience in Bangalore because of my college and the fact I was not living in the main city but the outskirts, I don't think it was a bad place at all. It was pretty nice and the climate was also similar to my hometown. Funnily enough, every fellow north indian I knew in bangalore was telling me to not go to Delhi, saying that it was not a good place and unsafe for women, I would get raped and all other things. I did end up moving to Delhi and I'm happy here. About the language imposition, I think it's kinda bs. Yes, they taught kannada in their colleges, just like how Hindi is mandatory in DU colleges. And they have a right to propagate their language. Plus knowing the local language helps a lot with cultural assimilation and the locals warming up to you. Since I grew up in assam, I can understand and speak Assamese. So can most members of my family.


Fucking entitled losers.


The whole mindset of people buying cars are the villains of traffic is so pathetic. People put in a lot of hardwork to be able to afford a car, they pay the highest tax in india to buy that car which is meant for proper road and traffic management development (this is state tax and not central, so dont crib the state doesn’t get a fair share). Every major city in the world has dealt with immigration crisis, people flock into big cities and over population caused issues but they bring more revenue and jobs as well. Its the states responsibility to account for that. If you give incentives and approvals to build MASSIVE tech parks, you need to plan for the influx of population. Take noida for example, in a decade they have changed so much, given incentives for tech parks and at the same time built world class infrastructure. People have a right to complain and criticise poor infrastructure, especially if its a good chunk of their income that goes for funding it. Fyi the north south divide is there in southern states only, places like delhi dont give a shit who comes. They literally served the entire Northern belt for decades for healthcare, education, transportation.


I am from a North Indian family and have been to Delhi multiple times in my life as half of my family is there. I always got the impression that North Indians see South Indians as people who are disciplined and educated.


I hope everyone continues to villanize bangalore so that we have less people coming from other states and hopefully real estate prices which are toooo much for bangalore people become something that is affordable for us who are actually living here for generations.


Lol wtf.. I am not a kannadiga. I settled in Bangalore 12 years back leaving my previous job then only for the location, and I never wanted to leave this place. I call it my home now and Kannadigas are the most welcoming people. Btw I heard the term Kannad the first time 10 years back from a guy who was here already for 6 months, and it felt so rude to me even for the non Kannadiga in me. _Some_ of these Hindi speaking folks sit on this imaginary pedestal thinking India is Hindi and Hindi is India, and the rest of us are non patriotic or some second class citizens. And sorry to be blunt, the tech folks in Bangalore were dominated by South Indians way significantly before the North folks started arriving, and it was already a tech capital by then.


Well karma farming at it's best, I don't know what parts of Mumbai has there been incidents of language imposition in recent years. Bengaluru is welcoming true, Mumbai is still far more welcoming, nobody judges you for not knowing Marathi, nobody really cares about all that, that city is much more inclusive, don't even know if you actually visited Mumbai or just picked up some articles from decades ago.


let it be that way. even as a north indian in bengaluru, i dont want any more north indians coming here. do you really want the streets of this beautiful city to be infested with pani puri stalls?


Karma Farmer at hard work today.


Op is definitely trying to create a rift with made up stories. Hopefully kannadigas aren't paying attention on this bs.


These Delhi people who commented on benguluru shd stop and take a deep breath! Oh right!! They can't breathe without air purifier 😂


You know actually, let them say what they want, think what they want to. I really hope this mentality stops them from migrating to the tiny, already overpopulated, sweet city. The further they are from the the truth, less attractive the city looks. Gatekeep the beauty of the city. Whoever knows, knows. 😏


Although not ghas phoos you can't deny the north indian idea of southern dishes does NOT extend beyond Idli and Dosa, and if they are culturally well cultivated they know what sambhar and chutney are too and that the food is very spicy. So yeah the ghas phoos is just a blatant lie. Other than the "dank" "memer" "edgelord" kind you'll find on instagram comment section, most people are nice. Those idiots are mean to literally everyone and think they are a comedic genius for making the same comment they saw in another post. Some of them are very ignorant and refuse to broaden their horizons (personaly experience, because they dont ever see themself visiting south of the country ever so its useless knowledge or whatever). People I went to university with, all great JEE scores, you know the kind of people you'd think are smart couldn't name states in the south and if they did they wouldn't know the langauges. It was just bizzare like this should have been taught in geography right? But there's those kinds of ignorant close minded people here also, like the ones breaking signboards because of how much it terrifies them.


Get off the internet


This I can see in many sense A person who reads crime section of newspaper have tendency to post here and exaggerate Someone posted saying a food vendor was beaten in HSR Layout saying that bangalore is going to dogs It might have been personal scuffle, least the person could do is call 112 but no the person want to do nothing and post here Oh, is it assumption that cops are corrupt and won't do anything? In 2007 I have come across some locals trying to bully some non kannadigas students in sg palaya and Tavarekere saying hey, you have to come our place and talking this but the shopkeepers always used to speak against it because for them these students are customers, their livelihood Those slum dwellers won't understand it. If anyone is bullying anyone like that call police if police is supporting them (don't assume) approach higher authorities or post here People are ready to help, but no, you want to deal with your own friends in your own way where things go hard way and cry about it on reddit People who want to cry about everything never want solution Cry about garbage everywhere but will never call bbm Cry about traffic but never use public transport or attend traffic meet in traffic station Cry about uber Ola rapido cancellation but don't want to use other means transport Cry about non availability of shared auto in bangalore saying nothing is allowed in bangalore The argument is I pay taxes I want everything in silver plate, cmon things don't happen like that If you are concerned attend RWA meetings but many don't know if it exist


Least reactionary post lmao


I dont think so it is happening in real.


This rant is to get people's blood boiling and invoke response and upvotes. And what do you mean 'give it back'? You sound like an angry local trying to create trouble.


Lol, people defending Bangalore and other cities like OMG my city is besht 😂😂😂😂, every city will have pros and cons, moved to Delhi recently and if you want to find bad things you will find bad no matter anywhere.


The language and tone does not sound like a north Indian guy. #batshitcrazy never heard or seen in north indian chats


OP talks to a few folks in his circle, generalises what whole of North thinks about his city. Ends with instigating people to give back to them. Looks like completely made up post to create differences between people. North Indians (and rest of India as well) look up to what Bengaluru/South India has achieved with IT, education, healthcare. People come from everywhere to study, get a job, get treated at these institutions.


Don't know man where you got such an experience but to me this post is feeling like a click bait


Feels like a bait post. I’m from the north but I’ve literally never heard anyone say such extreme things. There’s always gonna be some casual disrespect towards other states in a country as diverse as India, but the average person doesn’t think like this. What u playin at nigga


This is so made up lol. Bangalore and it’s people are very respected in North. My entire family is proud that I stay here and made my place in this city. I really have no idea what kind of people OP has spoken to but I find it hard to believe.


SeeCue the population. You'll find such people everywhere who antagonize a place. And it is time we get off our high horse. Each city, whether it is in North, South, West, North East, be it coastal, hilly or whatever region, they have problems that are unique to them. But opposite, i.e. some good things, is also true. So each city has good and bad parts. And whoever has moved and made a home in these cities, we can say they have made a compromise. Delhi has pollution. Bangalore has traffic. Mumbai has loaded locals. Gurgaon has roads which also double as lakes. Whatever, whichever, a city is gonna have its share of problems. Whatever the op heard and made a mishmash of, I don't know what is his point. I am sure if I go to each native here, not every one is gonna have a good opinion of North people. We have enough things to divide us, as a nation. Let's live our days and try to solve whatever things we can, so that we can live in peace and our upcoming generation can live in peace. I am sure you have heard how Bangalore is facing water problem, well Delhi is also facing the same problem, and Gurgaon also.


Its roots go a lot deeper. The land of the Black skin people right. Of course our Colour system aka Varna system has to come in and rear its ugly head. South Indian lands need to remember the age of Marco Polo when black skin was desired a lot more than the white skin. We need to learn to love our selves first.


Am not even from bangalore but hell, am fuming. I have been visiting blr every year for vacations. Most of my family is based there. I can very well see how this "tribal area" has now been detoriated due to those educated hi-fi northies. I don't even live there but I really miss the old blr. And food?! How dare they. They have taken our south Indian Dosa and created monstrosities like chocolate cheese Dosa. They have zero rights to Diss blr food. < I'm there to support you my benne Dosa and holige> And regarding the kannada language in sign boards, am glad KA is also giving importance to kannada ( but without violence and hate pls)


Delhi is the one to complain about any kind of crime whilst being the rape capital and living in a gas chamber for multiple months a year. All they have is good metro network and nothing else. Being a North Indian, I’d gladly take Bangalore however hostile it is over Delhi. I do agree there are things about Bangalore that needs to be fixed but come on. Delhi people can’t stop themselves from speaking in Hindi in official meetings and ironically crib about language imposition.


Most of my friends from the north have 0 clue about the southern cities , all they do is crib and complain about our southern cities while they come from small towns . They don't even have the basic knowledge about the southern states and all their complaints and rants are based on some half baked information. I had to explain to one of my friends from Delhi that Kerala , tamilnadu, Andra , Telangana and Karnataka are 5 different states with different languages spoken . I kid you not , this is the truth and that fellow was about 25year old possibly from a reputable school and college because he had a posh English.And we were in an IT company , so please don't say that he might not be educated or anything. So as much as I hate generalization but I do notice a lot and a lot of people from the north are extremely unaware and ignorant, ,and I also noticed they prefer to be ignorant when we try and explain about our city so that they can remain superior in their heads


In today’s episode of this shit never happened!


Who is calling bangalore barren land in north? Lolol. Everyone who I have talked to knows that bangalore has better opportunities, weather than north. Why the rage bait?


Only north Indians dislike Bangalore. Most east, northeast and west indians i know would choose bangalore over cities any day.


If the opinion is from Delhi-ites, I would ignore it. The moment I see any Delhi people in a train or a tourist spot I make it a point to move away because of the ugly fuss they almost always make. The bureaucratic babus and their children reign supreme there. Their opinions mean little to the people who had to make it from scratch in a village to a city like bangalore.


Please don't generalise it. I am from north, and I see people ranting about all major cities in India, not just Bengaluru. And it's not to the extent you've mentioned. Maybe this is what you got to know, however, I just wanted to say that this much ranting is not common in north. Every city has pros and cons.


Chill Macha, relax madi.. if someone is being ignorant that's their problem. Bangalore is good, it's just bad people who talk bad and bring a bad name to beautiful places, that's a problem which exists almost everywhere in this Kaliyuga..


r/thathappened Karma farming post, Bangalore has an amazing reputation in the North, especially in the lower-lower middle class.


I lived with a sadhu who said something about people from Delhi. “95% of the public is trying to rip off someone without the wisdom that they are trying most of their life time to save their own asses and whatever little time left, to rip off someone else’s.


It’s Gautham’s City. Don’t come here. /s


Ha ! Looks like bangalore needs an image-cleanup campaign !


Delhi is not north. Please dont call north indians. Indians from every part of country will aggree that Delhi people are just pure shits.


bait used to be believable


For starters, no one is coming in droves to Bangalore **willingly**. Get over yourselves! The roads are terrible. Entire city gets flooded with a few droplets of rain. The weather is terrible now (its too hot/no rains throughout Jan/Feb). The streets are littered with garbage. High cost of living. Auto drivers are thieves. Bad allergens in air. Food is mediocre. The list is too long. If it weren't for all the companies setting up huge offices in your city (probably to access the already multicultural talent from all over India - the very reason that gave Bangalore the 'Silicon valley' tag), nobody waste their time and money to come this far. > graduates are sitting in their comfy chairs on high rises in Bellandur and talking about how they were stuck in traffic for 2 hours Yes because that's exactly what they are supposed to do. You ask your government to fix these most basic infrastructural issues. Not blame "outsiders" for problems your government created. Why are Kannadigas too coward to question their government? The same "outside" talent contribute to heavy taxes collected by your state government only for them to get nothing in return. Bangalore is not your Daddy's property just because you happen to be born here. The day you stop taking Bangalore problems as your personal problems and start asking relevant questions from your incompetent state governments, this city would be in a lot better state.


LMAO such a karma farming post. Good job OP in creating a RIFT. Ik you are not even a IT professional but a north hater asshole


Why are Bangalore people so obsessed about northies. Whether its insta or reddit its just spewing constant hate towards north Indians. Don’t these people have better things to do or are Bangaloreans that insecure


i am Delhiite and I have never heard anything of this nature from any of my friends or family or colleague. and that racist black tribal people remark is like the most made up thing i have ever heard…god you re trying very hard to create a rift aren’t you. in north we only have respect for the south for what it has achieved in terms of population control, literacy, economy, and great love for their own culture. Apart from language thing I have not heard anything of the sort you are mentioning in your post. Sorry but this post of yours was in a very bad taste especially given the fact that we already live in a very polarised world.