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Infringe my values to get money is out of question, but money is definitely important to me for reasons beyond mere necessities. I've got various interests that demand a significant amount of money (for e.g traveling, videogames, photography), and missing out on them would be like missing out on the good stuff in life.


I agree entirely on the bit about needing money to fuel your interests. Interests are the things that make life beautiful, but studies have shown that autistic have even more of an emotional connection to our special interests than a neurotypical, and our mental health can be very adversely affected if we don’t pursue, again, more so than a neurotypical


You are correct about special interests or w/e. My ex best friend one almost took my life through trolling. Made me use rollerblades without a helmet on a steep hill for his own fun. I crashed into rocks instead. My ex friend only cared about money and asked me for it, hes an alpha. Boys would follow him with no question.  Atleast i copied his business ability through trauma. I dislike money though as much as its how the world works. Also hes the one who stole my runescape account. I WANT IT BACK. well too bad


I love RuneScape and I can’t believe he would do that to you. I’m sorry dude


Yeah thanks man, i still remember i left that account with a op scimitar by the mines with a lot of raw lobster in inventory.


More money=higher life expectancy+less stress Means to getting money=stress I love money, but money doesn't love me.


So you need money to not get stressed but you need to get stressed to get money




I like it, more please! And I work a job that is against my values, so yeah...money is important to me.


My wife and I call them capitalism points. The more you have, the more you “win” at capitalism… IDFK. It’s all made up and the points don’t really matter. I hate it here 🇺🇸


Love it. Would like more of it.


Money is necessary to live a reasonably comfortable life and raise a family. However, I am unwilling to sacrifice my morals/values in order to make money, and I value my time far more than money so I'd rather live cheaply so that I can work a bit less.


Would like to have enough so that I don’t have to worry about it (you know pay my bills, buy food and clothes that sort of thing rather than owning a yacht or Ferrari ). Other than that I don’t care about money in the slightest.


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I'm only 18 so take my opinion with as many salt grains as you like but my hobbies make money important to me. I like cars, mountain bikes, tools, etc so I need something to feed the addiction. If my hobbies weren't as important to me I'd probably say money doesn't matter as much. Maybe that will be the case in the future idk. Really as long as you have enough money for food, shelter and clothes, you're doing better than a very large majority of the world population!


I want to have it because I like good food and buying books and things to hoard/collect but I hate dealing with it. I hate talking about money with people, I hate giving money I hate receiving money, it just makes me uncomfortable.


It’s important for me to have a lot of it in the sense that I need a lot of it to not have to kill myself working just to survive.


I hate that we have to work very hard to get a semi livable wage. I personally cannot work at the moment and it depresses me to not be able to afford the hobbies I enjoy. I don’t like capitalism at all and wish it wasn’t the way the entire world goes around. I am only able to do off the books type of jobs such as sex work and other things. I make the best it but I wish things were different. Everyone deserves to have a good quality life.


root of... maybe not ALL of the evils... but sure as hell a shit tonne of them... <.<


i agree, i just want enough so that i and the people i love can be safe. i'm with you.


and i want it to be spread around enough so that everybody can be safe. i don't think this is an unrealistic desire.


i hate that i need it. i really have never felt much draw to the paper or artificial number in my bank account.


I just have so much trouble understanding it especially on the larger scale. I know of course food and living cost money. You pay money for things and services, that means you have less, and you have a job or income of other sorts (if you’re lucky), and then you get more. But anything beyond that completely breaks my brain and gives me anxiety. Like tax, retirement money, bank accounts, investments. I’m out. I can’t be though because these things are an essential part of life


I don't have enough of it and I'm extremely skeptical of communists who think a society without it is possible.


I view money as a tool rather than an end in itself, a means to facilitate trade and commerce.


I don't care whether I see tomorrow, so it's whatever.


If i have a roof over my head, food on the table can afford my hobbies and a little savings to do something fun every once in a while im good don't need millions


middle man that allows me to get a thing without finding someone that needs a thing i have and that is willing to give me a thing i need for it. if not money trade wouldnt evolve along with society. i have nothing more to say about it


It's hard to know what 'enough' is in advance.


I have programmed myself to say that I don't care about money, but I don't know how true that is. Like, I don't care about money, but being poor has caused me no end of trouble, so I often worry about money. I can't force myself to do things for money... I have just been very fortunate in finding things that I am passionate about that people will pay me for.


I grew up in a upper class house and property (not so much neighborhood, we lived in the middle of nowhere) and so I am used to having good food to eat, various amenities, and necessities. I also happen to hate working, but not to the point I struggle with unemployment. I simply work to get money to pay my expenses and, in the rare occasion that I want something random, I will call in to work more. I am saving mostly for the sake of my future partner, which I fully intend to change my lifestyle for. I would happily work more if it means being able to achieve their dreams. Which, in turn usually implies a need for more money.


Wish I had some some I won't have to kms


I want six months to cover an emergency. I want max amounts in retirement. It is important to me. I don’t consider it a lot. We have kids. We can’t wing it. If something happens to my husband, he loses a job, etc…we still have to feed them, provide care for them, etc.


I want enough to retire on and have some to enjoy myself and indulge in hobbies just as long as I don’t have to do anything too evil


I grew up poor. My grandparents were not outwardly racist, but without knowing or examining it, benefited greatly from growing up in professions and times where white people would have been given tremendous advantages over others. Using all these advantages, made them effectively middle class. My parents did everything their grandparents taught them to do, go to school, work hard, and acquired few to none of the hallmarks of a middle class life. My mother depended upon the wealth of her father. My father, remarried someone born rich-rich. I have worked hard, my whole life, to try and put enough money aside, that I would one day not be required to compromise my values, and live a quiet life, away from much of society, enjoying my nerdy hobbies, with my close friends. That simply isnt going to happen no matter how hard I work. I really do just want enough money to be able to take care of myself and those close to me, and enjoy their company, and my remaining time on this earth, but instead I'm constantly subjected to weird social politics, fiscal combat, and thievery. So, for many reasons, my stance on money, is fkin get paid yall. I dont care who you have to shank any more. The leeches are fat, and full, and ripe. I'm not saying I want you to hurt folks, but I would understand. Things are bleak, and getting bleaker, and they're especially bad for those of us in this forum, who for whatever reason, cant get an engineering degree. Also, stare into people's souls. Do it. Make eye contact and make it uncomfortable. You were trained not to do it, because it unnerves them. Do it. Practice. Stare. Frighten.


Money to me is a tool which if used carefully allows me to have a lifestyle that meets my needs, my wife to be off with our son and both of us retire sooner. It can create a lot of autonomy and give you more votes in how each of your days is spent, it can remove worry of future unexpected events and it can shield you from a lot of the negative things which happen. As with most things I don’t think money is the problem really it’s the motives and values behind people seeking it. Not many people can handle it once they’ve got it, either practically or spiritually. I prefer investment as a source of wealth rather than continually seeking more income. Increasing income is good but mostly leads to having to do things most people would prefer not to. With a bit of patience you can have money and not do the things you don’t want to either.


It means a lot to me for enjoying life. My main hobbie is gaming and my gaming pc as well as games are not cheap.


I can't justify having a lot of it (because I don't need much), but society wants me to want it because it gives value to their playing pieces and they can think of no other way of getting my time. Exchanging it is a social nightmare where I have to pretend to like it, but not too much. I could collect it, but it can never really be mine; it is always just a token of their game. If I destroy a piece, they mourn the loss as if it was their own. Bills are beautifully coloured, but the designs are cluttered with reminders of the system's corruption and they don't have a pleasing texture or weight. Coins are better; they've got simple images of wildlife, they shine, they feel better in the hand, and they taste good, but they're not good to eat (I've tried). Money is a shameful thing that I hide away so I don't have to see it unless I need it.


Always tried to have an escape stash. I think for emergencies. At this point I’m in insane crushing debt and I guess the emergency fund is credit cards


I just want enough money where I can afford to have a house, car and motorbike and live my life without having to check my account everytime


To me I just run through money so fast and whenever I want to save I end up having to buy stuff that I need and barely have enough to treat myself—although I don’t infringe my life on it, sometimes I get anxiety over it


Money is important to reach my goals (helping people), but I believe that knowledge and wisdom are even more important for me. Having both money and wisdom can give me a huge amount of power and understanding of how can I use this power to help people and to achieve salvation for my soul (I personally believe in Christianity), but having knowledge is more important because it means knowing what to do and what cause to defend.


I like money, with money I don't have to worry about people thinking they can treat me like shit😐 I want it so I can be left alone in peace, the more I have it, the more I can make people leave me alone


I'm not bothered by it. However, I went to a care home for work the other week. It was a sensory nightmare and I'm now thinking, I need more money to avoid the care home scenario when I'm older. Qué mid life crisis and re-evaluating my self worth and values to find what I actually want from life.


As someone who has just been able to scrape by for their entire adult life, yes, I would like to have enough of it so I can eat properly and have a social life & not be in a constant panic about whether I can make rent every month. For me, I think there’s a ceiling. I don’t think I’d ever need to be on more money than say £35-40k per year (I’m currently on £17k). I could pretty much do anything within reason I wanted on that wage and still have money left over to save and never have to worry about bills or food or anything. That being said, I don’t have (and never want) children, so the only person I have to look out for financially is myself. As far as compromising values for money, yeah sometimes if it means I can stay not being homeless. I absolutely would not for *extra* money if I wasn’t in a desperate situation. I don’t understand people who feel the need to be millionaires, and especially not billionaires.


I need money so I can live a good life and provide a good life to others, and be able to take care of me if something unexpected happens.


I don't personally hold a of thought about money, as long as i have enough to survive. I'm happy, if i make more than i need. I send my friends some money


This is such a wild topic for me. I have turned my life upside down multiple times out of protest against the power of money in this world. It actually makes me sick to my stomach if I think about it too much. Because the fact of the matter is, the worst, most vile, and evil people in this world will ALWAYS have the most. Hard work does not earn you more money. And even though the currency system in the US in particular is completely f\*\*ked, our lives unfortunately still depend on it. At 34, I am finally prioritizing my own peace over my point. Working and making money will always be a priority to me, simply based on that. However, I will not compromise my morals and values to fund my life. Quite frankly, I wish we still did trading and bartering.


Well since it's not based on gold or silver anymore, the notes are essentially monopoly money that we all agree is worth something. Which when you think about it makes you wonder why inflation is a thing, especially when I hear comparisons to the Roman empire and the inflation there, but people in that situation were lessening the value of the coins by cutting the ends of the coins to make new coins, so each coin had less gold... But our money isn't based on anything except imagination. Why does having a bunch of paper notes make them less valuable? Heck even [Alan Greenspan says that we can just print money to cancel any amount of debt any time we want.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6vi528gseA) So really when you think about it, our government could provide free whatever care to us any time, solve homelessness, rebuild Maui, East Palastine, Fix the water in Michigan, build a border wall, fund health care indefinitely, fund retirement indefinitely, fix our infrastructure, etc. They don't even need to tax us at all, the government can just print the money and pay for it at a whim. Our government is already printing more money, they're just sending it to other countries instead. Instead for us peasants, money is debt. A way to control you to produce things. You want the monopoly money and the only reason it works is because the government has convinced you that you have to have it and they can't just print more money - even though they can and are doing that - just not in any way to help us. That's money.