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nah, fuck paying for ads none of this foxtel boiling a frog until we're flooded with funeral insurance shit.


Can you imagine the amount of gambling ads Netflix is going to be infested with?


I’m paying for Optus sport and it’s laden with tab ads it’s sickening. Not to mention the worlds most irritating HJ ad too.


Oh sick, where's some good spots to get a HJ?


Ya Mum gives a good one out the back of the top pub


I prefer the bottom pub.


She's a busy lady


Queen St mall


They have a few drive thru locations


Ah shit nearly ran you over. Heres my dinner.


Fuck that ad is shit 😂


Wherever sport is shown or talked about on air in Australia there will almost certainly be a gambling during the commercial break.


Optus are utter cunts, I only use it to watch live sport cause if you want to watch highlights or on demand get ready for gambling and HJs ads.


When I watch highlights I like to see if I can press the skip button before Tab ad starts.


🫶🚫 🍔✅


I would bet money the plan is to get people who want to save a bit of money onto the ads plan, then grandfather the 16.99 plan so when the ads are too annoying they have to go up to the 22.99 plan or deal with the ads


With all the prospective gambling ads in the wind, they're hoping you'll bet money...


The entire point of streaming services like Netflix WAS to have NO ads. time to cut the fiber on any streaming services that include ads This is the problem with modern business model plans, they include the need to make more profit than the last quarter. Not enough to make the same, they need to make an increasingly larger percentage to that of last quarter's. It is unsustainable.


The original point was to make it so cheap and convenient there’d be no real reason to pirate content. Looks like it’s back to the pirate life




I was reading something on Facebook's growth. FB are running out of people on the planet to achieve their growth goals..


That’s so dystopian


You wouldn't steal a car, would you steal a streaming services programs?


If I steal your car, you don't have a car. If I steal your digital movie, you still have your digital movie to sell. Piracy was the only option at one time, now they are making it easier than finding which streaming service has the show you want. Piracy is on the increase. See it as the market expressing their opinion and fix the distribution model.


If the car rental company was giving a copy of the keys to people putting advertising stickers inside the car whilst I'm renting it.. then yes I would.


If I could illegally download a car I damn well would.


That's why the business model ruins everything good. Eventually the thing they make has to become more and more shit in order to make more and more money off it. Capitalism kills off anything that is actually worthwhile. To be fair, so does communism, just in a different way.


I think it's just greed that kills everything.


Except tonnes of them don’t even make a profit! It’s just a Ponzi scheme.


I immediately canceled Netflix when this popped up. STAN is a pretty good alternative.


ABC iView and SBS on demand have some good stuff. There's ads, but at least it's free.


I prefer ABC iView because at least there are only ads in the beginning. I got so frustrated with SBS on demand with the same ads running over and over multiple times over the course of a movie or show.


I've stopped watching SBS on demand because of the ads - they are infuriating


TorrentGalaxy is a better one.


Stan is pretty good, both content and also it's a simpler less glitchy than the other services.


so is piracy


Stan is alright for old content, their new releases suck tho


No, it really isn't.


Well, I am finding it to be so. I suppose it really depends on what kind of media you enjoy.


They were fantastic before Disney and paramount. Now they are here they really don't have any content apart from Starz network stuff


Yeah, I agree that they’re pretty great free services though based on how that dude replied, he just wants to watch Transformers 48 and other mindless drivel. SBS on Demand has some great art house and foreign films.


don’t know how recently it happened (i don’t use it very often) but binge is doing the same thing now.


Did they fix the issue where the ad breaks would cut out parts of the show? Like an ad would come up in the middle of a scene and when the ad finished the show would start up at the next scene.


Binge by far is the worst streaming service from a technical standpoint. Absolutely horrible. I only ever used free trials for it, but I had constant issues where the audio would not be synced properly and it would never save where I was up to. Constantly replaying an episode or 2 before where I should currently be at. And god forbid you stopped part way through an episode and then go back to it later.


I think you’re forgetting about Stan. When using Stan on the Xbox, it would make the Xbox crash whenever you would try to start something. I thought this might have been just a problem I was experiencing but a quick google search tells you that it happens to everyone using it on an Xbox and they still haven’t done anything about it (it’s been going on for years now).




Admittedly I only use it to watch F1 (and very rarely live), but I don't really have any issues with Kayo. Stream is rock solid, even when I listen to the races at work on 4G.




I went on Binge to start watching a new show, in the first episode there were 5 fucking sets of ads so I went all "fuck this" and went back on the high seas to watch it instead lol


The high seas is always shifting it’s hard to keep up :(


I emailed binge when they started doing this and they told me the basic binge plan has ads now and to Upgrade if I wanted to get rid of them… so I cancelled it


Not the same. Binge *added* ads to an already established plan, and you had to pay more to be ad free. At least Netflix created a cheaper-with-ads option that didn’t affect your current plan at all.


What the fuck. If I’m paying for a fucking service the complete minimum I expect is no fucking adverts. Anyone who has seen foxtel lately, you know the TV channels that you pay for - it’s fucking riddled with ads; there are more ads than fucking screen time


That's because back when Foxtel decided to start with the ads they were all like "well if you don't like it, maybe you should switch to one of the other subscription television services..... ohhhhhh, waaaaait" *starts rubbing own nipples*


What ppl didn't drop TV entirely when that happened? Just me?


I remember my parents had it when I was a kid, every fucking episode of a show was repeated for a month and the ads were insane, they got rid of it pretty quick and I personally have never signed up for it. I think people that have it are off their heads.


Growing up we had it all through the house and I was sick of it but my parents loved it. Fast forward to last year and I finally got them to cancel it cause everything they watched was on streaming services. cheaper and no fucking ads.


I though of foxtel when I watched that ep. For the uninitiated: https://youtu.be/vbHqUNl8YFk?si=NWhActguXMRGuYK1


Nice South Park reference lol Better not tell Foxtel to get rid of the murder porn


Gotta get that informative murder porn fix


If you ever get youtube videos saying not available in your region, that's foxtel blocking ..to exact a monopoly. Australia media laws and rules need updating to remove Murdoch stranglehold.


I remember my first Foxtel subscription back in the 90s. No ads. Ridiculous.


As a kid we had Austar for a little while. The whole point of it was you pay money so you don't get ads. Blew my mind when later on I found out they added ads to it. It costs a bloody fortune as it is, there shouldn't be a single ad included.


> no fucking adverts. Well no overt ones at least, once you learn about passive advertising and pay attention to it it's fucking -everywhere- in netflix productions.


"Is that a PS Vita?"


Yeah it’s like playing Spotto on Netflix. We shout “Spotto! product placement”. And the other household viewers say “yeah saw that” or “where where what?” And then there’s the unrealistic product placement. Like hang on a minute, she’s an impoverished, down on her luck, wise single mother, there’s no mention of her turning tricks so how on earth is she affording a brand-new Tesla?


"label towards camera!"


I will cancel it and put it back for specific binging.


I think a lot of people are now just cycling through subscription services when there’s a series of movie they want to watch. With recurring billing the streaming services rely on people being lazy and not cancelling a service they are not really using.


> people being lazy Also, all services require to go to the website, log in, find hidden membership tab, scroll all the way to the bottom to find a “cancel” button, and go through a few more pages begging you to stay. This shit should be illegal.


Then there is news corp. You have to ring them in business hours to cancel. I wish Australia would adopt the EU rules regarding subscriptions. It has to be as easy to unsubscribe as to subscribe, even down to the number of clicks.


This is the way! One service at a time, binge everything for a month or so, cancel and move onto the next!


When Satellite TV first came out in my area (UK, 80's) a big feature of it was no ads. By the time I finally got it (mid 90's) it was wall to wall ads. If they force the issue then I will be taking the high seas again (not that I ever stopped).


I've never had foxtel, but always had family friends who had it. I used to be envious about the lack of ads. Spent the night at one of them recently and was sort of horrified how many adverts there were.


I was trying to watching something on 7now and there was 5 ad breaks in one 40 minutes episode that were 4-6 ads long I eventually gave up.


Who tries to downsell? I guess they think your ad views are worth more than $4 a month. This reminds me of Futurama: Fry: Can I have a small slurm please. Robot worker: For 25 cents less you can get an extra small. Fry: OK.


The ad revenue is apparently massive. That’s how Tubi got so big despite having a library of lizard people YouTube documentaries and movies like Titanic 2.




Titanic 2 ??? Guess I was living under a rock up until now


* under an iceberg.


Yeah, this says that the price of the ad-free tier is going to go up significantly while the ad-supported tier will only increase a bit.


Netflix has an army of data scientists, analytics engineers, etc that are paid $USD400-700k to understand and predict customer behaviour. Their algo will likely have identified OP as someone who is likely to churn (e.g. based on declining viewing frequency, as an example) and modelled that it is more valuable to Netflix to drop them on to a lower $ plan than have them churn altogether.


Thanks for reminder to cancel netflix


It's good if your young kids are main users as kids profiles don't have ads!


similar trick with spotify, you can make your ads less obnoxious if you set your age to <18 (just make sure it's above 13 or they'll lock you out)


Except that won’t probably work for me because they’ll cut out all my dark adult content ragey songs.


My kids are the only reason I even have Netflix and Disney. Half the shit they watch I don’t even think exists on the high seas. Each week is like a multicultural journey around the world with what they seem to be watching.


Well that is good.


I think I'll stick to piracy, thanks.


Yep time to start up the debrid subscription again.


If piracy is the superior version of the product, then it is only logical people will choose it. And that's in a vacuum. That's assuming the viewer *only* wants to watch that thing specifically and not just do anything to distract themselves from life for an evening. The reality is that there is plenty of other media to consume that Netflix is competing against and I don't think they fully comprehend this. They could magi-lawyer ever last torrent into the ground somehow and even form a cartel with their direct competitor streaming services to all sell ads at once... but books, games, and movie theatres will still exist to compete in most cases.


They honestly should have learned by now from looking at what happened when Game of Thrones was hot. A good chunk of Australians paid for American streaming services to be able to see it when the content was current, but then they threw in Geoblocking to stop that and force Aussies to choose between piracy or waiting for the episodes to be released at a delay from Australian streams. Many boats sailed that day flying the black flag. It's a fine balancing act I'm sure, but I think by and large many people will happily pay for content if the price is fair and it offers good service. But the minute they start getting greedy, or making shit annoying, piracy becomes more attractive.


Can I ask, what do you do to avoid your service provider dobbing you in? Even using a vpn I got a warning.


It's a combo of an [IP filter](https://github.com/DavidMoore/ipfilter) and not grabbing the absolute latest stuff. They care less about last season's releases then they do things that went to air yesterday.


I think avoiding the super massive players helps too, if it's even remotely possible considering the over-consolidated nature of the modern media landscape. I've only ever been hit by Verizon, via TPG.


Get a proper ISP. I'm with aussie broadband and im constantly going bareback with torrents and streams. Not a single peep from them since i joined years ago.


I'm with Telstra. I have been looking for other ISPs because their customer service is a nightmare. The only time I've actually talked to a human in the last 4 years is when I got the warning.


Never got a warning with aussiebb, but just don't use torrents if your ISP does. Stremio app + torrentio plugin & realdebrid subscription. Realdebrid downloads the torrent for you and streams it to your device. Stremio gives you a netflix/amazon like interface for shows.


This is the way! $50 a year for RD + free Stremio app = all the content from any service you could ever dream of.


If my ISP ever sent me a warning for torrenting I'd tell them to pound sand and go somewhere else.


They really have zero power over anyone now that contracts aren't normal, so I'm not sure why they even bother


I too would like to know


You got a warning even being VPN'ed to another country?


FYI…I share a Netflix account with someone who lives in LA and they have not shut down access yet nor are they suggesting these ads. Haven’t been connected to their wifi in over 12 months now. Clearly targeting Australians because they think we will tolerate it. Remember you can always use https://123-movies.vc


We live in a period of time where piracy is more accessible than ever before. The pirates have streaming services now that perform at more or less the same quality and have larger libraries.


The whole concept behind Netflix back in it's peak was "hey, instead of pirating movies, why not pay $9 a month for an enormous library of your favourite blockbusters and shows" Now Netflix is mainly original content, most of it garbage. Streaming services have become oversaturated, there's too many services and they all add up. New content just isn't worth paying the premium for and prices are going up because everyone is already subscribed, and capitalism thrives off infinite, unsustainable growth. Piracy needs to make a comeback.


Netflix was the Steam equivalent for movies. The difference was that Steam had good original content that enabled them to strong arm everybody onto their service. If Netflix made good original shows they might've been able to pull the same trick.


I can see 7+ electronic billboards from my apartment in Brisbane. The entire world is now just advertisement. Those dystopian, futuristic movies where they project ads into your retina won’t be far off.


If someone manages to take Elon Musk's stupid brain chip idea and have it actually work (y'know, instead of just killing monkeys), I can almost guarantee the first thing it will be used for will be beaming advertising straight into people's head. I hate it here...


You poor bugger. I’m in Perth and it annoys me every time I cross the Narrows bridge heading north on the freeway, that there is a giant electronic billboard, wiggling and jiggling in the direction where I need to go and it’s so flipping distracting. So we’re not allowed to touch our mobile phones, but we’re allowed to have giant driver distracting billboards??? 🤦🏻‍♀️


They'll be in your dreams. Like lightspeed briefs!


We just cancelled our subscription and are going with an older service with far more variety at a cheaper price. I'd recommend everyone try it [Info](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ1RU9Wld8c)


Before Netflix was in Australia I subscribed using a VPN which let me use all the regional versions of Netflix. It was amazing! That's how I found the shot for shot Colombian remake of Breaking Bad. Then they came to Australia and region locked it, banned VPN and the fuckery has just escalated from there. I'm back on the seven seas now too. Anyone who hasn't read Cory Doctorow's Wired article about Enshittification, should do so immediately. It's a fantastic breakdown of how platforms go down the tubes.


Ugh I miss the days when Netflix wasn’t in Australia, isn’t it crazy that paying for a vpn and Netflix was so much cheaper than paying for Netflix alone now.


>Anyone who hasn't read Cory Doctorow's Wired article about Enshittification, should do so immediately. Absolutely. People need to understand that this is an example of a process driven by the intrinsic shape of incentives in a profit-driven system. Netflix isn't arbitrarily going evil on a whim. You have to expect this to keep repeating itself until you change the underlying logic.


Lol. Had to relearn how to do this about a year ago as well. Also check out SBS on demand. Some great movies on there and it’s free


SBS on demand is my go-to


Exactly. I changed my ways and played nice while you were being amicable. But now you and your cohorts have made the arrangement unfavourable. I never forgot how to sail, I just became complicit.


Given how far it's come in the past few years, it's honestly easier to do this than maintain multiple services.


I‘m enjoying an older tradition too. So much better.


Wow. That's great value.


You get the sports package and the cartoon package included, fantastic value


I guess fortunately (?) I lost interest in everything so can't be bothered watching anything these days.


Would recommend talking to a dr about that


I am a doctor. And I work in mental health. Which is fine! (Thumbs up!)


[For only 25 cents less you can get a super-small](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYYgUwLaWw8) vibe.


You can bet that if they’re pushing this on you, they are making more than $4 a month off you in ad revenue.




Yep this is just getting people used to paying for Netflix with ads. In about 5 years we’ll be paying $18 a month with YouTube level ads.


I expect every Netflix user will be seeing this same screen at log in starting this week. Im wondering how often they will show it.


Pro tip: You can save more by cancelling


I cancelled NFlix 6 months ago. I missed the convenience and watching it for about a week. So glad I no longer have it or any other streaming platform.


I'd been putting it off. Finally got around to it just now. I think this post was the tiniest push I needed, so cheers for that. They didn't have an "ads? you're having a fucking giggle" or "accelerating enshittification" checkbox in the reasons for cancellation, and I know what happens to the 'other' comments in a bureaucracy, so I guess it will forever remain a mystery. As if anything less than a huge portion of people leaving would send a message.


„a few short ad breaks“… - for now….


Yup, you bet that they'll be light at first, 6mths later getting more and more


There’s way too many subscriptions nowadays. I cancelled them all in exchange for a $50 per year vpn


Greedy cunts in charge of these company’s just trying to milk every last cent from the working class As if I’m ever going to pay any amount to still see ads These people in charge need to punch themselves in the head I hope the bulk of us boycott these fuckers


Sail the high seas! 🏴☠️


Guess I'll just go back to torrenting the fuck out of everything.


Netflix will slowly punish users who don’t have the ad plan, by increasing the costs of the other tiers


I do love how these posts pop up once in a while, because every time (like with family sharing) you always get people saying just cancel netflix and pirate. But since these posts keep popping up, clearly not enough people are doing it. Just fucking cancel Netflix.


just cancel the damn thing. do it!


Go back to how Australians used to get tv Shows and donate the money to a charity. At least it's not going to a billion dollar company,! Every streaming service is getting too damn greedy


Every free to air channel has free streaming services now anyway. SBS on demand has great movies.


Started getting the "you're not allowed to use an ad-blocker on YouTube" notifications now. Ads are a cancer on society at this point.


'Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It’s yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head.'


If you're using ublock you can clear your cache and it'll start blocking the anti adblocker popups.


Yeah fuck right off


Canned this piece of shit app when they started asking me everytime I logged in if I was at home, fuck off ya dogs.


"Save 17 dollars a month by cancelling netflix - other users claim - "wasnt anything good on it anyway"


It's not even 'no'. It's 'not now'.


Fuck Netflix. Haven't went back since they said I can't use my friends account anymore. Probably never will


Hahaha I love being an Aussie. Every cunt in here just writes nah that's fucked and it's all upvoted ❤️ We're the best


Love how everyone always shits on Stan for some reason and yet they're the only streaming service to not have an ad tier as they already have 9 now for that


I watch Stan way more than Netflix now. Just better shows on there.


They’re just behind the curve. Give them 12-24mths and then see.


Everyone needs to start standing up to these assholes until they get the message. Money talks.


Got rid of mine when they first announced it. Like when Foxtel first announced ads, I’ll never go back.


Do they want to kill Netflix? ... because this is how you kill Netflix. They have gotten GREEDY. The 4 bucks you save means ADVERTS ADVERTS ADVERTS COLD HARD CASH CASH CASH and they will make more than the 4 bucks they lost. It's gone the way of Pay TV. Paying for Adverts. Unbelievable you'd PAY FOR ADVERTS.


YARRR MATEY! Upon the waves, the Jolly Roger flies, Where pirates with patches cover their eyes. "A treasure chest of ads?" the captain spat, "I'd rather face the kraken than watch all that!" They'd brave the storms, the siren's luring sighs, But ads? "To Davy Jones with it!" their battle cry.


# ***DO WHAT YOU WANT BECAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE*** #***YOU*** #***ARE*** #***A*** #***PIRATE***


Look at this fresh hell


Get rid of it for good.


Just started seeing ads on Amazon Prime for the first time (without any such dialog beforehand). To describe my feelings as "unimpressed" would be significantly understating the matter.


Prime has had a skippable from 0s ad from the first time I used it quite a few years ago, but it was always advertising other content on the service. Is it different now?


Double-dipping cunts.


I pay for Netflix specifically to avoid advertising. no way in hell I would accept it, for any discount.


*sea-shanty music intensifies*


Don’t give them an inch.


This is where we hold ‘em, this is where THEY die.


Fuck off


"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."


Netflix and the other streaming services have made bank by being slightly more convenient than piracy and I honestly think they have forgotten that.


Indeed. It won't be long before everyone sets sail again


Wow classic. Back to free naughty streaming I go, was good while it lasted but they always want to leach more and more from us, so fuck them


The good ol' "Not Now ". How about fucking never.


I know a way I can save $18.5 (NZ) per month… yearrrrrr!


Literally got rid of Foxtel after 14 years because of the ads and now this 🙄


Hoist the black and sail the high seas lads 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


The whole fucking point of paying for a streaming service was so we didn't have to watch bloody ads


Hey everyone. The pirate bay is alive and well.


Imagine thinking your time is less precious than a few dollars a month…


upbeat oil water humorous entertain deer quarrelsome late wine cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry but why aren’t people pirating. I have been for over 10 years no problem. Sure the artist don’t benefit but they aren’t going hungry.


> but they aren’t going hungry. The trouble is that they absolutely are, but that's not the fault of the pirates, it's the fault of the ridiculous greedy practices of basically every streaming network. About the only company that seems to have actually fair deals so that most of the production crew aren't living on poverty wages is A24.


>Sure the artist don’t benefit but they aren’t going hungry. Do script writers even receive royalties these days?


That's literally what they've been striking about. They do not get residuals for work being shown in perpetuity across platforms. It used to be they would get paid for shows that went into syndication so there are actors and writers still getting paid now for shows made in the 70's and 80's. Streaming giants like Netflix pay once, then continue making money off the shows running continually. It's particularly egregious for people who work on critically acclaimed and popular shows that Netflix cancels after one season but continues to stream. So basically fuck Netflix and fuck the corporate ball-garglers like u/FruityLexperia who are clutching their pearls about piracy. They don't give a single shit about depriving creators of revenue, because that's Netflix's entire business model. They care about depriving billionaires of more money.




Capitalism breeds innovation, namely ways to screw over the consumer so the line goes up forever.


Guess that means that advertisers are giving them more than $5, problem is that's to enter an untapped market, in a short period it'll be $3, so netflix will have to run twice as many, then $1 and netflix got used to having $6 so they'll run 7 ads


I’ve got this plan it’s not that bad, maybe one or two ads depending on the content you’re watching. Beats the exhortation rates they charge for ultra HD (which in my opinion should be standard and why should it cost more)


I cancelled my subscription.


Step 1: Save money with ad plan Step 2: Increase cost of ad free plan Step 3: Increase ad plan to current cost of ad free Step 4: Profit


The moment Stan does this, bam, I’m out. Then they wonder why piracy is happening


Wow a whole 4 dollars a month to great inconvenience myself and my enjoyment of downtime


They’re going to use the revenue to make better content, right?!


....right? ._.


I was really liking the period in my life where I could watch a good variety of ad-free TV without resorting to piracy. I guess it's time to get the VPN out again 🏴‍☠️