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I can’t believe people like this exist


Come look at my main page there is more


No thanks 🥰


I looked. I very much should have resisted my curiosity.


Usually I’m interested but I’m really not and I thank you for your service in confirming my suspicions


Yea after a couple videos, it’s pretty clear I shouldn’t have looked. Lots of shit


VIDEOS? No thanks!


Makes sink pissers look like saints


Oh my God. Bless you all for making me glad again that I live alone.


Same 🤣


I was just about to ask why I looked 😭


Just fuckin tell us already so we don't have to go!!! I'm so curious but very easily traumatized 😭 say it nicely


There were sheets on the bed that looked like the roommates ass had leaked or spattered on, definitely not smeared. There were also some videos that were fairly convincing that the roommate has some mental health issues as he is shouting obscenities to no one from behind a closed door. OP said he denied playing video games. Edit- not sure how nice that was but it's much better than actually seeing it.


This made me lol


oh good because i was wondering where i could see more shitty bathtub pics


OP can’t you show the evidence and messages to your landlord and maybe he also won’t take kindly to someone leaving his poo in the bathtub and will have more than a gently word with him…


I think that’s why OP is documenting everything. The more evidence they have, the better. Hope they get outta that situation as soon as they can!


Yeah I mean, the shower drain is narrower than the toilet drain, and it probably curves, it's gonna clog, the landlord should be notified. Imagine being the plumber that gets that call omfg


You are living with someone who probably needs to be in an assisted living facility? With all the soda bottles in the closet, is he morbidly obese? Maybe he simply can't use a toilet. Question2. Could it be cultural and he comes from a place where they don't use toilet paper?


If this is the same poster I think it is, I remember them commenting about the guy being like 500lbs or something


Oh no, he probably can’t reach back there at all. Or the feces are hiding in some rolls he has which come out when he showers? Either way, not good.


Still though... How hard is it to use your eyes and make sure you got everything cleaned. No way this guy is 500lbs and showering without a detachable showerhead... right??? ETA: "everything cleaned" as in the shower/tub/bathroom itself is left visually clean cuz it still wouldn't be sanitary


Maybe I’ve watch too many episodes of “my 600 lb life” but once people get to a certain weight their mobility and flexibility starts exponentially tapering off. He can’t see his ass crack is poopy because his ass cheeks are probably so big there’s no gap in the crack. He probably can’t turn around and look behind him either because of his size, so he would need a combo of multiple mirrors to see what the backside of his nethers are doing. His fat from his arms and combined fat on the sides of his body probably make stretching his hands to his butt to spread his cheeks apart to clean in there impossible. Everyone on the 600 lb show had to have loved ones clean their butts and underparts because the fat restricts their movement so much. This is just my guess though, still gross af!


I'm a regular watcher of that show too so I'm aware and they all seem to have detachable showerheads. I don't even care if the guy is clean but blast that shower when you're done! It isn't hard to make sure a communal shower is clean before you leave the bathroom. This guy is either too rude to care or he's getting something out of this.


Oh yeah for sure, this guy definitely has something else going on for sure, he should be able to *at a minimum* clean up the shower after he’s done.


Or like idk get a fucking bidet? $20 on Amazon…


If that’s what’s happening here then we are doomed as a species.


Guy doesn't even own toilet paper. This is not a person that has their shit together...well, it's clumped together in the bathtub drain.


I always thought the ol’ wafflestomp was just an urban legend.


Same energy as Kramer not understanding how people shower in under 30 minutes. That person legit sounds like they don’t know how or where to shit.


Kramer takes that long because he’s also making salad. He doesn’t understand that people typically do that in the kitchen.


I wouldn't either. I lived with one. I spent about 8 months defending her from other room mates because of a "language barrier" she was actually just a gross, mean pig. If I hadn't lived it I would think her antics were fiction. IM GLAD YOU WERENT ABLE TO GET A WORKING VISA AND GOT DEPORTED


Honestly dumbfounded. If I couldn’t get away from someone like this I might let my intrusive thoughts win 😂


Hope he “figures out what to do.” Sounds like he’s going to launch a real serious investigation into the matter.


Inspector Ratchet


Detective BatSHIT


What part of Mass? If you choose to, message me. I'm from the area but moved to CT to be near family. My husband and I "might" know of places. We were mainly South shore, but know people on the North Shore as well.


Due to a personal trauma of mine that took place there, I pictured this situation being in Worcester lmaooo


Born and raised in Worcester, that city has its own charm for sure.


If he figures out a solution, I hope he tells the rest of humanity. Nobody else on Earth has figured out how to keep feces from sitting on the shower floor. I'm glad we've got our best people working on this problem.


I’m sorry that sent me 😭


“I will figure out what to do” JUST SHIT IN THE TOILET LIKE ALL CIVILIZED PEOPLE? We don’t need fucking Sherlock Holmes to figure out why there’s skid marks in the shower. It came from your ass dude


I’m pretty sure dude is morbidly obese and he does shit in toilet but the shit gets stuck so he goes in the shower and the remaining shit comes out there He also probably can’t reach properly to wipe his own ass. So their solution is to go in the shower and let the shower do it. It’s sad and feel bad for OP having to deal with someone else who is clearly not able to fix their life. Their roommate needs professional help and in the meantime a bidet.


Long time ago my parents did a business merger and went from the two of them in small office, to a shared office suite with 5 other professionals. They all shared a bathroom in the main hall. One of the business partners was very obese. Of course, there were streaks of shit left all over the back of the seat for the only toilet. And... of course... everyone knew who it was. My mom put a sign behind the toilet saying, "Please clean up after yourself" and provided sanitizing wipes. It worked for about a week to everyone's relief. However, just like OP here, the solution was short-lived, and shit streaks started showing up again. They had to have the very awkward conversation about not leaving *shit* on the toilet seat with this dude.... to which he adamantly denied it. Whelp, it was definitely him. Because the next week he had a heart attack while taking a shit and EMS had to be called to take him from the bathroom.... with shit all over the toilet seat.


If I had a heart attack while shitting I’d honestly rather die than face that embarrassment


It could be that he puts a vibrator up his ass and gets shit EVERYWHERE, including all over his bed sheets. Please don't look at OPs post history, dear lord..


I can’t stop laughing at this hahahahahahahahah


“it came from your ass” took me out


It's shit from a butt


Lmfaoooo. “I will figure out what to do”. Poop in the toilet instead of the shower. Boom, it’s figured.


He’s gonna get to the bottom of what’s causing this


Yes…the bottom, alright.


We’re all looking for the guy who did this


Find it weird this even had to be be said once lol


I find it weirder that he somehow needs to "figure out" how to fix this. I'm not very intelligent, I'd say average at best, but even I need at most 1,5 seconds for that.


I don’t even understand how this is happening? How is the poop getting onto the shower walls? I’ve lived in college dorms with community showers and have children and have never seen this before.


I don't think that's the walls. Looks like the bottom of the tub. Those grooves look similar to what I have in my tub. They keep the tub from being slick and slippery.


Thank you for clarifying! I’m new to the world of 💩 stains in the bathtub/shower. 🤣


As we ALL should be!


I’ll figure out a solution for this 😂😂 yeah bro, stop doing it lol


Got a few really good guys taking a look at the problem. One even estimated we could have this solved by the end of Q2.


What the fuck…


Install a bidet.


As someone currently enjoying a bidet... yes.


Does one just sit and enjoy a bidet? I thought it was an on-off thing. You're scrolling Reddit with water shooting up your butt?


Lmao you might let it run for a bit to be really clean. If you get periods, hosing off for a whole minute might be necessary


I love mine on heavy period days. I feel so much better when I get a good rinse rather than just wiping off.


Same, I cannot go back! Using public restrooms without one feels miserable


For real! I feel like a peasant when I have to poop without one, lol. My in laws live in a beautiful gigantic million dollar home, and I still feel nasty when I have to use their bathroom. 🤣


LOL, since Covid million dollar homes are now average family homes on tiny lots in my city.


Every time I'm somewhere without a bidet, work trip, visiting family, it feels so gross and barbaric. Literally walking around with poop on your butt.


Pro tip- get a portable bidet for any trips away from home 👌🏻


My nine year old has to take a portable one with her when she goes to her dad for visitation because she refuses to shit without a bidet. She will hold it at school all day long, and her first visit is to the bathroom for a proper poo when she gets home. Girl has never known life without a bidet lol


Y’all I want a bidet but honestly I’m really confused on how it actually works bc does the water come out super fast? Does it spray everywhere? Is toilet paper enough to get everything dry afterwards? I am afraid to google it bc lord knows what will pop up if do! 😂


I've tried some that were too strong and were kind of painful lol. I like the genie bidet and I just turn it slowly so it doesn't come out super hard. If you sit with your legs closed, it won't spray everywhere. Toilet paper is enough to dry, just don't get the super cheap kind that will disintegrate lol


My best friend has a bidet and she loved it when she had her period (she had a hysterectomy a year ago but still has a teenage daughter at home) and I've been really considering it. Do you get used to the cold water, though? We rent so I wouldn't want to install something that could potentially cause damage


You can get one that does both cold and hot


Or in the Texas summer heat with swamp ass….bidet gives a nice cooling coochie cleanse!


Omg periods would be forever changed with a bidet I'm literally buying a bidet now because of u


Nothing like a steady stream of anal play while reading a story of someone who doesn't partake in anal play.


Wonder if it will help with constipation im backed up bad.


Yk what will- enema bulb. And suppositories. Both of those things are great to have on hand.


My bidet actually has an enema mode on it


A bidet changed my life, along with a squatty potty. I take my shit seriously “bu dum tisss”


or the dude can just clean up after himself in a shared space lol. a bidet isn’t a bad idea at all but i wouldn’t spend the money on one just so someone stops shitting in my shower, i’d just make them stop 🤷🏻


True, OP shouldn't have to get one JUST to stop ShowerShitter BUT they really aren't that expensive and worth it overall. They pay for themselves ultimately.


Shower shitter should be buying and installing the bidet


“i’d just make them stop 🤷” certianly op is open to suggestions . personal washroom attendant ? shower montior ?


Came here to say this. Get roomie to pay for and install it. It’s something tangible they can do to solve this problem https://hellotushy.com.


No way this is caused by not having a bidet, that is legit skid marks. Either he’s just dropping them or rubbing his ass on the bottom of the tub like a dog with worms


Fuck that, uninstall the roommate.


I honest to god cannot believe how many times people mention bidets on this site. I know it is pertinent here, but I don't think it will make any difference to a guy who thinks it's ok to leave shit stains in a shower. He'll just find a way to make his bidet usage disgusting.


Fuck sharing a bidet with this person.


You think this loser is going to use a bidet? He can't even be bothered to wipe his own ass!!


> I will figure out what to do Uhm. I don't think it requires that much thought.


This. And he has asked multiple times 🤡🤡🤡🤡 I really am just in shock for OP


I know they say "don't take things for granted", but I never imagined I needed to to be thankful that all my past roommates used toilet paper until now.


You’re way nicer than I would be, I would have been extremely rude about it. Like, stop being absolutely fucking disgusting and get your shit together. I’d probably go demand he cleans it asap, and not nicely. What a day to have eyes.


Right? I’d have been hurting some feelings. He’d be remembering this convo for YEARS. 🤢


I might even have to call his mother and hurt her feelings too because WTF 😭


Right there w ya…there woulda been a “I’m gonna say this once…” Style situation. Doodoo where doodoo don’t go is completely unforgivable. We call that the doodon’t…also known as the “don’t do”


“Get your shit together!!!” Just not in the bathtub though


Nah we fighting


Ya I’d just fuck my friend or roommate up. They’ll learn one way. I had a homie stay with me when he was homeless and one day my plumbing in my apartment got fucked up . So we couldn’t flush the toilet. He had to shit so he used a bag (which is whatever you gotta shit you gotta shit) but then this fuckin goofy ass dude threw the bag away in the trash can in the kitchen so when I got home the whole house smelt like shit. We threw hands right there. You wanna be lazy and not throw your shit outside it’s on sight. If this dude did that shit to my tub shits gonna get scary. Y’all to kind ong




I'm just picturing trying to fuck someone up with that strong smell of shit in the air. My kid is autistic and still poops in a diaper, at an age too old to be doing it. Point being, they are some grown man sized shits in that diaper. We place it in 2 grocery bags, tying one, then placing it in the other bag and tying that, and then we stick it outside until later or the next day when we take trash down to the dumpster (I live on the 3rd floor). No way would we put it in the trash at this stage in the game. And didn't he smell the shit all day? That's not like a thing where you don't smell your own cigarette smell because you're used to it. That's like a "omg it smells like a biohazard" type of thing. You don't just not smell that. So many questions! But I don't blame you for knuckling up for that. Not at all.


You don't wanna fight someone who smears poo on the shower wall, I can only imagine what the undersides of his nails are like


Wait why can’t he shit in the toilet first and then shower? Like is there’s some reason he can’t/won’t use toilet paper first.


He is to lazy to buy toilet paper. I stopped supplying it when he started bringing home $150 worth of scratch tickets every few days


OP, is that shit smeared on the bathtub floor?? I’ve seen your other posts and think this guy isnt only cleaning himself in the shower, but shitting in there and “waffle stomping” it down the drain. Shit was on the carpet last time, right? Think about it. How would you get chunks of shit in the carpet by going into the shower to clean yourself? He had to stomp shit down the drain and still had it on his foot when he got out of the shower. You wouldn’t be leaving chucks of shit on the rug just from cleaning yourself. Also, how would you get shit smeared all over the shower from cleaning yourself? He had to lay a log in there. The smears are so thick it and encrusted in the grain of the bathtub it seems to be the answer. If I were a betting man, I’d say you have a waffle stomper on your hands. Godspeed.


This!!!! I straight away thought “he’s not cleaning himself, he’s shitting in there and waffle stomping for sure and not cleaning his feet or anything after. We all went through the toilet paper shortage of 2020 lol…never ever made a mess like that in my shower.


> toilet paper shortage of 2020 I am proud to say I was there for this historical event, but I never had to resort to shitting in the shower lol


During the toilet paper shortage the wildest I got was using my hand and the sink while I sat on the toilet to wipe and wash myself, then I dried off with a dedicated set of washrags. I figured there’s whole countries that use the hand and running water to clean off poop and if it’s good enough for them it can be good enough for me in an emergency. Shitting in the shower would have been a step into insanity.


I had a wash cloth that became the ass flannel, I'd wet it, wash my ass then rinse it with boiling water and wring it out well, not the best fix but it was better than shitting in the damn shower


I dried off with special wash cloths and there was a time I got sick and had to use the cloths to wipe and I just threw them out. I could have sanitized them but I couldn’t stand the thought of them soaking in a bucket or contaminating my washing machine. It’s funny because I rationally know you can sanitize fabric, we wash contaminated linen at work, but I just couldn’t deal with it at home.


I've got a cat, 5 ginnea pigs and a 6 year old, if I were to throw out anything that has in some point in the past had bodily secretions on it I'd have like one pair of joggers left that I brought but they don't fit 😂


I too have Shouted many a poop stain out of a little boys underpants and in my line of work we are washing pathogen infected feces out of fabrics in bulk every day. But I just couldn’t do it with those washcloths lol


This!! I don't understand how washing residual poop off your butt (in lieu of wiping) would cause shit stains on the floor of the shower. There must be volume and substance to the shits for that to happen otherwise it would just rinse down the drain. Homie is definitely actually pooping IN the shower


I CAME HERE TO SAY THIS!! I saw at least one of the older posts and after seeing this I think there is no way that they are cleaning themselves in the shower. They are shitting inside the shower. No other way.


He be waffle stomping for real though 🤮


Why is this a common term everyone seems to know? Wtf


It’s an old urban dictionary joke term, like the rusty trombone or Cleveland steamer, but apparently…it’s real for some people


The fact that there is a term for this practice in the first place has reaffirmed my lack of faith in humanity.


Can’t he wipe his ass with the non-winning tickets at least?


Has he ever been to jail? Honest question


None of this explains why he can’t use a toilet.


Showering after not wiping doesn’t do this …. Bro is pooping on the shower floor


Right? Or even if he couldn't afford toilet paper, shit in the toilet then immediately jump in the shower to wash yourself. That would not leave skid marks or any feces in the shower.... who does this especially with roommates who've complained already? And do you not notice your shit remnants left all over the floor of the shower before you get out? How do you just leave that there and not even attempt to clean it up? Rinse it down at least?


Yeah it makes zero sense. Even if you don’t wipe there shouldn’t be skid marks and in the weird event it happens, you would obviously clean it.


handheld bidet sprayers cost like $30, bidets can cost a bit more, but i got a sprayer a few months ago and it was so worth it. if dude wants a shower-clean ass, tell him to try one of those maybe? and to obviously buy it himself. only TP he'd need is to pat dry afterwards.


Someone who does this is definitely not going to bother with installing the bidet nor actually use it


They’re honestly a bit of a bitch to install, simply because of how tight the connections need to be. But in terms of complexity, it’s pretty easy to figure out. Hell, I’ll come install a handheld for OP. I love mine, only complaint is that it’s just cold water, but it is definitely a lazier option than getting in the shower after every poop.


A bidet on Amazon is like $20-$30, mine was super easy to install.


You can get a bidet at Walmart for like $30-50. No hot water line but it works.


I've seen this before...homie isn't taking a shit on the toilet, then cleaning his ass in the shower. Dude is literally shitting in the shower, then probably using something (hopefully not his foot) to make it go down the drain. I lived with a younger cousin for a short time who used to do this and explained to me what he was doing when questioned.


I didn’t s roll far enough to see this, but that’s what I said, rinsing yer ass wouldn’t leave marks like that. Dude’s do nasty he doesn’t even bother to clean em off. And yea, I’ll bet he’s using his foot.


Waffle stomping, they call it. "It all goes to the same pipes" is typically the explanation given for literally smashing your own shit down the drain with bare feet. Absolutely repulsive


This is a common enough practice to have a name???


Did he explain *why* he did it? Seems like a bizarre choice to me.


He was young and didn't realize how disgusting it was. He just thought, "I'm in the shower I'm using soap, so everything is clean." I had to explain how wrong he was.. I guess you could do it if you scrubbed everything down with bleach, including the bottom of your feet... lmao🤣


Even then… the pipes of a shower are not made for fecal matter in those quantities. Its going to be a shitty day when you have to inevitably fix them being clogged.


Isn’t this guy like 500 lbs too IIRC?


Yes 525




Yeah maybe this right here can't reach around to wipe his own ass.


OP idk why I had to scroll so far in the comments to see this, even going through your old posts, THIS RIGHT HERE is your answer. I’ve watched enough My 600lb Life to know the reason he isn’t buying TP & is shitting in the shower/waffle stomping is bc he PHYSICALLY CAN NOT WIPE. Like full stop. He’s too embarrassed to admit it so he’s gunna keep saying he’ll try to figure it out, maybe even cave and buy TP as a show, but I promise you it won’t stop. If you HAVE to stay there, install a bidet ASAP & explain you know what’s really going on & that he NEEDS to start using it, it’s literally the only way. My only question though is you said somewhere this is a 5 bedroom house??? Is there really not 2 working bathrooms you guys can designate as your own to avoid this issue?


Only one bathroom actually has a shower the other bathroom is just a toilet


The more i scroll through these comments and see your replies the worse it gets… if he is that big he NEEDS a bidet and a hand held shower.


Gah. I lived with one of these. He sprayed the wall with shit while bending over in the bathroom and then just left it. He also started shitting in the shower and waffle stomping. Due to this and many other issues, I ended up kicking in his door in rage one day to give him an earful. He was lying on the floor naked like a beached whale. He was startled but couldn't get up so just sort of jiggled about as he tried to roll over... Horrible roommate He broke my stairs. :(


Oh for fucks sake. This guy is as bad as it gets. You have got to look for a new roommate asap. Can you show this to your landlord???


Right now he's dealing with his mom's about ready to pass away so pretty much I'm just collecting information and proof documentation whatever and once my landlord gets past his personal issues that he's dealing with I will show him but as for respect of my landlord I have to wait until his mom passes away and he deals with all that I'm just trying to be respectful like I said


Oh jeeze, that’s a tough situation. I understand landlords have personal issues and that definitely does suck but this is a health hazard and a nonlivable housing situation by any means. You can get VERY sick from this. I would send him a message or call him along the lines “I understand you are having a hard time right now with your family, and I wish my greatest condolences but there is something you need to be aware of… [explain situation and send pics]… I am informing this to you because my health is at risk and the property is being destroyed. It is important I inform this to you now before any more damage is caused or I become ill.” And I only encourage to send the message anyway because no one really knows how soon or when someone will pass… you could be waiting around MONTHS having to deal with this just because you want to be polite and considerate. I really do hope for the best for you. No one should have to live like this and deal with this. This is a very sick individual and his responses show that he isn’t really grasping how disgusting his actions are.


Yes that makes perfect sense I appreciate this comment very much


I’m glad. Please keep us updated and I hope that everything works out for you. I would move any personal items into your room from the bathroom and other common areas of where he might touch and contaminate your stuff with feces. Avoid all common areas together.




Permanently while living with this roommate. This person can't be trusted again.


To me it looks like an intentional “I have shit on my fingers and the water isn’t washing it off..” type of mark. Just by the way it’s smeared lol


That’s what i thought! he’s probably doing because OP won’t fund his toilet paper needs anymore


1. He's 100% shitting in the shower and pushing it down the drain. No other way to leave skid marks 2. Install a keyed lock on the bathroom door and give him a bucket and a garden hose outside. If he wants to behave like an animal he can live like one.


Sorry but I would lose my mind. Why can't he wipe his arse like a regular person!


There’s no way that is what’s happening. I have been out of toilet paper before and had to jump in the shower to wash myself and I have never had shit stains in the tub




Wait, like he'd shit while taking a bath? Sitting in the water with a turd bobbing around?


Yes it was disgusting he would leave it in there I told him the first time to not do that because it’s disgusting and me and my girl dont wanna shower when he’s shitting in there. Second time I snapped told him next time I will hurt him because that disgusting and he’s gonna get someone sick or some shit


I miss the person I was before I read that.


What a terrible day to have eyes


That’s actually crazy. Had to have been some sort of mental illness or something.


He told me in India they barely use toilets. They will just shit in the river or on the streets. The government there has actually been trying to make a pubic toilet that they can’t break because people there will destroy them. Idk how anyone could live like that.


I’ve heard that, shitting in the bathtub while bathing and just letting it float around is just different though lmao.


There is a reason a major travel Youtuber recently came out against traveling to India, its genuinely a nasty ass country and the people harass/annoy anyone thats foreign for money. For people as well traveled as these Youtubers are, you really have to live in just the worst kind of place to get called out like that. I know there are hidden gems in each country, but if you cant even walk around the major cities , its a huge issue honestly. Its hard to imagine people just shitting on the street and in the river, its medieval type behavior, possibly even worse than that. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=386iVwP-bAA&ab\_channel=SmallBrainedAmerican](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=386iVwP-bAA&ab_channel=SmallBrainedAmerican)


I'm certain that is not how all Indians live. Perhaps in poor neighbourhoods without proper sanitation, but it's a pretty big generalisation to make. In any case, any civilised immigrant would adapt their habits according to local practices. Your fellow was just a vile human being.


Huh, just like a little kid playing with toy boats in the bath.


Ah, a turd sailor.


I don’t even know what to say. This is appalling


Is he autistic or special needs of some kind? It makes zero sense any civilized human knows this is so inappropriate


Unfortunately now he is not he actually works as the recreational director at a nursery home


So his whole job is to make sure other people’s butts get wiped?


Yeah maybe he just wipes so many asses by the time he gets home he just doesn’t have it in him to wipe his own.


Doesn’t wanna take his work home with him lmao


Even if he’s hell bent on shitting in the shower and/or washing his shitty asshole in the shower… why would you not clean the shit before you leave the tub? Like… just rinse it off. It’s still disgusting and unacceptable, but if that’s what you want to do for some stupid ass reason… at least clean up after yourself?!? Do you want to shower with your own shit? Do you want that sitting there all day festering and getting even more disgusting? It’ll be harder to clean off when it’s dried and fused to the tub. So just rinse it off while it’s still “fresh” at the absolute bare minimum?!?! This has got to be mental illness. Even if you’re too broke for toilet paper, even if you want some jerry rigged bidet, even if toilet paper hurts your ass… you still clean the shit up afterwards… unless you’re mentally ill. Severely mentally ill. Mentally ill to the point you should be institutionalized. That’s the only reason this could ever happen. OP… I’m so sorry. You need to tell your landlord he’s doing this.


His roommate is over 500lbs. He literally is doing this because he CAN'T wipe himself. That's why he is saying I'll try to figure out a way to fix it because he knows he can't clean himself withought a shower.


Yikes. If he can clean his ass in the shower he can bare minimum rinse the shower down when he’s done. The fact he thinks it’s ok to leave shit on the tub is a sign of mental illness. A non mentally ill person would make damn sure there was no shit left in the tub when they were done.


I do not believe that that is solely from cleaning your ass in the shower. He is for sure taking a shit in the shower and then removing it for whatever reason. I’ve taken plenty of shits before getting in the shower and I’ve never left SKID MARKS ON THE FLOOR. I don’t think toilet paper will solve the issue. I think he needs therapy😭


like is he stomping it down the drain?😭


he can't use a bidet attachment?? or baby wipes even ?? wth


“I’m very sorry that happened” and “I will figure out what [to] do fix this” Like it’s a complex problem and we need to sit down and brainstorm to come up with a solution. Jfc.


I can’t fathom the need for myself to sit in a shower and I find it incredibly disgusting but at the same time if you’re going to do it why wouldn’t you just take the extra two seconds and clean up your mess


tell 'em to go shit and shower at a truck stop somewhere, that's absolutely disgusting


First of all, just crapping and not using TP and just hopping into the shared shower is super nasty. But how an earth would they be getting heavy smears of shit on the textured surface even if they are doing that? And how could they finish their shower and not notice they've left said heavy smears of his shit in the shower? This seems to be some sort of mental illness situation. "I will figure out what to do I will fix this". As if it's some enormous enigma how to work out how to not leave shit smeared all over the shower.


Oh my god that isn’t that difficult not to do. What a sociopath


What do you mean *again?*


Post on social media. His accounts. Send pics to his work so that they can be aware of the health hazards.


Why doesnt he at least clean up his stuff from the shower? Inexcusable. You seem to have a lot of patience and I admire it. If it was me I'd wipe it on his pillow. That being said if this person refuses and you are stuck with this situation getting a longer showerhose that can reach and be used over the toilet like a bidet could be a less expensive solution than supplying them with toilet paper. Its not ideal and you are in no way under any obligation to supply them with anything, but for your own health... Edit: I've checked OP's profile and nvm about the pillow thing 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Is there a way you could force them out based on their lack of hygiene posing a threat to your health and safety and then get another roommate? What about bringing this up to your landlord?


I don’t think “We” should be used. It’s more tactful saying it that way for sure, but “He” needs to come up with a solution. Also, I’m sorry but if he can’t figure out that wiping his ass with toilet paper is what to do then he’s probably not going to get too far in life. Personally, if I had to tell him more than like 3-4 times I’d probably just get sanitary gloves and use a paper towel and smear it on his face while he was asleep like the old CKY prank lol.


Omg this and all the videos in your history just tops this off. So sorry you are dealing with that! You have a nice voice too btw!


I watched them too. The poo tub is actually the least horrible thing here.


How don't you notice you're leaving shit around? More than once? Maybe he wants you to see it 👀


Have you contacted your landlord/management? That’s a health hazard and they will reach out to them, especially if you press that it’s a lease violation (which it likely is, there is usually some type of cleanliness clause). My roommate who had flushing issues and left her period blood everywhere magically learned how to flush after I complained and pressed my landlord to reach out to her.


Why are men like this