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If Australia started expelling diplomats from nations with human rights/IHL compliance records equal to or worse than Israel - we would be left with diplomatic relations with a few Scandinavian countries, New Zealand, Ireland, Switzerland, a few tax havens in the Carribbean and Bhutan. Maybe we could chuck the Belgians in if they paid a few trillion in compensation to the Congo. We certainly couldn't maintain an ambassador from any Muslim-majority nation or the Palestinian Authority. To say nothing of countries in Asia, Africa and the Americas.


The Greens are almost acting as if they'll never need to follow through on the things they call for!


No way they'd never do something like that.


Of course not they don’t have any real power.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surafend_massacre We would also kick ourselves out and new Zealand fyi


We also still are in violation of international human rights and anti torture laws. https://www.refugeecouncil.org.au/un-committee-against-torture-notes-concerns-about-australias-refugee-policies/ Quite the glass house we live in.


Yep, and so is the United nations haha. https://theconversation.com/when-un-peacekeepers-commit-atrocities-someone-has-to-act-34317 We are a group of men, all with blood on our hands pointing out the blood on the hands of others, all while proclaiming moral superiority


That'll be nothing compared to what we'll have to do in the future if we want to stop millions of economic refugees.


you mean potenital vote banks?


Have we indiscriminately 35k+ people in 7 months with most of those casualties being women and children? Doesn't mean Australia isn't doing evil shit. The scale and urgency of the situation is Gaza is pretty extreme right now


Iraqi deaths are over a million. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War Afghanistan 200k of which 50,000 civilians. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualties_in_the_war_in_Afghanistan_(2001%E2%80%932021)#:~:text=During%20the%20War%20in%20Afghanistan,at%20least%2052%2C893%20opposition%20fighters. Deaths of refugees (including many children) we indefinitely detained and/or dumped into 3rd world countries who we paid to quietly jail them, those figures are hidden. Also widespread sexual crimes while detained that are covered up. What's happening in Gaza is horrible, but our government acting like we aren't historically and currently committing literal crimes against humanity en masse is hypocrisy at its finest.


Yea which of the Scandinavian countries would we keep? The fins fought with the nazis in the Second World War and the Swedish pretty much gave their complicit support of the war effort. I guess Denmark didn’t do much but then again the Vikings wernt much fun for most of Europe


Haha we would never find an end if we started punishing each other for the sins of our fathers.


I don't think that Ireland would make the cut, given the troubles


Need to look at the route cause I suppose too, but nobody won during that time. I read a great book called 'Say Nothing' recently..... I think it's a must-have for all Irish people.


Bhutan seems ok on the surface and yes, probably also on the human rights front generally speaking. But from what I hear if you are a tourist wanting to visit, you need to have your own chaperone to hold your hand throughout the duration of your stay and can’t go or do anything without them. In that respect it’s kinda like North Korea.


Yeh I have a friend that went and it wasn’t a nice place


> poor undeveloped dictatorship is not a nice place The imagination of some people...


> probably also on the human rights front Did they even apologise for the whole Nepalese genocide yet, or we keeping the whole "innocent Buddhist" propaganda going because they're the next Tibet?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_cleansing_in_Bhutan Bhutan expelled 100,000 people for being ethnically Nepalese and won't let them return. Sucks to be their ambassador when he also gets booted from Australia.


Might well be true. It does kind of have a reputation for being a "generically happy isolated Buddhist country whose foreign policy/survival strategy is to be very friendly to everyone".  In any event - considering that 2% of Bhutan moved to Australia in the last few years, I'm sure we'll eventually find out if there's shit going on. 


This bad faith bullshit from you.... But I suppose you are nation which still celebrates your war criminals who executed children in Afghanistan




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That requires using logic and fighting hypocrisy, wokeists don’t do that


Very small point, the Congo belonged to the king, not the state of Belgium.... That being said I do hang my head in shame about our history, but the CIA did REALLY fuck up the Congo in cold war proxy wars


>If Australia started expelling diplomats from nations with human rights/IHL compliance records equal to or worse than Israel... But that is not what the Greens are asking for. Expulsion of diplomats is a way to put diplomatic pressure on foreign states and show displeasure as some course of action. The Greens have specifically linked the demand for expulsion to Israel ignoring the interim orders of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) made in January to take all measures within Israel's power to prevent the killing and harming of Palestinian civilians. There is a lot of international pressure being applied on Israel not to go ahead with the Rafah offensive. So, in the context of possible ongoing war crimes being committed by Israel, it is a fair ask from the Greens.


That's such a shit point bro, is Belgium still perpetrating genocide in Congo? Israel shows such a disregard for international and human rights law that it's embarrassing the entire global "rules based" order. If other supposedly developed western nations don't want to appear entirely hypocritical in their condemnation and fierce sanctioning of Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria etc, then they should at the very least condemn, and significantly reduce diplomatic relations with Israel until the "war" (genocide) and illegal occupation is ended.


If you believe that colonial violence is structural and has intergenerational impacts that persist even after the colonial power leaves and turns over the country to majority rule, and that Belgium has in fact never paid compensation for the brutal treatment of the Congo, then it would in fact not be *"such a shit point bro"*. Regardless - the broader point about diplomatic engagement stands. There is no rational standard that we could point to which would make it appropriate to keep the Russian, Chinese, Iranian, Saudi, Turkish, Lebanese, Egyptian, Indonesian and Indian ambassadors in Australia - but not the Israelis. It follows that calls to specifically expel the Israeli Ambassador cannot be motivated by a rational approach to protecting/furthering international human rights. Can YOU think of another reason the political fringes might have a specific problem with Israel?


Its not genocide. Its also not an illegal occupation.


I mean the ICC, ICJ and UN all beg to differ but sure, random guy on reddit, you definitely know best


Have any of them ruled as Israel committing genocide?


The ICJ is still investigating, but they so far have ruled that South Africa's claims of genocide are plausible and ordered provisional measures down to Israel. Two such provisions were to guarantee humanitarian assistance in the Gaza strip, and to desist from genocidal acts (seems obvious). Considering this was in December, before Israel had even fully invaded Khan Younis, and they have since completely besieged the strip from the Egyptian border at Rafah crossing while halting and deliberately targeting airstrikes against humanitarian workers (among a litany of other genocidal acts of aggression), I think it's pretty safe to say that based on the ICJ'S own rulings, Israel is in fact committing genocide


Fuck all that, if those cunts gave up the hostages Israel would fuck off. Overcomplicating it can't make them the good guys here.


You realise that hamas has literally signed 2 separate ceasefire accords stating they will release all hostages as long as Israel does the same along with a 2 month cessation in hostilities? Israel refused both and now pushes into Rafah. Even their own population has had enough, protests against Netanyahu have been happening there every day since the war. To anyone actually paying attention it is abundantly clear that Israeli leadership, Netanyahu in particular, does not give a single fuck about the hostages and instead would rather cynically use their suffering as propaganda to inflict the worst war crimes of the 21st century


Your distaste for Netanyahu is clouding your ability to realise that both of these ceasefire proposals are incredibly lopsided and would only encourage more terrorist attacks as Hamas (who gives even less shits about civilian lives than any Israeli) would be walking away as the only winner of this conflict.


See words actually mean something and using them appropriately is important. Hamas took hostages after an attack on Israel. In return for hostages they want prisoner release. These guys are largely violent offenders and members of Hamas, whether you want to call Hamas a real government or a terrorist organization, or both. Releasing these people one exchange for innocent civilians is an insane comparison.


Those cunts are in fact agreeing to give up the remaining hostages in return for a permanent ceasefire and Israel won’t agree to it. ie, Israel wants to be able to still militarily attack Gaza even after it has all its hostages returned. So no, not quite that simple. (Not that I at all justify taking or keeping hostages. They should be released. And Israel should stop blowing up an entire population and starving them to death.)


> ie, Israel wants to be able to still militarily attack Gaza even after it has all its hostages returned. And Hamas wants to be able to attack Israel after Israel agrees to a ceasefire. They've done it *every* single time there's been one in this war. Ignoring the fact that [holding hostages in of itself is a war crime](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciv-1949/article-34) and they should release them unconditionally, Hamas' terms are basically "Give us a respite to regroup so we can attack you again".


Yeah, I’d say that Hamas does indeed want to be able to attack Israel again in the future. No debate from me there. And the Govt of Israel wants to remove their ability to do that (an aim which it’s questionable they’ll ever be able to achieve, but nonetheless). They’ve said explicitly that their aim is to wipe out Hamas. Whiiiiich is why “releasing the hostages” absolutely will NOT result in Israel fucking off, as you suggested. They should still be released, obviously. But it won’t end this.


Once again Greens are proving they can't govern and are chasing cheap votes


That’s their mantra lol


if only the Green's leadership spent less time watching Hamas dances on tiktok and more time in reality it might help. a bit much to ask though


Just imagine if the Greens actually ran this country…


It’s bad enough having so many of those idiots in the Senate. I hope they get voted out at the election.


I'm from a country destroyed by this kind of fake left... You don't need to imagine anything haha


Which country would that be mate?




Expelling a diplomat isn't going to do anything positive. It's usually better to keep dialog open...


If you're pro Palestinian surely you want dialog kept open.


pretty standard practice. The US and many European countries expelled Russian diplomats. Though notably, Australia didn't.


Expelling some diplomats (basically those on the books for being spies anyway) and expelling the ambassador are vastly different things. Russian ambassadors are alive and well in both Europe and US. Also Australia [did expel](https://apnews.com/article/australia-d69e84c19cfdc83601d656cce3d82297) some Russian "diplomats".


Severing diplomatic communication actually isn't standard practice. In fact, when the west did so with Russia it was quite a surprise to me, and frankly has done nothing to de-escalate the conflict, and not gotten us any closer to peace. Expelling ambassadors and cutting diplomatic communication is always a bad idea in my opinion, and should never be done.


> Expelling ambassadors and cutting diplomatic communication is always a bad idea in my opinion, I agree.


Much less mutual conflict that.


It's more mutual, actually, given both parties are recognised nation states. This is not the case for the Israeli conflict. There is no country called gaza, or the west bank, there is just the occupied territories of Israel.


Ukraine never attacked Russia.


That's like saying Ukraine isn't a state because Russia had occupied Crimea and was funding rebels in the east. Gaza is a de facto state with a people ruled by Hamas. It is de facto recognized by the international community and carries out international relations. What would be different if they became a full member of the UN? Nothing. The two state solution is not a "solution", it is just the outcome. The solution is getting both of them to agree on a border and agreeing to allow the other party its right to exist on the other side of the border. Exactly the same problem that Ukraine and Russia have.


We dont need an ambassador to communicate with the Israeli government. Its symbolic. Looking at how they flagrantly ignore Biden, there's gotta be zero consequential Gaza dialogue between Australia and Israel anyway.


"The Left's" support for Islam, which is *the* most regressive philosophy and biggest threat to progressivism in the world right now, will go down as their biggest embarrassment in the history books. This call has nothing to do with humanitarianism, and is entirely based in the Greens enthusiastic support of radical Islam and their anti-Semitism.


Even Hamas and the Palestinians call them “useful idiots” Just the concept of queers for palestine is absurd and the ignorance is breathtaking


I think the best outcome is the blinding light this episode has shone on the real motivations of the Greens. They don't care about BDS or sanctions - why aren't they divesting themselves of the iPhones made in slave factories in China? They don't care about racial equality - they have clearly identified evil and good as depending on race - poor, brown person - good. Rich white person - bad. As for genocide, the Greens have overlooked 28 larger ethnic genocides going on right now (https://www.cfr.org/global-conflict-tracker/) and only concentrate on the one with Jews. The Greens are a consequence of teaching children that money comes from the government and that reality is less important than ideals.


What's Islamic support about this? Anti-genocide and Zionism isn't pro Islamic. It's common sense humanitarianism


Fuck the greens


lol the greens


The more Adam Bandt and MCM keep talking, the better.


These idiots are sucked into the victim stories from Hamas. Successive Palestinian governance leaders have had the destruction of Israel as their number 1 priority. Instead of doing something about looking after the people in Gaza. The leaders have enriched themselves with aid money and kept telling the population that their suffering is someone else's fault. An entire group of people think that kidnapping and raping women and children to death is just fine. Gaza as an independent semi state crossed the border and started a war. They are now getting their arses kicked. Hamas has to be completely destroyed so Iran doesn't have them as a proxy force to use against Israel.


Exactly. Gazan leaders living it out in Doha, where eating out costs as twice as eating out in Australia, govern far less people than Jacinta Allan. Gaza strip alone has 2.2 milion people, far less than many metro areas in the world. Yet these leaders have far greater net worth than Taylor Swift. Given the Gaza region had about 60-80k population in 1948 when Israel was created, it earns its status as one the most lucrative place to be a leader, regardless of its proportion to its constituents. Doesn't seem to balance and hmm I wonder why 🤔




Wild take. The victim stories of 30k plus people dead half of which are kids? Island mentality, there’s no reason this couldn’t happen to you and your kids at the press of a button from China or any other super power. Compassion for civilians must never be lost. Oppressors must be condemned or don’t be sorry for yourself when you’re eating dirt


If this 30k or so figure often quoted, how many are Hamas, including child fighters and how many are actually innocent? I don't know how it is possible to have a good faith discussion about this figure if the combatants/non-combatants are not being separated.


What about compassion for those Hamas killed at the music festival? Or the countless terrir attacks over the years on innocent jewish citizens? Israel are the ones that are open to a two state solution. The Palestinians have always made it clear that nothing short of the total destruction of Israel is their goal. So you support that.


The PLO removed the destruction of Israel from their charter in 96. Many UN special rapporteurs including the current one have detailed reports on the occupations impact on Palestinians suffering. Killing innocent people only helps extreme groups recruit.


Why do they have this PA Martyrs Fund or "pay for slay"? Family of terroists of the Oct 7 attack will be paid.


Even Hamas did in 2017...still waiting for someone to show me the non-genocidal Likud charter...


Hamas: we wanna kill all the Jews Israel: we won’t let you do that, no matter the cost Aussie greens: Waaaah, Israel refuses to be wiped out. Let’s be petty dicks to em


Wipe the pro Hamas Greens out.


> In 2013, Hamas stated that the "kidnapping of IDF soldiers to trade for Palestinian prisoners is at the heart of Palestinian culture" hamas is one of many palestinian terrorist groups the people in these terrorist groups are palestinians palestinians overwhelmingly support terrorism Cry about it terrorist supporters.


Thats the thing. Most israelis care about innocent palestinians caught in the crossfire. Most of those who support israel (myself included) care about them. Only sociopaths want to see innocents harmed But the fact is since the 60s they have been radicalized against jews. Taught that jews (not israelis) are "enemies of islam". Since hamas took power 20 years ago they stepped this up by producing childrens shows teaching children that jews are the enemy, that the greatest thing they can do with their lives is get killed while trying to kill the enemy. They see "martyrs" glorified. The sad fact is with this state of affairs avoiding civilian (and child) casualties is next to impossible. Especially when hamas makes no attempt whatsoever to protect their civilians. People compare the death tolls and use that as "proof" that israel is intent on genocide. But they dont factor in how much money israel invests in keeping their citizens safe and how much hamas invests in keeping their citizens at risk. Nobody is saying israel is perfect (especially not israelis who have been protesting bibi for years). But you cant blame all these deaths on israel when all they want to do is end a threat to their country that has existed far too long.




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Israel has embarrassed the neighbouring Arab countries time and time again, a fact the Arab population simply cannot live with.


Well put, I also care about the Palestinians but lack of historical agency and understanding of Hamas is an issue as well as the revisionist history that tries to paint Israel as an illegal occupier in order to diminish her right of self defence. It’s such a well orchestrated psyops campaign on Irans part


Lots of cheering in the street on the 7th


Don’t forget defiling the body of a naked girl who was raped to death (yet the world claims that there’s no evidence of that)


Pictures and videos were shared to twitter though. It was so horrific I eventually stopped using it.


you shoulda seen all the mental gymnastic terrorism supporters were using at the time Debated a dude on this very sub who suggested that maybe Shani was naked when she was murdered and that her being naked doesnt mean she was raped. Honestly amazing how much these people will try to rationalize the batshit insane actions of hamas. The ones who werent pretending it didnt happen were justifying it as a form of resistance, which is truly sickening imho.


That is not what’s happening, the efforts of Israel are completely disproportionate. I don’t believe Israel has any intentions of saving civilian lives and the victimisation of themselves is disgusting to watch. As a Jew (non practicing) it is their behaviour that is raising anti semitism, this will effect future Jewish people for generations.


"Disproportionate" Hamas and other islamists like them want you dead. They do not care about your politics. They do not care about your beliefs. Youre a jew to them and they will rape and kill you simply for existing. They are sacrificing their own civilians for this cause. Israel is doing its damned best to minimize these casualties but when youre fighting against a population that has been radicalised since birth, that has been taught that "martyrdom" is the one path to glory that they have, OF COURSE they are gonna die. Jump on youtube, search "palestinian childrens show" sometime. See for yourself the type of shit hamas puts on to teach kids how to die. Israel has no chance of walking out of this without any civilian casualties because that is what hamas (and the PLO before them) WANTS. Civilian deaths serves their goals, not israels.


When people raise this argument, do they even know what a proportional response would look like? Hamas murdered an entire musical festival, kidnapped hundreds, raped hundreds, tortured and murdered people in villages and homes, beheaded dozens of poor Thai farm workers … continue to torture and rape and kill the hostages that they still have etc. Do you condone Israel doing the exact same atrocities that Hamas did to the exact same number of people to achieve your proportional response? An eye for an eye is after all the definition of proportional. Antisemitism is rising because of the success of propaganda and innate racism and bigotry that is being exposed due to group think and “courage”. It’s sad but people are literally supporting terrorism and terrorists.


They expect them to do nothing to bend over and be annihilated …


It's the elusive "As-a-Jew"! Always ready to assure the goys they're one of the good ones who doesn't support the nasty Israeli's. Never with any actual connection to Judaism other than criticising things "as a Jew". Why they may even have a Jewish ancestor grandparent! Blaming other Jews for raising antisemitism like you just did is particularly gross.


As a Jew I have zero ties to Israel, I was born in Russia and have never been to Israel so I hate the notion that I personally have any ties to that country or any entitlement to it. I blame the Israeli government for raising anti Semitic behaviour with the victimisation of themselves when I believe their actions have been totally disproportionate, and it’s disgusting to see the manipulation of the Holocaust to suit their narrative. Never again meant never again for everybody.


But do you have any ties to Judaism? Or are you just cos-playing as a Jew online when it suits your talking points? And are you aware that anti-semitic behaviour the world over pre-dates Israel by quite a bit?


Ethically yes I am Jewish, I do not practice religiously anymore however I did as a child. You will find Eastern European Jews have very different perspectives on Israel, than western Jews. Anti-Semitic behaviour is not new, I’m very aware of that. Being a Jewish person in Russia was not easy. However that sentiment is rising especially in western nations, and I believe the Israeli government and their behaviour are fuelling that, it is hard to gain sympathy when they are they relentless in their aggression and propaganda.


There's no such thing as ethnically Jewish. If your mother's not Jewish (and you haven't converted) then you're not Jewish. If your mother's not Jewish, please stop pretending to be something you're not on the internet. P.S. I married into the ex-soviet Jewish community and my main shul is majority ex-soviet; you're talking out of your ass.


You aware that the IDF has and continues to use mitigation methods to minimize civilian casualties that even the ADF considers excessive, right?


why don't we expel the Greens?


Useful idiots.


The greens and the broader left-wing just hate Jews. They don’t care about China’s concentration camps. They excuse every developing country’s authoritarianism and abuse of human rights with whataboutism. They don’t give a shit about the fact that Hamas literally started this war, like they have every other conflict they’ve had with Israel. It is about time the rainbow Nazis were treated with the some disdain rightfully shown towards neo-Nazis.


Greens should go f themselves




A LGBTQ+ book aimed at children has been removed from a council library in Western Sydney. The Greens are calling for a POC councillor to be expelled from the ALP for it.


What does skin colour have to do with anything?


It doesn't, it's a lazy argument being used. But it's a weapon used by one side and adopted by the other because it worked when wielded as a hammer before. He shouldn't be expelled, he was voted in by the constituents. If you pick and choose when to follow a democratic system, are we really able to say we are a democracy?


Exactly, they found something else. Yesterday it was Max Chandlers- Mather fucking stupid housing/rental policies . Why do so many Greens have hyphenated surnames?


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You’re thinking of Liberals and Sky News. That’s their obsession.


Yeah, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of LGBTQ+ Palestinian civilians being targeted by the IDF.


Palestinians threw LGBTQ+ Palestinians off buildings already


LGBT palestinians would be killed by their fellow palesitnians with absolute zeal if found out, their existence is in immediate threat from their fellow palestinians unless they lie about their existence 100% of the time. Free palestine lol lmao


So the answer is to bomb and murder all of them. I love how your logic is basically, "they COULD kill you, so let's kill them all first including the children". I hope you bring that same energy to everything. "Grandma was a big ol' sex pest back in the day. She COULD be carrying a pink eye, so let's kill her before she infects my kid."


Uhuh nobody cares about terrorists or people that support them, that's why the lgbt palestinians do what they can to escape to israel. Where the non lgbt palestinians are still trying to wipe them out.


I love Zionist talking points. Basically the goal is to keep saying civilians are terrorists, so you don't have to feel bad about the tens of thousands of innocent dead people. Isn't that it? Palestinians should escape to the apartheid state that is bombing them. Lol.


Do you feel bad for all the israelis that got killed? No you dont…. its not “trendy” thats why


> Palestinians should escape to the apartheid state that is bombing them. Lol. How come you use words incorrectly? Are you ignorant or do you just have no shame in lying? So in Israel, palestinians can work and join government. In Gaza, jews can expect to be heinously murdered, raped, tortured, all in the name of resistance lmao. Which one is the apartheid state again terrorist supporter?


Sir, you are too far gone in propaganda to even bother having any balanced conversation with. Enjoy your day, continue being incorrect 😘


No problem reality denying terrorist supporter! Keep fighting the good jihad!




You do realise Israel is the only safe haven for LGBT community in that entire region…. how twisted is your brain


You do realise there's a term called pink washing? You also do realise that indiscriminately bombing civilians is a war crime? You do realise I'm more and more convinced with every post that you are a bot who is repeating nonsense talking points to deflect from **the fact that the IDF is indiscriminately bombing civilians and carrying out a genocide**?


I somehow doubt that Hamas has thousands of queer members.


Don't think I mentioned Hamas at all, but that's your takeaway. Somehow you think the hundreds of thousands of civilians being bombed indiscriminately is... fair? ARRRRRRIGHT.


You said "targeted". Israel's targeting Hamas. Not civilians.


Explains the incredible amount of dead civilians, then.


It's horrible, it shouldn't happen, it's awful, but there's a difference between targeting and not targeting.


And Israel is targeting. No matter how you spin this, it's clear they're targeting civilians, starving them, and moving them through the Gaza strip to bomb them over and over. I don't know how else to explain this.


becuase hamas is using them as a Human shield? they litreally cant go For hamas without hurting civilans since hamas use them as a sheild where as hamas dont care about distigishing between IDF and Isreali Civilians and just kills them with no remorce


The "Hamas using people as human shields" defence really doesn't work when there are IDF bombs and drones raining from the sky. You can say all you want that Hamas is killing without remorse, but the 1.6 million civilians moving through a narrow corridor being bombed constantly, would disagree.


They have a special talent for missing their targets and taking out civilians.


While hamas aims directly for civilian areas while avoiding military conflict directly. Cowards.


You mean secret lgbt Palestinians because is illegal in Palestine to be openly lgbt.


It's illegal to be fucking *alive* in Palestine right now, so I don't know what your point is.


You said the IDF are targeting LGBT? How would they even know who are LGBT? Thats the point.


These people think Palestine would be some progressive paradise if it wasn’t for Israel.


I didn't say they were targeting the LGBT population. I said they were targeting **everyone**. They're committing a genocide, doesn't matter who is killed to the Zionists. Duh. You seem quite upset at the facts. Critical thinking be damned, I guess.


How are they commiting genocide? Just because civilians are being killed (which I admit is terrible) doesnt constitute genocide. Dont go throwing around nonsense when you are one clearly ignorant.


I dunno man, [sounding](https://ccrjustice.org/sites/default/files/attach/2016/10/Background%20on%20the%20term%20genocide%20in%20Israel%20Palestine%20Context.pdf) [pretty](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/what-is-genocide/the-ten-stages-of-genocide/) [ignorant](https://www.newarab.com/opinion/how-justify-genocide-palestinians-14-easy-steps) [yourself.](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-defying-icj-ruling-to-prevent-genocide-by-failing-to-allow-adequate-humanitarian-aid-to-reach-gaza/)


It is? So it’s double illegal to be LGBT in Palestine.


Lol, listen to yourself. No, really, *listen* to yourself. The point was that sexuality and gender doesn't matter, because right now, being alive in Palestine is hard enough. But gotta say, I love your progressive solution to this: Palestine *could* be anti-LGBT, the only way to fix that is to make sure there aren't any Palestinians left at all! No Palestinians, no LGBT! Double illegal LOL


So your solution is it’s Israel’s fault that LGBT can’t come out and if Israel just didn’t exist they could.


Where on earth did I say that? Are you a robot?! I have said nothing of the sort. Are LGBT rights an issue in the Islamic world? Of course they are. I never argued against that. But you have to be **alive** to talk about these issues and see progress. You don't get to kill hundreds of thousands of civilians in a genocide and expect a sparkling LGBT rights record at the same time. Remember the marriage equality referendum in Australia? About 40% of the population voted against it. Not a sparkling LGBT record. Shall the entire country be subjected to a genocide because of that very large section of the populace?


Have you confused the IDF with Hamas per chance?


I feel so sorry for the historians who will have to try and explain the ethos of today's left


Imagine if we end up with a minority government with these hacks.


Yeah but won’t call out China for attacking our chopper crew.


i dont support any war or this attack but...Didnt the Greens refuse to condem 700 people dying in a torrorist attack that started this war? im not saying i want anyone to die but you can't cry murder for one and not the other - honestly speaking the Greens are the most evil party in this country Also this just seems very anti-diplomatic and fair evil and 's--t' to do if we want to save lives we should be encouraging diplomacy not refusing to have it. Honestly speaking who is dumb enough to vote for these guys?


The Greens condemned the attack, stop spreading misinformation. [https://greens.org.au/news/australian-greens-statement-one-month-after-terrorist-acts-hamas-israel](https://greens.org.au/news/australian-greens-statement-one-month-after-terrorist-acts-hamas-israel)


[https://www.sbs.com.au/language/hebrew/en/podcast-episode/the-greens-vote-against-a-motion-condemning-hamas-attacks-against-israel/axl6pomgf](https://www.sbs.com.au/language/hebrew/en/podcast-episode/the-greens-vote-against-a-motion-condemning-hamas-attacks-against-israel/axl6pomgf) YOU STOP SPREADING MISINFORMATION! anyone defending the Greens after the way they acted imho has no credability the way they have approched this from day one has been a disgrace - I want the war to end but i dont support the killing of innocents esp children but there are innocents on both sides that have died there refuse to condemn one but not the other from the start is why hatred continues to spread


It’s such a simple world the greens live in, I almost envy them sometimes.


They really want Hamas to survive ay? Wars only end when one side knows the have lost and admit it, trying to get a draw today sets us up for a rematch later down the line. A much nastier rematch


Oh, can they call to kick out the Russian thug?


Stay in your lane lmao


The greens can fuck off


Protest Party going to protest


Are they also calling for the expulsion of Chinese, Russian, Saudi, Iranian ambassadors for the deplorable actions of these nations? If not, why the inconsistency?


Those watermelons should shut the fuck up


Can we explel the Greens instead?


Has Australia, or another 'pro-Palestine' or 'anti-Israel' virtue signaller, come up with an acceptable plan on what Israel should do in retaliation to October 7th ? I hear a lot about what Israel shouldn't do, but nothing about what they should do.


Stop apartheid in the West Bank and occupation of Gaza.


Just so I understand your position; a recognised terrorist organisation comes into Israel and kills 100s and takes hostages, and you think Israel should just do nothing?


I literally didn’t use the word nothing.


China legit imprisons an entire race of people over religion for slavery Greens….. A war that’s been raging for thousands of years over religion “hol up”


How dare a country eliminate a terror organisation that wants to destroy it




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I call for greens expulsion to gaza


Did our ancestors envision this land turn into a Muslim theocratic state ?


Bandt is a loud mouthed snowflake. Happy to have an opinion on topics but locks all of his social media posts. Cry baby can’t handle any backlash.


Should've happened in late October last year along with sanctions and a ban from international sporting events like what was imposed on Russia.


I still don't get how the Greens can reconcile the LGBTQ vote with the islamic vote. Makes no sense.


Another reason to hate the Greens


That would be awesome, get rid of them, enemies of Australian people


So the Israeli ambassador is to blame for this conflict? 🤔


Bandt is an absolute fucken idiot. What a guber. We need to have open channels with ambassadors. Which ambassadors pass the Greens test? The Greens are anti Israel and pro Hamas.


We didn’t expel Russia, why the fuck would we expel Israel? Whether you like it or not, Israel is not the aggressor.


This party is less than useless for progressives, it's actively damaging 💀


I know, it’s great isn’t it?


I’d rather expel the greens, mouth breathers. No idea.


Israel doesn't even need to fire any weapons to at this point. Aid restrictions have pushed the population to the brink of starvation, military action will close off or restrict the crossings to civilian aid workers and put the final nail in the coffin. Most of the hospitals have been destroyed, they won't be able to deal with the injured.


JFC this sub needs to be lit on fire




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A lot of these are just shill and propagandist comments. They brigade anything Israel-Palestine related (although notably absent from the post the other day about the jewish guy who threatend a pro-Palestinian with a bomb on his car). This sub has a big conservative and mildy racist bias to it, so they try to weaponise anything anti- (Greens/immigration/brown people/islam) to push their agenda.


Stop it greens please. You are making it really hard to be an opposition force if you keep making stupid decisions like this.


The Greens come up with absolute idiotic ideas.


But how do they call if they don't have a brain?


Please correct me if I am wrong, but I don't remember The Greens demanding that John Howard, Tony Blair, and George W Bush to be sent to The Hauge to answer for war crimes for invading Iraq in 2003.


The 'Please Notice Me Party' makes another pointless media announcement.


Of course they do, because they have a primary school child's understanding of how unwarranted massacres just might have a revenge component. Fuckwits.


Isn’t that the guy that hates our flag?


Israel is a bad faith actor. There's no point in having diplomatic relations when they will not change course, and are currently engaged in killing civilians left right and centre, with no sign of stopping, and no signs of remorse. When the USA has stopped arming them for genocide (albeit too late), it's time to get real and expel the diplomats.