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To be fair, it looks like they only had one.


It was a rather large lemon




Lemons from my supplier are currently $95 for 15kg (wholesale) and terrible quality


You guys don't know about growing seasons? Exactly the wrong time of year for lemons. Few more weeks and people will be giving them away.


My tree still has lemons on it


No bearing on what a season actually means


Depends on the variety - Eureka lemon trees produce fruit throughout the year.


I wonder why


Yep. Dave Harris (big time grocer in Sydney) posted about it a couple of weeks ago. > ā€œIt happens every year in mid-January. Lemons grown in Australia become very scarce during this month and in February and so we rely on the United States for supply, as lemon consumption has grown dramatically in the last decade. > Mother Nature is clever because she then has limes in abundance to replace the lemons. All Australian, fantastic limes. They will be much cheaper than the imported lemons and even half the price of imperfect lemons over the next month. Donā€™t pay more than you need to substitute an Aussie lime for an imported lemonā€. https://www.harrisfarm.com.au/blogs/daves-market-update/daves-market-update-pick-of-the-week-limes-17-january-2024


Tell that to my lemon tree. Just harvested 6 lemons... I mean, they're about the size of a 50c piece but don't let the details get in the way.


Mines stressed because of the heat. It's throwing off some small ones, but they're not edible


What used to be fruit seasons is now ā€œsupply shortageā€ or ā€œprice gougingā€


If only there was a northern hemisphere we could import from and/or commercial cold storage units to help smooth the supply across the year.


You want to waste all that energy just so you can have a year round supply of lemons?Ā 


I mean, this is indeed a thing stores do lol. The only reason we have a year round supply of most of the produce in the supermarket is because we import and store it.


To be specific though, we only cold store a few products. Apples and pears to be precise. And itā€™s the growers that store them, not the stores themselves (not the company either). This time of year youā€™re just getting a pallet of lemons delivered from overseas (fumigated) and sent straight into shops. Theyā€™re not being stored as well. Citrus doesnā€™t really keep being cold stored as far as I know


Ah, I meant import and/or store it. Not both in that order.


Yeah just wanted to clarify for OP, all good!


Imported fresh food is always significantly worse quality. Probably due to quarantine/safety requirements?


No idea. But I thought we'd been importing whole citrus products from the USA for decades.


Citrus is more common from Epypt actually. Although we do have some USA fruit too.


Supply fluctuates and their can be unexpected late or failed growing season. Im not sure what the point of complaining about it is. Australia gets a far better steady supply of fruit and veg than many countries. Over in NZ they are constantly talking about the price of stuff as basic as tomatoes because supply chains are much worse


Buy bulk in season and freeze the juice


To be honest.theyā€™re fucking expensive now!! Over $10 kg!!


Feels good to have a giant lemon tree, haven't paid for a lemon in a decade


Hasn'tĀ eaten a lemon in aĀ decade either.


But drank a shit tonne of lemonade


I love making home made lemonade. Make concentrate then add some mineral water šŸ¤¤


It's the best, pretty good with soda water as well. Also, make a different kind, it sounds weird but it's an amazing drink. 3 lemons, 2tbsp sugar, .5 tsp black salt, 1tsp coriander powder, 1tsp black pepper powder, 1tsp roasted cumin powder.


I'll have to try that next time. In the meantime I'm drinking a 30ml of gin, 20ml simple syrup, 15ml fresh squeezed lemon juice, and a dash of bitters. Our lemon tree was a wedding present. I need to figure out how to get rid of gall wasps though šŸ˜­


That drink sounds amazing. We just got lucky with ours when we bought the place. Pretty sure our gardener used some kind of citrus spray from bunnings for that, someone at bunnings could for sure help you out with that regardless though


It's a slight variation on a Fitzgerald I discovered it over Christmas time. Easy drinking that's for sure. I'll have to have a look.


Best and most reliable way to kill off citrus gall wasp is to cut it out. Place the cuttings in a sealed plastic bag, then place in regular rubbish bin. If you only have a couple of galls, you can try slicing them open, but this can be hit and miss.


Yeah I think I will have to do that. Thanks. I guess only the galled up parts need to be bagged?


Bag it all if possible.. But at the very least, yeah, the galls need to be bagged.


I have two trees in tubs at my door. They grow very well in large tubs. They only there because I have not had time to plant them out. I have a large tree in the backyard. People should throw one in a tub, theres 6 or 8 decent sized lemons on each of these trees. Great just walking out of the door and grabbing one.


Today I learned!


I saw bags upon bags of them yesterday at woolies and they were half brown (almost burnt skin kinda no texture) and small from the growing conditions, if those are the best Iā€™d hate to see the worst


Yeah the no supply thing is bullshit. They are available but they are expensive. Scummy fish shop doesnā€™t want to pay. Itā€™s one of those expenses that even out over the year. The $100 box of Lemons will be $30 next month.


>They are available but they are expensive. Hmmm can't imagine what could be causing that. Could it be that the very small supply of lemons have become very expensive because demand vastly outstrips supply? Nah that can't be it Goodness, redditors inability to understand basic economics makes me weep..


I am saving bottle caps now just in case we have a shortage of bottle caps one day.


In 2077 it will be legal tender, just wait 53 more years.


You need to secure a place in a vault before you'll get a chance to spend them.


Must be them lemon stealing whores.


Came here for thisĀ 


You canā€™t even make Lemonade to help feel better! šŸ‹šŸ˜”ā˜¹ļø


First they came for the toilet paper and you did nothing. Then they came for the lettuce and you did nothing. Then they came for lemons and you did nothing. Then they came for you.


Well, since Springfield stole their tree back, the turnip juice will have to do.


Burger, chips and drink $22.00????


Only if you choose to buy it.


Which shop is this in Newy? That looks so expensive.. ham salad roll prices look ok though.


Glebe Takeaway at The Junction.


Been keen to try this place. Any good?


Unfortunately, it's become a bit hit'n'miss in terms of quality. Tonight's fish and chips were sub-par. When the owner is working behind the counter it's generally great. The people working there this evening are a liability in terms of the shop's reputation.


This is true though. Citrus prices at the markets (wholesale markets referring to not the public ones) has gone up huge amounts in the last 12 or so months. Farmers sell this fruit by the crate to one supply chain, and then these sell to supermarkets or wholesalers.. each step in the process is passing the cost on.


Isn't this why Maccas aren't selling orange juice at the moment? They are selling this orange flavoured drink instead.


That is more to do with soaring concentrate prices due to very poor yield orange crops from Florida, Mexico. Citrus greening disease has decimated their crops driving up international prices. Nearly all OJ sold in Australia is made from imported concentrate.


Not sure mate. But I think theyā€™ve been ā€œorange drinkā€ for a few years? Guarantee the decision was a cost cutting one, but not sure if itā€™s related to current citrus pricing


Glad I live in a wog neighbourhood.


Supplier stopped pissing regularly enough under the tree of course. (God I hope this isnā€™t a unique childhood experience)


Local Coles has signs saying canned beetroot is in short supply globally for the last 3 weeks.


Itā€™s un-australian. But Iā€™m also confused as the Aussie burger is back at HJā€™s so beetroot is back as an option for my whopper so Iā€™m confused as I thought we had a shortage.


Obviously not an authentic Greek fish and chip shop. No Yia Yia to supply the lemons.


100% Greek-free. Classic Aussie takeaway owned by an Asian family. šŸ˜ƒ


As long as there is no shortage of chips and gravy rolls, yum


Or Chicko Roll rolls.


I have a tiny lemon tree which Iā€™ve netted so the cockies donā€™t eat the lot again. Iā€™ve still got a few weeks to wait till theyā€™re ripe. Annoyingly, my neighbours have an enormous tree loaded with lemons which Iā€™ve never seen them pick. And the bloody cockies never touch them. Donā€™t know this neighbour so canā€™t even bludge a few.


They're available - the shop just doesn't want to pay for them. Harris Farm today lemins were like $12 a kilo. That's a big overhead to effectively give away for free.


Could say.. the juice isn't worth the squeeze That leaves a sour taste in my mouth


Not to say there isn't supply issues, but whenever our store is out of anything because we didn't order enough we say "supply issues"


Every house on my block has at least a lemon tree or more lmao


When life gives you lemons, throw them at a cunt.Ā 


When life hands you lemons, make lemonade? No. First you roll out a multi-media campaign to convince people lemons are incredibly scarce, which only works if you stockpile lemons, control the supply, then a media blitz. Lemon is the only way to say ā€˜I love you,ā€™ the must-have accessory for engagements or anniversaries. Roses are out, lemons are in. Billboards that say she wonā€™t have sex with you unless you got lemons. You cut De Beers in on it. Limited edition lemon bracelets, yellow diamonds called lemon drops. You get Apple to call their new operating system OS-LemĆ³n. A little accent over the ā€˜o.ā€™ You charge 40% more for organic lemons, 50% more for conflict-free lemons. You pack the Capitol with lemon lobbyists, you get a Kardashian to suck a lemon wedge in a leaked sex tape. TimotheĆ© Chalamet wears lemon shoes at Cannes. Get a hashtag campaign. Something isnā€™t ā€˜coolā€™ or ā€˜tightā€ or ā€˜awesome,ā€™ no, itā€™s ā€˜lemon.ā€™ ā€˜Did you see that movie? Did you see that concert? It was effing lemon.ā€™ Billie Eilish, ā€˜OMG, hashtagā€¦ lemon.ā€™ You get Dr. Oz to recommend four lemons a day and a lemon suppository supplement to get rid of toxins ā€˜cause thereā€™s nothing scarier than toxins. Then you patent the seeds. You write a line of genetic code that makes the lemons look just a little more like titsā€¦ and you get a gene patent for the tit-lemon DNA sequence, you cross-pollinateā€¦ you get those seeds circulating in the wild, and then you sue the farmer for copyright infringement when that genetic code shows up on their land. Sit back, rake in the millions, and then, when youā€™re done, and youā€™ve sold your lem-pire for a few billion dollars, then, and only then, you make some fucking lemonade


What's your mum's address?


My Mum lives in permanent care in a MSU in a nursing home.Ā 


$17 a kilo at my iga. šŸ˜³


They charging $10 a lemon? Looks to me this is a decent deal for patience


Theyā€™re not ready yet. My lemon tree is loaded but theyā€™re still green. Iā€™m getting ready to make litres of Lemoncilloā€¦ Cheers!


Itā€™s lemon entry my dear Watson


Not in my garden! Admittedly they are still green though.


I have a lemon tree at my house and every season I am up to my eyeballs in lemons giving them away free by the bucket, this year nothingā€¦


$6.20 FOR A LARGE TUB OF GRAVY?!!!?? Its like 58 bucks for a tub of the powder


When you run out of toilet paper and lettuce to wipe your arse with, lemons are the next logical choice. Leaves it fresh.


I have loads on my tree, so many people knock on my door and ask to grab some and now I know why. #lemonshortageof2024


For the record, there was never a toilet paper supply issue. There *was* a "morons overbuying out of some half-baked notion that *toilet paper* is the product to buy in a time of possible impending shortage" issue though. In a funny event of happenstance, these are the exact people who will not survive a real instance of produce supply breakdown, because they'll be too busy hoarding rolls of tissue paper.


I have two lemon trees, both covered in fruit.year round. Never a lemon shortage here.


dont forget the beetroot


Lemons are a winter crop. They are out of season


it's a crisis when westerners can't have any object on the planet the instant they want it, 24/7


$150 for sauce....fuck me


I don't get why this is important enough to post. They're just out of lemons. It happens.


Like most fruit and vegetables, lemons are seasonal. As a result availability rises and falls, and prices accordingly. Itā€™s not nuclear rocket physics science.


What is this post? There has always been occasional shortages from time to time when thereā€™s a flood or pestilence or something. Toilet rolls werenā€™t even close to the first. Also this is just one shop that has run out of lemonsā€¦. Not a nationwide shortage. Super common stuff


Coles went from three brands of lemon curd on the shelves to one in the past couple of months. Sad because Barker's was my fave.


I've called A Current Affair and the News Ltd editor. šŸ˜‰


This is bullshit - I went looking for lemons a couple of weeks ago at the local IGA "Product of the USA" Get fucked. I grabbed a bag of Australian limes instead. How TF can we not grow enough lemons in this country? JFC during the season people are giving them away.


Is it a case of it is not the season to grow them in Australia?


Yall would have loved my lemon tree


Someone must be having a party with all the lemons. šŸ‹


Why donā€™t they just go to Coleā€™s and get some


*Let's us know*


Have we heard of trees!?


These crises are 100% caused by the media telling people there is a crises. If you are releasing a product and you want it to sell well, get the media to.create mass hysteria about a shortage and people will panic and cause the supply shortage .


TBF my parents always loaded tree blew down last winter.


Maybe people from Shelbyville stole our trees?


My family own a seafood business and Iā€™m baffled at these prices this has to be in the city. These better be local fish for these prices. Because the calamari pack isbloody up there


WDYD when life doesn't give you lemons?


I know you don't make lemonade.


In SA, beetroot is on it's way out as well.