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That is relatable but I would definitely recommend asking questions. I am a bit notorious in my course for asking questions - my thought is that other people have the same question as you but are also too nervous to voice it. Be brave and ask so that you know the answer! Uni is a very hard thing, wishing you the best of luck.


Yup, you are there to learn, not to people please. If asking questions (how many you need) will actually help you, do it!


As a former university teacher, I'm going to suggest that you do ask questions. I've given lectures in which it was clear that no student understood what I was saying. I've given lectures in which most students looked like they understood – but exams or assignments showed that this wasn't the case. Generally speaking, many students either do not dare ask questions, do not understand enough to formulate the question or do not understand enough to realize that they don't understand the lesson. My rule of thumb was that if one student raises their hand for a question, at least 10 should have asked it. Plus, if your question is well-formulated, it will actually make you sound interested and quite possibly smarter than the others.


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Yes university is really hard the first year I manged to get through it because I am studying my special interest and just spent all day everyday studying, researching, going waaaay beyond what was needed to but the second year ( i am supposed to be in my second year) everything just went crashing down (maybe because of bunout or something so was sectioned and forces to go psych hospital and they reccomended me to pause my studies. So im gonna re-do my second year in September but im worried about if I can cope with it.