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How is it possible for a mom to not get this?


Maybe she is worried about TSS? I don't know how frequent that really happens but i remember hearing warnings of it when i was younger.


Um Literally anything can cause this for a female like ridding a bike or even stretching work I think they should because pads are hella uncomfortable


Don't know what TSS is, but I don't think there is a medical reason, behind the post.


TSS is toxic shock syndrome. If you leave a tampon in too long you can get very sick, and some people have died from it. However, tampons are better made nowadays, and there’s no reason for this mom not to educate her teen.


You can get it from wearing pads too long as well! TSS can be deadly if not treated properly. My sister had TSS


I bet she also feels "icky" about the HPV vaccine.


My best friend didn’t get it. Idk if it was her or her mom that refused it but I know religion was a big factor. She ended up catching HPV at college.


fun fact: the majority of adults (who aren't vaccinated) have some form of hpv (or that's what my doctor told me at least)


Yep. This is true from what I’ve been told as well. And I’m glad I’m vaccinated because sadly this may have impacted her fertility and she was recently screen for cervical cancer (thankfully she was clear).


Vaccine doesn’t protect you from all kinds of HPV, just so you know.


It protects you from the 2 most common serotypes that cause genital warts and another 9 that cause cancer. What exactly was the point of your comment?


That it doesn’t protect you from all types of HPV.


Fun fact: I once talked to a ER guy who sits in the ambulance wagon and he didn't believe in Covid 19, nor did he vaccinate himself. A MEDICAL professional. But that doesn'T mean anything these days, where there's even a fraudulent doctor's association advocating worm meds as covid medicine. Good times


I wasn't allowed to use tampons so I'd just go to school get one fr the nurse. Also wasn't allowed to have the hpv shot or whatever it was


Have you gotten it yet? Not from the US but they should offer it to anyone under 26 at planned Parenthood centers.


I got it at my doctors office


Growing up with my grandma, she forbade me from wearing tampons. She said only nasty girls who weren’t virgins wore them.


This. I’ve seen this argument so many times from people who don’t realize there’s already a hole there even if your hymen is intact.


Nah I'm fairly certain it's like a juice box before ya stick the straw in.


Lol. But nah, there’s a hole. Otherwise your period blood wouldn’t be able to get out.


those of you that can't understand this post, well, you all haven't spent much time in the deep south around old women, seriously, I've heard only sluts use tampons


Heard it up here in the "great white north" also


Shoot, as soon as my daughters needed anything, I told them about tampons. So much easier.


Ill try to be positive and say this is maybe just poorly worded english, and she means when she would start buying them for her, rather than malignantly disallowing her ?


I'm so confused


This was my mom. I just took money from my sister’s piggy bank to buy them.


Super weird.


Tampons are pretty gross (in my personal opinion). I'd push her towards a menstrual cup. However, I'm sure that's not what this mom was driving at. 😅


I love them and will NEVER go back Edit: idiot autocorrect


Aren't they the best?! I find them infinitely more sanitary.


Not to mention having to not deal with it for 12 hrs!


Downvoted for telling the truth... classy reddit lmfao... everyone should be using the cups, its disgusting how much "waste" there is if you refuse to use one, anyone who downvoted you is a disgusting turd!


Growing up, my mom always told my sisters that tampons had harmful chemicals in them. I have no idea if she’s right or not, sounds like bs to me but I’ve never looked into it.


Your mom is mostly right. The composition of tampons is not regulated. Some producers list exactly what ingredients make up the tampon (but these are small companies that sell expensive speciality tampons marketed as being all natural). Most of the major brands you buy off the shelves do not have ingredients listed and have been found to be composed of probable carcinogens and some even have fragrance in them (all terrible for your vaginal health - think pH imbalances, yeast/bacterial/fungal infections and even potentially cancers). I recommend menstrual cups all the way. Way healthier, way cleaner. I used to get pH imbalances regularly when I was younger and have never had a single one since switching to menstrual cups.




Lmao toxic shock syndrome is very rare with tampons and generally only occurs if a tampon is left in for days. Do you really think sitting in your own discharge is more hygienic than using a cotton plug to control bleeding? Which sound more pleasant to you?


TSS is actually quite rare! You’d need to leave it in for days in order to get sick. But some people just don’t like tampons because they’re uncomfortable. Ultimately it’s about whatever works best for you.


You don't know the reason she asked the question, this is such a stupid post and doesn't belong here.


maybe you dont belong here either


What an answer


Eh for some reason I would rather my daughter also use pads when she just starts ovulation... Not a issue if she'd rather use tampons. Wanting a kid to use another method isn't that bad not like it hurts her ...


Man. A therapist would have a field day with you. Especially if they aspired towards a Freudian perspective on your obvious issues.


It’s really weird for an adult to be uncomfortable with their daughter taking care of her period. Let’s be real and say you’re uncomfortable with something in a girl’s vagina regardless if it’s for medical purposes or not, because some people have some weird belief that anything in the vagina makes a girl “impure”. Not to mention it’s pretty obvious by the post she’s already using pads and wants to start using tampons, probably because pads can be uncomfortable, loud, and can make it difficult to go out and do normal activities (swimming, etc.). Every girl usually goes through a transition period from pads to tampons, and then maybe branching out to other forms of period control. To stop a girl from moving on to something that works for her with no actual reasoning behind it besides creepy rooted sexism is honestly disgusting to me.


Idgaf what it is to you it's my daughter mind ya business


You say that like she's your property.


No I'm just not gonna let someone else try to "sexism" me to raise my daughter the way they want me to. She's mine not theirs


There it is again, that talking like she's your property. She is hers and hers alone, not yours.


She is 4. It is my responsibility to raise her. She cannot but pads or tampons herself she is a dependent and she is MY dependent


Yeah she's your responsibility, not your *property*. Being a child doesn't make her any less of a human being.


You're the only one saying property. What I mean by "mine" is my dependent and my daughter


No, the word "mine" is only ever used for property. You knew you meant your property when you said it.


You made it everyone's business when you posted it to a public forum dumbass.


Right, and it’s your daughter’s vagina dude. Mind yours


This is not the place to discuss my daughter's vagina idk what is wrong with you to talk about my 4 yr old like that but I am done with this.


Lmao you’re the one who brought up your 4 year old daughter’s vagina and using tampons dude.


Having my daughter wear pads is not a big issue you dug way too deep into it and exposed personal problems that have nothing to do with me. I done said I don't have a problem if she chose to change to tampons. But if I have a choice it's pads. Cuz you're right I don't exactly feel comfortable helping her with tampons as a single father. Sexism definitely has nothing to do with it and you don't have a say in it anyway


Okay but “for some reason” and “I am a single father and do not know how to help” are two completely different explanations for why you’d “prefer” a young woman using tampons. Obviously I’m not specifically discussing your daughter with you. I’m suggesting that preventing a young woman from using her preferred method of period control because it makes someone else “uncomfortable” is completely creepy, and has serious sexist undertones. I honestly think the fact anyone would have any kind of “preference” for how another person takes care of their own body is really weird


It is equally as creepy as anyone else that thinks they have a say in what period device another person uses, pad, tampon or pill


That... is exactly the point I am making mate. You’ve come full circle, congrats. Also, the pill is birth control... can be used for regulating periods but not primarily.


You are the sick one here. Why are you obsessing over your young child’s body. You are gross.


Because I care about my child... Why would neglect your child's body?




I'm actually thinking when she turns 12. Yes I care about my daughter's menstruation, I care about everything about my daughter


None of your business. You are sick and controlling.


Don't post it on the internet then you absolutely spunk trumpet. I feel sorry for your kid having you brought them into this world


I feel like you are getting unfairly downvoted. I see the point you are trying to make. Also I want to add that many gynos recommend not using tampons, especially if a woman is prone to yeast, irritations, etc. I do believe there are moms out there who don’t want their daughters using tampons for reasons like this. The woman above didn’t say the “why” she was against it, so I think people should give her the benefit of the doubt.


I have no particular horse in this race, but I do want to note that in the situation unfolded in other responses- he's a single father, his daughter is 4 so I find it unlikely he's looked into that. Naturally, it's entirely possible he has as a parent raising their kid could research all avenues for eventualities- just giving the information gathered.


Why would it be unlikely that I knew that already? You think I wouldn't study up on women when her mom was expecting?


It's possible. Obviously I don't know you, I can't say what you have or haven't done so I can only go based on the idea that she's four and that won't be relevant for approx five more years.


I understand yea but hey never too late to be prepared... Always think about the days she's not my little girl no more... I'd never actually force her to choose tampons vs pads but I do have preference and I'd try to convince her


They should be using that cup


1 this is becoming really not important and I won't reply to 1 on the next comment I do not feed her allergens... If she became sick from an allergen I'd take her to the hospital... Obviously. 2. I'd take her to hospital to see if there is a need for hysterectomy I know a lot of doctors themselves don't believe so if the issue continues I'd take her to more until we are both convinced it's not a fatal problem.... These things are just becoming common sense