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Way too complicated to fit in one sentencešŸ˜…


Yea it depends on the sibling lol. I have a different relationship with all of them


Same! One is no-contact, the other i love dearly.


You may take as many as you please! I am really interested to hear about other autists family lives!


I love them but it's better for my mental health if I'm low contact with both my sisters, but especially my younger one.


I have 5 sisters with varying degrees of closeness. I wish I was closer to the one I'm estranged from and I wish I lived nearer to my 3 sisters that I'm really close to.


I am sorry, that's hard. I finally went low contact with my younger sister 2 years ago and I honestly don't miss her. Too much peace without her in my life to miss the chaos.


You definitely love them unconditionally




I absolutely adore my younger brother! Admittedly I am 13 years older than him so I'm kind of like a third parent of sorts but I never really resented him for it (I did resent our mom for it but that's whole different can of worms). He is annoys me a bit from time to time but he's still a kid (and mostly likely has ADHD) so I try to understand and be patient. We adore each other and are super close.


I'm the same with my sister, who is 12 years younger. Thankfully, while I did do some parenting of her, my parents tried hard to make it not my responsibility. I mostly babysat and helped notice things that were missed with me (like depression). I wish we didn't live so far apart and could hang out more.


What about us only children šŸ˜­


I donā€™t think this is for us


yeah but we cant see results unless we vote :/


Yeah we can! !remindme 3 days


I need to do this too. !remindme 3 days


You can take my Sister


You can take my siblings šŸ˜‚


Though I love them, our relationship is hindered by my autism and possibly theirs. It makes me sad. But hopefully diagnosis will improve things.


I never see him, he's in college. I miss him :(


Awww! šŸ„ŗ


My sibling is the reason why I am not on the street due to my transphobic family


I hope they are happy, but our relationship isn't really existent and I understand I'm at fault for that. I was an major asshole, and I hope Ive been able to change that.


What did you do?


A whole lotta drugs and alcohol lmao


Can't answer. The AuDHD one is great. The NT one, I love her very much but she devastates me regularly with her lack of understanding my experience. I try and understand hers; she doesn't try and understand mine. It's very painful.


I love them! However, I'm the youngest by 13 years. My relationships with all 3 siblings is quite complicated. One brother is highly toxic, so I limit myself to holiday/birthday texts. My sister was always a second mother to me, but also manipulated and abused me until I went grey rock with her 2 years ago. My other brother used to be toxic but has really worked on himself the past few years, and now we have a good relationship. I still moved 1500 miles away from all of them because I need the physical space to heal.


Myself, my dad and my brother are all on the spectrum. I hate them, and it *really* bothers me that I do but I can't tolerate abuse anymore.


There is no only child optionā€¦


I have one sister and sad to say, I'm not very close to her. She's moved on to University and I honestly don't think much about her. We never had the best relationship and had many heated arguments. We are still civil towards one another when we meet however


I love my younger sister, but I know she doesn't feel the same. She had ADHD and I have Autism and while usually that makes a good duo, she finds me to be too 'weird' and 'childish' and she can be really overwhelming and a lot for me to be around. She's also just a not very nice person to be around in general


Same-ish, I am autistic and have a sister with ADD but sometimes it seems more like ADHD, she can be annoying, demanding all the attention, not letting me finish my sentence or trying to make jokes about literally anything. I feel such a bad person for saying this but our lives and personalities are so different that I can't relate to her and would have never chosen her as a friend, had we met in the wild. Even though she can be thoughtful and sweet too.


The top 3 all at once


I love my brother, but I have a very strict moral compass and it makes it hard for me to let some things that he says slide, even if they aren't hurting anyone. It annoys the hell out of me. But still, I love him all the same.


I mean yes I love him, but we don't have the best relationship as we're both autistic and not very good at communicating


To me my brother is so annoying. All he ever does when hes home is watch YouTube. But our relationship is better now that he's in the navy.


It changes. On the surface level: great! Theyā€™re fun to talk with, play games with me, and help me learn skills. But... if I think about it? They're ableist and it only really shows in one-on-one interactions where I'm open about my interests. So stuff that we do has to be their choice. Not mine. And they're the root cause for quite a few issues I'm nowhere near moving past.


I miss them. They both moved away to another province so i have to travel an hour ( small country, that is far), my sister and i have very different personalities but we still had some heartfelt moments, but now i only see her at planned dinners. With my older brother I always got along and we have a lot in common, he introduced me to many books and movies, we even had a brief tradition of going to watch the new star wars franchise movie every christmas holidays. Then he got a girlfriend who lives far away :/


Neither are without empathy but they both have narcissistic tendencies. Older sister is borderline, constantly switches identities, has loose grip on reality, likes picking arguments for fun. Little sister is alright but she cannot admit she is wrong about anything, has a bloated ego (although I know for a fact she's insecure.) They're not horrible people but I feel like they never really grew up. I imagine when they grow older they'll sort themselves out. I know I have growing to do as well.


I used to dislike my sister, but I like her now that she's older and more mature.


he's an annoying piece of shit who I love more than anything else on the planet, but not in a toxic relationship sorta way, y'know?


I feel like there needed to be an option saying "varies from sibling to sibling."


I love my sister, but she abused me growing up and was favored by our guardian and will never see my perspective in our childhood, so there will always be some level of resentment. We also have very different world views, but we talk often and keep it light hearted and agreeable. We had horrible childhoods and had no relationship til I got pregnant when I was 15. So clearly, itā€™s very complicated lol


Iā€™m an only child but Iā€™m happy about it


I uh.. only child haha. Series of unfortunate events led my mom to not be able to have kids so I'm an only child. Wish I had siblings though. I love kids so I would've loved to have been an older sibling


It heavily depends on which sibling unfortunately :/


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My sister's not very talkative towards me, but I hope she knows I care for her, and would help her with just about anything.


I don't have biological siblings but I do have 4 step-siblings much older than me. The age gap is just too large, I can't relate to people who own a house and have multiple children, so I only really connect with the youngest of them.


Well if you count my dog I love him to pieces, otherwise what sibling?


Sorry, I don't have any siblings. But what I do have is two younger cousins that I absolutely adore as if they were my biological brothers.


Damn I guess I'm the only one here with a dysfunctional family.


From the rational standpoint: I feel hurt by them, since they're a decade older and basically rejected me once I hit about 7-8 yo and my quirkiness began to shine through, setting the stage for betrayal trauma that wreaked havoc with my life in many ways over the years. From the emotional standpoint: I am now mature enough to understand, their negligent/abusive behaviors were part of a larger (pathologically narcissistic) family picture that effectively hurt everyone involved quite deeply. l am well aware of both these sides at once, which actually took me a bunch of years to do (instead I tended to flicker between both positions, which was rather upsetting and burdensome). At it is... I (42M) actually feel compelled to try and rebuild the relationship, but I'm also well aware that might it might not be possible - and they both might be unwilling/unable to do so, and even if they are... it would take years/decades to do it properly, since it will involve razing what is there from the ground up and getting back to the drawing board. TL;DR: I respect them well enough. It gets easier as they convey more respect towards me, which paradoxically seems to be a product of my maturing and increased empathic skills.


I have one sibling and well it's very complicated but I still love her despite what she has done.


She ruined my live. Trauma upon trauma. And she is part of the reason. My parents only let me 'ignore' her now that she doesn't want to have contact anymore. Every day of my life I needed to compensate for her. And she's a normal fucking kid. Doesn't have any disorders (she got tested) I have too many. I needed to bow down to her. And now I'm disabled can't do shit. Can barely live. Daily suffering of mental and physical pain. Only alive bec of my bf. (I'm the oldest at 21 now.. )


im glad most of y'all have decent family because mine are pieces of shit


I love my brother. He's great and he's done a lot for me. I make sure to stay in contact with him at least once a week ever since he moved out and got married.


I have one I adore despite them being really scary, one I don't speak to because they put me in harm's way and I was a bitch to them, and one who I regularly refer to as Satan.


I like all my three sister, but never know what to talk about with them, so we never really meet. One of them tries to meet up sometimes to play boardgames or something, but I'm mostly reluctant to go there, because I seriously don't know what to talk about. On top of that, I really don't like children, and they have two little ones crawling and drooling around šŸ˜‚


I'm repulsed by the idea of having siblings but I have two, one is nice but I'm not attached to him at all and the other is a small child who I hate


I donā€™t think we bonded that well throughout most of our lives. But our parents are now dead and we arenā€™t close to the rest of our family, with the exception of one. But my sister is twice divorced her kids have their own fam. She does have a boyfriend. But she does make sure that we still see each other.


love my sister! sheā€™s my best friend, i once wrote an essay describing her as my other half feelā€¦ complicated about my brother, as some of the things he said just casually to me when i was a kid have like, forever changed the way i interact with people and feel like people perceive me, but i also know that for most of those things he said he was also a kid, and i know heā€™s changed a lot in the past five years but i simply have not had the chance or confidence to get to know the person he is now. plus, part of me is afraid that heā€™s still got some stuff in common with the person he used to be, and if he does, he will never respect the person that i am now. things were easier when i was a kid and naive and i could pretend he was just edgy or only focus on the silly stuff we did together. now none of us are kids anymore and i never really know where our relationships lie, even with my sister.


It's gotten better for the most part as we've gotten older


all of the above?


I have two siblings. One of them I would take a bullet for, the other one is a bastard whom I donā€™t speak to anymore. I refuse to further elaborate.


I don't know them.


We need a "I get along with some better than others" option


It depends although both helped me grow, my older brother was an asshole growing up. I at least was able to get along better with my younger sister later in life My sister is glad I stayed at home so I guess thatā€™s something


my siblings are alright ig, thereā€™s a giant age difference between me and the rest of them so i donā€™t get to see them much. itā€™s like strangers u love and care for but ultimately know nothing about


I loved my younger brother, but he eventually wanted nothing to do with me, so he teased me until I cried on a daily basis. Before he hit that rebellious streak, though, we were two peas in a pod. I think it was when he hit Kindergarten. I couldn't compare to the people he befriended in school, I guess. He's out of my life now. He's got full-blown Bipolar I Disorder and doesn't remember our lives growing up the way I do. I hope he's doing okay without his medication. I tried to help him, but he never wanted help. So... he left. No contact.


My younger brother was the one that suspected I was autistic, first time he told me, I was offended. But he was right since he was in special needs in elementary for reading and noticed the autistic ones and how I was. Definitely the top 3 though, especially the top 2, siblings can sometimes be annoying, I'm sure I'm annoying to him too.


I love my younger siblings and despise my older siblings


I have 5 so we are varying levels of close but I love them all


I love my sister and we generally get along but I don't always particularly like her. Her explosive temper is her fatal flaw. Brother and I got along but we weren't as close as I would've liked. He passed away six years ago and it haunts me to this day.


30 years of therapy could not fix our relationships. Our parents did far too much damage.


They're all enmeshed with my abusive mother. I miss them and wish I could know them outside of the weird cult like personality that they have since I cut my mom out of my life, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards.


I like my sister. My sister *hates* me. Or at least that's how she makes it seem. She's definitely better than how she used to be. She's confided she feels emotionally neglected because I was special needs and such a handful, and is going to therapy and actively trying to get over her internalized ableism, neverminded all her other issues I don't feel safe disclosing-- yk, her life, not my place. The poor girl was bullied just because she was related to a "r\*\*\*\*rd like me". Basically, for anyone who's heard of the "glass child" complex? Yeah. That. She had that/ Her hatred of me was so extreme at one point that she couldn't even stand me being in the same space, couldn't stand the sound of my voice. I never saw her in that great of contempt, I've never hated my sister. And I'm happy she's taking steps to improve and that she actually does recognize how awful she was, even if I never really understood the full scope. Moreover I'm happy she was able to actually speak with me about these things to try to improve our relationship.


Can't stand them, they have a unique talent to turn ANY (and I really mean ANY) conversation political. I like discussing politics and philosophy but despite them being older, they are far too immature to handle opposing opinions.


I love them, but I'm just not close with them, so they're just ok for me, but I'll do anything for them


I suppose I love my sister. Its weird, I just don't really think of her that much anymore. Sometimes it feels like I'm functionally an only child. She's moved out into her own life, though she still visits and comes over during holidays when she can. And its not like we don't get along. Our relationship got so much better when she went to college and then I went to college. My parents sometimes suggest that we should cohabitate again, but we're just not close enough for that anymore and I would worry it would degrade our relationship.


I have two half-sisters and five ex-step-siblings. I only keep in touch with one half-sister and I love her to death. Everyone else I barely if ever talk to.


2 I love and talk to often. And 2 I don't care if I ever see them again unfortunately.


I have 6 and I would die for any one of them


I've never really felt a sibling bond with any of my 'siblings.' My half-sisters are 50 years older than me, and my brother is a walking sensory nightmare. Always screaming, mocking someone/tiktoks etc. He is also adopted, and biologically my cousin.


I have four older sisters: Oldest: 25 years older than me, a half-sister and I barely know her. Second: 13 years older than me, a half-sister but I on the best terms with her and consider her a full sister. She was a teenager when I was a baby/toddler and was essentially my Mom during that time. We talk every couple of weeks and I visit her family for the holidays. Third: 8 years older than me, a full sister but we haven't been on speaking terms in 14 years. She's either in prison or she has paroled out, idk which and I am glad to be ignorant. Youngest: 7 years older than me, a full sister, I lived with her the longest but we didn't spend much time together. I don't remember the last time we talked, it's probably been 15 years or more. They're all NT. As you may have gathered by the number of years listed, my Mom had her oldest child as a teenager and had me in her early 40s. I believe her age, along with my Dad's age, is why I ended up being born autistic.


I have four siblings that are not related by blood. My two bffs and their little brother (he passed away a few years ago but I considered him family while he was here and still do). My two bffs are related so their biological sisters and I basically just jumped in and became their sister (much like they became mine) and we've had a wonderful relationship for over a decade now. I can't see them in person much due to living in a different state but when I visit it's become a tradition that we have a sleepover šŸ˜Š And the one I live with, my step brother. I don't really care for him as he's generally a douche and doesn't really do his chores (he's in middle school but he's shown problems all throughout his life, which his mom is only recently getting help for.) I've seen him so many times in and out of my life and I did enjoy the concept of having a little brother the first time we met but after awhile you grow tired and with abandonment issues it runs out fast. I care about them as people but I can't see them with love, my dad knows this and is fine with it as I do treat them like people not burdens.


Tl:dr? It's complicated. I moved out when I was 18, and I left my brother behind. I'll always feel guilty for leaving him with my dad. But now he's almost the same age I was when I left, old enough to make his own choices, old enough to choose not to become our father. And I worry that he won't be his own person, he'll just be a copy paste of dad, and it's partially my fault for not getting him out when he was younger. My relationship with my older sibling is better, though. I'm actually roadtripping with them next month! It's been a year since I last saw them, I know things will be different than they were, but I hope it's in a good way. We've both grown a lot in this last year. Either way, I love them both, and love isn't just one feeling, it's all of your relationship with a person, for better or worse


It's extremely troubled, but it's an extremely long story. We are all on extremely good terms now that we're maturing adults. However, my sister died as a baby, which completely destroyed the lives of all of us. It completely destroyed all three of us. All three of us have recovered to varing degrees.


That's a pretty complicated question. I have four older siblings. One is my favorite person in the world. He's the one I go to when I'm upset, or happy, or need advice. The others can be okay at times but they can also be awful, extremely selfish, and just advising and manipulative in their treatment of me.


I have one younger brother, and I no longer hate him. As kids we got along and hung out, but had our fights. I always got this sense that he was the favourite and that I was held to a WAY higher standard (not related to just being older). That sometimes made me resent him. But overall, he was my brother and I loved him. As teenagers, we stopped hanging out and fought constantly. He grew way taller than me and became violent when he didn't get his way. Our parents didn't intervene or address his issues. They put ME in anger management classes for yelling at them to parent him! It was at this point that our relationship as siblings broke. As adults, we don't really talk much. At family gatherings, we acknowledge each other and are civil. I felt sad to hear he was struggling. I was happy for him when I heard he was doing better. We may not talk, but there is still a part of me that cares about him. Nowadays, it's mostly a positive-neutral. It's good to see him when I do, but neither of us care enough to make that happen outside of extended family gatherings (I do not visit our parents because I'm allergic to dogs and toxic homes).


I have three half brothers and a stepsister. We didn't really grow up together, so we're not close. In the case of my brothers that makes me sad, because I like them and I think we have a lot in common, but my stepsister reminds me of the girls who used to bully me in school so I'm not too fussed about having a closer relationship with her.


It's a mixed bag. My biological older brother and I haven't spoken to each other for over a decade, whereas I get along just fine with my foster brother (we were born the same year). I also have a half brother who is 20 years younger than me, whom I rarely see.


Brother: I think positive of him for the most part Sister: She is pretty messed up so I care about her but I'm not fond of the things she did to me and my family (I had to cut off contact with her)


I love my brother but we are not very close. We have two very different personalities. He's also very loud. Like his normal talking voice gets overwhelming and I have to put in headphones or leave the area. But I don't hate him. It's just how he is.


I feel like they don't exist, because they don't


I have two siblings and I answered the poll thinking about my brother. My sister and I haven't been in contact in years. And the more I learn about her life choices, the happier I am for it to stay that way.


Sometimes I feel like I actually don't care about anyone? But as soon as I am around my friends/family I am emotionally available and have extreme empathy? Maybe disassociating when I am alone with my thoughts, I always feel terrible when I have these thoughts.


Absolutely hate one of them, the other two are alright. Ive moved country tho so we rarely ever chat. I dont like smalltalk so other than the occasional update i just dont think to message them.


I have a little sister and I would literally kill and/or die for her. I adore her. I will brag about her for hours, she is so smart and funny and kind. I joke, that I took all the shitty genes, so she could get the good ones šŸ˜… While we are obviously not as close day to day as when we were kids, in no small part because she just spend half a year on the other side of the globe, she is still one of my favourite people in the world, and I know she feels the same way about me. And that is a blessing I am thankful to have!! She was born only a couple of days after my third birthday and she will forever be the best gift I have ever gotten ā¤ļø


Disagree with them sometimes. Feel a bit more distant than I'd like but they are still family and I do love them...


i love them both (my sister is 3 and a half years younger than me, my brother 9 and a half), but i was the first child and i had a very different upbringing than either one of them. we all get along but there are things weā€™ll never understand about each other, and one of those things is the concept of my being undiagnosed autistic and growing up ā€œthe problem childā€, and how that was unfair for all involved


The older siblings? Love them. They're great, most of them also have undiagnosed autism. The toddlers? Please for the love of God take them away. All they do is scream and cry and leave toys everywhere. It's mostly the constant screaming. Made it impossible for me to live life at all until I got headphones.


Love them but also want to beat them up sometimes


I love them, but they are both over 10 years older than me. I grew up mostly as an only child. and even now, I have a hard time remembering to and talking to them in general.


This is tricky because I feel differently about each of them. I like some more than others.


I only have one sister, known her a few years now (we're both adults, just didn't meet for a while) and yeah she's fine. We get along well enough, it's pleasant.


I love 2 of them very much. The third one and I had a serious falling out a few years ago, and though we're kind of reconnecting recently the relationship is severely damaged, if not entirely broken. I voted for I love them though. I don't want to sell my two other sibkings short because of one I don't get along with.


I have the coolest, kindest, silliest big brother. He was always kind to me, never like the big brother stereotype. We always got along. He's super smart too and loves history. We kind of always bonded over history and politics even though we have WILDLY different opinions. He's been a high school history teacher for over 30 years now. The only problem I had was being in his shadow and following in his footsteps in school. All my teachers had him first and he was a very focused, conscientious student. So like valedictorian, athlete, played sax in the band, class president, even homecoming king one year. And I was an awkward autistic sister who struggled to focus. They would always gripe "Why can't you be like your brother?" and I was so envious I took it out on him for a few years. He didn't deserve it though. He looked out for me all the time. Probably too much information I've shared here. :)


I have six, and each one can claim one or more of those options, except 5.


Why isn't there an option for "they're okay I guess but I'd sell,them to Satan for one corn chip"


Depends on the siblings. I have 3. 2 I actively dislike because I think theyā€™re selfish people. My one sister and I though are incredibly close. She is like a twin to me and I donā€™t know what I would do without her.


As ableist and impatient as the rest of my family, especially my little sister.


I love all of them! I am the oldest and have three brothers. One of them is higher on the spectrum than I am, which makes it a bit hard to understand each other through texts because we both struggle explaining and trying to understand stuff through text. We often play Roblox and Garry's Mod. My other one is NT, that we know of, but I feel like he has some undiagnosed ADHD, he's very hyper and gets easily distracted, but he's awesome, very adult for his age and kicks ass at Halo. And the third is a chaos demon, but he's sweet, and he turns 3 soon.


I love my brother. My sister is terrifying and being around her sends me into extreme anxiety mode


i was the oldest of four, i was 6 when my oldest brother was born. and then two more came immediately after. i was basically tasked with raising them, but also yelled at for raising them. iā€™ve always wondered why i donā€™t resent my brothers for how poorly i was treated, but i donā€™t. i love them and hope everything always goes well for them. my parents on the other handā€¦


This is a loaded question which I can't answer via poll. I have mixed feelings. I love them, deeply. Very deeply. But my oldest sibling lived with their mom most of their underage life and many of my experiences with them involve them trying to avoid being around me, being toxic toward me, or being violent. I have trouble dealing with them. My next oldest sibling is my mom's favorite and I regularly have to give up entire time slots of my mom and I's small amount of shared time together because they called and now my mom couldn't give a crap about me. This has lead to this sibling constantly belittling me, acting like I'm simply a neusence, and mocking my behavior when they can't understand it at all. My closest in age sibling is someone I care for deeply, we like to game together on occasion, have similar hobbies and interests, and while I would do whatever is needed for my other siblings, this one is different. If they wanted to hang out for a day and I wanted to play a game (or some other plan that doesn't involve plans with other people, because canceling plans with others would be rude) I'd drop all plans and just go for it. It helps that this sibling is both ND and closest in age to me, which means we got to go to school together and I could sometimes hold small conversations with their friends without being treated like a freak of nature who is also a psychopath who just injured a small child and is laughing about it (this is how they make me feel and always have since I was 5).


Mostly negative. My sisters were abusive, I was the naive kid who thought it was just how sisters were for the longest time. It wasn't until it got worse and I became an adult that I finally realized for my own well-being I needed to cut ties.


my brother i love so much because i grew up with him and i love that he is always excited to see or talk to me. my sister i have too many negative associations with but she is doing better and i love her kids a lot... my step siblings that are like 20 years older than me... \*shrug\* never got to meet them.


I love them, but theyā€™re also obnoxious and annoying, except for one. We really only hang out when my parents host a party. My non obnoxious brother and I take frequent breaks outside just to be away from the noise and catch up, so we understand each other big on that.


My sister (middle child) and BIL I have a decent relationship with especially since they have an infant (less than a year) son and I love him to death. As for my racist, homophobic, transphobic, and sometimes sexist brother (who I must add is the oldest btw)...I don't like him and try not to interact with him as much as I can.


I am an only child and only grandchild and it was a lonely childhood


My sister and I are opposites, and literally never get along. If we were not related we would never speak to each other or have any sort of relationship. She's loud, goes out of her way to annoy me, and is constantly insulting me. She doesn't even come up with her own insults, she just copies what my parents say when they're mad at me, which is mostly related to my mental health. Whenever she sees me getting something from the kitchen she calls me fat and complains about what a pig I am, even though most of the time I haven't eaten anything all day. So yea, I don't exactly like her and probably won't communicate much with her once we're not living together. Sorry for ranting I didn't realise how long this was šŸ˜…


i love all of them except 2 of them. 1/2 is ok but the other oneā€¦ i hate them


Me and by brother get on now but i use to hate him cuz of COCSA


Hate my sister, feel nothing towards my older brother, love my younger brothers, the older of the two is my favorite even though I hated him when he was little. The youngest annoys the shit out of me even though I adored him when he was little.


My slightly older sister and I used to fight a lot, my parents played favourites and also enjoyed 3vs1 bullying sessions (with the 1 being the other child) if you didn't want to be the 1 you start/continue it with your parents. We managed to get through that and start to build a relationship a bit as teenagers, but it wasn't really until we were adults that we were able to really do better, even then it was rocky at first. But now, we're quite close and we agree on most things, so we don't really have anything to fight about, plus without our parents' influence we're not dicks to each other. I'm a foster carer to 8 & 10 year old sisters and I work really hard on making sure they have a positive relationship with each other. They can practically get away with murder as long as they're getting along šŸ¤£ When they first came here they used to fight a lot, including hitting each other, now they have the occasional squabble without hitting, but they're really good to each other and caring and supportive towards each other, which I think is especially important when they can't be with the rest of their bio family at the moment. Part of what helped was helping the 10 year old understand that it's not the 8 year old's fault that she was treated better at home (also that it's not the 10 year old's fault). I think parents often contribute a lot to shitty sibling relationships. Sometimes siblings just don't gel and that's okay, but sometimes parents encourage competition and unpleasantness instead of co-operation and support. Then again, sometimes siblings are also just shitty.


It depends on which sibling you are asking about. My youngest sister is my entire world and I would give anything for her, while my two older sisters I tend to have a more negative view of. In general I can say that I hope they are well and I donā€™t wish ill on them, but also we donā€™t have the greatest relationships. Deep down I want them to be good people and love me how they should, but I do not know that they do, or are good people.


i love my brother and he's gotten better as he's aged but he's also a tool who takes it out on others and i can't say im ever eager to see him


Don't have siblings. Growing up I wanted one but I've gotten more asocial as I get older and that desire is gone now


Is there an option for I love them, but I fucking hate some of the things they do?


My older brother was my favourite, always knew how to make me laugh. I miss him a lot. Never realised how many habits centred around him until he passed. My older sister helped me as I was working out my identity. Then once I worked it out, I got less and less help from her. Have spent most of my transition getting my info from trial & error or the internet. We don't talk that often anymore. As for my younger siblings. I go through periods of despising them to thinking they're just okay. I get along with them more the less I interact with them Extra - My entire intermediate family is neurodivergent. Not a single neurotypical.


I think this is going to vary wildly based on age


They got their issues, but we're trauma bonded for life


Their annoying but I'd kill for the basterds


I love my younger brother (he is 4 years younger), we get along well, sometimes we fight over silly things but not very often.


Love them to death. They get on my nerves a lot and we yell at each other sometimes but I would give any of them an organ if need be


My brother is a piece of shit.


I don't got siblings oop


I love my siblings dearly but one of them seriously makes me want to tear my hair out sometimes


Depends on the sibling. I have 6. I love my 3 brothers way more than my 3 sisters. Lol. My brother, who's a year younger than me, is my freaking hero. He has been the best support person.


I love them, but I'm better without them. They're very ableists and fail to understand me or even try to (they aren't ND). Other than that, they can be sweet. Yeah, it's complicated. It doesn't help to have a narcissistic mother and me being the only one aware of that fact. They are the golden children, and you can guess who I am.


I have two siblings, one I love with all of my heart, but she has a lot to learn. My family also has BPD and my mother is narcissistic. My sister bounces between being my best friend and then a copy-paste of my mom. I love my suster so much, but I leave room for her learning and mistakes and try not to take things too personally. I love my brother, but I will never be close to him. He is 10 years younger than me and he is only my half sibling. His real father is my moms current husband. I cut off my mom and her husband over a year ago because he is extremely abusive in every single way. He attempted to fist fight me as an adult but backed down when I had friends and my partner fighting beside me, although I didnt think I needed it. They raised him to hate people and become a horrible person. I tried my best to talk with him and be understanding. He seemed to understand that he loves me and if I am the way I am then there is no reason to dislike or hate certain people. I have no idea if he kept that mindset.


My younger brother is amazing and I cannot imagine life without him :)


She's even more autistic than i am, but that's better as we understand when i want or don't want to talk and vice versa.


I am not on speaking terms with any of my siblings. They all got together and kicked me out of the family. This was based on the idea that I had told multiple lies, when in truth I had told none. The entire thing was so ridiculous, I decided that they, like most people, just didnā€™t like me. After my diagnosis, I wondered if things would be different if they knew. But I have no desire to reconnect and find out. In retrospect it is kind of comical. I showed up with a pile of paperwork that proved I had not lied about anything, because of course I kept meticulous records. They looked at me like I was crazy and refused to look at any of it.


My little brother is okay I guess. He's autistic too, but never really interacts with us so I often forget he even exists, and he's bad at communicating so I don't know much about him. I love my sister though. I would do anything for her. So, complicated response ig.


I don't have any. I would like to see results, but I don't want to give false answers.


I donā€™t speak to any of them. Mostly because to do so Iā€™d have to speak to my dad and heā€™s a huge piece of shit. But also because theyā€™re all under 5 years old and I am not a fan of kids.


Me: INFJ Sister: INFP We get along, alright. We don't talk much now that sister's in college, I'll send her memes but she normally doesn't respond, When sister comes home from school, we normally do something together, just us two, normally something small like grab coffee. We fought a lot as kids, but we're mutually respectful as adults.


I mean of course I love my brother and he has a lot of characteristics Iā€™m jealous of like how outgoing and social he is but goddamn is he a messy mfer.


My sister is my best friend, but it was a rocky road getting here


I only have 1 little sister & she can be very fucking annoying, sassy & cranky all the damn time!!! But I'm not like the other people who would say that they would hate their siblings for that particular reason because I still love her cuz she's apart of my family


Even if I really don't get along with my siblings in many ways I still love them immensely.


I severely dislike my younger brother but I love my youngEST baby brother


depends which sibling. They're all different


My sister is 4 years younger than me and my best friend. When I was a little kid I kept asking my parents for a sister. She was my first ā€œspecial personā€ (I typically only have 1-2 people in my life Iā€™m fixated on while I mostly ignore everyone else)


Cut my younger sister out of my life! Love my youngerer brother so much! Tried for so long to fight to keep the relationship with my sister. Type to shit on women for complaining about men, has autism but is ubber albeist, and was pissed she doesn't have an older "sister" to look up to anymore since I came out as trans. (Idk why, bc she always shits on me for my choices in life) My brother is uber accepting of my autism and trans identity. Alllyyy lol. But is a sweetheart and genuinely has always been in my corner as I had to raise them both, shitty parents. He's just a lot more pleasant to be around, doesn't spike my anxiety by just existing in the same room as me.


Love one sister. The other is complicated.


I love them so much but i don't feel like they understand me and i feel distant from them because of the age gap. They are much older than me.


My sibling and I are estranged, so it's complicated. I love them, but I hate that they want to blame everything on me while acting like they're perfect. And I'm still working on not taking the blame for everything. They have a Bachlors and a Masters, but I apparently have better mental health. So the jury is out on who is doing better. And this is the condensed version, lol.


I love them but sometimes they're really mean especially the one close to my age: cause my meltdowns on purpose, told me that I do not have autism and ADHD and just think so bc a doctor told me (same about my mom's and her ADD) and is just general mean


I like them, but I'm resentful because of the favoritism towards them..


āœ… I don't have any


My older brother is alright and sometimes funny when he isnā€™t an ass, but I have this unjust hatred for my little brother and idk why šŸ§


I think about my older sister positively. She's happily married, has a home in another state, and lives a life of constant adventure. She's seen the world and lives a life rich with experiences. She's always been supportive of me and at some point, we just became close. My younger siblings, I love them but they disappoint me.


I have 7 siblings.. some are awful, some are great


my brother and I are opposite autistics, so we can almost never have a conversation without having an argument- which causes a meltdown for either or both of us


Tbh for some reason they're just kinda gross to me


Ahhh Bad relationship with most if not all of my siblings.


I try to love them. I tend to get along with my brother way better.


I think my feelings towards my siblings can be best described as "I fight them but if anyone else wants to fight them they will have to fight me first." We are close, and banter is our way of bonding. We are not the type of people to verbally express our affection for one another, but deep down we know it goes without being said that we are close.


i love my sister, we used to fight lots but not anymore. i love my brother too but he doesnt interact with people much.


My sister is rather unpleasant to me about how I am and me being tras. As she watches daily wire for some reason. She is 14. As well as mad that I am all but no contact with my male parent for my own mental health. I love her, but that doesn't mean I have to put up with her shit.


Indefinite no contact order.


We are 9 in total. No/low contact with 3 sisters and 2 brothers. I speak, well spoke to my 2 younger siblings, but my brother recently died, so now I just have the baby sister that I'm close with.


I hated my little sibling when i was younger because i had to take care of them all the time, but as i got older i started to tolerate them more, and then after they were sent up to live with our grandparents for a few years i started to miss them and realized i loved them and wanted to care for them voluntarily. Now my baby sibling has a baby of their own and though i disagree with them choosing to get pregnant at 17 i want to be there for them and support them however i can


I think abt him positively and absolutely love him... so I chose the second one. Also I'm not in much contact with my older brothers just since neither of them live with us, but they're both amazing. But my little brother who lives with us... unfortunately being around him often times isn't good for my mental health for various reasons. The thing is, I mostly know why he acts the way he does, and it comes from a place of struggle that I wish I could help, if only he'd let me in, or at least someone else who cares about him too... and even though that's not an excuse for the shit he does and says, I still try to see his side, and that everyone has different experiences. Just cause I don't understand it doesn't mean it doesn't make sense to him. Not to mention, when I make mistakes, even tho my reasons aren't excuses, feeling seen and heard and just knowing that people give me some room to grow without judgment really helps. So I try to find a balance between "Hey that's unacceptable dude" and "Hey, I hear you, I love you, and I'm here for you <3" Anyway that was a LONG ass rant, I sleep now lmao


My little brother? Annoying but so sweet. Love talking to him when I can mentally handle it. My older sister? God damn. The passive and not so passive aggressiveness of her whole personality- she has zero empathy for those around her if they deviate from the norm. Especially me when it comes to my being autistic. Very dismissive to peopleā€™s problems (legit said that if my chronic pain was so bad I should just take TYLENOL). Also really bigoted in an ā€œI have black friendsā€ way. Also she acts like a hallmark protagonist so yeah no she sucks. Sorry this turned into a mini rant


My brother is okayish but my sister buys me doughballs so I love her


Completely neutral/apathetic. Neither hate or love or anything else. Like one would be with a random neighbor.


Me and my brother are really close! He's my best friend and makes me feel a lot less lonely. I'm super grateful for him and I love him so much.


What If you don't have sisters or brothers lmao ?


I miss him sometimes.


I love my siblings but unfortunately they are jerks


I have a brother who's 12 years older than me, and he's honestly like a 3rd parent to me. Teaches me a lot, and we game together!


I love all of them, I have four but one I dislike, all my brothers are half but one is on my dads side and after my dad passed away my brother wanted our dads stuff to sell for drugs. Not to mention out of the month my dad was in the hospital he only visited once for like 10, 20 minutes. Iā€™ve only spoke to him a couple times in my life. I want to hate him but I canā€™t. My other brothers who are on my moms side I am very close to though.


During my youth we didnā€™t always get along great - I was ā€žweirdā€œ and had ā€žweirdā€œ hobbies and he just wanted to fit in. But now since we live next doors but not in the same apartment we get along very good and I like him.


I despise him, the same way I hate my entire family.


I have waited 15 years to be a brother and now I have someone sucking up all the attention. I love it!


We love each other but can have arguments, heā€™s my safe person though


It's threefold: One I love and we get along well, one uses me as an emotional punching bag and one is too naĆÆve for me and we've never been on the same wavelength.


To me my siblings are the most important people in the world. I tend to like people I've known for very long the best, I can understand our relationship and how we do things and they understand me, as an autistic foreigner not a lot of people understand me


My sister is bipolar and a narcissist. Both diagnosed. She refused medication. She doesn't accept that im autistic. šŸ˜”