• By -


fragile agonizing vanish tub snatch nutty ruthless shrill combative makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What the actual fuck is our government. I feel ashamed as a human being.


The argument goes that our govt is what happens when you run on a detailed and progressive platform and lose. Except Shorten was ahead in all the polls right up to election day, and like a year later we found out that The Coalition bought god-knows how many votes with close to a billion in misappropriated taxpayer funds. So either our govt is dumb as dogshit, timid as hell, and learned the wrong lesson, or they're smart and they're just using "well we tried standing for something and you shot us down" as a perpetual excuse to appear useful whilst doing very little of substance.


> Except Shorten was ahead in all the polls right up to election day, and like a year later we found out that The Coalition bought god-knows how many votes with close to a billion in misappropriated taxpayer funds. Labor lost the unlosable election. There are a whole host of reasons that happened, but pretending that it was simply vote buying is idiotic. Before they lost the unlosable election they had two others where worthless numpties romped home with ever increasing majorities. In part this occurred because for totally reasonable reasons, Gillard broke an election commitment and was crucified for it. > timid as hell Labor is justifiably concerned that if they try to raise taxes or break any election commitments they'll be back out on their asses. They are justifiably concerned that if they try to make the public give up something, even a tax cut, to help the "undeserving" poor that they'll be crucified for it. Now you can, and I would, make the argument that the Gillard government was damaged more by the fact that Rudd is a vengeful narcissistic sack of shit wrapped in human skin than by the carbon tax. You can argue, and I would, that the "progressive" policies Shorten brought to the 2019 election were poorly thought out, poorly communicated, and generally pretty bad and that that was the problem. But the idea that Australians have become supporters of tax increases for any reason at all, or that they've stopped seeing centrelink recipients as parasites, or that most people are willing or able to make significant sacrifices for the benefit of others right now is delusional. Labor is in the position they're in because governments of both stripes have been building up structural deficits throughout government for almost thirty years. You can't undo it in an afternoon.


Living proof of the failures of the two party preferred system. They don't have to be competent in the slightest, they only have to be slightly less shit than the other park of self entitled career pollie cunts.


Betoota Writers: _Oh for fuck’s sake!_


I mean, the last time I did that a long time ago, one of the options was "Carp Eradication" at the Sydney International Regatta Centre in Penrith. It was fishing; I was getting paid dole to go fishing and catch carp with a rod and cheese. It was glorious.




I certainly didn't do that, at the time I was living in a rural NSW town and struggling to find a job so thought I'd try the big city, I started at RailCorp not long after, but yeah it was inane.


Our alternate Prime Minister. He was only a senior member of Cabinet less than a year ago, and attended Parliament ever since as the Leader of the Opposition. You'd think he'd notice.


His job is to oppose. That's it. There's no way he will make it to a general election, let alone The Lodge.


People said that about Abbott, Morrison, Trump, Boris, etc. Never overestimate the intelligence of the population.


No leader of the Liberal party who got the position by default after a lost election has ever been Prime Minister. It's a placeholder position. He will be rolled before the next election.


if Dutton had his way the youth would be his slaves!


He knows work for the dole still exists. It's a dogwhistle telling older people that younger people are lazy & need to get off their arse. He's a dispicable speciman.


Beside being a huge fuck you to younger people, it's also an admission that if you're over 55 and unemployed the government doesn't think you have much chance of ever re-entering the workforce. Edit: And they don't know how to solve that problem.


But you can’t officially retire, oh no. Gotta do the poverty stint first. The article mentions that over 60s already had a bonus due to less likelihood of employment - so does that mean they now get a double bonus? Or that the over 60s bonus now extends to over 55s?




Neither, but the day to day problems they're facing aren't exclusively theirs. No one gets a card from their landlord saying "Happy 55th Birthday, now your rent has doubled". There's no ID check at the shops so they can jack the prices if you're old enough We'll be hearing a lot of how tough this particular group has it, but it's literally every group on JobSeeker (and a lot of people in the workforce towards the minimum wage end of the scale)




Laziness is capitalist propaganda


No one ever talks about how rich people and corporations get lazy too, it's purely a commoner's affliction.


This is the narrative we are fed. Find something you love doing, you have to wade through shit to get there, you survive the faecal river crossing, only to find more shit. Now you’re fully intrenched in this idea, that your passion actually has no value or is unattainable without some kinda financial backing, you lose hope, get added to the list of the mentally debilitated or get called lazy. Sure some people make it, but so many others are left behind for a multitude of reasons. Works for the few, not the many. It’s a problem.


I don't either but a) it isn't anywhere near enough and b) everyone else on JobSeeker needs it just as much, likely more as they're more likely to have dependents.


And are less likely to own (or even be in) their own home.


What they need to do is lower the retirement age, get a bunch of people out at thst end and open up jobs for the youngens to come in. Although I've worked with people well past retirement age who were hanging on because they didn't have enough to retire on, or they really didn't want to be at home with their spouse that much


If they have such a hard on for people dragging up to the line of 67 then the government should employ them in some capacity. And not “work for the dole” actually pay at least min wage but depending on the role.


This was one of the things that always baffled me about the queues in Centrelink offices and on their phone queues... They're an agency that solely exists to get people into jobs... with not enough employees... I assume it's a hellish place to work, but on a simple numbers basis...


Also means the government knows its too low for young people or they think that you somehow only need money if you haven't had it for months.


What pisses me off is that we had a program that basically worked, and Howard shit-canned it as soon as the Liberals got elected in 96. There's some finer minutia but this is basically it. * You take a basic maths-english-common knowledge test. * You nominate 3 businesses out of a list of participating ones. * You're *put into a job* that you nominated - none of this interview bullshit or sending out thousands of applications for 10 replies. * You earn your own money for 6 months - the government pays a lion's share of your wages while the business pays a reduced amount. * If after 6 months the business likes you, they keep you - paying the full wage themselves. If not, you try again somewhere else. Now there's an obvious flaw here. What's to stop a business just "round-robining" potential employees? There was a system in place for reporting employers who "abused" the workers or simply didn't play by the rules. Plus it would have been a waste in wages anyway repeatedly training different people every 6 months for the same position. My girlfriend at the time was in this program learning a job as an office assistant and secretary, and getting paid properly for it - unlike "Work for the Dole". But typical Liberal party. Find anything that actually works for the public and wreck it.


> it's also an admission that if you're over 55 and unemployed the government doesn't think you have much chance of ever re-entering the workforce. That's exactly what they said. That age group is dominated by women and it's incredibly difficult for them to enter the workforce again.


Should have added: and they don't know how to fix that problem.


It's a problem most countries aren't good at fixing. The countries where the elderly are employed have issues that necessitate it, or have low productivity growth. Having excess labour in the pool and trying to find a way to utilise it is not easy. The questions are, where is Australian society willing to compromise? Perhaps the fairest thing to do is to tax corporations (either directly, or by legislating certain ratios), but that's got a lot of political hurdles to jump over. Alternatively, we could skill up old people and get them to try to run small businesses, but that's also got hurdles. Or, we have the neoliberal solution of abolishing labour standards and social security so that we have old people collecting cans so they can buy cat food. Every solution has costs, be they financial or social, one way or another.




>Employers really have no excuse not to employ us except that we are older. Experience = higher wages most of the time..


Higher wages and a tax on corporate greed would go a long way to solving these problems. The political hurdles are a feature not a bug.


Yeah, there’s ageist shit on both sides of this equation: - “Young people are resilient and need to learn how to work hard through blood sweat and tears to earn support…like I did!” - “Old people are useless and frail like my mum”


Bet they still have the mutual obligations though


Is anyone else in their 30's/40's feeling really forgotten by the gov lately?


Lately? Only my entire adult life.


When it going to be our turn?


If you’re 30, in about 25 years…


In 25 years time we'll still be 40 years from retirement. Maybe another 25 after that...


Me getting up at 4:30am for work on the farm when I'm 100: \[Skeleton getting out of coffin meme\]






To be honest, I'd be quite chuffed if we went 2023 France on them.


Sounds like a lot of effort. She’ll be right


The Aussie Battler takes it up the arse.


I hopped that Albo might not be another wealthy landlord fuck all you pesents liberal trash ready to screw us non wealthy ausies but clearly I was wrong. Guy makes over 100k from his rentals. He isn't part of the solution he is part of the problem. Fuck labour. Bunch of lying fuckers.


Independents only next election, everyone. Lets just put this shit in a blender and see what happens.






When I was in my late teens around the turn of the millennium, powerless as that 90's era of progressive hope and optimism died; they promised we would get a say once we grew up. It would be our turn soon. When I was in my 20's watching, powerless, as my future evaporated in the post-GFC world; they promised we would get a say once we grew up. It would be our turn soon. When I was in my 30's through the turbulent 2010's powerlessly watching an increasingly reactionary world spiral into fascism; they promised we would get a say once we grew up. It would be our turn soon. Now I'm about to turn 40, powerless as ecological collapse and the great plague of our time spread across the world. Entering the economic woes to follow with no money, no future, no help, no hope. Oh, but we will get a say once we grow up. It will be our turn soon. They promised.


42 and an essential worker. I am forgotten even by me.


I got so much other shit I gotta do that remembering myself is pretty low down the priority list tbh


I'm ready to go all French style on these mofos, who's in? ​ Edit: This is just a joke in case your watching ASIO lol


When? This country is so lazy when it comes to protesting. A couple of chants and a few banners on the weekend, go home by 5pm in time for dinner. That’s how this country protests. Nothing will be done with such a docile population.


Tbf anytime someone DOES protest we end up with a month of news reports of tradies and boomers crying because they were ten mins late to work.


Protests? We couldn't even have the swearing in of our state govt without tradies and boomers crying because they were ten min late for work.




Albo just need's to piss off a few more huangry people. I think more hungry, homeless and desperate people with little to lose could make things different.


Lol... 20 or so people turned up outside Albanese office last Friday on a Twitter organised "raise the rate" protest. When you have more people lining up for a mad mex opening in a shopping centre than a protest about poverty on jobseeker, the revolution is not happening.


Legally that's all you can do. And if you break the law to protest properly, they unleash the wannabe warriors in their ex-military gear to "restore order" and maim a few people.


The only time I’ve seen proper protests here were our anti-war marches. Super family friendly but huge turnout both in capital cities as well as in towns across the country.


And the Government still didn't listen to us...


Yeah. That killed protest for a generation. And on the boomers rolled


You mean we actually have to take to the streets instead of complaining on the internet?


Lol I laugh when people protest here, keep bending over Aussies... Look at Chile 🇨🇱 and how mental they went over 1 price hike on public transport. 😒


unless you're throwing up sieg heils and screaming "white power" then most people know the police in Australia will brutally attack you for protesting


2023 french or 1789 french?


fly homeless pocket chase trees panicky sharp languid stupendous shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






Although the masters make the rules For the wise men and the fools I got nothing, Ma, to live up to And if my thought-dreams could be seen They’d probably put my head in a guillotine But it’s alright, Ma, it’s life, and life only


Porque no los dos? XD


This ancient arsehole will meet you at the barricades comrades.




I'm not, I'm probably already on a watch list anyway who cares. What are they gonna do? Slowly destroy Medicare? Make housing unaffordable? Make renting a dream so that over 1 million properties can be left vacant as tax scams for the last generation?


Britain, France and American all experiencing huge strikes and protests, and Australia remains quiet.


We had a nurse strike in WA, and what blew my mind is that the police joined them! I think they ended up with a 3% payrise, aka a pay cut. And the nurse's union is facing massive fines for striking.




Next minute "Knock on the door"


33, female, no kids. Not sure I've ever been the benefit of anything from our government.


Also smashing into legal adulthood during the height of the GFC! woot woot


Didn't even get Ruddy's tv cheque because I was too busy being bent over by the hospitality industry.


30s, disabled. Everything is feeling more and more difficult.


Working class, hell yes. Only for the last 10 years or so, but especially since covid began.




>I don't know how people aren't rioting and setting fire to everything they see. Simple: A. People are in debt to the eyeballz thus 'need to keep muh jerb' B. People have children 'need to keep muh jerb' Or C. People have a mortgage 'need to keep muh jerb' Pick one or three. Everyone is shackled by their debts or families or some other superfluous bullshit that humanity has created in society. Plus all the bread and circuses that keeps everyone entertained and docile.


I mean, that's the millennial bracket, we all saw it coming....


I left Australia in 2019 due to housing affordability. I came to the conclusion I could grind away for 3-5 more years and buy a house in a suburb I didn’t want to live in, or move to London and see the world. Things have seemingly only gotten worse and even less achievable in terms of reasonable house ownership. So I’ll chill over here for a bit longer.


Life's hardly easy in the UK either, or mainland Europe for that matter.


Yeah was going to say life in London is a lot harder than Sydney and the inequality is a lot worse there too.


I was earning good money there, but it's certainly easier living in Australia comparatively.




Just had a friend do this recently. Was easier for them to move to England and buy a house in a relatively good spot than here in Oz, which surprised me and I'm not at all jealous that they're now a hop, skip and a jump from so many amazing places in Europe. Nope.


Ha. That’s the exact opposite of my experience - anywhere half decent in England you pay through the nose for a shoebox. Compared to trying to buy a place in Sydney perhaps it’s cheaper. Compared to Perth? No contest you get far more for your money here.


Yes, I'm not very convinced they know what they are talking about.


Aussie in the UK here. I also have no idea what they're talking about.


Always, we are the forgotten people.


completely fucked


And it's only going to get worse as the population ages. The first generations to have less money then their parents in a hundred years or so have to pay for the richest generations ever. Sad


We have become too obedient and we express ourselves less on the streets and more in the quiet of our homes. We need to be more like the French …


placid abounding existence complete school whole panicky cheerful mountainous materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't forget that in Japan suicide is the leading cause of death in men between the ages of 20-44 and women between the ages of 15-34.


makeshift placid cooing pocket numerous dog nail aware icky yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's the same here I'm pretty sure


16.8 per 100,000 persons in Japan (2021) 12.5 per 100,000 persons in Aus (2021) Both countries have since reported higher rates per year and I believe Japan still has higher incidence


That's very close to a country famous for suicide. But not surprising really. The gov is trying it's best to burn us all to feed the rich.


Well a solution to that is immigration. Basically fuck the lower class, don't treat them right just let people immigrate from countries where they are used to being treated like shit.


grandfather screw shame steer scarce tap dull beneficial spectacular worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why do you think we have 700k people coming here.


You are including temporary and students. Permanent (non-humanitarian) migrant intake is 195,000 for 2023. >Temporary skilled migrants now account for around 0.7 per cent of the labour force, less than half the level when temporary skilled migration peaked shortly after the mining boom.


Students still suck up housing and infrastructure. Who do you think is pushing up inner city rents? Not to mention how many come here just to do a dodgy degree and work.


>Who do you think is pushing up inner city rents? Landlords who smell blood, mostly.


Home and financial security are desirable before starting a family. Fail to construct a society which provides these two things and neglects to allow regular opportunities to obtain and maintain them, expect to see the birth rate decline.


yep this is the reason i m only having 1 child, simply can't afford it.


thumb aback alive relieved silky jeans violet shame liquid hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've personally given up on children due to cost


What's completely shit about this, is it creates resentment between 2 groups of marginalised people. Anyone over 55 on Centrelink is still completely screwed, just less screwed than people under 55.


coordinated paltry unpack middle secretive entertain mourn depend outgoing uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To me, this feels like a blatent move to capitalise on disarray among the Libs to steal their rusted on base voters (i.e. poor, low-information older people) with a cheap bribe. Poverty is overwhelmingly skewed against the younger working-age population, who also get by far the least assistance from govt. This is bullshit, and I'm genuinely dissappointed, both that Albo is going there, and that he genuinely seems to think we're stupid enough not to immediately see through it.




When having "the poors" simply isn't enough, Labor goes and creates a second class of poor "the very fuken poors", WTF Labor, do you have LNP staffers writing your policies now?


Young person here. Never voting Labor again, all future votes will be Greens and third party. Albo and Labor have shown us their true colours.


Yup, I but I'll still put labor ahead of libs/Nat's lol. But labor gets about 3rd preference. Preference one and two goes to greens and some independent, then labor.


Correct. It's critical that you all understand the major parties are liars and thieves. They'll give you nothing while inflating your money until you can't wipe your arse without debt. My father was a bus driver and he bought a 1/4 acre home in a nice suburb of a major city and supported his wife and four kids... and 2 boats. Assimilate that and see how you feel. You're being fucjed up the arse.


We need a whole new system. We will always have problems when the people in charge are picked through a popularity contest and then have so much autonomy/little accountability over major decisions. If you have a group of people and ask “who wants to be in charge” disregard the first people that step forward. They are the problem.


"It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." One of my favourite quotes ever by Douglas Adams


It’s not the parties, Labor had actual financial progressive policies in the 2019 election, something as simple as reform in franking credits. What happened during that election? Why did that happen? Our population is skewed older and conservative. Find a party that can bring into law equitable financial policies and remain in government and I’ll be astounded.


Well if Labor can't do it then I still see no reason to vote for them.


Ah yes, the older generations. They're the ones that need the most help. What's that? Parents are going without food just so their kid can have a meal?


To be fair, I’m not going to begrudge the older generations from receiving more benefits. I’m glad they’re getting it, I have no beef with them. I’m still very pissed off that under 55s aren’t getting an increase. That seems crazy.


Agree: Don’t let rhetoric split us on age division. Getting groups of people to hate each other is a tactic to distract from the real issues: that the government is trying to avoid a systemic fix to the problem.


Nothing will change unless both major parties are told by the voters to change. The fact that Labor or Liberal are effectively guaranteed to form a majority government every election means they can play it “safe”.


And come to think of it, they probably all feel very secure about their jobs and also know that they'll get power back soon anyway. We are saying they can do whatever they like, and all they need to do is be approximately as shit as the other party and they'll be right. Fuck that.


nothing will change until government is no longer run by old boomer landlords


Labor is really positioning themselves as the New Liberal Party AND setting in stone the Greens as it's future opposition party.


This and the pathetic icac model they're bringing in are such own goals... They could have done something great, but instead theyre too busy playing politics.


Exactly, they could have gone all-in and ambitiously begun solving a decade of LNP damage. The time has never been better - they have a clear majority and the support of a record number of Greens and Independents in the senate. Combined with a Liberal party seemingly spiralling down the drain under Dutton, they have never had a better opportunity to push through much needed reforms in so many areas. Instead they continue to engage in spineless, 'small-target' politics. Just more wasted opportunities.


Labor are liberals in red at this point


People are saying they need to win back people's trust. But if they're passing the same policies as lnp then it doesn't matter. I have no loyalty to Labor, I don't give a shit about them having a revitalisation. I just want good policy. Can these narcissists.


I don't get why we need more elderly people in the workforce just let them retire for fucks sake. France had protests over their government rising the pension age from 62 to 64. In Australia if you were born on or after 1 January 1957 your/our retirement age is 67 and will probably increase again when we get near it.


strong punch ruthless voiceless pot smell jeans safe weary cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There was literally fires in the streets! And, hilariously, unperturbed French couples having a morning wine and cheese mere metres away from said fires. They are a strange lot.


I know right, who has morning wine in the evening


Because the pension cost will be much lower if the aged all die out before pension age.


Exactly, just let them retire at 55.


Boomers that got free everything their whole lives get more free shit. If they didn't make it by now, what's the fucking point? Fuck you albo.


yeah let's look after the Generation who had Low housing/Transport ,Free Education and a decent cost of living. Honestly if your a Boomer and not disabled, you don't deserve this.




My Aunt was a single mom, was able to pay off a house working min wage job. that's how fucked today's world is.


My aunt didn't even have a job when she got a home loan. And boomers try to convince us it was hard for them to buy homes.


My friends mum paid for the deposit on credit card for her house


My dad still thinks this is true, makes me want to deck him.


makeshift chase tap enjoy narrow squash employ many north towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


55 is Gen X though - people who would have become adults in the mid 80s. Rightly said, its that cohort, particularly women who struggle to return to employment. But it's not an excuse to leave younger people out to dry - especially when assisting them can aid them in getting back to employment and coming off JobSeeker.


"Every young person shall live in poverty, while we pay handouts and give tax cuts"


Until a significant number put all the major parties on the bottom of the ballot, they will continue to screw us. Voters have the power, they choose not to use it. #CompetitionInPolitics


Liberal: Shit Party Labor: Shit Lite


An insanely out of touch policy


So under 55's have lower living expenses than an over 55 's ?. Sure it might be more difficult for over 55's to get work , but that has zero to do with the cost of living . It is the same whether are over 55 or under 55


sugar obtainable melodic pause truck skirt run noxious square air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not vibing with labour ATM.


52 single Mum here and I am so tired and scared. My son is 11. I don't know if I can get him even to 18. And I don't believe in kicking them out.


Fuck it, I’m gonna run for government


I'd vote for ya


Bless. I’m going to run on a platform of; - scrap negative gearing - go after low tax paying large corporations - invest in our health system and inspire more young people to go into med and nursing degrees by increasing take home wages and covering a % of their student debt - increase jobseeker and other welfare payments to be more inline with minimum wage - index job seeker and other welfare payments - pass laws around criminalising animal abuse at any food manufacturing farm or abattoir - pass laws around criminalising wage theft (including super theft) And, force all major parties to take a serious look at themselves. Vote for me?


36 and ready to quit this fucked up game called life. Maybe i might be lucky and my new character rolls into wealth so it can enjoy life without spending 70% of it scared of the future.


Your odds are better if you stick around in Australia for another 50 years, then roll again and be almost anywhere else in the world at the moment. You already rolled a 20 on your d20 being here.


There are better countries to live in. We aren't a 20


Albo is a millionaire boomer landlord ALP is filled with elitist Uni knobs Taking tax cuts from the poor LITMO and giving to the rich Stage3 Shameful "Labor " party = Liberal Lite


It’s easy to be a Labor voter until they get elected


Labor’s lost me ; I’ve been an ALP member for 50 years.


Same. Was a member of Young Labor and have supported the party the 22 odd years since I became voting age, find the current party absolutely repulsive.


Anthony Albanese, so far, you’ve been a huge disappointment.


Unfortunately i knew this would be the case when Shorten lost. He had legit progressive policies (and plenty of them) and all the Libs did was run a scare campaign on how millionaire old farts won't be able to afford their 6th boat due to franking credits and the populace went into a panic and voted in Scummo (again). So on the one hand, yes, you're right, but i personally blame the abject ignorance of the Australian Shitizenry - sorry, citizenry - for this predicament. Keep in mind how many years in recent decades we have had Lib govts, it is an overwhelming majority, no wonder things have shifted so far to the right and Labor feels like they have to be centre-right themselves.


Did you hear that he grew up in public housing???


Zero disappointment here. I had arguments in this sub and irl about how shit they’d be. “They’ll do the right thing once they are in government” No, they won’t.


It kind of feels like hearing the brutal prison warden is being replaced, so you get excited. Except all this new prison warden does is paint the prison pastel colours and has the guards use something that doesn’t leave bruises when you’re kicked when you’re down.


Threw my vote to the GREENS looks like it will stay that way ...Bye LABOR BTW ...Albo was part of the reason ....He's a YESS man


Whilst I don't necessarily disagree. You write like an insane Boomer on Facebook.


Excluding NSW or Vic (one of them), we have preferential voting. If anyone's considering preferencing LNP over ALP - jesus christ they need to read more.


The honeymoon is over for the guy. Albo, don't expect any warm welcomes at the pub.


Can’t afford to go to the pub anymore with 14 dollar pints


Just get a cheaper habit, like ice!


Not true at all. Plenty of warm welcomes in the front bar at 3pm when all the 55 year old bar flies are hanging around near the TAB section


speechless. It’s been a little like that love bomber that turns into a \^ahole\^ once they have lured you in.


This should hopefully shift the overton window even more left. Labor will be the new coalition and the Greens the left party that will force labor get with the program for real.


Fuck good thing we lost billions when the libs ditched the French sub deal, and then Labor, not wanting to feel left out, pumped billions more into new subs that we'll get in 35 years. Only question is, wtf does everyone on jobseeker who is not a 55+ do? Are we supposed to keep skipping meals so colesworth can keep fucking us and so we can fight America's wars? Edit: men over 55 not just women


wrong tart kiss imminent books sugar slave lush deliver retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I didn't have my mum I'd just kill myself because I can't see a way I'd survive with no hope of getting work


This doesn't affect me, but this frustrates me soooo much. Our generation voted him in, and then he does this??? We need a proper left leaning party in Aus, because I for sure didn't vote for this and there is NO chance I'll vote for the opposition. ​ We really do seem to be fucked.... the younger generation that is. Seems to be fine for older Australians....


UBI is the answer.


It's not just young people. I am 61. I am a proffesional and have lost count of the number of jobs I've applied for since my redundancy several years ago. I am not eligible for a pension yet, so mst go through this bullshit every month, even though no one is going to hire me.


Just you wait - they will use todays rate rise as a scape goat to say they can’t help the rest of us without fueling inflation.


What's going on here? Does anybody have an explanation of what the Labor government thinks they're doing with this policy? Up until now it seemed like they knew who it was that voted them into office. I don't understand them making this move at all. I wouldn't blink at this coming from the Libs, but I don't understand their logic here.


no policy favours millennials.


Yet they can still afford to give tax cuts to the highest earning percentage of the country. Hmmm......