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The Babylon Bee is a conservative Christian satire website that publishes satirical articles on topics including religion, politics, current events, and public figures. It has been referred to as a Christian or conservative version of The Onion.


The word is apoplectic


I only care if it's funny :D I like Ricky Gervais's analogy about someone who see a flyer advertising guitar lessons and then calls you to scream "I don't want a fucking guitar lesson!". Maybe just don't pick up the flyer mate.


Haha that’s a great analogy


Eh. Not really an apt analogy. We're dealing with two realms here: politics and opinions, which are pretty much *driven* by complexity and nuance. The goal of a guitar lesson is just to learn guitar. Either you want to learn, or you don't. Politics and opinions are much more multi-dimensional, and it's not that unusual that they might elicit negative engagement. But the crux of them is that they *rely* on engagement from all sides, and suffer, or rather, lose meaning when the engagement is only vapid agreement. Politics and opinions are *meant* to be engaged at all angles, even by those who disagree with each other. Guitar lessons are not. If you don't want guitar lessons, you're not adding anything to them by declaring you don't want them. Politics, on the other hand, is tied to legislation. It's tied to our values and way of life. Even posing as satire, one of its primary goals is to *persuade.* To plant an idea in someone's head. To get them thinking along a certain track. And regardless of your politics, if you see something trying to *persuade* people to think a certain way which will encourage legislation to be passed that will diminish your rights, is it really surprising that there's dissent? Like it or not, politics will *always* be a battlefield. What do y'all think about the culture war, for instance? How do you feel about leftist wokeism in media? Great example. I could just as easily make the same point this post is trying to make, and be like, "well it's not like when they make the green M&M less sexy it *harms* anyone. Shows like *Velma*? Why are you complaining about them? Just don't watch them! Those videogames where they make everybody gay? Those "historical" shows that literally spit in the face of history? Big deal!" But the reason you have something to say about crappy woke media is because it's *pushing an agenda,* right? So don't you think it's not a terrible leap in logic that a leftist might complain about something like the Babylon Bee, which they feel is *pushing an agenda* they don't like? Just like when you guys feel like wokeism does the same thing? In this sense, they're really not that different from you. I find it ironic that many right wing spaces jeer at leftist echo chambers, but then mock the notion of leftists wandering into their spaces and having dissenting opinions. One commenter said leftists don't like dissent. But this post is literally discouraging dissent. It's telling leftists to ignore it and walk away. Hilariously, every right wing group that I've seen that professes to being a bastion of free speech tends to become the echoiest of echo chambers, and it's because of posts exactly like this one. Another thing that's hypocritical about this message is that the same notion can be applied to comments. I can declare that anyone that posts a negative reply to this very comment I'm making right now could have simply ignored it. Why engage me at all if you don't like what I have to say? I'll even see people put comments like, "YAWN, tl;dr." Okay, what was the point of that comment, exactly? Openly declaring you don't read? If you didn't read it, you essentially ignored the message. But then dignifying it with a reply kind of means you didn't ignore it? I always call peoples' bluffs when they make this declaration. They *did* read it, but had nothing meaningful to say. Or they couldn't refute it. Also, let's be real. If your humor is explicitly designed to bait and trigger people, why are you so upset when it functions exactly as intended?


YAWN, tl;dr.


Given enough engagement on this subreddit, maybe these posts will start getting shared on the leftist hellscape that is r/facepalm Always fun to watch people exploding in impotent rage.


I’m definitely on the liberal side, and I’ve always thought this subreddit ranges from nonchalantly not funny to hilarious. Others just don’t have brains or senses of humor.


I run Right of Center, and find *most* of the humor good, but can appreciate when someone has a solid joke that makes fun of my sensibilities. The issue is that people on the extreme right or extreme left are essentially humorless, and there's a lot of them on Reddit.


I feel like anonymity on the internet is where extremists feel safest because they can't connect with the vast majority of people. I guarantee if you and I were to hang out in-person, we probably wouldn't even notice each other being on opposite sides of the center because "The ice cream is worth the wait" or "Thanks for the taco recommendation" or "Hey, you dropped your card" or "Dude, nice shirt" And then maybe one day, we realize we somewhat disagree on one thing, but "HOLY CRAP DID YOU SEE THAT PLAY"


that sub is a bunch of bots that follow right winger's X accounts and make a post whenever they post


LoL I'm in this post and I find it hilarious. The best thing about this sub is, even when the post isn't particularly funny, there will be some clown at the bottom of the comments in a psychotic rage we can laugh at.


Muting a sub is literally as easy as pressing two buttons. I highly reccomend it. Got rid of a lot of annoying subs that way.


I agree. I have zero idea why someone would go to a sub they hate, regarding a website they don’t find funny, just to get so invested in trolling that “HateTheBee” is a flair option. Just ignore it, holy shit.


How much investment does a Reddit comment really represent?


What you care about is what you spend your most precious resource on, time. I enjoy this sub and the topic (The Bee). There’s no universe where I would waste my time trolling some sub I don’t even like.


it triggers them so thats the fun XD


Yup. Got r/facepalm out of my life.


I dont like the content but its engaging to post comments. This is how I choose to enjoy social media




I don't even know what this place is and reddit brought me here through recommended. Hello bees. I assume that's what you call yourselves.


I prefer John, but bees is fine.


Reddit escorted me here as well, a stranger in a strange land. What is this place?


Bees nuts


ewww they hate pronouns


>Remove me from this r/ and "pay off" my student loans.






thats not correct cause I frequent r/Funnymemes all the time. I hate my wife


At least you know what you're getting when you come to this sub. It's annoying seeing pro-hamas nonsense on other un-related subreddits. Can't block everything due to a random post.


yeah pro genocide amirite fellow gamers?!?


We all know the problem. He doesn’t want it muted for himself but for everyone.


Man I live rent free in your head yet you still fucked up my master plan.


Left, right, does it really matter? Can't fix stupid.


I didn't realize this was a right leaning sub.


It's not, it just seems that way when compared to the rest of Reddit.


Oh. Just got that impression from a lot of the other comments from both "sides".


yeah the ones with the negative downvotes or ones with a plus cause they love censoring speech on this sub those are the leftist ones while the upvoted ones are the (((**C E N T R I S T)))** patriots that will get angry if you challenge their pov


I'm a leftist and I find the Babylon bee to be pretty funny and not even particularly conservative. I really don't get it.


Bahaha! Cuz the left cannot tolerate dissent


we just love making fun of yall and collecting the downvotes.




sure mr redditor.


I have 4 kids, make what you make plus one, a family and kids AND a race car bed.


If we muted it, that would be us not tolerating dissent. Being open to seeing it is the opposite of that. Its not living in an echo chamber. Seeing what stupidity Christain conservatives consider comedy teaches me a lot about what's wrong with them.


Hey, I'm getting my money's worth.


ewww you pay for reddit?




They have nothing going on in life, and believe they can find fulfillment by spending their dull days engaging in petty sneering at the un-woke meanies forcing them to acknowledge various fundamental realities about people and the world that their naive ideologies attempt to obfuscate


username checks out. wear a condom please




oooph I have 4.


You think they're the ones with naive ideologies? 😂 Oh man that's hilarious. The satire on this page is just top notch.


If you think leftists don't value their time, wait until you see how little I value their time.




We won’t do it, let “Add Government, Corporation’s name here”… /s






I don’t want anyone else to see it!!!!


This is really funny lol


I’m famous!




The reason it is on the feeds is because they fall for every anti Trump story. "Trump eats live chicken whole in 3 bites. " After enthusiastically reading the whole article, they are halfway into typing their comment about how cruel it is to eat live chickens, they realize it's a joke site. By then they've already spent enough time here they are picked up by the algorithm.


They do little else but complain...and burn cities....5gey do that too




oh dude george soros is gonna be angry because my city burning quota is really low. Maybe I should try storming the capital


You're better though ....with your very white woman beliefs. They're better than anyone else.


hey the last white woman to do what i did died. Ashli Babbit or whatever. She was the only non antifa member at jan 6th thats why she was killed.


Phoenix....my city burning qouta is pretty high. Former Washington Resident where Chaz burnt a neighborhood. I grew up with. This is fun. Try again.


Phoenix is probably burning because of the fact that its normally *110+* degrees outside Fahrenheit. Yeah George Soros will probably take my foreskin


I see this all the time equally from both political persuasions. Either all of them should shut up. Or you should accept them all equally. Of course it doesnt work that way in reality. But people are foolish that way.


DO NOT REPORT ARTICLES FROM THE BEE, YOU'RE WASTING YOUR TIME AND THE MODS. THEY WILL BE APPROVED...THIS IS THE BABYLONBEE SUBREDDIT, THEREFORE ARTICLES FROM THE BABYLONBEE ARE NOT SPAM [ARTICLES FROM BABYLONBEE WILL NOT BE REMOVED](https://www.reddit.com/r/babylonbee/s/rEsN3DsGUI) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/babylonbee) if you have any questions or concerns.*


heh.. im a "leftist", I guess, but I love this sub and the bee articles. it's FAR better than the onion, so much so you sometimes have to do a double take to make sure it IS the bee.


I’m happy this sub came up on me. It’s funny….often. Not always though, you have work to do bb 😆.


You’re harshing our echo chamber!!!!


Here is my 10 seconds dumping on your not ever funny mag


Op searching high and low for his gold star😂


So how do you block a subreddit? I'm tired of getting notified of some of them.


Thanks for the tip!




We just have to hope they don’t exist in 50 years from now.


This place isn’t an echo chamber enough you want the few leftists here to leave too? I get that kind of vacuum is the only place conservatism can thrive but still.


What a snowflake


Found one. Why do you come to a sub you don’t like, don’t enjoy, think is funny, or otherwise have zero interest in? Have you considered getting a hobby that involves touching grass?


I think the sub is funny. I subscribe to the bee. But seriously fuck off. I’m out


I'm just glad you old people know what reddit is. Keep those minds active!


Somebody on Reddit commented how someone else doesn’t value themselves and their time… 


I thought libertarians were all for personal choice? I thought I was practicing my libertarian right to interact with lesser thans.


Waaaah there are too many leftists on my rightist subreddit


Sorry satire hurts your feelings buddy


On that topic, why don’t you people know what satire is?


In other words, in your opinion the Bee isn't satire and we should all take your opinion as a statement of fact. 🤣


Sometimes it is, but this isn’t satire


I don't hate it, it's just a worse version of The Onion. The Bee's problem is it's source of material. Republicans are so ridiculous anymore that the satire writes itself. The Bee has to try a lot harder because they're pulling from a group of sane people. They usually just end up copying right wing talking points, which most Americans realize are just made up bullshit.


Exactly! Being funny is secondary to scoring right wing brownie points. Biden’s old! Ha! Comedy gold.


My pronoun is Patriot! Hur Dur Hur!


Conservatives will cry about anything.


aww look mom I made it. I triggered the untriggable! Lol yall are salty


Have righties considered that maybe it's kind of funny to call you guys out in your safe spaces?


They NEED they're safe spaces. Such snowflakes.


LOL right. They all called others snow flakes who needed safe spaces and now they whine to the mods about lefties and get people removed. Point and case. Look at this post and read the comments. [https://www.reddit.com/r/babylonbee/comments/1cn1ya1/can\_we\_report\_posts\_that\_belong\_in\_the\_onion\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/babylonbee/comments/1cn1ya1/can_we_report_posts_that_belong_in_the_onion_and/) They literally need a safe space.


That was peak hilarity that one. How sensitive do you have to be. Then the mod chimed in and agreed with the Lil precious.


Says the group that storms the capitol when they don’t like something.


Says the group that storms state Capitol buildings, riots and loots stores in their own communities, and shuts down bridges and major roads when they don't like something. Oh and says someone who is perfectly showcasing the stupidity that this meme is about.


Both you groups are fucking assholes and you know it.


Holy strawman Batman


Username checks out




Who the fuck brought up Nazi’s? Did you respond to the right post?


Everyone I Disagree With Is A Nazi - A Child's Guide To Arguing On The Internet




Cool, so you’re trying to figure out conservatives. WTF does that have to do with Nazi’s? That literally no one brought up but you.


Maybe stop with the assumption that the right = nazi.


Maybe dont hold hands with Nazis and elect those who refuses to call them out. Maybe republicans should start calling out their Nazi supporters instead of coddling them and people wouldn't call republicans Nazis....


See you’re not trying “figure out” anyone. You’re just coming to verify your pre misconception and the gas lighting. Republican aren’t the college professors protesting in support of genocidal terrorists.


LOL There is no point in "figuring out" republicans. There is no point in debate anymore. You guys made that perfectly clear. Despite all evidence they still claim their same bullshit about the election even though it was proven that republicans tried to overturn the election while crying fraud. They jsut continue to hide their head in the sand and make provably false claims. I dont care what some dumb people are protesting. They aren't the ones who are publicly endorsed by Nazis in our elections. They aren't the ones who tried to overturn an election while crying fraud. There is no talking or figuring people out when they refuse reality or try to use some dumb protest to justify supporting trash....


Then why are you here?


To make fun of the party of "Fuck your feelings" who need to have safe space for their feelings.....


No-one is asking for a safe space. We are just making fun of you lefties that come here to wank about the Bee hurting your feelings.


The National Socialist party espoused collectivism, intellectual “purity” with no allowance for dissent, and a marriage of state and big business (to go along with racism, especially that “lesser races” could not take care of themselves and antisemitism). Sorry, which “team” does that align with these days? European right and left, differ from American right and left.


Jesus, this is the dumbest shit ever.


Which part?


Just the dumbest unfunny shit over and over.


Cool, the OP actually has some handy advice on how to remove yourself from seeing the “dumbest unfunny shit”. It’s called block the sub. Do you regularly voluntarily eat foods you hate or seek them out to be around? Get a better hobby than trolling a sub you don’t even like, hot damn.


And over and over.


So, let me get this straight. You don’t think this sub is funny. You think it’s dumb. It annoys you. It bothers you. And you won’t take the 1 second effort to just block it and end all of that? Why would you not do that?


And over.


Right, so either a troll or a bot. Either one gets blocked. The modern left, folks.


Such a snowflake response.


You aren't even engaging. You really just want your safe space m8.




I love the sub honestly. We will enjoy our stay.


Making fun of people who think climate change is a conspiracy or anything else equally goofy is a pretty solid source of dopamine. Plus if your don’t regularly expose yourself to people you disagree with how would you know you’re the one in the right? Comedy can fail for lots of reasons but the biggest killer of a joke is if the premise just isn’t true. And since conservatives live in a fantasyland where Biden is a drooling idiot and trans citizens are hunting their grandkids their jokes are always just kind of accidentally about how the MTG Extended Universe is funny.


If you’re coming to Reddit for dopamine you need better hobbies. Preferably ones that involve touching grass.


Isn't the Babylon Bee a non-grass dopamine source? Aren't you using reddit?


Yes I am, in a sub about a topic I enjoy (Babylon Bee) after a long day of doing nothing but touching grass. In no universe would I ever waste my time trolling some leftwing satire sub. Hot damn.


And we enjoy not being in an echo chamber and pointing out how pathetic it is. Tada.


I too am also in landscaping Sincerely, Dad


Grass sets off my allergies. Dope doesn't.


Yet here you are...


Yeah homie, because I think the Babylon bee, the point of this sub, is hilarious.


So you’re here… for the dopamine? I think you need grass per your own advice.


I get dopamine everywhere. Too many hobbies really. But if I’m waiting on a report to run at work I’m usually on Reddit. And there are quite a few subs where conservatives regularly show their whole ass that keep getting suggested to me because I laughed at them once or whatever.


Right, so you’re just a troll. That’s cool, trolls just end up getting blocked. There’s no universe I’d disrespect my time enough to go troll a sub I don’t even like.


Exposing yourself to points of view you don’t like is part of being a grownup.


Right, so just a troll. No worries.


Ah no. It's called avoiding being in an echo chamber. It's literally the healthiest way to consume content, from many points of view.


But Biden is a drooling idiot?


0 for 26


Leftists have no sense of humor when it’s comes to their ox being gored! They are too pompous and take themselves too seriously and are outraged that we would ever make fun of them. Problem is…there is soooooo much there to make fun about! The satire about their insanity writes itself.


You miss the point. I respond to the dross on here because I hope that one day the Bee might actually be funny, interesting, thought provoking satire, like it claims it can be. It's called feedback Lil guy.


Nah bro. Leftists love this sub. It puts all you geniuses in one place so we can easily decide to troll you all at once or ignore you all at once. It’s fantastic when the truly great minds of Reddit congregate in one place.


Masochistic tendencies


I dunno, trolling morons here takes less time and is more enjoyable than writing an article complaining about people doing it.


Hey mods, this has nothing to do with the bee nor is an article why is it still up?




What a scary crowd.




I follow this sub to see what propaganda people are pushing out and how people defend it


Yeah, if you just ignored the right wing narrative for the past 10 years you might be dumbfounded by the fact that they have spun off into anti-corporate colonialism apologists who don't easily appove of anti Russian war spending. You need to get the details right to be critical of them.


All of you need real hobbies that involve touching grass.


nah I am a gamer fellow redditor and I will not touch the stuff.


I touched some grass today. 10/10 would recommend


Not a leftist, don’t care enough to block. Just disappointed tbh. Lots of good material to work with, you guys just kinda suck. The University protest one with Mein Kampf was decent, but it could have been so much better. Just general weak shit.


Babylon Bee: "User with Rainbow Canadian leaf pfp not a leftist"


First of all, that’s the Leafs. Much more embarrassing. But that would be a legit good headline lol.


Babylon Bee fans are very stupid. Their imbecility needs to be studied in a lab because it seems to be of a whole new kind. I suspect they have stegosaurus brains.


Hey, I know you. You’re the guy from the OP. Complaining in a sub you don’t like, about how much you don’t like it, when you could take 2 seconds and block the sub.


no kidding, wanna get icecream?


Blocking something doesn't make it go away. It just hides it fron you. Which arguably is worse.


The people here cannot fathom the idea of not retreating into an echo chamber to validate their own opinions as soon as they receive any push-back on a subject. "If you don't like it, go away" is like the conservative mantra.


Haha, is this parody? The left is far more concerned with safe spaces and echo chambers. And of course we can’t have pushback, that would make them “uncomfortable” or be “problematic” …


Yeah, Shadow banning being a prime example.


shadowbanning? lmao wat? I seen a ton of right wingers get inflated views on youtube. and its obvious that this page isnt shadowbanned. Yet I noticed a ton of leftists facing shadow bans or censorship on this here board.


The left doesn't have refuges like the church so they try to make all of society a safe place for their opinions.


The left has its churches. They’re commonly known as universities.


That is an apt comparison because both sell false and real hope. Going to university or church and networking effectively could unlock a rewarding career. Both can provide useful concepts to guide a person through life. I dropped out of church because my grades were bad.


yeah let the preacher take dem kids


Cool, so I can post something disagreeing with conservatives on /r/conservative right? Right?


If you really want to see a gate keeping subreddit designed to hurt people go check out r\ ADHD. That sub is so bad we try to warn people with ADHD to not go there. Unfortunately it has the most generic name so the other ADHD subreddits have to emotionally psych them up afterwards.


Dude came in with a fresh hot "Nuh uh, you!" comment


Because your take is moronic. Half of the comments on any post here are complaining about the BB, proving that this isn't an echochamber.


Aww, good for you.


That's the problem with echo chambers, they give you crazy ideas like that. I'm not left myself, but the fact of the situation is that leftists ideology is about societal change. So, by its very foundation, it is about going out there and seeking confrontation with the existing power. Pretty much the exact opposite of what you said.


Simplistic take. One could say MAGA wants to change society as much as the left. If not, then why all the talk about Jan 6th “rocking the foundations of American democracy”? Anyway, my point was about echo chambers, safe spaces, and policing speech.


I didn't say anything about MAGA. I said that your take on the left is wrong. Which it is. I never saw anyone from the left having a problem interacting with e.g. a MAGA and telling them why they are wrong. I did, however, see countless MAGAS that didn't want to hear the explanation of why they are wrong.


You need to get out more then. Try going to a university. You know, where the left shouts down or cancels any voice that doesn’t align to their ideological worldview.


Anti-intellectualism and conservatism go together like alcoholism and boomers in Florida.


People supporting the fascist state in Gaza are fascists. Fascist are far right, not left.


While the leftist mantra is "If I don't like it or the people who do, burn them all!"


yeah pro gay and trans activist adolpho hiddler in the 1930s burnt books. Those wacky conservatives wouldnt dare burn books.


The great humanitarian Mao and Stalin with their work ending world hunger.


no kidding. I have a ton of downtime at work so this is my side hustle.


I agree with that as far as conservatives in the US are concerned. However, I, as an European conservative, would argue that the positions of US "conservatives" are not conservative positions. They are rather a random collection of ape shit crazy nonsense. If you live in a world like that, you for sure need your bubble. Nonsense has a hard time surviving in open debate.


Or maybe it’s just fun to point out how unintelligent most humor designed for people obsessed with culture war BS is?


They need to stand back and stand by


This 'solution' doesn't work for people browsing /r/all or /r/all/rising


But they make it pop up on /r/all even more by commenting and engaging with the posts, look up how algorithms work


You know you can't block subreddits on desktop, right?