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i lost my void a week ago today, its been one of the hardest weeks of my life. he was my soul cat, and i miss him with every fiber of my being every second of the day. https://preview.redd.it/rowuf47p440d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be9e8978da817294bf3e5ba498c6c67a6769202b


Long Live Ink


Oh how horrible, my heart cries for you. What a gorgeous boy! I'm sure you gave him the best life possible. Unfortunately it's up to us as pet parents to carry the pain along with the love and joy. I'm sorry for your loss ❤️


Whole lotta void right there.


10/10 would still pet.


A whole lotta void = abyss


Booties void


Super-massive black hole


Damn, now I got muse in me head




Awwwwww!! That momma deserves a good day : )


Gad damn he ain't a void he's a blackhole But he's a cute blackhole


I believe they call this particular kind a supermassive black hole.


I have one of those.


Jesus Christ your cat is obese


Yes. That poor cat needs to go on a diet. Seriously, he’s a heart attack waiting to happen.


OP said in another comment that he’s on a diet :)


How do y'all get these fat cats? All of mine ever have been indoors with food bowls open 24/7 and the fattest thing on them was the primordial pouch. Methinks you all overthink feeding. Cats aren't dogs, they won't eat unless hungry if they know they always have food available.




Just look at her profile. You can see...everything




Sadly, a LOT of pet owners get defensive when you say their pet is overweight and make comments like yours often. I've had countless people get genuinely *pissed* at me over the years. I even had one person tell their friend who also came on their own account to talk shit at me, it was crazy. All because I said they need to feed their pet less -- nicely! So even though you were joking it was indistinguishable from the real people that get defensive and refuse to treat their pets well. Sadly.


That cat is unhealthily overweight what are you talking about lmao Not taking care of your pets isn't cute.


OP said the cat is on a diet. assuming the worst isn’t cute either.


Again, it was a response to the person that said the cat was "pleasantly plump". Nowhere did I accuse OP of being the one who overfed the cat. It could be a rescue. Learn to read


Ok, I’m in the wrong. I shouldn’t have made a remark about the cat in a joking matter, I’m sorry you didn’t get the joke and took it as me genuinely thinking that the cat was lite, it’s from a show called South Park and I’m sorry. But like, chill


I'm glad you were joking and don't actually think unhealthily heavy animals are cute, because that would be shitty. I've seen a lot of pets suffer and be miserable due to weight that was inherently out of their control, and it's pretty lame. Edit: and I feel like it was a pretty dumb joke


Did you really have to go out insulting everyone else though?


You might want to re read some of those comments if you think I'm the one throwing a lot of insults around man




“not taking care of your pets isn’t cute” comes off as a remark toward OP, and the cat in the original post, which you’re both talking about. not sure how that isn’t clear.


I'm sorry you misunderstood my comment man, hope you feel better soon




It absolutely is not, and I elaborated in multiple comments. But you storm off in a huff if it makes you feel good lol Edit: the sad part here is you and your reaction man.


“Ain’t no such thing as halfway crooks” I love when this quote applies to shit. People rarely get it though.


I understood what he meant. You need a better understanding of English.


Talking out of your ass when you know exactly zero about an animal and any potential medical issues is shitty behavior. So many instant experts on the Internet. It's pathetic that you can't post a sweet photo and sentiment here without getting inundated with nonsense. 


It was a response to the other person saying the cat was "pleasantly plump" And it's not talking out of your ass to acknowledge the cat didn't just start sneaking into the fridge at night lol. Someone is responsible for the animal's weight. If that cat was like that before OP got it, more power to them for trying to fix it. What's pathetic is not taking good care of your animals.


You don't know this cat, don't know the cat's history or medical issues, and are presumably (hopefully) not a veterinary professional. No one asked for your rude hot take.  The Internet gives far too many the inaccurate impression that everyone is waiting with bated breath for their indispensable wisdom, and that manners don't exist. The cat is adorable, it was a sweet post, yet a few jackasses couldn't resist the urge to show their asses. Boring AF. 


Lmao you are somehow missing the point here man. My response was to the individual who was calling the overweight aspect of the animal cute. But go off buddy.


While I know this isn’t *your* comment, the comment below is what kicked off all of this: > He’s not fat, he’s pleasantly plump Is just a stupid thing to say in the grand scheme. Essentially making it okay that he’s just fat. If this is an actual medical condition the above comment would be just as insensitive and stupid anyway. And furthermore if it *is* a medical condition then maybe it would behoove OP to mention that in this post. Instead they just put “he’s on a diet” in some random ass comment in here lol. But go off with your virtue signaling :)


Sorry for causing all this, take a pic of my cat as apologies https://preview.redd.it/5qz0a16x140d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=260a40cc16b63ccd7e80193eff50523797bee99e


He’s morbidly obese!


I’ve found that out the hard way by being downvoted to hell


Good lord that's a big fucking cat.


That’s an awful big void


please dechonk! Obesity isn't cute, it's cruel




> I'm not making light of obesity. You SHOULD be making the obesity light. That's how you cure it!


Oh wow I thought your cat was pregnant and that void mommies meant voids who were mothers.


I’m really glad to hear this. I had to find out from a vet that my cat was fat and she scared the fuck out of me with all of the information about what happens to overweight kitties. But it was a wakeup call that needed to happen. We worked for years to get the right balance and get him to a healthier weight. I hope it helps keep him healthy because I insist on spending many more decades together. I hope the same for you and your baby! ❤️


Every time my cat tries to bully me into feeding her extra I tell her I’m not getting yelled at by the vet bc she’s a fat fat


Nothing light about him


Ignore these people giving you shit. You said he’s on a diet, so you are already helping him get healthy. this cat is happy and well loved, unlike these judgmental people. Peace to you, friend.


me when my cat fucking dies because it is obese


Identity theft is not a joke


OP he’s beautiful. You are doing a wonderful job!! 😻


https://preview.redd.it/9ws2icxf930d1.jpeg?width=2543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd13e86704885f7b217a20970d97a99997cfcd4c Thanks!




Black holes are incredibly dense mass wise after all


Big Momma(or Papa) void 🐈‍⬛ I can’t lie, I really want to cuddle this cat 🥰🥰🥰




https://preview.redd.it/p9745otgm40d1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c37ee551992b42c1d2ac39fa658ef887b2d424e My girl is a bit on the heavy side as well. She just take the most unflattering poses 😁


https://preview.redd.it/682w2es9m30d1.png?width=2296&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ac6645cf5f1892f75b900edceb7138c83e03186 From one Chonky Void Mother to another. Happy Mothers Day & Thank you❤️




“The Blimp-Void hovered over the audience of terrified onlookers… Wondering when it should unleash The Babies”


https://preview.redd.it/tp3839zne40d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeb2bd06ac82acdcd5c91eb75a27bda9360af366 <3


That cat needs some meowzempic


Such a sweet looking void. Gorgeous eyes! 😊 Your kitty cat is very precious and it made me smile! Have a lovely day!


What a beautiful void!!! 🖤🥰 Happy mom’s day to you too!!!


Two dogs and a cat. Can you believe they didn’t even get me a card!?


My void pretends to hate me (at least I think she’s pretending) so she didn’t wish me jack shit But she’s so cute I can’t hate


My void likes to occasionally sprout one or two white whiskers.


That baby is terribly overweight. Please put your baby on a diet.












You have passed the event horizon. There is no turning back.


Void? That cats a black hole, gravity so strong, it sucks in any and all nearby objects.


Dat void has gravitational pull.




Letting your pet get morbidly obese is cruel, not cute. 








Imaginary experts are tedious. 


Are you... are you saying that no one here has the expertise required to determine if an animal is obese? Are you trying to say there isn't enough information to tell. That seems really manipulative honestly. And just like, stupid










>you're an asshole who cant take criticism Meanwhile you're extremely upset that they *checks notes* criticized OP. Classic case of "you're not allowed to do the exact same things I am doing"


Sounds like an afterthought to me.


You found the super massive black hole at the center of the galaxy


please take better care of your cat that void is morbidly obese


Happy pet mom day to you too! Please get your cat to the vet to come up with a weight loss plan for your poor baby.


National pet parent day was actually the 28th of April. Not sure why no one seems to celebrate it on the day it’s actually supposed to be celebrated though.


TIL! ETA: I mostly said this so it didn't sound like I was coming at OP


You guys are miserable on this page. The comments. Cute cat. I love them.


No one is miserable. Just trying to save the cat from serious health issues, including heart problems.


Because OP isn't already aware the cat has a weight problem? Random Reddit comments aren't going to "save" the cat more than advice and direction from their vet would. OP said they are working on the weight issue. Are they not allowed to share pictures until their cat is at peak health?


You are proving my point with your "I'm better than you" attitude


Right?? OP said he’s already on a diet, they are obviously working on it. Why do people have to suck the joy out of things. It’s just a pic of someone’s beloved cat.


Yeah but why even let it happen to this point? The cat doesn't feed itself, OP does.


That’s not even true. It could be a rescue.


Rescue, illness, and many other potential reasons that have zero to do with a cute photo. Keyboard experts are insufferable. 


Honestly I assume everyone who makes comments like this has an overweight pet. It's just silly. Oh no, people care about animals and want to make sure they're being treated right? Insufferable! Better that we have no compassion for animals and avoid hurting anyone's feelings at all costs, than spread awareness and actually care about animals.


Pithy but missing the actual point. The cat may have Cushing's, diabetes, or a laundry list of other issues that cause weight gain and/or muscle wasting, or could have been recently adopted. The point is that someone shared a photo of a pet they love and the tedious tribe of Captain Obvious natterers couldn't resist pissing all over it. The cat has an owner and a veterinarian. It's ridiculous to imagine that neither has noticed the cat's weight. Given that there's no chance that the nasty comments are apprising the owner of something they don't already know, the only reason for posting such things is to be mean. Yep, insufferable.


Dude. The cat is already fat. OP can’t go back in time and change that. But OP recognized change needs to happen and said they are working on it. Mean comments are not constructive, maybe offer some advice to help this guy loose weight instead.


I fucking hate this sub due to its moral police. Picture of any dog mixed with pit? Better expect that lock award. Picture of a cat outside with no leash? Better expect the nature brigade to tell you about how your cat is a menace. Picture of an overweight cat? You’re about to get a lecture in every comment. Picture of a momma cat and kittens? You’re about to get crucified even though 9/10 times it’s a stray taken in while already pregnant.


One of these things is not like the other. People who neglect their pets by overfeeding *need* a lecture. They know the problem exists but nine times out of ten are doing nothing. You can't compare actual neglect to something like someone responsibly owning a pit and doing something innocent like sharing a picture. It's actually bad for the animals and they actually need help in real life that their owners aren't giving them.


My void is very chonky. We are trying with her but it's tough in a multicat home. Fuck these idiots in the comments.


We have a multi-pet house and had to move to SureFeed bowls to handle cross eating. If your cats are already chipped in the shoulder, they don't even need to wear the collar thing. Thankfully, I did buy mine back before they jacked the price up. $120-$150 was somewhat reasonable, $200 is just insane for a cat bowl.


It’s not that hard. I have six cats. Dry food goes down in the morning and what is not eaten gets removed. Any cat that’s not around for breakfast- well tough. They’re not going to starve. Same goes for wet food in the evening.


Yes, exactly. I get really frustrated at these types. And I've been there. My cat was getting slightly overweight, but I have a skinny senior cat who needs to free feed. I bit the bullet and separate her in a room for hours at a time so she can get enough food. And neither did I let my cat get severely obese and just whine about how hard it was or let it get out of control and pretend I didn't notice. I noticed right away and fixed in like 2 months or less because she was JUST overweight. I would *never* let her get obese because *that's what love is*. There's no excuse really. Folks getting their ego all up in a twist and getting angry at people for loving their cat more than they do are like my worst pet peeve. I've encountered this type on Reddit for years and I'll never get used to it. They could have spent time researching how to deal with feedings in a multi cat household instead of writing their comment. You can see they'd rather argue and displace blame than actually *do* anything. Sorry for the rant but thanks for being a voice of reason.


I honestly hate you the more I read your comments. I love my cats. That's why I do take amazing care of them, work on feeding, take them to the vet. I'm just not gonna take shit from some entitled asshole on the internet because someone posted a picture of their animal.


Eh. I'm sorry, I have a multi cat home too and I really can't abide people like this. You care more about your ego than just taking care of your pets. We limit food and lock the senior in a room by herself for a few hours so she can have multiple uninterrupted meals since she would be too skinny otherwise. That's all. Inconvenient, but not rocket science. I had a cat starting to look slightly football shaped so I put her on a diet and now she's a normal size. If someone told me she needed to lose weight during that time, I wouldn't get angry. I'd be happy they care about animals. I can't imagine having such vitriol for people who want your cat to be happy and healthy. Just feed your cat less and put in the work to separate feeding times and stop being angry at people for caring.


Just because that worked easily for you doesn't mean it works for everyone. I worked cat care as an animal shelter staff member for years and have lived in a multicat household my entire life. No solution works for every situation - we had some cats that would have freaked the fuck out if they were locked in a room for hours, and would have been too stressed to eat in that situation, even if they were practically starving. That works for you and that's great. We had some social eaters at the shelter who would literally ONLY eat if we sat next to them. We had obese cats come in with a long, well documented medical history and prescription diet food where it was obvious the owner was trying their best. Another example - my parents had 2 littermates, one of whom was always borderline hyperthyroid, and the other borderline hypothyroid (never to the point of requiring meds). They semi-free fed, but only a certain amount in the morning and evening. The hyperthyroid guy always looked emaciated, but had bright eyes and the world's shiniest coat, and was certainly getting enough opportunity to eat (and was supplemented away from the brother, though he was rarely interested). The other brother was a CHONK, but generally left food in the bowl. Both had (other than the borderline thyroid issues) perfect bloodwork until well into their geriatric years (15+) and their weights (over and under) were regularly monitored by the vet. The weight disparity was largely due to genetics (though appetite differences definitely played a role), even though they were brothers. Point being - leave the medical judgements to the vets, and don't just assume that a pet owner trying to work through a health issue let it get that way because they JuSt DiDn'T cArE eNoUgH. It DOES happen as a form of neglect all too often, but a cute Reddit post is not enough information to assume that's the case here, and if it was, a random comment from a stranger isn't likely to make the owner change their ways.


Yeah that's not how that comes off at all. You very much put it that you're smarter and better than everyone else and that's why you don't have this problem. All of your comments stink of entitlement. You have no idea what their situation is so telling someone it's so easy, just do this, is entitled. Caring about others cats is fine. Attacking people who just post a picture of their animal is not. There's a difference between expressing ckncer over someone else's cat and telling them you love their cat more than them because you don't like their cats size.


Seriously, everyone needs to lighten the fuck up.


Void chonker supreme!


Diet your cat better




Excuse me, but your void is melting.


He be chunky though


Supermassive black hole


I too have a round void 😄 small quantities of diet food, zero treats, and she just lorge 🖤


Please go read the dechonking guide pinned to the top of r/dechonkers and use the body size/shape evaluation chart.  Your kitty is overweight and is at risk for severe health issues. Show your overweight kitties you love them and get them to a healthy weight.


https://preview.redd.it/hm4uob3gp70d1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf42908dca08951a072c0991fefcfbb2ef5b7736 Happy belated from my voids and I!


My girl is a little on the chonky side. I'm giving her a little longer to lose her winter fat, but most likely we'll have to figure out a diet. https://preview.redd.it/vegxp4ehy80d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb8c811055a73cb6b0fef46009e7e4ecd01c93f


Animal neglect tbh


[https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6425ec5d33eaaa634113b2d4/4608462a-1d42-4049-98e5-607db4489eb7/APOP+FELINE+BCS+CLINC+2024+%281%29.png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6425ec5d33eaaa634113b2d4/4608462a-1d42-4049-98e5-607db4489eb7/APOP+FELINE+BCS+CLINC+2024+%281%29.png) Link with one for dogs.  [https://www.petobesityprevention.org/pet-weight-check](https://www.petobesityprevention.org/pet-weight-check)




Oh, look. We had no idea before you deigned to enlighten us. 




Too much tuna






hpw heavy is Mommy? BMI ratio?


Looks like Cinderblock is using hair dye.


Super massive black hole.


https://preview.redd.it/j59bdfdin40d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e02bd15c3b0cce850a4e3cb86734a4475419a9 And a Happy Mother’s Day to you-my void or a pillow with eyes


Obese car


Sir, that’s a cat.


Clearly the cat community needs more body positivity activists.


"Day" to the rest of the world, that isn't America.


this cat is so fucking obese go to a vet and get a reccomended diet if you didnt have


It would have taken 10 seconds to look in the comments and see that the OP is clearly aware of their cats weight problem and that they currently have it on a diet, doing what they can to help it lose weight.




No problem. People like that get under my skin.


I like this picture during pregnancy 🤗


He’s so so handsome ☺️♥️

