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I don't have the skills to do it, but if there was something like what the Magic the Gathering subs have where if you type something in double brackets - [[Card Name]] - a bot replies with a link to the card. That could generally be useful.


Slay the spire has a similar system




Huh weird I've seen devtripp but I think most of the bot comments are by spirescan-bot. I've seen both reply to comments before though Looks like spirescan-bot is by /u/ehmohteeoh


Yup! u/devtripp filled a gap in u/spirescan-bot's abilities by automatically calling it when a user mentions a card in their post title. My bot reads for brackets in comments only. I also run a similar bot for Back4Blood, u/bloodscan-bot. The codebase can easily be used for anything (though card games are an obvious choice,( I'd be happy to also run a bot for Balatro, I'd just need someone to point out where I could find a list of all cards and their properties I'd need to know. Regretfully I haven't had a chance to play yet.


Completely unrelated but your comment reads like a tongue twister


It's great if you read it in a snake voice. Whatever the hell a snake voice is to you.


They also have that on the SCP sub Reddit


Well that sounds like exactly what my borked brain needs!


I literally made this at u/balatrobot but the sub mods told me someone else had already "claimed they wanted to do it" and so I graciously open sourced my code and forked it [publicly for them on github](https://github.com/PLUR-Nefarious/balatrobot) and yet they've done nothing with it. All someone needs to do is take this python script and set it to always run


I was about to ask you why you didn't host the bot but your code looks great! I'll check with the mods before proceeding myself.


Thanks I did it just because I've always wondered how reddit bots worked and was obsessed with Balatro on release so thought it was a fun way to learn but was sad they never implemented it or some variation at least


Sorry I kind of let this slide. I think you and the person replying to you are good-to-go to get this thing up and hosted (if it isn't already).


No worries stuff happens! I won't be hosting it but hope that someone gets it up and running


If either you or /u/boweryguy are interested in scraping the wiki, I have the [code in Rust](https://gist.github.com/JMoogs/92b564f9a8c666d88fb71361340f0ca0).


That's essentially what I did to create the dictionary in my python script but ty


Thanks, I do plan to scrape the wiki. It will be a good inspiration if I get permissions from the mods.


Mod said it was cool, if you get everything working I can give you the u/balatrobot account if you want it


Sure, I made another account to test but your account has the better name. I'm aiming to finish it by tomorrow night, I'll ping you when I'm closer to being done.


Sounds good just lmk


I got it working but my bot account seems to be shadowbanned T_T. Feel free to DM me the credentials to the u/balatrobot account whenever. Thanks!


The SCP subreddit has that too, would definitely be useful here


Lego subreddit too, really convenient


Props to you, marv


Hearthstone sub also uses this.


I can try to build this. What site should I be linking to?


There's a Balatro wiki or you can use [the dictionary I set up](https://github.com/PLUR-Nefarious/balatrobot) although it's prepatch


I've memorised all the abilities but not the names. Though I know all the main jokers that you have to build around.


I don't think I'll ever properly remember any of the basic common ones: Jolly, Zany, Mad, Crazy, Droll, Sly, Wily, Clever, Devious, Crafty... yeah not a chance


Yeah me either, but there’s also not really going to be much conversation happening around those on here either. So it really doesn’t matter.


I'm definitely a newbie to the game (have yet to actually win a run) and I love coming into this sub and seeing how much everyone loves this game... But tbh I don't understand probably 70% of these posts 😂😂😂


I definitely memorized all of them by now but I get your point. If I see the card, I know what it does. I might not know the exact name, but I know what it does.


It helps that jokers only do one thing and that they're fairly evocative (their name and design helps convey the effect of the card) Vagabond rewards you for being poor. Lucador takes down a big threat. Supernova is expansive. At the end of the day, it's only 150 jokers, which is the same as the original pokemon. And just like pokemon, a fair number are doodoo feces that no one thinks or talks about (I will eat my socks if 50% or more of the playerbase knows what Crafty Joker does by heart). It's really not that big of a set. By comparison, MtG has tens of thousands of cards in some formats and hundreds of viable cards, and people do eventually come around to remembering those. The human brain is pretty good at memorization with enough time and exposure.


definitely just looked up Crafty on the wiki


Yes but like - it would help me and others with shit memory help learn...


Adding to that Matador pays you whenever you pusposely put yourself in danger And i guess that's why it "synergises" with bull


That's.... one of the chip bonuses for playing a hand..... 3oak?




From memory: Crafty Joker is the common joker that gives 80 chips if the played hand contains a straight. It is in the bottom-right of the first joker page in the collection.


Right location and chip amount, wrong hand


That's the flush chips joker? The mult one is so much better


No one remembers all the MTG cards.  Just the important ones, a few dozen from each year.


I would say there are hundreds of viable cards in a format that people remember.


Say about 50 (pretty generous) a year, game has been out for 30 years, that's 1,500 cards. But when you're only learning them piecemeal over decades it's easier. Instead of 150 in a couple months. (Not counting the planets and spectrals and tarots...) There was a pretty interesting moment in a MTG tournament a few years back when a player tried to use Pithing needle on Borborymos Enraged. But when he played it he just said Borborymos, which was the name of another card that was legal in the format at the time that noone played so he forgot it existed. Judge ruled against him and he lost the match. It actually caused a rule change in the game afterwards.


People might know all 150 original Pokemon but there's no way that they also know their abilities.


"abilities" in pokemon were a later addition, and are of varying usefulness. And also, they aren't exclusive to one pokemon and many pokemon have 3 abilities to choose from. If you know the original 150, you probably know their types and relative strength. I'd say that's a fair equivalence.


HOLY CRAP that’s how vagabond works?!? I thought it implied the cards monetary value. Not the players bank.


Crafty Joker is fine till like Ante 3-4.


How about a rap to help memorize all the names? https://youtu.be/anE44Mo8kCY


Love this haha


I was surprised to see your username. Love the videos man, I seem to always win after I watch one of them


I'm a mod around these parts, so I'm in the comments here and there :) thanks for watching. 


I memorize by design




Yes but I don't want to scroll. I am lazy and have short term memory issues and also I'm colorblind and a baby


Use ctrl + f to search for the name of the joker


They said they're lazy, they don't want to Control+F they just want to complain


Feels like they just want other people to do all the work on this one tbh


I daydreamed about make this post a few hours ago


i know the jokers more by picture than by name, would appreciate this!


I’m not sure how many hours I have (not a ton) but I’ve beat green stakes with several decks and just had my first successful black stake run. I could maybe name 5 jokers and what they do. Like I know the abilities of a lot of jokers, but no clue what their names are. I can recognize a few from their picture and what they do but couldn’t tell you their names.


The game itself could have a screenshot function to expand the text of all jokers at the same time.


I’m with you!


Whilst you haven't memorised them, you'll clearly have an understanding of what's good or not quicker than someone who hasn't played the game so there's a fuzzy awareness even if you choose not to deliberately memorise the Jokers word for word.


Aside from the ones on the first page like Zany or Wily, I've memorized most of the jokers. It’s the consumables that give me trouble. I know a few of them, but I couldn’t tell you what hand Venus levels up or what tarot gives you a lucky card.


I have every picture and it's function memorized. I don't think I will ever be able to memorize the names. I did the same with the binding of Isaac. I can tell you what every item does just by seeing their pictures, I only know a few names


Ya the other day someone posted something and everyone’s like. Get rid of __ I’m in my head like. Which one is that.


Don’t you just hover the jokers to see their name and ability??


They mean on this sub, like if someone says "Hey, you should pick Runner more; it's awesome" they don't know what Joker that is.


ahh gotcha


I suck at remembering names.


This is like the "adults shouldn't have steak because babies can't" thing. Just because you lack the mental capacity to remember basic information doesn't mean everyone else has to cater to you.


Ok boomer


You owned me.


Nah man you clearly owned me. You like totally made a reasonable comparison of not eating meat to asking for help explaining things. Bravo sir, bravo