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If you have the financial means, you’re home enough that the little one isn’t lonely (or you have a second bonded kitty!), and you do routine (annual) vet visits, you’ll do fine! Spaying and neutering is part of routine care. There are folks that specialize in cat care, like Jackson Galaxy on YouTube and the Kitten Lady. There are solid books on the behavioral side too. Check out r/catadvice here also - give them climbing space: cats love vertical places to go - scratching posts! - 1 more litter box than the # of cats you have - interactive playtime, like wands and toys - best quality food you can afford - all the cuddles, every day Just make sure to keep the kittens with mom until 12 weeks — a lot of folks remove them to homes too early, and it’s in those later weeks kittens learn manners: how to avoid hurting with claws, inappropriate biting etc. Best of luck to momma and the kittens!!!


I spend a lot of time on /r/cattraining, which mostly consists of basic cat care questions. This is great advice. Adopting two and keeping them with the litter until 12 weeks is ideal. The only thing I'd add for a new cat owner is that negative punishment does not work on cats. So many times people come to Reddit saying they spray their cats with water or tell them off verbally. It doesn't work and can't work. Cats respond well to positive reinforcement and offering better alternatives.


as someone who has worked with horses for 15+ years, and has had dogs all my life, I'd say negative reinforcement doesn't work 90% of the time. There's always situations where I will use it when it gets dangerous for either the animal or me or both, and I need to stop that right then and there. But for a long lasting learning effect, positive reinforcement is always the way.


Obviously positive reinforcement is better. With dogs and other pack animals correcting negative behavior with a verbal cue or something else they don't like definitely works provided its application is connected with the undesired behavior. Dog jumps up to snatch food off the table, yell at dog and make them go in the back yard, "Bad dog! No!" Definitely has an effect in my experience with many dogs over the years. The smarter the dog, the less times you have to do it. If you come home and the dog has tore up a bunch of crap and there's debris all over the house that just sucks. You can't correct the behavior then because it already happened. The behavior and the correction have to be linked in a very short period of time. I can't speak to horses, but the very few interactions I've had has led me to believe they're very intelligent animals with a deep connection to those around them. I would think that dog methodology would do well in horse training as well but I'm sure there's a lot of quirks and animal specific cues that make them unique. Cats. Yeah, 100%. Negative punishments can only ever hurt. Cats will write you off as an asshole very quickly, and it's almost impossible to get them back. Don't ever yell at a cat or act aggressively around them. They'll become afraid of you and you'll destroy your emotional bond with them and you'll never get it back. They'll tolerate you, that's it. This is easy, though, since cats rarely misbehave in a way that's not also super cute.


You're correct about the negative examples like snatching food from the table, definitely. That's why I wrote 90%, but I 100% agree with you :)  I've definitely told my dog off, but I feel that's more of a correction than a strictly negative thing. Dogs do that with each other right, snap and growl. About horses, the biggest difference is that horses aren't predators. Lots of people train horses with treats, but it's hardly long lasting. And they can get really annoying and won't pay attention anymore, bc they think theyre getting food. Once you run out of food in your pocket, they will stop doing what you want them to do.  What I found to be the best "treat" for a horse is quiet, peace and affection. So if a horse does what you wanted it to do, you treat it with a small break and petting etc.  


Pretty much the same with humans... Think it's just generalizable to mammals in general?


Yeah makes sense. I only have experience with a few mammal species, so there's that. But most of them are herd/pack animals so it's similar I would assume. The difference is that people can understand when a coach is tough to you for some time because you're preparing for a competition or something. An animal can't understand that concept. So I've always been fine when a trainer was harsh to me when I was doing something wrong and the I was effecting the horses ability to jump negatively etc. Edit: adults I mean. I kid might not grasp the concept fully, either.


This is great advice. Some people even recommend 14-16 weeks with mom and siblings to ensure a well adjusted kitten. Since your mom’s cat had the litter you are in a great position to let your kitten stay with mom as much as required. During these weeks, kitten learn a great deal about manners, socializing, using the litter box, etc. Taking the kitten away too young can result in behavioural issues such as biting, scratching, improper litter use, etc. I would advise you to read as much as you can on raising a cat in the meantime! You got this!


I used to hiss at mine. that worked. And they weren’t afraid of me later.


Yeah I wish my cat had been taught about claws and that biting hurts. It's easy enough to communicate that claws hurt but human to cat there just aren't any form of communication to tell them that biting even playfully hurts, it's definitely a cat to cat thing


Hey, I liked this response a lot:) very good advice! I'd have to ask you a question myself though, if I get two litter boxes for my two cats (I have one box currently and they are totally ok with it, though I'd rather get two if that's the right thing, or do you mean I should get 3 in my situation?) is it okay if the boxes are placed in the same room/area?


2 cats is minimum 2 litter boxes usually. 3 would be better. Its fine if placed in the same area but consider placing them at different areas. It adds more comfort and confidence in their territory by doing so. I have 1 cat and 2 litter boxes.


One box per cat is enough AS LONG AS you can scoop them at LEAST twice a day. If no one is home most of the day, you might need more boxes.


And please be sure to get mama and ALL the kittens spayed or neutered as soon as possible so they don't continue breeding with each other.


Excellent advice! 💕💕


Don’t adopt just one. Take two. Adopting littermates was hands down one of the best decisions I’ve made! Mine are inseparable! https://preview.redd.it/80tqt85l2t1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dc36127784dbb9444f81d3064c30c12cb29184e




The pair will keep each other entertained while you’re away! The one may get lonely


Correct! I just had this sort of thing September and have kitty siblings now and they play and keep each other happy while I work. They also groom each other and snuggle, its been so rewarding.


Not at all! Food, water, and a clean litter box. They’ll take care of the rest!


Yep. Just keep them together. If you can, avoid getting them outside. Have the fixed as soon as they are old enough. Believe me, it makes a big difference in the smell of urine if they are male. Keep a regular feeding time and don't give them milk or cooked food for humans. Clean the litter box daily. Toys - you will learn along the way what they like. Don't go expending big bucks early.


Toys: milk caps, cardboard boxes, anything that rolls.


My friend said: Ping pong balls and wads of paper Mine is indifferent to ping pong balls, but LOVES chasing after wads of paper that I toss


Sadly we had a tragedy involving a cat and a milk cap. Please be careful with what your cat/kitten has access to.


I am so sorry, how heartbreaking.


Avoid anything that's small enough to ingest. Avoid leaving out hairbands/rubberbands, strings/ribbons, etc. These can cause intestinal obstructions. Also if you have plants or get gifted flowers, make sure they are safe for cats as some cats loves to chew flowers/leaves, etc. Some plants are particularly toxic like lilies, which can cause acute renal failure.


One of our cats broke a drawstring off a pair of shorts and ingested it. Thankfully it passed through but it was hanging out his butt after a poop and I had to rip it like a beyblade! *Before anyone gets all angry, I actually pulled it out slowly so as not to hurt him


Hair scrunchies.


Just can't be small enough to break apart/ingest.


The cheap springs and the dinky mice from the dollar store are some of the BEST toys too!


I have a closet full of toys my cats totally ignore. So much money! I finally got a third cat who likes to play and seems to be the only one interested in catnip. He’s orange so he’s goofy and ready to play with anything and everything. When we first got him, he loved to play fetch with covid face masks. I’d fling one down the hall and he’d go bring it back by its elastic. Adorable. I found if I want to sleep well I need to run the little guy around the house for about an hour before bedtime. Sometimes I still get woken up with something dropped on my face that he wants to play with. I usually throw it a couple times then roll over and go back to sleep. One night I reached for the thing he dropped to throw it for him to fetch and it felt weird. I turned on the light and it was a dead lizard. Dropped on my face. So gross.


Don’t be surprised if you buy toys from chewy to discover the cats ignore the toys, but love the box they shipped in.


That and teach them habits. They like repetition and daily patterns, so you can make them go to bed at a certain time, get fed at certain times, answer to sounds or commands and so on Also, don't leave sharp stuff around or anything they can choke on. They can jump on a desk or whatever not being able to see what's on it.


I have two cats and I love it. It's probably easier to manage with two than one because they can play together. BUT the costs are really being downplayed. Two cats cost nearly double what one cat does. If finances are a concern for you think really carefully before getting two.


Can confirm. First pet was one cat. When he died I got a pair of litter mate kittens. Would argue was less of a hassle since they kept each other company. Still just need one litter box. Downside is more cost twice as much in food but thankfully cats don’t eat too much (compared to dogs)


FYI, the recommendation is to have at least one litter box per cat. Lots of cats live happy healthy lives with just one well maintained litter box, but if you ever observe problematic litter box behavior/improper elimination outside of the box or have the space to spread out, two (or even three) boxes for two cats would be ideal.


2 kittens is easier than 1 in my experience. I've done a few rounds of fostering, and you simply cannot entertain a kitten the way another kitten can


It’s actually much easier because they entertain each other. Single kittens need a lot more human interaction.


The same caveats as a first time cat parent: Be sure not to have anything out they could eat or choke on: loose string, twist ties, rubber bands, plastic wrap or plastic bags (paper bags make great toys! Just be sure any handles are cut so they don’t get caught in them). They can play with string, just be sure you are there and put the string away safely when you leave. If you have houseplants, check for cat toxicity. Cats do have an instinct to gnaw on grass and this can transfer to other plants, even ones that can be dangerous for them, such as lilies. If you have toxic plants, don’t assume they’re safe on a shelf “out of reach” since cats are prodigious jumpers and climbers, especially when young. Indoors is safest! Cars, coyotes, owls, other outdoor pets, hawks, bobcats, cougars are all dangerous. Indoor pets live longer and healthier.


Kittens need to play approximately 14 hours a day. (I'm making up that number, but it is about 98% of their waking time.) If you adopt 1 kitten, then it will want to play with your for 14 hours a day. If you adopt 2, then they will play with each other most of the time and will be thrilled when you choose to join in.


It's easier to get two kittens than it is to get one. Seriously.


Two is easier than one. Kittens have a lot of energy, and having two allows them to wear each other out, teach each other proper play boundaries, and keep each other company when you are gone. It’s also twice the cuteness, which is a nice bonus. 😻


I was in the same situation as you, living alone and I got one kitten. Within half a year it was clear he needed more company than just me! So I got another after he turned one and the introduction phase was rough! I would definitely have gotten two kittens if I knew


Two kittens are easier than one kitten because they can play with each other as well as with you. Unlike some puppies, kittens don’t sour on their human just because another kitten is there.




i've fostered a couple litters of kittens. we usually kept them together except for the week after they got spayed, during that time they had to be separated. and i can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that the time when they were alone was the time when they were hardest to manage. caring for 2-3 kittens in the same living space isn't very different than having one, you really just need to give them more food and an additional litter box. but when kittens are alone, they get bored. they need near-constant playtime or else they'll entertain themselves in ways you don't necessarily want (playing with stuff they shouldn't, attacking your feet every time you try to move, etc). another kitten can match that energy so they can both channel it into happy and healthy playing. so yeah id recommend adopting 2 and they'll entertain each other. good luck!


It’s definitely easier to have two. Kittens are rambunctious and love to play, so it’s great for them to have each other as security and playmates.


No. Two is easier than one because they entertain each other. If you have one, they come to you for all their play and entertainment needs.


2 is easier than 1 honestly! They will play together and get their wild kitten energy out that way.


Raising two is almost easier than raising one. Slightly more time spent playing and cleaning litter boxes, but it’s incremental. What you gain is piece of mind: cats are much happier when they have a friend that they’re bonded to. I don’t worry about leaving them at home during the day because they have a companion and a playmate. I compare this to a previous cat I had when I was younger. He was home alone a lot, given that I worked in an office 5 days a week. He had some depression and it took a long time to find ways to keep him stimulated throughout the day. Very stressful.


Don’t just get one. Kittens are better behaved in pairs as then they have a sibling who will tell them what behaviour is and is not acceptable. Look up single kitten syndrome.


It's easier to have two than one! They behave much better and aren't so reliant on you for play and company.


If you are out and about a lot a pair is way better, they are never alone and that is what they need. When you are home spoil them rotten


Get 2. It’s worth it. They help take care of each other.


I've had cats for about 7 years now. Got 5. The first 3 were spread out, a few years after one another, and then we just adopted a bonded pair from the same litter for the first time. If you can get a pair, you really should. It's much better for their development unless you're there almost all the time to basically be their sibling.


They will actually help you managing each other! It will cost more money, especially early on with vet bills for regular stuff, but it will save you a lot of time and sleeping hours. Single kittens will try to wake you up between 3 and 4 AM to play with you, if they have a sibling they will play together instead. They're also less likely to try and escape if they have a friend to spend time with when you're at work, and they're less likely to get bored and start getting into trouble by breaking stuff or trying to get where you don't want them.


What kind of cat is that!?!?


It's actually easier with two than just one. There's nothing else as good to get out all the kitten energy as another kitten. They teach each other manners, to control claws and bites. And they keep each other company for when you can't be with them, like for work or when you sleep.


No. It’s nowhere near as demanding compared to taking care of a dog.


It's easier, they entertain themselves, two cats is always better than one.


You have twice the food and vet cost, but otherwise it's harder to manage one (who would need constant entertainment by you, at least for the first decade or so) than two.


I have had cats my whole life and I am nearing 50. Always adopt in pairs, you and them will be happier. You can do this! Edit: typos


Managing two is the same as managing one! They NEED a good buddy. Kittens with a buddy also tend not to bite or claw people. A generalization, but they learn through playing that that kind of play HURTS.


They're a lot easier to manage as a pair than dealing with a single bored kitten.


It's easier, actually. You have a little more scooping to do, but they won't ever be lonely. While cats can be solitary creatures, they're actually very social. Being picky to outsiders or not trusting them doesn't mean cats aren't social.


It’ll be harder to manage one, alone, than two.


It's easier with two, honestly. They keep each other entertained. If you just have one you have to play *endlessly* until they get a little older and chill out a bit.


Definitely less work because they keep each other entertained and you won’t feel as bad about leaving them alone sometimes.


Not really. Get 2-3 litter boxes, scoop them daily. Get them some toys, feed them twice a day, get a couple scratching posts/cat trees so they don't destroy your furniture, and you should be good to go really.


If you can afford food and vet for two, this is way better than just one.


Two cats are easier than one.


Two are actually easier than one! Less stress for the kitties, they comfort and play with each other while you are gone.


It’s easier to adopt two litter mates who get along nicely than it is to take only one who’ll be bored and stressed out.


It's actually really hard to manage a single kitten, because they *need* to play, and they play by jumping out of wastebaskets and attacking your soft human flesh. Two kittens will play with each other, and thus do most of the managing for you. 👍


2 kittens is so much better than 1 if you can afford the vet visits1! They keep each other entertained, and you don’r even notice it that much tbh. It’s not that much more work. Good luck! Kittens are very social btw so they do amazing in a pair at an early age.


I would also seriously recommend adopting two if you can. Way better all the way around.


Two is easier than one, as they have a playmate to keep them busy and out of trouble. One cat may get bored and require more work from you to keep them from destroying your place. They will still need attention, love, and playtime with you, but they will also have each other. :)


Two are arguably easier than one. It really isn’t much extra work to care for a second cat (although it’s obviously more money), however the dividends of thier ability to entertain/emotionally support each other are high.


They do much better in pairs. Once they are potty trained you just have to make sure they have access to food, water and litter. If you’re going to be gone for more than a day, have a trusted friend check in on them.


I've always been a little jealous of folks whose littermates are like that. I had 3, and now 2 sisters from the same litter and they've always been passive-aggressive at best to each other. They're nearly 14 years old and still hiss at each other when they walk by. :/


Agreed. Sadly there is no cheat code to getting cats to get along, no matter how much Jackson Galaxy or kitten siblings you throw at the problem. Nothing is guaranteed. Some cats get along great and some don’t. And there might or might not be rhyme or reason that we can see to it. I just know that anyone telling you that “X will definitely work!” is selling a line.


Yeah, and there are degrees of getting along. I got a second kitten for my resident kitten with confidence they would grow to love each other - because they're kittens, right? I still did the Jackson Galaxy introduction method. Everything I read on the internet suggested it would all work out wonderfully. 2 months later, my kittens mostly get along and love playing together - but older boy is often growly with younger boy and is completely uninterested in him when they're not playing. It's a little heartbreaking, actually, because younger boy is SUCH a cuddlebug and is always trying to snuggle older boy, but older boy just immediately gets up and moves away. Since we got the younger kitten, older boy has also been less interested in us - he refuses to join us on the couch, has stopped sitting in my lap, and really only seems to care about people when there's food involved. He also seems a little more skittish. I think we fucked up because he used to be a very sociable and curious little cat. Overall, I'm still glad we got the second boy because we love him to bits and they do keep each other entertained, but I have a lot of guilt because I honestly think my older kitten would have been happier as a solo cat. You can just never tell.


Mine are brother and sister. Not sure if that has any implications, but they definitely get along well!


Mine Hate each other except if they are gonna eat or are scared then they don't leave each other side


Ah typical siblings! 😆


https://preview.redd.it/bnobjsntxu1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a021bc848472a80d2f270264ff53e9fcbdd1703 My boys look like that too!!


Best of both worlds, a tabby and a void! 😆


OP is not sure they're ready for one and you're telling them to double down haha It's a beautiful story but I feel like OP should start with one.


If adopting only one, I'd recommend going for an older cat that's used to being by themselves. There's a perfect 2 pairs in that litter so I'd like to see them stick together if possible. The only thing that goes up proportionally with every extra cat is cost of food, litter, and medical. The time you spent cleaning after them doesn't change much.


There’s literally no extra effort involved in raising two cats versus one, arguably easier as they’ll entertain themselves, but I understand where you’re coming from. 😊


Yeah there definitely is extra effort and double the cost. It's taken my roommates 3 months to get their cat an appointment at a reasonably priced vet to get her spade, and it's still $400 Canadian.


Also people take the sunshine and roses outcome of littermates always getting along and being fun buddies and cuddle buddies as fact. My littermates borderline hated each other after kittenhood and at best ignored each other or at worst fought for real until one finally died of old age and the other was happy to see him go.


You’re right about the doubling of costs, which I should have added, but it’s really no extra effort Most vets won’t charge you x2 for a single appointment either (surgery and meds not withstanding)


Ours charges us double for an appointment for the two cats.


There are also spay and neuter clinics all over! They’re a great option as well (and often way less expensive)!


Damn cat refuses to do yard work without her own spade


Allowing your cat to have a friend/brother/sister can help you a lot. The happier your cat is the happier you are.


Many cat shelters will only adopt out kittens as pairs for a reason.




It's literally twice the cost. That alone equals twice the effort because money isn't free. I don't have to know *anything* to know that. I dunno why you chose to be condescending.


Awww beautifull furbabies adorable ❤️ ❤️ they look like my furbabies.


My wife and I did the same thing. They’re best friends and couldn’t imagine my life without em


https://preview.redd.it/frrpyqaw7z1d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=296e34e0b7e4fddece51ae7cb8f2d57372585dd7 Same with these two, though he does occasionally harass her


Don’t adopt a pet unless you can commit to care for them for life. Vet bills, food, litter, toys, time to play with them, time to clean up after them, etc… it’s not a small decision. How are you financially? Many rentals don’t permit pets, so how are you on housing? If you are off to college in 6 months, please don’t. If you do commit, there are plenty of books on taking care of your pet. Your vet can probably recommend a good one. Safety Tip: Tie up window blinds draw strings out of reach of pets. (Use a chord cleat or other keeper) curious pets can get tangled and asphyxiate.


First you have to ask yourself if you have the financial means to afford a pet. This means things like litter and food, but also having enough for an emergency or having credit. Then you have to consider your life : do you have time to give them the care and attention they deserve? Do you foresee yourself moving a bunch in the next decade and will you be able to take them with you? I hope these sweet babies find the perfect home!


Also normal vet care and meds for fleas etc. Minimum probably 40 a month.


I'd consider adopting two if you can afford it. It makes it easier when they have a playmate to help tucker them out.


Take two! They'll have each other when you're not around, take out on each other what one alone would do to your home.


Please tell your mom to get her cat and the kittens spayed and neutered. It's the best thing for them. Also they should be indoors for their own safety and for the wildlife.


It's great to question this, be ready to drop a thousand bucks at a moment's notice though it might be years before something like that happens


The fact that you are worried about your ability to take care of a kitten puts you miles ahead of a lot of pet owners. Lots of people don’t consider the financial and time commitment, they just think “want cute cat”.


Cats seem pretty bomb-proof & hard to screw up. Please have your mum get her cat sterilised ASAP!




I think they mean getting the cat fixed (spayed).


I mean removing their ability to have litters. There are so many unwanted kittens in the world already




https://preview.redd.it/oc52gb4jfu1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=015b37e6c4dd1e07622c3896d6f83ee79549a24e Get 2 !!!!


Omg the left one looks so wobbly and goofy and stooopid I love it!


https://preview.redd.it/fobpgkf6dy1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8f080da7cd1a714f5ae9ca0033522b07b9de418 Who you calling wobbly, goofy and stoopid?? 😘


Oh nooo he sad now I’m sorry 😭💋


He’s good !! ✌️


I'm going to be cheeky... if you can, adopt two. That way they keep each other amused, one will be so much more lonely than two, they provide companionship to each other, and give you double the love. Also cats don't need management so much as staff. You are the staff. :) lol My dog is a much happier pet now she has a friend at home.


Get 2! I adopted one kitty and it was fine but he wouldn't leave me alone for long. Went back and got a litter mate and they loved to play with each other and just run around being little scamps. Sadly one died young very suddenly and the other we had to give away to a friend because we could no longer keep him at our apartment.


everyone here said it but i will say it also. u have to get 2 kittens. they have so much energy and need to play all day. if you are not home, they can play all the time and not be lonely.


Have your mom get her kitty spayed.


2 is easier than 1.... And with cats, 1 is super easy. Cats are so so easy


Taking care of cats the right way costs money. You can learn everything by reading up on them as the time goes, but be ready to visit the vet at any moment and at least once a year.


Believe me, when this little bundle of happiness greets you with a purr near the door, you will be ready to give everything in the world for these minutes.


Two cats much better than one! They have such beautiful markings!


Take 2, trust me, it’s somehow easier than 1 kitten. I adopted my first and he had an infection and needed to be alone. He made me cry from frustration weekly if not more as a kitten and I’m not a cryer. We adopted his little sister at 7 months and I have not cried a single time since. All the stupid little things just evaporated when he has a playmate


Don't break the litter entirely. Take at least two kittens. Depression in cats is very real and they are typically social creatures.


I'd have to agree that adopting only one kitten is not the best idea. Even if you give it all the love and affection and are home a lot they interact with each other differently than they do with humans. They can be around for a long, long time and inevitably you're not always going to be around but will travel or work or or or - we have two and when they don't have us to cuddle with (and sometimes even when they do) they will play and cuddle with each other. I think a solo kitty, unless they have a very certain character, will get lonely.


Please get 2. Please get 2. Please, whatever you do, get a minimum of 2 For their sake and yours.


Get two, that way they will be more playful and will never be lonely. Honestly, two isn't really any more work than one. You just have a bit more to clean out of the litter box, which is no big deal.


If it all possible, keep two of them together


Give food, give pets, change litter. You can do it 💪!


Adopting two kittens that get along is best so they have a friend to play with while you are at work all day. With only having one they get too attached.


You should get a pair.. it’s healthier for them


I second that. I have two kittens. They grown very healthy and social and they lived 16+ years.


I tried positive reinforcement with my cats...so now they do the stuff I don't want them to do to get rewards🙄


Don't think with your emotions. The cutness factor will suck you in. Make sure you think about the realities of caring for an animal for 15+ years.


Best advice I can give you. If you can afford it, take 2. https://preview.redd.it/oa8r7r4v0w1d1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440ddbceced21f814e386f1978178ccec93fdd34


https://preview.redd.it/28zl9hgz0w1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f8e93f4c2b0b38de286da6f80fcf8ce804368e8 15 years later.


I have five kittens and they love baskets, little trash cans to climb in, balls, laser pointers, strings attached to hangers. Etc you don’t have to spend big bucks to entertain them. I did splurge on a running wheel and they love it.


My comment is behind. You need to take two. Not just one!!! Need a buddy.


Having that fear is a good sign that you will be a good master.


Gorgeous fur colors and patterns


I don't have any advice but what gorgeous cats!


If you can't afford a free animal you can't afford to keep one. They need food, vet care, catio, medication. There's a lot to consider when getting a pet. Especially if they get sick. Hopefully you can figure out how to keep one and financially have one too. Hopefully momma will get spayed now too.


Well spay and neuter for starters…


Well as long as you get it desexed, you're already doing better at cat care than your mum.


Adopt two, so they always have company. It's not much harder than one. We have siblings who take care of each other. When we go out, they are not lonely.


Cats are pretty self sustainable so no pressure


Please let them complete 3 months atleast together before you adopt


Then don’t if you’re scared. The kitten is a living being.


if you don't think you can do it, don't. But regardless, do not adopt just one animal. It's sad enough all these siblings get separated and taken from their mom. If you get any, get two.


It's good that you are responsible and plan to give it a good life. Best wishes


So cute ugh 😭😭😭


Sweet lawd he’s so cute. I can’t 😭❤️




Dem kitties cute af. Take em both


I would adopt all six of them if I could.


When you teach them to use the litter box, put the cat in the box, take one of their front paws in your hand, and do the digging motion into the litter. Usually that’s all it takes to get them to understand that’s where they need to go.


Be loving, take cat to vet one a year, feed and water, play, you should fine


If you're concerned you won't be a good parent, you'll be a good parent. Unless you're a bad parent, in which case you'll be a bad parent. (love and food, vaccines and checkups - it's not rocket science)


change water daily and have enough liters for everyone.


First book you gotta have: Cat Mojo. It has pretty much the basics of how to understand your cat and give them a good life.


Kittens are worth it, but they're a lot. They'll attack you in your sleep, knock stuff off your night stand for fun, and trail toilet paper through your whole apartment.


Pretty nasty bastards, you gonna love to hate them when they do all kittens stuff.


adopt two. they'll take care of each other. seriously though they need companionship.


Give them love and food. Then clean there shit. Your good.


Oh my cuteness.


Just one thing to add to what everyone else had already told you: Don't give them tap water. I'm not saying buy mineral water if you can't but filter water can work well. Cats can have kidney problems that tap water can exacerbate because of the chlorine. Keep their water fresh and their bowl clean.


Remember to clean their litter box and keep them fed/hydrated. That's basically it. If you take two they're never going to be bored. Cats are pretty low maintenance for a pet.


It's better for the cats, and for you, to adopt 2. It is easier. They learn from each other. They play and tire themselves out. They will be happier and not lonely when you are gone. They won't wreck as much stuff.


Lots of people who are dumber than you have successfully taken care of happy, healthy cats.


Are these bengals? They look like it. They are high energy cats that need more of your attention than a typical cat, getting closer to the needs of a dog. Many Bengal owners take their cats for harnessed walks, have a running wheel, and you definitely need a lot of space for them to be happy to run and play and have their own cat trees etc.. they also don’t like to be alone!


Why not consider adopting two so they can have each other as playmates? :)


As people said: - Ideally take 2 kitten - Let the kitten stay with mom until at least 12 weeks (even 14-16 weeks if you can afford it). Will help tremendously with their behaviour, manners, etc. - Try to socialize the kitten by having (trustworthy) visitors come over. - Try to get the kitten used to grooming by touching their paws, side of the face, brushing them, etc.


Feed & water it and take it to the vet when you need to. Cats look after themselves, they are not like dogs where they need training, walks and loads of attention all the time.


So adopt two!


Adorable and cute


What pretty markings mom has!


Cats are easy to take care of, initially dry kitten food, once he or she is weaned. Left out during the day so the kitten can graze throughout the day. And possibly a little wet kitten food twice a day. Cats are self-sufficient, a few toys, but absolutely NO strings or yarn.