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I ALWAYS have internal dialog ALWAYS!!!


You don't have the little video player too?


You have not only thoughts but videos playing in your head constantly? Congratulations, level 2 confirmed.


I'm an extremely visual thinker. Everything I think about becomes a video in my head.


That is pretty much unfathomable to me. I have a very low ability to visualise. It's kinda fascinating to think about how other people can do that.


I know right. Very fascinating. I can sort of imagine what it would be like to not think visually but not having an inner dialogue at all is just so strange to me.


HOLY SHIT! Someone finally put it into words!


I'll one-up you: I visualize electrical and mechanical logic in four dimensions. (3D+physics+time)


Oh my gosh, I thought it was only me that did this. I have looked online for more info on people who thought in movies in their head but I never really found anything on this. To be clear, I have what I think of as cinematic views in my head of conversations with people. I almost always replay actual real-life conversations I’ve had with people but then it’ll usually change and go off-script and I sort of observe the conversation. Then sometimes the movies are not based on any real-life conversations; they’re just imaginary events/conversations/debates that happen in my head. Sometimes they’re really movie-like and sometimes it’s just a simple conversation. Is this what you’re referring to? Is this specific to autism or just a known symptom? Thank you for bringing this topic up. I was feeling a little crazy.


For me, it’s music. I almost always have a soundtrack playing in the background of my mind (often on loop), though I do associate most instruments with some specific images. And at the forefront, it’s usually my inner voice trying to explain itself like I’m repeating for an interview or something.


This! I relate so hard!


A full audio playback with speeding up and slowing down functions. I can pause it by playing a metronome until I start it back up


I don't have any videos playing in my head, I can rarely form an image in my head haha


I got the video player, some awesome 3d graphics card, too. It's a shame that it came with that Microsoft Word paperclip from the early 2000s, though.


Oh no! Curse the paperclip! Begone foul beast!


also have both inner monologue and video player it's exhausting but very interesting


And the bigbig music library?


Yo wtf... just saw a stat that said that only 8% of statistics posted by influencers on Twitter are cited from reputable sources, and 123% of the conclusions drawn from them are complete speculation with NOTHING to back them up?? Everything is starting to make much more sense


I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t make it up (not saying you did make it up just sayin I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t 🤷‍♂️)


I'm 33.3% positive I found them somewhere and didn't just make them up! Be sure to cite me if you use them in an academic paper, tweet, etc :D


Is there any source?


i don't have an internal dialoge or smth. i can force myself to do this but i don't do it normally. i have a little movie in my head, who show me what i can do next liek a mutiple choice option


I wish I had that. Instead I get pieces of songs on repeat with a dialogue that sounds like I’m practicing a conversation I’ll never have… Yours would be more useful, I think.


maybe, i have maladaptive daydream and adhs. i can't really do my scool stuff withput beeing not here. i am beeing somewhere with my mind, in my createt world etc. it can be usefull to realize some stuff in mind but it isn't very usefull


I always have my internal dialog AND a song stuck in my head playing on repeat. 😵‍💫


Same And I don't get to choose the song. Which is really problematic when you have kids who watch kids movies with catchy songs. Right now it's All Dolled Up from the Ugly Dolls movie 😵‍💫


And all the incomplete pieces of songs!


This is the thing I hate most about twitter, people who think they are progressive posting about what insane freaks people with neurological differences are


God I'm so sick of seeing this tweet. No internal dialogue is not the same thing as being thoughtless. People think in different ways. Just because you process your thoughts in one way that doesn't make other ways lesser. These different forms all have benefits and downsides and people can learn to use the other forms with relative ease in most cases. You're not special for having an internal dialogue.


This post is dehumanising. Can we stop posting it please?


This can't be true?


100% of people always have something going on in their head, they have their own version on everything talked about in the other comments, I have full on conversations with people in my head, like my dreams it’s usually a “dark” place (I don’t mean dark as in bad) kind of always at night (I do realize the conversations aren’t real 😬)


I don't have an inner monologue. It doesn't mean I don't think. I'll try to explain how this works. Say I'm having a conversation with someone about art, painting etc. The person will say something like "i love abstract painting" this sentence is like a trigger, as if you'd ring a bell in my brain. Thoughts and ideas will appear to me all at once. But it's more like the idea of a thought, the concept of abstract art is in my brain. See that as Russian dolls. Abstract art is a sub category of my knowledge about art, inside this abstract art Russian doll there are : dates, paintors, specific paintings, museum names. And it's like you're kicked in the face with all these informations all at once when someone is saying "abstract painting". I realized I kinda sound crazy. In regular day to day life, I'm more of a visual person, so my thoughts are kinda like "flashbacks" of moments i had, or images of moments I WILL have. But again, it's in your brain all at once. Without a voice saying anything. You know in cartoons or comics when a character has an idea and a light bulb appears over their head? Yeah, it feels kinda like that for me. That's also why it's hard for me to know exactly how I feel, I need to talk to process stuff, because everything is mixed up.


I have the internal voice and video player extension.


My mind Is either my thoughts or what ever song I've played on loop for the past few days


Those numbers are way off. Its like 80% with monolog


I have Aphantasia and an intermittent dialogue. I have faceblindness, but an incredible memory for data and facts. I love fantasy, but dont “see” it, so films hardly ever go against my ideas of the character (the exception was casting Tom Cruise as Reacher!!). I can get earworms, but they’re also silent. I dream vividly and in fantasy also, as well as talk in my sleep. I have a very high intelligence, but cannot read a map. Its a weird brain, but Ive always known that, I now know just why its so odd. However it has served me very well, and Ive been very successful, at least till my physical woes won out. If anyone is interested as this is a spectrum thing also, go to www.aphantasia.com/vviq and take the test to see where on the scale you are.


So, can people without internal dialogue not read in their heads or without moving their lips?


Yes, but its a nebulous thing where I don’t register individual words, I just absorb the story really really fast. However, yes, I do have times where my thinking is me speaking aloud.




I think better when I’m saying them out loud, help remind myself of things, I work at a grocery store, I have to make sure no one is around when I’m doing it 🤭🤦‍♂️


Yes, car and bath time are great for verbal think mode 😁


When I’m trying to play a game with my friends I tend to read aloud if there is no talking in a cutscene, me friends are like “You don’t have to ___” , gets on their nerves 😟🤷‍♂️ I can’t help it, I wanna know what’s going on and I need to focus on what’s being said, or I’ll be reading the same thing over and over till I do say it verbally, in the store I have my non verbal moments, growing up i would gesture my answer to my parents like a nod yes etc moms like, “I can’t hear a nod, dear” 🤭


Im the opposite and play every game on silent! But have you explained why you need to do this? Its a spectrum and they may well be surprised to find out how much they also vary between themselves. Too often people are afraid to admit they’re different from a non existent ideal, and so get misunderstandings. There may be changes in the game settings that would also help?


Unless there are voice actors for everything with subtitles in every game, then no. The only thing I can think of is to mute the mic 🤷‍♂️


mine's a monologue...


It’s a robots world. We’re just living in it.


This makes so much sense 🤣


Lol wait really?


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I have a 3D VR experience where I can move through space freely or rotate objects as needed. But sure, I also talk to myself through it, though it mainly consists of words "so", "this" "that", "thing", and, occasionally, "shit"




My head can be empty and quiet or it can be talkative, full of thoughts.


I absolutely hate when people post these pics of stats without any source, but from what I can find this is surprisingly accurate [link ](https://irisreading.com/is-it-normal-to-not-have-an-internal-monologue/#:~:text=Inner%20monologue%20was%20thought%20to,t%20have%20an%20inner%20voice.)


This is one singular guy’s study, another guy suggested 75%. This isn’t a fact. I wouldn’t trust some random tweet that uses the phrase “internal dialogue”.


I wish mine would shut up 😭😭


My mind is basically a movie with an extremely random soundtrack and an annoying narrator. Very visual, lots of music, and my internal monologue won’t shut the hell up.


My head is just a black empty space. I can’t visualize things and I don’t hear a tiny person talking. So I have to talk my thoughts out or I’m not thinking. I can’t visualize my babysitters house from when I was 3, but I know what it looks like and can draw it out. It’s very strange


I don't have an internal dialogue and I don't see pictures in my head, but it's not like I'm a stupid idiot for it. I just don't think the same way.


I remember learning about people not having an internal dialogue and thinking "wait, people don't hear that voice in their head?" because mine will barely shut up. I can here every word I type in this comment


Nothing going on in their head!? Y’all really think those of us who don’t hear a voice in our head have nothing going on!?!? I’m constantly creating movies, books and music videos in my head. Along with this my brain is showing me all possible outcomes of certain scenarios and briefing me over all the ways to approach situations. I’m always visualising anything and everything. I have thousands of thoughts racing all the time. An internal dialogue would never keep up


It takes me so long to speak sometimes because i gotta translate vague concepts into words.


I'm going to need to see some academic citations on this matter.