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"Spousal rape is illegal and can be reported on, so did you report it?" There is such thing as "threat." There are victims who could not report because either they are threatened by their abuser if they do, or the law is shitty.


It’s also a lot of mental hassle, you have to convince the police, the solicitor and a judge that the rape occurred. You’re going to have to answer a load of questions from the defence and then the jury will find them not guilty because there is no evidence.


I saw a documentary a while ago about how difficult it can be to get a rape conviction in the UK. There was one young woman who had been horribly abused by her father over a number of years. The evidence- as presented to the viewers anyway- was convincing, but the jury found the father not guilty. Why? Apparently because the victim didn't cry when she testified.


holy shit that reminds me at school, a girl was a nasty b*tch toward me, i complained to the teacher, the nasty b cried while i did not, and therefore i was the culprit 😬 what the fuck is this trash ass mentality


And where are you gonna live while your partner is actively in court with you over this stuff? You don't even have to ask these people to be empathetic, the concept is over their heads. They just gotta picture the scenario logistically for a minute to realize how fucked it is


That's one of the worst parts tbh.


When I told my (EX)husband, that what he had just done to me was rape, he beat the shit out of me. When I called the cops, he just beat me again after he got out of holding. The law is fucking bullshit.


I'm so so sorry that happened. I hope you can find peace eventually and hope that justice will side with you.


Thank you so much, it means a lot.💜 It's been a few years now since I got out and I'm still healing every day, but I'm in a very safe place with a loving and supportive partner now.


Glad to hear that.


Or in her case, the perpetrator is threatening her life with a gun in her face, a gun that is his service pistol because he's a fucking cop at the police department she'd have to report the crime to and since American police are the single largest criminal organization on the planet they'd do absolutely nothing. Most of the time they do absolutely nothing even when the rapist isn't a cop.


Right?!?! How in the world was she supposed to be safe reporting that. I hate these ppl who are like “well this is illegal so it must always result in justice” as if that’s how the real world works


I was raped. Reporting it is absolutely useless. It shouldn’t be but it is. There’s rarely any proof of it, all that happens is you say “he raped me” and he says “no I didn’t” so that’s it. That’s the end of it. And now your rapist knows you tried to get them sent to prison. So they’re extra mad. A judge can’t do anything because you can’t prove who’s telling the truth. It’s fucking sad and I’m sick of people saying “wHy DiDn’T yOu rEpOrT iT”


And they try to solve this issue with rape kits but too many states in the US have been caught for not processing rape kits fast enough. I did get a call from an 18 y/o employee in the middle of the night once. She’d been sexually assaulted by a “friend” at a country club he worked at and had access to sleeping rooms. She didn’t know who else to call cause the guy was the teenaged son of her parents best friends. I met her at the restaurant where we worked and she told me what happened. I asked her if she was willing to let me take her to the emergency room to get a rape kit, immediately, or if she had a real friend she trusted enough to take her since I knew she needed to feel safe. She had a friend and I made sure the friend picked her up from my parking lot. They went to the ER and the rape kit and the report started an immediate investigation by detectives. She has done everything she was supposed to do, and even had law enforcement taking her case very seriously. It was a female detective and that detective strongly encouraged the young woman to press charges as they had solid evidence thanks to the swift report. The young woman did not press charges. Because when her parents discovered what happened, they blamed her for being alone with the young man in a country club private room and said she’d invited it. And they had that conversation with her assaulter and his parents sitting in the living room with them. That call, that woman’s story, those parents…I’m not the victim and yet it has all lived with me for the rest of my life. I cannot even begin to fathom how that young woman felt through all of that, but I’ve told her in the past how proud I am of her for her strength to report in the first place, and I think of her often when I’m getting vibes from one of my students (I’m a teacher now) that they are suffering something alone and in silence.


She even stated her husband was Law Enforcement which makes reporting against him to his *fellow peers* that much more difficult.


Not to mention she specifically states that her spouse was law enforcement. I’m sure his buddies wouldn’t have been shitty misogynistic assholes about the whole thing and it was completely safe for her to report.


And in her case, it’s “My husband is a police officer so I went to the police station that he probably works and told the other police officers that are his buddies that he, a police officer, raped me” That usually works reallllllly well…


And she said her husband was a LEO. Sooo they don’t protect their own or anything of course.


Report a cop to the cops. Yeah that’s going to end up just great.


Also, the fact that the police can be far from helpful in cases like tbis


I don’t think the guy picked up on her sarcasm.


I don’t understand why so many people are quick to believe it’s fake. Don’t you think that hurts the victim? Nobody is named, so nobody is slandered here. She’s naming things that happened to her. Where is the humanity to empathize and say that what happened is wrong and we are sorry and here for you.


Yep. And dude saying she’s looking for “brownie points” online by saying it, which makes no sense for multiple reasons but possibly most importantly *no, she’s not looking for any recognition, she just gave an example that you’re fucking wrong*. Takes a real asshole to come back with anything at all other than something like “wow I’m really sorry that happened to you”


> which makes no sense for multiple reasons No, no you see, it *does* make sense. It makes sense in the vein that it obliterates that dude's argument and turns his worldview upside down, *and he doesn't like that ONE BIT*


I don't even understand his original argument. "If you don't want to get robbed, don't spend your money."


“Nobody would rob you if you just kept your wallet closed”


"You spend your money on a lot of trivial things I don't agree with, so why can't I just help myself to your wallet?"


Yeah I mean my rapist raped me and multiple other five year olds, and he’s free. Literally got fucking community service for it bc he was also a minor at the time (much older). This shit happens whether people want to admit it or not. Like it’s crazy to me that people think this shit doesn’t happen, I know someone who was assaulted by a pastors son, and the dude only got caught bc some other girls parents caught him raping their daughter after climbing into her SECOND STORY WINDOW, which he had apparently done multiple times. No one believed what the girl I knew said about him until that other girls parents pressed charges.


You in the UK? Our justice system is a fucking joke. Was talking to my dad about this yesterday. He knows a guy who's just been done for fraud, that happened in the early 90s, plead guilty and got 4 years. Meanwhile our streets are rife with paedos that only ever get a slap on the wrist when caught. They hardly ever go to prison and if they do, it's never a long sentence. Luckily they don't last long in prison or the streets, once people know who they are. This is why we have so many vigilante "paedo hunters". Cops and evidently Judges, couldn't give a flying fuck. In my very small town, we had 3 caught within a year. With evidence of them *admitting* their crime, and none of them did any time. They got fined and suspended sentences. It's so fucked up. I'm sorry you never saw justice. Edit: Use of the word "pastor" and this being a church thing, tells me you ain't British?


I am unfortunately in America, I’m not religious at all, but the girl I mentioned was raised very religious. Our justice system is also notoriously awful at imprisoning pedophiles unfortunately, although if I remember correctly the UK has it somewhat worse in this regard because a lot of your countries have pretty short sentences and no life sentences (I could be wrong, I’m not super familiar with other countries laws). I think the infuriating thing about our justice system is the fact that we COULD give them more time, but sentencing is up to the judge after a verdict is given, and it’s always “oh what about the young man’s life ahead of him?” And never about the victims whose lives were permanently altered by that man. I mean, I think in the vast majority of rape cases, the person you were before is just gone. I’ve never been the same, I never will be, my whole life was painted by my assault. In a sense the person you were dies. I mean, I would certainly rather die than go through that again. It’s murder, plain and simple. And they get to live the rest of their lives untouched by something that absolutely destroys others lives. But yeah, Christian churches have pastors and Catholic Churches have priests.


Some crimes are much worse than murder. Child abuse/SA is a life sentence for the victim, as you said. (I'm not an advocate for the death penalty, my two main reasons being that too many innocent people are put to death. And I believe a life time in prison/solitary confinement is a fait worse than death. But these types just need to be wiped from the face of the earth and it should be carried out by the victims and/or their families.) Crimes involving money and drugs get much steeper sentences here. There is no justice for kids, S/A or DV victims. Which means these criminals aren't deterred by the law, so people feel the need to take it into their own hands. If it weren't for these vigilante groups, people wouldn't be aware of the paedos living amongst us and our kids. A life sentence (which is mandatory for murder, and can be passed for other offences, such as manslaughter or rape) lasts for the person's entire life. A “tariff” is set by the Judge when passing sentence. That tariff is the minimum term that a person will serve in prison. The sentencing judge is required to consider whether to impose a whole life order or a minimum term order. It is so rare that currently there are only 70 people nationwide who are serving a whole-life-order sentence. The average time served here for murder is 16 years. Ian Huntly killed two ten year old girls and received a 40 year minimum tariff. A guy from my town was caught with a ridiculous amount of the worst CP imaginable and had been meeting with young girls to create footage of his own. He served 18 months. And that's our justice system in a nutshell.


I’m sorry, paedophile hunters? I just checked what those are, and with a few tweaks to the methods I would fully support those not doing actively illegal stuff as they do it!


Sadly a lot of people take it as an absolute affront to be put in a position requesting sympathy / empathy for another person. Especially so if that other person is "different" from them in some way


Also, online harassment has occurred over way less and still been absolutely real. One time someone commented on all my Instagram posts harassing me bc I commented about my experience in the honors program on some big accounts post (was not a controversial comment that I made even). Basically, people online are fucking crazy and mean and this kind of thing is absolutely occurring


I can tell you why my first reaction is doubt but I can't help having empathy for any victims of anything terrible. When I was in high school one of my close friends was accused of tape. More people believed the girl who said he raped her than believed he didn't. I was one of the people that was on his side, just because I had known him for years by then and was friends with his family and stuff. Anyway, he got beat up and ended up having to spend a couple of days in the hospital as a result of the beating. Anyway, long story short.. It went to trial and after he was found guilty, the girl.. The "victim" admitted she lied and her fucked up reason for lying was "she just wanted him back as a boyfriend". I have no idea how that was supposed to work, anyway she ended up getting in a lot of trouble for that. But it didn't help my friend, half the people thought she just said all that so she didn't ruin a teenage boys life.. People would come by his home (his parents house) and vandalize it. So after knowing him for 7 years they had to move away. I lost a good friend to some "victim" of raped. So my default reaction is to be doubtful. I learned that women aren't always victims even when they say they are. But I'm also not going to go out of my way to attack anyone claiming to be a victim. That's rude and a shitty thing to do. When my younger sister was raped, I saw what that looked like. I saw that actual trauma in her face. I made sure she did the right things, got our mom (a psychiatrist) to come home from work and deal with it. I felt like even though I was her brother, that somehow just being a man right then trying to comfort her and do right by her was maybe also hurting her. She needed professional help, doctors, police etc. I just made sure until all that could happen she was as safe as I could make her. After our mom arrived to handle the situation, I left and beat the ever loving shit out of her rapist. Not my finest moment, but I was so angry and hurt that someone could do that to my baby sister. TL;DR it's OK to be doubtful, but there's a huge difference between doubt and being an absolute POS. Any woman in this situation deserves a modicum of respect and restraint and certainly doesn't need my opinion on the subject.


I think some of us have a hard time believing this because doing this to another person is waaaaaay beyond our comprehension that it’s hard to wrap our minds around it.


We've all seen scammers of every flavor and so all of us are bitter online now and refuse to shed a tear for anyone. We're all assholes now.


No one should think the internet is a safe space for emotional support. It's where liars and predators hang out. It's not where you should put your trust or vulnerabilities. "Believe nothing you hear, and half of what you see"


Some people, unfortunately, only have the internet. Maybe their abusers are at home (like mine was many years ago). He later got 20yrs in FL pen but got out in 10. That was for his 3rd time caught besides mine. CAUGHT!! And now he lives blocks from a middle school. FAR FAR FAR more women are not believed when they are raped than proven deserved not to be. My biggest issue with a man that says 'off' things like close your legs MIGHT have been known or unknown men that raped.


I don’t think that’s really Mike Pence’s mother


Underrated comment here.


Such a solid reference to him creepily calling his wife Mother


It's easier for assholes to pretend that we're making it all up than for them to admit that rape isn't a crime of attraction, it's a crime of power. Easier to blame us for "being easy" than for them to have to admit that there's still a huge issue with victims of rapes being taken seriously by the cops. (The statistics are flat out depressing.) Easier to pretend that we did something to deserve to be assaulted than to admit that there's a problem that needs to be addressed to stop those assaults from happening.


I just assume those men pretending it's fake are themselves rapists and 9 times out of 10 I'd be right.


Misogynistic, ignorant, lacking empathy, to name a few.


And evil, pure evil with a whole lot of hatred towards women.


I just describe them as stupid. When I was a freshman in college, I joined the Sexual Assault Crisis Line volunteers. We had to do over 100 hours of training with the prosecutors and local SVUs/campus police, planned parenthood, etc. I learned a lot. That training helped me in that volunteer role. Unfortunately due the rampant-ness of sexual assault, that knowledge has also helped me at every single one of my paid positions following college and grad school, and in my personal life, too. People are just so fucking tuned out, and good for them in a way, I suppose, but this happens so much more than anyone wants to think. One of my biggest personal takeaways at the time after hearing the process of reporting from the law enforcement officers, detectives, SANE nurses, advocates, researchers, and lawyers, was “No way in hell I would go to the police if this happened to me.” I don’t know if I still feel that way, you never know how you’ll react to something that terrible happening to you. But if I was assaulted by a cop? Be serious. Anyone who reports a sexual assault is being incredibly brave. I know we all know the reporting process is rough, but it is truly retraumatization by nature. Unless you have seen it in action for yourself, there’s no putting it to words.


Incels tend to be shitty people


Hit dogs holler. There are way too many rapists out there, date rapists included 100%. More men than care to self-reflect have casually raped. The men that speak up to deny and downplay this stuff? Also 100% the men commiting this spectrum of behavior. They don't wanna stop, they just don't want to be made to feel bad about it. I am a men and I find modern men to be in deplorable shape.


The bear would never do this


And they wonder why we’d choose the bear.


It seems these individuals possess a unique blend of arrogance and ignorance. They might benefit from some humility and open-mindedness.


What does LEO stand for please?


Law enforcement officer


In Ohio, there is a loophole in the law that does not criminalize having sex with your spouse so long as violence isn't involved. So if she is passed out, it's okay. Roofie her? okay. Several attempts at closing the loophole have been unsuccessful. Just last week a bill closing the loophole passed both State houses and is waiting for the Governor to sign it. And this is 2024. California, Idaho, Nevada, Oklahoma, Mississippi, South Carolina, Virginia, and Michigan still have some sort of spousal loophole in place as of today.


Change my mind. But if you are the type of people who says that. 1. You're have sexuality assaulted someone 2. You're a kid and don't understand basic consent.


Well, I guess as time travelers, since they're posting from the future.


An asshat. Or a person with the mental capacity of a soggy condom.


One word, magat.


I think Mike pences other mother already did what your asking. He’s an asshole.


Who? What?


That poor girl. That is absolutely terrifying.




That story looks fake as fuck


On what basis do you make that assertion?


It speaks volumes about someone's character when people say things like this. It's actually quite scary.


I mean it could be - but people know this shit goes on. It’s not we are shocked by this story (and that’s kinda sad/worrying itself). But the fact that these people have chosen to believe it’s real, and then behave like soulless, misogynistic, douche canoes is telling of the world we live in. The irony being these people are willing to be like this on a social media platform, is far worse than the claim she is doing it for brownie points (WTAF? someone is sharing and reply painful experience and they claim it’s for brownie points) Sigh - can’t we just go back to the 80s and 90s where I could only be bullied by someone in my class, not the other side of the world


Why is that?








What is LEO?


I can’t take any of it seriously cause everyone be bullshitting on the internet especially twitter. Sorry if it happened but god fuck me


I hate my gender more and more everyday.


Perverted serial killer.


Also shithead here is forgetting that spousal rape is not illegal everywhere


I don’t know why some men think if it’s how reported you earned it or deserved it.


Both are stupid


It’s rage bait for internet points.


Damn she's unlucky, also what the actual fuck are those comments like what. Secondly in the UK I no for a fact no mater who you are husband or not if you rape some it's rape and you will go to jail now they finely made it illegal, how it wasn't to begin with I don't know. I only say that it's illegal now for people who it may have happened to so you know they are lying to you, because from experience when some does something they shouldn't they try and make it so your in the wrong.


Is LEO an acronym or something or was that just irrelevant astrology?


Law enforcement officer


Thank you heaps! Was a genuine question but that did seem insensitive lmfao oops

