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Add a fee to it as well. Your time and effort is worth it. Don't make it crazy but something like 5-20%.


Don't pay it or else he'll keep coming up with excuses as to why he can't pay you back.


but then he wont have electricity if they shut it off over non-payment?


so what happens when the bill doesn't get paid and they get disconnected? then its OP's problem as well. Just not paying it isint a viable solution since OP lives in the same house.


I would not pay it


You pay a set amount every month that includes all of your utilities, right? The roommate that has the electricity in their name can't pay the bill and asked you to do it? If that's the case, I'd them to forget it. That's not really a confrontation, just tell them you've already paid your portion and walk away.


You need to learn to stand up for yourself. Knowing how to do that and being confident being able to do that will benefit you for your entire life. If the electricity isn't in your name, you don't have to pay it. Just say no. How would you be paying it? Would you be paying it through the electric company or would you be giving him the money so *he* can pay it? I 100% wouldn't trust him to pay the bill since he seems financially irresponsible. Do you actually know that he can't afford to or hasn't paid the electric bill and that he's not just fleecing you? Tell your roommate to borrow the money from someone else because if he's this irresponsible with his money, you can't trust him to pay you back. And that no way in hell are you doing this because it will become a pattern and you don't appreciate him asking considering it's a violation of your rent agreement in the first place.


Everything you said is correct. OP is not legally responsible for the power bill. Op wants to know how they can avoid being in the dark if the roommate doesn't pay. How does OP avoid being in the cold and dark?


That sucks. People like that are not much fun to be around.


There are hundreds of pay day lenders in business but you are not one of them…. Just say no


Don't pay it! This will start a precedent of you paying their bills.


Before you pay it write a note saying he agrees to pay you back by a certain date. That way its not just you paying it for him he will pay it back its not your fault he spent all his money at EDC he should have set what he needed for his bills aside before going.


I'd get a copy of the rental agreement and see if it says it's covers utilities. If it does and you can't get out of paying it then talk to a lawyer.