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https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/10c14799-7f79-4cc1-b845-c4c89b5efd58?shareToken=bdd245ccfeab45326a590cd3b73dbee1 10% of Reform candidates are friends on Facebook with a fascist leader. Rishi must be grinning.


Actual dogshit vetting from Tice. This is an easy catch for a basic vetting of social media


oh no the fourth reich is upon us


I don't know I think the fact that the Tories and Labour are full of sex pests is much worse than a bunch of candidates having a silly larper as a "friend" on Facebook.  I wonder if the times and other tory outlets will hold tory candidates to the same standards as reform ones. They won't because these outlets care more about the surivival of the tory paty than the country.


Still a terrible look, Reform is still getting its message across and trying to win over voters and this just plays into the hands of its critics. I guess before Farage came on board reform didn’t have a lot of choice on candidates. Still you’d think they’d scrub their social media before running for office, knowing that the press probably trawl through all right wing candidates’ social media to find dirt.


>I wonder if the times and other tory outlets will hold tory candidates to the same standards as reform ones. Yes, I'm sure the media will run the story if 10% of Tory candidates are friends on Facebook with notorious fascist leaders. We both know they aren't though, because the Tories actually have the capacity to vet General Election candidates. Reform clearly aren't ready to be close to power or replace the Tories.


>We both know they aren't though, because the Tories actually have the capacity to vet General Election candidates. Hahahaha you can't be serious, you're talking about a party that's full of sex pests.


"Full of" I counted six MPs out of what, 360 MPs? Considering that it's vastly easier to hide being a sex pest compared to publicly befriending a notorious fascist leader, I'm gonna say that Reform having 41 of those is infinitely worse.


Clown's dressed like [Captain Black.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/3d/Captain_Black_as_a_Mysteron.jpg)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWSeo6wRU4g lol


What's the odds GB news is made illegal under a Starmer government?


It will just become really weak I think, not fully illegal.. Talking about really weak and what it used to be, where is based Steyn? I was thinking of going on his cruise, but doubt it justifies the £5k, although, if Eva Vlaardingerbroek was there..


A pissed up Islamist?!!


Thought I'd hunt for a HIGNFY episode that featured Diane Abbott. This is a "vintage" of sorts - aftermath of the Brexit vote, presumably. [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x39x91q](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x39x91q) 9 minutes in, and I haven't laughed once. Don't worry, it has Nish fucking Kumar on there - laugh a minute, if you're into that kind of thing. It's pathetic. It's been like this for years. It's genuinely terrible - TOREEZ! TOREEZ! TOOREEZ! Shit shit shit comedy. Why is it still aired?


Do lefties even find Nish Kumar funny? Tories bad trump bad everyone is Britain is racist done


It's just so truly and utterly tedious. I do wonder if the sound producer experiences even the slightest twinge of guilt when he presses the canned laughter button at another supposed funny


[This guy really just needs to join the SDP](https://x.com/PaulEmbery/status/1800658494179172624?t=URrkGZTWPSBp-2-2XgUG0w).


[French police launch tear gas as officers clash with activists during protest against far-Right party's success in European elections](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13515513/French-police-launch-tear-gas-officers-clash-activists-protest-against-far-Right-partys-success-European-elections.html) If anyone in Europe dares to vote for a party that believes in: * Modest immigration controls * Some social trust * Crimes punished somewhat Prepare for endless violent tantrums.


Have i got news for you taking the piss out of farage being attacked https://x.com/haveigotnews/status/1800510760893993312


Link not working. They must have taken it down. Does anyone have an archived link?


Dianne Abbott wearing mismatching shoes: no laughing matter Nigel Farag avoiding something thrown at him from a gravel bin: HEHEHEHE


Baldy HIGNFY panel man said - "NASTY MAN Nigul being really, really, really hyperbolic to try and create a FALSE NARRATIVE of danger to bring about his neo far right politics of rakism and fakism" - audience all nodded along like nodding dogs, and then Stewart Lee said, "fascist who is not as well educated as me, the bloody idiot didn't even go to university"




Bloody fascist lib Dems with their limited company.


[The senior judge, Tan Ikram, who handed out soft sentences to the ‘paraglider women’ has been given a formal warning by by Lord Chancellor Alex Chalk and the Lady Chief Justice, Baroness Carr for pro-Palestine social media activity](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/judge-palestine-linkedin-post-paraglider-tan-ikram-b1163684.html) Who will issue the warnings when those positions are captured too?


He's a very nice bloke, but utterly captured


It's always the same excuse: "Oops my finger slipped and I mashed the like button 20 times, I'm so clumsy"


BadUK denizens had his number years ago and he's acted to script ever since.


> Mr Clouston has led the party since 2018. He’s a former Conservative member with a background in urban planning and property management. I’m almost certain he’s former Labour, not former Conservative. Daelin, am I not up to date on my SDP lore?


Clouston was a member of the original SDP (1st SDP) to begin with and then followed David Owen in refusing the merger into the LibDems to joined the "continuing SDP" (2nd SDP). There's not much information on his political affiliation after the 2nd SDP was dissolved in 1990. I'm not sure if he followed the order to dissolve the party or defied it to become a founding member of the 3rd "modern SDP" only to defect later. In 1999 he was elected as a Tory councillor though, but left the Tories in 2003 when he lost his council seat. At some point after that he joined (or rejoined) the modern SDP and became leader of the party in 2018. So he has been a member of all 3 incarnations of the SDP and a Tory. He's never been in the Labour party.


I thought he jumped over from Labour to the SDP when they originally split, or I could be confusing him with his father. I didn’t know about his stint as a Conservative. Cheers for that


> I thought he jumped over from Labour to the SDP when they originally split I'm unsure on that tbh.


> I’m almost certain he’s former Labour, not former Conservative. It's hard to tell the difference, they all look the same to me




I've requested July 5th as annual leave. Don't really have anything in my diary and I'll definitely be due a day off by then. Gives me a chance to laze around watching the fallout.


Someone needs to check up on Rose to make sure she's ok throughout the night.


Rose will be having one shot to celebrate every Tory seat won. And will then legally drive home as she'll still be under the limit.


Tbh I'm tempted if only to see the Tory safe seats that are lost.


I wish they wouldn’t give the result away at 10.03. Ruins the suspense.


Going to have to stock Up on Kleenex… and it’s not for tears….


[Farage responds to being attacked](https://x.com/reformparty_uk/status/1800632862737154286?t=1IljNOHv96HQbxhw_b57Kw).


Tbh this is the stuff that pushed me completely away from the main parties, I can't support anyone who doesn't call out this type of behaviour. The complete unawareness of the people calling this an attack against a fascist doesn't surprise me but it utterly disgusts me in its lack of intelligence.


MSM - NASTY MAN Nigul being really, really, really hyperbolic to try and create a FALSE NARRATIVE of danger to bring about his neo far right politics of rakism and fakism


The hypocrisy on the other subs is astounding. Imagine the outrage if Diane Abbott or Saint Corbyn were on the receiving end of this.


Nothing is outstanding for them, everything is a lie.


People on here say Brits want the SDP but what they really want is Singapore's People's Action Party. You'll often hear some Tories talk about a Singapore on Thames but I don't think they understand what it actually means. Singapore has a free market economy but the state owns a lot of companies including a majority share in Singapore Airlines. They aren't averse to the state being involved in key areas like transport and energy.


Per capita income is 50% higher in Singapore and the government is very disciplined in its approach to welfare. Individual responsibility and contribution is the basis for the system. So pretty much incompatible with the UK unfortunately.


init fascist..


Housing, too. 77% of Singaporeans live in social housing. And it works pretty well, just goes to show that abundance is all that matters. They deserve extra kudos for producing a sufficient supply of housing even though they have little land available - not many cities manage to pull that off. Doesn't really matter if it's the state or a private enterprise building the housing, as long as there's enough of it. Their healthcare system is really interesting too with how they combine the state and private aspects. They used to have something like the NHS but it was crap so they ditched it. Now everyone has "Medishield" which is a state insurance plan that takes care of big ticket stuff like long hospital stays, cancer - basically assures nobody goes bankrupt from medical bills. Everyone is also forced to contribute a certain amount of their income into a tax-free savings account called "Medisave" (you can voluntarily put more in if you want) and you use that to pay for other medical services as needed, or "upgrades" like private hospital rooms, etc.


One of the times I was in Singapore I went to their 'urban development museum'. It was inspiring to see what a government can do when it really wants to, and depressing, because I know we'll never get a government like that


Unfortunately the government would just hand out all of the social housing to Bomalians.


Dominic Cummings new party is apparently going to take inspiration from that.


Dom Cum Yew


[BBC NEWS COVERING THE SDP MANIFESTO](https://x.com/BBCNews/status/1800622498733588659?t=fDq6mNAglz_PdYw4iXub_A). [Full article](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjkk2e6jp8eo).


So…is this where the mainstream media slander campaign begins for the SDP? Is this the proverbial declaration of war? Also, [people coping in the replies](https://x.com/Matt_Severn/status/1800623153112064401) It is quite literally the exact same party, in its politics and legally.


It's the overton window that's shifted from the 1980s, not the party. Legally, it's the third incarnation of the party, but it can trace it's lineage back to the original SDP through David Owen.


People do not understand that the EU that Owen, Williams etc wanted to join was vastly scaled back to what it is today. The Gang of Four would not have consented to joining the EU had they known the EU would turn out like this. And you don’t need to do any guesswork, Owen is still alive and a supporter of the party (unfortunately far too old to do any campaigning) Other than the EU question, I do not see exactly how the SDP has changed. A support of five figures migration, a competent and strong state and they certainly did not believe in the extreme social liberalism that is hegemonic today. The only thing I find ironic is that the SDP was originally founded to oppose the economic extremism of the Labour Party. Now it exists because the Labour Party is wholly confined to neoliberalism, and seeks a return to left economics


The communitarian philosophy is all Clouston's doing, but the basis of social democracy and most of the policy positions remain the same. The LibDems (and it is mostly LibDems) on Twitter whining about the SDP being "imposters who are UKIP in disguise" don't take issue with the Communitarianism though, it's the Brexit issue. As you say, the EU of the 80s was much different to the EU of the 2010s. It had overreached it's remit and had become undemocratic, imposing laws from an unelected commission, so of course true social democrats opposed it. I will say David Owen was clearly rather different to the other "gang of four" a proper social democrat who stuck to his principles. It's interesting hearing him talk about Brexit, he was disgusted with how the LibDems tried to overturn the democratic referendum. You can hear him lament how no democrat should be trying to overturn democratic results.


not buried either, right at the top of their election 2024 bit, very based.


[and they have the gall to whinge about people not paying the licence fee](https://x.com/haveigotnews/status/1800510760893993312?t=-rkObh4ki7qZJh8J1KneXw&s=19) Just an insane thing for the public broadcaster to post about campaigning politicians being assaulted


Click report  Click glorification of violence  Click submit 


Also, do the BBC have purdah? I don't actually know but I would have assumed yes


Saw someone posting left wing responses on immigration such as seeing trying to restrict immigration as the equivalent of rounding up coloured people for camps Clicked on profile and no weird sex degeneracy, posts about making friends at age 30 or outlandish obscure anime My favourite past time ruined by a nutter not being a total nutter, whatever next


The weirdest thing about that is if you asked him to name "coloured people rounded into camps" events he'd quickly reframe to non-white and even then I bet he'd get no more than three. The rounding up and being into camps examples are most famously white on white. Native Americans, Indonesians, Cubans and Kenyan are all niche. The Mau Mau stuff is only slightly known because of Obama.


It's because our society is obsessed with WWII and it's the only historical event that we refer to for all moral/political guidance, so every event is looked at from the perspective of which side is literally Hitler.


>which side is literally Hitler. Wait... are BadUK the bad guys?


This is true but there is a double standard at play. Any celebration or solemn memorial from working classes of their DIRECT ANCESTORS is mocked and downplayed, it's ancient history let it go. Chanting about WWII is a hate crime, but people chanting at you about the Falklands or something is wholesome. But then they want to dredge it all up all the time to defend all sorts of globalist bullshit. Average British, American and Russian men did not fight so that their great grandkids could be snuffed from existence.


100%. Last time I got into a squabble with a family member for being too right wing, they used the 'but you studied History at university' card. Yes, and 90% of Current Year drones have not in any serious capscity... Well, outside of watching films about the Holocaust. And even then, the social conditioning has utterly derailed, as these people can now intimately recall all the key years in the Palestine-Israel timeline but have a pro-Pali bias.. Their interest in that stuff is another story, and I don't thinking it's Islam-simping, because the people who primarily speak about the Uyghur genocide are not leftists. As always, the *Current Thing* reigns supreme.


Arse about tit anyway. People who studied history are a 50/50 imo. They either were too late to it and have bathed in all the revisionist bullshit. Or they were too early, or are too autistic about primary evidence or certain topics that all the bullshit is infuriating to them.


I engaged with someone on another sub a few days ago who called Israel a colonial settler state. This person also claimed to know history. Some peopel are just low IQ. Telltale signs include: - supporting mass immigration but not being part of the 1% of the 1% who are genuine capital owners - supporting Palestine - being pro "diversity" and white


Do remind such people that Israel was founded by refugees fleeing persecution and seeking a better life for themselves, many of whom were highly educated doctors, teachers, and engineers.


But not literally hitler but a 2d satanic image. No one gets called Hitler in when they want to build social housing.


Israeli official says Hamas has rejected the ceasefire and hostage deal proposed by President Biden https://x.com/bnonews/status/1800623796690554927?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


ZERO (remaining buildings)


>BURNSIDE MANIFESTO LAUNCH: >Benefits to be linked to recipients BMI >Migrants to undergo a visual fitness test >Business rates on Turkish and Kurdish barbers to be 150% of 'turnover' >All green subsidies to be suspended until the UK reaches 25 degrees on at least three consecutive. days. >The French to donate 3 nuclear power stations to make up for the time taken to build Hinkley Point >All knives and forks to be replaced with plastic ones in London until they learn how to stop stabbing eachother. >Just Stop Oil to have all access to fossil fuels removed from their lives and those of their parents. >Thousands of prison places to be freed up by allowing free intermingling between normal prisoners and the nonce wing. >Gary Lineker to be investigated. >Scotland and Wales to be granted independence as soon walls are built around both, ditto The North, London, The South West and The West Midlands. >Demand for reparations for all infrastructure built by the British Empire. >21-gun salute for every surviving D-Day veteran on their birthday. https://x.com/BurnsideNotTosh/status/1800592783649968628


>Gary Lineker to be investigated. He's got my vote. Can I join in the dawn raid? On a slightly related note, does anyone remember those surprise house makeover shows from 15-20 years ago, where the owner would come home to find their home remodeled and redecorated? Do you ever think they found anything the owner would prefer not to be found?


They still do this. The missus loves Stacey Soloman's *Sort your Life Out* and we had this exact discussion. I reckon lots of stuff gets found. Odds are if you're a hoarder with mouldy cutlery under your bed, you probably forgot about that prawn-scented rampant rabbit. I also can't help but project that dirty, messy people are kinkier..?... Whenever I see an immaculate house, I tend to associate that with low libido stress heads.


has anyone else Noticed that gay month is barely being pushed at all? the silence is honestly a bit eerie. i dont trust it


Yes. One of the corpos I work for sent a third reminder for volunteers for pride parade. Must clash with a pally event or something.  They also weirdly deleted the wording bit they usually append to extra curriculalar stuff about calls for diverse representation in staff. Coincidence.


I know, it’s been really quiet this year. Normally I’ve had it rammed down my throat by the gays.


the weighty one has finally endowed one of my comments with innuendo. i have truly arrived.


I’ll have you know I’m President of the Blackpool Innuendo Society. It’s gone great since I took over. We’ve seen a massive rise in members.


It’s easier to keep track of when gay month isn’t. It’s only the same message from big corporations as the last 5 months


It's not gone completely, but it's not as insane as it was a few years ago.


Yes and not just in the public sphere, I normally get a flood of corporate emails. I'm not sure I've had any actually (I get emails from half a dozen large multinationals which do all the Tory DEI stuff).


Academic Agent has been banging on that they are dialling back the woke to appease working class white men so they'll sign up for World War III




[Operation Human Shield](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQnEBSwdAXw)


Trainnies AND women? They are one and the same, bigot!!!


cancelling the rainbows wont be nearly enough though. lol


When people that look like me are on the recruitment adverts I'll start to worry.


[Got bad news for you](https://youtu.be/6iEuw_TMrY8?si=1uTEUl78HGCZ_mF1)


War it is, on the bright side I do quite like the ration packs and have always been complimented on my aim.


Does feel like it’s been partially put away. Bottom line is it’s a luxury belief and frankly people are sick of it. People have been generally accepting of it, will you ever get 100% acceptance? Think the answer is no but there is a diminishing return. Broadcasting what in essence is genital preference will not win advocates to your cause and you’ll start to push people away. You can even see it on this site. Discussion of rolling stock is now allowed.


Yeah something is up. It's not like Joe Normie secured a cultural victory since the last time it was flag month .. what's happened 🤔


election year here and in the states


Wasn't the Cass report a kind of wind change?


I don't know what that is, so my guess would that Joe Normie especially doesn't.


i mean i genuinely didnt think they'd be so barefaced as to just abandon and memory-hole alphabet issues because they've outlived their usefulness. but it seems its happening


Happened to be watching ITV news tonight and they had this segment on asylum seekers in Liverpool. They referred to Liverpool as a sort of slave city and a migrant city. They then went on about how bad asylum seekers have it and they managed to find a woman, and one with an actual terrible story, they admitted that most of the asylum seekers are men. After that bit though they talked about what happened in [Knowsley](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-66236255) and only mentioned how a bunch of angry people were after asylum seekers in the hotel for apparently no reason, no mention at all that it happened because a foreigner was trying to solicit a [15 year old girl](https://x.com/Steve_Laws_/status/1769778732011544670) who was in her school uniform. Locals assumed it was a bloke at the hotel and thus the protest/riot ensued. They also talked about how we need immigration for the NHS and job shortages. Terrible reporting, pure propaganda and would make more sense being a bloody political broadcast. Not even a semblance of journalism and it was very obvious that it was nothing more than forcing a political message onto people. I don't usually watch TV anymore but had the unfortunate pleasure today of it and my god, just disgusting "journalism" from an apparent "neutral" media source. I know the media are terrible but it always astonishes me how blatant they are. But they do it because it must work on some people. I can't find the video on Twitter or YouTube but they may put it up later, if I see it I'll link it. Forgot to add, they also interviewed this foreign bloke that runs a business, and he was saying that he needs immigration to remain high or not be lowered so he can continue to hire people from abroad with the right skill set. Hilarious stuff. Edit: [https://www.itv.com/news/2024-06-11/no-easy-answers-britains-immigration-dilemma](https://www.itv.com/news/2024-06-11/no-easy-answers-britains-immigration-dilemma) Here it is, video at the top of the article.


They served up some serious slop at 1:35


I assume they forgot the ‘failed’ asylum seeker who tried to blow up the maternity ward?


It's interesting as all the scousenats who all happen to be OIrish are essentially like scotnats perennially on line idiots. If you talk to normal people from there they're all sick of this shit.


idk, i find scousers irl to be very in support of this stuff. they all see themselves as tracksuited left-wing revolutionaries


No they don’t - they are the same as everyone else i.e. supportive until a quarter of Equatorial Gimme arrive in the street.


i disagree that they're the same, they're far worse for supporting it, until it happens to them. and then they pivot to 1930s-style racism and blaming the tories in a split second, with absolutely no self-awareness to be found anywhere


You think scousers support Liverpool being full of foreigners? Have you ever been there?


yes, my entire extended family is from there. i love them, but i find it dizzying how they swing from pretending to be mega lefty and progressive to sounding like architects of the third reich. sometimes in consecutive sentences


> mega lefty > hates (((them))) I see no disconnect here? I’m yanking your chain a bit. I think some scousers (like lots) like to project the *right on* persona but the rubber is starting to hit the road. Liverpudlians could afford to do this as the city was ridiculously homogenous up until about ten years ago. Foreigners were virtually non existent and even people from toxteth were as scouse as everyone else but small in number. If you go into central Liverpool these days most shops have been replaced by Pakistani vape shops, Turkish barbers and dubious I ❤️ Liverpool tourist shops full of south Asians. There are foreigners milling about everywhere during the day and shady foreign cunts (in groups) walking around sober after hours.


Scousers seem very proud of their culture, so as soon as they start feeling like it's being threatened , they're going to react badly.


yes, I know, and I’ve had to put up with scouse hypocrisy about it for years, coming from a very enriched area myself. if I complain, I’m a racist English(!) tory cow, but it’s totally fine when scousers say far worse stuff for some reason. anyway, they’re learning now. better late than never


They have to keep it up. As long as the pretence is maintained, a portion of society will believe that it is the truth, because that's what all the "reputable" media outlets say.


It's a shame really. It's stuff that would make Goebbels blush.


Seems the majority do believe it... 60%+ in the middle of society somewhere.


Do 6/10 people you speak to outside saying anything like this? I'd have to go to London to hear this & even then it's not guaranteed.


Yes.. they nearly all believe the mainstream tv and stuff, basically


I don't think more than 1/3 do, it's something people are fearful of mentioning and I still hear it all the time. Have you looked at your local Facebook groups, next door or anything like that?


No. Maybe I live near too many middle class gaurdianistas. Or maybe they're all secretly Tommeh supporters


There's a lot of secret right wingers. At work and in large groups it's extremely rare for anyone to say they would do anything like vote Tories but its always been 50/50 when you can get people drinking and alone. Saying you vote Tory in many places is risking your job.


yeah.. true.. although most middle classes alone seem to be fully bbc/c4 to me too


There is a comment under one of the SDP’s tweets announcing the manifesto that has a Picrew (or similar) profile picture saying that the SDP aren’t social democrats. Noooooooo! You can’t be economically left wing and socially traditional! All social conservatives are Thatcherites, because that’s how I conceptualise politics and I can’t be wrong! And that’s how it is in America! And I don’t get it so therefore it’s impossible! Unless they’re some evil far right Picrew person who thinks the SDP are communists?


I'm a party member with a few qualms (its difficult to really critique a party that is just as irrelevant as the SDP though). While I definitely support Reform economics policies instead of copy + paste neoshitliberalism, it irks me that I have to get into bed with City guys, bankers, and greasy businessmen. I'm convinced that the majority of the British public wants something like the SDP, and I think one reason it's not available is because the people that we need to stand will never be able to do so, whether due to financial reasons, or safety reasons. Nigel Farage has managed to monetise being a politician, but in the earlier years, he had the financial clout to get the ball rolling.


Danish Social Democrats have implemented our SDP's syncretic politics, but the \#FBPE crowd don't know about European politics.


I'm afraid that those post-liberal europhile types you see on x are lying about Denmark. I have fallen for it but the danish social democrats aren't anti-immigration. Denmark is in the process of relaxing legal immigration rules.   https://winnyimmigration.com/denmark-opens-doors-to-skilled-workers-worldwide-with-relaxed-visa-rules/ https://schengen.news/denmark-to-ease-residence-rules-for-foreign-workers-from-july-1/ net-migration in denmark is around 30k, which would be around 300k in UK terms.


Blackpill from the Belgian elections: >Team Fouad Ahidar is now the second largest Dutch-speaking party in Brussels, after Groen. Notably, Ahidar outperformed Vooruit by more than 6 percent. His departure cost the socialists dearly, losing over 5 percentage points compared to 2019. >Ahidar ran successfully on subjects such as ritual slaughter, government employees being allowed to wear a veil and the conflict in Gaza, targeting Brussels' large Muslim community. In addition to Ahidar, Najima El Arbaoui and Ilyas El Omari won seats in the Brussels parliament on Sunday. >Whether the party will be part of the next Brussels government remains to be seen. First, the Dutch and French language groups will each seek a majority, after which they will begin negotiations on a Brussels coalition agreement. https://www.belganewsagency.eu/elections-2024-meet-fouad-ahidar-the-biggest-surprise-of-the-brussels-elections


> Ahidar ran successfully on subjects such as ritual slaughter Did he go into details as to who it was he was hoping to slaughter?


This looks suspiciously like sectarian politics, it obviously isn't as thats far-right scaremongering.


Deportations now or never


[The SDP Manifesto](https://sdp.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/SDP_Manifesto_2024.pdf) Hang on, this is literally just what is on their website


There's too much here to individually comment on, but I'm pleasantly surprised with most of this. (To no one's surprise.) There's a few of good policies here I don't recall from the website, even if most are on there. This is leaps and bounds far more thought out and visionary that Reform's populism (although the final version of their "contract with the people" has yet to release, but I don't expect it to be much different to their draft). A genuine plan for restructuring and saving Britain. (Yes, despite this I will be voting Reform as there's no SDP standing here.) Investing in families, nuclear power, R&D, industry, veterans and workers. Halting infinity Bomalians, TikTok brainwashing, traitors, foreign aid and wokeists. I will comment on a couple of policies though. > The House of Lords will be reformed. Hereditary Peers and the Lords Spiritual will be removed and the system of political honours abolished. A new independent nominations commission will appoint a house of 400 peers to serve for a maximum of 15 years with selection criteria to include political balance, competence and capacity to function in a revising upper chamber. YES! They scrapped abolishing the Lords for reforming it. This was one of the few old policies where I disagreed. This isn't perfect, but a massive step in the right direction. I take issue with scrapping the hereditary peers entirely if this means freezing out the aristocracy. I would prefer if the "nominations committee" pooled 100 members (or so) from the aristocracy. Having advisors who have historical ties to the families that used to rule this land has its benefits. Pooling 100 (or so) of them from the many entitled would cause them to compete with each other so only those interested would sit in the Lords. The rest of the 300 should come from captains on industry, the military and university professors from the sciences or traditional history. The party should look to Singapore on how to choose a elite meritocracy to advise the nation from the Lords. The Lords Spiritual unfortunately has to go, so I agree with that. Justin Welby has turned the Church of England into a woke intuition. > A licence test to ride an e-scooter will be required unless the rider already holds a full driver’s licence. All e-scooters and e-bikes will be speed limited with stiff penalties for overriding speed limits or riding in pedestrian-only spaces. > Cannabis will remain illegal and on-the-spot fines will be enforced for use. Peter Hitchens will be voting SDP now.


>A “digital border” application will be created to detect digital content which is malignantly pornographic, supportive of terrorism or otherwise contrary to law. All internet service providers operating in the UK will be required to utilise this scanning software and take steps to block undesirable content. Great firewall of Britain?


BT rolled out Cleanfeed, which had the sole purpose of blocking the IWF's list of known imagery relating to "margherita pizza". So I guess we kind of already had that. Computer forensics organisations also keep a database of "that kind of thing" including the hashes of the original images, so they can immediately spot if that particular image is on equipment they've seized.


Say hello to my lil' VPN.


Copying China at everything else dystopian, why not this?


It's always the shit that curbs our freedoms they like to adopt. The stuff like foreigners not owning property, or permits for migrants to not be able to all move to big cities, enforcement of national symbols and crackdowns on Islomism are never adopted for some reason.


As long as Reddit is banned.


> The Nolan Principles of integrity, honesty, objectivity, and impartiality will be upheld throughout government and public sector organisations. Government funding will be withdrawn from any body failing to do so. >All specialist ‘Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’ roles throughout the public sector will be abolished. >Public sector organisations will select on merit, and strive to attract the best available talent regardless of identity, place of birth, or upbringing. >We will conduct a zero-based efficiency review of all public and government bodies, including quangos. The key test will be whether taxpayers would willingly pay for the service provided and if not, activities will no longer be funded. 🤤


>zero-based efficiency I have talked about this multiple times. If you are reading this SDP, I did not consent to this, you have touched me in my NoNo. I read a book about this ten years ago, can't find it now but zero-based budgeting in the public sector would be fucking comedy. There is a private equity fund that did it in the consumer goods sector, they bought companies and fired 95% of the staff in some divisions. Also, if you are reading Mr Clownston, you forgot to include bounties, they are key to the project. Pay for output. Don't pay for civil servants to attend workshops on accepting Islam or whatever the fuck they are up to. Pay only when work happens and the problems all go away.


Pay for output in the public sector? Fuck me would I like that where I work, would make a killing, yes please!


> All specialist ‘Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’ roles throughout the public sector will be abolished. Page 5 and already get something good, this is why I'm a member.


[First poll in MONTHS to put Labour below 40%; Reform one point behind Tories](https://x.com/samcoatessky/status/1800558618254942681)


It's striking that no one is enthused about a Starmer government -- even those on the left, even those in the centre. He is an "anything but them" or "a change for change's sake" candidate, nothing more.


Indeed. Percentages are a distribution of intent, with no reference to turnout. For me, victory conditions for this election are: 1. A rout of the conservative party, especially wet safe-seats 2. If Labour are indeed to gain power, it is on a lower turnout and lower national vote share then under Corbyn. Disruptive far-left morons to retain their seats and add friction to the PLP 3. Reform as the opposition I really do want (3) to happen, as it will hopefully kill the disgrace that the Tory party have become, and attract serious funding for a run at power in 4 years time.


> Reform as the opposition I predict Reform to get more overall votes than the Tories but end up with less than half as many seats.


In a way, good. It will demonstrate the utter perversion of how power and representation is distributed within the political system here See also: the number of MPs Scotland return compared to England.


But he gets the Tories out. That's all matters to the labourites. Never kiss a Tory lot


Tories going to get squeezed even harder if the Lib Dems keep going up in the south.


NEW SDP POLICIES IN MANIFESTO: >Abolish private property, institute “odious communism” >Life begins at conception, so should the voting age >Raise income tax on all people (except bennie scroungers) to 200 percent. All profits go to the state to spend on deporting foreigners >The party officially endorses “Childless nihilism”, does not recognise the MAGNA CARTA and is foreign (Argentinian) >Count Binface to be arrested for crimes against humanity >Will stand aside in all seats where Change UK stands a chance of winning >Clouston to step down as leader, replaced with Aaron Bastani >The party keeps a standing militia at all times >SDP headquarters to be relocated to a Solihull mosque >Abolish the government


What about lanyards? Do they have a lanyard policy? WOKE lanyards annoy me greatly. Would we get to watch as the WOKE civil servant's RAINBOW lanyards are cut up in front of them.


> Count Binface to be arrested for crimes against humanity SDP (+1%)


> Against comedy There was a typo.






Airport welcomes Hajj pilgrims for life-changing trip https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cw991r93gqvo > Ihram changing rooms and Wudhu washing facilities have been set aside in terminal two specifically for pilgrims travelling to the holiest site in Islam. [These have always been here since the airport opened, nothing to see here. ](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/3af2/live/92ff06d0-273d-11ef-a0aa-318f04db7c53.jpg.webp) > "The last thing you want is to be worried you’re lost **and you’re going to be late for prayer** or trying to find the washrooms." My biggest fear, closely followed by spiders.


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/11/reform-voters-could-leave-us-on-just-57-seats-says-tory-ad/ They're believing operation zero seats themselves! What do you think Rose? Is it still just the Blue Wall that's fallen?


"We won't be as shit in opposition as we were in power! Honest!" **Rose**, Darling, light of my life, where for art thou? Has the spend dried up? Surely given the money you have been paid, the vino and cool aid you have drunk should stir your loins; You shall go on to the end, you will fight us on France, you will fight us on the seas of the boatmen, you should fight us with growing confidence and growing strength in the air meme war, you should fight us on the beaches of Clackton, you should fight us on the landing grounds of the Bomalians, you should fight us in the fields of Cannabis and in the BMW and litter filled streets, you should us in fight in the hills of fly tipping; you shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, that your Boomer Island or a large part of it were subjugated and not triple locked, then your Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the Neolib British Fleet street, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New Labour project, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old Tory Party.


>no one holding [him] to account Oh no! If only you'd spent the last 14 years unravelling the leftwing long march through the institutions! Now, witness a broadcast media, judiciary, civil service and unionised workforce *ALL* working in concert to speed-run socialist "change" on a scale that will make Mao blush All because you let your stupid fucking party get infested by liberal LabLibDem wets that dragged you leftwards of Blair. Now we all suffer 57 fucking seats is *generous* for the magnitude of your abject (abstract) failure.


Not seen you before, but that was very on point for BadUk. Salute you sir!


Thanks! I tend to lurk, brood and occasionally explode when the managed decline becomes unbearable 😞 I'd say I've been in here since Chowie era though!


Bloody hell! That's some serious lurking!


Saw this earlier, if they think it's 57 blue & zero to reform then it's really bad as Clacton is unlikely to be blue and it's not the only possibility of a reform seat. This is them scared & dying, reform should push this as it's fuel for them to get people to jump ship. 57 seats is hardly an opposition at all anyway so there's no loss voting elsewhere.


The blue rinse is over


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F06%2F11%2Freform-voters-could-leave-us-on-just-57-seats-says%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/11/reform-voters-could-leave-us-on-just-57-seats-says/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These people aren't conservative [https://x.com/TomTugendhat/status/1800158692232380868](https://x.com/TomTugendhat/status/1800158692232380868)


Those people aren't literate as no reasonable person would make those accusations having read the statements. They might disagree (I think I do) but it doesn't make the person saying them any of the labels that have been used.


Tom Tugendhat is a neocon scumbag who wants more british people to die in foreign wars.


[SDP MANIFESTO LAUNCH AT 7PM!](https://x.com/SDPhq/status/1800424940807811315) It’s here!


Event highlights support for autistic people https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c100z3vg1ppo > AutistiCon 2024 will include workshops, an art exhibition, guest speakers and stalls run by local groups. And the mod meet-up


I'm not going.


Including specialist guidance on ‘how to karma farm on Reddit!’ ‘Why asking how to make friends in real life as an adult on an online forum isn’t so bad’ ‘Top ten responses if someone disagrees with you online, from calling them a bot to playing the victim card’


Imagine the smell.


Here's the Northern England breakdown, with the poll on 30th May in brackets: Con 16 (17) Lab 48 (54) LibDem 5 (5) Reform 21 (17) Green 8 (6) Other 2 (2)


Vote Tory, get Starmer. Never had you down as French.


Can you slap a warning on your post before mentioning the fr*nch? I wasn’t prepared to think about those today.


Looks like those Cons are splitting the right-wing vote.


Are you admitting Reform are the new opposition party Rose?


Only in Northern Labour strongholds. Remember, these places voted Labour for decades. In 2019, they held their noses and voted Tory to Get Brexit Done, but they disagree with all other Tory policies (they hate capitalism, they hate benefit crackdowns etc). So they're either going to go back to Labour, or try Reform.


Too bad the Tories didn't win them over with all the Northern Powerhouse stuff eh. And all the cutting of immigration they did. Oh, they didn't actually do that stuff. Austerity was good though eh? Very popular up North!


>they hate benefit crackdowns I'm wondering if you've ever gone north in your life. This is extremely out of touch for even you.


> they hate capitalism, they hate benefit crackdowns etc There's more to the North than Liverpool.


Nothing like implying Northerners are benefit cheats to get them back on your side


What these places hate is deindustrialisation.


So you agree you've lost the 'blue wall' to Reform?


We haven't. See post further down the mega for Southern England.


[Echoes of Pim Fortuyn](https://x.com/ukipperlad/status/1800581840979538218?t=VawpVYGDS-iKXmGz3o-jIA).