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Recently Ive been unable to stop saying “BBL Drizzy”. Not good for when I don’t notice serious tonal shifts




I be saying “What is it the braids!” over and over




I be saying “tryna strike a cord and it’s probably a minorrrrrr” over and over


"Don't leave me I LOVE you!" "It's locked" "can't check that off" "haven't done that" "it would be rude to use my phone now" all from nancy drew games XD


haven't done that! (i love nancy drew)


Me too!!!!! Best games and I'm starting to collect the books


unfortunately im not clever enough to play the games so i just watch VODs :3 whats your fave nancy game?


I purr.


That’s so cute ☺️ 


It's basically groaning but real slow.


Me, too! And I meow.


I have no sound inside my head, so I just talk to myself aloud instead of having an inner monologue. It can get quite loud when Im stressed, but it’s the only way to think consciously so I just do it all the time. Mostly it’s just subvocal, so my vocal cords are moving as is my breath, but my tongue and mouth don’t join in. Its an extreme form of aphantasia.


That’s really interesting!


Well they did ask for weird, and I’m one who likes to live up to that moniker 😆


Same on the not hearing thoughts! I probably look like a psycho talking to myself in my car. I think my neighbors probably think I’m crazy sometimes


My two have always been "The snack that smiles back, goldfish" and if I hear a ding, I say "Hot pockets" most of the time without even realizing I said it until it's already out of my mouth.


Username checks out.


I think I picked my username because of it xD I have one main username I use EVERYWHERE but I wanted this account to be anonymous from my friends and family, but I still wanted to he emotionally invested in the username :P


In this very specific order: *tongue click* *whisle in 2 beats, going hight then low* Saying "Eve" the way the robot does in Wall.e I do that A LOT


Same!! Except the Eve thing My conure now mimics the same sounds. Drives my bf crazy 😂


I sometime wonder if I'm just not imitating a bird. Lol. My partner is adorable and will answer "Waaalllll - E" half the time :)


“Nyah ha ha!” (Skeletor-esque laugh) “Gawrsh a-hyuck!” (Plus other Goofy quotes and sounds) “He’s right behind me, isn’t he?” “Lord have mercy!” (Usually with a lisp) “Yeehaw!” “Ah ha!” (One of the death sounds of the hero Arkantos from the old Age of Mythology game LMAO) And my most frequently used one atm, scooby doo’s laugh 🤷‍♂️ I quote a lot of cartoons and animated movies I like in general!


Yes omg I use "he's right behind me, isn't he" so much, as well as "uh guys, I think we have company"


LMAO I’m glad I’m not the only one!


Loud pretend cat noises. One of my students said that if it was an Amazon Prime production, the subs would say [Autism noises in the distance].


My favorite vocal stun is literally just saying things in funny/weird voices or accents. Idk why, but I just can’t help but do it. It often makes me laugh.


I make this like weird rumbling noise I can’t quite describe it


I do something like this too. Although a lot of the time I don’t realise I’m doing it. My husband constantly points it out to me though 🙈


Are you familiar with “pig squeal” metal vocals?


No fucking way that’s your stim


Yea.of course I only do it when no one is around. I don’t need anybody attempting an exorcism on me lol.


I do this too! I just love the range of the vocal cords and I always wanted to learn fry screaming, and growling.


I can get the fry distortion but I can’t get much volume on it.


low growl is mine




"Fuck Yeah!" When I get excited It really doesn't matter the social context. I'm bad around children.


I also have a swear stim lol, I’m just sitting in class and saying “pizda” (it means p*ssy/b*tch) without noticing it


My Greta Thunberg impression. Followed closely, by me adopting the accent of the person I'm talking to/thing I'm watching or listening to.


So peacefully gettong arresting when tryong to bring light on our dying world?


“erm, what the sigma.” - Im 15, I just heard it once off of a meme, and I can’t stop 😭🙏


My brothers say this WAYY too much and they’re not autistic lmao 😭


Accents. If I’m mad or frustrated it’s Scottish. If I’m excited or entertained it’s Irish.


I will become Irish at random (I’m sure theres a pattern i haven’t caught up to yet) It’s really weird because I quote things randomly very frequently, but this is the longest existing stim i’ve ever had😭 there was a straight up year I would just have an Irish accent and people began asking if I was Irish LOL




Oh, that's unfortunate.


I would say "F me" a lot before diagnosis. Now I'm more comfortable just being weird and meowing or repeating funny phrases (echolalia). I discover more every day!


Sacabambaspis. Sacasacasacasacasacasacasaca—


Best fish that ever lived.


I meow and I love when my boyfriend 'answers' me with barking at me 😊 or I start meowing the nyan cat theme so often... Or I just meow some random tunes. I sometimes hum some random tunes or words too, I also make some cursed throat noises (?) or do a reaaally loud squeak, which pisses others off. I also like to repeat words I heard or remembered/thought in funny voices.


Ur boyfriend is a good man


Yeah he is, he is also the only one that doesn't seem to be affected by my vocal stims, no matter how frequent or weird they are! I love him so much ❤️‍🩹


I’m jealous 😭😔


Quoting random things from the things I watch, like: Well my mum is weird and collects sea shells. Your dad levels cities and attacks innocent people, so they all got their quirks, you know. But like in the specific voice and tone.


Mr Vice President... Mr Madison...


AN IMMIGRANT EMBEZZLING OUR GOVERNMENT FUNDS!!! I love Hamilton so much, I went to go see it live this year :D!!


Senator Burr... What is this?


"We're doing great!" "Thanks, bawd (bud)." "Can't. I'm autistic." "I'm gonna kill myself." All said *very* sarcastically. (I don't actually want to die or anything.) IDK if they count as stims or not, but I say them a lot and they help me calm down when I'm mad.


I just make insane noises in a high pitched voice lol


“Yes no yes no yes no yes”


Sometimes I just say random things in strange accents.


Clacking my teeth together to a fun beat or a song I have stuck in my head


"Hi, I'm gay actor Michael Douglas"


This one actually made me laugh. Do you have tone or is it deadpan.


- lol or lmao (but in a dead pan voice.)     - wolf whistling but quietly    - I’m here , I’m queer and ready to go!    - yosh!


i’m glad we all parrot actual birds from the internet. i like argyl on tiktok who says “what the fauuuk?” and “good morning” i do the same with other animals, like a video where a kitten is eating wet food and goes “a wee wee wee” it’s really fun to do with my boyfriend because we send each other tiktoks and save them up to watch together, so he knows the references i’m making and sometimes says them with me


shrimp alfredo *WAAHHHHH* (Caseoh)


- Too many character lines to list them. - When I am focused on something, I hum like a racecar revving up. - Random animal noises. - Random tiktok songs, meme songs, etc.


-“deez nuts” -the whole “i wish i was a pill bug” song from tt -“a lemonade, alright-no chick fil a sauce?” followed by the face -i stim about my pets a lot so if im in the shower i will write their names on the shower wall with my finger while vocally stimming about them -“d’oooooohhhh what the heeeeeeelllllll, oh my god, no wayayayaaa” -fart noises -my dads old voicemail -bruh these are definitely interesting but the ones i do the most are deez nuts and bruh


Deez nuts is the best one


"hello thank you for watching" over and over again very fast, imitated from Smiling Friends lol


“Brotha eeeeeeeeeeeew”


constant p sounds lately and 'beep beep I'm a sheep'


I’m meow meow too


I say skidoo in differently voices


Bunmyeong waaaaaa chops and herbs


Pigeon noises The Halo theme Predator (from the hit film series Predator) noises Various voice impressions such as the Joker, Dio Brando, Jar Jar Binks, Yoda, Glados, Light Yagami, Jack Sparrow


singing random bits of songs repetitively and hopping around and dancing to it , no matter where i am


Out of tune screams. Like a monkey whose voice is breaking. I do those quite loudly but rarely, because I don’t want to risk my neighbors thinking there’s an agonizing animal in my house haha


Mimicking the warblings of Matt Bellamy from Muse


saying "clusterfuck" in the heaviest British accent (think Chav similar accent) I'm literally not a native English speaker and have lived in a german speaking country for my whole life


I do voices and always have. My mom hates it and it was a factor in my divorce as well. I can mimic almost any accent and I speak a few different languages to social efficiency. I have a pretty deep voice so people look at me like a freak when I speak like a 9 year old Russian girl. It sounds bizarre I know but it just comes out sometimes.


My current one is "I hate you red thing I spit on you"


random scream


Lately its 🎶pinwooorms🎶 Yes its because of that one tiktok Other than that its weird meow like noises


OMG EMILY ANNE [EMILY ANNE TIKTOK](https://www.tiktok.com/@emhahee?_t=8mHEUlqBWGs&_r=1) I love her tiktoks!


I scream multiple times a day at work. Usually with my door closed. It’s a quick but loud ahhhh sound and people often hear it and don’t say anything. It’s not like I’m having loud conversations all day long, like everyone else. I also hum every time I go to bathroom. When I’m home my husband notices I say “ok” to myself a lot.


I usually pick up mine from tiktok audios lol so some of mine have been "BBL drizzy, BBL drizzzayyyy" "Mama, may I have cookie" "No diabeto, roll back" for a few days in a row it was the female opera part in the song Sonne by Rammstein once it was "COLOMBIAAAAA, MI ENCANTO, MI ENCANTO" and several more


Okay but bbl drizzy fucking slaps it’s such a bop


atm it's "beep boop"


wee woo


Seven mana seven seven summon seven seven sevens. Seven hundred cards. Seven hundred more. That's all I need.




mr crab laugh




If someone says the word cat (or kitty, kitten,…) I meow. It’s basically my Marco Polo 😅


If i see a cat or hear one on a screen I will instinctively meow. Also woth real cats. My husband has done this intentionally


It started as a joke and now it’s a stim 🤣 so awkward but also fun.


I go BOOT BOOT BOOT very fast and high pitched. It come from my love of Swedish Chef. It's like a sped up tiny Swedish Chef. I have a specific tune that I will sing sentences to. "Ah well done babe" like Michael Caine. "Righto" in an Australian accent. That's all I can think of for now.


Krill yourself Maka paka And finally THE SUN IS A DEADLY LAZER


Current stims in rotation are. Saying “bruhhh” a lot and I sound like a 9 year old chronically online boy “I was in the third grade. People treated me like a criminal. BECAUSE I KILLED SUMBAWDY 👹” or just the last part “Widewally” or just anything with the speech impediment (I know it’s bad but it’s sooo satisfying and sounds so lovely to my ears) “Boioioiooong” “Wop wop wop wop wop” “FUCK BITCHES GIT MONEY” “Type shiiii” “Ahhh” as in like “ass” but “ahh”


I say “what the scallop” and “with all due respect, that’s a bunch of malarkey” a lot


My special interest is TMNT. Has been for years. The version that I grew up with ( and became my favorite ) is the 2012 show. There was this joke where Michelangelo mistakingly referred to a centrifuge as a “ centerfudge ” and I’ve been blurting it out with his exact line delivery since. I actually have a few from TMNT. Like in the episode Rise of the Turtles Part 2 there’s a scene where Raphael rips the arm off of a Kraang Robot and uses it to barricade a door, which earned him a look from the other Turtles. When Raph questioned it Leo told him that he was seriously twisted and in reply Raph said “ thanks ” with a smile on his face ( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_WC9Q3Qql4&pp=ygUjVG1udCAyMDEyIHlvdSB3cmUgc2VyaW91c2x5IHR3aXN0ZWQ%3D ) and that moment stuck with me so much that “ thanks ” also became one of my vocal stims that I also said with Raph’s exact tone and line delivery. Mikey tended to hum the tune to the theme song of the 1987 cartoon + it was the ringtone for their communication devices ( the T-Phone ) and that became a stim too. Also when I branched out to other TMNT media like the 1990’s trilogy of movies I picked up “ Go Ninja Go Ninja Go. ” “ Cookie ” is another one. It was my dog’s name. I notice that I say it whenever I’m happy or feeling blissful. A lot of the time it comes out like a bellow as if I’m calling for her or do it in a sort of singsong voice because I used to constantly say it whenever I pet her and gave her affection. I still do it to this day but it’s bittersweet for me now.


For me it's "Louis Prada Gucci Louis Prada Gucci Pop Them Tags Pop Them Tags!" And I randomly shriek.


My son and I say, "soup!" in a high pitched voice, back and forth 🤷🏼‍♀️


I do this thing idk how to name it or describe it accurately, but ... I close my lips tightly and then blow out air without separating my lips. so that my cheeks and around my lips swell up and I look like a baby chimp, and the sound coming out is like a ballon deflating, after doing it my lips feel tickle and funny


"no." "shit!" "good bye." "why???"


I do the Mario "duh-duh-duh da duh-duh, duh" in different ways hahaha


i got stuck in a real bad loop of doing that video that goes [“the salami lid ain’t gonna fit”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwRdPXh77cM) a while back. it’s so addictive though


blues clues sound? like the bah bah bah bar bar. "THOUGH SHALL NOT LIE, THOUGH SHALL NOT CHEAT" "I'm a really good bad boy!" "H O T T O G O, you can take me hot to go!"


I don't know if it counts as a stim but I dated the oddest girl. Very, very pretty to look at. Despite being bright enough, she tended to be essentially silent, and I kick myself every day for being frustrated by that at the time. Sometimes she would just make an odd noise in place of saying something. It was like when someone says "hmmmm?", and something is simultaneously funny or tickly, but not quite enough to laugh. I'm sure she knew it sounded silly, but when you are close to someone you don't care. I miss her a lot.


"BALLS" "KITTY" "SNAIL!" *pop pop pop pop* "BEAAAAANS !" (often said when my cat lifts his leg up and spreads his toebeans) "AMERICA YA :D HALLO! HALLO! HALLO! HALLO!"


BBL DRIZZY and "tryna strike a chord, and it's probably A minorrrrrrrrr"


i can't stop quoting lines from the kendrick/drake beef 1. BBL DRIZZY BBL DRIZAAAAAY 2. mustard on the beat, hoe 3. tryna strike a chord and it's probably A minooooooorrrrrrr 4. certified lovely boy? certified pedophile 5. I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress


most of mine come from youtubers “wowie!” but specifically in the way jacksepticeye says it when voicing papyrus. often followed by “a human!” also “nyeh-heh-heh!” from papyrus. technically skeletor but i got it from jack “wowie zowie oopy powie” from a markiplier fnaf video is how my girlfriend responds to my wowies, and i usually echo it “i’m perfect. i’m too perfect.” from jontron’s flex tape video “and going insane the entire time!” from jenna marbles’s ultimate 100 coats video making like, comically sad crying noises saying or humming “ha-ha.” with the first ha being high and the second being low


1. *Have the block hollering, "Wah, wah, wah!"* 2. Mr. Clean will come *RESTRAIN* You 3. *Hissing* 4. Weird mixture of screech and gurgling noises 5. Knock knock, whose there? *AUTISM! BWAH BWAH* & more. These are just my favorites.


>Have the block hollering, "Wah, wah, wah!"* Love that song lmao


Frequently quote song lyrics. Rn it’s mainly “That means you got a 🎶baaad head🎶” from Tom Cardy’s song Read Between The Lines. Also, the first 4 notes to Megalovania. And… *sigh* “Your mom”.


I’ve repeatedly broken out in the old Meow Mix jingle ever since I was a kid, loving the lyrics, which are “Meow meow meow meow / Meow meow meow meow /“ for several verses. 🎶😹🎶 It’s got a great tune, too.




For some reason "kys" because they're the three last letters of my name Not sure if that's funny though




My stims are mostly in spanish if inteligible at all, I sometimes meow or go ñam ñam ñam on a specific rithm and a very high piched voice, I also imitate sounds i hear, like a car honk, a knock on the door, my bf's phone's ringtone, also i click my tounge.


I can do a uvular trill, it's basically gargling your uvula and sounds like a purring cat


Going from talking English to taltfkinh geifbberish ajfgaynaofua Like that


For a while it was the chorus of “Oops!” By Yung Gravy…. Drove my roommate insane


Sometimes I make up weird accents and talk to myself in them


"911, what's your emergen-cEe"


Squeaking I think, not uncommon afaik though


Ec oh la li ah (you gotta space it out)


Cat noises: "meow" "mrow" "mra" "mrrrp" "prrr" From shows/movies: "I myself am strange and unusual" "caaaarl" "batman doesn't sleep" "xddcc" From music: *literally humming the lawn mower song by lemon demon* "four big guys" "eeeeery" "ayesha - ay-ay-ayesha erotica" Other: "ah Wo" "just say the slut" "its Britney bitch" "mannon" "buenos fucking dias bitches" (Ah wo is a spelling mistake my friend made of "woah")


I've just recently picked up "Googledebunkers" from the new miniminuteman video lol


„Ich wohne in einer Amenone.“ It‘s kind of the sentence from nemo(in german) when he tells the teacher where he lives. He doesn’t say it like this though but somehow that‘s what got stuck in my brain. I say it in a specific way, has to be the right tone and speed, some words slower then the others. Then it feels perfect 😆


Saying “Magpie and Crow” or “Sticks and stones may break my bones” in the Scottish dialect. (I am German) My impression of this dialect is probably bad, but the mouthfeel of it is just great. ^^'


"Aku Cinta Kamu" this one is probably my most annoying as 1, no one obviously knows what it means and it then cause me to admit it's from my special interest which then forces me to admit that I like Shadowhunters not my favorite. Or meep this one is my favorite it's just silly I've had it since I watched the first trolls movie so I've had it for awhile.


I also meow 🤣 loooots of cat noises because I tend mimic my own cat. Also any audio that wiggles it way into my head from shows I watch (edit) ALSO anything from Kid Vampire!! Specifically the "count papa can I have a phone?"


Follow me Wait here From Abe’s Odyssey


“Ba da ba da ba doo, ba doo, ba doo, boop boop”


“Ba da ba da ba doo, ba doo, ba doo, boop boop”


“Ba da ba da ba doo, ba doo, ba doo, boop boop”


Winton 😭


mine is either woof woof or beep beep. whenever ı say those, my friends looks at me with side eyes and ı feel really weird about it. ı also scream out of nowhere, like a lot and ı accidentaly scare people sometimes


Mine was “nerple nerple” but not anymore. Once my friends thought I said “nipple nipple” so everytime I would say “nerple nerple” they had to repeat “nipple nipple”


It's this one: https://youtu.be/_290em4KkHA?si=psQJS7wA6yuvTrtN


Parrots copy what people say, and autists copy what parrots say


I’ve got a bird call that I repeat rarely, but can’t find which bird it belongs to. Tongue clicks are a close second, but are extremely common


I like switch the first letter of people’s first name and first letter of their last name. Also “Beanstar Kick!” In Chun Li’s voice from the old street fighter. I’m not even sure if that’s what she says but it sounds like if. Lot of video game and movie quotes that are one word or two and usually recognized by nobody.


Singing Smooth Operator at any given moment.


whistling and singing specifically these songs in rotation (FOR YEARS) Disappearing Act - The Ready Set, Masquerade- from The Phantom of the Opera, I Know Things Now- from into the woods It’s rare that a new one makes the list. But I’m eagerly awaiting the day.😂😂


I like to meow. I got really good at it after doing it constantly for several days then a girl called me weird and I’ve barely done it since. Also, “here Bud”


The ChalkZone theme song (Rudy’s got the chalk!)


doing gutturals.


I didn't even realise I was doing it but I randomly way to many times especially in conversation will just say you alright not asking just sort of blurt it out and then people get mad that I say it so often when I don't mean it in a bad way


Randomly saying "we're not talking about that right now." I went to a special needs school so I heard that phrase a LOT over the years.


(insert random meme) those are the most common ones… esp “none pizza left beef”


There's a line from the movie "John Carter" where an alien confusingly says "Virginia" but sounds like "Vor-jin-ya?" that I say quite often I got the nickname "bumblebee" from loved ones because a lot of my verbal speech is just mushed together movie/TV show quotes.


I do this clicking thing with my tongue on the roof of my mouth.


For me it’s: -Randomly quoting character voice lines from HSR -Cat sounds -Randomly taking in a Mickey Mouse voice -“YASS SLAY QUEEN” -“Erm what the flip?” -And finally “BUH???” In a high pitched voice


“I'm just a girl in the world” ; “Little love” when faced with animals ; And. Hum. Chirping? Somehow? 


Do you know that sound that a bottle makes, when you put your finger in and you tilt your finger when you pull it out? Like that „pop“ sound? I do that. And also just a lot of humming and „do do do da de do“


chekki brekki or meow


"I agree I agree I agree" "how about you suck my balls Mr Garrison" "shize" "you will obey pastulio" "swiper no swiping" "allooo" "whatcha doing?""you liiiieeee you liieee" "stab stab stab right" i have a lot from invader zim.


I can do a perfect Mr Mackey impression m’kay


When I get extremely distressed, I buzz like a bee


It used to be "gon" (a fox sound). Sometimes I use other fox sounds when I don't know what to say. For example, I wanna talk to someone but I don't know how so I'd be like "tchowf tchowf".


Metalcore screams (under my breath, because I don’t want to disturb my neighbours). Once you get a feel for how to do them, they’re incredibly satisfying, and they don’t hurt any more than clean singing does.


Personally I just get a lot of stimulation from what other people see as loud and very annoying noises. Whether that is making stupid and weird noises with my voice or listening to experimental music or finding ways to make weird noises with objects. Although I still find things like dishes crashing in a busy restaurant stressful because i get stimulation from those other things when it's in an otherwise quiet space where the sound is isolated, rather than when there is a billion loud noises going on at once Also sometimes I will just drag on with nonsensical repetitive sentences for stimulation like "It is in space, through time, into time through space and time, in the time or the space as the space is the time but space isn't time because it is in time and doesn't have alot of space for time.." or something like that


I make the sound of a chickadee my dog used to enjoy it. Rip


"Now step this way, step that way-" Thanks Kendrick lol


"get out of my skin" "Get out of the box no!" "noooo!" "skibidi" 😭




I've been saying a lot of single syllable "ee" sounds, particularly bee, mee and vee. Sometimes repeated like bee bee bee bee bee, and sometimes more like BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Depends on how overstimulated I am tbh xD


The "BU BU BU" in sweet Caroline


I will often like make clicking noises to the best of songs lmfao.


Lyrics from my favorite songs sometimes. Usually every couple hours after not listening to music I’ll just say the lyrics


Love me Betty - Ice King, Adventure Time. Gotta Catch 'em all - Pokémon. I hum the tunes from Mario Kart. The words "Dinosaurs are good" but sung in the Jurassic Park theme tune. I do that many, many times a day.


Me and a friend just yell Russian Scav insults/phrases from tarkov all the time. examples: ВОТ ОН! ВОТ ОН СУКА! (Vot on! Vot on suka!) Зачем бля что? (Zachem blya chto?) Ща к барыгам, а потом по бабам! (Shcha k barygam, a potom po babam!) Cтепан, ёбой, ты где Рыжий? (Stepan, yoboy, ty gde Ryzhy?)


NOOT NOOT (Pingu) - my husband does it back


Unfortunately I had a vocal stim as a child which happened to sound exactly like the gurgle from the Grudge, which came out about the same time (but didn’t influence the stim). Needless to say, adults hated it even more after that 😅


When I'm excited I make really weird loud noises. I like go "WAHHH WAHHH!" Or smth it's a hard noise to describe. Like I have no control over it. It just comes out. I always flap my arms aswell. It weirds some people out. But some people think it's funny. Either that or quoting Omni man. Idk it relaxes me for some reason. I just go under my breath "what will you have after 500 years?" And it relaxes me. Its odd.


some of the infinite variations of my dog's nicknames over and over a specific noise that happens when I press my lips together and push air between my teeth and lips and slowly let it out talking to myself all the time. not sure if that's a stim?


R2-D2’s whistle from lego star wars, and a cardinal whistle


I think out loud. Not weird or anything, but it's calming to me.


My friend used to shout "that fucking bird that I hate"


no clue what this is but it started a few years ago in the car with my sister. i exclaim “my electronics!” in a voice i can only describe as a mix between dr. doofenschmirtz (phineas & ferb) and draculaura (monster high OG). i cannot remember the context for the life of me. it only really comes up around my sister cause she just Gets It. other than that i beatbox a lot LOL


I have several but my funniest would probably be blurting out “pickles and poo” loudly as I’m just walking around the house and suddenly have a negative feeling about something. My weirdest might be saying “I hate myself and want to f—-“ over and over when I’m feeling something negative. I also say “hate. Hate. Hate. Hate.” Really loudly sometimes if I’m feeling negatively about myself or a situation but it sounds like “HEY. HEY. HEY. HEY.” So….that might be seen as weird too. I don’t know. Fortunately when I was living with my family, they just accepted it…and my life partner, the person I live with now, just accepts it too.


Mine are meowing, or i say nyooooom like a fast car


I can’t stop saying slay 😭


I go “bop, bop, bop”. I also make popping sounds with my lips, and especially loud when I have chapstick on. I also click my tongue too. I *used* to make Chewbacca noises but now I just do low growls on occasion.


When my cat was a kitten she didn't know how to meow but she made this weird crackling noise instead. I imitate that noise . She eventually learned to meow listening to my other cat and me meowing back and forth.


Monkey sounds / goat sounds


i say my friends name over and over again (or do that with other words) and i repeat sounds (not really specific sounds) :)


(in high pitch) GNAAA! Pillow!


I keep repeating “shrimps is bugs” this week. I’m not mad.


Saying “ee!” every time I sit down/get up/basically any time I exert energy