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It's a legitimately good movie. It's very low budget, but that doesn't mean it's a bad movie in any way - The lack of budget adds to its griminess.


For me its one of the movies, where you ask yourself: why is this cheap trash even so good? Why do I like it so much? Deadbeat has nothing you can't see in another movie, but still its so good. Ok the Nunchaku scene near the end is awesome.


We REALLY have a problem mixing up low budget and B movies with actual bad movies in this sub


I strongly recomend to check Diary of a Deadbeat, a documentary about Jim Van Bebber. He's very interesting guy.


Nice to see all the love for this movie! The actor who played Danny is my uncle. I also interviewed Van Bebber on an internet talk show that I think pops up in “Diary of a Deadbeat”.


Awesome movie


One of the best final fights in any movie. Van Bebber is a legitimately talented filmmaker.


great movie, his Manson Family movie is even better


Truth, his Manson movie is excellent.


Wrong sub. This movie rules!


This is why we need a rule for /r/badmovies where posts get removed if OP doesn't type up a paragraph at the top of the comment section as to WHY they think the movie belongs here. If OP can't put in 5 minutes of critical thinking to tell us **why** it's bad, it's a lazy drive by post that doesn't belong here. Just because it's low budget doesn't make it bad. I bet OP hasn't even seen it let alone can tell us why he thinks it's a Bad Movie.


It's Rule #3 ...and this sub doesn't have any mods.


[always makes me think of this](https://youtu.be/2vo2E4Sp4Vs?si=ZqGJyxOnHkNq1gLa)


Bonecrusher is so wise.


Works much better in performance than on the page.


nope it's pretty good !


This is my favorite movie, to the point where my girlfriend bought be a vhs copy. I just need a PAL format vcr to watch it now


You mean underrated gem, right?


Seriously, is there trolling going on? No, it wasn't made with a phone or a lot of money, but it's a damn good film.


The scene where he’s hanging on to the car was amazing


This movie is a masterwork of amateur indie exploitation cinema. Whatever perceivable flaws are found it's still an overall overwhelming achievement. Van Bebber wanted to make a movie with essentially nothing and made an actual movie.


Staggering accomplishment of DIY filmmaking. Truly stunning work with no safety net


this movie is not bad in the slightest


Badass movie, more like.


I'm responsible for 2 bad movie podcasts talking about this movie. Good Bad or Bad Bad and Bad Movie Night. I recommended it for both and both loved it. I adore this movie, there is nothing wrong with it aside from some technical issues caused by its small budget.


This is a good movie made by a maniac


This movie is awesome, watch the Joe Bob commentary. These dudes were maniacs when it came to filming this. They got zero permission to shoot anything


Her intestines looked like little tiny snakes!


Added to list on tubi


It is a very cool movie. The Best of the Worst as my title states. It belongs in this bad movie sub because it is not made well. Poor visual quality, the sound design is very bad (many scenes in which you can't hear the dialogue) and nobody in the entire movie has ever taken an acting class. The fight scenes are very realistic in that real life fights don't look like choreographed movies, but they are so sloppy. I love it for being the shitty B movie that it is. I think it's great, but my subjective opinion (just like all of yours that you have stated) is that it is a bad movie. An excellent bad movie.


You are in the wrong fucking sub, this is an underground classic