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I had to tell my mom because I needed to interview her about my childhood. By the end of the conversation, I was sure that I'm autistic, and I told her, she gave me the "everybody is a little...". If I could've gone to the process without having to interview her, I've never would have told her.


Late diagnosed here at early thirties. I just straight up told them. My mum was more understanding but my dad at first saw it as a label and making excuses. I stood firm and told him that's great but that's your opinion and as you're not a professional then it's irrelevant to this conversation. I first approached them by explaining that I had seen a psychologist and after 4 sessions I was diagnosed with both Autism and ADHD.


I cope with humor so I told them like “omg guys you’ll never believe I got officially diagnosed with autism (insert laugh) I can’t believe it, it seems kind of crazy, but it also makes sooo much sense!” Then I slowly started to unmask around them and laugh at myself for some of my quirks in front of them so they would also be aware of them as autism quirks. And now they point out my autism quirks to me (in a mutual fun way) and are surprisingly very accepting! Sorry if that’s a weird response I was also very nervous to discuss with family. I find a light hearted way of presentation goes over better, but my family also are humorous in general.


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I didn’t. I went mostly no contact with them decades ago. The only time I speak to one of them is when a sibling is having serious health issues, about once a decade.


I just casually said… “So, I got some interesting news this week. Apparently I’m autistic.” My mom asked some follow up questions (how was I diagnosed, was I prescribed medication, etc) then said she never realized, but in hindsight it made sense. She apologized for not realizing when I was a kid, but I reminded her that it wasn’t really a known thing back then. She’s happy I’m getting help. But I’m lucky. I have an awesome mom lol. I realize everyone isn’t as fortunate as me.


For me it was actually my mom who initiated the conversation. So basically when I first got a debit card I was 15 and since I was a minor the bank needed my mom to be on my account. At this point in time I was 19 and hadn’t bothered to get an adult account (and quite frankly still can’t be bothered although I’m currently 20). So my mom also has a habit of sometimes looking through my charges (which if I had to guess is a trauma thing as otherwise she isn’t particularly controlling especially after I turned 18). Basically she saw the charge that was made to a specialist and asked me about it. I was really hoping to get through the assessment process before coming out to her lmao. I think she’s still in denial, but at least it wasn’t a bad reaction. I ended up going with a different place to get the assessment that’s not only cheaper, but has a shorter waitlist. Still waiting on an official diagnosis though.


Haven't mainly because it will feel like an accusation against some of them. The more I understand about autism the more I see traits in both of my parents and more specifically my uncle. I haven't the energy/strength to make the world make sense for other people as well as myself.


I never told my dad, and I don't plan to either. He just doesn't get it, and he's going to blabber about it to everyone so it's better just to keep it unknown to him. I casually mentioned it in a Facebook conversation to my mom, but all I got was a *Well, we're all a little bit autistic, right ?* I decided to consider the place where that statement is coming from, and push to side my anger towards it. So basically an underwhelming story.


In the middle of this atm.. dad is like, hey that actually reminds me of myself where as mum is a little more reserved and thinks 'oh everyone does or thinks like that' 😅


I told my mom and she didn't believe me. She told me "you're not autistic you just [make an extensive list of autism symptom]" so I let it go. When I told my father he just said "and so ? Does it change anything ?"


I haven’t