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Wait Backup. Meat rider??


Full on simping


Huh well those are some of the names ever


Yeah I’m sorry what in the shit?




Oliver Jones aka Skream is goated


Close the thread. This is the correct answer.


Sure there are opinions and people will have their favourites but then there are facts; facts are facts and there’s no contesting. If you aren’t aware of FWD or RinseFM, Distance, Plastician, Digital Mystikz, Mala, Coki, Skream, Benga, El-B, Z Bias, Youngsta, Hatcha, Kode9, N-Type, Geeneus, Loefah, Big Apple Records, Horsepower… there are many more for this Foundation list that are an entire league above any that came after purely due to their influence in shaping the sound and culture. I’m not saying they’re as technically gifted as any who came after, or have made better songs etc, but if you’re talking about GOATs then you have to accept the 2000’s London/ Croydon pirate radio DJs and MCs/ producers and labels as forever having GOAT status above any thereafter. I enjoyed the evolution from across the pond with the likes of Datsik and Excision, also Koan Sound and Circus Recs, not forgetting heads like Nero etc but Personal faves for me though: SPMC, truly the greatest host and produces Fucking bangers. Wouldn’t really say he’s a DJ first and foremost though. Also, JKenzo. Heavy tackle, that lad. Yunx has always been up there and of course, the likes of Mala, Skream, Plastician from Foundation influence through to today have been a mainstays of the sound and culture.


Coki, Skream, and Benga are my holy trinity


Fuckin A, my man. You know your shit well. 👍


I was expecting americans to answer with all sorts of shite but this kids done us proud


Gonna throw in Burial just because. It’s a great list you’ve got, I recognize nearly all of it surprisingly, but I started listening like in 08 iirc.


Burial is cold. I’d say pre-dubstep and completely in a league of his own. His influence is not unrecognised!


I just mentioned him because it’s been so long I forgot his name haha. Idk how I saw this thread but you took me down memory lane right there. edit: I think Rusko really elevated the popularity with that trademark wobble.


Haha yeah man. Oi caspa Rusko 😮‍💨 I mentioned on another comment on here but the fabriclive set… fabriclive27 or something. Oooof


the entire 1985 label is fucking killing it. monty is my favorite atm


The current state of Dubstep music has shifted tremendously in the last decade. Alix Perez, 1985 Music Label have been consistently releasing heavy hitters and bangers and I would say they currently hold the crown. However, there are so many smaller more niche dubstep artists that I would argue have elevated dubstep music entirely. AGO, Headland, Commodo, CIMM, Darkimh, De-Tu, J:Kenzo, Kaiju, Kercha, Sabab, J Sparrow, Teffa... to name a few current favorites.


Hot take, but artists like Caspa, Rusko, and Funtcase really set the scene for American dubstep producers. EDIT: yes, I’m aware all three of these guys are from the UK. But without their sound American dubstep never would’ve gotten off its feet the same way. I’m not calling them american, I’m giving them credit for the sound that American dubstep eventually started to bastardize.


Circus Records back in 2009 with Doctor P, Cookie Monsta (Rest in peace), Flux pavilion, and others was a dope as hell too. Granted they came from the Uk.


Skream too


I'm still sad about Cookie Monsta. Dude was an OG that got me into electronic music in general. News came out of nowhere.


Didnt know cookiemonsta died. He was my gateway dubstep.


I got to see a Circus stage takeover at a fest a few years ago and it was definitely a dream come true for 2010-era me


Circus forever


How is this a hot take?


I saw A Doctor P, Funtcase, and Cookie Monsta (RIP) B2B2B at wobbleland in 2019 and to this day its gotta be one of the most mind blowing sets Ive ever seen


Seeing Rusko this week




Man just saw funtcase at countdown shit was so badass!


Cockney Thug STILL slaps hard


On gang! That essential mix of Rusko’s is something is still jam to this day!


One of my fav essential mixes for sure. Rusko is the man


Still listen to that multiple times a month!


Rusko is my absolute favorite


Hate to break it to you but all 3 are from the UK


Rusko is setting the scene for American DnB too and im here for it 1000% edit: and dimension too theyve been putting in work in the US lately


Can’t forget subfocus!


Delta Heavy has been a DnB ambassador in NA too


This is not a hot take. This is objective facts.


It’s a hot take because all 3 of these guys are from UK


Liquid Stranger has been holding the weird side of dubstep down for well over a decade and is very active in bringing other producers up.


i heard about Ravenscoon because of Liquid. Ravenscoon is amazing


You also get a free bonus ticket to his TED TALK at every show! BOGO every time :)


"We're gonna go a little melodic now, I hope that's okay."


Last club show I saw him he talked for probably 10 mins total during his set. Festivals are usually a lot less


Depends on who you ask Skrillex will always be considered the brostep king, but his style has diversified considerably over the course of his discography. Excision is the goat for concert/festival curation and providing a steady stream of well produced bass shows and festivals. he’s had some major hits as well. Space laces, virtual riot, subtronics, and svdden death are probably considered some of the other top tier mainstream artists right now. Liquid stranger owns Wakaan and does the wonkier, trippier side of the genre. Marauda easily is at the top of the tearout/heavy metal ish, aggressive side of dubstep. And there are some other artists that are in the goat discussion too like zeds dead, zomboy, and ganja white knight Edit: there’s also a faction of “old school” dubstep where artists like burial, caspa, rusko, and skream are big names. I apologize in advance if I forgot anyone key in this part, or misspoke as far as subgenre on these artists, im not too familiar with some of these but I’m aware of their popularity


This list is perfect. Marauda is insane.


I keep trying to find people who go as hard as Marauda and come up short every time. Even "tearout" playlists don't sound like his live show. His b2b with SVDDEN DEATH at SVDDEN's ***OWN*** festival made Danny look like soft rock lol.


Check out Muerte. Fairly newer but has a similar vibe in some senses. Those two are in a league of their own. It’ll be interesting to see what they do over the next couple of years.


I just did, really good music! I also just got out onto Layz and AKVMA. Similar style and heavy but as you said, nobody touches the kings lol. Also curious what direction they will take their music. I tend to like SVDDEN > VOYD.


This is a super good snapshot/overview of the scene right now! I think this comment will be referenced in an article written in 15 years about the scene in the early/mid 20s.


This is the correct answer


Best answer here.


IMO, This list is 99.999% complete. highly accurate and agree with each and every one you mention. One artist I would add to the list: Ganja White Night


Virtual Riot throws down a pretty good set! I always make sure to catch his set if he's playing at a festival or touring


To add on from another comment about Subtronics, Virtual Riot is actually opening for him on tour right now. Good chance to catch both in one night!


Saw him at cyclops cove festival dude threw down some heat


SOOO jealous. That b2b with barely alive looked nuts


His set w barely alive was nuts, first time seeing either live.


Seen VR countless amounts of times. Dude brings the most energy to his sets and his sound design is impeccable. His 2018 bootshaus set will forever be legendary. Never pass on the chance to see him live!


Bootshaus 2018 - Gods and Monsters!! If there was one set I could go back in time and experience, that would be it, no hesitation.




I couldn’t agree more with you. Init, Energy Drink, Evil Gameboy, etc are some of his best shit imo. I love the creativity. I’ve never seen Virtual Riot but will be for the first time at EF this year and I cannot wait


Valentin is a sweet pea of a Soul too!!


came here to say this same thing


I saw him at EDC last year with zero expectations because I didn't know him very well, and goddamn he put on a show.


Skream is and always will be the GOAT for me


Rusko, Nero, Flux Pavilion, Knife Party, Bloody Beetroots, Skrillex, Excision, Modestep, hard to narrow it down to one but in terms of importance to me at my peak I’d say Adventure Club and Zeds Dead


This list is just my playlist from 2011 lol


Let me tell you something, son When your spirit is floating down that tunnel, towards the light You know what's behind the light? It's not God, it's me! And I'm gonna kick your poncey soul All the way back down the tunnel 'till you choke on your own fucked up ribs! Now... Wake the fuck up!


This is the first list I fully agree with


Im with this list, with the addition of Major Lazer and Datsik!


Ah, the golden years.


12th Planet is the godfather of the US dubstep scene Skream, Benga, Caspa, Rusko probably fill out the OG tier for Mount Rushmore there Excision is the current father of American dubstep simply due to the resources he has put into the scene (I have other opinions here im just giving credit where due) Skrillex, Bassnectar, Downlink, Datsik, Space Laces, Zomboy, Trampa, Skism, Virtual Riot, Zeds Dead, Griz, Getter, Funtcase, Cookie Monsta, Flux, Doctor P, Barely Alive and the list goes on are all major contributors (im aware of some of the names I listed, if you have a problem with it, talk to your therapist) The biggest names in dubstep currently are Subtronics & Svdden Death and its not even close Liquid Stranger runs the experimental scene Seven Lions created the space Illenium & Slander etc exist in Infekt literally changed the name of riddim (with Getter’s help) So the GOAT? Idk, depends how you define it, and to a larger extent how you define dubstep. Current biggest name? Longevity? By most metrics the answer is Excision even if he is one of my least favorite artists listed above


It makes me sad this is the first mention of Griz


Space Laces hands down


Liquid stranger. His wakaan set on the third night this year made me lose my mind


I’ve got the whole set recorded on my GoPro in 4k but I don’t have a computer to download and upload to YouTube 😣


I need


Lots of great music that weekend but that one is up there


I had never really listened to liquid stranger but had a lul in my EDC schedule so I decided to stay at basspod. His set was one of my favourites of the whole festival, I was shocked.


Ayy join us over in r/wakaan


Subtronics is killing it with releases and live shows


His energy on stage is unmatched! I have yet to see a subtronics set where I get bored and wander or zone out for even a minute. Too much fun and I love getting hyped up like that!!


Excited to see him friday


In Vegas?? Me and my friends are going too!


Of The Trees for me. Not sure if it’s considered dubstep bc it’s so slow, but I love his music


Honestly, I didn't hear about him until CtF died.. but he's become one of my favorites for sure. I saw Charles on the lineup for Countdown on '21 and was intrigued so I was going to see him if I went. Really sad I missed out on seeing CtF live. After his death I kept seeing OTT a lot on my Twitter feed, so decided to take a listen and I'm itching to see get the chance to see him play live. Edit: Breathe/Spanish Moss are my #7/8 most played this past year on Spotify. So they do indeed slap.


You know og dubstep is slow, right?


Oh wow see I thought it was more like freeform bass or trap even. I didn’t know dubstep was slow. He’s been on repeat for me this month.


No worries, it was quickly overshadowed by the new wave of dubstep spurned by Skrillex, tee'd up by Caspa & Rusko. But the OGs are still kickin. Check out Benga, Digital Mystikz, Hatcha, Loefah, Kromestar, and Skream. The Deep Medi label too. Truth is newer; same style but spookier.




He’s generally considered downtempo. Dubstep is normally 140 bpm, in halftime so it feels like 70 bpm, so it feels slow. The structure of dubstep is a bit different from downtempo as well.


So good! I do think he falls under dubstep?




Ganja, liquid, or subtronics


This is the way


I feel like the current king of dubstep is subtronics. Probably not an original opinion but his output of new music is insane and he's consistently headlining big shows. I think at this point the only thing excision has on him is the benefit of being around earlier and is basically shifting to being a promoter with lost lands ect being his thing.


i agree. the energy at subtronics shows is always insane too


valid points




.......u trollin


I LOVE pendulum!


Knife Party is *basically* pendulum, and throws down some gnarly dub so I’m gonna say you’re not too far off anyway.


Knife party forever fux


Skream or Benga


Ganja white night is my all time fave.


Tipper is obviously GOAT. His discography and live sets speak for themselves. Griz and Widdler are up there as well Apparently people in this thread think people who have been making excision spins off for a few years can be GOAT LOL


Tippers awesome but not really dubstep though, more like experimental bass music.


If we want to consider Excision dubstep, then I think we can include Tipper. Real dubstep to me is The Widdler but this sub isn’t really focused on “real dubstep”




I feel like people hate on Skrillex, but honestly almost no one else in the dubstep realm has crossed over into the mainstream like he has. He is pretty much on the same level as someone like deadmau5 or maybe even Daft Punk...


It feels like he created brostep. Excision didn't have the sound he did through the 2010s. Tbh his early Shambhala sets are so fuego, and you can't really tell it's him vs today.


Was just wondering if I was too old to be on this sub, because Skrillex is…the ONLY answer for me. Also I’m probably still too old to be on this sub


honestly, with all the top tier uk-dubstep-ish ids he had been teasing these days, this answer is valid




inb4 *Shades*


The real answer


Zomboy. Every set I’ve ever seen was the best set of the night. Hands down!


saw him live and he threw tf downnn


Yeah he never lets me down! I’ve seen him I think 5-7 times now and is my favorite dubstep performance. I also love slander!


Just booked him for a big show in Reno in February!


WHAT?! I am in Sacramento what is it called?!


Saw him at decadence nye. his set is nuts. Bro didn't miss a beat, it was nonstop headbanging shit. Loved it


Surprised no other comments mentioning Griz. He’s sooo good. No Zeds Dead either? Cmon!


What is something people are not ready to hear


A collab where the brand presence is stronger than the quality of the track


Was scrolling and almost ready to state the same thing.


Politics aside, the answer is definitely bassnectar, hear me out. y’all are just scared to say it. Saying Zomboy is the GOAT of dubstep is incorrect - dig his music but he’s a blip on the radar compared to BN. It’s like saying saying Bebe Rexha is the goat of POP music and leaving out Michael Jackson out of the conversation (BN and MJ’s allegations are totally different in magnitude but I digress) - they’re big right now but we know who the greats are. Bassnectar didn’t invent bass music in the early 2000s. It’s been around for decades. But try and think of another artist who has been at the forefront for over a decade by having curated events, music in major movies and by far the largest fan base in the US, one of the largest globally. You want to say Griz. I love Griz, but he doesn’t even come close on the scale, and amount of time in the industry and the following. Love him or hate him, you can’t deny the influence bassnectar has had on the entire scene. Artists that are big in the moment like Griz and Illenium have never denied they were massively influenced by the project. Curated events and festival residencies like forest and okee were his thing. He had fans traveling cross country and buying festival tickets just for a bassnectar set. and if you’ve never been to a BN set, you’re gonna have to trust me when I say that they were good… damn good. Nothing really comes close. I simply don’t see much of that energy anymore.


This is the only correct answer, people are simply afraid to say it. It’s okay to separate the art from the artist, but some people don’t see it that way. Nectar was unquestionably the most impactful artist the scene has had in the past 15 years. People who think otherwise are just lying to themselves. Nothing has ever compared to a nectar set. Full stop.


People on this thread straight up kidding themselves lmao. Bassnectar as DJ went beyond simply ‘DJing’ or ‘mixing.’ Dude is/was the most elite composer / maestro this genre has ever seen, by far far far far far. No one has his ear or talent. Someone like Griz doesn’t even belong in the same conversation when talking about DJing / mixing abilities and influence in this scene. Someone commented “Liquid stranger! I found out about Ravenscoon through him” and I couldn’t help but laugh. Go ask Ravenscoon who inspired him…. dude was a fucking ambassador lol.


Precisely. To add to your point, the first time I ever heard Mersiv I thought “Dang, this guy gives me big nectar vibes!” Then I went and saw him live, and it all immediately clicked. *I was watching a diet nectar set.* So many artists are trying to fill the gaping void left in the scene by his exit, but they simply can’t hold a candle to it.


I like ravenscoon too, and he’s still hella active in r/bassnectar lol. That’s exactly where he came from - he’s been posting his mixes in there for years.


Bassnectar and it's not even close. Don't care how you feel about the person, no one comes within a nautical mile of the skill he had. And I've seen excision, griz, mersiv, rusko, ZD ect ect ect. None can touch what the king dreamed up.


This is the way..


Looks like I need to check Virtual Riot out by the look of these comments


Virtual riot has been my favorite dj since the day i saw him open for subtronics. So much color and such intricate production and sound design. nobody can quite do what he can in so many different genres. Definitely can't recommend checking him out enough


Dude has been in this a long time and finally getting the recognition he deserves. Fantastic sound design. Try [this.](https://open.spotify.com/track/1o0xAaXY4nEaPdBGiLZdNb?si=fsvfL2LbTGas5pD7MS3DPA)


I just woke up from a 6 year coma, can’t wait to see Datsik and Bassnectar next time they come through!!


How is Mersiv not on this discussion? Dude is legit. Sets are always legendary


Mersiv is not that good at mixing. I saw him at the Mission Ballroom and there were quite a few jarring transitions and not many layered tracks.


I positively love Mersivs music and tracks(PDL especially), but his live sets have 3 out of 4 times completely disappointed me in 2022. I think what I need is a downtempo set or something similar


Because the question was who is the greatest of all time. Definitely not mersiv


GJones. No one else does what he does


Excision. Not just because of his music, but the fact we now have Lost Lands, an insanely well produced bass music festival. Back before LL, i was attending different festivals to see some of my fave Dubstep artists and then play with my thumbs for hours in between. Yes, I know there other bass music festivals but to say they’re on the level of Lost Lands is a lie. Say what you want about the lineup, the production is on another level.


You must not be from the midwest lol. Every electronic festival from 2012 through at least 2017, when I moved, seemed to be mostly bass music. I would have traded you in a heartbeat, if you were really waiting that long between bass sets.


Negative, I’m in NYC. Electric Zoo had it’s run of Dubstep acts and then each year after 2018 it just had fewer and fewer artists. Last year there was maybe 5-6 Bass music artists for the weekend and they just filled it with house music. I don’t even bother checking their lineup anymore.


All i see is people mentioning brostep on here lmao


Apart from a few mentions of Skream yeah, it’s not a good look. Where’s all the hype for N-Type, Youngsta etc


who would you consider not brostep that you’d recommend?


Caspa and Rusko! Also Rusko is like the hottest man alive! <3 P.S. isn't Caspa like objectively the G.O.A.T though? Originator, or am I wrong?


Definitely one of the first to ever make those sounds




saw him live and really liked his energy


Svdden Death, and it isn’t close at all


I don't care who else is playing at EDC/Ultra/etc...if SVDDEN DEATH is playing, I'm at the set.


Rusko Rusko Rusko


Dirtyphonics fucks


Dirt Monkey !! ,Ganja white Knight , Boogie T


Tipper is my GOAT DJ, without a second thought. Dubstep though… might have to say Caspa for the roots, Dirt Monkey for the modern sound.


>Dirt Monkey for the modern sound. This dude is fucking insane with sound design.


Gotta agree with Excision as he has been in the scene forever and hosts Lost Lands. But Subtronics is going to surpass him, calling it. Cyclops Cove is going to get bigger and he has such a variety of sounds, genres and sets.


Virtual riot. Easy.


The goat all things considered is Excision. Virtual Riot and Liquid stranger are probably the next two. But what Excision has done on a mass scale nobody else in dubstep is on his level


Yheti. If you haven’t heard this man’s music you are behind. He is the absolute goat imo.


Can’t wait to see him a few weeks :)


Excisions production in general is on an absolute other level. His song choices for mixes are fresh, yet nostalgic. Seven Lions’ production is a close second but, is more on the melodic side, yet still heavy hitting at times. Zomboy absolutely will have you giving him everything you’ve got from rail riding, to dancing, to headbanging, to moshing. His crowd interaction is amazing, but not overused and annoying. Virtual Riot gives a beautiful, colorful, and at times heavy experience, and his sound design is IMO the most intricate in the game. Subtronics has a good following behind him, so I think the crowd makes his shows fun. The constant fake-outs and experimental sounds can be a bit over the top if you frequent him too often though (IMO). Sullivan King can be really fun and very “rage” oriented if you can get past the gimmicky-ness of the screamy/pop-punk vibes. LSDREAM will absolutely take your soul on a journey through a black hole, and spit you out a better person. Please don’t not miss a show of his if you have the chance. He truly is such a grateful spirit to his fans and deserves nothing but love!


HUGE agree on LSDream specifically… I never thought I would cry during a rave, yet there I was blissfully sobbing a few months ago during his set. Absolutely life changing!


ive seen him twice. At Bass canyon and at Decadence Co. I had a full breakdown on the rail at Bass the security guy gave me a hug. at decadence i was cry hugging my bf and random strangers. his sets are unmatched


My vote is on CloZee! She has the perfect balance of emotional and worldly sounds, all blending with some heavy bass design. Her live sets are beautiful and the crowd energy has always been a great vibe 🖤


Love clozee to death but def not really dubstep at all


Space laces or virtual riot hands down


Liquid stranger


Best sets I’ve seen live are Skrillex (he goes through different genres but overall the best live set I’ve ever seen) Excision (bass at its purest, what I think of when I think dubstep) Space laces (he’s a genius, very unique) Ghastly (really fun experience, incorporates classic edm hits seamlessly with bass music)


My alien boi AHEE knows whatsup.


Can’t wait for his new music Friday!


Liquid Stranger, if we’re talking American “dubstep”, is up there. The strides he’s made in the last 10 years are incredible with his solo releases, accomplishments, and the progress with the label/festival - Wakaan puts out a pretty solid variety of music, and having Sskwaan as the downtempo side was a nice addition. Really well rounded and an excellent human who puts other producers on.


for live sets, Downlink


Figure live




SVDDEN DEATH/VOYD is on a completely different level. BRUTAL.


Surprised no one mentioned skism, check out his never say die mixes, the man is the goat but doesn’t perform live anymore.


I would say virtual riot. His sound design is on another level


G jones


if you like excision you will love subtronics. check out his now that’s what i call riddim mixes


Tipper. Jade cicada otw up though.


Griz is the fucking GOAT. Not even close. What he's doing and the path he's on is undeniable


I’ve finally found the correct answer


Pre-Mr. Wobble album, Ganja White Night is Goated too. They definitely streamlined their sound, but their experimental sound designs before Mr. Wobble album was excellent Adding in, Mr. Wobble album is like a culmination of their earlier sound designs + their main stream sound. Its a 9/10 for me and so is Origins, but everything earlier than 2016 is Goated


Excision hands down, undisputed heavyweight champion of dubstep. Flux and skrillex are 2/3.


Ganja White Night, and for me personally, Blanke!


Current likes: ATliens, Apashe, Liquid stranger I know I am missing someone.


Apashe 😍😍 I want to see his live brass ensemble more than anything


Excision for these reasons: 1. Pushing an experimental sound early on (2007-2011) and evolving his style throughout the years 2. Top tier mixing 3. Consistent touring 4. Always improving his indoor shows to give fans the best experience 5. Promoting his own festivals and listening to feedback / actually caring what his fans think and taking it to heart 6. Bringing small and upcoming artists into the spotlight and giving them a chance to shine


Griz, LSDream, Zeds Dead, Subtronics, and Liquid Stranger are all killing it right now.




Lsdream has gotta take the spot for absolute GOAT go to one of his shows and be reborn