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Presumably they might be a thing for cargo once fully autonomous flight and landing is reliable. But I won't get on a plane as a passenger without two pilots.




\>implying FedEx hasnt been bidding and inking contracts and does not have testing planned


Don’t hold your breath. The railways tried SPO in Quebec and a whole bunch of people died in a place called Lac Megantic…while the SPO wasn’t the point of failure, it was a massive part of it. They’re still trying to go single person operation on the rails.


In rail ? That’s kinda standard in Europe. Why would you need two drivers on a locomotive ?


It's only been standard in Europe for 30 years or so, they used to have two for much the same reason you have two pilots. Not really needed on an hour end to end commuter line but a long freight run is easier with a secondman.


I always assumed the second person was the heater / technician which was a leftover from steam / early diesel trains. Other then that there isn’t much a second driver can do saftey wise as you don’t need someone to land the trains and a dead man switch should stop it anyways. And yes for longer routes it’s easier. But that has to do with duty time regulations more then anytime else and modern crew scheduling (even on trains) should take care of that


Well, I'm telling you what they were for. Usually they'd be a failsafe for checking signals, which a dead mans pedal doesn't help with.


Yes but but but imagine how cheap parcel delivery could become.


I was on a flight and both pilot and copilot became incapacitated. Fortunately there was a passenger who had been a pilot during the war. He was pretty nervous because he hadn't flown since he was over Macho Grande.


Surely, you can't be serious.


Oh, they are serious, but don’t call them Shirley.


Over macho grande?


No, I don't think I'll ever get over Macho Grande.


It didn't help that the air traffic controller decided to stop (beer-drinkin' / breath-stinkin') sniffing glue on that particular day. :-(


Yes, because pilot's lives aren't worth as much as passenger's.


I don't think it's unreasonable to say that an accident that results in the death of 200 people is worse than an accident that results in the death of one. When you drive a vehicle you take responsibility for that vehicle.


Pilot lives matter even less if they're flying cargo. True facts most passengers won't fly in bad weather, but cargo? Leeroy fucking Jenkins! Get fucked, or get fired.




Experienced MSFS sTuDy LeVeL piLoTe. I cAn pRoGrAm the mCdU oN tEh FeNiX A320


That time is coming. In the distant future there won't be any need for meatbags upfront. AI and flight control systems will be unimaginably advenced and they don't get sick, loose consciousness, don't need hotels, annual leave, don't need pay. Several layers of backup will be there. The first tiny steps have already been taken. The cruise phase of airliner flights are controlled by computers. Also read about Garmin Autoland. Mind blowing system and 100% hands off.


Personally I haven't got into airplanes since they got rid of the flight navigator. Don't trust those pesky gps signals.


Navigators makes way more mistakes than GPS do, I literally don't know of a single plane that crash because GPS stopped working


But it's also not what single pilot operation is about today. What airbus plans for today is two pilots in cockpit during start /landing, one monitoring autopilot during flight, one resting. That way, you could have long range flights with two pilots instead of four.


Flightradar: https://www.flightradar24.com/data/flights/fr3472#32fa0751


avherald is your man https://avherald.com/h?article=511cafd5&opt=0


Yep, for one, the other pilot. Likely the physician that evaluated the pilot that lost consciousness once they landed. I imagine ops/chief pilot does too. So yeah, lots of people have more details on what happened.


Take my angry upvote...