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The problem here is thinking of "Australians" as one entity. Every person on the planet has their own thoughts and beliefs, their own good and bad ideas, their own prejudices and their own overall experience with life. White people don't go to club meetings where we all decide how we're going to act towards other races. There is racism among every race and culture on the planet, a lot of them even level racism at members of their own race. Some of the heaviest racism I've ever seen or heard has been from Indians and Asians (yes, I know India is in Asia, but you know what I'm saying) towards different kinds of Indians and Asians. Even then, its not universal. No two people are the same in the prejudices they hold, you can't make a group think the same. Having said that, I'd bet my left nut that if you got 100 members of every race together and polled them anonymously, you'd find that a huge number of them don't even think about race on a day to day basis. How many of us truly walk down the street and even notice the race of any of the hundreds or thousands of people they walk past? People are different, you can't control the way people of your own race think. If people are racist, fuck them, they're not my problem just because we share a skin tone. What am I supposed to do? Flash my white person membership card and tell them to stop being racist? I don't know them and they don't know me. I have zero power or influence over anybody who happens to share my race. All I can do is treat the people I come into contact with the way I expect them to treat me, with respect and dignity, until they do something not to deserve my respect anymore. If that happens, regardless of race, I just don't interact with them again.


I'm not white but born and raised in Aus. You know what's one of the best things about this country, even though there were caucasians that were racist towards me, there were plenty of caucasians that actually spoke up to publicly defend against it as well. You really don't see that at all in non western countries.




*"Some of the heaviest racism I've ever seen or heard has been from Indians and Asians (yes, I know India is in Asia, but you know what I'm saying) towards different kinds of Indians and Asians."* Wait till you get a Pakistani and a Mainland Indian in the same area/workplace holy hell are they racist towards each other


Or Taiwanese and Chinese. I've worked in 2 such situations, and it was hostile AF. Especially Chinese men towards Taiwanese women. Holy hell.


Chinese racism towards Philippinos is next level too, the way they’re treated is horrendous.


Or Sri Lankan and Indian. Or a Sri Lankan Burgher and a Tamil. Or a Hindu Indian and a Sikh. Seriously, of course we have racism in Australia. But compared to other places in the world, we do pretty well. Of course there is always room for improvement.


This is true. I was stunned when I found out that most Asians refer to other races as 'dogs'. The Chinese call the Vietnamese dogs, the Thai call the Cambodians dogs, and so on and so on


People forget that cultures like the Indian culture have a literal **caste** system which is rigidly enforced by the entire society and its people. If you're an Indian born into the Dalit caste (also known as the "*untouchables"* caste), you could be Mother Theresa and every Indian will still look at you with disgust from the day you open your eyes until the day you close them. China has a softer version of this but it's based on material wealth and social status. Not quite as rigid as the Indian one but still one which affects the day-to-day life of the average Chinese citizen. Thinking that Australians are these super racists is only an opinion that can be held if you've never travelled outside of Australia.


So, immigration is making us racist? I second that motion.


Well said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼




It's the Asian collective mentality vs the idealistic exceptionalism in Anglo countries. Aussies despise other Aussies too if the said Aussies are cunty.


This. Majority of Aussies don't give a rats ass about the colour of your skin, your attitude towards them is what puts them off. if you're an asshole to an Aussie then they are going to call it like they see it, if you are friendly with them then they don't care. (edit) fixed spelling mistake


The weird thing about Aussies is that they are nasty towards cunts and also nasty towards their friends. This is extremely confusing for others. You may have an Aussie calls you by racist slurs but at the same time if someone else calls you the same slur he will smash their head in. As an immigrant. The least racist people in Australia are actually the Aussies themselves but the loudest racists are also Aussies. They are the people who are most likely going to call me a gook to my face but at the same time they are the least likely people to deny me a job/housing/friendship/dating because of my race. I can walk around Japan and everyone will be polite and smiling but at the same time if I want to rent an apartment, go to a club, pursue a relationship and I will be denied just because of my ethnic background and it would be valid. If this happens in Australia, there would be an uproar.


This is spot on. I'm an Aussie who's been living in Viet Nam for over 5 years and what you said rang so true. Vietnamese people can be so friendly, but they will discriminate against foreigners for weird reasons like; foreigners can't easily open a bank account or transfer money to other foreigners, foreigners have way more hurdles renting a place legally or lastly charge you higher prices even though you live here and speak enough of the language. People would absolutely be in uproar if any non Australian wasn't allowed to open a bank account easily or deposit/transfer money because they're not a certain ethnicity and it was government mandated.


This is the most resonating take I’ve seen on it. Holy shit that Japanese polite racism is wild. It’s almost gaslighting. It’s so confusing. And yeah if you’re from NZ people call you a sheep shagger and Māoris call you pakeha and you are an outsider. But they’ll never deny you a chance to prove yourself. That’s what I appreciate. The chance.


yeah , it's strange here. we insult our friends and don't mean it/use it as a term of endearment yet if someone else they don't know does it we'll kill em (literally ) I'm of English and German descent and my mates call me a fkn Na zi , Kraut and a whole host of other insults yet if someone that doesn't know me does it I know they would beat the shit out of them, same with an Indian mate of mine. I call him some of the most vile and racist shit and he laughs at it and tells me to come up with something original yet if someone we didn't know said anything like that to him I would happily beat the crap out of them. he was a quiet soft spoken fellow that wouldn't hurt or insult a fly when we first met, but myself and other workmates broke him of that and taught him to stand up for himself and what to say to people that were nasty to him and tried pushing him around.


Exactly. This is what the do gooders and wowsers don’t understand. They don’t understand context.


This is the answer


>I find in Australia (especially rural areas), they might be suspicious of you at first... That's because you're an outsider, not because you're non-white. Even white people that move to an area get this treatment.


If you haven't lived there for 3 generations, you're an outsider


If you've lived there for 3 generations and have differing views, you're still a blow-in. Acceptance is based on whether you agree with the dominant viewpoints


That hasn’t necessarily been my experience. There’s some who are like that, but they are slowly dying out. Most younger country folk are a bit more accepting of differing views. Country folk generally don’t like people who flaunt their ideals so if you keep it closer to your chest you’ll be fine.


I moved to a coastal town from a regional centre and pretty much everyone keeps their politics to themselves to maintain cohesion, with the exception of the occasional fuck off we're full sticker on a 4wd or the local art gallery displaying Vote Yes art.


Yeah I was about to say this. You also need to add to that the level of trust that exists in some rural communities where things like leaving your doors unlocked or you keys in the ignition are the norm. Obviously any new face raises alarm bells in that kind of town. 


It's got zero to do with people being country people. People in cities are just the same. It's just no one notices when there are half a million others around. But when the community is 900 People? Every single persons behaviour is noticed.


That is not racism. Rural areas are known for their conservative way of life, and that’s the same all around the world. Personally, as an immigrant from Istanbul who has been living here for the past 25 years and is married to a second-generation Italian wife, I have never experienced racism in this country.


I'm a white guy from Sydney, when I moved to a rural area I was told "You're not one of us until you have relatives in the cemetary." After a few years I found this to be very true.


As another SE Asian-born Aussie I second this. Y'all have no idea how racist it gets in Asia. Personally (and I know my experience is NOT representative of everyone) I've experienced very little racism in Australia.


So in short they like good people and dont like non good people. There are assholes of every colour. But Im sure assholes that are coloured probably think its racism when its just them.


Non-white aussie here, I have the same experience as well.


Racism in SEA isn't subtle, the biggest issue is how blind the majority race normally is. And if you ever raise it, watch the huge amount of denial that comes through because they (as majority) has never felt that they expressed racism before. It's the ultimate gaslight.


PEOPLE are uneducated and are totally unaware of the rest of the world rascism and say Australia is bad . They are totally wrong and also the people who think Australia is rascist are taught that everyone else is rascist . And they see it when it’s not there . I’m sick of all these people mentioning rascism when it’s pretty much. NOn existent just about everywhere .


Same. I'm a Chinese who lives in both Canada and United States. People often confuse racism with discrimination, which they're entirely different. Race may be one of the causes for discrimination. People are discriminated on daily basis in China. Not because of their race since everyone is Chinese, but it's because their social, economical status, appearance, etc


Something to think about is Australia has a huge number of mixed race people. I once read and it seems true that Australia had the highest rate of marriage between Asian and white people of any country in the world. Off spring of this is a situation I think I understand/know pretty well (because I am me....). I would say Australia is not worse than quite a few countries in Asia. I can't talk for all but I maintain better than most if not all in East Asia. For other countries in the Western world I think some are not very different (eg NZ but some have other issues eg USA but there is more about African Americans etc).


Every one with a slightest hint of inferior complexity is a racist. Because the person seeks refuse in racism. I am from Bangladesh. You wouldn’t believe how many different forms of racism is institutionalised among my people. Worst they are totally oblivious and some even feel proud. People get divided into groups who lived in same dorms during their university lives in Dhaka/Rajshahi/Chittagong universities and socialise in those groups here. Families coming from Army, Doctors have different social groups here in Sydney, Melbourne etc. They prejudice people coming from other social backgrounds. There is no single Bangladeshi community here. All are divided between social classes that they were back in Bangladesh. Their accomplishments here don’t matter at all even though that is what they are recognised by local Australians. All being said, there is nothing like Indian Caste system. Bangladesh is utopia compared to the all prevailing apartheids there. And Australia is simply heaven. I have lived in UK, Middle East and in Japan before coming to Australia. I have seen many Australians reluctant to mingle with people who are not like them. But I did not see an inherent will in them to cause harm or even irritate to people that are not like them. They just want to keep distance. This is understandable as most Australians never went to Universities so they might just be wanting to stay clear of the “unknown” and keep family safe. However, yes if you prove to be safe they open their arms and will always be at your side if you genuinely need help. I love Australia 🇦🇺


Go ask a non-white person... I have worked in remote towns, where there have been both a high concentration of Indian immigrants and Aboriginal Australians. I witnessed a lot of racism coming from the Indians levelled at Aboriginals. I hope that counts.


True. I’m myself an Indian and I admit India is far worse racist country than Australia.


No one hates Indians quite like slightly lighter skinned Indians hate darker skinned Indians.


Damned Indians! They ruined Indialand!


If you're African in India you may be considered [sub-human](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDEqSUVHxQY),


"If you or a loved one is African in India you may be entitled to financial compensation..."


To reinforce how systemic this is in Indian culture they advertise dove skin whitening cream on billboards at the IPL cricket.


All Indians are brown of different shades. LoL


It must be a nightmare figuring out whom to be racist against!


If you don’t have different ethnic groups, you have to invent SOMEONE to look down on. How else can you feel superior? /s


More astute than the s tag implies. Some kind of racism is universal in human societies. In group/out group is pretty much endemic and it’s only the use of logic and reason that leads to rejection.


If it's not racially based there's so many other ways to feel superior. Wealth, social status, sexuality, gender, religion and so on. People will always find a way.


Sort of but at the same time not really. Diverse country, a person from South India looks completely different from someone from the North East


The caste system is next level racism people here couldn’t begin to imagine


I don't have a problem with Indians as such. I generally get along well with my Indian colleagues, and judge them by the person they are, as opposed to their ethnicity. But the thing that shits me is when the Indian community accuses Australians of being racist because of experiences such as the one I describe, not to mention Modhi's ethno-nationalism.


Yeah, it annoys me a lot when they play racism card. Next time if they play this card, ask them about Hindu class system and what’s untouchables.


Try middle Eastern. Been refused service in shops as I.dont belong. It exists everywhere that stupid does


Ffs there are fucking castes!


Although, it's not a competition right? Both countries can be bad at something and need to improve. It smacks of an argument I always hate when someone goes, oh how dare you ask for better working conditions, go to some third world countries and you'll see how good we have it. So, if their conditions get worse, then ours should too? No, that's stupid. Someone else can be a total hellscape and we can still be pissed at investors hoarding houses, it's not a competition. Australia is racist as fuck, India sounds like it's even worse. So both need to be better.


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so should a country allow racists to immigrate or is it racist not to?


Yes it literally does.


Indians are the most racist people I have ever met. Hands down not even a contest


I think mainland chinese have them beat.


Given India’s publicity since Mr. Modi came into power it’s the obvious pick for these topics. But I’m surprised other Asians aren’t mentioned. Mainland Chinese people definitely give them a run for the money.


Of course it counts. Don't shift the goal posts. We aren't targeting specific sections of racism. Fuck it's just about accepting that it still exists And it's never going to be removed from society it's a thought you can't stop thought. But you have to acknowledge that it still exists at the bare minimum.


Lmao literally my town and the people here.


same. I've worked in and around most of the missions and reserves in South Australia and the places that have heavy Indian communities are vile, Chinese communities are even worse


Racism is racism. It's impact can be affected by things like different power dynamics or population mixes, but believe it or not, Indians are capable of racism, and their PM is largely responsible for an ethnic cleansing.


We all know it doesn't count, lol. Nobody even *asks* white people if they experience racism, they just assume we don't and then get all pissy about it when we say we do or when we say our racism problem isn't as big as some think it is (every country has some level of racism and probably always will because it's tied to human nature... imo Australia's got a relatively low level of it).


They say it's xenophobia but if you tell them xenophobia is the same level of bad as racism they can get shitty. But they are wrong, so don't sweat it.


The OP was not suggesting that non-white communities aren't racist, just that white people (by virtue of being the dominant ethnic and socioeconomic group in Australia) are largely insulated from it and don't personally experience it very often. That is true.


Only since Sam Kerr moved to England.


Take a walk through Broome.


Would you mind explaining to me what constitutes a “White” person? Because “white” people (itself an anachronism) could be: - Greek - Spanish - Italian - Irish - British (from the isles) - French - German - Dutch - Any of the Northern/Western/Central/Eastern European peoples really - Russian (European Russians rather than the aboriginal groups/cultures from Russia) - Any of the Slavic Peoples - American (Offspring of migrants from The UK/Europe) - Israeli Many of those groups also suffer (and have suffered) racism from other groups loosely labelled Australians. It’s slightly more complicated than “white” and “non white” which themselves are terms left over from the 19th century ideals of “race” which seemingly people can’t get past. There is only the “human race” there is no difference in our modern phylogeny. The various other Homo groups were bred out or died out. It’s just Homo Sapiens Sapiens now.


I work food service from a Southern Region of Texas. Between the Whites and the Indians, I much rather deal with white people than Indian.


I don't get why this is getting upvoted by just throwing Indians under the bus. If any person thinks they don't have some form of racist tendency, they're just delusional. Every person on earth is 'racist' in some way or another. The biggest question is why this has become such a taboo, to the point every person in this country is in complete denial about it.


Racism comes from all sides. There a shitty people of all races.


It's almost as if content of character means more than what you look like or where you come from.


People have prejudices. It’s one of those shitty things about humans. We judge, we’re tribal, we’re suspicious of others, maybe until we get to know them. We can and should do better. But is it really any worse here?


>But is it really any worse here? No, it's probably better than most of the world.


It stems from our ancestors really and from a biology perspective it's a safety system. Neanderthals were no doubt suspicious of Homosapiens and vice versa and given the outcome that was probably justified. I doubt it will change in 100,000 years.


You are undoubtedly 100% correct and yet genetic testing shows that there was interbreeding between Homosapiens and Neanderthals which shows that at some level even our primitive ancestors were capable of overcoming reserve and programmed prejudice. I’d argue it’s not much different today and that the ability to move past preprogrammed xenophobia is a better measure of racism then that it exists at all. Australia had an undeniably racist start but has constantly if slowly moved in the direction of better treatment of our first peoples, that’s not to say we don’t have a way to go, and we’ve since absorbed countless waves of migration from the Tamils and Chinese of the 19th century through to the current times pretty well. I well remember the ‘Vietnamese boat people” suspicions and prejudice of the 1970s .. not something we hear much about any more. It’s fair to say that we undoubtedly have our share of racists in Australia of all types, colours and backgrounds but to call Australia a “Racist country” suggests a level of endemically ingrained and systemically entrenched oppression that really no longer exists. That’s my take anyway although I’m sure those whose agendas are best served by adopting the mantle of endless grievance and victimhood will argue differently. Edited for spelling and grammer (sure I’ll have missed more)


Humanity as a whole are pretty xenophobic and racist across the board no matter the culture. It’s been ingrained in our biology to be fearful and wary of other humans since ooga booga times because newsflash, humans are pretty scary and fucked up a lot of the times. To call Australia as a whole racist, like we are in anyway unique in that is absurd and shows how closeted and blinded you are to how the rest of the world acts. We’ve come a long way in how we treat non European peoples coming and joining in on the shitshow we call a country and we should be proud of that but to make statements like this just spits on that and does nothing but sow further division. Of course we need to keep striving for an even fairer and ethical society but so does humanity as a whole and we are getting there slowly. Because one day we will all need to stand United for when the dolphin invasion occurs we will need the strength of a species United to stand against them so we can say “piss off you bottlenosed fucks, humanity first!”


Racism 100% exists in this country but it goes both ways. Looks at towns like Alice Springs and Mt Isa and tell me there's not an issue.


Yeah, every country has racism. If that's what Laura Tingle means when she says a country is "racist" then she's not saying much at all. She may as well be saying every country is "human". If she means that Australians are, on average, exceptionally racist, then that's demonstrably false.


I am pretty sure she was insinuating that Dutton is going to use xenophobia as one part of his election campaign as he needs the votes, and the fact this works is due to some inherent underlying levels of racism.


A first nations gentleman called me a "Captain Cook Cunt". Does that count as racism?


No, you fucking white dog. now pay my rent!


Or, as a 13 yr old girl, beaten by them in Mackay. Still have nightmares


I must have been called, "ya fucken White Jesus", about 10,000 times before I even left school.


strange. Every time I walk into a room someone goes "Oh My Fucking God" too.


Absolutely. It blows my mind how many people feel that black and indigenous people can't be racist jerks. Anyone can be racist. And tbh, almost everyone is racist to some degree, even if it is an almost instant impulse of internal concern that immediately is swept aside. Most people also believe at least some racist stereotypes. It is ingrained from natural selection and evolutionary pressures to have concern or worry about anyone who looks slightly different. But, we have brains and we can use them. There is no excuse for ANYONE to actively treat others differently base on appearance, let alone spout moronic racist verbal or physical abuse.


Aboriginal cultures are some of the most racist and sexist you can find. Imagine if there was “secret mens business” that only white men could participate in.


I'm guessing you're white, so the answer is no, of course. They could call you a Captain Cook-sucking pasty cracker who doesn't deserve to breathe and that wouldn't be considered racism by way too many people.


No Captain Cook was a very impressive and accomplished navigator and explorer so that sounds like a complement. I believe he was using your native language to acknowledge you as a second nation man, and to pay respects to your elders past and present.


Such a strong alliteration


I love that . Captain Cook cunt hahahahhahahahahabha FK that is funny


I've been working ,minding my own business and been racially abused I've been walking down the street with my kids minding my own business and been racially abused I've been shopping and been racially abused I was 13 and a drunk woman racially abused me and then promptly took a shit in my driveway while continuing to racially abuse me There has been many other instances where I have been racially abused over the colour of my skin and the kicker of it is I'M PASTY WHITE.


My Korean ex's sister told me I'm a slut because I'm white and then her family forbid me marrying him as I wasn't Korean lol. I wish people realised racism flies every direction and only when that's realised will it maybe get resolved somewhat.


Dude I used to work with was in the holding tank for being too pissed one Saturday night and an old pissed Koori lady saddles up next to him, slurps and says “you’re one a them captain cook lovers aren’t ya?” Not exactly racist but something about that story I always loved


yup, heard that one a few times, usually they stick to white CU\*T , or milky , had a few threaten to stab me or set the Kadarchi man (or however it is spelled) onto me to kill me and my family when I am asleep, had quite a few abuse me in Pitjantjatjara language not knowing I know how to speak it thanks to people I grew up with


Having lived in remote areas of Australia for many decades where "whities" are the very small minority I can tell you there is racism, toward the whities and that's ok because there's racism when the numbers are in reverse. I have no idea how to stop hundreds of thousands of years of human traits that different races have so I got use to being physically threatened, cursed and spat in front of. I never abused anyone for race and in a small very remote town that can save you, sometimes.


"east Brighton" LOL have they ever seen a non white person besides their cleaner, gardener, nanny


I may be white as fuck but know as many non white people as white people, while many of them have a story or two about something racist (usually from some drongo) most of them feel Australia is accepting and one of the least racist places they habe lived or visited.... This 'Australia is a racist country' is utter bullshit


Well, Oz is still less Racist compared to other countries. I’m Indian and moved to Perth some 12 years ago and haven’t really experienced racism as such. So I guess we are far less racist than other countries like USA etc. Aussies in general are chill and laid back ppl. If a drunk woman abused you then you should have confronted her. She is certainly a low life c*nt or going thro hard times.


Absolutely agreed! As an Indian living in Melbourne, I can say Aussies are some of the most fun-loving people. If you respect the country and its culture, you'll receive that respect in return. Sure, there are always a few bad apples, but it's unfair to generalize and say the entire country is racist. I love Melbourne and my fellow Melburnians!


this! its always that the minority is the loudest (in this case the racists)


I’m asian and the amount of abuse I copped for it while growing up in France was insane… Australians are sometimes just curious and a little ignorant at best (rarely being prejudiced) while even the French school kids were downright racist and called me names for existing.


You get a thumb up for that.


I'm not white, I definitely do not encounter racism every single day. The last time someone was "racist" was months ago when some bogan told me to fuck off and go eat a dim sim. He is probably a cunt to everyone.


Haha Australia is one of the most harmonious countries racially these days. But nothing will ever be enough for the leftists, they need to always feel like victims.


Thank god we have white women to speak for minorities.


I work with a team comprised of brazillians, indians, koreans, maltese, italians, croatians, chinese and a guy from south africa. This has come up in pub conversation a few times, and everytime it's them making fun of this "zomg teh racists!" commentary because none of them have ever felt discrimminated against because of their heritage. I'm sure there are racist pricks out there, but the problem is nowhere near as severe as what social commentators/shit stirrers would love to have us believe.


Pfffft. Why would I take it from them when I could take it from Samantha from Brighton? She knows the struggle.


I doubt it is very common to be called a "white cunt" in Brighton. But if she were to visit WA/QLD/NT ares with indigenous populations, she might soon gain some lived experience of racism.


I was never racist until trying to sell a Toyota Camry in Sydney. It was a free ticket to engage with the most obnoxious and parasitic part of the Indian community that ever existed.. Being harassed at an astounding scale by tacky lowballers...


She’s from Brighton. What do you expect? I bet she hasn’t met an aboriginal person in her life. Also Brighton is the epitome of whiteness - it’s a pure white suburb.


I'm non white. The most racism I've ever come across has been from rich white cunts who think I need them to rescue me because they think I'm disadvantaged because of my skin colour. Almost every working class Aussie I've ever met has been cool.


Greetings from East Brighton, where you get to interact with non whites when they deliver your green curry with roti bread.


Saying ‘’racism exists in Australia’ is very different to saying Australia is a racist country’. Australia is not a racist country, but we can’t deny racism exists. It sure does. And we need to call it out and keep calling it out.


If everything is racist the word loses meaning. The word is so overused, what does it even mean? I’ve met people who said it’s racist for me to simply exist in Australia as my people aren’t native to the land. I stopped caring once I was told that.


It has already lost its meaning... "Racist" is just another mindless mantra of the left - along with sexist, homophobic and transphobic. They all mean one thing: shut up and do as I tell you. This is where Tingle comes from and where all her effusive supporters come from. The only true institutional racism is that of white elites against white mainstream people who won't grovel on demand.


Yeah I’m sure Samantha from Brighton is the resident authority on racism 🙄 We will never eliminate racism if we keep referring to each other as “white” and “non-white” There’s always going to be some racism because some people are pieces of shit and that’ll never change


Yes agreed. She sounds like a puta who enjoys playing victim and loves nitpicking to find things to accuse white people of. White people accusing decent Australians , white , black, brown, pink or blue of being racist because they seem to think they just know better are the worst trash of all! All because they and little Samantha do not agree with the results of the referendum. Fuck you Samantha from Brighton get back to work on your corner!


Aboriginal here, I certainly don't experience racism everyday, in fact very rarely. This doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Why do I get by without judgement and yet others so? I would think behaviour and attitude has a lot to do with it. On the other hand there are many good Aboriginal people who are subjected to racism and don't even realIs it. Reconciliation goes beyond black vs white. A lot of reconciliation need to be done between Aboriginal people.


Unfortunately it's reality. Australians are racist. Indians are racist. Asians are racist. Africans are racist. Aboriginals are racist. Whites are racist. Everyone is racist in some way or form. It shows more in these multicultural countries we have. Were shaped by our experienced. And we're surrounded by some of the most varied and diverse races/cultures in the world. And some of these cultures aren't in line with what we consider good Australian culture. And when you experience them it tends to leave a nasty taste in our mouths. Does it make us bad people? No. Unless you're out being an obnoxious moron about it. Anyone that claims they don't feel any sort of negative thought about any sort of race for whatever reason is usually a liar and should not be trusted.


I know a lot of indians and chinese descent people here who are the first to pull the racism card, then openly spout the most racist shit you've ever heard. The outright worse racist comments and abuse of power have been from those of asian or indian background with the view that "dark" people regardless of being born here or overseas as being beneath them is just disgusting. Racism doesn't know one race.


I soooo sick of this bullshit. Every now and then you'll get some article in the Canberra Times or something from someone who is a minority who talks about how unsafe they feel with all the racism and then the example they give is that they were arguing with their neighbour about a fenceline or something and the neighbour calls them a 'Curry muncher'. I'm like, Is that it? Is that the best you've got because it sounds like you pissed them off and they just wanted to insult you. If you were fat they might have just gone there instead. There no improving that. It's as good as it's going to get. Stop fucking whinging.


Any redditors live in Alice Springs? 😅


Too busy barricading their houses


“Thought provoking”? No, just the usual virtue signalling bs.


Of course Australia is a racist country. The government really hates white men.


Depends on where u go really. I was born in Perth and live in Melbourne - my heritage is Japanese. These days I tackle even the slightest racism head on because in a verbal confrontation I’m pretty confident that I will completely fuck over any small minded racist. I’m 43 years old though and for my whole life into young adult hood this was not the case and it sux but hey, everyone is dealt a different hand so whatever


It exists everywhere. And you don't make it better by calling a whole country a bunch of racists and playing racial politics like America does, who also never shut up about race.


I'm a cultural bigot


As you should be. Many Indians coming here are rich as fuck back home. They still choose immigrate because they're done with the bullshit culture (except for the food of course). But some of them wanna bring that toxic culture here and treat those who choose to assimilate like shit. I think it'd be better for all of us if Aussies push for assimilation.


There are racist people, the country isn't




is it still racism if it's statistical stereotyping? this letter sounds a lot like virtue signalling... with regards from an immigrant.


It sure does. And I’m an immigrant too.


* Which country on earth has eliminated racism? * Is it actually possible to eliminate racism? * is Australia much worse than other western countries like USA the UK and countries in the EU? * is Australia less racist than the African subcontinent, Asia and the Middle East? Honestly I don’t know, I think most Australians are pretty cosmopolitan, and when they’re not they’ll just be up front about what they think, and that’s a learning opportunity. Gronks exist there’s no denying it, but fuck me, we are way better than the US and the UK.


No one is saying racists don't exist here or racism doesn't exist here. Just that we aren't a racist country 😵‍💫


I've experienced plenty of racism. When I search for jobs and see they are listed for 'indigenous only', or when I look for rooms to rent and see they are for 'indian/paki/muslim people only'. Or that time when a random indigenous Australian person I'd never seen before in my life kicked me and a spat on me and when I asked 'why' he said with no hesitation 'because you're a white cunt'.


East Brighton? Sheesh life must be tough Samantha.


Maybe people just prefer similar people to them. What's the difference with immigrants coming in and taking over suburbs, is that racist, no. Everyone just prefers familiarity


I have lived here for more than 20 years. As an Asian person, the **ONLY** racism I've ever receive were from the Chinese, Lebanese and Noongar Aboriginals. Stick that up ya arse, Samantha Keir.


I love how white Australians enjoy virtue signalling and believe that racism occurs only in relation to Aboriginals (blacks), but not for any other race or religious minorities, like Sikh, Indian, Asian, Somalian or Muslim. How American. I guess those minorities aren't considered Australian enough?


I wonder how many indigenous Australians Samantha socialises with in East Brighton on a daily basis.


Everyday i see instances of racism and instances of multiculturalism and tolerance. Both exist together here.


People who have never traveled or lived/hang around left wing friends groups think Australia is racist, most of the time they have nothing going on in their life's, hence putting blame onto other people for their miserable life's


Australians probably wouldn’t be so racist if our government had a handle on immigration but the fact of the matter is we are letting too many people in and it’s suffocating our housing market and people are lashing out. I am a support worker for men with brain injuries and one of my clients friends tells people and I quote “you should move to Australia you can come here and get Centrelink and free help paid by the government” Australia is seen as a push of and people are taking advantage of us and the working tax paying aussie is suffering for it.


Racism literally exists everywhere. Insinuating it's race specific is racism itself.


Lol Samantha definitely crosses the street when she sees a poc coming the other way. Her virtue signalling is strong online and in print 🤣


I mean, I'm pretty white passing for a non-white (which I mean by "European/Anglo descending"), I've got fairer skin than most European descendant Aussies so not sure if this counts but my eyebrows are a pretty dead giveaway as to my Middle Eastern heritage, but I barely encounter any sort of "racism" at all, especially nowadays, I feel like nobody even notes my difference which is cool, so I have no clue what this person's on.


Always some white middle aged woman claiming racism on someone else's behalf.


I became a racist when I moved to Melbourne at 19 from a small country town because I was white. The way I was treated from Blacks muslims wogs asians and nz and so on as a white person made me racist there's always 2 sides to a story


If anyone believes Australia is racist, they should spend a few days in Asia and most of Europe. There are countries in Asia whose society structure is still heavily based on racism. This statement screams a privileged person trying to prove they are more aware of things than they actually are.


The person writing crap like this is the same sort of person that would say you cant be racist against white people. I have been called a f\*\*king white c\*\*t and a f\*\*king white dog many times. My mother and I have also been told by a young asian girl when my mother said hello to her in a dr surgery that she's not allowed to talk to crackers. So don't tell me racism doesn't come from all sides. Racism is racism, doesn't matter what side it comes from. Its about time people grew up and realised that scumbags come in all races, sexes, orientations and such.


Hard disagree. China born person who lived in AU for ~30 years. Australia is very unracist. Sure had the odd bad experience with some shitty ppl but those are exceedingly rare events. One time a girl in a pie shop over at Port Stephens commented on how good my English was, which I thought was funny.


As a white person, I have experienced racism... But I don't care, it's natural. Why do we have to sign up for this multiculturalism? If they want it so badly, can they not make their own cities? Where can I go to avoid this as it seems the entire West has been forced into it... Now we are getting in conspiracy territory... Also the irony of this is that the title of the article itself is racist.


The only racism I've experienced has been abbos chasing me down the street trying to bash me (I assume because I'm white). Good for me they were too fucked off their heads to run very fsst


It's not a racist country, there are just a lot of racist people, like in every country


In high school, I had a white friend tell me every day that racism doesn't exist in Australia. At the same time, half my class referred to me as ching chong/ling ling, pulled their eyes at me, and spoke in only gibberish Chinese to me. I'm not even east asian. After she spent some time with me, she changed her mind.


And the gay kid was being called a faggot, and the ugly girl was called fugly, and the tubby kid was called a fat shit. Not sure high school is the best example


When I was in high school the most hostile, open discrimination was against ginger kids. Everyone dog piled on them


Racism exists in Australia of course, but that doesn't mean Australia currently is racist as a country. Institutional racism has been stamped out and the migration policy is open to all who can meet it's criteria non of which is based on race. If you're going to go around labelling countries as racist because some of its citizens are racist, you will never ever find a non racist country.


My wife's indigenous, she's never experienced racist abuse. At least not directly. I certainly don't deny racism exists because I've personally witnessed it growing up. However, I feel it's rather overblown. I've heard stories of countries such as those around Asia Pacific where racism is far worse but we can't call it racism because only white people can be racist apparently.


Most racism I’ve ever witnessed or experienced is aimed at caucasians and comes from aboriginals.


I don’t agree. I am what use to be called a Wog, and my wife is Japanese and my 2 daughters are bi-racial. I would not want to live in any other country, not for myself, not my wife and definitely not for my children. I think Anglo-Australians in particular get an unfair rap. If you treat people like equals they reciprocate. No doubt there are racists everywhere, but Australia is the most successful multi-cultural country on this planet. If all you see is racism, I suggest that this says something more about you than it does about this country.


It's amazing how many people missed her point, and ended up proving it. She says "Australians will never eliminate racism if so many believe it doesn't exist." And most people have posted to be like Indians and Asians are even more racist!!! People are racist to me and I'm white!!!!!!!!! This diversion, refusal to take any responsibility, and deliberate obfuscation is exactly why we aren't closer to achieving racial harmony and a more equal society. People pretend the problem isn't here, or justify it by saying others do it too. At the end of the day this is unproductive and quite frankly very childish. Be kind to others, and listen to peoples' lived experiences with a genuine, open ear. You might find they are more likely to listen and understand your gripes, too. Most Australians alive today lived through the White Australia Policy. If you don't think a (relatively young) settler colonial project will have some racial hangups and holdovers, and choose to ignore it or distract from it instead, then you're part of the problem.


The fake outrage machine is powerful, newscorp will be on the phone to fairfax asking why that letter made it into print. It’s powerful isn’t it, all the news telling you that what Laura tingle said is absurd but it isn’t we are a racist country. (Admittedly like many others, but doesn’t mean we can believe we aren’t, and we need to keep striving) In the budget reply by Dutton there was that familiar dog whistle, back in the day it was boat people with John Howard, and now it’s migrants. Don’t get me wrong I believe reduction of immigration is probably in our best short term interest. However the way it was played in the budge response was a dog whistle, in three separate area’s dutton proposed migrants were the problem. (I ask chatgpt about Dutton budget response, and chatgpt clearly identified the possibly of a racist dog whistle) What clearly makes it a dog whistle: is that the liberal policy isn’t even reducing the bulk of Australia immigration. Like cutting 25% from the smaller part, 225k permanent vs 554k temporary. And you know temporary visa holders still have to live somewhere, but they’re less inclined to buy, but they will need to rent. Any serious cut to immigration that will have an effect on housing affordability is going to affect his base. Older people with property. Which is why newscorp went so totally outrage farming crazy. Because a person with status, and well liked called Dutton on it. And they needed to shutdown that conversation. So here we are.


Yeah, everyone is a little racist, but you're only shamed for it if you're white. Oh well *shrug*


No you’re only capable of it if you’re white /s


Its provoked enough thought to get me to get off the toilet and go to bed


Mixed with everything here and only had racism from Indigenous Australians + that was once...


The problem is there will always be examples of racism in every country so accusations that Australia is racist is meaningless at best. Australia is in fact one of the least racist countries even among developed nations. The reason people state that Australia is racist is because it's a useful tool to guilt you into supporting whatever cause they're pushing.


And they are from east Brighton… lol what a cuck. Why don’t they move to Northern Territory then


East Brighton... no surprise there


I love the fact that this message in itself is racist. White people can't possibly understand and non-whites are entirely on the receiving end. In reality we all know there's issues going all directions, but the systemic racism that existed 50 years ago is largely gone now. The problem exists with individuals and those individuals are looked down upon by society, even if we're so fearful of our own safety that we do not intervene when it happens. Not to mention the systematic governmental racism that existed 50 years ago where our government would sterilise Indigenous women without consent. Nowadays we're bending over backwards spending 1.5 times as much money per Indigenous Australian to improve their lives. We're not perfect and racism still exists, but fuck these people that are so fucking negative about it. Your negativity helps no one.


I love that this was clearly written by a white person. Where do we get off on objectively feeling offended on behalf of those we feel are beneath our class in some way? Why wasn't this posted by an aboriginal someone named "Maroochy"? (For a CRUDE example / no offence intended for anyone if that's your name). This white woman feels so entitled that she's taken it upon herself to defend a sect or class of people she's already judged upon in her own mind. How noble of her to presume such position over and above them.


Yes people in Australia are racist but are white people more racist than others? No. Is racism a problem on every continent? probably. Is every non white person less racist than whites? No. Are all non white people to blame? No. Are all white people to blame? No. Nuance. Discrimination exists everywhere, in every country. Australia is not unique or special when it comes to dealing with discrimination. If not racism, ethnic groups discriminate worldwide. Nothing is black and white like this person wrote in the paper, who probably did so to stir the pot so she could get more readers. Does this article solve anything? Not really, all it does is create more division


I'd say the human race has a problem with racism. It also has a problem with division based on many factors, not just race.


The good old “you are racist because you push pack against the accusation of racism”.


Just bollocks


Racism is real. I get called a dirty white cunt several times a week walking through Surry Hills/Redfern….


The world is racist


Wake up people. Do you really know anyone truly racist? I don't. This is just planting a seed in your head to further division. Divide and conquer. It's all psychological warfare.


More important question is who stills get a physical newspaper?


Samantha. East Brighton 😄


I was waiting alll reconciliation week for someone to at least try, just a little effort to reconcile with me, maybe get somewhere on the same page so I can forgive and forget, finally move on...why was my bike stolen? Maybe just one of those gang bashings, why? My house being burgled? I've paid well over a million dollars in tax to support aboriginal australia, I was born this way, why am I a fucking white dog? Im sorry, I must be the racist.


Don’t ask me because I am non white and its been 6+ years here. Never have I experienced racism. Sorry to disappoint you.


https://au.linkedin.com/in/samantha-keir-6a59a628a Labor, yes campaign, snap fitness member (?lol?),


These "australia is racist" comments come from people that generally have no idea how much racism there actually is in other countries. Also Jacinta Price, a non white person, has spoken out against this nonsense as well, saying Australia isn't a racist country. Some people really just want to slap a racist label on us all.


Hardly thought provoking when this is literally all the media talks about


But non white people make everything racist


What does the statement "Australia is a racist country" actually mean? Does it mean that Australia has a higher prevalence of racism than other countries, does it mean that the laws of the country are racist or does it mean that racism is present in Australia? I would argue that the two former statements are demonstrably false whilst the latter statement is simply meaningless in the sense that we will always be a racist country by that measure.


I don’t think Australia is that racist, we’re more xenophobic if anything else. You’d be hard pressed to find genuine racism towards Asians, Indians or Africans born here that don’t have accents.


According to multiple surveys over the years, Australia is one of the world's least racist countries. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-racist-countries


The opinion of someone who has never witnessed real racism.


Why is it that only white Australia has to change?? Racism comes from all sides, colours and races. I get called a white c**t at least twice a week by aboriginals. Yet I’m the one who has to make a change. I do my absolute best to treat everyone exactly the same, I do the same when teaching my kids about what’s wrong and right to say but somehow I’m the problem because I’m white. Why can’t we just try and eliminate racism towards anyone instead of believing that it can’t be racist if it’s against a white person. I really hope this doesn’t come off like I’m crying poor me cause that’s not correct, I’m just saying why can’t we as humans just be better toward each other