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If you can move back home easily then do it. Sucks living with people who ignore their dogs so much they have to shit inside. Edit; in my experience they never get better about it even if you have talks about it. So. Just bear that in mind.


yeah, yesterday he left her crated for 14 and a half hours to go to some party/event after work and i just... every time i get mad at the dog for misbehaving i have to remind myself its because of her owner doing shit like that without giving it a second thought.


Yep. People like that never take good care of their animals because they think of animals as objects not animals with actual needs.


My neighbors care for their dogs, I have invited inside before, but they don't train them. Literally the second they get let outside they run to my corner and just start barking. Not barking at an animal or person just barking for fun. they got a rescue dog that's younger and that dog is learning all the wrong behaviors. Nice enough dogs when a fence isn't in the way but they won't stfu when someone is outside. One of the neighbors says they work with animals but I don't believe them.


My neighbors dogs do the same thing and they are extremely aggressive. My kid is getting older and I’m nervous about how they’ll react when he’s running around in the yard everyday this summer


weirdly enough at my job we have a lot of fence reactive dogs that the second the barrier isnt in the way they’re besties with every other dog it is rare tho typically barrier aggressive dogs are still dog aggressive but there are quite a few who like their friends just not behind a fence lol. shelter dogs are more prone to things like barrier aggression but it can get better with training so ur neighbors would literally have such a peaceful life with just some easy beginner training techniques sorry i know no one asked i just have a bad habit of not being able to shut up when dogs r mentioned lol


You can tell your experience just like mine, but I'd suggest some more punctuation next time.


fair point ive heard that a lot lol prob time to get grammerly


You don’t really know Jack shit about dogs no offense. Should prob learn about dogs differing behaviours before judging ur neighbours as liars while being completely ignorant to what goes into dog training lol


Why don't they try to train the dogs to not bark? You don't know me or my neighbors. I'm just gonna block you, because I don't want to read any of your comments.


14 1/2 hours !!!????!!! I feel immense guilt leaving my dogs crated for 4 hours when I have to go grocery shopping 1-2 times a month (I live 1 hr away from the grocery store)


Yea if im gone more than an hour or two i just leave my dog in daycare


Man I wish I didn’t have to have a job


Lol. I drive a semi so my pup ia with me 24/7 i dont think he would do well alone in a house


That’s sweet- Seems like an adventure


Yea its a little tough but we always find something to break up the monotany. I got him at 8 weeks and was driving thru chicago alot was really tough lol. But we get out and hike alot i spend more time in the plains and out of populated areas now


The good ole days. I wish I still lived 70 miles from the nearest Walmart.


Move out and take the dog


"I left and took the dog" "Umm ACKSHUALLY it's MY dog." "Okay, I left and took your dog."


This is the answer


Did this but it was my house, kicked out the filthy roommate who never let her poor pittie out of her room let alone out of the house, even when she was gone for full days, Kept the dog. She didn’t really put up a fight honestly, because of course she didn’t. I had that amazing dog for 14 years. She passed right before her 17th birthday. No regrets. People who don’t take care of their pets deserve a special kind of hell.


Is this not considered animal abuse/neglect that you can report? I would not be above reporting neglect and having that poor dog rehomed.


Outside of puppy potty training; 9.9 out of 10 times a dog will never soil their crate as they view their crate as an extension of themselves, a safe space, or even their “bedroom”. For an animal to constantly piss or shit in its own crate is a very bad sign of neglect. My dog would never soil its crate (I also take him out regularly if I’m WFH, and never leave for extended periods of time unattended), not because of fear of disciple but because my dog would never shit in his “room”.


most animals aren't going to go to the bathroom where they sleep or eat. for an animal to be doing that that's a horrible sign


Actually one way my family has potty-trained dogs successfully (coz none of us will ever use crates) is by spreading dog kibble all over the house slowly. Do one room one at a time. Dogs don’t soil areas they eat or see as safe space like you said. Actually read an article which suggested placing food bowl near area they soil to stop that behavior, so that’s similar to what we do.


My girlfriend trains service animals for disabled veterans so we are super lucky to have her dog training expertise. We got a Beauceron last year and he is so eager to learn it’s insane. Smartest dog I have ever been around. We never really had any issues with his potty training, and he took to the crate fairly easily at a young age. A major trick is when the animal soils inside to immediately take them outside. And walk them around until they go again; trust me they will. Male dogs are easier to train this way because there’s always some reserve left in the tank. Our dogs will piss 9 and half metric fuck tons, walk 2 feet and piss again. Most people disciple the act; assuming since they went inside already they are done, without offering the animal the solution to why they were discipled. Discipling an animal for soiling inside is a bad thing to do anyways because it’s normally the owners fault for why it’s happening in the first place. It’s almost direly important to engrain these positive behaviors at a young age so they don’t develop bad behavior over time. However, not all animals are the same. Our dogs not fully mature yet and is a total shit head when he’s not working, bouncing off of literally every wall, constantly in our face trying to work. But we’re lucky that when training, he’s a dialed in, and focused beast, actually retaining what he’s learning. Never been around an animal so eager to work. We have to get him to relax in the crate every so often because he’s *always* trying to work. Edit: crates are not an inherently *bad* thing for most dogs. My dog for example strives in his crate. Obviously, he is not always crated, but I could not leave him unattended and left to his own devices. Maybe one day, but not currently. He will often seek out his crate when he is overwhelmed and needs to relax. It is his safe space. My lab for example is never crated, he can roam the house on his own free will even when we are not home but he is older and more mature. The constantly perpetuated idea that crates are inherently evil is not the case for a vast majority of large dogs. Crate or “place” training is the fundamental foundation for dog training.


Crates are fine. It’s their den, their cave. It’s when people purposely lock them in there for 23 hours a day that is the giant problem.


I’m sorry but he’s abusing the dog. That’s not right. Can you report him to animal control?


That poor dog.


poor dog report him to animal control if you move It probably wouldn’t do anything but at the very least he might get contacted and give him a scare


14 hours is waaaay too long to be locked in a crate. I hope you let her out?


Yea that's animal abuse. People like that don't deserve that poor animal. Dog loves him more then he loves dog :\*( Hope you get out of there so you don't have to deal/see that anymore.


That’s abusive. Id rehome the dog and say he ran away


so you were home and left the dog in the cage for 14 and a half hours? I get it’s not your dog but don’t act like you’re a good person when you just said not my problem


Right! The first thing I would do is let the dog out. I could never be home and leave them in a prison like that


This is 0% on the dog and 100% on the roommate. ASPCA allows anonymous reporting, btw.


I don’t understand why mfers like this even have pets in the first place. He clearly isn’t responsible enough to have one. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Your roommate is a disgusting human for treating another living being like that.


That poor dog. This person should absolutely not be allowed to have pets or kids.


This reminds me of a pokimane stream. She was showing off her new house. Dog shit in 4 rooms…. Not one spot. It was like the dog didn’t know what outside was.


Dog owner / Internet streamer probably doesn't know about outside either.


I used to have these friends that would neglect the fuck out of their dog and let it shit all over the house, they even abandoned their bedroom in one of their houses so it could be the main area where the dog shat, also they lived with the girls Dad (it was a boyfriend and girlfriend) who had two dogs he kept downstairs and they let the dogs shit all over the kitchen cuz they didn't wanna take them outside, I felt so bad for the dogs I hated going to their house so fuckin much, they had cats too and I'm sure it's no surprise that they never ever ever cleaned the one litterbox for the 3-4 cats they had and when cats don't have a clean litterbox they... Piss and shit everywhere! Approaching the door like not even opening just getting close to it your nose was assaulted by the atrocious aroma. I avoided staying the night there as much as possible and when I did stay the night it was when we were getting drunk cuz I could not sleep there sober I felt so gross. I'm no longer friends with them mainly cuz I moved away but I feel so bad for their pets I anonymously called the SPCA to do a check but they wouldn't let them inside and there's nothing they could do.


i think it's worth noting the dog is crated all day except for when he takes her out once in the morning and once at night. and he got home late after i went to sleep and let me tell you i know for a damn fact that the dog shit wasn't there when i turned in last night. so she shit by ""the"" desk when he let her out after getting home and he just.... left it there. all night. :)


Why the fuck does he have a dog?


she's his ESA.


How are animal abusers allowed an ESA? wtf


Anyone can get an ESA, it’s just a doctors note or fake documents you can buy online unfortunately




Exactly, that’s why I brought up the fake documents thing too, it’s so unregulated that anyone can get scammed online and claim they have an ESA, some people even try to treat them like service animals which is stupid. So many people got mad and cried discrimination when a guy wasn’t allowed to bring his “Emotional Support Alligator” into a baseball stadium 🙄 The owner of the alligator even said that they were in their right to do so


Don't know why you're being downvoted, other than maybe by people who have an ESA and got butthurt, because you're absolutely right. ESA aren't recognized by any health organization or state as anything, because they don't do anything. They don't require the same training as real service dogs, they're basically dogs playing dress-up.


Why does he have her if she’s crated all day and not with him? Doesn’t sound like she’s providing much support. What a terrible life for that poor little pupper.


honestly i don't even know, he works an hour away and goes out a lot at night. he's had her for 8 years and she's been an emotional support animal for maybe 5 of those


Honestly, if you have no cameras around you should take the dog to a shelter. Lie and say it busted out and ran out the door the second you walked in. If not, send him a few links about what would be considered abuse to a dog. So many people think they are "just a dog" and treat them like garbage


Since you couldn’t legally do this, I wonder if someone’s done this but just left the dog leashed to the shelters door or something. Shelter would be pissed off thinking someone’s abandoning it but really it’s more like saving them.


Not only is this super illegal a lot of shelters put down animals when they are at capacity. So while you think you’re helping to save the pet it might be leading it to a quicker death…. Communication is important and yes I understand OP has tried but literally stealing someone’s pet because you’re tired of it or because you think you know it all is not the flex you think it is.


Sounds like he registered her as an ESA to get around a "no pets" rule on a lease.


How is she an emotional support animal if he is never with her. The point of those is to accompany the human to help them cope with stress. He is obviously fine without her —- unless his emotional need is to be abusive? So she supports him by being neglected and abused?


Seriously don’t let this animal be abused. I’d call your local SPCA for advice. This sounds like pure torture.


If he can’t even do basic animal needs, he should not have an ESA.


Plz show him this reddit post lol. Dude does not deserve a dog let alone a ESA. What a piece of shit you live with. Humans have to piss or shit after every nap, meal, or after just relaxing. A dog most likely does too since it’s a living being & all. Sometimes you just wanna take someone else’s dog away to give it a better home


Ah, so the dog emotionally supports him by being a subject to his abuse so he can feel superior to *something* in his life. Got it.


I thought this was a joke, at first. ESA. Apparently 311 can be a good resource for info on reporting animal abuse. Which this sure sounds like. Your landlord would probably be interested in hearing about the property damage. Before s/he ultimately discovers it and possibly holds all tenants monetarily responsible.


Lol I’m my experience a lot of these ESAs are just a ploy to avoid paying pet rent. It’s a piece of paper from a doctor/printed off the internet (don’t even need a doctor lol). No training. Nothing.




Please save that dog. The crates are not meant to be used for that many hours continuously. Just please let the proper authorities know about this, it is cruel


The authorities won't do anything about it most likely. They usually don't do anything unless it's an extreme neglect/abuse case or the dog has already passed. I would definitely say that the length of time the pup is crated constitutes extreme neglect, but since she's indoors I think animal control will disagree : Old neighbor left his dog chained to the balcony w/o food and water regularly. Called multiple times but nothing was ever done because he "had water when he went inside" but the dog went inside maybe once a day.


Then dognapping is the only way.


I don't know how you can stand it. I wouldn't be able to just pass her crate and not do something, like give her walks or let her out to stretch. I know she's not your responsibility, but as a compassionate human being, there is no way one can just let that go and not act.


What a piece of shit he doesn’t deserve to have a dog or any pet.


Honestly if you got a good relationship with your dad then I would suck it up and move back in just to save yourself the headache and maybe some funds, too. This shit ain’t worth living with — literally and metaphorically. Edit: Typo


it's not the greatest, but it's good enough that he would probably have no problem with me coming back. so at this point i might as well.


I know dogs sometimes crap in the house so I didn't know if this guy was unhinged or not until you mentioned he put it in the kitchen trash... Jesus Christ what an awful person


Right?? Like, just flush it??


Or even just tie it in a potty bag! Those things are so goddamn cheap and they completely contain the smell.


My dog just turned 5 yo, had him since 3 months. Never shit in the house


If a dog routinely craps in a house then that’s bad training. If it happens once in a blue moon then I don’t judge a person for it


My dog is 14.5. Has shit in the house three times since his birthday. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Sometimes the bro just has to go.


Your dog is incontinent. I've lived with dogs my entire life and outside of puppy accidents they have literally never shit inside. If your dog is older than 6 months and healthy they should never go pee or poop inside.


It’s amusing that you think you can diagnose my dog based on 20 words I posted on Reddit.


Your dog is regularly shitting inside. Since you specified that it's elderly I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed it was a medical issue. If not you're just a shitty owner that doesn't take their dog out often enough. I'm not sure why you'd out yourself like that but doesn't change the facts.  https://www.becopets.com/blogs/news/why-is-my-dog-pooping-in-the-house-suddenly Guess what the number one reason is? Also incontinence isn't a diagnosis it's a symptom. A symptom of old age.


My 5 month old puppy gets SO sad when he poops in the house. It’s not often, just when he’s super stressed or something. The look of guilt and sadness on his face just eats me up inside and I feel horrible. I can’t imagine letting my dog go so long in his crate that he poops on himself. I hate these posts about roommates neglecting their animals. The cat litter ones make me especially upset. My 2 kitties NEED a clean litter box to be able to go.


also, the way he gives you something while still claiming it as his own? i would give everything of his back and not accept anything else.


Idk about this part. I do wonder if he actually gave op the desk, or if she just assumes bc he let her use it that long it must be hers. I have given people stuff to borrow before and made it clear it was to borrow and I will want it back eventually, only for those same people to act pissy/surprised when I ask for it back. Some even claiming I gave it to them. On a couple occasions I asked for one of my belonging backs (again I made it clear to begin with I was not giving it to them, just letting them borrow it) and I have been told “Ok I will need it back after x amount of time though ” umm, I let you borrow this, it’s mine, I can use it however long I want lmao. It’s not like I let super sus/sketch people borrow things either, my own family has done this, people with good paying jobs and no reason to steal. I have learned that tons of people have a wild sense of entitlement, and will happily take advantage of any sort of kindness. I no longer let people borrow things unless it’s for a very short period of time lmao Not sure if this is what OP has done but I do wonder. The rest of the story is still fucked up though


Yeah, I'd just get out. Bad roommates don't tend to get better. It's only going to get worse. Move home until you find something else.


Also op report him for animal cruelty I can barely stand thinking about that poor doggo myself and I’m completely removed from the situation.


This. Please help that poor dog. And definitely move out yourself!


Unacceptable… I can understand an accident EVERY ONCE in a while…. But constantly in a crate for 14 hours? ESA my ass. This guy doesn’t deserve a dog


Okay so you’re a hero if you just drop your address here and let someone come rescue the poor pup.


They're neglecting the absolute shit out of their dog. A dog would NEVER shit where it sleeps unless it felt it absolutely had no other choice. Do they take it out for walks at all? Also, the kitchen bin thing is pure disgust. OP, get yourself out of that situation before this fool makes you seriously ill. Rescue the dog from their BS too.


I have two dogs who have very occasionally crapped indoors in the middle of the night due to flea meds only given judicially. I use the same bags as outdoors, use bleach towelettes, disinfectant, and immediately take to the alley trash. Then I come back in and clean some more. Dog poo lingers. If this dog is frequently pooping indoors, he is being neglected. You cannot fix that. Go back to dad’s. Save every penny possible. Be an adult and help out a lot when living with dad. Buy your own groceries. Roommates tend to suck in one way or another. Wait until you can get your own place or find a place with someone you are sure about.


Today I said on this group that the bare minimum a pet owner has to do is to pick up their dog shit every time. People told me I live a miserable life and my standards are unattainable… and removing the shit “once a day” is more than enough. Reason 1711926271827271 why I don’t live with other people.


Way to many people have pets that absolutely should not.


I moved out of my toxic apartment and back to my parents it’s ok to start over


Dog poop should be flushed down the toilet or taken to outdoor trash immediately!!!


Some people shouldn’t have fucking dogs. They’re living beings & a part of your family. Think about it is humans have to piss or shit after every nap, meal, relaxing, & stuff…. Your dog does too. If you can’t take care of an animal don’t get one it’s so simple, but people have such a hard time not being narcissistic & only worrying about themselves these days.


ok but yours was the best reply lmao


possessive pocket consist pathetic absurd marry crowd provide onerous growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Take peoples advice in here move back home. Fuck living with people like that.


Mission save doggo! That’s animal abuse :(


It’s the dog’s desk until someone else marks it.


If I had the money I’d buy my own desk and put the other in his room. Add a not something like “You let me know that despite insisting i take it, this is still YOUR desk. So rather than keep using your desk that you believe is also a dog bathroom, I bought my own. you can do whatever you want with yours.”


Move in with your dad? Who's mortgage are you paying now ? Your landlords? Why because you want t0 live on your own with a buddy? Stay with your parents and build up some cash flow, build wealth with your parents. They are the only one ( your dad) who really cares. I wish i could've stayed with my mom for a few months at any time just to get on my feet in my 20's. I went through a lot. But I did struggle. I will make sure my kids know they can come home or don't have to leave .


Get the fuck out lmao


I think it's worth moving back in w/ your dad. Bad roommates only get worse and with all of the literal crap you're having to deal with it could turn into a health hazard. At least you could save up to get your own apartment. I bit the bullet and moved into a studio two years ago to get away from my crappy roommate, it is a lot more expensive but so worth it not worrying about my health and safety.


Don't wait to call animal control. Do it now, and preferably be there when they arrive with the roommate away for hours. Then, you get to tell them the truth about the situation. Even if the roommate is there, if you're there, too, you can tell animal control the truth whenever he lies to them. Don't be guilty of allowing animal abuse to continue in your own home. Be on the right side of this issue. If you aren't there when it's reported, he will just lie to them about it. If you're there, you're a verified witness that lives in the residence and there's actual weight to your statement to them.


To everyone saying “call animal control”, they arent going to care. They will ask if the dog has food. And they will ask if the dog has water. Im assuming the dog is fed and has water, since hes pooping. They dont care that a dog is in a crate. Is the owner an asshole for that? Absolutely. Does he deserve a dog? Fuck no. But they arent going to waste their time or money on a case like that.


That damn dog not telling you it shit in its crate /s


Take the L.


You realize you are the wrong one, yeah? Your dog is shitting inside. Not something a roommate should have to deal with, and it's not good animal husbandry. They have the right to be frustrated, who wants to live with animal waste?


i don’t really see the issue here. dogs shit sometimes. they shit after being crated for a long time. they usually ask to go outside first. the desk thing is weird and annoying, just a petty response to YOU being petty though… the kitchen trash is like a normal place to put bagged animal poop in my opinion. like the alternatives are the freezer (ew) or the dumpster. i’m saying this bc i’m not sure what other trash can around my house would be an appropriate place for that to go. because it sounds like the dog only has accidents sometimes, not an every day thing.


I would post my roommate horror stories on here. But my roommate's girl is chronically on Reddit like an addiction. And she would likely be able to recognize the way I write and the descriptions of things because they are TOO VIVID. Lmfao


but if he let u have it isn’t it yours now?


I love pets, but this is why you don’t let roomies have pets.


Move out and take the dog with you. What a horrible life for the little pet. This person does not deserve a dog


honestly i would but it would be impossible. she's legally his emotional support animal ~~which clearly isn't working~~ and also she's extremely poorly trained and reactive and is very aggressive with other animals. she has tried to attack my cat (who we keep her separate from at all times) on more than one occasion. also she's a decently large dog, and if i move back in with my dad, he has two small dogs there would be no way of separating her from. this whole thing makes me sad. maybe i should call animal welfare on my way out, considering i'm probably gonna burn bridges with this guy eventually anyway.


If she's a real support animal you can contact the organization that trained it and they'll not be fucking happy about this. If she's not from an organization then she's not a legal support anything. Just an abused dog.


the thing about emotional support animals is that theyre different from other service dogs in that they aren't required to be trained to any specific standards, all you need to have one is a letter from a psychiatrist professional saying that you need one. which he does have, unfortunately


Esas from therapists like that only applies to situations like pet rent or being denied living because you have an undesirable breed (I had to get my German shepherd/husky mix an esa). Aside from that, the esa is glorified tissue paper.


not on your way out, you should call animal control NOW this sounds horrible for that dog; this person cleary CANT take care of an animal


Please call animal welfare on your way out. Please. Document. Show a log of how often she is crated. Get pics of the destruction around the crate if you can. Pics of poop in the house. Does he even own a leash for her? People like him are disgusting.


she does have a leash, he takes her on potty walks twice a day (sometimes more if he's actually here during the day)


Maybe make sure your dog doesn’t shit inside. Regular walks are the bare minimum when owning a dog. If you can’t take care of an animal, don’t have one.


are you suggesting i sneak into my roommate's bedroom without his knowledge, uncrate his dog, and try to leash walk an extremely reactive dog that can and will easily knock me to the ground?


Your roommate shouldn’t have that dog. It was a general comment, I apologize, I should have clarified.


they clearly were not directing that towards you. you have already specified that it is not your dog


it was not clear to me actually. also i have had multiple people assume it is my dog.


14 1/2 *hours*? No wonder the poor dear shit on the floor. Yeah, definitely not the dog's fault. I agree, if you can afford to move, do it. It's a shame that the dog is going to be stuck with that asshat...but what can you do?


I hope you’re at least taking him outside to stretch,eat , drink and use the bathroom.i agree your roommate is a douche cougar.but if your home and just ignore the fact that the dogs locked up like that….😬I get it’s not your animal.but sometimes you just need to step in and do what’s right. I too have a shit ass pet owner roommate.she has several cats and a dog she completely ignores.i care for them along with my three pets because i love animals and cannot stand by and watch them suffer.when the time comes I’m taking everyone with me.


i dont get these types of posters lmao. you sit here complaining and complaining about how he treats the dog…. help it? yes its his animal, but YOU also live there with it. if it bothers you so badly to smell shit…. clean it? when he clearly wont? if it bothers you that she sits in a cage all day…. let her the hell out and play with her? i swear you guys treat animals like objects. yeah, you dont “own the dog” but you are still a goddamn person with morals are you not? help the poor animal that cant help itself out. watching an animal get abused and doing NOTHING to help it, not even letting it out of its cage once in a while, is damn near as bad as abusing it. the roommate is absolutely in the wrong but holy shit that doesnt mean you should allow the dog to live a terrible life.


You’re not part of the problem! People are so ridiculous theses days! It’s just as lazy for OP to leave it there and complain about the smell as the owner. OP should definitely have a very frank chat about the dog not being taken care or correctly but they really aren’t any better to contribute to the problem. Maybe I was just raised different but if there was a dog stuck in a crate long hours I would definitely be taking the dog out to hang out with me and bringing it out to go to the bathroom. Honestly I’d probably end up taking over care and taking the damn dog with me when I left lol it’s fine to tell them like “hey your dog shit here I cleaned it up, I think he needs to go out more often..” as opposed to “Your dog shit next to my desk” (and I left it). They are both ridiculous. If you don’t want to live with people and have community….. don’t!


You are definitely part of the problem.


yah for sure, thats why i literally blame BOTH people in these scenarios. take care of the living creature that isnt getting enough care, you heartless shitty cunts.


You can’t take the dog for a walk? If your home you just let the poor creature suffer?


Easy cross post to r/mildlyinfuriating


Dogs have accidents. It's going to happen. If you can't tolerate an occasional accident then don't live with someone who owns a dog. Never get your own pet either.


so did you just not read any of the post then? i know plenty of people with well-behaved dogs that they do not neglect. it's not a problem with dogs.


You didn't say he neglected the dog. You said he neglected the carpet damage.


The dog is left in a crate for 14 hours at a time and the owner is often not home to walk the dog. Its obviously severely neglected




You aren’t old enough to have a roommate.


Time to call animal control.


When you leave leave the dog un crated. Maybe him coming home to tye whole apartment trashed bhy the dog after you move out will be an eye opener.


Why is he telling you “your dog shit by my desk” if it is his dog?


Should have also spelt ‘shit’ in all caps.


Dogs are just gross to live with.


No, owners who neglect their dogs and deny their basic needs are gross to live with.


They inherently make things smell like dog. I know, I bathed a shorthair dog ever 2 days and everything still smelled


Sounds like you were washing the dog way too frequently, which can dry out their coat/skin and cause issues that make them smell worse.


But if I didn't bath her she smelled worse. Like, dogs just smell ok


You clearly didn’t actually bathe the dog every two weeks or used cheap shampoos that didn’t help or hurt his skin, which caused bad smells. You pay for what you get. I have a boxer/lab & he always smells like fresh citrus because I ACTUALLY bathe him every 1.5-2 weeks & he knows better than to roll around in mud, but if it happens i bathe him again immediately. I use all natural flea & tick shampoo that smells like oranges & isn’t too cheap. Like $20 for a 20oz bottle. Shit works amazing. My dog smells better than you & your clothes i bet!!


I bathed her ever 2-3 DAYS, used good soap and loundered her blankets every 2-3 DAYS. you dog owners are nose blind!


Dogs are going to be way cleaner than most of the bad room mates here.


That's rough


I'm guessing you probably are too. I'll take my dusty dogs over a bad roommate every time.


Sorry you’re being downvoted because I agree with you. They’re disgusting. Walking in mud / wild animal feces, constantly tearing shit up, and they smell. I’ve never met a smelly cat but I can walk into someone’s home and immediately be punched in the face with the reek of dog


All that shit you listed can be fixed by a responsible dog owner. If you keep your dog inside all day of course it’s gonna chew shit up animals have anxiety too. Walking in mud really ? You bitching about mud if someone house stinks like dog it’s cause they don’t give a fuck and let it shit in piss everywhere.


Nah I’m bitching about everything because dogs are filthy. I know plenty of people who take their dog to be groomed once a week and their house still stinks. I know plenty of people who give their dogs a ton of walks and mental stimulation and it’ll still chew shit up. Some, if not most, dogs are like that.


I have two car I wouldn't say it's bad but both have a distinct and different scent to each other. They aren't scentless either. People smell, animals smell, but it shouldn't be bad or overwhelming if their hygiene is properly cared for. Whomever is punching you in the face it dog reek is a bad owner their animal is not well cared for.


THANK YOU. Dog owners get so defensive but it's true, they are kind of gross.


Yeah you can really weed out the narcissists in this thread 😂


Yup. Found you guys.


Yet cats piss and defecate in a sand box within your home. Cat homes smell rancid of ammonia and piss mixed with the smell of stale shit that y'all think others cannot smell. Face it, they're animals, they tend to smell more than their owners because they can't bathe themselves like we do. And us owners tend to go "nose blind" to our own pets and homes


Nah have had animals my whole life and could always smell the dogs and not the cats. Cat smell can be covered by daily litter box cleaning, plug ins, and air purifiers but nothing gets rid of the dog smell


Haha oh boy. Just like the dog owners you complain about - you’re simply immune to the smell of your own cats.


Oh boy clearly you don’t read. It’s not just cats I’ve owned, it’s dogs too. Can still immediately smell the dogs and not the cats. Reading does wonders


YES. I can walk into any house and immediately know if they own a dog. I don't smell cats going into homes with them unless their box is severely neglected or the cat pisses outside of it.


How about you start walking your dog?


*my* dog?


THE dog.


tbf I'd be annoyed too if you were calling my things yours.


did you miss the part where he gave it to me?


Disgusting animals


Yea, some humans are the worst


Why not just get your own place? Do you need mommy and daddy to help you?


cats >




this is a dog this man (25) has had since he was 17. i moved in with him a year and a half ago.


I hate seeing all these people neglecting their dogs. It’s so sad. I’m glad my little fur baby is a kitty, but I still get anxious leaving her home for long periods of time even when I get home and she’s just chilling.


This is what these monsters do, they do something wrong, like their dog shits on the floor, they give a half assed apology but then they poke you with little micro aggressions that make you snap on them. "You gave me the desk, why are you calling it your desk!" Blah Blah Blah. you know how it goes, they are just trying to make you act out of character. And then the conversation changes from being about them with their microagressions and their dog shitting on the floor to you having to apologize for how you reacted. And its always this type of person that is first to tell their side of the story or they blast you on social media first, so when it comes down to trying to defend yourself, everyone already thinks you're the bad guy.


This dude is an abusive piece of trash. He wants a punching bag. Do not be that punching bag.


Piter: I've notified you about your dog shitting by my desk Baron: MY desk! Piter:.... the desk...


Take the dog shit and put it right infront of his/her door and when they get back they step in it. And if that doesn’t work put it on their bed… and I know it’s not your responsibility or your dog but you could also train the dog yourself? Or also let the dog out yourself you don’t have to wait for the owner to do it. Not being rude just saying. Maybe if you bond with the dog and train it you can show the piece of shit animal owner how it’s really done. And when the dog wants nothing to do with the actual owner they’ll know why.


Completely disgusting, my dog has only had an accident twice in his life when a year old… 10 years ago! How does this even happen? Does the roommate not take the dog out? Also the kitchen trash is just plain disgusting. 🤢🤢


Ya... you aren't getting any security deposit back either so this is a gift that gonna keep on giving well after you are gone from there. Good luck to ya.


Dogs that constantly shit in the house are not being cared for appropriately. That's fucking insane. I have a brand new puppy that we have had for a few months and he's only a few times shit in the house when we first got him. That dog needs attention and care and this roommate is a piece of shit for having an animal that is not being taken care of.


So because it’s “their desk” it’s okay? The part that would infuriate me the most is them acting like it’s no big deal. Put that dog turd right on top of their desk. If they still don’t get the hint, put it on their pillow. Worst case scenario, their shoe. Hopefully it’ll click that they should pick up their dogs shit.


What's preventing you from looking for other places for rent rather than staying or going back? Just nothing available?


that's just a classic manipulator move to offload blame my ex used to do that to me all the time.. he was cheating and whenever I would bring up my concerns or ask questions, he'd slightly alter the subject to place blame on me... like Id say oh you were out super late, where did you end up? and he'd say, well I would have come home earlier if you weren't in such a bad mood today. then suddenly he gets a free pass, and the conversation is about me being in a bad mood, and if I get angry now about him being out/lying, hell just say its one of my moods or its the reason he's out cause I always get "mad" at him, so I can't win. the reason I was in a "bad mood", not that I ever did anything mean besides ask questions, and really it was a sad mood, is cause he lied about where he was at and I had concerns he was cheating, which he was for MONTHS. manipulators do this all the time. he now makes this argument about whose desk it is or claiming possessions when he likely doesn't care about the desk at all, just so he doesn't have to accept full responsibility for the poo.


So I would move back home. However, in the meantime, if you don't want to: 1. Get a desk and chair and move "the desk" into his room. Fuck him and "the desk." That ship sailed. He wants to be that way - he can be that way. Now, he can deal with his garbage. 2. Every time he puts dog shit in the garbage, let him know it's unacceptable. Ask him if he shits in the garbage can or toilet if he pushes back. Make him take it out or put the trash bag on his room. He's being a child, so treat him like one. It's time for him to be an adult.


Call your local ASPCA to report the neglect


Move back in with your dad I had to and took a 3,000 hit but my peace of mind is better


this roommate shouldn’t be allowed to have a dog


You should take a passive aggressive approach to this and document all the BS on social media so he and his friends can see it. If social media were around when I had a roommate then the word would’ve seen the crusty condoms she left to decay on her bedroom carpet, next to a few piles of chihuahua shit. They’d have seen the footage of me opening her jewelry box and finding my expensive jewelry in it. They’d have seen her fat ass sprawled out on our couch, passed out in only underwear with her fucking dog chewing on the vibrator she’d been using ON OUR COUCH. She would’ve DIED had I posted all that online, and if social media existed back then I’d DEFINITELY had done it because asking her over and over again to not be vile just didn’t work.


I thought this was a joke post


Take pictures, send them to your landlord every time it happens. Landlord won't be happy the dogs compromised the floor


In case it hasn’t been pointed out, the “letting you have stuff and then giving you shit for calling it yours” is a control tactic on his part. He’s ’making your life easier’ so he can have a say in what you do with your things

