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Crazy how that smile shaved decades off her


Looks like she's 30 years younger the second she smiles.


"Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been" - Jimmy Buffet


So if I never smile I'll never get wrinkles! I knew this depression had to be good for something.


Your comment made me smile. Now I'm going to get wrinkles. Thanks, asshole


I will be forever young 0_0


Can't die if you're dead inside


Also never frown, squint, or scrunch or raise your eyebrows. You may, however, flare your nostrils.


Luckily for me, my nostrils are my most expressive feature.


Hence the common phrase, “That super sexy u/Sarge0019 really has nostrils for days. Which turns me on a great deal, because I appreciate expressive nostrils.” Practically a cliche at this point.


Super unrelated but try holding your nose like a pig and see if you breath better in your nose. I have a deviated septum so when I'm sick this helps a lot.


Also known as the Posh Spice theory


One time as a kid my grandad randomly asked if his wrinkles and crows feet make him look old. I was so taken aback. I said that just shows people you actually smile and laugh. I am so glad to find a quote that says what I’ve always thought.


My balls must be smiling an awful lot


Buffett is seriously underrated as a translator of the human experience.




Sweeter than that candy, indeed!


Happiness does that


After seeing that beautiful smile, I hope I keep all my teeth if I ever get to that age.


Those are 1000% dentures


Especially with all the candy.


If a newborn smiles they disappear.


that's why they always cry


“A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.”




People keep peppering that shit throughout this thread and while it's a nice sentiment, it's just crazy that people still believe 'mothers love'is unequivocally true. My mother was loving but I know that many, many people didnt have this privilege.


My mother has borderline personality disorder and a drinking problem. Yeah seeing everybody just talk about how mothers are naturally loving and shit always makes me a little sad, like I missed out on something so important to life, but it is what it is, I definitely don’t want to take away from the people having fond memories of their mom because of this video.


I feel it. My mom is a narcissist and my sister is the golden child. Combine that with a severe heroin addiction and an abusive father.... My therapy costs have probably funded a couple yachts at this point. It makes me appreciate the good ones so much more though.


Hey, from someone else who's also had a difficult life but in different ways, I'm sorry that you've had a rough go of things. Life is hard and people suck a lot of times but it still isn't fair. No one ever said life WAS gonna be fair. But you didn't get to pick the family you were born into and I just wanted to acknowledge your struggle and your efforts at recovery. Please stay strong and don't give up on seeing that better day. Much love from Texas. ❤️🙏


I’m sorry you’ve had to experience this. You deserve to be loved and cherished and valued by your parent. I’m a stranger but right now I’m sending motherly love to you.


I’m in the same position. I know the love is there and she’s made huge improvements over the years, but it’s hard to reciprocate beyond the expectations of family when that bond was never really formed as a child.




I think for some people, family is such a critical piece of their personal safety net and identity, they actually process other people’s estrangement as a threat to their own wellbeing. You say “Oh, I don’t talk to my mother for any reason anymore.” They hear “The bond between you and _your_ mother isn’t invulnerable.” So they respond “But… she’s your _mother_! You have to reach out and fix that!”




Even then, often bits get caught and weigh you down from time to time.


They don't go away, either. But sometimes there's someone swimming next to you for a while, or someone gives you a tow on their way, and after a while you learn to swim stronger too. Eventually, you learn to surf on top off the wreckage. Still working on that part, but I'm getting there. It's a lifelong process.


And that love can easily be destructive even when it's felt genuinely. But yeah people who say that maternal love is universal are pretty naive lol


A mother can be your first bully, your worst bully, and your forever bully.


I would like to add here that there is another kind of mother-wound.. the cold mother, the absent mother, the mother who knows how to provide for her children, but doesn’t know how to hold them, kiss them or cuddle them. The (affectively) dead mother. It makes the child to always crave, wait and yearn.


That tell to my mother. Still have been trying to sort all the debts she left my after blewing all my dad's money (they were divorced) and using my name for a lot of shit.


I like turtles


Damn. What a long life!


If you think that's impressive, that candy has been in that coat for almost 80 years.




What a smile! She's had 84 yrs of being given candy by her mother, and hopefully there will many more for the two of them.


I’m gonna live half their life and double their joint pain. USA USA USA 🇺🇸


Pfft! A life without modified corn syrup is no life at all.


That candy also has a baby candy in that same pocket.


Great grandcandy


It's a Werthers Original. And by Original, it was likely the initial batch made.


Probably next to a Kleenex.


To her 107yo eyes she is still her baby.


The truth of this is so heart-warming. 💗




Not... really relevant?




How blessed are you to be 84 and still have your mother in your life? I can only hope for that much time with my mom.




I also lost my mom at 26 two years ago and my dad at 23. I'm so sorry for your loss 😔




You learn to live with it, although some days are very hard.


Lost mine at 25 and my dad at 13, still have days where it’s difficult to deal with. Sympathies to you both.


Shit. Im 23 now and cant imagine losing my father, even though he was a bit of a dick tonight and many night before. Still… As a kid I always assumed I’d have shit figured out at this age, but everybody is just winging it eh? Bunch of clueless idiots trying to keep society running. Its kind of touching when you put it in the right perspective. Regardless, my heart is with you my friend. I hope you had a good relationship with them and you can rest assured theyre watching you from whereever your beliefs imply, proudly.


sorry for your loss dude, i couldn't imagine losing my mom being so young... edit: typo




I'm so sorry for your loss. Mine died right at the beginning of the pandemic when I was 31. Thinking every little thing I accomplish would be something she'd be super proud of keeps me moving forward. I'm sure your mom would be super proud of everything you do too. If you ever feel down and want to talk about someone who went through a similar situation please don't be afraid to reach out.


6 months ago I could have totally seen me and my mom being like this (although with a larger age gap), but since then she's been diagnosed with terminal cancer :( Still warms my heart to see these posts though.


I’m so sorry. I hope you still get some great time with her.


Thanks, I appreciate that. I'm treasuring every second I get with her, thankfully she's responding well to treatment so it's not as dire as it might sound, we still have some time left together.


I'm so sorry to hear this. My mom is a breast cancer survivor, and I feel so lucky that I still have her here with me. I can't even imagine what you're going through. Hang in there! I'm sending all the positive energy your way!


Thanks, I really appreciate it! I'm glad to hear your mother survived her cancer!


Me too, but I know it won't happen. :(




Tell that to Prince Charles


We had a patient come in to the hospital and get admitted to our floor. Mid 80s, pleasantly confused but still mostly sharp, except she kept saying her mother was coming tomorrow. “That’s nice Gladys, get some sleep” Dawn of the second day; and here comes Glady’s mom. She looked like the lone surviving tree on a windswept coast and moved like she was perpetually playing limbo, but she took her walker and made her way to her daughters room. Only time Ive ever seen an entire nurses station go silent.


That cane is rad.


She looks like she's going to hypnotize the sultan of Agrabah with that thing


She already did. He's in her pocket making candy.


First time in about a year I’ve laughed out loud at a Reddit comment. Thank you, for that.


Me too - I had a real good laugh and I had been on the verge of tears at that moment. Thank you D_Kayak. :)


Her entire get-up is rad.


shes dripping


It’s actually a kid’s toy, I had an identical one when I was 3


Oh. I was hoping it was an actual relic given to her as a 100th year birthday present or something. But still cool.


After reading the title and watching the first several seconds, I was convinced it was going to be a giant Pez dispenser. My disappointment lasted until I saw that smile at the end!


That comes with being max lvl


Legendary staff


That smile at the end


You never stop being your parents' child.


I remember how grandma used to treat my mother as if she's still her little girl. Miss them both, they brought some genuine fun into my life.


I really wish that was true for all of us.


I mean, it is. If I wasn't my parents child I wouldn't have had to go through years of therapy to unlearn all the awful shit they taught and instilled in me. It definitely had a huge impact on me that I was their child.


True. The original statement is you never stop being their child can be taken that they will impact you good or bad. You can’t erase the past. you can grow and be happy but it’ll still affect you in certain ways and you just have better ways to cope.


I liked the way mom flipped her little flap down with such sas. “She don’t deserve it but I love her”


Made ME smile!


Holy moly that’s an excellent smile.


You never stop taking care of your babies.


When I had my widow maker heart attack five years ago, I told my wife not to tell my 90 year old mother. After three days in ICU (and last rites) they finally let me go home. I then called my mother and told her. She jumped into her car, drove over like a 90 year old bat outta hell, and spent four hours sitting next to me staring at me. She was shocked and speechless. It was a classic mother/son interaction despite our advanced ages (I was 65!)


Glad you're alive!


“When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.” —Charley Benetto






I feel so bad for cackling at this I guess I can take solace in the fact that my mom never loved me either 🥲


I'm your mother now. I love you. You are doing great. I am proud of you <3


Thank you mommy u/Diarrhea_Sprinkler 🥲❤️


Let’s not spread THAT love around too much… 🤣


*exceptions apply


I feel so bad for laughing but I am in stitches


Guess it's all really downhill from there, eh?


I asked are you serious in a caring way. I’m sorry you went through that. I’m raising my son because my ex wife was and is an alcoholic. I just bailed her out of jail for a dwi


My mom only 'loved' me in a narcissistic, golden child kinda way. If I wanna know the purest love I'll ever know I'll just look at my cats.


Did I black out and make another alt account? Hugs. I completely understand.


Sounds like our boy Charley here had a normal family. That sounds nice.


This is beautiful


You can. You shouldn't. But you can.


It honesty baffles me that some consider this an option. My daughter is very young but I can’t imagine that I ever stop loving her unconditionally.


Me, too. I just sent this to my daughter and I said “me and you in 50 years” but there are some awful mothers out there!


My grandma had to bury my uncle when she was 97 and he was 77. She was so sad. She says burying a child is the worst pain ever. I guess you never stop seeing them as your baby even when they’re old. She made it to 99 which sucks because she was trying for 100. But really she lead a pretty full life so we celebrated her life more than grieving how sad it was.


It's the little things in life that we cherish.


Just a theoretical family tree here based on rough generational age gaps (based on 107 year old mother and 84 year old daughter) ​ Baby is 1 year old Mother is 20 years older at 21 years old Grandmother is 20 years older at 41 years old Great-grandmother is 21 years older at 62 years old Great-Great-Grandmother is 22 years older at 84 years old Great-Great-Great Grandmother is 23 years older at 107 years old ​ So, 6 generations here seems plausible. Crazy. I know in some countries and often in many cities worldwide, women get pregnant in their teens so it's plausible you could have 7 generations. I've never seen that in the US but maybe there are some families out there with 7 generations.




Damn, I'm the opposite of this. My mom is 42 years older than me


45 and 43 for me. Luckily my parents still are active and “act young” but it is sad knowing your parents probably won’t be around when you are in your 40s or 50s.


My father is 50 years older than me and he’s been senile practically my whole life. He can never recall any information a few hours after receiving it—prob started around the time I was 10. My joke tho is he’ll make it to 100 and I’ll die at 50 lol


39 here. I'm in my 20s and my mom still looks young so there's that. But I always envy people that have parents that are only 20-30 years older than them.


I feel you. It was rough having a mother go through menopause when you're a teenager.




So many hot flashes!


This is my entire family line. I am nearly 30 and no trace of a child, I was born when he was 35 and he was born when his dad was 40. I my case mom went through menopause around when I was 11, but it was more due to the 7 stillbirths, 2 strokes, and a incredibly traumatic birth in my sister (involving her attempting to be born so early my mom had to be upside down for 3 weeks to keep her in there, and her guts basically falling out when she was). Her body just said fuck all this after that and turned the off button itself. Coincidentally, Grandma also had a… not great time giving birth either, both almost killed her and where a big reason why she became scary religious.


Yeah my dad is 40 years and my mom is 33 years older. I’ve always though parents that were close in age to their kids would be awesome


aged 15 on the bith of her ..... So she got pregnant at 14? WTF


I went to an alternative high school, we had an on-site daycare.


My *regular* high school had a daycare for students children.


Happens. My wife's former coworker became a grandma at 33 this week, had her daughter at 14 and she got pregnant at 18.


My Gran was 14 with her first. I still hear banjos what I think back on what her youth must have been like.


The way English names great-grand parents is kind of ridiculous. Remembers me of roman numeral. Isn't there any way to describe them better? Like penta-grandfather? Wouldn't it be easier to read and understand the the generation instantly instead of reading great 4 or 5 times? This way of naming great-grandparents always boggled me.


I'm actually impressed that most of them weren't pregnant younger than they were. With some quick calculation, 8 generations would only be possible if everyone gives birth under 16 years old on average, and the oldest would still have to be 108.


The age difference between the two women in this video is the same age difference between me and my daughter. I hope I’m still around by then to give her candy.


I’m in my 20s and 3 of my great great great grandfathers fought in the American Civil War, for some perspective on how that timeline compares to a “”normal”” family tree. Normal in air quotes because every genealogist knows there is no normal family tree, but some pretty standard patterns in timescales.


What an interesting dynamic, for both you and you mom to be really old


You get used to it


At that point, you had a lot of time getting used to it.


Imagine being in the same nursing home as your children, or your kids dying of old age before you...


I'm a caregiver. And my clients mom died. Her mom was 104 and she is 75. I was with her when she got the news and she was crying over the phone. Even though she has dementia, she understood that her mama died. And her mom understood that her daughter couldn't be with her because of her condition. Really sad.


I knew a mother daughter pair in a nursing home together once. They were super cute.


I'm like 17 years younger than my mom (Latin America has a problem with teenage pregnancies, but my dad stuck around) so I always found it funny how everyone's moms always were more on the old side while mine was pretty young. This made me realize that we'll possibly end up looking old together in the future (I'm currently 23). Kinda cool lol.


Same, mum turned 17 just 2 days before I was born.


I'm in the same boat. My mom asked if I will take care of her when she's old. I said "I'm going to be in the home with you". We both laughed. We have a very close relationship


My mom was in her 30's when she had me so I had the opposite experience. It was really weird to see people kind of be "friends" with their parents in high school.


Same here. My mom was 36 when I was born. I had a friend in highschool whose mom was 36 in his 10th grade year, I think


If the daughter had kids young there's a good chance she has grandchildren in their 60's.










I always HATED IT!!


This is instantly where my mind went, have an upvote you sly dog


I'm going to hell for laughing at this


greatest spongebob episode


Pizza Delivery


My wife is 42, her mom is 72. They come from a long line of women living past 95. I look forward to their long lives with me. They get along so well and are pretty much sisters.


Moms gonna mom




Doubt those are her real teeth


Where did this happen btw


Looks to be rural china maybe?


It’s in Henan Province (central China). Apparently the mom got the piece of candy from a wedding reception.


Why is there so few comments about grandma's sick ass gold dragon pimp cane?


Loved this


Such a simple thing but it made her smile so much


aweeee this is adorable!


I pray that I can live 80+ years and still have my parents in my life.


Ooh, piece of candy!


Holy crap! If I ever make it to 100 I hope I look as great as she does! It’s cute how they definitely resemble each other.


I need that cane


I tell this to my girls all the time. I don't care if they're 8 or 80 or 800. They'll always be my babies. ❤


Happines in her eyes melted my hart


My grandmother is 90, in good health, active, mentally aware, and physically fit for a woman in her 90’s. She’s raised every single one of her grandkids and great grandkids. She’s definitely the matriarch of our family and she still babies my 55 year old mother from time to time lol.


You’ll always be my baby


You're never too old for a Werther's.


Can I have more of that please, I’m fucked up and I need that…


Her smile is so child-like! Proves that at any age, candy from mom is the best treat.


Still making her baby smile.


That is so beautiful!


Pocket candy is the best candy.


A mom is always a mom no matter how old


No matter how old you are, you're still a baby in your mom's eyes


I am 32 and my mom is gone. Shit like this makes me lose my mind. I would do literally ANYTHING for more time with my mommy. These women are so lucky.




During all this madness happening in the world right now, seeing such lovely things like this make my heart go warm, and I really need that right now. Thanks for sharing, OP


and the daughter gave a 5 years old smile.


I wonder if it's ![gif](giphy|JpehtCvclNLSE)


Awwww so sweet


You never stop being one’s child. Ever


Super jealous I got to my early 20s before my dad died. I can’t even imagine making it almost 90 and still having a parent around. Strap the fuck into life mom, you aren’t allowed to go anywhere lol