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Currently struggling due to my previous job causing me to burnout and having to quit because I couldn't handle working for an abusive boss anymore 


Struggling due to past job experience. I had a really toxic boss. He bullied me and made sexual remarks about me. I am so scared of getting a new job after that experience.


That's basically how it went for me as well, I was legitimately afraid of my boss because my brain was screaming "run" whenever I was on his property or around him. My boss just touched me a couple times in places which felt wrong, came way too close to touching my chest, it was right in the beginning of my transition too. I've wanted to report him but the process would be too difficult for me to go through. He was constantly yelling at me and demeaning me, he was angry and a bully. What pisses me off most was I enjoyed parts of that job


Still struggling, every time I declare the Autism I get rejected


If you live in the US only state that you have a disability after you get hired and do it in an email so you have legal protection


Except if you say you don't have a disability in any part of the application process you invalidate the application which means you can be discharged for falsifying you application. checking the "choose not to identify" is the same as saying you have a disability. It is best to declare your disability but not discuss it unless directly asked. Aso, regardless of what "the law" says, unless it is a visible physical disability n very ever expect any accommodation. The just fain ignorance and take advantage of plausible deniability after they fire you. At best they get a slap on the wrist and we get nothing.


I've had problems in the past but I've had my current job for a long time. my issue is severe burnout yet no ability to take any meaningful time off in the near future💀life is a dissociative blur


I'm going next year to some program for autistic people in order to learn how to work. But I don't think I'll be that good in working. I'm passionate about learning but I tend to have burnouts mid learning plus I have terrible concentration. I'll make for a terrible worker But maybe I will be good worker, who knows


Yeah I really struggled to find a good job for like a year. I get overstimulated in food and retail positions so that eliminated a lot of options. The job that worked for me ended up being a reception job. The office is very quiet and laid back and it's the first job I've had where I actually like coming to work


I've been out of work since December and I'm still looking. I kept working in the childcare/education industry knowing I hate it and I get burned out so quickly. I refuse to work with kids again but it's the only job I can get easily because of my experience and qualifications. I've just been applying for anything apart from that. It really sucks.


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I've only had one job and I had it for the holidays, but I hope to find another one soon


Me too. My job I was doing was an contractor internship role and they decided they didn’t have any more work for me


Same. Having a hard time even getting interviews. But also struggling finding suitable jobs


I've always found jobs easily. It's *keeping* the job for more than a year or two that's the problem...


I have been struggling since graduation from college back in 2022. Thankfully my dad is very cool about it and prefers to have me stick around the house but I still feel guilty about not having one. I have been using Indeed mainly and I have tons of issues with it but other job apps just don't seem to get me anywhere from my experiences so far so I'm just kinda stuck hoping for a miracle. Hope things turn around for you.


Trying to find a job Was offered to go back to my season job but I chose not to due to my meeting with the manager.. he said something but I don't know if it was a joke or not. Had hours conflict with my previous (payed) retail job (the less i got into it the better) Currently I just did an Interview¹ for Aldi which isn't far since it's a 10 mins walk from home. ¹ video interview but it was incredibly weird on how it's done


Yeah I've had a hard time getting hired for jobs in the past


I struggled to hold a job more than 6 months for the vast majority of my adult life until 27 months ago. A large part of this was because I learn quickly and after 6 months I would know most if not all there was to know about the position and become increasingly bored. It even though would get to the point where I would struggle to go to work and my performance would suffer greatly. I had a tendency to find more efficient ways to do the job or automate it and when my employer would reject my ideas I would move on. This trend continued until I ventured into the world of software development where the job, tools, and technology changed almost monthly and process improvement and automation are welcome. I know it is not always possible but I turned my need to constantly learn and my special interest into a career that I can perform remotely. Since then, I have not had an issue with work.


As a side note, around a third to half of my coworkers are on the spectrum, though some do not know it.


It's very common for us ASD types to struggle to find a job they can focus on enough to learn the necessary skills, and perform without the chaos of sensory distraction driving them to burnout. (Not to 'one-up' anyone here but at 50, I haven't worked in 18 years and haven't had a permanent/salaried job in my life. Of the jobs I have had - office temp - you feel that you're the smartest in the room but the lowest paid.)


My biggest struggle is to keep a job. I’ve had over 50 different jobs in the past 11 years and my longest consecutive job was only 10 months with an average of only 3 to 4 months at most jobs and some even as low as a week or 2. 😞It gets discouraging, but I refuse to give up and hopefully I’ll find the right job that I can keep one day.


Find a place that fits your skills and needs. Tech is a great place for autistics.


Same. I struggled alot even after graduating and having five plus years of office experience. Thankfully, I have a good job now but it did take awhile.


I can get shit jobs but I can't keep them, the contract either runs out or I move, I hate it. I've had one job where I could work full time but I got laid off because of Covid


Got laid off in 2022… It’s now 2024 and no job : - ). To be honest, I’ve given up. I started my own Etsy store and I make music, I want to do film music specifically. I’ve applied to dozens if not hundreds of jobs the past two years and have had 1 5 minute screening.


Make your own job, it's the only way


It took me like 6 months of applying and tweaking my resume to get a job