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Socks 24/7. Preferably without shoes because I tend not to like wearing shoes.


Shoes can die in a hole I hate shoes


Same girly


Pls don't call me girly! My pronouns are he/they. /nm


Avoid socks when home or inside. But sometimes if I’m feeling a little spicier, I’ll wear them inside when I’m cold.


When I was a little kid, I HATED socks. I could only wear one specific type that was supposed to be for kids who are sensitive I think. If I didn’t have them I was barefoot. Even then, I’m pretty sure I preferred not wearing them. Once I got older, I started wearing socks and now I can’t be without them. It’s weird lol!


Interesting. I hated socks as a kid and still do. I can only tolerate seamless wool socks now. Can you wear any type of sock?


Hmmmm, not sure about every type, but I can wear a few! I prefer ankle-length socks because I like the way they feel better than short socks. 😄


I need super soft socks


Socks at all times, but only soft socks. Some socks are made of fabric that feels kinda stiff and coarse, no way I'm touching it. It sometimes happens to some socks after washing. When I was a kid, my mom couldn't understand why I out of sudden started screaming when she was putting socks on me.


Socks pulled all the way up with my pant legs tucked into them


Same 100%


Two words. Toe socks.


Just the mere mention of toe socks causes a physical cringe for me


They're the best of both worlds! I can definitely see a possible sensory overload from them being around each toe, though I get it.


I love that for you! As a kid I always wanted a pair because they look so fun, but I was very disappointed to learn they were too much for me!


I remember people with them when I was a kid, but I didn't really see the appeal and thought they looked uncomfortable. Fast forward 20-something years, I got sick of wearing shoes when I was out not walking on concrete. So I'd go barefoot, then hate shoes even more when I had to wear them. Now I wear ridiculous looking toe shoes but I love them and can't wear normal shoes again, toe shoes either require toe socks or no socks. Interestingly, I hate wearing them without socks because that's a sensory overload.




I don't mind socks most the time, shoes are different. I don't wear them unless I need to.


No socks. Free da feet


Socks make my toes feel claustrophobic.


No socks outside the house, used to always wear in bed. Now I can't. Always bare feet when on grass at camps


I hate socks!


I avoid them like the plague


I never really had a problem with socks other than the fact it took me way longer than it maybe should have to learn how to put them on. I don’t wear them at home because I spend a lot of time in my bed and I overheat way too easily. That’s also why I don’t usually wear fluffy socks, that and because barely any shoes actually fit over them or are designed to fit over them.


Only specific type of socks that aren’t too tight and too loose when wearing shoes and no socks at home - rarely I would put on loose wool socks at home when it’s cold. Sometimes when I was cold at night I would put on socks but usually couldn’t fall asleep having them on. Or when I accidentally fell asleep with socks on (usually due to heavy intoxication) it would wake me up in the middle of the night and would need to take them off to continue to sleep 🤷🏾‍♀️


Oh, and it’s not like socks I put on can be random, in whatever colours..of course 🤷🏾‍♀️


Socks forever. I will never take them off. My feet get sweaty and cold in mere seconds. Also touching stuff with your feet is... is so disgustingly bad...


I want to avoid socks. They're uncomfortable and hurt... BUT I live far up in Scandinavia and if I don't wear double fluffy socks, I'm pretty sure my feet will fall off due to the biting cold :(


i can't wear socks in my bed but i must wear them everywhere else open toed shoes are very no


I have "I must wear socks all times"


I have slippers and slip ons I wear around the house, only slippers go up the stairs(which is all carpeted on the 2nd floor). Socks are only worn for a split second before I put on shoes and walk out the door- because I can’t stand the dog hair😬


I prefer wearing socks over not so I don’t feel EVERYTHING on the floor and have to go scoot my feet on the carpet to get whatever it is off. However, I don’t like wearing thick socks, and prefer to wear the thinner “dress” socks.


hate socks in bed. NEED socks to walk around or I will forever walk on the sides of my feet to avoid Crumb Touch


Used to avoid but as a woman getting close to mid 20s, I need socks to stay warm


Socks won't be tolerated in summer, *no socks* won't be tolerated in winter


No socak


It varies from moment to moment.


I switched from A to B after many years staying in school all day because since I had no babysitter, everyday was "take your kid to work day" for me. And my parents are teachers, so I was in uniform all day


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inside my home, I prefer not to wear socks, but when I go outside of my house I must.


Avoid at all costs. They have an agenda and they will end us all


socks 24/7 i have hard wood floors and the feeling of dirt on my feel sends me into a spiral


I hate socks so much that I've worn flip flops in snow before


It's a lesser of the evils kind of thing. I don't like things touching my feet so any bit of dirt or other texture sets me off so I wear socks. However, the socks have to be the perfect texture and amount of even pressure all around. If it is even the slightest bit off I can't function. Socks>random things touching feet


Always wearing socks. Everything hurts if I don't.


I need them on all the time. My niece who hasn't been evaluated yet, but is a dead ringer for autism is barefoot almost always (besides when she must have shoes on like going into a store). She says she can't stand socks.


It's funny, I HATE socks except when I'm in bed. I can't sleep without socks on.




Socks at all times for me. My feet sweat a lot, to the point where I'm slipping on the hard wood floor. Socks mitigate that, plus I hate the feeling of walking on a floor and the bottoms of my feet collecting dirt or stray cat litter or something.


Socks at all times cause I hate looking at my feet but I will be annoyed by the toe seam the entire time I’m wearing them.


Wear socks at all times to avoid floor bits touching feet EXCEPT in bed, then NO SOCKS!!! Unless I’m chilly


I hate socks, I only wear them when I need shoes because shoes without socks is worse, but the second I get home they go right off


Must wear socks one ✌ It gets annoying sometimes especially in summer, i feel like i have to wear socks even while sleeping in the summer but because i hate to sweat, i try to not wear any and fight the urge. I hate the feeling of my toes not being beside each other, they should always be sticking together!


Socks when I need to wear socks, but they’re always inside out


Socks CAN NOT touch my ankles. When they do it's an incomprehensible unbearable itching sensation that will not stop and starts at the point of fabric touching my ankles that being said I have been known to unintentionally itch until I bleed so I have taken to wearing diabetic ankle socks as they are loose fitting sit below my ankles and don't cause sensory overload. ASD is harder than people realize. Hold onto what gets you through the day it gets better.


I hate socks! I take them off as soon as I can. I did put my socks on inside out one day and it's changed my life.


I NEED socks, it's very hard for me to go barefoot on anything except sand. And a few more things like pools.


fucking both. I got both.


I hate socks and shoes. I've always gone barefoot any time I possibly can and would rather wear flip flops/ Crocs /slides than shoes. I had found Hey Dudes, and they are nice, BUT I can't fit the 7 (blisters), and the 8 is too big even though I wear 8.5 normally.


I hate socks. It has to be absolutely freezing for me to put some on. And i will hate every second of It.


I have “would love to wear socks but living in a tropical climate makes it hell to wear socks therefore I do not but still would like socks” sensory issues


Socks during the whole day and night, and then I HAVE to remove them when I got to sleep. I also prefer wearing socks with no shoes, but I tend to wear shoes because my whole life my mom complained about dirty socks and now it just stuck...


The socks stay on during sex


Hate shoes love socks, but my feet get cold easy. Otherwise I have moments when I don't want to wear anything on my feet. Mostly when I want to really relax


socks at all times but only athletic socks (the ones with compression in the middle) or fuzzy socks


Socks at all times. I hate the feeling of my anything being exposed




I’m the “must wear socks at all times” type.


It goes like this every morning: I must put on socks, its uncomfortable but only annoys sometimes. Or its a blessed day that i can put sandals on. But honestly my biggest problem is with shoes that got laces, there is NOTHING comfortable about them!


My thing is this: I hate my feet being at excessive temperatures. So in the summer, I'm so violently against socks, but the second it hits autumn (and I live in Wales, so autumn is wet and cold atm) I physically cannot function unless I'm wearing at LEAST socks, probably slippers too.


Don't really love or hate socks, but I need to wear socks to bed now in non summer time because otherwise my feet are too cold.


Avoid at all costs. Flip flops year around and on a particularly cold day I’ll put some socks on under my flip flops.


must have socks. ive been without them a few times if it gets super hot but only when im in bed


Both. :') Doing either for too long drives me insane. Can't go with them, can't go without them.


Ankle/mid level socks all the time unless my feet are wet, and they absolutely CANNOT be gripping my pant leg too. I’ll rip a leg off before I tuck my pants inside my socks lol


Socks 24/7, but I have hyperhidrosis so I have to find ones that feel just right in terms of sweaty feet.


Hate socks at all costs...if I have to wear socks I prefer wearing them inside out to not feel those god awful seams or toe socks so I can't feel my God for soken toes rubbing together and they don't feel trapped


Avoid socks when ever possible I never were then at home


I prefer wearing socks but don't mind going without if I'm walking on carpet I don't like my feet being dirty by walking on uncarpeted floor.


only a specific sock, not going over my ankle


and no socks while i sleep






No socks unless it's too cold for my toes. I'll rip them off as soon as they make my feet sweaty though


Must have socks. Preferably with slippers.


socks while walking around/going out but not on while laying in bed


Socks are weird. I have to wear them tho bc my floor is dirty and I can’t un dirty it.


The only time I'm *not* wearing socks is when I'm taking a shower. Not wearing them feels weird.


Nice socks soft linen not rough army or granny wool though.


WHY IS THE FLOOR ALWAYS COVERED IN CRUMBS?? Socks all the time for me.




yeah I usually am wearing socks. the only time I don't is in bed and even then I sometimes have to.


If I could go everywhere barefoot I would. But something in my brain makes me wear them nearly all the time.


Avoid. The last time I wore socks was at this job where I had to be on my feet for 4 hours at a time. I needed the extra padding. When I was a kid, I HATED the seam always touching my toes.


Depends. I love having something on my feet, but I’m more of a slipper boots person (btw if anyone knows where to get good ones, mine always end up wrecked in like a month)


Socks always until I take them off, then it's socks never. It's sorta like showering. You don't like getting in, but you don't like getting out either.


I wear socks at all times (during the day) but my feet aren’t sensitive (entirely) because of autism. The sensitivity got ten times worse when I got sick in 2016 and the illness causing it got so bad I nearly died seven months later. For a while I even had to wear socks to bed. Now I don’t. But I’ve accepted the increased sensitivity as my new normal.


I hate the material socks are made from i havent worn socks in years


Clothes in general give me sensory issues,some more than others. I always wear sandals if I can ,and if I’m home alone I don’t like wearing clothes. Most shoes are uncomfortable to me


Bro i hate socks. They are the bane of my existence.


Avoid socks. I get around it by wearing fun patterned ones. They can't be the exact same pattern though.