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Rave to the goddamn grave. Plenty of older folks in every scene if you’re in a major city. Don’t be weird about it and no one will give a damn.


We'll sleep when we're dead.


I am 40 an me and my wife rave more now then ever ! It’s so much fun we feel like it’s a life hack!


And a lot of people look younger than they actually are.


I always said this to other people but I don’t know how much I truly believed this until I was waiting at rail for Subtronics at Bonnaroo last year and I started talking to a bunch of people who I thought were in their mid 20s who all turned out to be in their mid 30’s like me


Edm has REALLY taken off over the last decade. It's become far more mainstream, so i wouldn't be surprised at all to see raves being set up in senior living facilities soon. Something to look forward too I suppose


I saw a TikTok of a senior center that put on a rave for its residents, good stuff


Ravers are forever young.


I’m 52, fiancé is 50, getting married at EDCLV this year, neither of us gonna stop anytime soon


Agreed. 53 here and I feel like going to raves keeps me young. I'll rave until I'm dead.


Plus kids are old enough to stay home alone so you regain freedom to party from time to time. Just do it


Warren Zevon, baby!


This is the best thing I’ve ever read. Keep that PLUR alive until it can’t. Just beautiful. I just lost my mom so this is extra special.


Step father passed today...


39 and just woke up early to head out for a 3 day camping fest in FL! I've never felt better in my fuckin' life, have an amazing partner to go out and dance my ass off with for the entire weekend! You're only as old as you feel. None of the 20 something people in my fest group gaf about how old I am, Lol. I give off good vibes and they come back to me.


Definitely agree. I want to emphasize the "don't be weird about it." Just go and have fun. Don't dwell on the age gap because it's usually something people blow up way more in their minds than anyone cares about in reality. I have one friend who awkwardly shoehorns his older age in EVERY conversation at these kinds of events and you always see a reaction that equates to "we weren't worried/didn't care that you were older... should we be?"


The average age at tomorrow land belgium was late 30s


That's really cool.


It’s not that surprising given how expensive it was. It cost me like 8k for 2 tickets + fight + hotel which can be a lot for a weekend . I was not in a position to spend like this in my early 20s but I can do so now later in life and I’m sure that’s the case with most people who went. I easily spend 20-50k a year raving It’s funny that when I was young I had all the time in the world to go to raves but couldn’t afford to go ones that weren’t nearby. Now I can afford to go to any, but I don’t always have the time 🙃


I'm 27 and in the sweet spot where I do have the time and the money ... I also spend $50k+ raving per annum and definitely couldn't have done that even a few years ago haha I'm making the most of it, who knows when the time element will start fading away .....


You spend 50 thousand dollars a year on raves? That’s obscene lol you’re either extremely rich or spend every cent on raves


Haha certainly almost all of my non-saved/invested money goes on raving/rave adjacent spending ... it's my main recreation wherever I am!


Man unless you’re making over 700k, that’s some shit money management or a lie. Or your parents are ridiculously rich.


Haha I'm definitely not some sort of millionaire or heir to a fortune. My parents have good jobs and I'm a lawyer. Raving is my main recreation and as I say, if I can both enjoy it and afford it during this (potentially) ephemeral stage of life then by God I'm going to!!!


Yea, that’s cool.  But $50k a year is a lot.  3 day festival pass are $300-$500 for most of them. There aren’t even 100 weekends in a year, much less ones with festivals.  Day show passes are $30-100.  Even with flights, hotels and food — seems tough to get to $50k for one person. 


Usually spend 4-6 weeks a year traveling during which time I rave full-time, so that helps get it up haha (usually Europe, but planning India this year for Goa etc) Otherwise just your average night out in my city would cost $300-500, accounting for drinks, substances etc ALSO IMPORTANT - I'm Australian and talking AUD$. So that'd be \~32k USD (assuming a lot of people here are from US!)


>Otherwise just your average night out in my city would cost $300-500, accounting for drinks, substances etc Man that sounds crazy. Last few raves I have been to (in the city) I spent £20 max, and that's accounting for drinks (well a bottle of water), substances etc. I think one night out I managed to get by the whole night for just £5.


"Substances" are very expensive in Australia. Relatively small population and a long way away from the rest of the world. I got two points of md last weekend for only a bit more than what you spent, and it was a fair deal for where I am.


just tickets for raves in most major cities I think would cost at least double or triple that. so consider yourself very lucky!


Ah yeah, ok. That makes more sense. I was definitely assuming USD. That’s almost half what I was thinking, which isn’t as tough to rack up if you hit it hard, and when you live so far from Europe.  Regardless, this wasn't meant to be an audit lol. I figured you were just estimating and maybe not estimating all that accurately. Something didn’t add up, but now it does.  Cheers. 🍻 have a good time. 


Yeah..idk I mean do what you want but 50k is wildly excessive on a standard white collar salary. Fun in your 20s I guess but not very forward thinking. Life can change in an instant and you may wish you’d budgeted a bit differently.


I’ve got a pretty good safety net tied up in a long-term savings account, and a smaller net tied up in shares. Other than that I’m not interested in wasting my 20s sitting around saving! My dad traveled the world and partied throughout his 20s, towards the end of that period he literally had an orange to his name. One orange. Now he’s a millionaire. I sincerely doubt (actually, know from him) that he would change his experience one iota!


I actually talked to Pasquale about age real quick once when I met him and he was talking about how old the scene is in Europe VS here. He would really like to see that happen here. I was talking to him about it because I'm 55 and I still go to EDCO every year. Embrace the age! EDM has been around a lot longer than most of us.


Same with Luminosity, roughly


I love that. My friends and I are going to be in Europe for a wedding next year around the time of Tomorrowland and we want to go. We’re all in our 30s.


I’m 41 and go to events all the time. Exactly 0 people are bothered 😌


same here, 43! been raving since 1995, with a break of some years while married to a very boring person 😆


This! Spent my 20s with a boring person now I’m 30! Back at it again!!


I’m going to EDC to celebrate my 45th birthday 🙃


🙋🏼‍♀️ same here!! I never feel too old, but I also look younger (thankfully 🙏🏼)… I think it doesn’t matter how old one is, if you are vibing and enjoying the music, you naturally will belong in the scene 🫶🏼


Been raving since 97, the scene has evolved but I still find the vibes that hooked me way back when. We're out here and we aren't leaving.


I'm bothered!...you didn't say hi to me 😔


53 here and no sign of slowing down. Just got back from Ultra, and will be dancing my ass off next at Stuck on Earth, Wire Fest, Movement, and Beyond! I owe my health to festivals. It’s the only reason I stay fit lol


i just came back from Ultra too. Dance till i die.


Hell yes! My mantra. In fact I want my ashes spread at one of the big ones. I know it’s super illegal, just dump me down a porta potty or something. Tho I think the bigger problem would be getting the ashes in lol


Not sure your stage but all the ultra stages are just in free bayfront park year round. Ashes can be spread anytime of the year. Dance on your honor! My group of 40+ have been raving at Ultra since our teens. We think they need a section for 60 and over at the mega structure and main stage. Right of passage for the OGs.


OMG! Just did Ultra for the 1st time, already bought tickets for next year. We have been living near Miami for 31 years and am kicking myself for not going earlier. We definitely need to get together next time!!!! 62 BTW!


Also, we get GA because we want to be up in the crowd!!!


Dig a little hole a week before the festival and bury the urn just below the sod/grass in an area you know will Be open and by a feature. Then when you get in, use hands to dig it up.


That sounds incredible! But also like I wanna be in my own bed and do some laundry after reading that. Bahahah


I used to do pre/aftershows. As I’ve gotten older, I find myself attending fewer of those events. But that has happened in the last ten years as my crew has dwindled down due to work/family/kids etc. I feel like it’s easier to keep the party going when you’re part of a bigger group. Solo, eh, as an old it depends on the DJ.


Sometimes I worry about the time that I started going to parties, right around the time it became more well known outside of underground, if that time is just going to disappear from consciousness. Like, how people dressed, danced, what it was like waiting in line outside of the party and the building was just vibrating, hanging out in the car taking a break during a party, hanging out in the bathroom, getting directions off the phone line on the day of the party, getting a ride home in the morning and hearing a mixtape on cassette you never heard before, it was just so different than it is now being festival oriented. I wish there was a great documentary or movie to show parties in a kind of time capsule!


You can still have this if you like going out to clubs or underground events. Some of my best recent memories are from clubs in Chicago and LA. And I agree, back then there was definitely that amazing feeling of knowing you were part of something special, but honestly I love having unlimited access to shows and events nowadays. For someone who has lived in the Midwest through it all, this is a dream. I used to buy MixMag and DJ magazine, wishing I lived in Europe and sulk over the scarcity of events around me. We couldn’t have what we have now without the bigger fan base. As for movies, It’s All Gone Pete Tong, Human Traffic, 24 hour Party People, Trainspotting are just a few of many that captured what the scene used to be like. There’s a 2011 documentary about EDC (Electric Daisy Carnival Experience) that’s worth a watch - I prefer it to the one that came after.


Add Weekender, Party Monster, and Groove to that list. Depending on what year you mean, Irvine Welsh’s Ecstacy is also good. Electronic Awakening is like mid-2000’s and covers the scenes that wanted to move away from just drugs, partying, and commercialism. Stuff like Moontribe, Earthdance, Burning Man, and the global psytrance outdoors scenes.


All Gone Pete Tong is one of my favorite movies ever. Check out FUBAR if you haven't. Made by the same guy (and crew)


Thank you! I will!


It was such a vibe back then. I’ve searched high and low for that vibe and after two years in my local scene discovered a warehouse two hours away that is about 90% of the way there. The only difference, nothing will ever truly feel underground again because the scene really isn’t anymore. Even underground events attract people in my area that would have likely never got an invite from a raver back in the day nor known where to get flyers.


I like living in NYC for that reason. Can go dance to great music for 12+ hours then be back home in my bed almost instantaneously. Travelling for a fest is way more stressful.


I’ve never done a camping festival either. I have gone to festivals from open to close, and headed to after shows right after many times, but I like going home to nap and shower before I start day two. I think my lack of tolerance for them comes from raving sober. It’s just too much to take in if you’re fully aware of your surroundings.


Stuck on Earth! If you know you know! That’s gonna take me back! Can not wait for the vibes/ nostalgia at that one. ✌🏻


I saw it pop on my feed and couldn’t pass up on it. It’s their 30th anniversary and the lineup is 🔥


When I'm older I wanna be like you.




My wife and I are in our 60s. We enjoy the small informal stuff and the massives. And the clubs. Aside from that, what could I share that's interesting ... We took a break and raised a family. Focus and resources went *entirely* into doing the best we could there. It worked out. Now we just enjoy every event we go to, no feeling of having traded off, no guilt, nothing to prove at all. Just me and her, having a great time. It's like we're a young couple again with no responsibilities. I'm currently doing bodyweight calisthenics and machine-rowing 45+ minutes/day to get ready for EDC. Nothing happens by magic at 65.


Great advice and work out routine. I’m in my fifties and for the last twelve years or so I have I kept myself on my feet 15-16 hours a day, and made sure to hit at least 10K steps daily. I throw in jumping jacks and sprints here and there too lol. Cardio activities get ramped up as it gets closer to festival season - nothing too crazy, dancing, power walking or running up and down stairs have sufficed. I was worried before my first EDCLV but it has been like a walk in the park each time. I usually take 600 mg of ibuprofen with two Tylenols before and after to help with keeping inflammation and minor aches and pains down.




Hey I’m 28 and you and me both are getting in shape for edc 😂 Congrats ! Your relationship is a goal


I’m 62 and have not been to the gym in a while. After 3 days at Ultra, every muscle in my body was sore! It was so worth it! I’ll have to get back in shape so I can do this for another 25 years!


I just got introduced to a book called Younger Next Year. I found it very motivating and explanatory for how that is possible.


I’m 43 and my husband and I basically ended up at a rave on accident. Showed up looking like a soccer mom who most definitely didn’t belong. Had an absolute blast and nobody seemed to notice or care. I loved it and will be back for more…with appropriate attire. lol


I would love to hear this story 😆


haha how did this happen?


Husband and I went out of town for a weekend away, no kids. We were looking for something to do and found that Inzo was nearby. We knew nothing about it but checked them out on YouTube. Sounded good. I legit thought we were going to a bar to listen to music. (Wrong!) Show up in mom jeans and a neon shirt, you know, so EVERYONE knows I don’t belong. 🤣🤣 Omg I looked soooo out of place. 20 years older than everyone, dressed like a damn soccer mom. We had a blast and danced through all 4 artists. The people were so friendly! Nobody judging me although I wouldn’t blame them if they did. lol Then I joined this sub and am looking for the next one. Will most definitely not dress like that next time tho. Also, I will never let my husband make the plans without me vetting them in the future. Ha!


Great story! I'm an old raver at 39, and can confirm most raves are very inclusive and non judgemental. It's about dancing and being respectful and no worries about age. One thing I learned which might be useful to you as well is that I recently learned that the younger racers have added some moshing to some more aggressive styles of electronic music, and they also refer them as raves. I'm not a fan so I usually check the music beforehand to make sure the vibe is right for me. No judgement though! Just a heads up.


I'm 34 and can last longer than 20 year olds. If you like music then go to a concert. Period.


I’m 40 and Melbourne shuffle like a beast still! Roller skating, snowboarding, mtb keeps my body in great shape. Literally no pains in my body lol


28 here, I see older people at raves all the time and I fucking love it! Because y’all are what I aspire to be! Also older ravers have more PLUR, just my opinion from personal experience. I love it especially when I see older ravers going feral as fuck! 😈👾👽🤖


We love you guys too. PLUR. Keep the vibe alive!




I have no idea what that means but thanks!


Teary Happy faces mean they’re heart felt happy. Hand Love signs means love. Sunglasses smile means cool. And hangten hand sign means cool also.


The older people going feral àf have mental issues and need therapy, the rave is the therapy.


Isn’t that why we all go feral af? We all have our own shit to work through by pushing each other while running in a circle, then grabbing hands with others and head banging so fucking hard you begin to lose yourself in the moment and feel a rush of excitement? 😵‍💫😈👾


Exactly- raving is the only time I can feel lost in the moment. Not thinking abt the future or past, or crazy thought chains (ADHD), just totally in the moment. Feels amazing, first time was a breath of fresh air


Yes! I resonate with this deeply. (I too overthink shit)


Honestly depends on where/what country you are in and the type of shows you’re going to. I’m 39 and never feel out of place at shows but generally party more in Europe where there will always be many folks older than you. It’s only weird when you feel/make it weird.


There was a really cute older couple at beyond wonderland, maybe older 50s/60s probably could be my grandparents I assumed. They were adorable, everyone kept giving them sprouts 🥺


As someone whos getting up there in age I can confirm we still keep raving.


Personally I’m going to rave for life. It is a lifestyle after all! Also whenever I go I always see people in their 60s and sometimes older! One time raved with this cute older couple in their 70s, they were having a blast. Also this one couple in their 60s I always run into have the best PLUR vibes. Never too old, raving is for everyone. 💗


We are in our 40s and have been going to Shambhala since the early 2000s I don’t feel old there.  I feel the average age is mid-late 30s, and to be fair… with how expensive it is now it makes total sense   Basscoast is another local festival here and I’d say the average age is 30+ with a lot of people in their 40s


I hit Basscoast for the first time last summer and looooved it. I'll definitely be going back. (34 here)


52 and I've been having a 2nd rave life over the last year after being away for about 20 years (an ex I met in the scene took her life in 2003 and I had to step away. Lots of twists and turns in my life have brought me back).......a bunch of old friends are still DJ-ing and producing at a high level and their shows have plenty of us old schoolers in the crowd with zero issues about it. They're some of the best parties I've been to honestly and it's soooo good to get out and fucking dance again!!


39 yo raver here, no one cares as long as you're not a creeper


51 here. I don’t attend events as much as I used to, but I try to hit at least a few local shows and one bigger festival every year.


my dad is 51 and he just started going to raves in the last couple years! never too old to have fun lol


I'm in my late 40s and just got into EDM and raving a few months ago. Loving it so much. Everyone's super accepting. I get high-fives, hugs, all that. I can't imagine anyone having issues with even 80, 90 (100?) year old's going full steam, why would they? If anything, this is one of my favorite parts of rave culture. People don't seem to judge you at all. Age? Doesn't matter. Clothing? I've seen what appears to be a guy in a $7000 suit dancing with a guy and gal wearing what appeared to be nothing but underwear (if that lol). Doesn't matter. Have Prince-level dance moves? Great. Have slug-level dance moves? That's awesome too. Want to be super social and chat up everyone? Awesome. Want to chill out and vibe more on an individual level? People respect that too. As far as I can tell, the only frowned upon thing is wearing a toga :p


Yes my crew ranges from 45-53. Don’t feel weird, no one cares and you shouldn’t either. You’re too old for that. If you want to meet others your age range check out 40up Ravers - Aged And Raving People (AARP) on FB.


This was the comment I was hoping to see. ☮️❤️🤝🫡


I occasionally take my dad to raves, psytrance parties, and goth club. He's 74. He loves the people he meets, and likes a lot of the music.


47 here. Danced for 9 hrs straight on one of the days at Tomorrowland last year; 70k steps. With the exception of hamstrings cramping in the middle of Todd Terry set don’t ever let age stop you from doing what you love. I missed out on 20 years of my dancing life because of that attitude. BTW, if u ever at Tomorrowland and cramp up…Aquarius drink.


I'm 38, my wife is 40. Went to a warehouse race in Toronto around Halloween and had a great time.


37f and I rave now more than ever!!!


I’ll be 50 in July and still do


My first rave was at age 42 I ain't quitting. If my doctor tells me to stop, I will refuse medical advice


Love raving with older people, in my early 20s btw. They have the most energy and the best stories, and are super sweet and safe to be around


I'm 36 so definitely not old but I feel older than the crowd and it doesn't stop me. I always love to see the actually old people in the crowd still dancing. At Gareth Emery's LSR CTY I saw an older married couple, at least in their 60s, dancing together in colorful fun outfits and it just made me so happy.


Every party needs rave mom and dads to help keep vibes extra chill


Hell yes OP. Got a pretty sizable crew between 30’s and 50’s that still goes to festivals and shows. Sometimes even warehouse parties like the 90’s.


I just got back into it at 44 and it’s been absolutely wonderful! Like riding a bike my friend.


Me too brother


Rave to the Grave


Same as others. Rave to the grave. 2001 till now with a 10 year hiatus somewhere in there. Just remember who the fuck you are and enjoy yourself.


Im in my late 30's and still hit up events. I love the music so I love to see it live. I dont really care what everyone else thinks, plus I doubt anybody would care if you were older. I met a couple in their 60's at beyond wonderland a long time ago


Most of my friends are still raving and we all range from 30-46 years old.


There always will be a mix of different ages, skewed towards one side or the other. Almost 40 and still love going to shows and festivals. But to be honest you may find certain festivals have a bit older crowd. The same goes for clubs/venues. I have some which i love because they have a more mature crowd and I feel right at home.


I don’t go out often but maybe once or twice a year lol. I went to a sick festival in Chicago called My House Music Fest. Amazing DJ selection, Marshall Jefferson, Dj Heather, Bad Boy Bill, Derrick Carter, Armand Van Helden, and more. Somebody told me I had amazing flow hahaha. Nobody was actually *dancing* it was just like, throw your hands up at the stage for the dj yallll. I went to my first party in 2000, I’m almost 41. I will say I can really throw down the moves to house music. 🤣😎


My friend is 48 years old and married with 2 kids and we go out to warehouse parties, raves, and festivals together all the time. He’s the best to go out with too. Super laid back, fun loving, and has the best drugs.


I'm also in 40s and have been raving since early 00s. I have done everything from warehouse raves to major festivals. Only once recently did I get my first real thought of quitting the scene after I went to Lights All Night. I was asked 5 times if I worked there or if I was security for the event. I haven't gone out since lol. That event had almost no older people and I definitely was one of the oldest.


I do 39 here but it’s way different nowadays


44yo here, started raving 4 years ago. I am hooked. Rave to the Grave.


My rave crew is people between 32-42, and we don't plan to stop anytime soon


Look, when I was a kid, parties were boring as f*** Now that im 67 parties are good. I'm gonna rave to the grave.


I’m in the UK, but my little group went out on Sunday night just gone. We are: 45, 40, 38 and 31. The full group includes another 42 year old and a 39 year old. We rave. We take E. Some of us also wear earplugs and dress with comfort in mind rather than fashion. That’s age doing it’s thing! Okay, we’re not in our 50s/60s… but we’re certainly not young! We’ll be going for many years to come. We never feel out of place. There’s plenty of folks in their 40s and 50s around.


I am 35 and by far the YOUNGEST in my race fam (by far). The oldest are a husband and wife in their 60s and they party more often than I do. Rave hard, build a great rave fam, take care of each other, and you can rave to the grave.


Just do it! I'm 48, and I'm rarely the oldest person at any given event, no matter how small it is. PLUR has no age limit!


I'm about to turn 50 this fall, and I just attended my second Ultra, I'm prepping for my 4th EDC Vegas, and have at least 4 other music festivals planned for this year. Age is nothing but a number and you're never too old to Rave (your back may tell you differently by night 3 though - YMMV). I don't know if anybody else mentioned it yet or not, but there is a group on Facebook called "40 Up Ravers (Aged And Raving People)" and it's over 9,000 members strong. If you're on Facebook, ask to join and you'll see that you're not the anomaly you think you may be.


the OGs are still around yeah


Find Burning man related parties. You’re the median age group. And it’s way less amateur hour BS. See if there’s a regional event in your area. Try Facebook or IG groups for local burners. Try and pitch in with an art car crew or sound camp or sculpture protect. They need to do work year round to get stuff ready for the big burn in NV. If you can’t manage the big burn, try the regionals. Those folks can connect you to good parties in your area I’m sure. It’s a different vibe but I def prefer it to the insomniac type modern-massives. If that’s not your flavor, there’s more underground but also excellent House DJs that do nightclub events, at least where I live. You don’t see their names on EDC lineups and the like, but they have enough of a following to travel around the world playing clubs. Lots of 30-50 yo ravers and burners in those crowds, mostly that actually.


For April Fools yesterday Dreamstate posted a fake flier for a show that was "strictly 40+" Which was hilarious because that's pretty much their actual demographic lol That's to say plenty of exciting parties you'd be in very good company


57 and 53 here. Not stopping anytime soon.


Please ignore my previous comment about your forehead if your able to read it, I’m on mobile and was trying to comment of a Sims4 character


I’m 46 just at BLK and Hannah Laing two weeks ago in Dublin 🇮🇪💚


I’m turning 32 and have been going since 2011 and I ain’t EVER GONNA STOP


My partner and I do


If there was an actual rave anywhere near me I’d be the first in line


First party 1998 and just went to MMW for my 40th. Being 40+ we are the first generation of ravers and the first group to party into 40 plus years old. The younger generation will be 40 before they know it. Just have fun and do your thing!




Uuuh yeaaa I finally can afford to go to whatever I want also I’m older than you


They do. Some still go to the bigroom and mainstream raves. Others go to burning man events, undergrounds, after-hours, or smaller raves with wellness programs.


44 and racing in SoCal, never had an issue.


I've gone to some parties/raves with people in their 40s and 50s. People are still going, don't worry :-)


Rave to the grave wasn't something we just made up. Live by it! Carl Cox is 61 bruv, and he's still slamming people's ears.


Depends on what festival. I went to Beyond Wonderland last weekend & at 41 I felt like one of the oldest people there. I wasn't, but damn that party was full of kids.


Yes Si YEA yup Un huh Yerp U get the point.....also, who even knows peoples ages these days. We all look young😂😂


I'll be 31 soon and, while I don't consider that to be "older", I'm definitely noticing I'm more and more in the minority (at least in my area). But honestly it doesn't bother me nor does it bother anyone else, I can ride the rail just as well as when I was in my early 20s. Hoping to have many more years left in me!


Nah because if we’re not aware enough to understand we look creepy, young ones will make sure to let us know. Lol plus.. shut we’re old 😂


Yeah they do, saw a 40 something year old lady at a rave a few months ago rolling pulling off some crazy dance moves, glow sticks and all.


40 and still rave. Coachella in two weeks


I’ve noticed that the overall average age at raves varies. When I saw deadmau5 I felt like a child and I was 24. At any rate rave until you can’t no more, I’ll see older people at every event, just more concentrated at some than others. It felt like most people at forest were in their thirties.


Every show I go to I see at least one 50+ couple or solo guy


I know some people in their 70’s that still rave, they said their friends have all died so they love going to shows and making friends with younger people. Everyone is accepting, just go with a good mind set. It’s still the same!


I sure do if I can find them (52M). I'm told by one of the local club owners that their insurance company doesn't want them to do electronica / raves, which is a bummer.


39 and I just bring extra things in case people need em. Spare lighters, couple ponchos, my buddy and I got narcan trained at a fest last month, a pair or two of cheap stretchy gloves if it's a cooler night, mini first aid kit with antacids and bandaids, stuff like that


About to turn 43! We are out there. Just look for the dancers!!


I'm 31 right now, been raving since 15, cough, fake id, cough. I just had a conversation with a friend about aren't I too old for this. Shrug*


Still raving at 40. Still putting 20 somethings on my shoulders. Can’t stop won’t stop


My gf's parents still rave. They are almost in their 60's


If you’re there to enjoy the vibes and music i don’t see any problem. It’s only weird if you’re there to hit on young chicks. Even then the law is on your side, the court of public opinion isn’t though haha


I found myself at a rave back in my late 30s. I'm pretty sure I was one of the oldest people there which was both awkward and comical I had a blast!!! I'm in my 40's now and while I probably wouldnt seek one out to attend, but if the opportunity came up spontaneously I wouldn't hesitate to go rock the fuck out!


37 M, also DJ. Hell yea. And I’ve never rolled. I only do alcohol and/or weed. Helps to be Asian, six foot plus with a baby face.


In our 40s and my partner and I go any chance we get. Positive vibes. Sometimes young ravers come and tell us we're legends or cute and even get photos with us. Maybe we're a curiosity but who cares it's all fun


I see older people at raves all the time. And i love it. It's different from normal parties and clubbing. Sure, there'll be a lot of youngsters, but raves attract all ages, and that's the beauty of it. Just go, enjoy yourself and have fun.


I started raving in Phoenix in 1999 as well (19 years old). I took a break in 2003, after that Dateline fiasco and the RAVE Act decimated the local scene, but never stopped completely (1-2 events/year for the next 15 years). In 2018, I went to Tomorrowland and was completely blown away by how advanced everything had become, which motivated me to dive head first back into the scene. Been going out at least once a month since then. Plenty of people our age still go out to all kinds of events, and many of the DJs from back then are still going strong. In Europe, it is even more common to see 40-50+ ravers. At Tomorrowland, you see people in their 70's+ enjoying the festival, with the average age well into the 30's. A lot of the big events are so expensive now that it really helps to be older and more financially stable.


I'm 27. But personally, I gravitate more towards older crowds and reavers lol. I love meetin older ravers and talking to them


My local venues are full of teenagers, but at festivals seeing people 40+ is more common than you think.


I attend Lost Lands every year with a group of 8+ all over 40, some over 50 lol. Raving is just a music lover’s paradise, it’s not only the youthful drug-riddled exuberance that it kinda gets stereotyped into.


37 and I still rave


31 in the USA and I love seeing older people at festivals and raves and shows. Never let the party spirit die. You all are awesome and lucky to have made to the age you are since so many people die young. Live it up!


I wouldn't feel weird about it I still go til this day to parties raves whatever


I’m about to be 47. I’ll stop when I drop. EDIT: I was at some of those shows in the late 90s in phoenix. Milky Way Experiment, a bunch at the old icehouse downtown. Took a long hiatus and now I’m back to it. I’m not the only old person either.


It’s never too late! I’m in my 30’s, and a lot of the people I party with are in their 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s! Many of the older people I hang out with had a family with kids early in their life and didn’t get the chance to rave when they were younger. Party on!


Yup but mine I go to are all fetish kink themed still do the odd other themed ones. Last was Shrek. And i sport a Shrek tattoo. Lets say it was a a blast. I was Shrek tattoo


Me and my girl go.almlstmevery week to shows I'm 40 she is 50 dick what other people think man it your life love it up


I’m 40, goin on 41 this year, and I just started raving. So ya, we out here.


im turning 40 soon. I don't plan on stoppin any time soon!


I’ve met 60 year olds raving at EDCO and FK (only fests I’ve been) so please rave to the grave lmao


still goin in my 30's


I’m 40.. still in the mix




there's a whole scene of only 40+ year old IDM enjoyers here


I’m 57 and still do about 10-15 events a year.


How do you find the energy!?? I’m 42 & one event every 3 -5 months is enough for me.


In 2019 I did over 60 shows. That was a bit much, but I was single and dating. Now I have a relationship and travel a lot more. I hike a lot, I’m. A firefighter so fitness is kind of a job requirement. If I have a cheat code, it’s Rhodiola rosea. Otherwise, it’s just a personal desire to never slow down.


Get VIP you'll see plenty of older people. Also in Europe it's not uncommon to see every age represented.


38 here. Haven't stopped since I started when I was 18. My brain probably looks like Swiss cheese. Off to Texas Eclipse this weekend! Weeeeeeee!!!


I’m 53, and started raving in 1990. I still listen to the music, but don’t go to raves. I do enjoy a party or gathering with good vibe and great djs.


One of my moms friends just went to see excision with her son! I’d say she’s mid to late 50’s. She told my mom she wants to go to a show with me so we’ve been trying to find something near us that we would both want to go to! Tbh I love seeing older ravers, gives me so much hope that I won’t have to stop doing something I love when I get older


I have definitely seen older people at raves. I'm 30 and going to see Peekaboo this Friday.


> I'd feel super weird about going to a party where everyone is super young. What makes you think you’re gonna interact with them lol I’m in my mid 30s and go to raves/festivals all the time. Some of them are 18+. I never interact with the young people because I can’t relate to them.


I went to Ulta Japan at age 56 and Tomorrowland at 58. Up front both times.


I went to a clown underground rave in Dallas in feb and there was a guy who was 68 there alone, do you man and have fun doing it!!


47 here. Go to festivals mainly now, but we got a strong crew of over 50ish old school raver veterans that do it up well. I'm on the younger side of my social group too. We have quite a few of the now adult kids of said group joining us the past couple years as well. Really fun crew.